Saturday, May 27, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carrillo, # 15, Friday 05/26/15 Dumb and dumber make a fine couple, indeed

This is from memory (watched while cooking dinner), so sorry for any mistakes; I did a lot of editing, I combined scenes for better flow, stupid dialogues were ignored (almost everything having to do with the Threesome that nobody asked for, formed by LetMe, Eraser and Brujita).

Estela is waiting for Ryan at the restaurant, but he's a no show. She calls Furia and Genesis tells her that Ry forgot his phone at work because he left in a hurry - he needed to "save" someone. This worries Estela, she asks Genesis to search for the last call on Ryan's phone and give her the number. (Note to Ryan: password protect your phone, you silly idiot.)
She then calls said number and ends up at a rehabilitation clinic where a receptionist tells her that Mr. Cabrera has been checking in, without giving any further information.
Estela is impactada that Ryan would hide something this important from her and tells Chayo that she needs to further investigate. There is no way that she can tell him her own deep dark secrets as long as HE has deep dark secrets of his own.

So these two lovable fools already have a rocky relationship three days into their dating/ engagement (who would have guessed, with all the lying by omission, by mistake, on purpose, for the grater good etc etc..). When they meet back at the house, Ryan apologizes for standing her up at the restaurant, in the process making up a story about some business deal that he had to solve asap. Estela pretends to believe him, but decides to do some investigating into  Ryan Cabrera, Man of Many Secrets and ardent lover.

She goes and asks Chavallin to hack into the rehabilitation clinic's data base to figure out what is going on with Ryan. Chavallin, the ONLY voice of reason in this telenovela, says that maybe she should just talk to her boyfriend instead. Estela reassures him that she will, but she'd rather have a preview of what she is to expect when she asks Ryan about  his past. It's not like she wants to commit the same offense that she has been accusing him of - nosing into his personal affairs and not trusting him.

Chavallin doesn't only have one annoying woman bothering him today. NeverLetMe is at his office/ home, too, at first getting help to contact the kids (they're good, they think mom and dad are doing swell and they're all about to reunite). She also receives some very pertinent advice about not letting a fool fool you - why should she beg Erasmutt for attention, when what she needs to be doing is go back home to the children and explain them the situation. LetMeBeStupid says that she doesn't mind supplicating, as long as she'll have her family back. She's not willing to let go of such a prize.
When Estela comes over to ask for Chavallin's help, they have a girl talk and since they are both oblivious to how an actual honest, lasting relationship works, neither can give the other one any good advice. More so, LetMeBeClingy ends up calling Eraser and convinces him to meet one last time for a "proper" farewell ( is this Mexican code for afternoon nookie?). Of course what she wants and hopes to achieve is to reunite the family once and for all.........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

In more interesting developments, Danilo introduces Lucio Galvan, aka El Dorado to Mercy and Joe, saying that he's a possible investor into the company, and more important, into his precious band. Mercy and Joe refuse to take the offer into account before Ryan is not up to speed with everything.
The next day Danilo and Ryan talk about the very serious business man that is interested to invest in the company and Ryan eventually goes to meet him at his very serious restaurant, where El Dorado all but enamors Ryan with his story about helping the poor depressed immigrants, who have a hard time adjusting to a foreign land and fall into bad habits. He's even donating money to a rehabilitation center - what a coincidence that it is the same that Ryan is going to, Primos (Cousins) Something Something, because once there, they all become family.
The guy obviously did his homework well, because Ryan all but claps at such amendable action - this is exactly the type of people that he likes to associate with. Danilo watches the whole thing with a stupid/ silly/ smug look on his face, adding his two cents at the most inconvenient times.
Later on he pats himself on the back for a job well done, but Assdrubal keeps him on a short leash (is it wrong if I love him for that?).
Ryan does some investigating into El Dorado's claims that he gives money to the rehabilitation clinic, talks to Mercy and Joe about the benefits of finding a solvable investor that they can later on drop and finally signs the binding contract, turning Furia into a money laundering enterprise for the fans of regional music and such...
Later on Steve calls him to say that someone has been hacking into the clinic's system, but did they find traces of Chavallin or El Dorado? Will Ryan make the connection? And by then, won't it be too late?

In the meantime Danilo tries to score some more points with big bro, by sweet talking his way into getting his own assistant at the company and managing his band, for which Estela will be composing by the way. Mercy, the only voice of reason in this whole "turn Danilo into an actual power at Furia", tries to slow down the whole thing, but Ryan is all set on trusting his mischievous carnalito. So, he's actually half deserving what is waiting for him, in my opinion, just for being plain stupid.

Needing a ride back to Furia when she leaves Chavallin's place, Estela calls the office and she is sent none other than What's his Face, Danilo's new assistant, aka the baddie who kidnapped  saved her from deportation ICE corrupt cops. Estela recognizes his voice and she is afraid to get into the car, but she does anyway, and on the way to the office tries to figure out what is the guy's connection with Ryan, who she thinks employed him.
Arriving at Furia she goes straight to Ryan to scream at him - did he have anything to do with her kidnapping from the police or/ and the threats that she received? Ryan is shocked, he has no clue what she's talking about. Estela confesses that someone mysterious called her just as she was about to leave him forever and threatened to harm Paloma or him if she disappeared.
Ryan asks what all the Patio has been wondering: is she with him because she is afraid and needs protection? NO, Estela cries, the threat made her realize how much she loves him and she needs to know if he had anything to do with what has been going on. Ryan has no clue who the new driver is so he asks Danilo about it. Playing his best clueless innocent face Danilo says that he only wants to help the poor guy, father of two and so on. They even call the new guy and he modestly pleads his case in front of Estela, Ryan, Danilo and Mercy who wonders what new mess Estela is about to get herself into.
Between Danilo's astute manipulation, Ryan's idiocy when it comes to his bro's true colors and Estela's own gullible-ness, she starts to doubt that the guy has the same voice of her kidnapper/ mystery caller, so she backs off.
Someone said the other day that Morgana and Danilo barely share a brain between the two. Estela and Ryan come a close second. What a silly duo, if the likes of Danilo can play with their heads like this, it will be a walk in the park for El Dorado and Mr. Blake .


Good Morning!

Wow, Adriana Noel, what a great memory you have...the recap is awesome!

Some quick comments...busy morning...

I'm with you...I love Hotbun too for showing up LowIQ (he doesn't just have a Hot bun, he has a hot brain :-))

I figured Luastela would fall off cloud nine really fast, but I suppose that's the eay of TNs.

QTH??? How does LetMeBeClingy (love that!) assume that the meeting will be her chance to win back Erasmutt when they are supposedly meeting for the proper good-bye (como Dios manda)????

Gotta run...more laters

THANK YOu Adriana Noel!!



I meant the "way" of TNs...rush, rush, rush...



Perfect Adriana. Like "Dumb and Dumber Go to LA". Chava-lin is almost too grounded and level headed to even communicate with these two. A name with LET in it does allow some clever modifications as evidenced by "NeverLetMe" among others. Hey Trump, we got one for you here. Get ICE on the line.

While cooking AND probably caring for Avatar Bebe, wow. Pretty impressive, thanks. Chava and Paloma are great and AssBun/HotBuns for the Estrogen crowd, is growing on me, especially when he points out to LowIQ just how inept and brainless he is. I was impressed with his shoulder holster too.

