Tuesday, May 30, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #16 5.29.17: The Double Life of (Pretty Much Everyone but Paloma)

Memories are in italics.

• At Furia. Danilo warns Calao to be careful as his extracurricular activities almost got them in trouble with Ryan. Calao reiterates that it’s not his fault they sent him for Laustela but Danilo is happy after all because he now knows the real reason Laustela went back with Ryan: Calao’s threats. Calao smiles but shakes his head and denies having threatened Laustela. Danilo does remind him that he is his boss so if he falls, so does Calao.
• Ryan wants to know who hacked his medical file but Steve shakes his head. Ryan has no idea who would be interested, as only Mercy knew, and his lawyers went through great lengths to make sure his stint in the rehabilitation center wasn’t brought up in the trial. Ryan assumes it could be Pedro’s people, investigating his past to see how they can blackmail him, or it could have to do with Laustela’s threats. Steve is confused and frustrated as Ryan just told him he thought the threats were a lie.

• Leticia, all dolled up and in a nice dress, goes to Chavalin and tells him that she’s leaving to see Erasmo. He suggests she leave him because he doesn’t see how beautiful she is but Leticia can think of no one else. Leticia then asks what he’s working on and Chavalin tells her it’s something for Laustela, who seems to esteem her very much. Leticia agrees and reiterates that Laustela was very good to her. She then leaves to meet Erasmo, before it’s any later.
• Rosario serves Paloma her lunch, much to Mercy’s chagrin because the girl could get fat, but Rosario explains that she’s a growing girl and offers Mercy some food as well. Mercy shakes her head and asks Paloma if she likes the food. Paloma nods, she likes it because Rosario made it, but Mercy assumes she’d take poison if Rosario made it. Rosario chides Mercy for talking to Paloma like that but Mercy is shocked that the girl obeys her blindly. She asks if Rosario has any other family and Rosario nods; she prefers the family she chooses, not the family she was born into. Mercy prefers to think of her blood family but Rosario explains that she crossed the border to look for a sister who didn’t want to see her. Rosario then explains that all immigrants become family through their mutual struggle to survive in the US but Mercy can’t empathize and leaves.
• Calao takes Danilo to Chavalin’s bakery but find it closed. Calao suggests they wait but Danilo thinks the bakery was never opened. Either way, he shouldn’t have come personally lest someone tell Laustela that he was there. He chooses to send someone else to stake out the place and see what they can find. Calao shrugs.
• Chavalin goes to see Laustela at Ryan’s house. He tells her that he found out the information she wanted about Ryan and he had to tell her ASAP.
• Ryan tells Steve that it’s stupid for him and Laustela to be apart because they may both be in danger but Steve suggests he check the GPS he put on her phone. He pulls out his phone and sees that she is at his house before telling Steve that he only put the GPS for her own safety. Steve nods and reminds him he also took her car but if she’s at his house then she’s safe. Ryan then looks through the GPS locations and sees that Laustela was in the rehabilitation center yesterday and didn’t tell him.
• Laustela demands to know what he found but Chavalin tells her that he didn’t understand what he found but sent part of the file. She can’t open it so Chavalin offers to and notices that there is a GPS tracker on her phone. He asks her about it but she has no idea, though Ryan gave her the phone. She realizes that the GPS is how he found her so quickly when she escaped his house and kicks herself for trusting him.
• Luisa calls Fausto and chides him for sleeping in when he should be looking for Laustela. He tells her that he will get to it when he can and hangs up. Luisa looks pissed but Fausto looks carefree as he kisses the girl in his bed.
• Leticia meets Erasmo at the park and he thinks she looks great. Leticia thanks him and Erasmo tells her that while it saddens him to say goodbye, he must because they were apart for so long. He suggests they walk around the park so they can talk but Leticia asks for her zipping up her dress. He does and Leticia reminds him that she is wearing his favorite dress. He nods and then she looks at his eyes and tells him to tells her that he doesn’t love her anymore. Erasmo is quiet as he caresses her face.
• Laustela is surprised to know Ryan has been watching her all this time but she knows it was so his alibi could be safe; she doesn’t need to see the file anymore as she has confirmed he’s crazy. She assumes he sent someone to threaten her and asks Chavalin for help to get revenge.
• At the rehabilitation center, Dave wonders why Laustela didn’t ask him about his past but Steve doubts she hacked the system. Ryan reminds Steve that it’s too much coincidence though she must have asked someone to do it instead of doing it personally. Ryan thinks that speaks volumes about the people she surrounds herself with. Steve reminds Ryan that he isn’t the best company either but Ryan checks the GPS to see if she went to the center more than one. He sees that she’s on the expressway to Las Vegas, but has no idea why, though he worries that it may not have been of her own free will. He races off with Steve in tow.
• Erasmo agrees that Leticia was and is still beautiful but he can’t go back with her as Bonita makes him happy like Leticia no longer does. Leticia reminds him that she gave him everything but Erasmo reminds her that they are there to say goodbye and she should find someone else to make her happy. Leticia argues that their children don’t deserve to lose their father but Erasmo wishes things could be some other way before saying goodbye and leaving.
