Saturday, June 03, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carilo, #20 Friday, It takes a village to write a recap

Hello, everybody!

I have to break my promise about having a recap ready because I simply couldn't bring myself to watch a silly telenovela after spending more than an hour on the news channels, trying to find what what on Earth is going on in London.

But you guys are amazing; barely need any recap at all to get the ball rolling, and for almost 100 comments no less.

I did steal some of your input about the show and added it here, for those who come back to visit the page later on. Thank you, Julie, I actually stole all your mini-recap (I would never get upset over that). Also, thank you to everyone who contributed (Alfredo, Diana, RGV, Kirby, Steve, Anita, Susanlynn, Nina)I stole little bits and pieces from all of your comments.

I hope this makes a little bit of sense to you.

Danilo and Nasty Co are going to pay Fausto, using Furia money under the guise that Laustela will do a solo album.
Laustela is supposed to become the only singer in Danilo's band, allegedly per El Dorado's orders (according to BunMan). She doesn't want to, but Morgana doesn't believe her.

Thanks to Chavalin's help (who's more useful from jail than any of the other characters), Laustela is now suspicious that Furia is laundering money, but does she suspects Ryan is the culprit?  And because she fibbed to Genesis about her reason for wanting to know the name and address of the disc alleged presser, Genesis innocently blabbed Laustela's mission to Danilo, so Danilo knows that she's on the trail.
Laustela decides to tell Ryan about the blackmail and asks him for help (right turn); but then she goes and tells Danilow about her suspicions regarding the laundering of money (left turn). She pushes away Danilow for now, but she needs to be more cautious than that. In this particular situation Moronga (LOOOL) is right to be upset because she's being thrown to the curb, but why is it Laustela's fault? Initiating a fight with every man's darling (Laustela) was definitely not the right move for her, especially since she ended up losing. I have a feeling she will want a rematch soon. That is, if she has the time. It looks like she's about to be kicked to the curb, and Danilo isn't exactly thinking clean, no hard feelings break-up.

Danilo forces himself on Morgana. She eventually stops fighting, she even appears to enjoy it, but is she really? Also, Danilower then low seems to like it rough. I hope Laustela opens her eyes to this buffon FAST. 

Osiel, La Tona's hubby, is dead.

Paloma is starting to soften's Mercy's cold heart. Is Rosario annoyed because faux grandma is buying too many presents, therefor spoiling the child, or is she jealous?

LetmeLearn, desperate to learn English, calls Tomas - the scruffy, thin man from the park. Because a guy met in the park for a few seconds is the best person to go to if you want to ask for a favor.
May I suggest she get her own show and leave ours in peace?

That's about it!
Once again, sorry for today, but I really didn't have the heart to do more this morning and now I have to run to work.


Thank you, Adriana!
Right now I'm drawing a blank as to what happened last night... oh yeah. They're actually going to pay Fausto, using Furia money under the guise that Laustela will do a solo album.

AND Laustela is also supposed to become the only singer in Danilo's band, allegedly per El D (according to BunMan). She doesn't want to, but Morgana doesn't believe her. Thus their little brawl.

Morgana is about to be kicked to the curb, and the way that conversation went, maybe not even alive. (I can't remember who danilo discusssed this with - Calao?)

AND with Chavalin's help, Laura is suspicious that Furia is laundering money, but I think she suspects Ryan is the culprit? Did I get that right? And because she fibbed to Genesis about her reason for wanting to know the name and address of the disc alleged presser, Genesis innocently blabbed Laustela's mission to Danilo, so Danilo knows that she's on the trail.

Oh oh and Leticia, desperate to learn English, called Tomas - the scruffy, thin man from the park. This time, instead of a giant picture of a pizza behind them,, I think it was a hot dog. Damn, I'm hungry.

Thanks, Adriana Noel. Looking forward to your recap.

♪♪Ding, Dong, a wicked villain (Osiel) is dead♪♪ one down, how many to go??. He must have been a casualty of Laura’s revolt. What’s really bad is that he was La Toña’s hubby…not good, no wonder Blake said she’ll be the first to kill Laustela.

Paloma is getting through Mercyme's toughskin, but Rosario was not pleased.

Couldn't LetMeCallTrouble think of anyone else to help her...Genesis? Laustella? Maybe I should come up with a list of idiots. There are several...


I'm glad Laustela decided to tell Ryan about the blackmail and ask him for help (right turn); but then she goes and tells Danilow about her suspicions regarding the laundering of money (left turn). I'm so glad she pushed away Danilow (hit the brakes); I hope she is more cautious about how she interacts with him. I can see why Moronga is upset about being thrown to the curb, but to be so crude and attack Laustela (got rear-ended)?? Well, given her history, I suppose that's in line with her character.


I agree, Alfredo, this is going to go south. Dandole is looking for a way to force her into being the lead singer and he is on the right track. Calao gave him the idea of getting her fingerprints and that conversation with Joe didn't help. Danilow is dumb, but he has this luck that usually helps him get what he is after. I also didn''t like that comment he made to Moronga when she was fighting him off-- that he liked it that way...forced. Bad feeling about that.


More matches made in heaven, Tonya and Oseil were married according to Tonya last night? I also thought she said he was no longer, I thought that meant dead, did it simply mean not in her coven anymore?

Arrgghh..what does it take to throw Moronga out? Ryan needs to put her stuff in lawn and leaf bags by the curb and tell security she is not allowed in, and the same at Furia. Text her and tell her she needs to be quick if she wants to beat the garbage truck. One problem solved.

Now that LauStela has all that money is she not going to pay off that depraved black hole FauxPas? She should not give him the money, as that would just be a down payment like Ryan told her. Are the LA law enforcement on vacation? Wasn't she telling Rosalba she could use it to do something...I forgot what.

