Wednesday, May 24, 2017

La Piloto #56 5.23.17: In Which Yolanda Gets Some Very Bad News...

• John calls Dave, Monica and Garrido idiots because he will escape either way. Monica agrees, takes out her gun, and slams John against the wall. She proposes they take care of the problem right then and there and John challenges her to do so.
• Yolanda tells Raul that Monica, Garrido and Dave are guarding John and they will do so until the DEA comes to arrest him. Raul asks how she was able to capture John and Olivia tells him that Yolanda is a fighter and they all laugh. Yolanda tells them that it was either that or the Lucios were going to kill them all. She proposes they talk about it later but Wilmer wants to hear the whole story of John’s capture.
• Garrido and Dave tell Monica to put down the gun and not ruin all they’ve accomplished till now. John reminds Monica that they killed Sofia and she goes in for the kill but Dave manages to wrestle the gun away from her and then punch John in the face. Garrido then receives a call from one of his men, who tells him that the two trucks that were seen in the vicinity, presumably to help John escape, have taken the bait and are following their squad cars. He relays the news to Dave and Monica and John laughs before telling them that Oscar will never give up on him. Dave suggests Garrido order reinforcements and not let Oscar escape. John continues to laugh, hysterically.

• Oscar drives through the streets, gun tucked between his legs, as his eyes dart from corner to corner, looking for any police cars.
• Yolanda tells everyone the story of John’s capture and they all cheer. She calms them down after and asks about Amanda. Olivia tells her that she’s better but they haven’t seen her since they spoke on the phone because the rules at the hospital are strict. Lizbeth suggests they go see the baby and Yolanda agrees. She leaves with Lizbeth and Olivia after giving Wilmer Montgomery’s cell phone on Dave’s orders. Wilmer grabs his laptop and begins to work with Raul close by.
• The girls all visit Amanda’s baby, who is doing better and eating on his own. They ask the nurse if when they can see Amanda but she explains that two of her friends visited her without permission and now the nurse superior is on high alert. Just then, the nurse receives a page and she looks worried; she suggests the girls come with her to see the doctor.
• One of the guards at the hospital finds Zulima’s stolen truck in the parking garage. He radios his superiors and confirms that the tags match the car that ran over the pregnant woman. Zulima walks down the stairs, sees him and darts across the parking garage, and back into the hospital.
• Amanda’s doctor asks the nurse to prepare the paperwork for Amanda so he can sign it. The nurse walks away as the girls come with the other nurse and inquire about Amanda’s health. The doctor confesses that Amanda passed away from respiratory failure. Yolanda refuses to believe it, especially because she spoke to Amanda and she seemed fine, but the doctor explains that sometimes patients look fine on the outside but they are not. They ask to see her one last time and the doctor permits them do while they wait for the morgue to pick up their friend. He leaves them alone and the girls cry for their fallen flight attendant.
• Santamaria asks Rubio what he did with the ambulance and Rubio explains that he parked it out back, out of sight, in case they need it. He then tells Santamaria that he heard about an attack at the Villa Antigua Police Station over the radio. Santamaria asks for more information and Rubio explains that a few masked men infiltrated the police station. Santamaria thinks it’s strange and suggests they go over there and see what happened.
• The girls look at Amanda’s body, shocked that she is gone so soon after talking to them. They lament her passing and the fact that she will never met her baby. Yolanda breaks down and remembers when she first met Amanda in the locker room. She then remembers all the conversations and times she shared with Amanda as her friend and sister. Yolanda blames herself for all that happened and begs Amanda to forgive her. Just then, the nurse comes in and tells them they have to take the body. The girls nod but Olivia is unwilling to let her go. Yolanda tells her it’s time and they continue to cry.
• Wilmer explains to Raul that he will find the pass code for the cell phone by using an algorithm designed to test pass codes commonly used and associated with human memory. Raul (like Viewerville) doesn’t understand too much but asks if he can do it. Wilmer is doubtful, as the cell phone is more encrypted than he thought, but he will sure as hell try. Just then, they see two security guards walk by; another on the radio informs them that the car found in the garage is the same one that ran over Amanda. Raul goes to investigate as Wilmer tries to unlock the cell phone.
• Santamaria parks the ambulance by the police station and instructs Rubio to put on an EMT jacket and find out what happened. Rubio obliges.
• John, no lock in a separate office but in full view of the guards, tells Dave to not waste his time because Oscar will rescue him. Dave reminds him that he never thought he’d be in jail either but here they are. John settles down as Garrido receives a call from his guards, who inform him that the two trucks are still following the squad cars. He thanks them and then Fajardo calls Dave and tells him he just landed in Mexico. Dave confesses that Oscar attacked the Villa Antigua office to rescue John but they were able to stop them. He is now tracking the two trucks involved, one of which may be Oscar’s, and they hope to catch them soon. Fajardo nods and reminds Dave that they can’t proceed until John is officially in DEA custody. Dave nods as John continues to tease him. Dave tells Fajardo that he will take John to Mexico City, personally, and the DEA can officially arrest him there. Fajardo agrees and they hang up.