• Laustela is thinking about everything that has happened when Paloma comes and asks if she’s sad. Laustela shakes her head and suggests they watch a movie so they can relax but Paloma wants to play with her teddy bear. Laustela obliges and she goes to get her things when Danilo comes. He picks Paloma up and tells her that he has teddies too she can play with and Paloma smiles. He suggests she go grab them and Paloma runs off. Laustela then tells him that he has a way with kids but Danilo thinks it’s not better than her songwriting skills. He then reminds her about their deal and Danilo suggests she focus on the lyrics while he focuses on the melody. Laustela reminds him that she’s a music teacher and knows about melodies as Danilo suggests they come up with something together.
• Leticia continues to cry on a park bench when a blond man comes and asks if she wants a cigarette, in English. Leticia shakes her and the man realizes she doesn’t speak English and tells her he speaks a little Spanish. Leticia nods.
• Danilo tells Laustela that their song has to be a hit and Laustela thinks their song should be about a double life. Danilo nods and begins to whistle as Laustela begins to sing. Morgana comes and observes the (slightly romantic) scene, pissed.
• The blond asks if she’s Mexican and Leticia nods. The man loves Mexico; he went recently and fell in love. He wonders what she is doing there, and Leticia does too. She gets up to leave and the man offers to take her home. Leticia doesn’t understand his broken Spanish and the man takes out a pen and writes down his number so she can call if she needs something. Leticia takes it and nods as the man tells her she’s too beautiful to be crying. Leticia smiles and leaves as the man looks on.
• Ryan and Steve race through the expressway. Steve thinks they shouldn’t taken the motorcycle, as it would have been faster, but Ryan reminds him that they didn’t have time. Steve asks if Ryan has his gone but he shakes his head and tells him they will improvise. He then sees a taxi upfront, thinks Laustela may be there as the men who took her may be hiding in plain sight, and gets in front of it, forcing the driver to stop. They both get out and look inside the taxi to find Laustela’s cell phone in the backseat. On it, Laustela has written a message: “the taxi is paid for but it would be best for Ryan to give the driver a tip and take the GPS out of the phone. Happy stay in Las Vegas ☺.” He shows Steve, who laughs as Ryan curses his luck, gets back his car and drives away.
• Danilo thinks Laustela’s very talented to have come up with a song so quickly but it sounds likes she’s still mad. Laustela prefers to not talk about it, as she doesn’t know what she will say, but Danilo tells her that he won’t get offended no matter what she says as he knows how Cabrera men are. Laustela frowns and Danilo reveals that he did think she and Ryan were moving too fast but understands they did it so they can register Paloma and claim the inheritance. Laustela is confused and Danilo explains the whole deal. Laustela is quiet as Danilo secretly smiles and tells her that he is happy Ryan can claim it either way, especially since he already has a daughter.
• Mercy looks for her pills, in her room, to no avail. She asks Rita to tell her where she hid them but Rita tells her that she can only give her one, on Ryan’s orders. Mercy threatens to fire her but Rita shakes her head and reminds her that the last time she took the pills, she was sick all day and repeated, over and over, that she had more children. Rita asked Ryan, who asks her to drop the topic, but Mercy tells her that she will talk to Ryan when he comes back and ass her to leave.
• Danilo gets to his room and Morgana chides him for being so indifferent toward her. Danilo tells her that he had some business at Furia and Morgana reveals that she saw him and Laustela flirting. Danilo asks her to help him with her part of the plan but Morgana wonders what she can do. Danilo suggests she help him see if a bakery he knows about is open. Morgana is confused.
• Fausto arrives via taxi at Ryan’s house and takes out his cell phone to call Luisa. He tells her that he found where Laustela may be but he imagined it was a house, not a mansion. He then tells her that he is waiting for someone to open the gate and hangs up.
• Laustela, pissed as all hell, tells Rosario what happened with Ryan and kicks herself for believing his empty promises. Rosario thinks she may be exaggerating but Ryan’s lies and secrets are too much for Laustela. She then asks Rosario if she told anyone that Ryan isn't Paloma's father. Rosario shakes her head, and reminds her that she shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions, but Laustela reminds her that she knew something was off about Ryan. She then wipes her tears and vows that Ryan is going to pay for lying to her face.
• Morgana goes to Chavalin’s bakery, which is now open, but finds no one at the front counter. Leticia is crying in a corner, hears Morgana’s screams for service, and goes to attend her. Morgana asks Leticia if she knows an Estela Carrillo but Leticia tells her she only works there. Morgana asks to speak to the owner, Chavalin, but Leticia tells her that he is out for the day and doesn’t know when he will be back. Morgana nods, mad, and storms out.
• Mercy looks at the medallion she gave Ryan for Laustela and remembers when she gave her newborn baby another one like it. She cries and then leaves her room.