Isn't there a card game referred to as liars poker? I thought it was poker, hmm maybe poke her.

Adriana: Your title said it all.

Kirby: Ryan does need to use password protect seriously.

RC: Danilo & Buji Morgana: Fast Forward.

RIO: DontLEThimGetAway thought the only way EraseHerFromMyLife would see her is if she lied and pretended it was a goodbye, while she actually believed in the Tooth Fairy..scratch tooth fairy..that if she saw him one more time she could change his mind.

Even though:.............

All her other attempts had still left him with his Misnomer MattressTest Partner, this one last begging and sobbing event would bring him around. Why, she had already spent 5 minutes of her 10 minute phone card Chava bought for her telling her kids how much Daddy wanted to disappear and never be found scratch that too, how much he missed them and couldn't wait to see them.

Steve if I had as many secrets as all these jerks, except Paloma, I would be using that caller ID spoof app from the Play Store.

ITA Kirby: "Chava and Paloma are great and AssBun/HotBuns for the Estrogen crowd, is growing on me, especially when he points out to LowIQ just how inept and brainless he is." IMO Chava and HotBun have the most brains and sense in this TN.

Characters in TNs who luuurve the Don'tLoveMes are SO darned frustrating...and there's always one (or two).

And then we have the LowIQs...who even have that Duh? look down pat. I wonder if FuaxPas is related to DaniLowIQ...thinking that he can get money out of Blake. Either Medusa caused some brain damage or she needs to knock some more sense into him..or at least try to...

Back to running errands...


RGVC: FauxPas already told some hoochie that he knew all along where the girl is,(Laustels) but he is planning on stringing BlindBoyBlake along as long as possible to get as much money as possible. It is not going to be pretty when Tasmania finds him out. He will see that her first visit with him was just a warmup.

I continue to be impressed with the bad guys in this show. ED was on his game when he met Ryan. And to Ryan's credit, he attempted to check up on him, and verify some of his claims about donating to charities etc. with the help of mystery friend Gringo Steve. Of course ED checked out, he and AssBun had obviously done their homework.

Am I going to Hell for liking HotBuns and Luisa along with Paloma and Chava?
Will I be lonely?
Do they have Doritos down there?

Merci, Adriana.C'est magnifique.

I would like HotHoneybun to magically turn into a good guy. Maybe an undercover cop. It is hard for me to like a bad guy. I wonder his soon Marcos will turn completely haired. #silverfoxbun

Kirby...I would suppose that Satan likes Doritos. He probably is not the type who is into tofu. am pretty sure you will not be lonely..DisGrace is already there...waiting. Later, gators.

Thanks! Actually I like my recaps better when I don't take notes because then there is too much detail to write and I get tired of all the typing (LOL)

Kirby, Avatar Bebe (hehehe) was upstairs with her dad listening to Latino music - I could never pay attention to tns with her around - sh's sort of like NeverLetMe, the toddler edition.

RC, Ryan did try to not be fooled by ED, but it's too early in the story fir that, I guess. Besides the guy hit a soft spot. I am however amazed by how much freedom he's giving Danilow, just because they're brothers. Thus will definitely come back to bite him in his assbun.

Susanlynn, I don't care about Assdrubal one way or the other but I do wonder if he doesn't have more power / bigger interests then he lets on. A good guy he ain't, but El Dorado's lap dog seems rather unlikely to me.


"Estela is impactada that Ryan would hide something this important from her " Why is the woman impactada?! She has her own secrets she's about calling the kettle black. Moreover, when she was having her girltalk with LetMeBeClingy, they both acknowledged that fighting for a liar and a cheat isn't worth it AND that lies and secrets destroy relationships...duh-uh, why don't they listen to themselves?!

"Lucio Galvan, aka El Dorado" I'm is it that ED has kept himself hidden so well and for so long and all of sudden shows his face...or is that really his face...maybe a substitute?

"She then calls said number and ends up at a rehabilitation clinic where a receptionist tells her that Mr. Cabrera has been checking in, without giving any further information." Wasn't it in VEA that we saw breaches of confidentiality?? I guess that continues...

LOL Kirby...I agree with SusanLynn; I'm sure they have some of those (Flamin' Hot) Doritos down there...and a lot of us are liking HotBun...Tasmania/Medusa? ehhhhh, I'm still on the fence about you won't be alone.



How soon not his soon. Sorry..hurrying to get some chores done.

Let'ssearchformydignity is in this story...why?

Okay, off to identify shoes to prove that I am not a robot.

In every telenovela that I have ever watched (since I fell down this rabbit hole when I surfed into Alborada) , someone (male..female..or both) is relentlessly pursuing someone who has absolutely no interest in him\her\them. I can not understand wanting someone who does not want you. That is a recipe for heartache. Best to move on and continue your journey . Other fish in the sea , ye ken?

Adriana, I don't know how you crafted such a sterling recap from memory but I am in awe. Sensational.

"the Threesome that nobody asked for, formed by LetMe, Eraser and Brujita)" and "all the lying by omission, by mistake, on purpose, for the grater good etc etc." were among many favorites.

I suppose I was expecting Satan himself so the "in the flesh" El Dorado was a bit disappointing. Although I have to say, the character seems to be able to appear fatherly and caring one minute, yet sinister and cruel the next.

Interesting speculation about Honeybun Susanlynn. Wouldn't it be a wild twist if he WAS undercover. Was the scene of him going down the stairs last night significant for any reason? It just seemed rather unnecessary but there must have been a point to it (?)

"Chavallin doesn't only have one annoying woman bothering him today" was great. He's one of those characters that is intriguing and interesting. I expect and hope we will see more of him. It would be nice for Ryan to have someone like that on his team now that his not so nice little brother is helping to fleece and destroy him. OK, now I see who Steve is. Wouldn't mind seeing more of him either - I guess I am drawn more to intelligence although good looks are not a hindrance.

RG, yes Estela is ready to condemn Ryan for secrets yet she is purposely keeping all her skeletons in the closet. I suppose these secrets are what will tear this couple apart. It's either lies, secrets or someone else, right?

Kirby "EraseHerFromMyLife" (good one!)is living in a dangerous fantasy world. I was dismayed she lied to her children. Their father has left and has started a life without them. This sadly happens all the time, it happened to my family when I was a child. And, her "children" are teenagers, and while they don't need to be told the whole sordid truth, starting with kernels of honesty will help to prepare them for the inevitable.

"What a silly duo, if the likes of Danilo can play with their heads like this, it will be a walk in the park for El Dorado and Mr. Blake". Yes, Adriana, how true!

Thank you for this amazing recap.

I will echo Susanlynn in remembering and thanking all those who sacrificed their lives and/or health. I salute all of you. Remembering Madeline today and every day.


And Adriana, your baby is beautiful. Truly!


Diana ..I am with you. What was up with HonBun going up that spiral staircase and then going down a staircase into a (?) Restaurant? They seemed to be making a point that I could not get. QTH???

Why do these guys keep their cowboy hats on when they are indoors? Check out youtube " You Can Leave Your Hat on."

Susanlynn, I, too, was wondering why they emphasized HotBun walking down the stairs (although I must admit I was trying to see if he does have the "other" HotBuns). The only thing I can think of was to show that the "offices/murder site" were right above the restaurant.

Getting chores done too...


