Friday, April 21, 2017

Coming Soon: La Candidata on UniMás beginning 5/29/17

Get to know the characters of La Candidata, - discover who is who In this story starring Silvia Navarro and Victor Gonzalez, where for the first time in history, a marriage rivals the presidential candidacy. Unscrupulous, he is willing to go over everyone to achieve it and she will risk the deep affection of her son and the authentic love of her life to become La Candidata.

REGINA BÁRCENAS (Silvia Navarro)
A woman of solid principles. intelligent. Loyal and sensitive to the needs of others and dedicated to her vocation. She is a natural leader. Democratic, and when directing a group knows how to give his place to everyone. Born in an upper-middle class home, headed by an entrepreneur who used politics to carry on his illegitimate and fraudulent business, whose double life only showed his daughter the best appearance, filling her with lies and double standards, and followed by a selfless woman, her mother, whose only illusion was to form a family without realizing everything that was hidden around her

- Alonso's wife
- Mother of Emiiiano
- Daughter of Mario and Noemi
- Sociologist, official senator, bench leader.

GERARDO MARTÍNEZ (Víctor González)
Gerardo comes from a working-class home. His parents, already deceased, managed to send him to the university with much sacrifice. He is still idealistic and maintains the principles with which he began his career in politics. He is loyal and time made him cautious. He analyzes things a lot, but when he makes a resolution he puts all his efforts to carry it forward.

Gerardo is anarchist, but by force he became a leader. He does not have the charisma of Alonso, nor does he arouse the trust of the people like Regina, but he supplements it with his ideas and his attitudes. Those who know him know that they can count on him, because he would never betray them.

He feels indebted to his parents and feels that the way to pay them is by working to make the poor people better quality of life. He is not as rebellious as he was in his student years, but he is indignant at the mismanagement of power and he hates corruption.

He was a companion and fell in love with Regina in college. Their relationship ended because of an infidelity that he committed and with the appearance of Alonso. The master of Political Science, he decides to renounce Regina because he thinks that it does him good, since he could never offer her the comforts to which she is accustomed. "You will regret this, but it will be too late." At that time he started dating Teresa, another young student whom he later married. Their marriage is worn by the instability of Teresa, and ends up collapsing when she became a compulsive gambler. Ximena, the daughter he had with Teresa, is his only consolation and weakness.

- Father of Ximena
- Lawyer and sociologist
- Opposition Senator
- Married to Teresa, although separated

ALONSO SAN ROMÁN (Rafael Sánchez Navarro)
Natural leader, intelligent, controlling, cunning, impatient and ambitious, wants everything that is proposed and wants it immediately. Despotic and takes to power like fish in water. He is clear about what he wants and knows the means to achieve it. His favorite phrase is: "the end justifies the means".

His father, Omar, is a politician who acts in the shadows and served as his best operator to allow him to enter the circles of power, but the need to expose comes from his mother. Natalia. She encouraged and confronted her husband to boost her son Alonso as a public figure. For her times had changed and power had to be exercised publicly.

The explosive cocktail of the parents formed a controversial personality in Alonso, because he knows how to build power and how to feed it, how to manipulate people according to their desires and conveniences. Perhaps for this reason, he understood love as a complex sum of the practical and the erotic, and thus built his concept of the ideal woman.

Since meeting Regina, as his political science student, he discovered that she was the perfect woman to walk the way to the top. But Alonso was not born to deprive himself of what he wants, and he likes women, especially seduction. Once the target is reached he quickly loses enthusiasm and breaks it off. The only one who managed to keep his interest for all these years was Regina. When he meets Cecilia, apparently with many things in common with Regina but without scruples, he wants her. He does not know that they are half-sisters, but observes that she is beautiful, intelligent and young.

He dreams of Emiliano being his successor, but not until he dies, because he is not willing to share power with anyone, not even with his own son.