• Morgana tells Danilo that she only found out the bakery owner’s name, Chavalin, and nothing else but Danilo thinks it’s a start and suggests she use her feminine wiles to get information out of him the next time she goes and sees him. Morgana chides him for thinking he can offer her up to anyone for anything but Danilo asks about the other plan. Morgana doesn’t think Laustela will fall for Danilo nor Ryan for her, especially when she’s Danilo’s girlfriend. Danilo suggests she offer herself up to Ryan, if she finds he has a wondering eye, but Morgana thinks his plan is just a way to get into bed with Laustela. Danilo is quiet and Morgana pushes him before leaving.
• Leticia tells Chavalin about Morgana’s visit; Leticia confesses that she didn’t get a good vibe from her but said she would be back to talk to him personally. Chavalin nods and then asks her about Erasmo. Leticia shakes her head and cries; she doesn’t know what Bonita did to him that he said goodbye to his family. Either way, she agrees that her children are her only family though she has no idea how she will tell them about Erasmo. Chavalin is quiet and Leticia wonders how she will tell them, as it can’t be via telephone. Chavalin hugs her as Leticia cries on his shoulder.
• Ryan comes home and goes to his room where he finds Laustela, waiting for him. He knows they have to talk, because there is a lot of things they need to explain, but she reminds him that he has a lot to explain as well, stating with his stint at the rehabilitation center. Ryan reminds her that they just started dating, so he doesn’t have to tell her everything, but Laustela confesses that she thought of telling him everything about her past. Ryan tells her that he didn’t need to know more about her to fall in love but Laustela reminds him that he went to her hometown to find more information. Ryan tells her that it was at the beginning but he doesn’t need to know more now but he expects she doesn’t need to know more about his past either. Laustela but reveals that she knows about the 20% shares at Furia and chides him for using her and Paloma. She now knows that there is nothing sincere in him and goes to leave but Ryan grabs her and asks her to wait.
• Fausto is having some hanky-panky time with his prostitute and decides to show her Laura Oviedo’s passport. He tells the prostitute that the passport is his key to a better life than he could have ever dreamed of.
• Ryan explains that his proposal has nothing to do with the shares and reiterates that he wants to be with her forever. He only put the GPS in her phone to protect her and reveals that he asked her landlord to leave her be and get rid of her car. Laustela is shocked but Ryan explains that he wanted Augustin to be her chauffeur so he could protect her easily. Laustela thinks he’s crazy because all he wants to do is control her life but she tells him that she won’t allow it and demands he accept that they confused their feeling. Ryan is quiet an Laustela explains that there is too much distrust for any real love to grow between them.
• Chavalin tells Leticia that she has a phone call. It’s her son, Tadeo, who tells her that they rejected his entrance to the technical school. Leticia suggests he keep trying but Tadeo prefers to work and play his guitar, see what tips he can get. Leticia shakes her head, because she prefers he study, but Tadeo reminds her that school is just a means to an end. Leticia tells him to keep at it and Tadeo asks if she is coming back or if they are going to LA. Leticia explains that she’s still thinking about it but she should have an answer soon. They say goodbye and Leticia hangs up.
• Ryan has one question: what happened to her in the past that she distrusts him so much. Laustela also has one question: what happened with Estela that he feels the need to control every aspect of her life. She confesses that she wanted to tell him everything but he never arrived at the restaurant; she thinks it’s because he already had the 20% at Furia assured. Ryan explains that Steve called and asked for his help with a suicidal patient; he went immediately because he is a volunteer at the center. Laustela tells him it doesn’t matter but Ryan wants to know if she is leaving again. Laustela thinks it’s all she’s good at but Ryan hopes that whoever ruined her life doesn’t find her again. Laustela chides him for threatening her again but Ryan can’t believe she thinks he would do that. Laustela reminds him that he was at a rehabilitation center and Ryan, exasperated, explains what happened…
When Estela left him, he thought she had played with his feeling, and drowned himself in parties, alcohol and drugs. He didn’t realize how bad it was but he did contemplate suicide. During one of his binges, Steve found him and asked him to think about what he was doing. When Ryan first arrived at the center, he realized that there were people worse off than him and they still moved forward with their lives and prospered. Steve, who was a volunteer at the center, suggested he stay a few days and Ryan obliged.
• Ryan confesses that he didn’t receive treatment for his problems. In fact, all he needed to see what the harsh reality of others to see that his life had not been so bad; he decided that helping others would be his best medicine. Laustela asks if Estela ever went to visit him but Ryan doesn’t think she ever knew. He explains that he came back to his mother’s house because he didn’t want to be alone; either way, his mother was alone with Walter, who was sick at the time, and needed help. After that, Pedro was found dead, he went to jail and then he met Laustela. Ryan admits that their love may be destined for failure but he refuses to accept it’s because she thinks he’s crazy. Laustela nods and realizes why Mercy hates Estela so much, because of her Ryan almost lost his way completely. Laustela also had a difficult life because of love but she never thought of ending her life. Ryan reminds her that she has a daughter to fight for and she must protect her from anyone who may want to do her harm and take away the only thing that gives her strength. Laustela is quiet and Ryan nods before leaving the room.


