Tuesday, June 06, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #21, Monday Jun 5 2017: Morgana's Busy Day

Tomas and Leticia talk about their past. She has two kids, and her husband left her. She doesn't want to talk about it any more. Tom says something similar happened to him; his wife left him and hit him with a restraining order for 30 feet/10 meters. That's why he came to CA from MT. He says it's better to be far away.

Leticia says she misses her children terribly. Tomas doesn't have kids, but he's always dreamed of having a house, wife, family.

At Furia, Morgana and Laustela are still yelling at one another. Morgana says that Estela's been fooling around with Danilo and convinced him to make her the singer and get rid of Morgana. Laustela says that's a lie, just like Morgana's claim that Laustela locked her in that room backstage. Danilo is siding with Laustela, much to Morgana's disgust. Genesis ushers Morgana away. Laustela takes off in the opposite direction. Danilo jokes to Ryan about watching women fight. Ryan replies, "we have to talk."

Calao is at the house, allegedly to pick up some papers that Danilo forgot. Rita offers to go get them from the study, but Calao suddenly wants a drink of water and says he'll wait for her in the kitchen. She lets him into the house.

Rita pours Calao a glass of water and goes to the study. Calao dumps the water in the sink and sneaks out of the kitchen.

Dani tells Ryan that neither he nor Morgana has the stuff to take the band to the next level. He'll focus on composing songs and managing the band. Ryan asks, what are you up to with Estela? Is he falling in love with her? Danilo tells Ryan to mind his own business. Ryan says he's seen the way Danilo looks at her. "So?" Danilo replies. Danilo says Ryan's relationship with her is in the past. Danilo thinks that since Laustela is nice to him, likes to chat with him, and so on, maybe they'll go for it.

That little chickie doesn't belong to Ryan, Danilo says. Ryan reminds him that until a couple of days ago, that little chickie was going to marry him, and Danilo had told him that she didn't like him, but now it looks like Danilo's been eyeing her from the very beginning. Danilo denies this. He mocks their brotherhood. Ryan replies angrily. Danilo mocks Ryan's anger.

Calao snoops through the house and finds the little suitcase in Laura's closet. Carefully, with a towel, he takes the Plot Gun and swaps it out with a similar one from his backpack. He also (carefully) steals a drinking glass from the bathroom. (You know, for fingerprints.)

El Talisman lets Morgana in to see BunMan. She tells BunMan that she was kicked out of the band and asks point-blank if that order came from El Dorado. Smirking, BunMan looks her in the eye and says yes. Morgana asks what the hell did she do to El D to deserve that when she has nothing to do with the "business"?

BunMan says the boss knows how to reward those who behave. Their faces are very close. Morgana breathily offers to explain herself to the boss so they'll "understand" one another better. What she wants is a chance as a solo artist! BunMan says that sounds okay, but in order to get to the boss, she'll have to pay a "toll."

BunMan kisses Morgana. El Tal steps outside to give them some privacy. Does BunMan let down his hair? We'll never know.

At the office, Joe tries to call Mercy, but she's not at her desk. Laustela comes in and tells Joe that she thinks someone is laundering money through Furia. She shows Joe the balance sheet and other financial records that were dropped by Soto. Joe says these things don't prove anything, and he'll need to look at the invoices. Laustela asks if Joe and Ryan wouldn't have had to approve expenses. She asks Joe is this is a mistake, is she imagining things?

Joe and Laustela look for the paperwork in Soto's office. Joe admits that he and Ryan don't review all of this stuff, but Soto should be aware of everything. Joe sent Genesis to look for Soto; she comes back to report that she couldn't find him. However, when they tell her what they're looking for (invoices from Onodisk, receipts from the show, record sales, etc.), she lets them know that Danilo is the one who would have all of it. Danilo isn't around right now. Laustela asks Genesis to let them into Danilo's office.

BunMan and Morgana are buttoning up their pants. BunMan says thanks for the sample, but too bad you're not the boss's type! He's like my twin brother, I know what he likes, and it ain't you! Morgana doubts that El D could possibly resist her. BunMan reminds her that Danilo was able to resist her. She leaves El D's place empty-handed, muttering feeble TV-friendly insults.

El Talisman comes back into BunMan's office and asks how it was. "Meh," BunMan says noncommittally, laughing.

