Thursday, February 09, 2017

Vino el Amor #71; Wednesday February 8, 2017: Against all odds, the romance resumes

(I am out of town and not able to deliver the quality as I usually do. But I will put up pictures later and make some edits. Most things I've just abbreviated.)

We open with a montage of everyone getting along well. It ends with Miguel giving the keys to David and last report. Marta and the other employees give their loving goodbyes to him.

David and Luciana are in the Cava talking wine stuff that seems to be mixed with love talk. Lu doesn’t want things to go too fast just in case it doesn’t work out. She relates what happened with Miguel. David says they will figure it all out with love and patience. But then DisGracie calls….

DisGrace gives a song and dance about how much she wants to come back. She tells David that she is earning the money to continue with her investment as his business partner. Luciana is a little annoyed and tells David it’s obvious that the only reason DisGrace wants to be around is because she is in love with him. But David assures Lu that he has no interest in DisGrace, David wants to be with Luciana. He tells her that there is nothing going on with him and DisGrace. David tries to tell her that he is only interested in Luciana, but Luciana says that DisGrace is nothing but a liar. She says, “I’ll show you what she did!” Luciana leads David out of the Cava.

Luciana shows him the framed photograph (the one that was supposed to be the wedding present for her and Miguel) and how at every turn DisGrace has tried to show her that SHE (Grace) was family with David and the children. This was supposed to be the surprise gift that was a slap in the face where DisGrace was showing off that SHE was family and Luciana was not.

Miguel arrives at the Santa Barbara Vineyard. Erica is very happy to have them there. She says that there is so much work there it is nearly almost overwhelming. Miguel says that he can count on him. He gets emotional talks about how much he loved the land at his previous employer and he will learn to love this vineyard too. Erica says he can count on her help.

Juan and Perla talk money and how much money Juan is going to have after he finished cheating David out and earns all the money from illegally importing “immigrants”. (She doesn't actually say this to Carito, because she doesn't actually know this, be we all know).

Ramón comes to Susan’s office and she asks how he likes his new responsibilities. He is happy with them, but he hopes that he can do as well as Miguel did.

Miguel discusses the new projects he wants for the Santa Barbara Vineyard. They shake to their new endeavors to improve things and make the best wine.

Sonia comes to Leon at the distillery and wants to know about her surprise.

Luciana is talking to the kids on the patio. Bobby says he is happy that Miguel left and that Luciana and Miguel broke up because now they are not going to get married and she can stay and be his friend. Fer scolds him a little, but Luciana says, “Everything happens for a reason, but it’s all good.”

Lilian and Gut are at a restaurant and she says something weird. “I guess the only way to make a man notice you is to mistreat him.” Then Gut says, “Will you come back to me?” They toast to new beginnings and he promises to have nothing to do with Marta. The elections are a week away and he doesn’t think he stands a chance.

Carito and Perla talk about how now Carito has a chance to get Miguel now that he’s broken up with Luciana.

Fer calls Tía DisGrace in Spain to let her know that Luciana and Miguel broke up and that Miguel left the vineyard. Fer wants advice on what to do now.

David, Lu, and Bobby are playing again the patio and Miguel shows up. He has some money he wants to pay to David, but David says for him to keep it and use it for his own expenses. Miguel makes David take the money anyway and says they will see each other at the competition. Later Bobby tells Lu that he prefers her to his aunt.  😏

Miguel returns to Santa Barbara Vineyard and tells Erica that the for the new wine competition, they are going to produce the best wine and it will beat out David’s wine.

DisGrace and Joselo argue about her work. Joselo needs her to continue to paint and produce the paintings she is supposed to in order to earn the money for this contract they have. Of course DisGrace does not want to do this. She just wants to return to California to be with David.

In the Cava, León wants Luciana to show him how to judge or analyze wine.

David shows Juan that there is some land for sale that he wants to buy. Of course, this does not fare well with Juan because this is the very land that HE wants to buy after he finished cheating out David.

David comes to Susan and wants to know how things are going. Susan says things are looking really good. David says that they need to win the new wine competition and beat out the Santa Barbara vineyard. He says that because Miguel works there now, it’s even more important. But Susan says, “Are you doing this for the competition or for Luciana?” David says, “For both!!”


Thank you Cynthia. Safe travels

"But then DisGracie calls…."

David is an idiot. Trying to close the deal and he takes a call that nearly ran the train off the rails. At least it prompted Luciana to disclose all ultimately making her happy for a day.

David is an idiot. Juan isn't even a good backstabber and even less a frontstabber, though David's largess took a bit of wind out of Juan's revenge.