Good Morning!

Thank you, Alfredo, great recap!

Quick comments before I start my chores...

What a relief! Ryan showed his wings last night...a little rough around the edges in terms of "protecting Laustela" but still a good guy. He fell from grace for awhile but redeemed himself by volunteering at the rehab clinic.

Steve is turning out to be another voice of reason...another good guy...yay!

LetMeSeeLight seems to finally be seeing it. And who is the blonde guy with one pant leg in the boot and one out...is that a new trend? The hug ChavaLeanOnMe gave her was sweet, but I don't know about this blonde guy, he was really taken with her...is he going to try to take her heart?

Bueno, gotta go...laters


Oh, I did mean "Grace"...not "DisGrace"...HAHA!



Thanks Alfredo. Mr. Speedy Gonzales..

Hey real quick, in the credits last night they had La Tona, so now we know who to look for. It said 'Claudia Rios as La Tona' as best as I could see. She played Melibea in Hotel of Secrets or whatever it was called, I did not watch that one, so I looked her up, and she looks to be a generation older than FoolStela, more like MercyMeeeee's age.

for Caray, kirby johnson reporting from FloriDuh, now back to you.

Superb Alfredo. Enjoyed every single word and line.

"Laustela, pissed as all hell, tells Rosario what happened with Ryan and kicks herself for believing his empty promises" and "Leticia shakes her head and cries; she doesn’t know what Bonita did to him that he said goodbye to his family" were just two examples of well constructed and heartfelt lines.

“Ryan confesses that he didn’t receive treatment for his problems. In fact, all he needed to see what the harsh reality of others to see that his life had not been so bad; he decided that helping others would be his best medicine”. I am beyond impressed! Ryan didn’t need treatment, just shock therapy. How utterly realistic. Blech.

While I don’t necessarily agree with the way he has handled things, I agree RgvChick that Ryan does have good intentions.

"He nods and then she looks at his eyes and tells him to tells her that he doesn’t love her anymore. Erasmo is quiet as he caresses her face". My eyes misted up a bit when I read this. Although I can’t identify with Leticia's attraction, I can see she clearly loves him and the rejection is a painful sting.

The blonde guy gave me the creeps. I thought he was preying on Leticia – I could be wrong. I’ve already decided Chavalin is just the medicine Let needs.

"Paloma nods, she likes it because Rosario made it, but Mercy assumes she’d take poison if Rosario made it". Ahh Mercy Me. I read the words that spat from your lips but my mind’s eye keeps recalling your sweet countenance from Amores Verdaderos and I immediately forgive you.

Kirby, I will have to look at the credits more carefully. Thanks for the info on La Tona. I don't think I'm familiar with Claudia Rios.

This was rather a grim episode but you turned the sour into the sweet as you always do Alfredo. Thank you!



US Senator Logan still plotting to have our Protagonista deported ?

Alfredo, she will probably still be in Hotel character when she shows up here then. Great, just what we need, another mean, murderous psychopath. :-)
Did anyone catch the 'word' that MorGreen called LetMeCrawlOnMyHandsandKnees when she reported back to DaniLow? Vile ! Translated to English it starts with C.
I don't think Morgana and I are gonna happen, not unless she is wearing DUCK TAPE!. But then that will....um nevermind...

Is the way to a man's heart really through his stomach? That's what I've heard. We are sure seeing Chava EATING a lot lately, maybe I'm just being silly romantic, but somehow I am hoping for those two, but she has to get over that clingy, clutching, smothering, slobbering, crying shit and realize she is valuable to her kids, herself, and others, with or without an Eraser up her butt.

I don't have a vivid enough imagination to suspect where the EraseMutt DontLetMe story is going, much less how the creepy 'Wanna smoke' guy fits in.
A. It is not a good idea to get gussied up and sit in a public park and bawl a river. It attracts attention you do not want
B. A 'cigarette' or slug from a hip flask from a scruffy stranger is a worse idea. He probably can't write you a prescription on the spot either.

Yeah Rio, Steve is on my 'GOOD' list. I am especially liking his Spanglish. It is actually realistic, in that he speaks Spanish to Ryan, unless it is important, then it is in English.
My Columbian buddy's dog is bilingual. One day the dog was wandering down toward my house and didn't return when told to. My buddy then said 'Ven Aca !' and Pablo turned and came back. He explained that Pablo knows he is in trouble when spoken to in Spanish.

I just had an interesting thought. So Blake, Tasmania, Fauxto, Tonya, et al want to kill DeadStelaWalking.
B U T Honey Bun will not even let her leave the mansion, much less let somebody kill her if he knew about it. This could work in LauStela's favor as these homicidal maniacs zero in on her.

Then we see Fauxto with her passport? To frigging where? Ryan came clean with her flaky ass last night, he even admitted to having her two dollar car recycled. Is it not time for her to tell him, or at least us here on the patio, her friggin secrets? He is farther over in the good side of the Good/Baaaad chart than she is right now.

Kirby, yes, why on earth would "Fauxto" (good one!) have her passport?

Looks like things get really ugly tonight.


Diana you are right about Ryan, Good intentions, abysmal implementation.