Joe asks Genesis not to tell anyone that she let him and Laustela into Danilo's office. (People in the hallway are visible through the blinds on the glass walls of the office, which probably means that Laustela and Joe are visible from the hallway.) Joe quickly finds the necessary records and can see that the numbers were inflated. Laustela concludes that Ryan had nothing to do with this. She asks Joe if they should tell Ryan. Joe thinks that Ryan would rather shut the company down than let it be used for money laundering.


Calao reports that his buddy in the police department processed the stuff they provided quickly, but it'll be expensive. Danilo says it will be worth it if it will prove that Estela killed someone with that gun. He's concerned that she's looking for proof of what he's been up to at Furia. Calao hands over the report from the police lab. Lo and behold, Ryan's girlfriend's prints do not match the ones they have on file for Estela Carrillo! Estella's prints do not match the ones on the gun, but - Calao hands Danilo a fingerprint card. The fingerprints they did find are a match for a Laura Oviedo, who was fingerprinted by Immigration. They want to send her back to Mexico - and the order came from someone pretty high up. Danilo surmises that Laura Oviedo must have purchased her Estela Carrillo ID from Chavalin at the bakery.

Joe has come to the house, looking for Ryan to talk about an "issue with the business." Ryan's not home. Joe won't tell Mercy what this is about, but asks Mercy, what if this "issue" turns out to be so serious that Ryan finds out about "us"? Mercy says that she'd rather lose Furia than lose her son (but she's also flirting with Joe a little bit). In that case, Joe says, fondling Mercy's chin, he's glad he didn't talk to Ryan. And he leaves!

Leticia phones home to her daughter. Leticia says she and Dad will get the kids to the States soon and send them to a good school. The daughter is very excited and wants to talk to Daddy. Leticia says Daddy's working. (This woman is not leading a reality-based lifestyle. She might as well promise to get them a pet unicorn, too.)

Morgana sings and cries in the auditorium. Ryan finds her. He admits he doesn't feel like going home yet, and he doesn't like to see her this way. (So give her a sweater, Ryan!) He tells her that he's mad at Danilo too, because he confessed to being in love with Laustela. Ryan apologizes to Morgana for not believing her about that. Morgana asks Ryan how he can treat Danilo like family when he should be busting Danilo's face. Ryan says he'd like to do that, but it won't help. Morgana touches Ryan's arm and says she wishes Danilo could be more like him. She wants Danilo to feel the same kind of pain she's feeling. Ryan hugs her. Morgana starts kissing him. She asks him to heal her with his kisses. He pushes her away, but it takes a couple of seconds. And then he changes his mind and kisses her.

Danilo comes home to Paloma and Rosario. After some cute talk with the kid, he jovially asks Rosario a question: since Ryan didn't "give Paloma his name," how'd she get her papers? Is her name Carrillo? Is she registered in the US, or only in Mexico? Rosario gets flustered at first, then cheerfully claims that her memory of these things just isn't very good. Keeping up the joviality for Paloma's sake, Danilo says that legal issues like this could even give you a tummyache, right?

Paloma doesn't want to give back Danilo's hat, but he's wearing it again the next time we see him, in Laustela's room. She immediately informs him that she's going to tell Ryan what Danilo's been doing at Furia. She wants to know who put Danilo up to it, because some of her "father's" enemies are threatening her, and maybe they're threatening him too. So he should tell her, and then she'll help him out. Danilo points out that if her "father" had enemies, he must have had allies too, so where are they? Laustela says she doesn't know anything about her father's business. She tries to get Danilo to say that someone threatened him, but he claims that no one ever threatens him about anything.

Morgana and Ryan start getting frisky. No coincidence, they happen to be near the control panel for all the recording equipment, and Morgana surreptitiously presses a button before taking his shirt off. She proclaims, loudly, "with me, you won't miss Estela." And Ryan replies, "I don't want to remember her."

Laustela scolds Danilo for being a crummy brother and says she needs to tell Ryan right away. But as she heads for the door, he calls her "Laurita" and tells her to shut the door. He says he knows her real identity and that they're looking to deport her. If she says anything about the invoices, he'll tell them where she is. He rubs his nose against hers and says otherwise, he'll personally take her to the border himself.