• Rubio comes back and tells Santamaria that he couldn’t find out much more than they already knew: some masked men used tear gas and firearms to try and rescue someone in the station. Santamaria supposes it’s some important, since it seems like a professional job, but Rubio reminds him that they are still in a stolen ambulance in front of a police station and should leave ASAP. Santamaria agrees and they get in to go talk their theories over elsewhere.
• In the hospital hallway, the girls are still speechless about Amanda’s death. Olivia wonders what will happen with the baby and Lizbeth assumes Arley will gain custody. Olivia reminds her that he’s in jail and Yolanda proposes they take care of him. They all agree but realize it will take a lot of money. Lizbeth then reveals that she knows about a stash of cash at Cielito Lindo that Arley told Amanda about. She then tells them that Amanda had a piece of paper on her person with numbers that she assumes will help them get to the money. Olivia remembers that Olmedo told her narcos always have stash houses and Yolanda wants to know who Olmedo is. Olivia explains that he was her father’s ex-partner, who helped her find Christian, but he died. Yolanda wonders if all of this had to do with Amanda’s death but Lizbeth tells them that Raul’s investigation found that Amanda’s accident was an accident. Olivia thinks they should get the money, so they can take care of Amanda’s kid, but Lizbeth explains that if the money exists, it’s dirty, and they would have to turn it over. Yolanda and Olivia groan but Lizbeth reminds them that Raul is honest and she wouldn’t want to go against him. Yolanda thinks they should think it over later, as they have to get the baby and Amanda’s body out of the hospital first, and they leave. They don’t notice Zulima sitting in the waiting room nearby, hearing everything.
• Dave escorts John to Garrido’s truck, so they can attract less attention, and stuffs him in the back with Garrido. Monica sits in the passenger sit and Dave sits in the driver’s side as they leave.
• The girls go back to Wilmer and Raul and let them know that Amanda has passed away. They are both shocked and give their condolences; Raul is surprised that it was respiratory failure, especially because a policeman just told him that they found the truck that ran Amanda over in the parking garage. Yolanda assumes the person that ran Amanda over is in the hospital and they agree it’s a possibility. Zulima listens from behind a wall and prays they don’t find her.
• Garrido tells Monica and Dave that his men are close to an unpopulated area and will soon stop and capture the two trucks that have been following them. Monica thinks John should be happy as he is going to be reunited with his brother soon and smiles.
• On the road, Oscar tells his men to be on the lookout because the squad cars they have been following should be on the way to Mexico City but that is not the case. He tells his men as that soon as he gives the signal, they should kill everyone.
• Inside the squad car, the policemen radio each other and tell the men to prepare. Just then, the two squad cars stop and surround the two trucks. Both trucks stop and Oscar orders the men to shoot everyone. A shootout starts on both sides and Oscar is able to reverse out of there in his truck.
• Yolanda finds it strange that someone involved in a hit and run would come back to the hospital to see how the victim is doing. Olivia agrees and Yolanda proposes they go down to the garage and see if they can find the owner. Raul tells them they won’t as the truck was stolen that morning from the valet parking. Wilmer assumes the person left as soon as the police found the truck and Lizbeth agrees. From the hallway, Zulima runs off.
• Camiengo goes to see Arley and inquires about Amanda and the baby. Arley tells him they are fine but he needs to call the hospital and see what is up. He goes to the phone and quietly waits in line, per Camiengo’s suggestion, as to not stir the pot even more.
• Dave arrives in Mexico and receives a call from Yolanda, who asks him what happened with John. Dave explains that he is close to turning him over to the DEA and Oscar will be next. Yolanda is happy but Dave asks if she’s okay; Yolanda reveals that Amanda has passed away and Dave relays the info to everyone in the car. He asks about the baby and Yolanda explains that he is fine. Dave is shocked, as he thought she was okay, and Yolanda nods. Just then, the nurse comes and tells them Arley is on the phone, asking about Amanda. Lizbeth takes the call and tells him the news.
• Arley beings to cry, surprised that she passed so suddenly, but Lizbeth explains what happened. He then asks about the baby and continues to cry. Two inmates come and berate him for crying so Arley puts down the phone and attacks them. A fight breaks out between all the inmates in the courtyard.
• Sometime later, Wilmer is able to unblock the phone and Yolanda immediately calls Dave and tells him the good news. Dave relays the news and tells Yolanda to be calm and make sure no one sees her. John screams that she should be careful because he will find her and have his revenge. Dave tells her that John can’t do anything anymore and tells her he will be at the hospital soon to pick up the hone.
• Oscar and his men park the truck in a quiet street and leave on foot. They see that a helicopter is nearby, watching, but continue to walk through the neighborhood.
• Garrido informs Monica and Dave that his men were unsuccessful in capturing Oscar and they lost some men on both sides. His men did find Oscar’s truck and they are pursuing him on foot. John thinks they are dreaming if they think they will capture Oscar but Monica suggests he look at the streets because it will be the last time he will see them. She instructs Dave to take the next exit as they are close to the police station.