So even from jail Chava is more useful than anyone else in this Comedy of Dunces.

So let's play a little game.
Q: .What is the smartest thing LauStella can do with this new laundry info?
A: Go directly to Ryan with her ducks in a row and help him figure it out.

QED: Thus we can be assured that she will not go to Ryan, or do anything else which would be in anyone's best interest except maybe DaniLow and AssBun.

She will probably do nothing and go sleep with DaniLow while she mulls it over, to help clear her head.

Jerry Springer puts on a better cat fight. I didn't even see anyone's underwear. :-(

"Despite everything though, this tn is exhilarating!"

I wholeheartedly echo your enthusiasm Alfredo. With very limited Spanish, I have been staying awake after the show trying to figure out what occurred. It's a bit too fast paced for me so I am really grateful for all of the recapper and commenters razor sharp comprehension and wit.

Oh, and I sincerely thank you for reminding me where I'd seen blondie before. Hugo in Guapos. He reminds me a bit of Brandon Peniche and I knew he was familiar...And yes, his character is a complete turn off. As is Tona. She makes me shiver.

Julie, I sensed things were not going well for Morgana but not to the point where she might be disposed of. So, she's finally gotten inconvenient? Hmmm. Since she seems to be an integral part of the story, I'm thinking she will be around for a while. Thanks for always shedding light on things...

I'm frustrated that Laura is making mis-steps here. She may have a few doubts about Danilo but certainly not to cut him out of her life (well as much as she can considering he is part of Furia and Ryan's brother)...

"Paloma is getting through Mercyme's toughskin, but Rosario was not pleased". Yes, that was one thing that was crystal clear RgvChick. To be honest, I was pleased until I saw she was clearly rubbing it in to Rosario.

I'm still intrigued by what rottenbun is thinking about Laura. He seem so robotic, I can't conceive he is capable of having feelings for anyone.

Can't wait to read your recap Adriana Noel!


Kirby, our comments crossed.

I smiled reading your comments, especially "So even from jail Chava is more useful than anyone else in this Comedy of Dunces". How true!

Fausto is hideous. Now that I'm thinking about it, the charismatic good characters are in the minority here. So many unlikeable, devious people but at least they are shrouded in mysteries that are somewhat interesting.


Alfedo with Morgana and DaniLow it was a 'So help me I'll rape you.!"
"So rape me I'll help you." They were both sort of into the rough stuff. She was fighting at first, which turned on a dime from what I saw.

Kirby, Osiel is dead. La Tona said something like "may he Rest In Peace" when she was talking to that girl and trying to get info on what Fauxpaa is up to..


Ack - I hope I wasn't stepping on Adriana's toes. I just said what I could remember in order to jump-start the conversation because I know not everyone understands the Spanish/doesn't get English captions.

Yeah, Alfredo, that looked pretty rapey to me. Not a big surprise since he drugged her the night before. He obviously has no regard for her at all. However, like Kirby I thought her manner changed quickly. Honestly, it was hard to read. I could interpret her change as getting into it, but possibly she was giving up.

I have a lot of trouble understanding Danilo and other gangsters when they use slang. I've encountered slang in other TNs, but it's not always the same slang. I'm not sure if (was it Calao?) hinted at doing away with Morgana or not, but I agree she won't be easy to get rid of.

Paloma is so cute, I can't look directly at her without being blinded. I thought last night that Rosario was making the unhappy face because she disapproved of Mercy bringing so many toys, but perhaps it was envy that Paloma seemed to be warming up to Mercy. However, if I were Rosario I wouldn't worry about it. Paloma was more interested in the toys than she was in Mercy. I think that's how it usually goes if you try to bribe a child.

Again, I can't fault Laura for distrusting Ryan. He has told her a lot of lies, put a tracker on her phone without telling her (there was a much better way for him to handle this), used her to get out of jail, proposed marriage without explaining that there was a 20% share for him in the deal. It's appalling that she trusts Danilo, but he doesn't have a history of lying and manipulating her that she knows of.

Julie, Danilow is the one who made the comment about "getting rid of" Morgana. It seems Calao is interested in her; he told Danilow to tell him where he was going to throw her to, so he could go pick her up. That Danilow is heartless, there's an itty bitty piece in my heart that actually feels sorry for Morgana. Maybe she is actually "blind" because she really loves a twisted sort of way.


Adriana: Looking forward to seeing the recap you've got cooking up.

Julie: Let me guess: Danilo raped her ?

RVG Chick: How did Osiel get whacked ?


Steve, Danilo didn't rape Morgana. She was fighting him initially, but then "gave in" quite voluntarily.

La Toña didn't give details as to how Osiel died. (one more for your list)


Oy vey, I didn't realize the discussion page was up and here I was waxing poetic over Banana Split Hopoes on Thus. blog.

Didn't BunMan (ok, I'll go along with it), tell Danilo he was also out of the band? He only wanted Laustela and the musicians.


Thanks for clarifying, Rgv. So no one is actually planning to throw her in the Smush-O-Matic just yet. Good. Oh, I feel sorry for Morgana too. She is a rotten person, but I think that's motivated by fear. She seems on the edge of terror that Danilo will dump her and then she won't have anything or anyone. She has a strong survival instinct, but she's not very smart, so she has to resort to the kind of tactics she knows. It will be a miracle if she doesn't end up dead.

Of course, Leticia is on the edge of terror too, but she is dealing with it in a more constructive way. (Whether or not Tomas will be a problem is a different issue altogether.)

Anita, I'm not sure whether BunMan told Dani he was TOTALLY out or if he just doesn't want him to sing any more. I think it was the latter.