Thanks, but I thinkFauxto was either RioChik or Adriana, there are so many clever people here now that I can't keep them all sorted out from memory.

I really enjoy renaming characters their descriptive names. Can you imagine that in college I had a cat named 'Cat'?

Thanks, Alfredo. Fabulous job.

Blondie reminds me of those guys who hang around bus terminals to check out teenage runaways to turn out. I vote he's a hustler and not doing well at it.

Yay, Ryan came clean, even about her car. I actually buy that he was scared straight and didn't do therapy. I've seen it happen, especially when the real problem is depression and the drug and alcohol abuse is a crutch but not an addiction. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Laustela, now it's your turn to come clean. So everybody was right that Paloma is not her birth kid. Ugh, but either Fausto or Mr. Black could be the daddy.

Niecie, thanks for "verbalizing" what I had been thinking. Blondie seemed exactly like a hustler. And I laughed at "not doing well at it" which was perfect.

Thankfully she has a good support system and will need to call him. Never.


Back with a little more time...

I was wondering about the passport thing too. I was under the impression that the brothel was in Mexico but I could be wrong. I was thinking it was something as simple as Fauxpas having so much control over Laustela that he just kept all her important papers.

The scene where Mercyme was having her flashback about the baby was touching...and intriguing. So she had another baby and gave it a medallion on a necklace...now I'm going to be looking at everyone's necks to see if they are wearing it. Maybe she gave it up for adoption? And was it pre- or post Walter?

When they showed LetMeFindAnExcuse was talking to her son, I noticed the guitar and he did say he was more interested in music than attending the technical school. Could that be a tie-in to that storyline? Maybe Tadeo will become a "new talent" that Danilow will target and bring in to his web of deceit?

The directors keep throwing in these scenes that seem to be puzzling...maybe an attempt to keep us on our toes...or just to eat up airtime...Fauxpas' arriving at the mansion, yet nothing came of it; MorgaBitch going to the bakery and not really getting anywhere (Kirby, word she used to describe LetMeLetGo was "gata")...and of course there is still that scene where HotBun was walking downstairs...who knows why.

Kirby, interesting how your friend's dog responds better to commands in Spanish...mine do too! They know I mean business when I resort to Spanish LOL



Forgot to give points to Leticia for playing dumb when Morgana asked about Estela.

Yeah, Niecie, she did get points for that...and the way she described Morgana to Chavalin was funny...and right on target..so points for that too.

Kirby, the other word MorgaBitch used was "changarro" but she was referring to the store, not Leticia.


Ooooh, I stand corrected. It came across in CCs as a bit less loveable than kitty cat. Thanks.

I thought Tadeo's guitar and chat with LetMebeaMomAgain was just too much of a coincidence.

Anybody else catch Steve saying G'dam when he is in Englanish mode?

Did we find out for sure that Paloma is not WalkingBagofSecretsStela's bio daughter? Niecie mentioned something to that effect, and I missed it.

Delurking on a Tuesday
Last week was good even if the romance was rushed, maybe its because the series is shorter. The love scenes were good, Ryan and Paloma scenes were great. I am liking Steve the voice of reason is always fun, plus he is a good guy. Ryan's intentions were good but man was his execution bad. Laura needs to tell someone her secrets so we can find them out. Maybe a kindly priest. Mercy had another child did it die, did she give it up, before her marriage, that could be a good story for her.
Mr. Blake is a scary man, but that is good I like a villain that is menacing.



Yep, she's earned MorgaBitch fair and square. Interesting that DaniLowIQ tells her to her face flat out to pimp herself out to Ryan/Chava/ANYf'ingbody to achieve what HE wants. And she is MorGreen when he is working his Junior High Magic on the female LowIQ. Whistling? What happened to pitch pipes and metronomes?

FauxPas is pretty impressive. Gets paid and spends it on a bottle and hooker. That is on pages 45 and 57 of the Carnegie Success Study Guide, you loser. You'd spend it better on a haircut and some deodorant. Arf.


Thanks so much, Alfredo, for yet another excellent recap. I don't know how you do it day after day. Loved the title.

Stranger danger, Letmehaveasad. Don't take candy..or cigarettes from strangers. That random blonde guy in the Uggs looked a little sketchy to me. I once had a student bring me a cup of soup when I was crying, but I have never been offered a cigarette.

How did Fausto find Estealtha so easily? How did Danny know about the bakery?

So, Ry was taking drugs , but somehow healed himself by helping others. Hmmm that is not how I have seen it work, but....well ...

It looks as though Cav and Letmeserveyou are going to end up together . The Pa. Durch say, "Kising dont last, but cooking do. ". Guitar boy seems destined to end up at Furia as new talent. How about sis? Duets?

Now, we will be on the lookout for Mercyme's baby. Is it a girl? Morgana, perhaps? Who is the daddy? Pedro? What a tangled web !

Kirby, here's from Alfredo's recap:

Rosario thinks she [Laustela] may be exaggerating but Ryan’s lies and secrets are too much for Laustela. Rosario reminds her that Paloma isn’t her daughter but Laustela reminds her that everyone around them thinks she is and it explains so much.