• Garrido’s men pursue Oscar on foot as Oscar and his men hide in a nearby building. He asks them to think of a solution immediately.
• At Lucio headquarters, Montgomery thinks they need to find Oscar ASAP but Vergara thinks it would be best if he had died. Montgomery suggests they find out what happened first because, if the Lucios go to jail, they are sure to sell information.
• Dave arrives at the Mexico City police station and Garrido gets off with John, as Dave and Monica shouldn’t be seen there. John tells Monica that he will never forget her smell as Garrido drags him to the station. Dave calls Fajardo and tells him John is at the station and they need him to come ASAP lest Oscar try to help him escape again. Dave also tells him that they managed to unlock Montgomery’s phone but Fajardo hopes there is sufficient proof on it to arrest Montgomery or he will be out of the DEA too. Dave will make sure to send it soon and they hang up.
• Oscar and his men race around the buildings but stop to rest for a bit so they can think. Oscar then takes out his cell phone and calls Vergara to no avail.
• Vergara and Montgomery are with the Senator catching him up on the latest ordeal. Vergara reports that no news outlet has reported the capture of Oscar or John, though they did report the shootout at the Villa Antigua police station. Montgomery thinks things are going from bad to worse and the Senator agrees. He curses the fact that things were going so well and then this happened. He worries that thinks will fall apart because of the Lucios. Just then, he gets a message from a contact at the Mexico City police station, which tells him Garrido just arrived with John in tow. All three men curse their luck.
• Garrido escorts John to the office of Benavides, the station chief, and introduces himself before turning over John Lucio. Benavides thinks John’s arrest is an important step against organized crime and Garrido nods. Fajardo comes and introduces himself before announcing that he’s there to extradite John Lucio. Benavides instructs his officers to process John and they obliges. Benavides then congratulates Garrido personally for a job well done.
• Raul looks through Montgomery’s cell phone and reports that there is plenty on it to implicate him. Wilmer thinks they should turn it over right away and Yolanda explains that Dave will come as soon as he’s done with John. Raul thinks they should hurry though lest Montgomery use his influence to get John out of jail. Wilmer suggests they go to the Mexico City police station ASAP and hand over the phone and Raul agrees. Yolanda proposes the women stay with Amanda for now and the men go turn the phone over. She then asks Wilmer if he saved a backup of the phone and Wilmer tells her he saved a back up in his computer.
• Vergara tries to call Oscar to no avail. The Senator is becoming increasingly worried and asks Montgomery to pass by the station and find out what happened. Montgomery doesn’t think it’s a good idea because he has a bad feeling but the Senator explains that they need updates on what is happening with John. He asks Montgomery if there is something he should know but Montgomery shakes his head. The Senator reiterates that he needs him at the station and Montgomery obliges.
• Dave and Monica see reporters arrive at the station and smile because John’s capture is finally official and they have completed their main objective. They hug each other and Monica kisses Dave. He pulls her away immediately and apologizes. She tells him that there is no need to be sorry but she doesn’t understand the candle he holds to Yolanda. Just then, he receives a call from Raul, who tells him that they are at the station, and Dave waves them over.
• Arley paces around the yard and thinks about the fact that he lost Amanda and his son is in the hospital alone; he can’t even go rescue the kid. Camiengo tries to comfort him but fails and then asks what he is going to do about the kid. Arley remembers that Amanda had no family and he doesn’t either. Camiengo thinks it would be better if the kid went to an orphanage but Arley shakes his head. He thinks the Lucio killed Amanda because they couldn’t get to him but Camiengo is doubtful. Arley reiterates that the Lucios are now the enemy and will pay for what they’ve done.
• Santamaria wakes up Rubio so they can leave AeroTours. He asks him for the keys so they can go to Cielito Lindo and see what they can find.
• Oscar and his men, now with a change of clothes, walk through the buildings and tells his men that they will need to grab a taxi or go on foot when they escape. His men nods and they continue walking.
• Dave and Monica give Raul and Wilmer the good news. Wilmer thinks Yolanda can be a DEA agent but Monica thinks that’s laughable. Raul then hands over the unlocked cell phone and tells Dave that there is a lot of compromising information on it. Dave thanks them both for their help as Montgomery arrives. Monica informs Dave as Montgomery goes inside the station and sees Benavides and Garrido. He congratulates them on a job well done and shakes both their hands. He then goes to Fajarado, surprised to see him there, and asked why he wasn’t informed of John’s capture. Fajardo is quiet and then receives a phone call. It is Dave, who informs him that he has Montgomery’s cell phone and will turn it over as soon as he is able. Fajarado thanks him and then hangs up before asking Montgomery to walk with him.
• John is booked and processed as various news outlets report that John has been captured and is currently in the Mexican City police station. John is quiet as officers force him to go through the motions.
• Outside the station, Benavides reports to the media that Garrido is responsible for John’s capture. The reporters ask if there are any risks as Fajardo goes off to the side and meets Monica and Raul. She tells him they have something for him but Fajardo prefers to wait till the conference is over. Monica nods and wheels Raul back inside the station as Fajardo looks on…


