Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Vino el Amor #88, Tuesday, March 7, 2017: Vino el Fer Whisperers, or Not

In this episode, Fer is upset. VERY UPSET. She's running here. She's running there. She's running back. Many try to reason with her. Few, if any, succeed. She's in full meltdown mode. Who will be the Fer Whisperer? Will anyone be the Fer Whisperer?! Please, someone, step in and soon.

Also, Gutierrez frets about his upcoming charity event, which I think is going to be screencap gold given the participants and the initial planning session. Carito and Perla are at odds, while Miguel is on the track for finding out what's going on with the illegal trafficking.
  • Repeat scene of Juan telling Perla about irrigation and how this fits into his latest scheme to ruin David. I don't understand it but it probably is just one of Juan's many hare-brained schemes to ruin David. Up there with poisoned wine and such.
  • Repeat scene of David and Bobby eating breakfast alone and Fer coming in to announce she's joining the I Hate Luciana Sooooo Much Club at their new residence wherever that may end up being.
  • Luciana worrywarts to Marta about the kids reactions to finding out about her becoming official with David and not to mention, who knows what that loony Gracie is capable of? Marta offers to talk to David, but Luciana doesn't want her to do that as it might cause more issues for Marta. Marta says it won't be easy and throws Lilian's name out as one to worry about as well.
  • Lion cub Leon is the next kid to worrywart to Marta. He's worried Lilian will make life hard for Sonia when she finds out about David and Luciana and that she'll send Sonia and Luciana away. Marta agrees as she's worried for his sister. 
  • Also repeating conversations from yesterday are David and Fer who yell at each other. Neither one is really listening to each other, but hey that happens when Dad checks out of parenting for three crucial teenage years and leaves that to the manipulative succubi relatives. Poor Bobby runs up to Fer as the yelling ramps up and grabs her in a tight hold, begging her not to go. She tells him why she's going, and she more loudly tells David again why and where she's going (he sends her to her bedroom to wait until he can talk to her/but she's just going to wait until her aunt and grandmother are ready to go). Then she goes. Bobby expresses how worried he is to David, who tries to reassure him.
  • Marta tells Leon not to worry, she knows Sonia really loves him. Leon worries that Fernanda will never accept his sister.
  • Fer has locked herself in her bedroom and David bangs on the door demanding to talk to her. This gets louder and neither side will budge. Gracie hears it and comes running to ask David what is happening. He explains that Fer insists she wants to go with her aunt and won't open the door to speak to him. Gracie promises that she didn't put this into Fer's head and guilt trips David a little. Enough to let him take her up on her offer to talk to Fer. He lets her by and she gets Fer to open the door and let her in to talk. Not David, as she shuts the door on him. David is left in the hallway exasperated.
  • Fer tells Gracie she doesn't care where they are going, she just wants to go with her. Gracie tries to dissuade her, telling her it will just complicate things and David would never forgive her. Then Gracie tries telling Fer she should stay because she'll become the woman of the house. Fer is insistent, she doesn't want to live in the house anymore. Gracie tries you'll miss out on school and graduating with your friends. I was surprised Gracie didn't play the Tano card. At this point, Fer starts suspecting that Gracie doesn't really want Fer to come with her. Gracie denies it. Fer stomps out of her room. She may not be going with Gracie but she's going. Somewhere.
  • Lilian is lying around depressed in her room, and Sonia checks on her. Lilian says things are very, very bad and she needs Sonia' loyalty. She catches Sonia up that she's been thrown out of the house. Marta comes in with her suitcase, LOL, and Sonia is dismissed. 
  • Lilian is pissed she brought the purple one. Then Lilian yells at Marta for swaying Bobby. And for cheating with her husband. They sort of shove the suitcase back and forth, LOL. Then they drop the suitcase and get in each others faces and remind each other why they hate each other. Marta zings that she will be a grandmother soon, not just a nanny. I felt like Marta won this round.
  • David is hiding in his home office. Luciana busts in and asks what happened. He tells her that Fer wants to leave the house with her aunt. Luciana is shocked and worried for his family. He tells her not to worry, Gracie will talk to her. Luciana is not as dim a bulb as David and points out this will only make things worse (as it did, see above). David says that the only person who can talk to Fer is Gracie. Gracie is the Fer whisperer. Luciana agrees, but says to remember that Gracie only has her own interests in mind. (Personally, I think they should all get Tano in there STAT as he is the only hope of saving Fer from eternal bratdom.) David needs to think. We all know that doesn't come easily to him, including Luciana who suggests he go out to the calming influence of the vineyard. He likes that idea. All he can do is hope Fer calms down.
  • Lilian says that she is the true blood grandmother and Marta's grandmotherhood all depends on how good Luciana is in bed. But Marta totally wins the fight, pointing out that the kids love her more, and gets in a last dig that Lilian will be left alone, bitter and old. That REALLY ticks off Lilian. Marta leaves and Gutierrez has the worst timing ever and calls to ask Lilian's help to organize some charity event. She blows him off. 
  • Sonia returns and Lilian confesses she's at her wit's end and doesn't want to go. She orders/begs Sonia to help her unpack.
  • The question of where did Fer go is answered as we see her with her favorite box of hair.
  • Oh jeez, she wants him to run away with her. This will be a true test of Tano's abilities to Fer whisper. He runs his fingers through his hair, clearly trying to think through what to say or do.
  • Lilian continues packing when Gracie comes in to tell her Fer wants to go with them. Lilian correctly ascertains that this will make David Grumpy. Gracie knows that. Lilian also correctly guesses that Fer went straight to that employee she likes so much. Gracie departs to find her but Lilian stops her - maybe they need Fer on their side and should use Tano.