"Gave in" ? WTH.

He told DaniLow he was not singing as after seeing LauStela sing he had changed his mind and there was a very real possibility of the band becoming a legitimate success WITHOUT him and Morg and WITH Laustela.

I don't know about "gave in." She appeared to stop resisting, but I couldn't tell whether that was enthusiasm or just not wanting to get her head bashed in.

Anita and Julie, Devilman did tell Danilow that he was not to sing. ED only wants Laustela as the singer of the band.

I just remembered a scene where Devilbun and Talisman were talking about a meeting between (several?) cartels. Any thoughts on that? Cartel War maybe? And how will that intertwine with Laustela? Ryan?


RioMinds thinking alike again!


CalaLow told DaniLow that when he was finished with Morgana, let him know, as he would like to have his turn in the barrel. And there was something else I didn't quite get about after CalaLow had his fun she might need to go away.

I think....

And when BurnBun was telling DaniLow no more singing, DaniLow made the argument that he is the heart and soul of the band, and needs to continue to be involved. I thought BarB-QueBun was OK with that.

Yes, I think a cartel war is afoot. I've been thinking BunMan could be a spy/infiltrator from a rival gang. Or - OK, bear with me, this is nuts - you know how a business will set up a shadow business, like Furia set up Onodisk or whatever it's called - maybe there's some reason that a cartel would set up a shadow cartel. And El Dorito's cartel is just that. A shadow cartel of someone else's cartel - maybe Pedro Carillo's.

Kirby, yes, BBQBun was ok with Danilow being involved...just not as a singer.


DevilBun and Tali about the other cartels escaped me. I remember the conversation, but don't remember how it went.

Another thing, the decision to kick Morg and Dani and install Laura has to be just based on DevilBun, as E Dysfunction didn't show up for the 'showcase' unless the real one actually attended and we didn't see him/her/it.

...and where Laura ends up in the cartel war? Right smack in the middle, because both Laura and Realstela have gangster enemies.

If she were a real person, I would say she was screwed. I don't know how she'll get out of this.

Not too nuts, Julie. That could very well be.

Btw, Kirby, Osiel is probably eating Flaming Hot Doritos in hell :-D


D'oh, I just got the joke of Onodisk.

"Oh, no disk."

Thank you. That is all.

Good one. Flaming Hot Doritos

Oh Julie OH No Disk? got by me too. I thought the other night 'what an odd name' but decided it was some Spanish oddity and didn't give it another thought.

So somebody in the writing department has a sense of humor.

Good thinking, Julie. I think La Toña's "busines" was peanuts, but Blake may very well be involved with one of the cartels. And, Estela...definitely least her father was.

Kirby, supposedly, there was going to be a Cartel meeting in the afternoon because there is some type of disagreement among them. Apparently Ed will not be attending because Devilbun said he couldn't wait to see ED's face when he told him about the "argument."


I had no idea what people were saying. I only catch the visual clues, and sometimes, they are misleading.

Regarding Morgana, I am starting to feel sorry for her. There are reasons for her dressing and acting as she does. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a bad childhood and perhaps ended up in a bordella. We really have no backstory on her before she came to Furia. She seems to be the type of girl who has had to fight for everything and has been controlled by men. I am afraid that she is all too familiar with both rape and rough sex. Life seems to have hardened Morgana.

Hmmm...Laura plans to pay off the blackmiler. We all know how well that always works out.

So , Osiel was Ton's husband. She must have felt so proud watching him manhandling poor young Laura and lots of other young girls. Yuck. How could you marry someone like that?

That blonde guy looks so sketchy. Is Letmecontactatotalstranger crazy?

We have to get Chavilin out of jail !!! And maybe Cutecop could befriend him and that dynamuc duo could go after the baddies.

Are we reading too much into Badbun studying Lestala when she was on stage? Dies he recognize her,or is she just his type?


Kirby, Wow! nice pic on your avatar.

I hadn't caught the Oh, no disk either...too funny!


Rvg....well, if what goes around, comes around, Satan is treating Osiel the same way he treated Laura and the other girls . #yaykarma

We are still missing at least one large puzzle piece. Maybe it's another cartel (either the one that Blake/Tono are probably affiliated with, or yet a different one). We know that Leticia and Eraser and Pretty had to have been brought into this story for a reason, so maybe Bonita's dad is involved in one of those cartels, or maybe Erasmo does some work for them on the side.

Alfredo, " two baddie gangs may converge at one point and train their sights on Laustela who we thought just had an identity problem" Poor Laustela...if that is true, she'll need more than Ryan, Chavalin, and CuteCop to help her..unless she trained under Wonder Woman.


I hope they don't go there with Leticia, Alfredo. I don't think we're done with Erasmo and Bonita yet. There has to be some explanation as to what a woman like her would want with a man like him.

Julie, it seems Tomas is being brought more into this story too...he looks like someone who could be somehow involced in cartels.


I hope that Laura is going to be portrayed as a strong, smart woman who can outsmart all the villains that surround her.

Rosario's reaction to Mercyme showering Palona with gifts made me hope that we don't get the dueling abuela\nana scenario that we had to endure in Vino. I think that Rosario was mostly reacting to Mercyme spoiling that sweet little girl.

"involved" not involced...


Who is Tomas?

Tomas is the Leticia's friend in the park.

Julie...oh..does that mean that I have to stop referring to him as" sketchy, blonde , park guy?" He gives me the creepeos , but I should not judge the proverbial book by the cover. He might be a great guy who only wants to help Let learn English. Right? Right?

Alfredo ...a love square? What's that?