Is there anyway to skip the identity robot thingy?? I now it's a good thing, but it's a little irritating. Oh well, it's worth it..

Diana. I, too, think of Madeline often. I think that she served in the military. Am I right? I miss her gentle good humor and all the tunes that she shared with us. I am listening to a local oldies station that is doing an alphabetical countdown of songs for Memorial Day weekend. I think that they are still on the "Ts." Madeline was such a peach. I felt as though I knew her even though I never met her. She shared my dear MIL's name.

Speaking of peaches, where is Lila? She should be watching this. I would live to get "Mor-" and "Let-" nicknames.

RC..I do not know anyway to avoid the robot thing, but I am not tech savvy.

Diana, sorry to hear that art is reflecting life for you. These telenovelas often have familiar events in our lives.... Good and bad.

We'll, here's s new one. I have to identify pants to prove I am not a robot. Evidently robots don't wear pants.

Susanlynn! Pants?! Really?? Ok, if we have to do the robot thingy, can they have us identify Hot Buns? Chippendales? Calendar Guys?


RgvChick are brilliant. I vote for guys doing yoga in kilts...Google's a thing.

SusanLynn...ROFLMAO...I follow orders very well! ... yoga in kilts...OOOhhhh, niiiice!! I need some fresh air..fanning myself LOL


My take away from HotBunn going down stairs and putting on his jacket was so we could see his nice shoulder holster. It was on display, so to speak, and that shows that he doesn't just shove in his belt to hold the family jewels hostage, but rather, is a much more refined criminal (IS He ?)

I was under the impression we were the first ones to ever see it, as he always wears a jacket, and has his henchbitches to do the shooting, with their aforementioned stored weapons.


Who speculated earlier that maybe HotBunns might be undercover may be onto something. I am suspicious too. He sure is disciplined and together for a dirtbag.

Where IS Lila?

"hats on when they are indoors?" because if it fits right so it won't fly off doing cowboy things, you have hat hair.

Thanks, Adriana. Terrific job. My faves:

the Threesome that nobody asked for, formed by LetMe, Eraser and Brujita

It's not like she wants to commit the same offense that she has been accusing him of - nosing into his personal affairs and not trusting him.

Talísman, in apron and his usual sour expression, serving the table was a hoot. Couldn't laugh though cause poor Ryan's got one foot in quicksand. Too bad El Dorado was persuasive holding Talísman up as one of the immigrants he's helping. Danilo had nerve telling Talísman to make the service rapid. Hope Talísman smacks Danilo up side the head for that crack.

The last time I saw the actor playing El Dorado, he was a good guy military officer in Lo que la vida me robó.

I think ya'll are onto something about Assdrubal walking down the stairs to a grander restaurant. Undercover - I like that. Kirby, I liked that holster too much. Started thinking of reasons to buy one myself, like to carry my cellphone or something.

Could Mercy who doesn't like butterflies and Mr. Blake who loves them have some connection? So many mysteries. I hope they throw us some crumbs and unravel a few soon.

Susanlynn - Yes, our dear Madelaine had been in the Navy.

Happy Memorial Day, everybody! Thanks to all who've put their lives on the line and their own families on hold to keep us safe. Special salute to Madelaine. The cheer she shared on Caray resonates deeply.

I do not know why I thought Honeybun might be an undercover something. I guess I just wanted to like him, and I can never like the villain.

Niecue..great idea a bout the holster. Hub a keeps his on his belt,but I am going to suggest a holster.

"he doesn't just shove in his belt to hold the family jewels hostage, but rather, is a much more refined criminal (IS He ?)". That hadn't occurred to me Kirby. Perhaps you are right. I still think though that he was looking furtively around. But I suppose being cautious and careful is an occupational hazard.

Niecie, I forgot that Danilo did order Talisman around! Danilo just doesn't get it. And I would never have recognized him from robo, which I watched faithfully.

I miss Lila, Fatima and many others.

I am still hoping that Judy, NovelaMaven, Carlos and others will resurface to recap or comment soon.

Everyone here has their unique and special voice and when all come together, they blend splendidly. I so enjoy when others point out so much that I miss or make a wry observation or speculate brilliantly. Here, that is an everyday occurrence.


Susanlynn, I am still liking your theory and think that still waters are running deep in honeybun.

It's fun to consider the possibilities!


Yes shoulder holsters are cool. And very discreet, but I somehow feel that they already have a lot of workable ways to carry your cell phone. It is my understanding that they work better for MEN. If you need to get to it quickly ....anyway, forget it .

If anybody would know it is Tasmania, the cornrow chick.

Diana you are right, this group on the patio seems to mesh better than any time I have ever been here on Caray.
In years past there have been spoilsports, people who seemed to have a grudge, or waaaay overly sensitive people, and especially the ones who don't seem to understand that this is not real people. Like if I say "I will kill him with my bare hands." you don't need to call the police, it is all make believe.

Diana, you're too kind. I have good short term memory, I think, because ig I start yo write a recap as soon as I finish watching I actually have better flow then if I take notes.
My bebe is a full flesged toddler now - I find a recent picture to change my avatar.

I love the Assdrubal has a secret mission theory. I'm not sure he'll end up being one of the good guys, but he could have his own agenda.

Susanlynn, you're so right about tns always having a clingy fool who loves someone who doesn't give them the time of day. Also a precocious and precious child, a villana who no man loves, a protagonista who has ar least three guys fantasising about her... and so on.

No robot question for me. Where are those yoga skirts? :)

My friend was married to a cop. He used to put his revolver in the back of his belt.

P.s. Attention shoppers. Sale on Doritos this week at Target..2\$4.00. So now is the time to stock up because you know that we are going to need them as this story unfolds and we go off topic and the hall monitors start rounding people up.

Adriana...that is "men in kilts doing yoga.".Google it. It is a thing. Scotland is on my bucket list.

On shoulder holsters...being that I have had to carry a pistol (since I live in an area where coyotes attack my chickens and goats), I have found that I do prefer a side holster. The shoulder holster tends to rub my (eh-hem) top torso just a bit too much.

RC/Rgv Chick

RC..hey, maybe we should be calling you Annie Oakley!!

As to coyotes, I never remember them being around our farm when I was a kid,but they are around here now. Scary.

If you raise goats, have you noticed Kirby likes to use the term "goat rodeo?"

Thank you Adriana, your snarky sense of humor in recaping makes this all so
Bearable. I think that these people are
Sharing the same half brain cell.I told yall this chick and her bearded
Almost seemingly smart future hubby is
Gonna bearly make it to the alter. And
Because of his nutbut 1/2 bro who is so really good at shoveling it out so well it sounds authentic.Mercy said it right "whatever trouble there is I Can be
sure you're in the Middle of it". Now those weren't her exact words but thats what she meant,and she's kind of right. She's just as big of a Secret Keeper as Ryan is.Oh yeah they deserve each other poor little sweet Paloma, she's gonna have Dumb and Mrs. Dumber for parents.
Someone tell me why does leticia/brain
Freezaletme want a man who does not want her anymore? To quote tyler perry
"She can do bad all by herself".I don't
Get some women, and I'm a woman. Why go
Down like that? She's not a bad looking woman she can easily find another man but I guess she's trying to hold on him because of the children. I mean it's bad enough her heart is broken.that man left their mother to go and try and make a better life for them and instead of making a better life for them he finds one for himself with another woman, in a marriage thats not even legal, bringing another child into the mess. I feel sorry for her she deserves better and so do the kids and so does that baby that"pretty"person ispreggers with.Who the hell named her pretty?Not!