  • I should stop calling Tano a box of hair because he is using his head and telling Fer that he loves her but he won't run away with her and it's a bad idea. LOL, he doesn't think Luciana is really to blame like Fer thinks; instead he thinks she should have a reasonable talk with David about their relationship and Dad's relationship and her issues and seek solutions! Does he know what show he is on? Fer does not take this advice well, and says that her dad doesn't love her and maybe Tano doesn't either. She tells him she doesn't know how she could have thought she count on him and stomps off. I guess Tano is not the true Fer Whisperer after all, and we're back to Gracie again.
  • Luciana is in the vineyard with David and empathizes with his family problems. David hopes that Fer will come around. She will help him with whatever he decides to do. A little empathy and time with the grapes was all David needed and now he's ready to face gnaw. They commence their weird kissing as an approaching Gracie spies them. She's clearly affected.
  • Leon is washing carrots in the kitchen when he gets a visit from Sonia. With all that's going down in the mansion, she's worried for Lion Cub's sister and mother. Lilian plans to make their lives impossible. Carito enters the room and interrupts and Sonia and Leon adjust their body language to not give away their relationship. Carito needs some money, which Leon loans to her while Sonia seethes. He tells her she looks tired and she excuses herself. As Carito goes to her room, Sonia confronts Leon about that friendship; he's worried something is up. Sonia tells him to ask Carito and huffs off.
  • With nowhere to really run, Fer has run back to her bedroom and it's Bobby's turn to take a crack at being the Fer whisperer. Of course because he is a little kid, this consists of telling her she's being bad. Which she doesn't appreciate. They raise their voices and this brings Marta running. Marta attempts to reason with Fer, and Fer lets her guard down and asks her if she's keeping things from her like her dad does, but Gracie interrupts and asks Marta and Bobby to leave. Fer tells Gracie how Tano let her down and she fought with him and now she's sad. Gracie is sympathetic and tells her with time and college, she'll meet other boys. In the meantime she has Gracie and Tano. She tells her to go make up with Tano and that she saw him in the vineyard.
  • In the non-Fer-centric part of town, Juan hands Perla a big wad of cash to buy something impressive to wear to Gut's charity event, which Juan considers to be very important for him. Carito is not to know, because if she opens her mouth, the money will disappear. Off shopping Perla goes.
  • Susan brings Paco (the immigrant who knows Ingrid) to meet with Miguel at the coffeehouse. Susan tells Paco he can trust Miguel to keep a secret. He tells Miguel that they weren't taken good care of by the traffickers but he didn't really see who it was. He didn't get the names of the ladies who watched them. One was an angel - she was nice and fed them because she had a relative who had died while being trafficked, but the other was very rude. Miguel asks he if he recalls the room they were in or even just anything about it. He doesn't really as they were all put in an enclosed truck and sent to work on a vegetable farm. Miguel offers to go with him to give a statement to Gut and also to get him coffee.
  • Mark joins Juan in his apartment. He's been searching for the machines they will need for their olive oil plant. They need something that will dig deep. An engineer told him it's not easy but can be done. Juan is psyched. And he's been working too! On the contract for their partnership.  But first... Mark has to stop calling Susan. As that legal genius Juan explains, one can not help with an event with the sheriff and then break the law. Gut is on board to help them. The evil guys smirk for the camera.
  • Back to the vineyard. Luciana is reassuring David that his kids love him. She reminds David that she and Fer have something in common as Luciana was sad when she lost her dad, but time always worked it out. She's glad David trusts her and confides in her. He thanks her for caring about his children.
  • Poor Bobby has retreated to the game room with all the household dramalama, and can't muster up the energy to even turn on the PS4. Marta finds him and brings him some donuts and milk, and sits on the floor with him. He doesn't understand anything that's happening. He just wants to be a good kid and a good brother and Marta tells him he's very brave and good and will be there for his sister. He asks her if she loves him and she tells him "You know it!"  She tells him to tell his father his thoughts and fears; it's better than keeping them in his head.
  • Perla visits Carito at employee quarters to invite her to go shopping. She flashes her wad of cash. Carito turns down the offer. She knows where that money really came from. Perla is in denial. Carito needs money, but Leon helped her. Perla offers Carito some money but she turns it down. This irks Perla and she tells Carito she's tired of her attitude and if it continues, they can't be friends.
  • Miguel fills in Erika on how Paco didn't really have that much information. He's still trying to put together in his head a few of the things he did find out, like that the immigrants were being fed "by an angel," as Paco described her. Erika leaves and Miguel calls Carito. They make a date to meet up and talk about things. Carito is psyched. Perla overhears this.
  • David and Luciana continue their talk. He's looking forward to a life with his kids and with her. She's still worrywarting a little but he reassures her. Whatever happens, nothing will separate them. They are ready to talk to the children. The face-gnawing begins but ends abruptly as Fer comes out of nowhere (so quickly the screencap would be too blurry) and with great anguish, yells, "PAPA!??" Holy moly, then she sucker-punches Luciana!
  • David has to restrain Fer from going after Luciana some more as Fer screams at Luciana that she's to blame for her family being destroyed. Fer is screaming at her father that she can never accept this woman in his life. Luciana makes an attempt to be the Fer whisperer and Fer shouts her down and says that Luciana is a traitor and her papa is only for her. David keeps trying to calm down a hysterical, ranting FerBeast. 