- Attorney
- Son of Omar and Natalia
- Current Head of Government of the City
- Regina's husband and father of Emiliano

CECILIA AGUILAR (Susana González)
Her father held the journalism career and received her with the best marks. She forces herself to be the best in everything she faces, to prove she's as good as anyone.

She suffered a lot since she was a child because she was a bastard. She became accustomed to being the shadow of Regina: to silence the existence of her parents and her sister; and to hide her own feelings.

Her mother torments and harasses her against her father, because he lives by using her and breaking his promises.

She's obsessed with Regina. She always fantasized about playing with Eila and living the life she has. Envy deeply, and at the same time, would like to be accepted by her.

She falls in love with Alonso and is fascinated by the idea that he is the husband of her half-sister. Cecilia wants to replace her in everything to prove that she is better than her. Listen to Regina and rejoin her frustrations. She will not stop until she gets her sister's life.

Mario uses his father to achieve his goals, even if he is in charge of the illicit business. Cecilia is aware that she can not defraud her father nor should she reveal herself against his will  or become a threat, for he would not hesitate for a second to disappear her forever.

- Journalist
- Single. Illegitimate daughter of Mario with Isela Aguilar
- Half-sister of Regina
- Intelligent, distrusted, competitive, cool and calculating, deep down she is passionate but tries to keep that hidden

Only daughter of a wealthy family with artistic inclinations, she was raised to be a free and independent woman. She married for love with Omar, but soon discovered that he was controlling and that she became part of the decoration with which he arms his facade of mythical politician and patriarch. After an initial stage of conflicts and fights, she discovered that she would not achieve anything in that way and adopted a different attitude. Make your life. Then she started dating young men who make her feel alive and wanted.

She loves her son, but Alonso follows in his feather's footsteps. When observing the continuity of Omar in her son, she is sad. She adores Regina, in whom she is reflected.

- Mother of Alonso, wife of Omar
- Sometimes frivolous, accustomed to the luxuries and the good life
- Is very skilled in social relations and in decoding personalities.
- Curious and proactive; defiant and independent

MARIO BÁRCENAS (Juan Carlos Barreto)
Born into an upper middle-class class family. Businessman. Leads a double life. Defender of the family. However he kept parallel homes for years.

He could not maintain his father's businesses and was despised by him, so he grew up with rancor and blames the world for what he can not get. He has no qualms about achieving what he wants and he mocks the law.

He controls high-level prostitutes and uses them to blackmail and buy wills. He profits from and abuses the position of his son-in-law, the Head of Government and prefers that he has the power and not his daughter Regina, because he knows that she would despise him if she learned of his illicit activities.

He is married to Noemi, a woman raised with iron-clad morals. He lived for almost twenty years with Isela, who was a prostitute when they met. From this relationship was born Cecilia, whose studies he paid for and whom he used to handle their illegal activities with the promise that one day he would recognize her and give her the place she deserves, even if she does not intend to fulfill it.

- Businessman
- Father of Regina, husband of Noemi, former lover of Isela with whom he had Cecilia
- Ambitious, womanizer, mythomaniac, shameless, resentful, practical and cunning

DON OMAR SAN ROMÁN (Patricio Castillo)
Came from a family of illustrious businessmen, of iron-clad and rigorous customs. He was educated with blows and caresses, which forged his character. He is accustomed to take command and his decisions are not discussed. Manages power from the shadows buying wills to accumulate money, properties and especially power, those are his greater values. He educated his son Alonso to follow in his footsteps, and although he did not encourage him to enter politics, when he perceived that he had a political future he supported him without hesitation. He benefits from the his son's position and exploits it ito his benefit for multiple businesses and traffic of power

He fell in love with Natalia from the moment he met her, attracted by her independent and defiant character. Then he felt stimulated to "dominate" it and mold it to his liking: but he could not do so and soon afterwards he left her alone to occupy himself in politics and business. When he discovered that Natalia deceived him, he becomes a violent and ferocious being. She understands that she continues to love her, but it is a sick love that seeks to destroy what he believes belongs to him but "works badly."