Whoops..."Dutch.".."kissing"//..sorry...careless and hurrying.

SusanLynn, Tasmania gave Fausto the info. It could be one of those off-screen moments...since she knew Laura was going by the Estela name and followed the Ryan murder story, it could be that she had her followed or just assumed she would be living with Ryan...probably one of the unsolved mysteries left up to viewerville to figure out.

Danilow knew about the bakery because Calao told him that was where he went to pick up Laustela.


Niecie thanks. I actually read the recap and missed that. Then before I posted my question I went back and skimmed over it again. Thanks. That is a big reveal.

Thanks again

Yes, one of the most interesting things from last night was Mercy's flashback to the baby, I'm assuming her baby.

Susanlynn, it would suit me just fine if Morgana were Mercy's daughter. Now THAT would be something to see.



Thanks, RC.

Kirby, I read that too but I think Alfredo meant to say "his" instead of her. Laustela was explaining to Rosario why she couldn't trust Ryan. She was telling Rosario that there were too many coincidences and now there was the inheritance. Rosario then told her that Paloma wasn't even HIS daughter, but Laustela responded that everyone thinks she is and that that explains why Mercy is so insistent on having recognize her as such.

So Paloma's parentage is still a mystery (sigh)


Meant to respond to Kirby AND Niecie...


Ughh...Too many mistakes...meant to say ..."insistent on having Ryan recognize her as such"...


RC...wow...the difference between "his" as opposed to "her" would make a big difference here. So, Rosario said that Paloma was not Ry's daughter, so we are still not sure if Paloma is Paloma's mother., right?

That's correct, SusanLynn. I just confirmed it on the transcript Univision has posted.


RgvChick - And here I was happy with the writers for revealing this secret in the same episode that Ryan told all. Oh well, back to square 1 on Paloma's parentage.

Whoops...that was supposed to be "Laura " not Paloma ..because Paloma can absolutely not be her own mother. I think that this gloomy, rainy weather is starting to get to me. Inertia has set in.

Alfredo - I was seeing and hearing what I wanted to see. The confusion is mine.

I'm still convinced Paloma is Laustela's though. You'd think when Rosario and Laustela are alone behind closed doors, they'd talk about how they'll handle it when Paloma wants to know about her daddy and such.

... isn't Laustela's

Alfredo, you are a gem; and no need to apologize. I am amazed with all that you--I even saw that you are now recapping for "La Candidata" too. How you manage to juggle so much is mind-boggling. Thank you so much!!


Ay! ay! ay! typing too fast... "amazed with all that you DO"


WOW! Alfredo, you knocked it out of the park, again. Ryan and Laura have
Trust issues. But laura's are a bit
More condenced than his. Now she knows about his past, she needs to speak up.
But she won't Yet.She got some thinkin
To do. She got a target on her back &
Because of it Palomar is in danger,and
That is her fault. She need to keep her secretkeepin butt there where she can Be halfway safe, atleast.

Well how many more youngins do y'all suppose moma mercy got? And where are
They? She is so obsessed with not having so many people in the house,now suppose all them Youngins of hers come home, then what she gonna do? Ooo the
Mysteries Keep a-comin.

What does danilodown want with the bakery? He seems to have some smarts but he is not allowing them to be free
So the stupid is seen every nite. Wish
He'd smarten up. But he won't. Yall
Know That one piece of brain he and mo
Got between them? Sometimes it hides.
Hell Most of the time it hides.

Letty should bring the kiddos to the US. Give dad a chance to see how they have grown. Baby boy could be famous, cuz He likes music. What does babygirl do?
I hope they're smarter than their mom
And dad. This will probably be a hot disfunctional family mess before it's
Over with. Chav and letty could make a
Nice match. She need to stop begging mush to take her back.she and chav can open up that Bakery and make a good living after they become US citizens. Thats a far off dream I have for them.

OK now we have Palomagate cleared up. She MAY not be LostStel's and who flipping knows is the Daddy.

She is still the cutest sweetest little thing in this show, with the Teddy Bears and butterflies. I am surprised she didn't see through fake-ass lying DaniLowDown.

Now to clear it up with the necklace, there is only one plot necklace, right?

Alfredo, yes,see, they look the same to me. So there are two? I wasn't sure.

I thought they were the same and was trying to sort it all out.

I somehow thought the one last night with the bebe was actually the same one and it had by TN hook and crook resurfaced on Dead Pedro.

Man ! If reliable birth control ever catches on in the Spanish World it will change TNs forever !



Kirby and Alfredo, there are 2 necklaces, but are they exactly the same? I didn't get a good look. I do remember Mercy saying that she had the medallion specially made, so I figured it was one that had been divided into two...like the kind where when you bring them together, they make a whole. I could be wrong...



Thanks for the clarification, Alfredo :-)


Alfredo--Another winner in your column of 100% batting them out of the park. Thank you from the bottom of my heart--so much of what Ryan and Danilo say are incomprehensible to my ears as they strain to hear straightforward dialog without the slang and sing-song intonations.