Thank Adriana. Yall have a safe holiday
Weekend patio people. Don't burn the ribbs or the brisket :)

SusanLynn, believe it or not, when I took the concealed handgun license course, they did call me Annie Oakley, but it was just beginner's luck...I was too scared not to follow the instructor's instructions. LOL

And, yes, I did notice Kirby's use of the term "goat rodeo" :-D I'd rather see my goats at a rodeo than on a grill or oven :-/


Rio:. I had not noticed that goat rodeo had caught on but I just now saw that it is in the 'Urban Dictionary'. friend used to raise sheep, and she once was temporarily excused from jury duty because she had to help deliver the lambs.
I had another friend who had a congenital hip abnormality,so she bought purses with a special concealed pocket to carry her gun which she wanted for protection since she could not run. A beau taught me to shoot a rifle when I was 16, but I have never held a handgun. Guns scare me even though I grew up with a lot of guys who hunted.

And the UD daffynition is pretty accurate. The first one anyway.

LetMeExplainHowNutty she is. Given her children's ages they will,in reality, be gone before she notices and she will still be making a blubbering crying fool of herself over a man who wishes he had never plowed that field.

Maybe Letmecookyousomething will Letthatlosergo and end up with Chav, who seems like a good guy.

RC, I always get the feeling goats are very sweet - are they?

I'm impressed! That sounds like a grand life. I can't think of one animal I don't like.

"why does leticia/brain Freezaletme want a man who does not want her anymore? To quote tyler perry "She can do bad all by herself". - great line Nina!

Kirby, I think Let's ex is so dour, I am having a hard time believing they were as happy as she thinks they were. Could he have changed all that much? Not swallowing that. She is a nice woman who could do much, much better. It's sad that good people with low egos don't realize how wonderful they really are.

Adriana, looking forward to seeing an updated avatar soon. But she is so beautiful, I'm happy to see it until the newer one comes along.


That makes a lot of sense Diana. I mean really,he probably hasn't changed that much, he probably left to come to America to get away from her. you see how touchy feely she was when she first got to him. He came to the land and Good and Plenty and got plenty, with pretty. but it was kind of dirty I mean the kids didn't do anything to him and neither did his wife for that matter, maybe he's just a cold-blooded jerk, and it was dirty. Gettin with pertty.I had to do that it rhymed,Lol.

Chava actually appears to own that little bakery and does some helpful hacking for friends on the side.

LetMeSwitchHorses should keep cooking and getting to know Chava and concentrate on what is the brightest thing in her life NOW. You can't undo the past hon.

Adriana I just saw your avatar she is such a beautiful little girl with little teddy bear ears and then I pushed it again and then I saw you she looks just like you and then I pushed it again and I saw Cristian De la Fuente, and I'm thinking of that's not Daddy. Is it? Lol!

Diana, each of my (18) goats has their own character, but generally they are very sweet and playful...and smart!! They know their feeding schedule and exactly how to get me to give them more food.

SusanLynn , as for guns/rifles, never in my life would I have thought I would get close to, much less own, a firearm. I now (in the past year) own a pistol, a shotgun and a rifle..all because of the coyotes and other predators.

Kirby, "Given her children's ages they will,in reality, be gone before she notices and she will still be making a blubbering crying fool of herself over a man who wishes he had never plowed that field." Great point! I would really like to know Ocampo's reasoning for this storyline. Is she trying to make a point...that male immigrants who leave a family behind will most likely find "a better life" in the US sans their faaaamily. And that the wives should prepare themselves for it and accept it?? For the most part, this TN seems to be depicting the negative aspects/consequences of immigration...IMO...



Kirby, LOL, I just read the UD definition for goat rodeo...boy, was I off...I was taking it literally!! LOL


Yes, it does look like Chava owns that bakery..but I've never seen him baking or in the kitchen...and in addition to hacking, he also sells fake IDs. But he's still a nice, sweet guy.


RC..yes, I agree, this tn does seem like a PSA about the pitfalls of coming here., I think 18 goats qualifies as a herd ! Around here farmers have mostly steer , cows, sheep, and pigs.

It will be interesting to see why Letme and her bad hubby were brought into this tale. Will they figure into the main story in some way ?

I am still trying to figure out that scene of HonBun going up the spiral staircase, putting on a sportcoat , and then going down another staircase into the restaurant. Why was that scene shown?

I am also enjoying all the rooms, furniture, and different locations after Vino .

RC..Besides coyotes, people have seen bobcats in our area recently and an occasional black bear.

"taking it literally" now that WOULD be a goat rodeo.

SusanLynn, that scene is puzzling, but they did quickly end it when he open the door into the restaurant...that was why I figured it was just to show that the "offices" were in the same building. Kirby's theory makes sense (about the shoulder holster) although I was too busy trying to get a look at his other buns and didn't really notice the holster LOL


PS Neighbors have cows and sheep. No bobcats or bears here...just coyotes, stray dogs, possums and skunks..that I have seen.

Adriana, that was a wonderful recap--succinct yet filled with great details. Also thanks to Alfredo for keeping us up to date earlier in the week.

RC, 18 goats is a lot of entertainment. We had a few goats for about six years. Our doe goat was homely, but the best mama. Three years in row she produced three kids and kept them all fed and healthy. Nothing cuter than frolicking goat kids. I would have to say that my husband chasing a goat who needed hooves trimmed was a type of goat rodeo.

So much duplicity and scheming in this TN. I despise Erasmo and his desperate "Pretty" woman.

Seems to depict the negative.....well is the glass half full or half empty. If these liars and misfits are the best Mexico can send us, just keep them. :-)

RC, yes, 18 goats does qualify as a significant number! Nice that they have others to keep them company.

Susanlynn, yes, it is nice to see a variety of scenery including the beautiful pool enclosed by beautiful windows as well as some decent furniture isn't it? That dirty, grungy brown couch was as depressing as the Vino storyline. I'm going to be watching honeybun closely for any seemingly covert movements. What is his personal life like? Does he have one? Any family? Friends??

Sleep well all...


Hey, all! I was bored so I came up with a list. I've been thinking about comments by Kirby and some others regarding these characters who we have difficulty deciding whether they are good..or not...and likeable...or not... Someone also mentioned that Ocampo usually tries to give a message with her TNs. Check this out and feel free to correct or add anything.

1. Laura/Estela: illegal immigrant (forced into) prostitution, kidnapping, stabbed
someone’s hand, assumed a false identity, perjury
2. Ryan: Owner of Furia Productions, murder suspect, (former) drug addict
3. Morgana: Singer, baby killer, conniving witch, reported illegals to ICE
4. Danilo: Singer, Low IQ, callously got his “buddy” shot, money launderer
5. Mercy: adultress, murder suspect, mean to Palomita
6. Rosario (Chayo): illegal immigrant, nice, kind, but her history is yet to be revealed
7. Paloma: sweet little girl
8. Leticia: illegal immigrant, clingy, possibly delusional
9. Asdrubal: money laundering, El D's right-hand man. Pleese let him be an undercover cop
10. Chavalin: baker, hacker, forges fake IDs, but sweet and kind-hearted
11. Fausto: pimp, low-life
12. Joe: Lawyer, adulterer
13. El Calao: murderer, henchman
14. El Talisman: henchman
15. Mr. Blake: evil, torturer, wants to kill Laura
16. Luisa: Henchwoman, torturer
17. Genesis: receptionist, nice girl so far
18. Steve: Ryan’s friend/sponsor? (if they met at the rehab center maybe former drug
19. Erasmo: illegal immigrant, bigamist, leaving his 1st family
30. El Dorado: money launderer, a Mexican "Godfather"

SO, Ms. Ocampo, exactly what are your trying to say?