David is an idiot. Why in heck make this a competition with Miguel for Luciana when it never was. Now he looks like the insecure teen.


Thank you Cynthia! No worries if you are traveling, enjoy the journey!

Last night, I asked my husband if he thought David and Luciana worked as a couple and his answer was "nothing works on this guy's vineyard." LOL.

Miguel looked positively gleeful at the possibility of actually making untainted wine that will beat David's! He does need to tone down the "I miss ye olde vineyard of my youth" talk at his new job though.

Also, I am wondering if we will get a return from Evil Olive Oil Guy (remember him?)since the olive oil land was mentioned.

Thank You Cynthia. Lots of fun.

One little thing I might add with Smuguel and Erotika. When they were talking about the wine competition and Miguel vowed to beat David, (not Los Angeles Vineyard, it might be noted) Erika asked if it was to beat David or to impress Luci and he admitted it was to impress Luci, and Erika had this, "Um, Plan B...." look for a second.

DY is married to a very observant man. Speaking of..

I swear one or both David and Luci must have a bad case of Halitosis. They are always right there and
then ...sniff,..sniff.. "Cut......Breath Mint !"

David must have sold a helluva bunch of bottles of wine to be ready to buy another hundred acres next door.

DisGracie needs a couple Gantt Charts on her bedroom walls. HMS DisGracie is taking on water because of scheduling conflicts. And it is the most satisfying part of this show until Sonia gets drunk again.

DisGracie appears to have already burned through most of her "I'm beautiful and sexy" points with Joselo and did not look quite as smug as when she was telling Lilith she was not even worried a few days ago.

Thanks, Cynthia. Things ought to start picking up now that Miguel is at the other vineyard.

Cynthia your abbreviated recap matches perfectly my abbreviated interest in this Love you, miss you, don't love you , don't miss you, nope er, um well, yeah I do luuuurve you.episode. Even with a TN time warp thrown in nothing happened. I want to see some forking and fighting and skin. If I wanted to see unhappy people talking and talking I would go to DMV and hang out a while.

And thank you again.

It still doesn't seem to me Luciana likes David enough for him to be this enthused. Heck, she gave Miguel more encouragement but maybe that's the point. Luciana gave David a warning not to push like Miguel did and intimated that was the real reason it didn't work out. I hoped she would tell David it was because she liked him more or give him a kiss or come hither but all we got was a tepid agreement to a probationary period not a full time contract. Then we get concurrent scenes of the galan (Miguel) and his new hot boss and the Protag (Luciana) with hers. Are we gonna see this every night for the next three months as the galan's love is tested and the protag takes David for a spin but both, in split screen, nearing San Francisco, at the last minute head home? Have I fallen for a bait and switch?

Cynthia, this was a fine recap (you are simply incapable of producing anything less).

Once again, the recap surpasses the episode. Luci was so disappointingly cautious with David. Couldn't he (and we) have been treated to at least one passionate kiss? I mean, here we are at episode 71. 71. And, they have shared two perhaps three lip locks? Something is wrong with this picture.

Even though Miguel's heart is still with Luci, the very palpable chemistry he shares with Erika cannot be denied. Once he starts falling for her, will there be anything less than combustible fireworks? I am worried David and Luci might muster a mere sizzle that might fizzle.

Leon and Sonia are the sweetest and although I don't believe their romantic attraction for a moment, I still enjoy and savor it.

It appears Susan and Cesar are hanging out quite a bit but I'm not seeing this evolve into a passionate romance either.

So, Erika and Miguel and Tano and Fer might be the most romantic couples. From my viewpoint.

Is anyone else confused about what Brian is doing with Lili? I don't think he is smart enough to hope she will pull out all the stops to win the election for him but I've been wrong about almost everything else. :)

dy, I would not bet against Miguel in the wine competition. I can't think of a better motivation than besting his ex-boss and showing his ex-lady love he has moved ahead.

Thanks Cynthia.


Snow day here. Yay. No school.

Thank you, Cynthia.

Dy77, your hubby appears to share your sense of humor. Let's double date some time.

Well, the bride wore a tight, white, sleeveless, ruffled blouse, and the groom wore his bestest double breasted vestest....and.. The bridesmaid on the cellphone wore red tights. the fizzling sizzle due to the writers or the actors or both ?

Thanks, Cynthia for today and thank you dy77 for yesterday.Agree that for all the "action", this recap was more than perfect! I also thought Luci was lukewarm with David. Jeezopete! Where is the love. . .where is the love? I hear Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway!