  • Luciana tries again but that just gets Fer more hysterical and she cries that Gracie was right. Fer screeches at Luciana that she HATES HER and SHUT UP (but we're thinking that about Fer). David yells, "Enough!" at her and she starts to rip him a new one about all this time she thought he was trying to be more caring, but how he didn't tell her the truth about falling in love. Why is he doing such things to Fer and her mother? David tells her it's not like that and she starts hysterically crying that she knows it's true, and wailing, why is he breaking up the family? Luciana is not one of us! Fer accuses David of preferring Luciana to his kids. She tells him she's going to leave with Gracie, whether he likes it or not!
  • Meanwhile, the Fer Whisperers meet in the wine cellar. 
  • This has not been a good day for them. Gracie tells Tano that Fer has gone loca! (She literally says this.) Gracie tells Tano that she needs him because things with Fer and David have gone very badly. Tano's worried about helping out since, um, Fer is very annoyed with him. Gracie encourages him to help convince Fer to stay, because she knows Fer will listen to him and accept what he says. He falls for this and rushes off. Gracie rolls her eyes at how easy boxes of hair are to manipulate.
  • It's just gotten worse between David and Fer and they are yelling in each other's faces right now about how Gracie loves her more and she's staying her and no she's not, and he's lying. Luciana contributes to the situation by yelling too but Fer shuts her up and continues her meltdown. "You love her, not me!" David tells her that's not true and he loves her. Fer says she hears him, but it's all lies. Luciana tells her she should listen to her father. Fer is almost at total collapse now and tells Luciana she thought they were becoming friends and it was all a lie and she never wants to see her again. David has had enough and starts dragging Fer back to the house. Fer breaks free, tells him "Adios Papito" in a snotty tone and stomps off Luciana-style. David starts to go after him but Luciana finally breaks stance to restrain him.
Yup, Luciana barely moves her body or her face during all of this.
  • In the kitchen, Lilian happily enjoys a green grape. Sonia asks her what she should do with the suitcases. Lilian says keep them for now but she's not going. Sonia replies, Oh really, but she uses the wrong tone, and Lilian picks up on it and asks her if her leaving would give her pleasure. Marta comes into the kitchen and asks if she needs work Lilian tells her she plans to do PR for  Brian. This doesn't flummox Marta in the least and she zings that Brian will need even more PR to fix his reputation after Lilian damages it more. Lilian leaves the kitchen with a threat - when David loses interest in Luciana and things get straightened out - the one out in the street will be Marta. Lilian calls Sonia to go with her and as she leaves, Sonia and Marta exchange knowing looks. Then Marta utters a few choice words about Lilian.
  • Miguel tells Erika he's going to town to follow up on the leads. Erika worrywarts he wants to go back to the vineyard and Luciana. Miguel says Luciana will always be a fond memory in his heart but he's with Erika now. Satisfied with that answer, Erika hopes he'll get the information he needs.
  • Luciana tries to calm David down. She tells him that Fer is a good girl with a very bad Fer whisperer named Gracie who's been putting thoughts in her head. David feels bad for the anti-Luciana whisperings. Luciana tells him that if it's better for the kids for them to separate, maybe... David stops her right there. He's going to wait for Fer to calm down and then talk to her. They hug each other, but it's one very worried hug.
  • Tano finds Fer crying and stumbling around the vines. She grabs him and holds tight and cries. She begs him to get her out of there. He tells her he's there for her. She tells him that she just found out all this time her dad has been messing around with Luciana. Tano (who I think was in the dark on this) tells her that's not true. Oh it is, says Fer. She elaborates that Luciana is trying to destroy her family. Tano tells her Luciana isn't like that and Fer should try to understand that her dad wants to be happy just like anyone else. Fer asks, doesn't he love her? What is happening?
  • Fer asks Tano if he understands that she feels like no one loves her? Tano says he does love her, and tries to reason with her again. Nope! She feels alone. And he's not like her friends, and when she needed him, he defended the bitch! Wow. Tano tells Fer that he loves her but she needs to calm down, open her eyes and rethink things. Fer doesn't want to hear anymore and stomps off again.
  • Event planning talk time with Juan and Gut!
  • Juan asks who's going to be in charge. Lilian, DUH, says Gut! And in she comes! She gets a little kick out of Juan being Gut's charity benefactor. It's all she needs to accept Gut's offer and become his PR person. (Thankfully for Gut, an officer comes in and needs him to go help with something and he gets out of this awkward meeting.)
  • Lilian immediately asks Juan what he's up to. Juan tells her, just like her, this event will be important for his place in society and she chuckles. Then he says that while she's doing it for vanity, he intends to completely destroy David.
  • Luciana and David return to his office in the vineyard. She proposes that he takes the kids on vacation, away from the conflicts. He isn't into that idea (it is a dumb one) and can see she's really just trying to figure out what to do. He reassures her that he needs her by his side and his feelings for her are solid; can she say the same?
  • Lilian is surprised by Juan's openness and doesn't think he's got what it takes to destroy David. Juan asks her why she's taking on the PR job. Lilian says "for love."  Juan laughs and says that maybe PR can be Lilian's plan B if David and Luciana work out and she can't return to the house. Juan zings that he doesn't want to give money to Gut's charity for Lilian just to rob him blind.
  • Luciana tells David she wants to be at his side forever. She wants them all to be a beautiful family together, but doesn't know if that's possible after all that just happened. He tells her that part of having a life together is working out these family issues. She sees his point and tells him she loves him. They kiss and she leaves him to contemplate the family issues.