- Legendary politician
- Father of Alonso, husband of Natalia
- Ambitious, obsessed by control, maniacal, vengeful, cruel 

Came from a dysfunctional and extremely poor family. From a young age she began to prostitute herself, but met Mario and fell in love with him. She was his lover for almost twenty years and, as a result of that relationship was born Cecilia. Although Mario stopped frequenting her, she lives hooked on the relationship. She feels used and betrayed and feels that Mario needs to compensate for the years she dedicated to him.

- Mother of Cecilia
- Former lover of Mario
- Conduct a cabaret
- Astute, mean, greedy, passionate and exaggerated

Noemí comes from a deeply religious family and was raised to have good manners with a high sense of morality. She was educated to be a wife and mother, because "that's the way things are" and she has no other ambition. She is a good wife, mother and grandmother. But the constant lies and infidelities of her husband led her to live with resentment against him, to fall into alcoholism, and to hide the reality of their marriage.

Her daughter and grandson, Regina and Emiliano, are her greatest pride. In them she turns all the love he has to give, but somehow demands the attention she can not get from her husband.

- Fragile, alcoholic, frustrated
- Underprivileged, dependent, apathetic, a little naive, with low self-esteem, in need of affection and with much fear of loneliness

TERESA RIVERA (Nailea Norvind)
Daughter of a middle-class marriage, she enrolled in a university career, but then met Gerardo and dropped out of studies that did not much interest her.

From the beginning of her relationship with Gerardo, she knew that he was in love with Regina, and yet accepted to become the "consolation prize".

In spite of having formed a seemingly stable home, within which her daughter Ximena was born, her sick obsession with the love that Gerardo professed to Regina frustrated her and did not permit her to enjoy married life. Thus, the marriage became a martyrdom for both until they decided to separate.

In search of instant satisfaction, she was enthralled by slot machines. She played them until she gradually fell into gambling, which led her to become indebted. She uses Ximena as an excuse to ask Gerardo for money and continue playing. Because of a crisis, she is admitted to a specialized clinic.

- Housewife
- Married to Gerardo, although they live apart
- Unstable, insecure, jealous, possessive, addicted. Liar, capricious; suffers from anxiety and has social difficulties and low frustration tolerance

He is a young man about to reach the age of taking responsibility, but is not prepared to do so. As an only child, born in the realm of power, he was educated in abundance, without lacking anything.

He inherited from his father the determination, the appetite for power and the capacity for intrigue. His mother gave him the sensitivity and the vocation to serve. He is caught between absolute definitions and his ambiguous attitudes, between good and evil, and has not resolved what will prevail. He finds it very difficult to be the son of two remarkable persons of such strong character. It is clear that his father will require him to study law and participate in politics.

For her part. his mother encourages him to go his own way; the problem is he still does not know what he wants. To the insecurity typical of adolescence, which he does not want to renounce yet, it is added that many people who approach him do so out of interest, due to the high position of his parents. He does not have much dialogue with his father, and with his mother he understands better although he sees little. He respects his father and loves his mother, but he is hurt with her because he thinks he should be more "mama", like his grandmother Noemi.

He is also in the age of experimenting and does not feel ready to make compromises. He is attracted to luxury, diversion, life dissipated, and he feels entitled to carry it placidly. Live by testing the limits.

He meets Ximena and is very attracted to her, although she does not want to tie herself to anyone yet. Also dazzles with Nayeli. The friend of Ximena, because she represents everything forbidden, which should not be done. She experiences everything he would like to try

- Student
- Son of Regina and Alonso
- Restless, emotionally
- Unstable, eager to live experiences, rebellious

When she give in, she does so without reservations. She adores her father; for her he Is the example to follow. She loves her mother and suffers for her and her lack of malice makes her the perfect victim for Teresa's maneuvers.