Good night to All...Tomorrow is another day...



I'm back...I was a little harsh on Laustela. I should have included that she has been caring for and protecting Paloma (although we don't know why or from whom). She is also strong and courageous for all that she has been through and done. And she is now trying to protect Ryan.

Ahora si...g-night!


OK Rio Chik I'll bite. I have been spending most of my time since reading about La Paloma's goats wondering if I could qualify as a Doe Goat Beauty Contest Judge. After reading that her Doe Goat was/is Homely, but a good Mama.

I think Ms Ocampo is telling me to marry Genesis, adopt Paloma and move away, far, far away.

Pretty accurate list I must say, Oh, Wait ! What? Pretty (Hu Hu I reminded myself) needs to go on it. What is a female bigamist? No wait she isn't exactly a bigamist. She is shanking one, and ostensibly carrying his child.

Your numbering scheme threw me off too until I noticed it was just a typo. You know, how like the 3 is usually right next to the 2.?

21. Pretty: Given name, rather than an adjective. Married to another woman's husband, mean. This naming convention would name Danilo Einstein instead.

Nina, Cris de la Fuente can't possibly be my baby daddy because around the time she was conceived he was filming that dreadful Sueno de Horror. Were it not for that he would have definitely be on my "who's the daddy" list (LOL - don't tell my husband).

RC, great list of character traits and history, I wonder if any of these will truly change by the end. We know that Susanlynn is begging (SusanBeg LOL)for Assbun to be good, everyone was disappointed that Danilo turned into DaniLOW and so on. I'm mostly curious about Mercy and Paloma and how their relationship will develop.

All this talk about goats an sheep and animals in general reminds me of my childhood. I'm a city girl but I used to spend all my summer holidays at my grandma's country side house. There she had (still has) pigs, chicks, ducks sometimes, a dog and at different times rabbits and even a goat, if I remember correctly. Some neighbors had horses and cows, too. I'm always amazed when I see kids nowadays have to go to agriculture fairs to actually see an animal. My godmother's son hadn't seen a cow until he was 5, while my husband napped next to one as a baby (MIL says).

PS: new avatar picture - Clara at 19 months old, during her first train ride (city girl, too, scared even of kitties)

Adriana - Thanks for sharing a new photo of your Clara. Absolutely adorable!

RC - Whoa! Thanks for the list -- it's sobering. Have we confirmed that Ryan was a drug addict and Estela was successfully forced into prostitution? In the flashback, she was fighting back. One thing's for sure -- they're both resilient coming out on the other side basically good [aside from Ryan having her car taken].

WOW Adriana what a cutie Pie. Thanks Does she have her own Facebook page by now, it looks like she could be another Paloma.?

Animals 101: I was partially raised as a very young child by my Grandparents on a full blown working farm with every animal normally domesticated. The wonder of hatching chicks and a playful newborn calf is with me to this day.
Granny and Paw Paw you are gone but not forgotten.

Good Morning!

Adrianna, Clara is just precious!! Thanks for sharing.

Kirby, I completely forgot about "Pretty"..can you blame me? I'll add her to the list. And, yes, hatching chicks is truly a wonder. I luuurve my chickens and goats...and dogs...

Niecie, Laura being a prostitute and Ryan being a drug addict hasn't been confirmed 100% but it's very close based on all the "evidence."

I need your brains...I remember a scene where Blake and Tasmania are in a car (I'm almost sure it wasn't in the avances). They are commenting that Fauxpas needs to confirm Laura's identity quickly because if "La Tona" finds Laura, she will kill her first. That sure is ALOT of people after one person!


Niecie, I completely forgot about Ryan having the car more possible strike against him.

I'm revising the list as I get input...


RC, excellent list. "Joe: Lawyer, adulterer" made me smile. What IS the backstory on his marriage?

You are adding so much here!

After reading Adriana and Kirby's comments (what a majestic eagle), I'm feeling a bit deprived in living a farm free life. "The wonder of hatching chicks and a playful newborn calf is with me to this day" - how wonderful Kirby...

Adriana, Clara is simply beautiful! Wow!

Niecie, yes, Estela was fighting back. I'm anxious to see her full story and what exactly did or didn't happen. I have a feeling she escaped rather early on, but she might have gone through hell and back. I don't think we have seen her having any nightmares about Blake have we? Seems odd as he is hell bent on destroying her. A lot to be revealed.


RC, Blake did tell Luisa in the car that if Fausto doesn't find Laura asap he will have to call La Tonia but that is his last resort -if that woman finds her first, she will kill Laura before he gets the chance to.

Kirby, no FB page for Clara yet, just plenty of photos on mine. She does have a boy crush, though - our 7yo neighbor, Noah - she runs to his arms and demands a kiss every time they meet.

Not sure if Ryan is a drug addict. I got the impression that his depression came because Realstela left him. Maybe he turned to drugs, too...
One thing is for sure, our two protas are no innocent lambs (talking about farms), they've led full, complicated lives before meeting. I appreciate this in a couple in borh real and reel life - I think it's easier to appreciate what you have if you've left the worst of your life behind.

Good morning , all. As I read the latest comments, I am sitting on my patio. (A bit breezy for shorts and a tee, but...I want to be outside after our long winter.) While reading all the comments about animals, I am listening to a donkey braying on the farm on the ridge behind us. I also occasionally hear some animal kind of screaming. I think that it is a baby goat. Are they loud and sound like a child yelling? My dad raised cows for a while..then steer..then pigs and chickens. He also raised pheasants . We had geese roaming at one time (they chase and nip at you) and a band of Guinea hens that roamed in a close pack looking ridiculous with their teeny heads and big bodies.. . Hubba has seen coyotes at the family farm , and he saw one at someone's house at night going after a cat. (The cat actually stood its ground and the coyote ran off.) Just this morning, my friend sent a photo of a black bear in her yard.

Anyhoo, Rio your list was fantastic. I did not known that Ry was a drug addict. I am still trying to figure out who Mr.Flaky Blake is , and why he wants to find Lestela. I thought that he might be Fausto's father and that F. Was Paloma's daddy. However, after that beat down Blake had Luisa give F., in guess F. Is not Blake's son. Perhaps Blake was the brothel owner. I hope that Blake is not Paloma's dad.

Adriana, jeune fille est belle.


R-Chik: I didn't get her name, but your memory is pretty much what I saw, that "If Bitch X finds her first she will kill her.' As though Ms x is actively looking for DeadStelaWalking. I don't remember the name, was it La Tona?

Allow me to think out loud for a moment: You know for LauStela to be sooo suspiciously nice, and sooo suspiciously sweet and have sooo many secrets, and to be soo suspiciously SUSPICIOUS, I am suspicious.

It looks like life has dealt her some pretty sorry cards, but.... Just How Much Bad Luck ....does one person have? How much did she contribute to it?

