Friday, May 19, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #9 5.18.17: Two Lawsuits and a Surprise Party Later...

Hey all! Sorry it's only bullet points but here goes:
  • Danilo asks Ruben to think of a way to benefit from his shooting but poor Ruben's still trying to recover.
  • Ryan comes and reveals that he went to Michoacan to find out more information about her past and everyone told him that her and Fausto took Herminia's and left her in the lurch. Laustela explains that Fausto lied and didn't tell her the money was stolen from her aunt; she found out later that it was Herminia's. She laments the fact that her aunt died thinking she was a thief but tells Ryan that she, Paloma and Rosario are gone after they pay her the festival money. Ryan hopes she keeps her word this time. 
  • Mercy then finds Ryan and insists she register Paloma as his daughter, pronto, and he reveals that she is actually not his. Sometime later, she tells Joe the truth about Paloma, worried, as Danilo can now impregnate any old bimbo and win the 20% of them.
  • Later, Laustela finds the box Ryan brought back with her things and cries, remembering her love for aunt. 
  • Mercy and Danilo have another confrontation and Danilo shuts Mercy up by telling her that she is looking mighty good lately, much to her surprise.
  • The next day, Genesis tells Laustela about the latest media scandal: Ruben reported Don Chayo for shooting him because he was jealous that his band was going to perform at the festival. Laustela is shocked as she thought Ruben had cleared up the incident and declared it was an accident.
  • Tato's lawyer visits Laustela and tells her that Tato is demanding her for $100,000 because Don Chayo won't be at his festival after the scandal. Laustela proposes to convince Ruben to drop the demand against Don Chayo and Tato's lawyer tells her that Tato would drop his against her, should she be successful.
  • Laustela goes to talk to Don Chayo, who confesses that someone put a real gun in between the props. Either way, he takes it as a sign that he should retire. Laustela tells him that he still has more to do and proposes a solution. 
  • Mr. Blake tells Luisa that he is going to Mexico to find Fausto as he can identity Laustela. Luisa suggests she take care of it but Mr. Blake reminds her that "all Latinos" are always in a hurry and don't investigate properly. 
  • Laustela and Don Chayo to visit Ruben, who admits he doesn't want any trouble, and explain that Don Chayo wants him to play in his band but he needs to withdraw his demand. Ruben is unsure but ultimately agrees to sign as Danilo walks in and interrupts them. Ruben asks them to leave him and Danilo alone and they oblige. 
  • Moments later, Morgana walks in with a coffee for Danilo and spills the beans that Danilo knew the gun was real because he got it as a gift from El Dorado. Ruben is shocked that Danilo would be so callous with his life and tells them both that he will no longer be in their band. He then kicks them both out of his room. 
  • In the Furia festival meeting, Tato's lawyer explains that all the winnings from the festival will have to stay in house and Furia would have togive up their cut of the deal to get back into Tato's good graces. Moments later, Laustela comes and explains that Tato withdrew his demand against her because Ruben withdraw his demand against Don Chayo, who will be able to sing at the festival. The lawyer and Mercy are happy but Danilo is pissed. Ryan congratulates her for saving them once again. 
  • That night, in the Furia conference room, everyone congratulates Laustela for a job well done and hold a small, surprise party for her. 
That's all folks! See you tomorrow (tonight)!


Thank You Alfredo for a recap of a pretty satisfying episode.

Well, well, it appears one of MOrgasmics assets is NOT cerebral horsepower. She very nicely ratted Dani-Low-EyeCue out to Ruben. But now will Sandwich-named boy rat Dani-LowDown out to anyone else? Hopefully he will not need to, as it appears an anvil with a manbun is already in his airspace overhead with a sputtering engine. I wish they would tell us exactly how Low-EyeCue is supposed to launder all that money. He apparently got that job based on his ethics scores with the intelligence parts weighted much lighter. I initially thought he had to have something on the ball to be macking Morgana. But as it dawned on me that she is just a life support system for some ASSets, that thought evaporated.

Morgana sure is sexy, but I wouldn't let her near my computer, car, boat, you know, anything I can't replace from the Dollar Store. Like the girl at the boat ramp I saw last Summer whose Hubby had just launched the boat and handed her a dock line and told her to tie off the boat. So she tied it to the trailer, as he was climbing into the truck to go park it. Ouch. !

Those seemed to be real (rather than for show) tears Lauestel was crying, as she didn't have an audience. I still have faith that she is a decent gal. Is Ryan's only reason for all these juvenile schemes to keep her around just so he is not back in jail or is he crushing on her or something? Wow !

Genesis and Alejandra Espinoza apparently shop together.

You just had to be laughing when MercyMeMeMe had her Doh ! moment when Ryan told her that little Paloma is actually not his and her Daddy is unknown as of right now.