If there were a Rosario vs Mercy scenario, I'm sure it would be handled better than VEA did it. But I don't think there will be such a thing, because Rosario isn't that petty (I don't think), and Paloma seems to know the difference between love and toys.

The childrens' love was just part of the rivalry between Lilian and... um... the other one in VEA (already forgot her name!). The big thing was that the other one had had an affair with Lilian's husband. Rosario and Mercy don't have that kind of history between them. I am grateful.

Susanlynn, Tomas has really not given us any reason to doubt him except for the fact that he tried so hard to befriend a crying stranger in the park. Maybe we live in a really horrible world that this would seem so wrong, but you know what, it's hard to see it any other way.

Ha ha, I did a double-take at "love square." I thought maybe it was a special chocolate treat or a ring design like a claddagh. But it's like a love triangle/love rectangle.

Honestly, with the four-sided romances I think the best you can hope for is a trapezoid.

There are reasons for her dressing and acting as she does.............

Yeah a good candidate for reason might include hoochie :-)

Thanks Rio, Rosette Spoonbill on final approach at SRQ.

Tomas, one boot guy, not the Tank Engine, he was English, thus the included silent 'H'.


Julie: Clogs from hell...Marta

Alfredo ...oh..yes. I get it. Telenovelas are never satisfied with just the traditional love triangle...two people in love with the same person.

There has to a reason for Letmedosomething being brought into this story.


Kirby..but there are reasons women become hoochies .I will bet that Morgana had a bad childhood, but we will probably never get to know her backstory.All these villains had something in their pasts that made them evil.

Julie...I am watching the news...and it confirms that you are so right. I have had guys in my classes that, at first , sermed a bit sketchy , but they often turned out to be really sweet guys. So for the time being, I should keep an open mind about Tomas. However, this is a telenovela ...

Is it a love DOT if the only one you love is yourself?

Yes. A dot...not going in any direction !! I guess we all know a dot or two.

Kirby morg-rat probably wasn't even wearin undies.


NiNa, yuck. I was thinking of Laustela doing all that in a short dress. It is hard to stay ladylike skank wrangling.

That was what I was thinking when DaniLow rooted out some undies in LauStela's lingerie drawer. He probably hadn't seen anything like that in a while. He WAS like a kid with a new toy. :-)

Kinda like how you sit in it and take a deep breath when you've just bougrt a new car.

Why is Laura so quick to trust Danilo
She smiles when she talks to him, when she talks to Ryan she wants to yell and accuse him of stuff.
Mercy has a worpped what way of gettin
Paloma to Trust her.Shes literaly buyin that kids affections. I guess shes lureing the dog's affections and Chayo is all Jealousy like.Nasty mercy And who named her mercy? She clearly has none for anyone.

Thanks Adriana.

Kirby You know I totally forgot about that scene where he snuck into her room and took out her underwear and started sniffing them. I remember when I was watching him doing it I was thinking I'd have to throw those underwear away and get a whole new pair, that is so gross. perverts do stuff like that. Is Danilowdown pervert? He is really weird weird.

NiNa I was actually thinking, "Um, doesn't it just smell like Bounce fabric softener from the dryer?"

A real perv heads for the laundry hamper. :-)

And BTW Thanks Adriana

Haha... a love dot!

And Marta. How could I forget. Oh right, I'm TRYING to forget...

And yeah, for the smell of clean underwear, just buy a bottle of Tide, Danilo. Then you can smell it all the time. You can even put some on your sleeve and sniff it all day long.


I just had a chilling thought. Even though I am trying my hardest not to judge Tomas by his cover, I hope that he is not holding a position similar to Fausto's of luring woman. Please no. Let has enough on her plate dealing with that no good Eraser.

I thought that WAS what you were thinking, Susanlynn. Especially after Alfredo suggested the same thing. There are a lot of ways that Tomas could end up being a bad decision, but Fausto is a vivid example of one of those ways.

OH! I just remembered. Tomas told Leticia that he had been married (in Montana, I think) but his ex-wife took out a restraining order against him.

So... I think we have our red flag.

SusanLynn, " I hope that he is not holding a position similar to Fausto's of luring woman." that thought crossed my mind too, and I remember someone else mentioning that too when he first met Letme.

Nina, "She smiles when she talks to him," I noticed that too, but I took it as her just being amused by him, like she thinks he is being foolish.

I had another thought...Blake has connections to a "Senator" and who knows how many other politicos.


You're right Julie! I forgot about that. And I thought Letme would catch that but then maybe she has no clue as to what a restraining order is.


I don't think he called it a restraining order. He said he has to stay 100 ft/30 meters away.

Yes, Blake has those connections. Some of them may be clients of the bordello or perhaps an upmarket version of it. More reason to believe that he's an active or retired gangster.

I've also wondered if Blake could be the real El Dorito boss, but I don't think that makes any sense. Right?

But Blake may be one of the bosses for one of the other cartels.

No, he didn't call it a restraining order I just assumed "has to stay 100 ft/30 meters away" was equivalent to a restraining order.


Maybe someone should let Tomas know that " My ex-wife had a restraining order against me" is not a good opening line when you meet someone.

RC..yeah, that sure sounds like a restraining order to me.

Julie....remembering our conversation during Vino, does a retired gangster get a watch?...or maybe a fancy gun? Susanlynn, still waiting for the timer

Something else just occurred to me...Laustela's mother left her with her tia because she was very young and wasn't able to take care of her. I'm assuming she is still alive (hmmmm, drumming my fingers)...this could go somewhere...


A retired gangster gets a star in his concrete overshoes?

Actually I give Tomas credit for letting Leticia know about his dubious past. She would never have found that out if he hadn't disclosed it. It gave me the impression that he was trying to overcome some serious problems.