He pulls his face away from hers, and she asks how he found out. He says all she needs to know is that he can find out things. So now he knows that Paloma isn't Ryan's daughter. She wants to know what he has to do with the people who are threatening her, and what are they threatening her for. He gets really close again and says it's the price she must pay for pretending to be someone else. She's going to have to keep her mouth shut about the money laundering now.

Ryan and Morgana put their clothes back on. She tries to make nice with him, but he says this was nothing more than a tantrum and they need to get over it. It was good, but he doesn't need any more "confusions." Morgana says it's not like she expects him to marry her or anything, but they can do it again sometime without any fuss. Ryan doesn't want to talk about it. He leaves, and she turns off the recording equipment.

Later, Ryan plays basketball outside with Steve and tells him that being with Morgana made him realize how much he's in love with Laura. He's upset with Danilo, and then he was with Morgana, and he's sinking into a shame spiral. Steve warns Ryan not to sink again. He should fight for Laura. (Did Steve just jump really high, or is the basket too low?)

Laura pushes Danilo away and asks why "they" want her to sing, and what does this have to do with Pedro Carrillo. She doesn't want anyone to recognize her. Danilo says that's no problem. They can put her in a wig and whatnot to disguise her. He tells her to do it for the kid. Or, you know, don't do it, and get screwed.

Genesis and Leticia talk about groceries. (There's a big box of Hopeos cereal on the counter. No, not really.) Leticia wants to get a job so she can start sending money home to the kids. Genesis says they're having trouble at the office with the people who do their cleaning (this is true, I remember Mercy making a suspiciously ostentatious remark about it a few weeks ago). But there's a problem hiring Leticia because she doesn't have documentation. Leticia begs for a chance. She'll do a great job and not be a problem.

Danilo tries to kiss Laura. She slaps him. He laughs. She says she hasn't told him her conditions yet. For one thing, there are additional people blackmailing her. (Danilo takes offense and says he's not blackmailing.) The guy who's blackmailing her is going to screw up El Dorado's plans for her. All that guy wants is money, and as soon as she makes her first payment, he'll want more. Danilo promises to stop him, as long as Laura sings. It's a deal. She shakes his hand, and he kisses hers.


Danilo goes to Morgana's room. She accuses him of being out drinking all night and tells him this isn't Estela's room. He tries to reason with her: El D kicked him out of the band too, and he only went after Estela to make sure Ryan didn't get the extra 20%. Morgana says oh good, so we're still going ahead with the plan? Great, because I banged Ryan yesterday. Just like we decided, right? After all, she wants to make sure she ends up with one of the company's owners.

Danilo recovers from his shock and says it's okay. After all, he started this thing. So he forgives Morgana for being with Ryan, just so long as Morgana forgives him for possibly being with Estela. Morgana teases, "let's see if you can."

Laura runs into Fausto on her way to work. He mocks her and even claims that their little adventure helped her to build character. He reminds her that she owes him money. She says she has it, but not with her. They should meet somewhere else, away from where she works. He insists that she must have it in an hour (she has to cash the check first) and meet him at the bar in the hotel where he's staying near the airport. She wants him to say that this will be the last time. He says he's not good at promising, and from the looks of that house she's living in, that guy she's with ought to be good for more money. She'll need to get back together with Ryan. She's good at that kind of stuff, Fausto taunts. Laura shoves Fausto. Fausto reminds her she has 59 minutes, and takes off. Danilo calls Laura, or Laura calls Danilo (I forget which).

At the office, Joe is waiting for Soto and Ryan. Genesis starts to ask Joe about hiring Leticia, but Danilo barges in without knocking. Genesis leaves. Before Danilo can express whatever douchbaggery is on his mind, Joe confronts him about the money laundering. Danilo surmises that Laustela said something. Joe doesn't reply to this, and asks whether Soto was threatened or bribed. Danilo says that's the wrong question. The right question is, will Joe turn Danilo in? Because then Danilo can tell about Joe and Mercy. Joe doesn't care. Danilo says that if Joe talks, he's doomed. Everyone will be an accomplice. For one thing, the accountants will see Joe's signature all over everything. For another, Estela - who had a thing with one of the business owners - is the daughter of the most notorious money launderer. If Dani goes to jail, he'll take his brother and Mercy and maybe even Joe with him.