dy, I am beyond impressed that you were able to translate a full hour of histrionics and vicious mewling into such a well written, fabulous recap. Excellent screen shots.

"Who will be the Fer Whisperer? Will anyone be the Fer Whisperer?! Please, someone, step in and soon" was beyond excellent as were "eternal bratdom", "Does he know what show he is on?" and of course "dramalama".

To be honest, Fernanda was so completely out of control and so hysterical, frankly, I would have had no idea how to try and stop and/or calm her. I think David did handle it the best he could but she was frantic to the point I don't think anything or anyone could have calmed her down. If her beloved Tano was unsuccessful, there wasn't hope for anyone else.

My heart went out to Luci. I think she was shocked but visibly shaken and emotionally wounded. Fernanda spiraled totally out of control.

What should David do when Fernanda calms down a bit? Honestly, I have no idea. Did anyone else feel he was pulling away from Luci somewhat? I think he is going to retreat and that will be devastating for Luci. I have no answers here.

"The evil guys smirk for the camera". I realize these are bad men, Mark in particular, but when they are together, they are nincompoops at best.

I smiled in that Carito carried on her conversation with Leon, asking for the money as though Sonia weren't even there. Sonia needs to turn the jealousy down a notch or two. And the poor deluded dear seems to think Miguel is asking her on a date. Many clouds on the horizon for this character.

I would like the Marta/Lil/Brian storyline to end. Please writers - just tell us about what did or didn't happen between Marta and Lil's husband. To be honest, I really don't care, but it would be nice to know if there is any substance to all the innuendo, threats and accusations.

dy, another winning hand. Thank you so much!


Great work, dy77. Being the Fer Whisperer would be a tough job. Kevin Richardson wouldn't want it.

I wondered why Gracie was trying to talk her out of leaving home, but realized that:

1. If DisGracie and her egg donor are leaving FerBrat could be their spy, accomplice, and time bomb.
2. DisGracie doesn't want to be a parent figure. Her plan to bag David was predicated on FerBrat going away to college and her own plan to ship Bobby off to a boarding school on the other side of the planet. She doesn't want to deal with college entrance exams, grades, sex lectures, and the consequences of all of these. Not to mention having to face her own issues about having been "inferior" to Lisa.

This episode clearly demonstrates that FerBrat is just as narcissistic and selfish as Lillian and DisGracie. If Tano can't talk sense into her nobody can.

Good for Luciana for not hitting back because that would have played right into DisGracie's bullshit.

Lillian doing PR for Brian? That has disaster written all over it.

Thank You Dee Wye Seven. Excellent
Dave should have Baker Acted FerBitch when she slapped Luci. Dave finds himself in yet another difficult situation not of his making. Maybe he should just sell the place and he and Bobby move to Tampa or New Orleans.

Smuguel is on the trail. Keep your nose to the ground Miggy. This meeting for coffee should be interesting. Perla has basically told Car to fork off, so she should be ready to talk now. Especially to MIGUEL. (audible heartbeat Tha-Thump---Tha-Thump...) Mentally challenged as he is, even his ears perked up about the dead cousin.

I don't know that I like Martyra any more than I like Lillian. Martyra seems to have done a fair job of raising (so far) ONE of Davids kids For the two years since their Mother was murdered. I'd do the same to live in a Ten Million dollar house like royalty. She has not exactly made any great sacrifice for anyone, except maybe sacrificing her daughter and husband to stay in this luxury and skank somebody else's hubba.

Re: Carita and Leon

I loved it when Leon muttered "They're all the same." when Sonia started turning green again.

Dy I want to quote and comment on everything. Great retelling.

Really. Fernanda takes her importance way too seriously. I blame David for allowing a very spoiled and entitled child to throw a fit like this and it has no end. Too late for tough love.

So Carito is an angel. Why not take the next step and stop the trafficking all together?

I think Luciana is and always was the wobbly leg and looking for a reason to bolt and leave David high and dry.


Thanks, dy77. "David needs to think. We all know that doesn't come easily to him" LOL!

"They commence their weird kissing as an approaching Gracie spies them. She's clearly affected." Yeah, she probably thought to herself, "huh, looks like I've been doing it wrong all this time."

I am sorry I missed this one. But I see that Lil and Disgrace still haven't left the premises yet. Andale!

"I was surprised Gracie didn't play the Tano card." I think that's because she's incapable of empathizing with anyone else's point of view. She's thinking in terms of what SHE would respond to.

Lilian being mad because Marta brought the wrong suitcase... uh... Priorities, woman!

It's just as well if Fer flunks her college tests for now, because she doesn't have the maturity to be on her own. Maybe she could commute to the local community college, but even then she'd need someone to drive her because no way would I trust that kid with a car.

Too bad she had to find out about Luciana the way she did, but that was totally David's (and Luci's) fault for not telling her a week ago or more.

Funny that Luci again offered to split up with David. I feel like she's always looking for a way out even when she seems to be happy. There should be a whole storyline where she gets counseling to deal with her fear of commitment.

Julie and tofie, you have both commented that Luci may decide this isn't for her and leave David high and dry.

I'm undecided.

If I were Lucia, I think the lure of a single man who loves (and who has always loved) her would be strong. She's known Miguel her entire life and maybe subconsciously she wonders if she could love him. I think she loves David but taking on Graciela, Lilian and now Fernanda could be too much for anyone.

I do think the last thing she wants to do is hurt David's children and even now, it doesn't seem she holds anything Fer said against her.

I'm not surprised she offered to let him go. I think Luci has an extraordinarily forgiving nature. The only person she hasn't forgiven is Brian and of course, he is totally unworthy of it.

She may well also have a commitment issue as you pointed out Julie...


Speaking of Brian, we still have yet to see what happens when Marta, Luci, and Leon (and David) find out that it was Lilian who got Brian to deport Marcos and Luci.

I think that if Brian were really sincere about being in love with Marta, he would have told her that. Of course it would have cost him Lilian, but again, if he were really in love with Marta he'd have cut Lil loose long ago.

Commitment issues yes and get that but she needs to be desired. The kiss of death for Miguel and David is they love/loved her more than she is capable. She'll always be a grass as greener girl and all it takes is some discomfort and she's out.

Although he seemed sincere in his affections for Marta at the time, Brian has done too many things to refute that. First and foremost was his condescending, racially hateful remarks to Marta in front of Lilian when it became clear Marta would not take him back.

Next was the groveling that switched immediately to anger when he was rebuffed. Then the transfer of affections from Marta to Lili on an almost daily basis. I honestly have very little handle on who he is or what he is feeling. He has done nothing to make me care about him.

If what you noted is true tofie, and there is a chance Luci will cut and run when the going gets tough, I wish her luck. Wouldn't it be nice if life were always smooth sailing - no ripples? :)


In thinking it over, perhaps I misspoke.

I'm not absolutely sure it was Brian who made the racially insensitive remarks. It might have been Lilian and he stood by without saying anything.

Apologies - my memory isn't clear on this.


