Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The one where everyone gets poisoned A Que no me Dejas 03/21/17

Hi patio peeps!

 I got hit with a surprise audit today so I'm running late on everything, below are some highlights of yesterday's episode:

Almuneda and Alan figure out the food has been messed with, they run out to warn people but it's too late, several people have already ingested the food and have become sick, Alan collapses because he's allergic to the substance that was added to the food. Things do not look good for Alan and the doctor can not promise Gonzalo and Monica that he will pull through.

Alexis and Almuneda figure out that Almuneda's assistant was the one who poisoned the food, they go looking for her but have no luck finding her.

Tobias tells Fabrizio that he slept with Adriana, this makes Fabrizio break his friendship with Adriana. Adriana goes off on Tobias for being a rat and spreading her business around. Adriana also has an argument with Julieta and I think she's realizing that her aunt ain't right in the head.

Speaking of Julieta, Silvia's friend goes to the police station to file a missing persons report, she tells the officer she's worried about Silvia because she was living with an ex-inmate and has not been seen or heard from in a while, and when she went to her apartment she found her purse and ID still there.

Rene punches Leonel because he knows he is behind the scheme to make people sick, he tells Leonel that if his brother dies he will make him pay by telling Gonzalo about their plan to take over the hotel. Leonel tells his grasshopper that if h spills the beans he will tell everyone that he was in on the plan too.

In France, where the doctors and nurses all speak perfect Spanish, Deborah asks to see Angelica and agrees to turn Leonel in for fraud.

The victims of the food incident are all recovering, sadly one woman was in serious condition and could have liver damage, Leonel is there to tell the husband that someone should pay for what has happened to his wife, this leads to the man promising to sue and destroy Gonzalo.

Sorry for the delay!

Juju, you hit all The bullet points.
That nipped it.
That Mirna person, I have no sympathy
For her at all. I don't care if her moma's sick,you don't fix it by making
Some body else sick or by killing. She
May have just signed her mom's death
Worrant. Stupid woman.(mirna,not her mom). Leo joined forces with the gods
Of the under world? Yeah, he going to hell. Fersure.
You know what would be great? If Morna grew a concience, put moma on the plane or went n got her what she needed Came back, and sing a song that hit the billboards of confession of crime. And Leo gets awarded prison for the rest of his miserable over tanned life. With visits from nuria. Weekly.

Rene is still a Jack ass.

Poor gonz,looks like he could loose all he and Mau worked for.LOOKS LIKE!
The tanned one is the looser in this
Scenario.(Leo the looser).

Thanks for the recap!

I laughed when Alan told the other cook to taste the food to prove that it was poisoned...uh, I would have just taken his word for it!

Surprise, surprise, Clemente is still alive. He bores me, and unfortunately so does Maite, so I'm not really interested in his revenge story line with her.

I'm glad that Fab kicked Adriana to the curb. That's exactly what she deserves.

Wow, will Rene make a change because of Alan's illness? I did not see that coming for him. But it's still a little too early to tell.

Gracias, Juju.

No surprise about Clemente; most of us had this one figured out. He is evil and Maite is a sick vitch so they will try to do some damage before this ends. I'm just hoping that Fernanda and Angelica won't be sacrificed. Clemente is a selfish monster.

Here's also hoping that Adriana is really seeing Julieta for what she is. I'm still wondering how the writers will finish off that loony toon.

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