Given that my first observation was that he was scruffy and too thin, I wonder if he's a junkie. Perhaps he's a client of El Dorito's Ranch for Wayward Young Cousins, or whatever it's called.

"It gave me the impression that he was trying to overcome some serious problems." Either that or he thinks very light of it...


This has to be a new record even for Cray Blogspot. Eighty something comments on a future recap.

Well, I used to teach in a senior high, and I know that people on drugs will look right in your eyes and tell you that they stopped taking drugs...but they didn't. Well, we shall have to wait and see how the story unfolds. There are so many characters. Are they all connected in some way? And so many baddies. Could Tomas be just some random guy, or is he connected to the baddies? The good guys are certainly in the minority.

"El Dorito's Ranch for Wayward Young Cousins". Tee-hee ...thanks for that giggle.

Here in FloriDuh you just look at their teeth. There is something very popular which the addicts take that destroys their teeth pronto. If a hooker is trying to put the make on you and has most of her teeth, she is a cop. If a Tomas looking guy has most of them missing, he's an addict. I believe it is meth.

OK, but would people on drugs look right in your eyes and tell you something BAD that they did? Tom hasn't explicitly admitted to any bad behavior, but he's suggested it. And he hasn't denied any bad behavior, either. He could be a junkie, a reformed junkie, or just malnourished (apparently, looking at food-themed ads on park benches is not the same thing as eating).

I'm more worried that if he's getting treatment at El Dorito's place, he could get drawn into something, if he hasn't already. And Leticia's housing situation is shaky. If Genesis loses her job, they'll both be looking for a place to live. How many guest rooms in Mercy's house? How many sleeping bags will fit in Tom's floor?

Yeah, meth has a rep for wrecking teeth. I don't know if it's just because it dries out your mouth, or if there's more to it.

Of course, drug abuse can put you in a position to get your teeth knocked out anyway.

By the way, I did not realize that it was El D's drug rehab. Is that part of the money laundering thing? And then there is the restaurant El D himself (supposedly) actually stirring the soup?

SusanLynn, the drug rehab place that Ryan was at is not the drug rehab place that ED was making donations least I don't think so.


Good Morning, Everyone!!

I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification, Alfredo.


Could that mean that Steve may somehow be involved with ED? Please say, no. That would mean that he could have told ED that Laura is not really Estela.


Wow, 90+ comments!

Tomas - Having to stay x feet away from his ex is the same as a restraining order in my mind. But was it imposed because he was a menace, or just a nuisance?

The sweetest scene - When Ryan was helping Paloma with her coloring/workbook?, he broke into song for one answer.

Laustela - I get that she's bruised because she thinks Ryan asked her to marry him and register Paloma in his name for the 20 percent instead of love, but she needs to let him know about the funny money in his business anyway because it is his business. Danilo knows and she needs to see that Ryan is on equal footing with him. If she can't see that, shame on her. Let her go to Danilo when Fausto demands the next blackmail installment or Chavelin needs more help.

Adriana Noel, the recap was wonderful!

Thank you for cleverly pulling the bits and pieces together to make a coherent whole!

Learned a lot about meth and what it does. Thank you.

So, I am a bit curious about Tomas. I'm contemplating doing a 360 on him. I callously judged him by his serious expression and simply surmised after one quick look. But why not? Been wrong on things, time after time, why change now???

Who is the pretty woman in the office with the very curly hair? Does she have a backstory? (sorry, forget her name).

Yes, so many comments and discussions here. Love this chatty group.

Kirby, your avatar is amazing.

I'm off to work today myself - am SO looking forward to this 80 hour work week. Sigh.

Adriana and all, thank you!


"But was it imposed because he was a menace, or just a nuisance? "

Our comments crossed. Excellent question Niecie. I'm voting for the latter...


Diana - The pretty woman with curly hair is Genesis. She's an immigrant from Cuba. I think that's all we know so far. Ack, an 80-hour workweek! Amiga, hang in there! Hope you get a chance to peek in at Caray.

Alfredo - ITA Ryan wanted to marry for love and never intended to try to claim Paloma as his bio-kid, which would be needed to claim the 20%. I thought Laustela understood that when Mercy let her know Ryan had told her Paloma wasn't his, but I guess not.

You guys,are tireless. All these comments and not even a decent recap.
Estela is getting stupider by the moment. QTH is she thinking, trusting Danilo who hits on her non stop, is her lover's brother and dresses like a ranchero pimp?


Adriana Noel, love your made it fun and entertaining. Thank you!

i haven't had any experience with restraining orders, but aren't those given after substantial evidence is provided that the person is a serious threat--due to harassment, physical abuse and/or the like?


I've been noticing the number of comments in this patio as compared to the others...vast difference!! Is there such a thing a being too "chatty"?



As I understand it (family member who was stalked), it's not easy to get a restraining order. So merely being a nuisance probably would not be enough for Tom's ex to be able to get one.

**I** don't think we're too chatty, but since I am a frequent commenter, of course I wouldn't think so.

Thanks, Adriana! Ugh, work on Sunday!!

To clarify about family member who was stalked - the last we heard from stalker was in December, when he said "I don't give up easily." Knock on wood, he seems to have given up.

Tom doesn't seem the stalking type. He hasn't made any effort to find out where Leticia lives. Whatever his game is, if he has a game, it won't be about following her, but about getting her to follow him (as Fausto did with Laura).

Naaaah, Google owns 90% of the server space on planet earth. Chat away.