Luciana has a history of bailing on David. Luciana agreed to be an integral part of the wine launch. Yes, Graciela removed her name from the list but David appeared, set it right and begged her to come in and speak. Instead she left and drank wine with her number one fan, to heck with commitment.

You make an excellent point tofie...


Well, it makes sense about Gut. Remember he is elected, so he morphs from a law enforcement officer to a politician.

N O W can you believe anything he says?

Toffie and Diana, wait. ! Did not we/you/ somejuan just establish yesterday or Monday that since David and Luc had consummated, they were bound by some arcane TN God's Law to stay together? "He who gets it keeps it"...something, I could look it up if I had super extra top secret credentials.


Diana, I think Brian simply stood by and listened while Lilian made the racist remarks. He doesn't seem to be a racist, himself... just a spineless coward.

Kirby, yeah, usually that means they'll be together forever and ever. Or at least until one of them is dead. I don't seriously think David will die, but since Miguel is with a girl who has gimpy lungs, I can't help but wonder.

Wait. No. It doesn't mean they'll be together forever and ever. It means they'll END UP together forever and ever. But all kinds of stuff can happen before that.

It wasn't me though it is usually the recipe. We don't know if Luciana was a virgin nor do we know how close to San Francisco she got with Miguel. She may settle for David in the end but it doesn't mean she is totally committed. I think she will run back to Miguel once she knows he has plans to move on with Erika and he knows Luciana is with David but trouble with family. So far the world knows but Luciana won't tell Miguel, keeping the door open.

Thanks Julie.

See I don't have the security clearance to get this information by myself, and WikiLeaks is sitting on their thumbs on this stuff.

So the um, do.ers just wind up together, but there can be some side trips.

Then from what I am seeing Erika, enjoy your last days with Mr. Side Trip. Don't worry about little Carita, Side Trip really likes the flaky ones, and Luci is flakier than a Pillsbury canned biscuit.

"So the um, do.ers just wind up together, but there can be some side trips".

Thanks for the laugh Kirby. That about sums it up.


Of course FerBrat is UPSET!


I don't know about side trips. That is, when it comes to sex, I can think one man who did that (Fernando Colunga in Alborada, and under the circumstances that might not even count) but not any women.

What I meant was that after the main couple gets together, something stupid/crazy usually splits them up, physically and/or emotionally (kidnap, prison, gullibility) and they may even date other people. IT WILL DRIVE US CRAZY. But during this time, there is usually no sex. (I bet there are exceptions.)

But I will be very surprised if Mig doesn't go to San Francisco with Erika soon.

Look at Erika----, a boiling cauldron of pent up bus tickets to San Fran about to expire: :.

He's going to San Fran even if it happens while he is asleep.

I don't think Erika and Miguel need to go to San Francisco to go to San Francisco.

As to Luciana, I don't think she digs Miguel that way. He is more like a big brother/best friend. While I think he's hot and otherwise a good choice for her this overfamiliarity isn't conducive to passion. The problem might be actor chemistry. Luciana and David are endgame no matter who disapproves or for what reason.

However, FerBrat's tantrum in this episode is just about enough for anyone to assume she will do something extraordinarily stupid if David doesn't cave. Too bad this didn't happen before her birthday because he could ship her off to a convent school, the thing she most fears.

He can't legally keep her under his roof but he can refuse to fund her escape. Since Tano had the sense to not agree to run off with her what choice does she have?

I doubt they'll go full-on ECDLP with David and Luciana being apart for [reason; my preferred one is that whomever wants to form Voltron], but this show has been shameless about keeping the protagonists apart until, literally, the last seven or eight episodes. We've got another breakup coming, if not two, on general principle

And after reading dy's yummy recap I'm wondering two things:

1. Graciela sees David and Luci kissing, her brain short-circuits again, and the next thing we know Fernanda's charging up on them in Hyper Bitch Mode. Did the editors we love to hate clip out Graciela running to Fer to tell her to try to talk to her dad?

2. Graciela going to Poodle Hair to get him to try to talk Fer down (which came after she saw David and Luci. This can go either way, but her eyeroll right after that made me think she was revisiting her declaration to Luci that she'd completely fork up David's relationship with his kids and knew Tano would somehow fail in his mission. Unfortunately, I can't put that option past this fakakta show.

Back to Fer for a minute...while Sofia Castro had her moment to shine in Fer's Hyper Bitch Mode, what does this mean for her likely Karmageddon? Obviously her ultimate karmic moment will be finding out Graciela killed her mother, but there's got to be something else before that that at least nudges her back towards sanity...right?

If Miguel goes with Erika to San Francisco it is so unfair to dump her for Luciana and hope he gets fired. If Luciana goes to San Francisco with Migel it will be much less an issue for David than her lack of commitment. I still don't understand his total trust, gullible as he is, and if she runs he should find a real woman not a capricious girl.

Fernanda could join the Army. Yeah, I know she won't. And the Army wouldn't like it, either. But it's one of the very few options open to her.

I mean, maybe she could crash with friends for a few days, but there would be a limit to how long that could last.

Probably the smartest thing Disgrace could do right now is to agree to take Fer in for just a few days, during which Dave can cool off and Disgrace can give Fer a crash course in spying and manipulation. Then Fer can go back home, with or without Disgrace, but ready to commit all kinds of treachery on Disgrace's behalf.

Julie 11:38 - Marta, Luciana, Leon AND David already know Brian is responsible for the deportation. That's why Marta broke up with him, David withdrew his support for his candidacy, and Luci and Leon hate him.

Yes, Brian has stood by silently while Lillian makes her racist remarks, but he has also made the same type of comments. When he and Lillian came up on Marta and Ramon in town he sneered and said to Marta, "This (referring to Ramon) is who you should be with ... a MEXICAN!" He said this in a very disparaging tone, as if the word "Mexican" was a horrible insult. Forget the fact that HE is a Mexican himself! Sadly, people like Brian actually do exist.

I don't think Mig will dump Erika. I think she'll die on him. :-(

Hello. I have not read the recap yet. Just home from work .