No Eyes sure seems confident that he will find and kill Laura. Of note, all we have seen him do so far is sit in a chair and go pee. But they didn't show what he looked like after his trip to the can.. I have to wonder how much danger Laustela is really in.

Yeah, Alfredo, Mercy is rotten to the core. I enjoy it when someone sticks it to her entitled acting ass. Now Danilo needs to discover somehow that he is shooting blanks.
And a little flub now and then just helps us know you are an actual human. Because sometimes I wonder how just one human does all you do here on Caray.

Thanks again.

Alfredo, you are so kind to do so many recaps. I understand almost nothing, so I would be lost if not for you recaps. I appreciate all the time you are devoting to do these translations.

Bunny is nice to look at . I am a fan of the actor and of long hair on men...however, I am not as much of a fan of the manbun.

I also appreciated seeing Ruben without his cowboy hat and without his shirt.

Dan and Morgana's singsong way of speaking is getting on my nerves .


Thank you so much, Alfredo. I'm watching #10 now and your bullet points were a big help. I did watch the episode, but I was afraid I'd get whiplash from the way the situation seemed to flip-flop back and forth.

Alfredo, another job superbly done.

I am totally with mi amiga Susanlynn...if it weren't for your careful detailing of this every day, I would have simply given up. I am still having a rough time keeping up, this is fast paced and I end up shaking my head lost most of the time.

The screen lights up when Marcos is on...Hate the man bun but the man is hawt and hair aside, dresses quite nicely.

Glad Ruben figured out what Danilo had done and quit. Kirby, Morgana is not the sharpest tool in the shed is she? But she's street smart and it's obvious she will survive at anyone's expense.

I'm not quite ready to admit Mercy Me is 100% evil. Yet. Will have to see a bit more.

Alfredo, thank you for all of your efforts. Again, so very much appreciated.


Alfredo, you always know how to bring the meat to the surface.Everyone here
Runnin this way and that way tryin to
Outsucker The other. And here comes laustela to the rescue.She pulls their
Bacon out of the fire. Including that
Slimmy slick snake Damnilo. Don't like
That guy. Did I mention he's slimmy?
He should have been mercy's kid.He is
Like her.
Speaking of, mercy is pretty slimmy herself. Mommie dearest from hell.

Poor ryan, a crazy mother and future
Wife that's playin hard to get. And let's not forget his craziass brother
From hell from another mother. Ok this
Was good.

Thank you Alfredo.

Alfredo, you are one awesome person. Thank you so much for the everything you do for this patio and others. It's always nice to read the recaps just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I've just watched #10 so I don't want to comment too much for fear that I might comment on something that did not happen on this episode.

I do want to say that I am SO glad Danilow's plan went to pot and I am even more glad that Ruben was the one that ruined it for him.

I had never seen Marcos before but I do like his eyes; however, the bun thing doesn't do much for me either:-)

I really think Laustela is a decent gal who has had some very bad luck...and made a really bad choice in whom she fell in love with.


Kirby: "Danilo needs to discover somehow that he is shooting blanks." That would be sweet! Even better would be if he had permanent ED...and no amount of viagra (or any other method) would help LOL



- Yeah man-buns are gross, but I don't think they're worse than the mullet. Which is ironic, because I kinda wish that mullets would come back for women... it was a good look for me. But on men? Ponytails, fine. Pigtails, okay. But man-buns and mullets... hellz no.

- It is cracking me up, seeing everyone trying to put someone over on someone else, and someone else trying to put something else over on someone else else, only to have Laustela screw up all their plans out of her sheer earnestness.

- As I watched this episode, I kept thinking "duelling lawsuits." So I had to laugh at the recap title! As for the surprise party, I don't know who was more surprised - Laustela or me.

Thank you again, Alfredo.

woops - I meant "it is cracking me up, seeing everyone trying to put someTHING over on someone else"

It is nice to see Laustela save the day...I really love that the writer's made her out to be so smart, not just in handling the situations but also how she always has a really good comeback to everyone's insults/criticisms.


Julie...I am with you on mullets...I am not sure about pigtails on men. I have already weighed in on the manbun. #nobun Then, while I was pondering my hair issues for men, I started thinking about how much I like long hair on men. ...Byron Sully from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman...Duncan McLeod of Highlander...Kevin Sorbo from Hercules...Don Luis from Alborada. As opposed to my outnumbered shorthaired crushes Dean Cain (Superman) and James Darren(Moondoggie) #hairepiphany #selfawareness

Couldn't make it here Friday but want to thank you for the commitment Alfredo.


Thanks, Alfredo. Always a treat getting your recaps.

The highlight for me was Ruben. Yay, he may not be the brightest bulb but he's no fool.

I have never met a manbun I liked, but Dreamy Eyes is doing a good job bringing the menace with this look. At least it's only a partial bun and the hair in the back is freeflowing.

Susanlynn -- Ay, Duncan McLeod of the Clan McLeod did rock that long hair!

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