Rio Chik, this patio seems to be unique here on Cray Cray :-) in that we all get along, bend the rules enough to have fun, but not be too obby-noxious, and are all on the same page. I tried to talk about this but got yelled at so I'm shutting my B I G mouth. But it is not the TN, in particular, it is all these cool, smart,clever people here. A perfect mix. When you are reading the recaps and comments and thinking "Rats ! I wish I'd thought to say that." You know you are where you ought to be.

After the shit I write on here you would think I'd be somewhere chanting some Hail Marys or feeding the homeless, but HERE I AM.


I did drive the little 90 year old Gramma next door to the Tampa airport this morning in a veritable Hurricane. Tampa Airport is 55 miles away.

Is there a chance that Tom is just alone and a nice scruffy guy?

He was not exactly pushy when he first approached LetMe, and simply talked to a crying stranger and gave her HIS number. (rather than trying to get hers, the first step in implementing a stalk.)

He doesn't seem 'handsy'. Generally physical contact that is a bit too generous is a clue also.

He would not be the first person who had an unneeded restraining order. There is generally no Craziness test administered before a restraining order is accepted.

LetMe has given him no sign that she is interested, and his attitude has not changed toward her.

I hope if he is on the up and up he is smart enough to see that she is a pit of needy quicksand and tread accordingly.

Thank you, Adriana, for fitting this excellent recap into your very busy life.

Diana, so sorry that you have to work today and that you had such an extremely long work week. I hope that you are taking care of yourself.

Kirby, I have been on that highway in a downpour with lightening flashing and thunder rumbling going from Tampa (Busch Gardens) to my aunt and uncle's in Lakeland. You are a good soul.

Whatever Tomas did had to be a little out of the ordinary. Stalking? Obsessive behavior?

Well, I am glad that I enjoyed the outdoors yesterday even though it was a little cool because it is overcast and looking like rain today!


"A pit of needy quicksand" ..Well, words to start my day.

Thank you, Adriana--The recap sounds like a unified field theory. Yay to all your supporters. Good job.

Kirby--Rosette Spoonbill, sounds like someone who would dress and act like it was for hoochie. (Now you know how many more comments I'm looking forward to.)

"Oh, no disk." Brilliant, Julie! I don't think the writers had a clue, it took Caray to figure that out.

Love triangles--Susanlynn, you left out the obverse one person in love with two objects of desire. Two recent candidates are Luciana herself and Yolanda on La Piloto. Is Regina in La Candidata possibly a third?

More later.

I do hope Tomas turns out to be a good guy; hopeflly he hs learned from whatever experience led to the restraining order and is trying to turn a new leaf.

But now I'm obsessing about Steve who we really don't know anything about other than he is Ryan's friend who guided him to the "Ranch."

Pre-Hopeo thoughts: Was it convenient that he was the one that led Ryan to the ranch and convinced him to accept ED as an investor? He works for ED...He is ED!!

Post-Hopeo thoughts: He truly is Ryan's devoted friend...HE is the undercover cop who is going to help bring down all the baddies.

Pleeeeaase writers, let him be a good guy. Ryan needs a friend...


#WaitWhat My head's spinning. It appears to me that each main character in this TN gets a sidekick.
Good people get good sidekicks, and bad ones, bad sidekicks.

The Good:
LetMe-->Tomas exception, Tomas is a sidekick's sidekick.

The Bad:
Mercy-->Any Mirror

The Ugly:


Anita you are gonna get your own personal bag,

cause you're gonna have time to eat a whole bag.

Of Doritos

you're gonna be at the principal's office for days.


So far, there's no evidence that Steve is a bad guy. But since we don't know anything about him, we don't know if he has any weaknesses that could be leveraged against him if El D or BunMan wanted to exploit his friendship with Ryan.

I want both Tom and Steve to be good guys. But if we play the telenovela odds, I fear at least one of them has to become a problem, or unwittingly/unwillingly lead Laura and/or Leticia to a problem.

(And as we speculate around and around, I realize that this is another reason for our high comment rate. We really enjoy the guessing. In one of the TNs a long time ago, I forget which one, there was a high comment rate, but it was spread thinly among a large group of people - some of whom impatiently asked why we were driving ourselves crazy when we could easily look online for the answer. Bleh.)

Kirby: "Mercy-->Any Mirror"
It's a harmless trait until she starts conversing with it.

Alfredo..I am with you. I believe in onetruelove. I like protagonists who never give up on each other.

Anita, I do not get Unimas, so I am not watching LC. It sounds like a good one. I like Sylvia. I saw a post from Carlos, and I am glad to known that he is back at caray.

Kirby..I got a giggle from your flowchart. ..very clever to notice that everyone has a bff. Poor Little Joe....replaced by a mirror mirror on the wall. Ocelio + dirt. Ha 😈

I hopeo that Steve is a good guy. As Kirby noted, the good guy galan needs a good guy friend. I still don't trust Tomas. I keep thinking what are the chances that Letmejustwingit would be lucky enough to meet two guardian angels.

As for the phenomena that has been caracaray for many years, people come and people go. Sometimes the mix is just right like the cocktails that Carlos used to mix up for us. The interesting thing is that we have all different types of folks coming together discuss a telenovela and sometimes other things .

How is Steve connected to the rehab clinic? It appears that is a common interest with him and Ryan. IE: when Chava hacked their database Steve knew immediately.

Kirby--Now what did I do? Too bad, I love Doritos...from a bag...anywhere (except in public).

MercyMe and mirrors, where do you get these excellent visuals? and Julie: "It's a harmless trait until she starts conversing with it." Too much laughter going on.
Susanlynn: Joe being replaced by the mirror on the wall....

'Cmon Kirby, where does Moronga fit in? The sidekicks line up at the door?