She falls in love with Emiliano and -- through inexperience -- at first is docile and obedient, but soon she rebels and tries to take charge. The love story among young people fits the dynamics of current relationships with all its elements: social networks, superficiality, intensity, and instability. Passions and pursuits in the midst of a world where they have everything immediately, which provokes dissatisfaction and automatic search for superfluous pleasure, until both are revealed to need to find themselves more deeply, apart from selfishness, and finding themselves among their solitudes a different world, the sharing of their pain and joys ... the beginning of love

- Student, daughter of Gerardo and Teresa
- Impulsive, passionate, obstinate, very sensitive, naive and immature

Please note the following:  Due to the subject matter of this novela there will be strict moderation of the comments.  Anything about current or past real-world political situations will be removed.  Discussion will be limited to the story, the production values, and the actors' performances.  Also, episode discussions will be closed once the next episode's recap is posted.


Oh I'm so excited about this one. I've heard such great things!!!

Oh I like the sound of this one. Count me in.

Carvivlie: I'm also excited for this upcoming TN.

Cutthroat-ness & illegal activities in how to achieve the ultimate goal of living in Los Pinos (Residence of the Mexican President).


Thanks for posting this, Urban! My dvr will be set for this.

I'm in! Are we going to recap this baby?

We will, Juju. I will be announcing the team soon.

This series has only 61 episodes and the network had better not slice and dice any of it.

El Bienamado will also premiere on Tuesday May 2 at 10pm/9c on Unimas

Urban, thank you for getting us off on a good start!


I'd like to help recap this one, let me know if there's room

Sounds good. Silvia Navarro, Susana Gonzalez and Helena Rojo are always a big draw for me.

And el Bien Amado sounds good also, just because I love the actor who plays the main character. He was outstanding in el Hotel de los Secretos.

Thank you Urban for the heads up and information. I have been having serious withdrawal systems not having a TN to watch for a few months and to unwind with after what I have been some seriously stressful work days.
And this, well, I am beyond excited. I adore Silvia and would watch her scrub floors for an hour, so happy she is gracing our screens again. But with her, this show has a great cast, so many other favorites. Plus a little different of a story line and definitely not a Narc plot.

JudyB, I loved Jesus Ochoa in EHDLS and will probably also watch his new show. I hope that UniMas has better distribution to grow its viewership because there are too many new novelas coming to that network. Not to mention that I'd like to see more comments on the recaps we do for shows that end up there.

Although I think it may not have been a wise decision to put El Bienamado and La Candidata back to back.

Will there be recaps for El Bien Amado?

- James


Not unless there are volunteers. After what we've been through one series to work on is enough!

As for La Candidata: I'm happy to see a clean-shaven galan for Silvia in La Candidata. Never seen Victor Gonzalez in anything before. I hope he measures up to her stable of galans over her lifetime of top-billing. She's had just about every galan we've ever drooled over.

I agree. I like what I see.

Here is his resume. He's been at Azteca in between engagements at Televisa.

Hi everybody!!

I'm SO glad that it looks like we'll be able to get a great patio for this one. To anybody who reads this, if you're at all wavering about whether or not to jump on board with this one, I can tell you, unequivocally, DO IT.

This is an absolutely incredible novela. It's the most nominated telenovela ever in the 35 years of telenovela awards shows (sh*t... I just now realized that I haven't yet sent you guys that follow-up that I did on the recent Awards show, so I'll send that off tonight), and it won- by far- more awards this year than any other, including the four top awards (Best Telenovela, Best Director, Best Original Story or Adaptation, and Best Cast).

Ignore the comparing of the real political world, past and present, regardless of the country, with the political world in the telenovela. That's not what this novela is about, nor was that producer Giselle Gonzalez's intent. The intent was to show that the political world is nothing more than the sum of all of it's parts, i.e.- the people that comprise it and make it run. Be they good, bad, innocent, venal, self-serving, noble, amoral, idealistic, corrupt, benevolent, despotic, well-intentioned, criminal, evil, or even insane- each person has their own motives, their own rationale, their own reason for being there, and their own purpose. And it being thusly, it is important- if not absolutley vital- that the forces that are there to act in the interests of the greater good (as they have been elected to do) do not allow the forces that are in the interests of themselves to tip the scales balance in their favour. Because they will.