However, I have read the comments, and I had to comment on my first and favorite telenovela Alborada. Fernando Colunga (be still my foolish , fickle heart) was Don Luis. He had a wife via an arranged marriage who did not care for certain aspects of marriage and a mistress who did like those aspects. He fell in love with Hippolita who was married but remained a virgin.... Yes, that is right, folks.Back in tge day, The galan had to be the official deflowerer of the heroine\ soulmate. Luis and Hip were soulmates . It was okay that he had had sex with others in the past but the same was not true for the heroine . This used to be the case, but later, the goose and the gender started to be held to the same standards. #equality

Last night, I dozed off , and then I was awakened by the most awful shrieking and screaming..FERocious on a tear.I am sick of Bratty McBraterson. I raised two girls through their teenage tears....never had to endure shrieking like that. to read the recap. Later, gators.

I just read Bill C's comment, and I have to ask you all something. If Fed had this over the top screaming, out of control meltdown finding out that her daddy is in love with a woman she actually likes, what is this actress going to do to convey her emotions when she finds out that the aunt whom she has idolized killed her mother? Maybe the actress should have dialed that reaction back just a tad.

Graciela is smart and knows how to perfectly play Fernanda. She didn't run to her with the chisme that Luci and David were swapping spit. She doesn't want to be blamed for it, even though nobody saw her see them. But Fernanda would be hysterical enough to blurt out in the middle of her tirade, "...when my tia told me ..." No, she didn't mention a single word about David and Luci. Instead, she made it seem imperative that Fer should go find Tank "right this minute!" and hear him out, give him a chance to support you, and, "oh, by the way, he just happens to be at this exact location in the vineyard! Muahaha!"

Don Luis didn't just have sex with others in the past. He continued to fool around with Perla after the mystery boinking, didn't he? Because for a while he had no idea who Hippolyta was or where to find her, and didn't expect to see her ever again.

Thanks, Anon, we know that those characters know Brian is responsible for the deportation. Please re-read my comment. They don't know that LILIAN put him up to it.

Tano! NOT Tank! Autocorrect, no me gustas!

Well, duh! That's what I get for commenting while trying to multitask at work! Sorry, Julie, I should have paid closer attention to what I was reading, oops!

Anon 2:10

Thank you DY77! That was GREAT! This episode was all about Fer's temper tantrum/meltdown. I found it hard to watch Fer's hysteria, but you recapped it so perfectly.

David should have handled it as though she was a two year old. Let her throw herself on the floor, kicking and screaming and he should have just walked away. She could just wear herself out with her own tantrum till she is ready for a calm conversation. If she were my daughter, I'd have told her that since she was already 18 years old, she can just move out and live on her own, go to community college with Tano and forget any graduation gifts such as a new car. If she can't treat Luciana with some respect, then Fer can just support herself, period.

She seriously needs therapy!

Susanlynn, I have no idea how Fer will react when she learns her beloved aunt killed her mother but I sadly suspect she will be devastated. I see her going to the other end of the spectrum when that occurs, broken hearted to the point she has no anger just raw pain.


Hey anon 2:33, I know I've seen him called "Tank" before - so you are not the first to get autocorrected that way.

Fernanda is dangerous and the only member of Graciela's cult. Put a rock in her hand and the blind side slap to Luciana's head makes her a killer, same as her mentor Graciela.

I said it before Baker Act FerBitch's little screaming ass and see how that suits her. If she spends many more hours in the coven with GruesomeTwosome she will be a total loss if not already.

If only Luc had a recording of when DisGrace sweetly laid out her game plan for her and David's children as they were having girl talk among the wine barrels. "I will destroy you, you slut, and make his children hate him AND you. BTW that top makes your boobs look so big, can I borrow it some time?"

Well let's see now, FerBitch's Father lets it slip that he likes a girl on the payroll who FerB has admitted she likes OK too and she almost had an aneurysm.

When she finds out her life coach murdered her loveable Mother in cold blood she might just fricking kill her.

Woweewow, dy77!! I love your sense of humor and loved that recap. I enjoyed the tryouts for FerWhisperer. Someone far braver than I would have to attempt that. Too many funny , clever lines to quote. Love your style.

Julie...Actually, Don Luis cancelled his subscription to Perla as soon as he returned home after being pressed into service as the Mystery Boinker of SantaRita. Remember Melinama's recaps.


Susanlynn, the only thing that would top Fer's tantrum would be if she went catatonic. I don't think I've ever seen that in a TN before. It would be very dramatic, but nice and quiet.

Though I'm also okay with Kirby's idea.

You know, every time I see them on that balcony sort of thing upstairs at the house, I always wonder if someone's going to fall.

Thanks, Susanlynn. I didn't realize he had shut her off. She did not give up easily.

There is no question that Fernanda will be devastated when she learns that DisGracie killed Lisa. So will Bobby and David. So will Lillian, who might be the one to kill DisGracie. Is there a precedent for that? I can't recall one. If parents can kill their own children in opera, why not in novelas?

At any rate I think Cynthia's solution is the right one. Let her trash on the floor like a toddler and come back when she's ready to talk calmly and respectfully like someone her age should. Also, if she wants to leave, let her. Let her get a job, go to community college, pay bills, and buy her own (used) car.

That would be one of the sanest things David could possibly do, UA. Not the nicest, but definitely one of the sanest.

Therefore, it ain't happening.

Thank you everyone!

I am DYING at "Going to San Francisco" as our new, um, phrase for um, y'know. I agree, Erika and Miguel are definitely headed for the golden gate soon.

I'm a little bit seeing it both ways on Luciana. When did I ever become tolerant of her, but hey she seems nicer now that she's in love with David. Maybe not as much as he is with her, but on the other hand, something about her offer to break up did seem to me like it was offered in a spirit of trying to do what was best for her guy this time. I will put her in my jury being out.