No more mysteries? Ha! A lot of questions answered, more engendered. Poor Ryan, he can win for losing the "believability" test. If Laustela didn't trust him before, nothing he's done can convince her he did it all out of caring for her. Somehow, I think the two will HAVE to stay together for Paloma's sake--at least for the next two or three episodes.

I, too, thought the medallion MercyMe wanted Ryan to give to Estela and couldn't find because Ryan had it--taken from Pedro's cold dead hand--is identical to the one we saw her putting around the bebe's neck. Still--there COULD be two of them (a la Cuando Me Enamoro). Even if it's only one, where did that bebe end up? If she for a hot minute thought it might have belonged to the RealStela, she'd be totally against FauxStela being with Ryan. Maybe she knows where the real bebe is--and would it be about Ryan's age? Would it be Mexican or American? Either way, she's not really into little kids, is she?

Biggest mystery to me right now is why El Dorado & HoneyBun want Estela to stay with Ryan and have gone to such lengths to make it happen. I don't think either of them (or their criminal organization) know that Estela isn't Pedro's Estela but an imposter. So it must have something to do with Pedro, but what? Oooooouh, I love a good mystery. I just don't like it stretched out till the next to last episode.

I'm 50% sure that the bebe Laustela had was one born in the bordello (hints abound) and I like the theory from yesterday that the dying mother gave it to Laura for protection. LaTona ran the bordello and is related to or knew the mother of the bebe.

Mr. Blake was described in the original character list as very powerful, having connections with all kinds of higher ups in crime and government, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was dealing in black market babies.

I agree that Fauxto or Blake had lifted Laura's passport to keep her in check. Once she was able to get away and was "safely" in the States she was led to Chavalin for new fake IDs.

Ryan's Steve would have made an excellent Gutierrez.....English with an American accent and Spanish with a good Mexican accent. Ya, Kirby I heard the G'damn it. So I was half right--the two of them DID go to the Rehab Center to help out with a patient, but I was wrong that he'd originally gone there to be helped. For the longest time I was confused by Steve, Ryan and El Dorado talking about Primos. Now I see that they were referring to the name of the Center and not cousins.

These people are surrounded by villains, but I wonder if Ry's group of villains have any connection to Notstela's group of villains. At least , Ry and Notsela have loyal friends. Ry has Steve. ( Do telenovela writers name all American friends of the galan Steve? ) And Notstela has Chav and Rosario. ..and probably Letmehelpsomebody.

Anita...I am trying to picture "Steve" in bed with Marta and Lilian...not at the same time though. I cannot imagine it.

I can't even picture Rover.
Anita a couple rod ago when FlakeStela had left and HunBunwas telling LiwIQ he had to get her back to Furia he explained his reasons to LowIQ. But he had to break it down in such simple terms I didn't pay attention. I'm thinking it has to do with Furia staying a believable profitable laundry.

Shoot auto correct turned itself back on and made rod into rod. Bunch of others too.

This comment has been removed by the author.

And scenario #2 has the El Doro we saw meeting Ryan being a stand in?

Alfredo I like the idea of the real Estella being El dorado and wanting falsestela close, but if that's the case I wonder if she may be jealous and she might try to hurt falsestela, and where does that leave little Paloma? You're right the possibilities are Endless. I also like the idea of honmanbun being El dorado or even better and undercover cop because he doesn't seem as ruthless as he's trying to sound. Just sayin.

All these mysteries are intriguing. Now that Laura and Ryan have almost outed on each other(Laura still hasn't come clean yet)to each other, I'm real
Anxious to see what happens now. These
2 people R rumbling bumbling along. It's A wonder they'll even end up together.

Oyeah, that guy that tried to pickup letty,I don't trust him. He seems abit
Slimmy. He could be in the sex trade. you know some guy looking for illegal immigrant women who have no way to turn and turn them into sex slaves. She should really be careful and get her touchy-feely but back to the bakery where shes safe with Chav.

Let's see now, based on "You drive what you can afford." We can assume that RealStela was pretty hot. I don't see Ryan all gaga over a mutt, and even the babes in his awful, terrible drunken 'what are you doing?' stupor were nothing to sneeze at. The gazebo chick was pretty hot too, as evidenced by DaniLow's interest in her with all the bikini babes floating around and MorgaBitch's "I neutered your predecessor for less" look on her face.

As if this show was not on the level of first year Calculus already.

Anonymous, that would be wonderful if Morgana was Mercy's daughter that would teach that heifer. LOl.

"Also, who is the father of said baby???? " Here's a "twisted" theory fyc...

Mercy got prego by Pedro C--it may have been pre-Walter or post-Walter (she may have found some way to hide the pregnancy). She gave the baby up for adoption and Pedro C was not in agreement but she did it anyway. Pedro C had someone adopt the baby for him (under an assumed name)...so-o...Realstela is Mercy's daughter!! OH MY! OH MY!

Yes, I know...twisted...


You can't teach an old Heifer new tricks. :-)

"..so-o...Realstela is Mercy's daughter!! OH MY! OH MY!"