And speaking of animals again, old two dollar farm mutts were infinitely more intelligent and intuitive than these newfangled million dollar designer dogs we have today. A farm dog will protect a newborn/baby anything, chick, calf, dog, cat, human, they just had what we always called horse sense, common sense and instincts which served their human and other animal counterparts well. My friend's LabraDoodle has to take Zanex of something like that to not shit all over himself when the doorbell rings. Anyway, onward.

LauStela needs to jettison her real identity, her fake identity, and redo her hair and makeup and Moooove. there are two people who want to kill Letela. Blake and LA Tonia. Have we seen LA tonia or know why she wants to kill Lestela?

#WaitWhat? Where are the hall monitors? All this talk about animals normally would have gotten a few of us in detention or worse, and today,nothing. ! And we are not even flying under the radar and useing codespeak.

:-) :-) :-)

Kirby, I am smiling over your comments about mutts. My sweet dad was like a magnet for dogs and kids. Dogs were often tossed off at our farm by owners who no longer wanted them. My dad called them all" Puppy" and gave them a Happy place to live. He also raised Springer Spaniel a for a while, and some of them were a bit crazy and high strung. I cried every time he sold a puppy. We owned three springers Buddy, Princess , Binky, Butch, and Trouble. Buddy, a stray my dad brought home from work, used to take daily walks with one of my farm cats Judy. Springer Spaniels are often used for hunting around here.

Kirby...#webad. Where's Julie ?

Susanlynn, I don't remember seeing La Tonia yet, maybe we'll see her soon. Estela having 2 mortal enemies for now is not too bad, let's see hiw manu more she gains with her silly actions. Let's not forget that she was also almost raped a few episodes ago.
I'm still waiting for someone who jnew Pedro Carillo and Realstela to put her on their hir list, too. Hehe

SusanLynn, we had't even heard of La Toña before this episode much less seen her. And, yes, now there are 2 people that seem to want LaustillAlive dead. I'm still wondering why ED is so interested in he after her because he thinks she is Realstela?

Kirby, "#WaitWhat? Where are the hall monitors? All this talk about animals normally would have gotten a few of us in detention or worse, and today,nothing. ! And we are not even flying under the radar and useing codespeak." I'm pretty new here..Have I done something wrong in getting you all of topic? Are there rules/unwritten rules I should know about"



of should be "off"

RgvChick is a looong story , and Kirby and I are at the center with Lila slightly to one side. It involves hall monitors, a show that I try not to talk about anymore (grin) , and going off topic (OT). I have been here since 2007 since before Caraycaray came into existence . A bunch congregated here , and we talked about all kinds of subjects, but then some people did not like anyone discussing anything but the telenovela being recapped. Anyway, nobody has been scolded by anyone lately for going off far as i am concerned ...go for it. #relaxandhavefun

Whew!! Thanks, SusanLynn :-)


Could this tonia possibly be paloma's
Bio mom? That is the only reason I can
Think of why she wants to kill laura.I
Know If some one took my baby I'd want to End them.But there is probably some
Other stuff going on too. Mr blake and
Tonia Want her dead.Maybe hes the baby
Daddy. Poor little girl, with them as
Parents,that's just wrong on all kinds
Of levels.

Adriana your daughter is beautiful. She could be in baby commercial.

I don't think Ryan was ever a dopehead
Maybe walter planted another seed and
They didn't grow up well because of dad's roaming, and he or she couldn't
Take it and turned to drugs. And Ryan found out about it and want to help the umwanted sibbling. Just a guess. But this story is full of secrets, it
Could be anything. I wonder what chav found out.

BTW, Kirby, Madam X's name/nickname is "La Toña"..and I'm pretty sure that is the correct spelling...with the "ñ"


I'll correct the list to show Ryan as "possible (former) emotional breakdown or drug addict." I've also added: HOT in a hat, had Laustela’s car stolen, sensitive and romantic; luuurves Laustela, is so sweet with Paloma and wants to protect them both.



" hot in a hat" ...teehee. Thanks for that giggle.

RGV this place is far from what it used to be. Years ago there were a lot of unwritten rules and a few little Napoleans who ruled with an iron hand. I was banned for a while. It is far more friendly now. Lately when one of us was called out for getting Waaay off topic we called them hall monitors like in grammar school. So one time, when we had all been 'in trouble' I assumed we had been sent to the Principal's office and were all waiting outside in the hall for our turn with fate. So like any good kid I offered to share my Doritos I had sneaked in with them to ease the pain of what we were facing.

Now you know the sort of reprobates you are hanging with.


Kirby, I'm liking the reprobates here. If not, I wouldn't keep coming back. I find you all witty, wise, entertaining and most importantly, really good people. It's nice to discuss the TNs and know that there are others who have the same opinions/feelings about the characters and events--as well as those who have differing opinions and give a new light to what is happening.

Sharing your Doritos...yummm...what a generous guy!

BTW, hall monitors, if we are talking about animals, it's because we were expanding discussion about Erasmutt... :-D


:-) :-) :-) :-)

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Not only am I experiencing "being out in left field" regarding all the happy farm memories, but I completely missed "La Tona". Ack.

Now that I know she exists, I'm liking Nina's "Could this tonia possibly be paloma's
Bio mom?" theory!

Susanlynn, my eyes misted up a bit when reading how kind your father was. He obviously lived any and all living creatures and it all makes perfect sense knowing what a kind hearted gentle soul you are.

I didn't grow up in a home with pets - I did bring a kitten home before I left for college, Curry, that grew to a ripe old age. Hub and I took in a long haired guinea pig, Gizmo and she lived her life happily munching on lettuce and carrots. We brought home my first dog in 1993, Romeo, a Shetland Sheepdog whom we adored. Right after he passed (at almost 15), we brought home Juliet, another Sheltie. She is almost 9 and the love of my life. I think how we feel about and treat animals is very indicative of who we are as people.

Adriana, I'm mulling over your comment that Ryan might have indulged in drugs to numb his pain over the real Estrela! I'm not clear. Do we know for certain she is dead?

RG, I am with Susanlynn and Kirby in enjoying and indulging in some personal information and fun here. We seek solace and comfort from each other and share what makes us sad and happy. We never lose sight of the story, but the support and camaraderie just makes this a happier place to be. And, no one has to worry about sharing their Doritos with me. I am a potato chip girl, so :)


loved (not lived) any and all living creatures...Sigh


Diana, as far as I remember Ryan said at the beginning that Estela was dead but this is obviously not common knowledge since nobody else is aware of it. Or maybe he's sure that she's dead because he hasn't heard a word from her in a long time.
Anyone remember the firsymt few episodes better?

Thanks Adriana!

I don't believe we've seen anything that corroborates that definitively. I'm not aware of Ryan having any flashbacks (?) that might shed some light on things. Right now they seem to be focusing on Laura's past.

We really know little of what's gone on with Ryan in terms of any alcohol or drug dependencies or past romantic life.

Seems strange that we know more about Let's life than we do our two main characters! :)


Anonymous 4:58,

I found this site a few months ago and was lurking until I drummed up the courage to participate as a commenter. I had looked at the site for any guidelines for comments but only found “Care and Feeding of Recappers.” My apologies for asking a question that solicited responses that were regarded as unfavorable or insulting by you or anyone else. I have not been here long, but I can say that in that short time, I have only seen comments that praise the recappers for volunteering their time, their style of writing, and their dedication to providing such informative and entertaining recaps.