You will love the actors. AND these characters. Regarding the leads... curiously, I have never paid too much attention to Silvia Navarro, really (the lead heroine and the lead galan are generally speaking the roles that I am least interested in, except for whoever is in the young cast), so I am curious to hear what you all think of her, as I wasn't as interested in her Regina as I was with a lot of the other characters here, but I think this could be because so many of them were just so wonderfully complex. She is definitely the best damn leading actress that any network has got right now, and she proves it again here. In regards to her galan, any of you who loved the character of Max that Gabriel Soto played in Giselle Gonzalez's last (YNCELH), will absolutely LOVE the character Victor Martinez plays here, as they are incredibly similar. But, looking over the list of characters and actors above (and THANK YOU so much for doing this, Urban!!), I'd like you to note that (with the exception, of course, of the two youth leads), there isn't an actor here that has less than 20 years experience acting in telenovelas (the only exception would be Pilar Ixquic Mata, who is terrific in her role as Susana Gonzalez's avaricious and amoral mother). But there is nary a mammary-inflated bimbo nor slab-of-beefcake bohunk to be seen. This is because Giselle Gonzalez and her writers have written characters that I think are simply beyond the acting ability, scope, and depth of a lot of actors. To cite but one example, watch what Giselle Gonzalez does with what could be considered at first glance "Standard Telenovela Character #2"- the covetous and envious sister. You simply couldn't have an actor of a lesser caliber than Susana Gonzalez playing this character. They simply would not know how to do it. And watch what Nailea Norvind does with what could at first glance be considered "Standard Telenovela Character #2- the volatile, possessive, and jealous ex-wife who wants to stand in the way of True Love's path, with no plastic surgery, proudly displaying her frown lines and crows feet, no make-up, small breasts, and no skimpy lingerie. She tears up the screen in the role. The whole cast is like that. I can honestly say that I don't think there is a one that you won't find absolutely fascinating, and these are Actors playing them. Capital letter 'A' actors (or, in Spanish, 'Actorazos' ;-)

Watch it. You will love it. Guaranteed.

My continued best wishes to you all!! :-)

Thanks, Stevey, I always enjoy hearing your input.

Finally a TN worthy of putting my time into. Does anyone know if this will air on Hulu too? I will be unable to watch in real time nor record it. I'm crossing my fingers it will be.

Univision & UniMas are no longer on Hulu. My cable provider doesn't carry UniMas anymore and I REALLY wanted to see this show. :-(

"She's had just about every galan we've ever drooled over."
Anita, that one cracks me up. LOL

Doris--Where have you been all this time? Hiding under newspapers or what? Good to see you resurface. I hope this means you want to join us for LaCan.

Has the debut of La Candidata been delayed or is my online tv guide listing and the online Chicago unimás inaccurate? Btw, if Jarifa is following, I'm now up tp capítulo 96 of La Fan online.

Anita - I've been watching some Telemundo novelas but I'm back on the LooneyMás patio with this one.

SpanProf - I had LaC set to record and nothing. Our Att uverse guide now says it will begin May 16. I guess those Ten Commandments are taking ten weeks and not finishing up as soon as expected. Just as well for me; hockey playoffs are taking up a lot of my evenings.

Heads up, but I guess everyone knows by now. UniLoonie has pushed La Candidata back to May 29, which screws up our recapping schedule. They have not told us why.

I didn't think it took Moses this long to deliver the Ten Commandments to his folks waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Anita - I think it should have been called Moises y Diez Meses de esos Mandamientos. ;-p

Not to mention that they don't always do a great job dubbing the Portuguese (?).

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