And in case Mom and daughter were spitting images of each other, that fits nicely into them having never met.

BUT...ta ta ta Daaa...if Mercy knew Realstela was her spawn, she would have broken up her relationship with her half brother,(Ryan) . You don't want your son marrying his Sis, right? The babies would have dew claws......

Thanks, Alfredo!

I can't believe Ryan put a gps tracker on Laura's phone. Yes I can. This guy has some serious issues with boundaries. That alone should have been enough to provoke a huge fight with Laura, but she ALSO found out about the stupid "reproduction contest" in Walter's will on the same day. Why isn't she running for the hills!?

And then Ryan sees Laura heading towards Vegas and OF COURSE his first thought is "she's been kidnapped."

"Ryan reminds her that they just started dating, so he doesn’t have to tell her everything" wtf didn't he ask her to marry him? Yes he does. And Laura tried to tell him about her past more than once; he put her off. She was going to tell him at the restaurant, and he blew her off.

So Leticia went to the park with her dress unzipped just so that Erasmo could zip it for her? That's a new trick. I must try it someday. And what was with the dude in the park? I thought he had sort of a homeless look about him (way thin).

I liked Danilo's green sheeny jacket. It made him look like a beetle that will someday get stepped on. I'm not sure why he wore that jacket with that particular shirt, though. Perhaps he was making a statement, such as, "I'm color blind."

Mercy is not a child. She should be given her pills. As many as she wants. And a large bottle of bourbon or tequila to wash them down with.

But in my theory, Mercy didn't know Realstela was her spawn because she never knew that Pedro was the one who adopted her.

And I don't remember if and when Pedro C actually found out that Ryan and Realstela were a couple. AND that might explain why Pedro C had the medallion.


Julie, "I liked Danilo's green sheeny jacket. It made him look like a beetle that will someday get stepped on." now that is FUNNY! and we do know that some day he will be stepped on!


Julie, you "liked Danilo's green sheeny jacket. It made him look like a beetle that will someday get stepped on. I'm not sure why he wore that jacket with that particular shirt, though. Perhaps he was making a statement, such as, "I'm color blind."

Thanks for the laugh. Dan doesn't have the pizzaz to make that red skeleton head shirt work. Your line is the only possible reason he added that green jacket.

You can tell Mercy grieves for her lost child. Wonder why she can't muster up a bit of love for her beautiful Palmoa? #wastedopportunity.


Hi there, Julie. I have been waiting to hear your take on last night's episode.

I thought that Letmeseduceyou asking Eraser to zip her up was a little weird and desperate. Also, it made me Shudder a little..and not in a good way. Blecchhh. It is hard for me to believe that both Let and Blondie want him to touch their zippers. Bleecchh.

Random stranger did indeed look like a guy roaming the park looking for opportunities. Yikes. So many bad dudes in this tn.

Hoping to see Honbun tonight. #holstersareforundercoverguys

Re Dani...at least he is not wearing vests. #amsodonewiththevests

I actually did like the green sheeny jacket. But every time I looked at it, all I could hear was CRUNCH. Yes, I do think he will get crushed under El D's heel, or shot by Shoulder Holster Bun Man, or terminally ass-kicked by Luisa. Maybe Morgana will finish him. Perhaps he'll slip on a banana peel and land under a bus. The possibilities are endless, but Danilo is not.

Disgrace had a green sheeny jacket in VEA, too. It was lighter, but also a buggy kind of color. I wonder if sheeny jackets are becoming a Thing.

Yes, there are so many anvils hanging over Dani. It's that smarta** grin that is perpetually on his face. Juvenile delinquent.

Holy Mackerel. 135 or so yesterday and 70 or 80 comments on a Tuesday. !

We had gazillions on VEA too and this one is a world different. I'm beginning to suspect it is this patio rather than a Good/Baaad TN.

Something I forgot to mention earlier - when Leticia and Eraser were talking in the park, was anyone else majorly distracted by the giant pizza behind them? I could not take my eyes off of that thing.

So. Erika Buenfil (Mercy) was Montserrat, the short-lived mama in MEPS who wasn't really killed by her daughter (who wasn't using cocaine). I think she was blond in that.

Alejandro Tommasi (Mr Blake) was Bruno in Destilando Amor. I don't remember who Bruno was. I think he was an uncle or something. Yeah, he might have been Aaron's father? He was also Felipe in Alborada, but I don't remember who Felipe was.

Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez (Chayo/Rosario) was in Que Pobres Tan Ricos as Carmelita and even though I recapped the hell out of that one, I don't remember who Carmelita was.

Just some more trivia in case these people look familiar.


Realstela is probably not Mercy's daughter by Pedro Carrillo because then she would've committed incest with her brother Ryan (unless Ryan is not Mercy's biological son).

Laura is probably not Mercy's daughter either for the same reasons as above.

Sounds like Mercy's real daughter by Pedro is probably OLDER than Ryan and probably not raised by Pedro either. I think that might negate Morgana since Morgana is probably supposed to be a little younger than Ryan (I think she & Danilo are supposed to be younger than Ryan).


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