It's amazing how the one storyline we all wished would go away and start its own telenovela has created such a buzz over one questionable character. I thought he was a dude ready to take advantage of LetMeNotBeAlone. But once it was pointed out he didn't try to get her number, but instead, gave her his own and told him about not having a family of his own and told to stay away from his wife (ex-wife?), he moved into neutral territory. If he is a very clever guy up to no good, he hands out his "card" to everyone and sees which fish grabs the hook. He does seem sincere, but already I can't stand his smile.

One thing we haven't mentioned (I don't think), is that Laustela went first to Soto to ask about the inflated charges for some of the expenditures. He tried to put her off by saying that although he signed off on these things, it was Danilo that was handling the new suppliers. When the two of them walked out into the lobby and he dropped the file, did he do it ON PURPOSE? We know he didn't want to risk going against Danilo, but he certainly hadn't boarded the money laundering train. It makes sense she would want to ask Danilo about it once it looked like his doings, but smart enough to have gone to Chavalin and Soto first.

Diana--Double duty? That's unconstitutional. You should demand your $10 an hour plus overtime.

Actually, Tomas reminds me more of Julian Gill in Sortilegio than Brandon Peniche.

Alfredo--Who is "HE" got clean? Steve? Do we know what he does for a living besides playing pool?

Kirby, you get a gold star for your list. I agree, the Mercy-->Any Mirror and Oseil-->.Dirt
got me laughing. How 'bout Genesis for Joe (after his divorce of course). Other than the thing with Mercy, he seems to be a good guy. Or maybe she could meet Chavalin some day. Chava is such a good guy...and super smart. I think someone mentioned previously that he should work at Furia..he'd make a great auditor.

I don't think Soto will last very long. Like Danilow said, he'll probably die of a heart attack...or maybe he'll just quick because of the pressure.

OT-Kirby, a while ago when I tried to access the blog, I got an error message due to "high server activity or high blogger usage." I laughed and thought "It must be a sign!" LOL


Anita, that's an interesting question, did Soto drop those papers on purpose. We can see how frightened he is - so maybe he did, as a cry for help. That did not occur to me.

Yes, Soto , saw Cal before he dropped those papers. I think that Cal just scared him. The actor playing Soto has been in many telenovelas , so this character must have an significant part to play in the drama. He was coerced into cooking the books, so perhaps he will squeal.

Is Steve Ry's lawyer?

SusanLynn, I agree, Soto got flustered when he saw Calao and dropped the papers. Regarding Steve, that I can recall, his profession has not been revealed.

I just remembered something I was going to bring up here. When Laustela went to see Chavalin, he thanked her for sending the "abo-gangster." So should I assume that Danilow went ahead and sent ED's lawyer. If that is so, that is NOT good for Chavalin.


I hope your right, Alfredo...that it was the lawyer Joe found because I do remember that during the conversation between Danilo and Joe, Danilo did offer to send "his" lawyer. There are so many twists in this TN that I am suspicious of anyone "new" that comes in.


Genesis for Joe? We're moving him directly from a tricycle to a Crotch Rocket with a tank full of premium, right?

OK. But I want to see that hair of his after Genesis blows the cobwebs out of it.

Kirby--Yeah, so far Joe hasn't had any action in the Rocket Department. He and Mercy were supposed (according to Erika's interview) to have something hot and steamy going on. Natalia (about Mercy's age, and bedding a younger man) on LaCandi has had more action than Mercy--including getting beaten and kicked by Eye-Piercing hubby.

Alfredo--Haha, I think we need to add "hipoing" to our mixed-up vocab list, along with hopoes. It's sort of like a cross between hippo and boing.

Throw age out the window, my friend--it's the libido that counts.

OK then add this to my list above :



Anita and Alfredo...just dropped in to check on new comments. Long live libido . You crazy kids !!!

I think your mini recap is pretty decent.We all contributed
And "We" done a dam good job. And you put the icing on the top of the cake. Chocolate nut cake.

I told y'all that girl ain't to
Bright. She trusts all the wrong people and she is much nicer to D-Lolife than she is Ryan.whats
Up with that? I wouldn't be too
Surprised if "I can't get pregnant because I had too many abortions" actually gets knocked
Up After that ruff time in the sack With D-lolife. And she finds a way to somehow trick Ryan into the sack and try to pass the kid off of ryan's after much coaxing by D-lowlife. With
This tn, you never know what's comin next. So many stupid Dumb people.

Thank you Adriana:)

Susanlynn: Yep!

I noticed the new Chevy Equinox commercial featuring a bright reddish/burgundy model has one guy with a man bun. At the very end of the commercial he proclaims that the car is a'Bad MamaJama'.

"Chocolate nut cake" ..I always love your comments, Nina !!!

Kirby..I think that some guys can kind of pull off the manbun...and some Marcos Mendoza is doing a pretty good job of pulling it off and a great job of being a scary bad dude .

The Chevy guy is scary but for different reasons. :-)


Kirby, " But I want to see that hair of his after Genesis blows the cobwebs out of it." He'll probably have the Einstein looK...hehe

Anita and Alfredo: Libido? I had an aunt who was cougaring well into her yep " "age is just a number."

Hmmmm, I hopeo I inherited that gene...


Rgv...teehee...go Rvg.

Whoops..I was giggling so hard that I changed your initials.

Good Morning, Beautiful Patio Peeps!

Looking forward to more Yessss!!, Ah-hah!, WTH?, and Noooo!!! (YAWN???) moments.

Have a great day!


Good Morning Rio from Rainy (finally,we were burning to the ground) FloriDuh. The Double Life previews on 'Wake Up Gringos!' this morning look like we can't miss tonight. Looks like the feces starts hitting the atmospheric evacuator tonight.