I had been more tolerant of Fer than most, but it was over the top this time and so nope. Tough love is going to be the best way to go with her but I thought David did about all he could do to calm the hysteria.

I'm so excited for this charity event. I usually love dumb telenovela villains for their entertainment value and this event is going to ante their antics up, I can just feel it.


Screaming and blubberfing and crying with a slap is for when she is not getting her way, or has been convinced she is not. A by the book temper tantrum. Something to get her (or the one pulling the puppet string's) way.

Learning about her Mother's murder will be about deep hurt, deception and rage. It will be different, and my former joking aside, I'd bet it will be deeper, darker and more sinister. Maybe in a retribution kind of way.

The tantrum is to get her way, the realization about her Mom will be to get even.

Dy77..".The Golden gate.". .Heh..Is that what the kids are calling it these days? ROFLMAO. The patio peeps here at caraycaray have always loved their euphemisms. Very discreet folks here.

Kirby..I think that you may be right about Ferbeast's reaction to auntie killing her mother...Quiet angst perhaps. A dark and stormy night. (Hello, Carlos wherever you are, mi amigo.)

Yes. Unfortunately.

I have heard stories here and there about wealthy parents who make their children live so far below their means as if to teach them about life. That sounds a bit extreme but I think that FerBrat needs something like that.

Can he even ground her over this?

I am getting tired about whining "I need help please with my event. who will help me?" Listen, you need an event planner..Not Juan, Marta, or LIlian. You are sheriff now , the law in these parts , and you have got to man up and stop whining like a little girl about the buffet and centerpieces. Cheese whiz.

Dy77. I hope we don't have to wait too long for the charity event. With all the people involved, it's guaranteed to be a spectacular train wreck. Hee hee hee.

Mark and Juan will plan the charity event. They will have Perla host it in a hoochie-mama dress and a parade of their captive immigrants will valet park, serve and clean up. They will smirkily grin and give each other high fives as the media records and reports the highly inappropriate and racist comments being made by Lillian.

Kirby: I'm going to be bummed if Erika dies before the Gran Final because I'll be pissed off!

Why do I get this feeling that Carito isn't done drooling over Miguel ? She's been obsessed with him for years & years.

Julie: You want to take a guess who's going to crash the so-called Charity Event ?


Dy thanks for tackling this over done drama over nothing episode! I seriously was cringing at Fer's overdone meltdown. I also felt for GS, the actress who plays Fer looked like she was about to spit all over him with her saliva filled mouth. Someone needed to hand that girl a bucket or tissue. I was very distracted watching her rant.

Anyway..this girl is muy immature. Her mother has been dead for several years, what did she expect? That her father was never going to fall in love again? That he would wander around the house and exist only for her and Bobby? Bobby who is younger comes off far more mature and realistic about life. How did that happen? After watching Fer's epic meltdown I wonder if this chica might be more unbalanced than her crazy tia DisGrace. Poor Tano, he might've been the only FerWhisperer, but sadly he had no luck.

I really hope that Lucia doesn't allow this girl to bully her away from having a relationship with David; although I did love his reaction that he was not going to let his kids dictate his future anymore. Atta boy David! Fight for your woman.

Who cares anymore about NoJuan and SkidMark. They can gtfo off my screen now and so can Carito and Perla. All four are so boooring to me.

I wonder what Gutierrez really has in mind with Lillian. I'm not buying his relationship with her and wonder if he's not looking for some way to pay her back for all of her antics.

Steve, that's the beauty of this charity event... no one has to crash it. With Juan, Mark, and Lilian involved it can't help but be a spectacle.

Good grief, regarding Gut and his charity event: Well doesn't Sonoma County have a group of event planners who work for the County? I can't figure out why he would need anyone's help for that because there are people who work for the County who work doing that or they contract with event planners.

Cynthia..yeah, I agree. My best friend was an administrative assistant for a big magazine publisher and was always planning events and trips for her boss . She always helps me with our class reunions. Doesn't the sheriff have an administrative assistant?

I am still in the dark as to what Juan is up to with Gut. Does he think that if they become friendly, Gut will stop investigating him?

Anyway, this new event is going to be huge and epic with both Lilian and Juan on this planning committee. Fasten your seat belts.

Charity Event
Let me see C is the third letter ...E is the fifth letter of our alphabet .
Transposing left to right and multiplying each letter's number by three
Then reassigning based on the result equals....


Should be fun.

Steve hopefully Carito will drool the beans all over Miguel and he can finger Gut instead.

of himself for the illegals.


Death of a parent or a child is the ultimate hurt, when it is murder it is the ultimate pain.
A betrayal on top of that would be almost beyond description. I trust Fer is already practicing.

Oooh, goat rodeo. Awesome. They should have more of those.

Susanlynn, as far as I can tell, that is exactly Juan's plan. Help Gut and then later Gut will help him. Good luck with that one.

Urban, please check your email!

Juan: Sheriff,Bro, remember how I got you all those centerpieces half price and personally made those five trays of pigs in a blanket ?. I also was the first one on the dance floor for the Electric Slide. Can you just cut me a break on the illegal stuff?

Gut : " Allergies, food poisoning , and a lawsuit over a broken toe. You are under arrest."

Thank you, DY! Love the way you served this up, girl! I want to thank you for covering this cringe-worthy episode! I'm out names to call that brat. Agree with tough love; also cutting Luci some slack when she asked if they should separate for a while. Fer turned into the tasmanian she-devil! Luci expected opposition but not that total freak out! Heffa did everything except rotate her head 180 degrees on her neck! The gravity of the hanger-on inlaws and the wacked-out teenage daughter had to be scary. Also agree that there were some Gracie scenes we didn't see and she had a hand in getting Fer to the vineyard in time to see the kiss.

David totally screwed up not telling the kids when he started to but Fer is immature and selfish and, yah, totally overreacted. What.ever. Fer. Agree with tofie that if she'd had a rock, she would have beaned Luci real good with it. Tano had a classic WTF look as he watched Fer stomp away. Boy, you better look for you a sane, pretty young thang amongst the grapes and forget that spoiled piece of work!