In the auditorium, Morgana tries several times to pick a fight with Laustela, but Laura doesn't take the bait. She does ask Morgana why she's here, though, since she's not with the band anymore. Morgana plays back the recording with Ryan. Laustela pretends that it doesn't bother her, and even says that it's a big weight off her chest. Morgana doesn't buy Laustela's reaction. She brags that she and Ryan are just getting started. Laustela offers her congratulations.

Morgana prepares to rearrange Laustela's teeth, when Wonder Woman bursts in and... wait, no, that's Rosario. Good enough. Rosario proclaims herself to be ultra-badass. Morgana calls Rosario a hillbilly, but unfortunately Morgana leaves before Rosario gets the chance to show off her superpowers.

Fausto is waiting for Laura in what appears to be an alley. An empty beer bottle is thrown into the end of the alley. Drawn to the bottle the way flies are drawn to... empty beer bottles, Fausto investigates. He calls out. When he reaches the end of the alley, Calao (wearing a super-loud patterned black and white shirt) jumps him. They fight, and for a moment, Fausto appears to have the upper hand. Then, as Fausto chokes Calao, Calao stabs Fausto in the right side. He gets up, takes his knife out of Fausto's body and wipes it on Fausto's shirt, and goes on his merry way.

Next time: Surely a small fistfight can solve all of this.


Hoooweee!! I had forgotten what it was like to recap a good show. It still takes a long time, but at least I don't feel dumber afterwards.

Thanks so much Julie. Morgana's busy day. AKA Ryan comes in second......
Great recap of a great episode. No dozing off in this show. Fausto's ship comes in, I hope he's as happy as we are.

The one thing that drives me crazy is how the bad guys always have all these shady popo connections and every advantage and the good guys sèem to have the deck stacked against them.

Ole Calao had his hand full for a minute there with that bad hand and FauxPas but it turned out just fine. I was actually rooting for them to kill each other but no hopeo for kirbo.

Good morning,call.

Julie, I have not had time to read your recap, but I was so happy to see your name as recapped.

Yeah, one baddie took out the guy I most wanted gone!

Ry..ick .another weak willed galan who just can not say "thanks,but no. Thanks." And Morgana superho...is she miraculously going to have a bun in the oven, yeah I said it, By Bun and claim the baby is Ry's? Later..gotta run now.

Julie! Awwwesome, recap! An episode so intense and you made it so much more entertaining; thank you so much! BTW, when I saw the box of cereal, I had the same thought--HOPEOS!!

I wonder how long D-lowdownmaggot’s luck is going to last. He does the dumbest things, yet he can figure out such devious ways to get what he wants. He has both Joe and Laustela between a rock and a hard place. I hope Joe has what it takes to do the right thing.

That itty bitty part of my heart that felt sorry for MorgaSlut…no more. I was amused by BBQbun’s assessment of her performance though. I have to hand it to the girl, she’s a sly one and she is not going down without a fight.

Ryan lost more points again, I know he wanted to kick himself afterwards, but I’d really like to help him. How stupid could he get?

I was really impressed with the way Laustela kept herself composed when she heard the recording and MorgaSlut kept chiding her. But given everything else, this seems to be the least of Laustela’s problems.

Another one bites the dust! Someone had hopeoed that the villains would kill each…looks like that’s exactly what might happen. Unfortunately, getting rid of Fauxpassed will most likely help La Toña find Laustela. La Toña was already trying to find out (through the FauxHoochie) what Fauxpassed was up to, so Fauxhoochie will probably tell or show the passport to La Toña.

Rosario surprised me. I love the way she went after Morgaslut…but now I'm much more curious about her past. I laughed when she threatened Morgaslut that she was going to take her eyes out—someone on the writing team must have a thing for pulling eyes out!



OK, it's ringing................


I am reading the excellent recap asci eating my breakfast hopeos and strawberries .

Question. .Do you still have to "pay a toll" if you have EZPass ?

I ran to get the phone but, I was too late...doing morning stretches before chores...LOL


TheBun tells Mor that El D is " like his twin, " so..is Bun actually Bossbun? He seems pretty arrogant and makes a lot of decisions seemingly on his own .

MorgaSlut gives sluts everywhere a bad name. Da Hoe. Hmmmm... a lot of chrome, but nuttin under the hood according to Bun.