Diana, "I don't believe we've seen anything that corroborates that definitively. I'm not aware of Ryan having any flashbacks (?) that might shed some light on things." You are right, in the first episodes, Ryan kept saying that Estela was dead. He never said, "Estela is dead TO ME" so we were justified in thinking she was actually "gone to the great beyond." Lately, however, in his conversations with Mercy, and even with Laustela, he keeps reassuring them that he no longer has any feelings for her, so that has caused me to have some doubt that she is really dead.


RC, thanks for sharing your thought. Sometimes when folks protest too much, I get the feeling they want to believe what they are saying but that doesn't necessarily make it so.

I think that it might be more difficult to move on from someone who is dead rather than living. You can't change the course of what occurred no more than you can remedy it by acceptance or forgiveness. In death, we mourn the best of those who have departed and forget or dismiss their faults.

Speculation only but I'm thinking the "real" Estela is alive and is going to appear at some point. Lies, deceit and love. The gist of TN misery and separation.


Alfredo, I thought LQLVMR was great and am glad you are watching.

Hmmm, he assumed she was dead because she "didn't even show up to help him get out of jail". Did she deliberately leave him to languish there?

I don't know whose child Paloma is but I'm glad she is loved and safe with Estela.

It's amazing how many secrets she and Ryan are keeping from each other. And even more annoyingly, keeping from us! :)


Alfredo, you will enjoy Robo. Angie Boyer and Sebastian Rulli have a lot of chemistry, and Maria is a girl who just will not take NO for an answer when it comes to getting the man of her dreams just like Chantal Andere in the same role in Amor Real.

There are a lot bad people in Doble Vida. Let's see. It seems as though Laura was doing fine with her aunt until Fausto entered the picture, robbed the aunt, and took Laura to the brothel. She must have come into contact with Blake there. Blake evidently knew Fausto and thought that he would know how to find Laura. Then, we have to figure out who the woman is who also has a vendetta against Laura. Why? Are Blake and the woman connected? Are both or either connected to Pedro and\or Estella? Are any of these characters connected to El Dorada? I am getting very confused.

When Laura was in that shack holding the baby, was Blake the guy with the gun? Is he the baby daddy ?

So many ???? No answers. Yet. So we just comtinue this week.


Good Morning to Everyone on this day of remembrance. A salute to all those men and women who courageously gave their lives to serve our country and protect our freedom. God bless them and God bless their families.

Looking forward to some more revelations, clinchers, and hopefully steps forward to getting our protags to trust each other.

Have a safe, wonderful day!


Remembering all who sacrificed, served and are serving now to keep our country safe...Thank you.

It took a few days to catch up, but now you have me back...or Ack, as some may think.

Alfredo, Adriana, thank you so much for your dedication and remarkable recaps given freely to entertain and engender discussion. This is too good a story to have been ignored on Caray.

To all the commenters, who keep this place interesting and lively, thank you, also. A special welcome RGV Chick, you are certainly adding mucho. (P.S. I've had the pleasure of being in your area several times--enjoyed the ambience, food, music...around Edinburg, McAllen and Mission, TX and the Festival--really liked the Veteran's High School Mariachi Band).

Comment for today--about Ryan's supposed drug/alcohol problem. In the episode a few days back when he was a no-show at the restaurant for a date with Laustela, Ryan got a phone call while he was still at the office. It agitated him to the point where he said he'd be right there. There was a problem and I remember he said, "again?" or something like that. I don't think the drug/alcohol problem is his. Laustela is jumping to conclusions again and avoids talking to him directly. OTOH, this may be something Ryan doesn't want anyone to know about, so if she does confront him, he would find a way to deflect it or get angry with her for doubting him. He does have a bit of a mean streak in him--i.e. hiding Estela's car so she would become dependent on him.

I don't like that Calao was hired with no "background" check--only Danilo's word. Well, Laustela was also hired on the spot.

I'm bored by Erasmutt's and LetSee's story, too, although I think there will be a future interaction with Laustela and Chavlin, but I think the actress is very appealing and expressive. Yes, she's over the top in her clinginess, but I'd like to see her again in another role.

Oh, about robots--I think if you sign in as Anonymous or with Name/URL, you will not get published until you prove you are not a robot. If you sign on with a Blogger or Google account it's by-passed. Your choice. In a long ago tn, we reported our robot words (since replaced by pictures?) and they were hilarious when associated with the way we felt about what we were viewing. I wish I had collected them. We had fun with ##s on VEA.

Speaking of VEA, it's interesting how many comments here harken back to it--and #notinagoodway.


Anita, thank you for your kind welcome. I am really enjoying participating with such nice people.

In regards to my assumption about Ryan's supposed drug/alcohol problem, may be I jumped to that conclusion as hastily as Laustela did when she called the center to ask about him and the receptionist did tell her he had checked in. Time will tell, and I hope it is soon. These two star-gazed lovers have the love and the desire, but the trust...NADA!

One good thing I have to say about least most of the characters were "good" people...maybe dumb...but good in regards to not having a violent or criminal past.


Thanks, Adriana. Love your new avatar.

On Leticia and Laustela: "since they are both oblivious to how an actual honest, lasting relationship works." There's another telenovela cliche that I'd love to see disappear. I know relationships can be hard, but some people IRL manage to avoid the typical TN pitfalls!

Like many of the people on this patio, I can't help wondering if AssBun has some secrets of his own. He seems a little too competent for the type of work he's doing. However, none of his colleagues seem to notice. You'd think ED would, at least.

In Laustela's defense, she WANTED to tell Ryan about her past, and he kept putting her off. Now she's balking because she knows he has a secret too... and he investigated her before she investigated him. Which means these two deserve one another. I'd like to knock their heads together. Maybe their lips would get stuck and then they'd stop talking for a while.

I'll also say in Leticia's partial defense that if she told her kids the truth about Eraser (which would be impossible because she's delusional), they'd probably try to cross the border themselves. They are safer where they are. But on the other hand, she's courting disaster herself.

Do we know how ED makes his money? He's got a lot of money to launder, but does he make it selling drugs, women, weapons, what?

As far as Ocampo and the "messages" - in her comedies, there is never any doubt as to what she's trying to say, because sooner or later (or both), there is a speech to spell it out for you. We've been spared that so far.

I'm curious about the butterfly theme. In Mujeres Asesinas, when someone was killed, a butterfly would fly out of the corpse, symbolizing the liberated soul.

Yes, Madelaine was in the Navy. I miss her.

Julie: I was in the USAF Reserves.

Thank you for your service, Steve and all veterans!

Refresh my memory: is this TN a remake or an original?

Everything I've seen from Rosy Ocampo before was a remake, so it's possible that the lectures/sermons I've seen before were taken wholesale from the originals. (Of course, if she didn't like them she could have taken them out or trimmed them down, but they were so long and clumsy that I always assumed that she expanded them.) But if this TN is an original, maybe we won't have our "lesson" spelled out for us so hamfistedly this time.

Hi, all. Overcast , cool, and drizzling here..not a good picnic day here.