Also glad Gracie's call gave Luci a chance to clue the clueless on Gracie's nice-nasty ways. Luci needs to carry her cell and hit the "record" button for one of those little encounters. It is good to see Gracie less sure. She nearly *hit a painted brick when Fer told her Luci and Miguel broke up and Luci's spending more time with her Dad.

Done with Gut and even more so when he's with Lillian. Whatever.

David may be slow, but he's got a good heart. He was all excited about buying that land so he could fulfill the dream of Juan's father. That doesn't fit with Juan's plan to have the whole dang vineyard and David ruined.

One note on yesterday's show. After Miguel accepted to start at the bottom at Santa Barbara at Adolfo's insistence, Miguel said that was fine, he just wanted to help his vineyard (SB) move forward. He didn't say he could turn it around in a week. The reference to a week was his asking Adolfo and Erica to give him a week to square things with David and then he could begin. It was that squaring things" that we saw in the video collage at the beginning of today's show.

I hope the competition for the wine title brings some action but I was frankly disappointed that Miguel still thinks he can win Luci back! What a brick head he is! Erica, girl, whip your charms on Miguel so he can win this for himself and for you. And please, don't let Miguel go dark in this competition.


I tuned in in the middle of the episode, when Luci was talking to Dave, and I couldn't immediately tell whether they were supposed to be "on" or not. Lukewarm is right. Again I have to wonder what the Mexican viewers found so enticing that Televisa saw fit to extend this TN.

I'm more concerned David is taking the competition personally with Miguel for the girl, when Miguel is not the reason they (still) aren't together, it was David's obligation to his children.

Miguel doesn't want to accept Luciana wasn't in love with him (or that another man should be in love with her) so it must be David's fault she was distracted and all he has to do is become more successful than David, impress her and win. This is just an extension of all the huffing and puffing Miguel would do whenever David stumbled upon he and Luciana petting or David talking to her about the weather.

This is just an extension of all the huffing and puffing Miguel would do whenever David stumbled upon he and Luciana petting or David talking to her about the weather.

Right, tofie! and it underlines Julie's question:

I have to wonder what the Mexican viewers found so enticing that Televisa saw fit to extend this TN.

Sometimes I wonder if the actors only agree to a part if they eliminate a lot of kissy-kissy-face-sucking and steamy naked-except-for-pasties-and-bikini-bottoms love scenes cause we sure ain't got none of that!

The lack of passion is getting down right torturous!

Lila...yes, Donny and Roberta's song could be the theme song for this show. That was an interesting comment you made about the actors and getting nekkid...or not. In season one of Outlander, there were a lot of love scenes and nudity. The leading man used to talk in interviews about wearing a "modesty pouch, " and he seemed comfortable having done nude scenes on screen and stage. However, the lead actress had little experience in acting and said in an interview about learning to speak up for herself. Then, there were very few love scenes and a lot More clothing in season two. So, you may be right about what the actors and actresses sign up to do ..or not do.

What is Gut's game? Is he leading Lilian on until he becomes sheriff ?

I think so, Susanlynn. There seemed to be some musical tension when he saw Marta in the square and just before he "gave his word" that he wouldn't have anything else to do with Marta anymore. His taking Lilian back just doesn't ring true!

I think it cause there's a lot going on. I hate Juan but for example. His relationship with Perla, the revenge, his embezzlement at the vineyard, wine tampering and investigation, human trafficking, buddies & business partners with Mark, contentious partnership with Lilian, his extortion of Graciela over Lisa's demise, weird hitting on Graciela and Luciana, etc. That's one guy, we're half way through and if you follow every contact you got a years worth of show.


Tofie you are so right again. If Miguel and Erika DO start getting a thing going, she will have to go through Miggy to talk to her Father. His praises here dripping with Estrogen do not paint a very realistic picture. Had he and Luci not been childhood friends she would have told him to get a fripping life about the second time he inflated like an over ripe tomato when the boss showed up. It goes both ways. I have (long ago) had to have the valet parking guys hide my car. (A convertible with a removable top which I thoughtlessly left at home.)

Urban would know much more than me, but I suspect this show does so well in Mexico because it is shot outside of Mexico. I think foreign, if you will, TNs do well.

Hey I noticed Miggy and Erika have their own love song music now. David and Luci's sounds like a yard work trailer going over railroad tracks.

Kirby: I'm 100% behind Erika all the way!

Erica is just what Miguel needs..beautiful, positive, happy, and grinning large every time Miguel walks in the room..a sure sign that someone is really, really into you. Despierta, Miguel.