For once in a TN I would PAY to see the bad guy get bitch slapped in the middle of the TN rather than just shot full of holes in the last episode. Like smarmy little DaniLow. Every time I see him I think of BarB'QBun's grill and wonder what part of Danilow will have grill marks on it. No, not that, it would fall through. Maybe a leg, or just have Talisman and CalLow set him up there on his butt.

One of those Tony Robbins style self help gurus had people walking on hot charcoal, so DaniLow may need to look into that just in case he is found out.

Neighbor's dog, my grass.............


Kirby, " No, not that, it would fall through." LMAO well, it would fall through but might get to the cinders LOL I too would like to see the bad guy be hurt in some way or another in the middle of the TN. D-LowIQ didn't show half as much pain when BBQBun gave him that little cut as when Talisman punched him in the stomach. I think a few minutes with Talisman would be very fitting.

Sunny with a chance of showers here. Humidity is awwwful, I walk out the door and get drenched...yuck, yuck.


Kirby, just saw the doggie...awwww, how cute, it wants it's tummy rubbed. Mine do that alot.


Morning all,well it's noon now so good noon.I could see scary Bunguy branding
d-low on the pretty face.
That would be horride. Cute dog Kirby.

Prayers to the families of the shootin Victims in orlando.

Good afternoon. Just back from a school awards program. Overcast and humid here..only upper 60s . Cool for June. I wonder if we will have a cool ,damp June like our May.

The thing about Dan is that he is so arrogant but dim. That is a bad combination. However, I hate to see anyone grilled. Yuck.

I wonder how soon we will find out if Tomas is a good guy or a bad guy. I am pretty sure that Steve is a good guy.

That's why I want him sitting on the grill. Maximum pain, but easily covered scars, in case he decides to start singing Gospel music after his Bad Bun Experience.

How about roasting him over hot coals?

Hey, I have an idea about Tomas. Maybe he's a superhero. No one would ever guess!

OT..Julie..I was on another site , and people were commenting about how much they liked Wonder Woman. Someone (working on a PhD for history of WWI) was wondering why the background story was changed to WWI from the original WWII.

I hope tomas is a good guy.What lettys
Hubby did to her is cruel. She did not Deserve what he did to her.And that ol
Bleach bottled blond he fake married,
What's to keep him from doing the same
To her? Or her to him? Hey What goes around comes around right?Well we will see what comes around tonight.

OT Susanlynn, there is info about that if you google for it, but it made sense to me in the context of the movie. WW2 has a lot of complicated, important baggage that would have made the particular plot of the movie virtually impossible.

Nina, there is something about "Bonita" that bugs me. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the house. She looks like she would run with people who have money, unlikely to ever meet Eraser, much less marry him. Or maybe the house wasn't as fancy as I remember.

Nina..You know that saying, "The way you get them is the way you lose them " So if you mess around with a married guy, and he divorce his wife and marries you. .well..see what happens down the road. What goes around comes around. F

Julie ...yeah, Eraser does not seem like any prize to me, yet two women want him. QTH?

"That's why I want him sitting on the grill. " while he's sitting on the grill, he farts so hard that sparks fly. Some sparks land on BBQbun's bun so Joe we really have a BBQ bun! :-D


Haha, I have no idea how "now " turned to Joe LOL


RGV you got my double meaning Bad Bun joke. I know, but I'm just corny

Yup, and just like we can kill 2 birds with one stone...well we can burn 2 buns with one fire LOL


As for the grilling, I want that to be BunMan's fate. I want Danilo to get squashed.

Oops, what am I saying. I don't want Danilo to get squashed. I want him to accidentally shoot himself in the head with a gun that he thought wasn't loaded.

Wow..see what happens when I am not around to monitor ....grilling buns on the barbie. Tsk tsk you are a violent bunch today.

I ran out of hopeos. Hopeos are to me like that bat is to Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men".


Julie you mean fall into the Smush-O-Matic?

What is a "hopeo"? Is it a type of cereal? Yall started talkin about them around the time you were talkin about the doritos. Sometimes I miss sruff.

This morning, I had Hopeos with fresh strawberries. Yummy . Never give up your hopeos.

Oh that would be TN justice to shoot himself with a fake gun. He keeps on screwing around ole MorGunsa will shoot him. I noticed in subsequent scenes after his close encounter of the knife kind he still had on a little bandaid, so I give them credit for that detail. I notice that in La Pilota they use exclusively black cars, I assume so somebody doesn't leave in a black car and arrive in a white one.

Sue, not that violent, so to speak, more like hateful.

Hopeos are hard to beat, they go with everything. I saw that Dominos is putting them on pizza now.

Hi, Nina !!!..hopeo was originally one of my typos . Julie thought that it might be the name of an aspirational we decided that is what it least here at caray. I hopeo that was a good explanation.

NiNa I think it was a typo a few days ago. I wish I knew exactly who and how. So we all just decided Hopeos must be the dollar store equivalent of Cheerios, or something like that. RgvChik?

Hopeo defined: SusanLynn's creation for the patio; it is an aspirational cereal that fortifies, energizes, and fosters hope and good thoughts. It's also heart healthy :)



Hopeos optionally come with whimsically-shaped marshmallows in Power Ranger colors. They are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, sunshine, and of course lots of sugar.

The mascot is a super-optimistic, twirly-eyed puppy. Because everybody loves puppies, and all cereal mascots are kinda psychotic.

(I hope I didn't overdo it)

Not at all, Julie.



Wow, I really have to hand it to Alfredo and Adriana (again). This is not a quick show to recap. Hang on - I'll get it done by sunrise, I bet.

Looking forward to it, Julie.


Julie: Karma will catch up to Danilo.

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