So Gut got called away on important business. I hope it's Miguelwith Paco for him to give Gut what little information he has.

Thanks, dy77. Diana’s praise bears repeating: “I am beyond impressed that you were able to translate a full hour of histrionics and vicious mewling into such a well written, fabulous recap.” What a yellfest, but you did a great job with it.

I'm giving Luciana a break on offering to end things with David. An older woman would know it's stupid to bow out cause an 18 year old, who's about to leave the nest anyway, doesn't like you. Luciana fears his family could break up because of her. As if. As soon as Fer saw she'd have to get a job and pay her own way, she'd be back eating humble pie.

So Gut the Mexican American ashamed of his roots, Juan the human trafficker, and Lilian the racist are going to throw a special event for Latinos. What could possibly go wrong? Can't wait.

LOL, Susanlynn... Juan really seems to think that he's saving Gut's hide. A successful charity event might repair Gut's reputation, but I'm not sure how important that is. He will probably do a better job as sheriff if he has the goodwill of the community, but if he lets someone like Juan do whatever he wants then all that goodwill won't matter.

Niecie.."yellfest" ..yeah, that little , spoiled cookie actually woke me up after I dozed off. I have known terrible twos who have quieter tantrums. I agree that these party planners are going to produce something epic. To quote Kirby," a goat rodeo."

Lila...Tano just got a peek at the real Ferzilla. He has a chance to dodge a bullet now. I still cannot figure out why Disgrace asked him to talk to Fer .

Tonight we might see another break when Carita and Miguel see each other again. Of course Miggy wants information and Carita wants Miggy. She would lick his feet, so hopefully when push comes to shove and he starts asking questions she will fold and tell him every---thing. She is on the verge now with Perla Hurla and the way it breaks Carita's little heart to see the illegals and the way Perla and NoJuan treat them.

Put your cameras on "Fireworks" scene mode.

Julie...speaking of good will...You just reminded me that I thought that Dave had put his collection of vests in a box to donate, but last night, he was wearing his trademark vest again. Two steps forward, one step back. Guy is all buttoned up once again. After watching Fer spin off into outer space , he just might be wearing two vests in tonight's episode...and a a hat ..and a cardigan..oh noes! Not a cardigan.

How about the pear robe??

Info on the pear robe, for those who aren't familiar:

Susanlynn, long as the cardigan isn't draped around his shoulders and tied at his neck! ;D

Niecie, this is rich: So Gut the Mexican American ashamed of his roots, Juan the human trafficker, and Lilian the racist are going to throw a special event for Latinos. What could possibly go wrong?

As Don Cornelisus used to say, "It's going to be a stoned gas!"

Julie...I have never noticed the pear robe in any novellas that I have watched, but I am not the most observant person. Which telenovelas was it spotted in and who was wearing it ? I think that Dave would probably wear it over his vest and possibly his that would not be a good look. However, I wouldn't mind seeing Dave in just that robe.

Lila. We might just be sisters separated at birth. I cannot abide that over the shoulder look on guys . Make a decision, dude. Put it on , or take it off. I was shocked..shocked, I tell you... when they had Fernando Colunga in that look and a striped tee in a ..just I want him in boots holding a sword.

Lila..Soul Train ?

Hee hee! ;D

Oh , Julie...I feel like crying. There were so many familiar names in that pear robe post..Capt Sylvia, Elna June, Madeline, Judyb, etc. I miss them all.

Anybody ever try to have an online Caray reunion?

Lila...Our dear Madeline passed away several years ago, and I have not seen Carlos, Sylvia, Judyb, Cheryl, or ElnaJune here in quite a while. A few years ago, Sylvia came here to post a happy birthday wish to me. She always knew how to wind me up. We all took pirate nanes when we watched Pasion , and Sylvia kept using hers Captain Sylvia Shark bait.I could not believe that she remembered when my birthday is. Some of those folks were here before it was caraycaray ...nine years ago. Vivi and Julie have been here for a long time. Years ago, Julie explained what a troll was to me.

Yah, I know about Madelaine. Still seems unreal. And I watched Pasion. I'd have to look back at old posts to see if I was still in lurkdom back then. Looking at old posts briefly, I remember Destilando and Accoralado. . .and I saw Beckster's name! Ah, well. Maybe one day some of them will pop back in and surprise us!


Lila...i don't think that anybody knew that Madeline was sick. She was a very positive, uplifting voice here, and she loved music.Beckster was so funny. She liked to use the word "asshat" a lot. My pirate name was Mad Bess.We had such fun with those pirates and Captain Rick. I wish that Carla Estrada would return with another historical telenovela.

Julie- Thanks for that walk down Memory Lane. I wonder whatever happened to the Pear Robe after we last spotted it? Some actress at Televisa probably trashed it on purpose. :)

Dy77 this was a blockbuster.Fernanda is as nuts as her tia.Poor david, they
Did a job on his little girl while he
Was zoned out for 2or3 years.He got a
mess to fix,front,back and both sides.
Lucy better stick with him too. Cuz whatever Juan got planned he won't see
It coming. He sure messed up when he
Mourned for 2 years.Who does that?dav.
It goes down hill A bit from here if
The sucubuses have their way. It's at
The 1/2 way mark now things will really get weird.
"All David needed was a little empathy and time and now he's back to face nawin, and they start their weird kiss In again. Lol, that was funny girl.
Why do you say" weird kissing"? They
Should probably get in as much of that
Face time As possible cuz stuffs about
to happen.
Fer can be really nasty with her"She's
Not like us" remark. I didn't like it
At all. Tano you can do better. Ok 27
Minutes before the tirade of the little spoiled princess starts up again.

Thank you dy77

I seem to remember a shared green and pink dress also. It was worn in 3 or4 tns, I believe.

I also remember certain props recurring in different novellas.

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