Yeah Steve. What's not to like. Erika is a sharp girl. Once Migullible figures out that 90 percent of his problems on planet earth were his, or because of his, overactive juvenile imagination, he should be good to go.

And thus far her Papa already likes him. The only little teeny itsy bitty insect might be getting Clarita a job there. If she could behave it would probably be a good thing, but if she goes over there and continues to have Perla as a life (death) coach, she could cause all kinds of amusing problems.

Okay, one's first love usually makes a pretty strong impression and leaves a lasting memory. Let's all take a minute to think about our first loves. Okay..that's enough ..time to move forward .You too , Miguel.

Thanks, dy, for a really good episode you recapped and on the fly? So many comments to enjoy, too.

Susanlynn--I spend more time in my mind with my telenovela boyfriends--and a fickle lass I am, too--so many handsome, noble men and so little time to savor them all. I move on, too, but am willing to come back and watch a few of my favorites, often disappointed with the new incarnations.

Gabriel Soto was given a "mature" role, which usually doesn't sizzle in the nekkid romance department. They paired him up with a young'un who is supposed to be so hot she sizzles, but the pan ain't even been hot (except once on a blanket in the cava).

The only one we've had to watch is Lilian in an undressed "imaginary" state with her younger lover. She just fried and burned. Yeah, we miss the romance of a slow build up to the tension where the leads can't help themselves and we get a big San Francisco trip. Any one remember Silvia and Cristian in Amor Bravio? At, yi, yi, Papi, we've been given none of this here.

Kirby, got a good laugh, this being a foreign film. Who knows, maybe this tn WASN'T about a December-May romance, but a PSA lesson on the dangers of crossing the border illegally and how nasty some gringa women (and gringo men) can be. In other words, don't come here unless invited.

I thought Miguel seemed ready to move on. He actually spoke about his illusions of this relationship with Luci being based on childhood ties--it was either last night or the night before and I can't remember who he was talking to, maybe Susan. I think the last vestiges of his fantasy is winning the wine prize for Luci. It won't take much to turn him around and wanting to win the prize for Erika and Adolfo. It's possible if Adolfo encourages him and Erika, there might be an important vineyard/winery in his future.

Gracie? Blech, she can plot and plan and slime all she wants--as long as David keeps his eyes on the prize.

Good stuff, Cynthia.

Gutierrez didn't look happy when in Lillian's company. I think he was looking to possibly drop her on her snobbish ass after the election no matter the outcome but it's unlikely that this will happen now. Not sure now if we can hold out hope for his redemption.'

I think David and Luciana are taking it slow as molasses in February because of Marta and the kids. However, it was a relief that Luciana took the phone call as the trigger to rat DisGracie out. That was looooooooooooooong overdue.

Notice how when DisGracie paints near Joselo her clothes are far more appropriate to the work than what she wore when painting at David's place? My gut is saying that she will blow her contract with Joselo and split to go back halfway around the planet only to finally see David and Luciana kissing.

As to Kirby's question I think the immigration storyline is what kept up the Mexican ratings. The episode list in IMDB ends at #135, which airs in Mexico tomorrow. We will shortly know whether that is the finale.

Speaking of the immigration storyline, can someone clarify for me whether or not we're officially supposed to know that the $10K fine is a lie? Should we all act surprised when David finds out that Juan made it up?

I'm just wondering if that's supposed to be apparent to the Mexican audience.

Anita...I think that you might be right about this telenovela being a loooong PSA.I started watching telenovelas after my mother died about nine years ago , and they were lovely escapism. Now..not so much. I did not watch Amor Bravio, but I loved Alborada, Amor Real, and Passion. Oh well, now I escape to the Scottish Highlands when the world is too much with me. I may be about to give up on telenovelas unless mi telenovio Marcelo Cordoba has a nice role in a new one. Big Ed Yanez seems to have disappeared , and they seem to want Fernando Colunga to play a villain. I need heroes.

How many episodes are left ? We need to reveal Disgrace as an hermanakiller , Marked and Juan's dirty dealings with the illegal immigrants , Juan's vendetta against his bff Dave, and Lilian as the antiabuela . Will Gut redeem himself by bringing Juan and Marked to justice? Will Marta forgive him because ..those shoulders? Will Sonia and LionCub eventually act out their favorite romance novels? Will Cesar and Roman ever be rewarded for being good guys who listen to everyone whining? Will anyone ever go to San Francisco again?

Urban you are right about DisGusting coming back from Spain in time to see ..Wait for it,,,wait for it...KISS NUMBER 3 ! Oh My Gawd. I had hoped for something like that a while back, but mine had them in a (nonexistant) hot tub.