It seems that there are two groups of villains... .those who are after Laurla and these who have Danilow in their grasp. Blake is really obsessed with Laura. Have we decided definitely that Paloma is not Laurla's biological daughter? Here's my theory. When Fausto took Laura to the bordella, she was befriended by a pregnant prostitute ...evil Blake's daughter. When she had the baby, she begged Laura to get the baby away from her father. Now, why would that woman LA Ton want to kill Laura? Is she the abuela? Just guess here .

I hope that Hothoneybun is an undercover coo because fully enjoy him, I need him to be a good guy.

Thanks to all who have served to protect us. Hubba was in the Navy. Land of the free...home of the brave.

Coo?????...cop. #carelessandrushing

Hey, SusanLynn...we're on the same wavelength again. I had the same idea about Paloma being the child of one of the prostitutes, but it didn't occur to me that it could be Blake's daughter...making Paloma his granddaughter...good theory!

La Toña is a mystery...she could be the "Madame"; she could be related to Fausto...who knows. But it did occur to me that this TN (having so many different criminal activities) is missing "baby selling" maybe the theorized pro friend had a baby that the higher ups wanted to sell?


...and maybe the pro friend told Laura that if anything happened to her to take care of the baby...and she died???? ...too many brain hurts :-D


Do we know who the girl was that Luisa and Blake were torturing for info on Laura? Was she a pro ?

HoneyBunns texted me and asked if you have a current TelaNovio.


Kiiirby!! No, no, no! SusanLynn doesn't want one(wink)..but I'm available (wink, wink) LOL long as he actually is an undercover cop HAHA!

Forgot to sign...the available one is meeee!

RgvChick can never have enough telenovios , and none of mine have a bun.

I'll pas it on. I think Morgana gave him my number, I knew I couldn't trust that floozie.

"None of mine has a BUN" ? ? ? ?

I wish he would pull his gun on someone and hold it still long enough to see what it is. That might be a clue as to what his true identity is. IE: a chrome, nickel or gold plated Sig is not an Agency issue piece. Let's pay attention. Like in La Pilota, Oscar's gold Colt. (Looks like it)

Happy Memorial Day everyone. You could grill burgers on the hood of the truck out there today.

After seeing Gut wearing the wrong rank uniform in (wait for it) VEA, I'm not sure if we should rely on Bun's Gun to tell us whether he's Cop or Robber.

OH OH how about a talking gun?? (Sorry, been watching psychedelic TV shows from my childhood.)

Yaaa Good Point Julie. We learned a lot (About TNs) in VEA.

I don't really have a dog in this fight, but am sympathy hoping for others here that he is.
That would be a fun twist.

We had talking animals in Amores con Trampa, and that was my favorite part of the show. Remember the clever little burro?

Or maybe an asset tag in his holster.

Julie. ...hmm..."psychedelic TV shows?"

Watching "Patriots' Day"...chilling.

Even though i love Big Ed Yanez, I could not stay with Trampa.

Anita, you are right in that some of us (and myself in particular), keep harkening back to Vino. It is such a contrast - Vino went for weeks without any forward movement and here, it's hard (for me at least) to keep up!

Appreciate your reminding us that Ryan hid the car. It could be he is covering for someone and has no addiction himself.

Kirby, I remember the animals in Trampa with great fondness. Their talking was a great deal of fun. Susanlynn, the animals and Ed were more than enough to keep me watching! :) I hope he returns soon. Miss him and William Levy...I think the poor girl that Blake was torturing knew where Mike Biaggo was (sorry his TN name escapes me at the moment).

Julie, "In Mujeres Asesinas, when someone was killed, a butterfly would fly out of the corpse, symbolizing the liberated soul" - thank you. That was an amazing series and I watched many of them but never realized what that meant. You continually teach me new things.

RG, perhaps someone did give up Paloma for safekeeping. Either that or Laustela spirited her away from danger.

Steve, thanks to you and everyone else who served.


Diana...Is Mike Biaggio the actor playing Fausto? I am confused about the plot , but at least it keeps moving along.

Do we know for sure that Laura is not Paloma's biological mother, or did someone just guess that?


SusanLynn and Diana, we never knew who (or what) the tortured girl was, only that she was being tortured because she was refusing to give up info on Fausto's whereabouts. After Blake cut off her finger and told Luisa that she had as much time to beat her as he had to cut off the other nine fingers, I assume she told them where he was (they never actually showed the girl telling them where he was). The next time we saw Blake and Tasmania was when she used Fausto as a ragdoll.


We are assuming that Laura is not the bio mom because when she was having a flashback (where she was holding the baby in one hand and a gun in the other), she referred to the baby as "la niña" (the child) instead of "mi niña" (my child).


Rgvchick..thank you for clearing things up for me . can't wait to see how the story unfolds. Gotta is here !

OH Shoot ! ! ! Mexico does not celebrate Memorial Day and today is Monday, we have Vino el DoubleDumb in a couple of hours.

Yipeee !

Amores con Trampa... never saw it, and not sure how I feel about talking animals, though apparently I'm comfortable with talking inanimate objects.

The main psychedelic TV show I had in mind today was HR Pufnstuf (with Freddy the Talking Flute). Pufnstuf also had talking trees, which confused me because there were also talking trees in Wizard of Oz. With all those talking trees in my fantasy life, I wasn't completely sure that there weren't talking trees for real somewhere.

Anyway, a talking gun could be a huge time-saver, because if BunMan has a secret, I'm sure we won't learn it any time soon.

Yes Susanlynn, yes, the character Mike is playing is Fausto.

RC, love "Tasmania". And all of her actions appear to confirm she is indeed the devil.

I meant to comment a few days ago on the weird scene where she and Blake had their arms around each other. What on earth is their connection??

Julie, Pufnstuf was after my time but I'm vaguely familisar :) I think Bun Man is a man of few words and will remain a man of mystery for some time. I'm intrigued.

I'm also glad this is on tonight. Makes going back to work after a long weekend a little more bearable.


Julie...there is a kids' show called "Dog with a Blog" with a talking dog. I have seen it a couple times, and it is pretty clever. So..I watched the new adult show "Downward Dog" about another talking dog, but the first episode did not impress me.There was also Mr.Ed. back in the day. In " Knight Rider" , we had a talking car.

Diana, it wouldn't be nice of me to take credit for coining that term (Tasmania). Kirby's brilliant mind came up with that :-)


Diana, tomorrow when I am stumbling out of my nice, cozy bed at 5.45 a.m., I will remember that you will probably already be up and on the road, right? How long is your commute?

I'm wagging my tail RioChik.

#WaitWhat ! ? There is another 5:00 in the morning ?


Actually it is the people who see sunrises who make the world go round.


Your tail, Kirby?? No buns?? LMAO


I did not care for Downward Dog. I think they should have put more thought into it, and picked a different voice for the dog. And then made a totally different show either without a talking dog, or without talking humans.

Julie...I agree. I thought that "Downward Dog" would be clever and funny, but it wasn't. I liked the dog better than the humans, but he looked sad..or embarrassed. The storyline was not very interesting.

Thank you RC- credit to Kirby for the excellent Tasmania.

Susanlynn, I think we are the very early birds here. I am sleeping late these days (until 4:15 or so) with an hour to an hour and a half plus commute...long days for certain...Next week will be a rougher commute as we are working elsewhere for th week. Sigh.

Uh oh it's starting. Dan has his skeleton shirt on, buttons undone to his waist. Maybe if I were younger it would be appealing, but now I'm just smiling.

Steve is admonishing Ryan "come on dude' for something...



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