Thank You Alfredo. How detailed...As usual you caught details which sailed right by me.

What did not sail bt me was that the ambush detail did not anticipate that Oscar would have one of those newfangled SUVs with a reverse function.

Like "Oh shit they got us! What do we do?"
"I dunno, here what's this 'R' button?"
YIKES. backwards. Cool

I've seen better popo work here in FloriDuh against a little old lady shoplifting cat food.

Thanks Alfredo. You're a wonder. I'm actually going to be able to record la Piloto tonight so perhaps I can get caught up. But another sad episode, with evil going unpunished and the bad guys escaping detection. Too much like real life!

Thanks, Alfredo.

Can't believe I felt bad for Arley for even a second, but Amanda dying and him helpless to care for his son is pretty sad.

So the girls are worried about the money needed to raise the kid? Excuse me, how about Lizbeth and Olivia getting jobs while Yoli serves her time? No need to risk themselves trying to get that narcobounty. Glad Lizbeth doesn't want to go against Raul.

Don't know the neighborhood in Mexico that Oscar was running through but it reminded me of photos I've seen of favelas in Rio de Janeiro.

Looking forward to the DEA lowering the boom on Montgomery.

Niecie thank YOU. Work? Oh Nooooo.
Do time for being a Narco pilot? Oh Nooo I'm too sexy.

You're welcome, Kirby, JudyB and Niecie!

When in doubt, hit reverse!

I have to say, Zulima in the hospital, listening in on everything, is becoming a writing gag at this point. The writers probably wonder how far they can take it but they also seem to be stretching out the same day for two weeks....:/

I think Zulima felt guilty, went to go see how Amanda was doing, and then said for the popcorn show. She was such a witch to kill Amanda, who is our first opening credits casualty, but she'd rather remain a snake in the grass than save her soul.

Hopefully Benavides is not also corrupt -.- we need more good guys on the right side of the law and not adjacent to it.

AA every time the camera pans over onto Zoo I think, WTF? Where'd she come from NOW. Sheezo where was she, in the ceiling tiles? I'd bet you are right about a writing gag now.

So are DEA Dave and Moni Ortega on or off the payroll? I thought they had been fired/ rersigned but they sure are acting like real popo again. I even remember Moni having to scrounge up some old family heirloom guns as theirs had been tuerned in.

What do I know. I am still wondering when we in the US will start getting those reversible transmissions.

I can't wait till the contents of Montgomery's phone starts making it's way up the channels. WooHoo.!

Thanks again for your rec....transcript.


Thank you Alfredo. I also hope that Benavides isn't corrupt. I don't think that we have seen a notice of ultimos capitulos so there is probably still some more drama.

I saw somewhere that there are 80 episodes. If we just saw 56 we have about 5 more weeks. A lot can happen in 5 TN weeks.

Lynette: #DIEZULIDIE I want that evil wretch to die & burn in expletive so bad, I'm tempted to get my shotgun & blow her wicked expletive away!

Alfredo: I'm afraid Benavides is corrupt. I mean the Lucio's have cronies ALL OVER THE WORLD for God's sake.

Kirby: The Philippine Teleserye, "Ang Probinsyano" also has an international drug-trafficking syndicate running their operation all over the entire world with cronies inside the Philippine government & law enforcement agencies.

Steve have we seen anything to indicate Benavides is dirty?

Not that I know. In fact, the fact that hes clean may cause for trouble for Monica and Dave since they are technically outside the law.

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