If she does come back to a lovely tender scene of our two reluctant love birds in a kiss we will all need containment vessels for out TVs. DisGracie will blow a head gasket. And then some.

Thanks SusanLynn for that walk down memory lane. WOOF !

Julie when it happens, so they don't know, just turn your webcam off.


Kirby: The Bratty Kids special

1.) Aranza of "Por Siempre Mi Amor"

2.) Carolina of "QNDM"

3.) FerBrat of "Vino El Amor"


Kirby: I prefer Peter get Carito in the end (if Peter doesn't go psycho before then & stalks FerBrat).


Short and to-the-point that's good, you pretty much hit everything. When David came into the office to talk to Juan about the property next door and told him what he wanted to do, you know for his father to honor him, I thought maybe juan would have liked that but he's full of hell as usual.

Disgrace should just Paint and forget about davy, he's not into her. Lucy
Should really watch her back cuz gracy isn't all that sane. And if things really go bad she'll go crazy on fer &
Bobby. I can see her slapping either Bobby or fer. I hope it wont be bobby cuz lucy would kick her Ass,she has already told her she better not Hurt those kids.
Gut is a king size jerk. He deserves whatever lil does to him. He so very stupid, I Thought he was smarter but NO, JUST really stupid.

Thank you dy. :)

Cynthia Hampton thank you for the recap. Oops sorry :[

Cynthia--it was you with this powerful episode. Thank you. All other remarks remain the same. Dy--that was you yesterday. It just felt like it was an extension of yesterday. Sorry.

Nina: You & I know very well that Graciela is NOT done with David just yet. Lillian egging her on including FerBrat (she's a naïve girl, who has NO idea that her great aunt whacked her mommy).

Meanwhile, how's the Gutierrez for Sonoma County Sheriff campaign going ?

Thanks, Cynthia. Have a great trip -- you're a doll to do this for us when you're so busy. I missed it last night, but I can "see" it now.

I think Luciana doesn't want to admit she was two-timing Miguel (though only in her mind), so she wants to wait a day or two before sneaking off for a beso fest with David. This way she's still a good girl.

Niecie, don't let that sneaky Cynthia fool you. Even sitting in an airplane or in a car her recaps are much better than what the rest of us saw.

Diana..watching the news and wondering if you got a lot of snow.

I don't know where Diana lives, but in New Bedford we had thundersnow. On the news they said we got 16" - but maybe they were measuring a high drift. It looked more like a foot to me and it was very heavy.

Thank you everyone.

I'm excited now because it seems that this story will start to move along better now. I can't wait for the story to unfold with Erica and Miguel. She seems so much better for him than Luciana. I think that as a career move, Miguel has the right place and I am sure he will thrive at the Santa Barbara vineyard.

DisGrace may be out of the country right now, but I'm sure she is coming back soon to make more trouble. You know she is going to be trouble right up until the end.

Just an off topic remarks: I'm in Tucson, AZ right now visiting my elderly mother. She has dementia but insists on living in her own house still. I come a few times a year and stay a few days to give my brother and sister a break. Good thing is my mother loves having Univision (since she speaks Spanish) on and has no problem with me hogging the TV to watch telenovelas. :) My father died a year ago and she's been slipping more and more into dementia ever since and it's really sad. Anyway, it's not really a vacation, but a time to spend with my mother and help out. I know we aren't going to have her all that much longer and every day that she is still alive is precious.

Cynthia, I hope you see this. Please enjoy your time with your Mother, it is, indeed, precious time. I had the same situation with my parents. My Father died in July, 2-14 and my Mother also slipped more deeply into the alternate world constructed by her dementia. She passed away in October of last year. Even though they seem in another world, they do feel and enjoy our love and closeness. Please enjoy your time and don't worry about us. I am even more appreciative of your recap.

Blessings to you and your family!

Thank you Lila. Yes, dementia takes our parents to another alternate world, a world where she cannot remember so much of the past and cannot remember what I told her 5 minutes ago. I know she is lonely without my father and she seems to be getting worse. My brother comes over every day each morning and each evening when she is home. But my sister brings her over to her house about 2 times a week to spend the night, sometimes for 2 nights in a row of my mother will consent to it. We always put on her old time Mexican music for her to keep her singing. When we were kids, we were so embarrassed when she would start singing Mexican songs. Now we love it because it takes her back to a semblance of reality and she remembers a lot better. She should not be alone and there will come a time where living by herself will no longer be an option. My sister wants my mother to come live with her, she even has a room set up for Mom there. But Mom is stubborn! Thanks so much for your support. I appreciate it very much.

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