Susanlynn, "He seems pretty arrogant" yep, but takes advantage to make a score...even though it was "Meh"... I don't think he is El D...he talks on the phone to someone...so there must be someone higher up.



Sue that's what I have been thinking too. That El D is his convenient fake boss. Like "Hey, I know it's not fair, but that is what the Boss said, Sorry Buddy." "No, you know the rules, you CAN'T talk to him."

EZPass? Noun or verb? I thought that is what MorgaSlut made at Ryan, DaBun, El D whoever, anybody, everybody.

DaniLow thinks he's pretty smart and can mix it up with the big boys. I just have this hunch that the 'Toe Principal' will come into effect. You know, the toes you step on while on your way up,are going to be connected to the ass you need to kiss on your way back down.

Maybe not


Thanks, all. Alfredo deserves a break on Monday nights - especially since he's doing La Candidata now.

BunMan did strongly hint that he's El D, but I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him. Another possibility is that El D really is his twin... perhaps his female twin... which would explain why he's so sure Morgana isn't El D's type. So we're back to thinking maybe the real Estela is El D.

Fausto may not be dead, but at best he ought to be out of commission for a while.

Julie..you are, as I have always known, a good soul for helping Alfredo out!

Kirby..EZpass is a pass you purchase so that you can go through toll booths here without stopping to pay cash. You attach something to your windshield and the money is taken from your account. ..making traveling EZer and faster. We have quite a few toll booths in the northeast.


True, Julie. We didn't really see Fauxpas take that last breath...but at the least. he did eat some dust...haha. Yikes, that's going to make him even more dangerous.


Sue thanks. We call it Speedpass or something like that here in Florida. It is mostly for these gazillion bridges we must have. But I didn't know who in the show was paying a toll.


Alfredo, it didn't look like there was a lot of time between Bun and Ryan 'coming in second'.
I'd say no self respect and a combination of being too lazy to actually put forth any effort to get what she wants.

So Caloa's personal body count goes to three, Steve?

I sure thought FauxPassed was dead, but I am easily fooled when things are going the way I want.

It was a nice touch cleaning his knife on FauzPas. I kinda had my heart set on him peeing on his face too, but I guess this is a family show.

Kirby, "I sure thought FauxPassed was dead" maybe we overdosed on Hopeos, but I'm sure hopeoing that we didn't.

If he does make it, I think he will join forces with La Toña..she hasn't gotten him beaten up...yet...


Thanks, Julie. Glad to be reading your recaps again. Perfect title. My faves:

Morgana prepares to rearrange Laustela's teeth, when Wonder Woman bursts in and... wait, no, that's Rosario. Good enough.

Drawn to the bottle the way flies are drawn to... empty beer bottles, Fausto investigates.

I’m shocked. Ryan wasn’t even drunk. No excuse. I count three trysts for Morgana within 24 hours: Danilo the night before, Asdrubal the next morning/afternoon, and Ryan in the evening. We know Danilo didn’t use protection, but what about the other two? Anyway, I’m guessing Morgana will be out of luck and having a mini-BadBun instead of 20%.

Good news for Mercy last night as Viewerville scratches off Morgana as her possible mystery baby.

Ryan might as well go back to prison for all the good he’s doing Furia. Almost everybody knows about the money laundering except him.

OT..Julie..We will be on Route 495 driving around Boston and heading north soon. Any advice? Do you have EZpass up there?

The fight between the two evil forces was great. I especially enjoyed the rolling beer bottle that announced Cal's arrival and drew Faustno to him. I thought the Rio of blood coming from Faustno indicated that his life's blood was spilling out of him and that he was already descending into hades to meet his new boss..Satan.

Did Joe fondling Mercy's chinnychinchin mean that he was not going to tell Ry about the money laundering so that Ry would not find out that Joe was having an affair with Mercy?

Another telenovela with no happy marriages . Mercy and Walter cheated in each other. Joe is cheating on Mrs. Joe. Eraser is cheating on Letme . Tomas' s wife had to take out! a restraining order on him. Everyone else is single. Is this a trend in telenovelas? Do people no longer believe in love and fidelity ? Depressing.

I do but I'm mostly Gringo.

Oh Sue I finally understood your EZPass question. I thought it had to do with the TN.

I believe the states do not have reciprocal agreements on the RFID toll devices. IE: It is only good in the state where it was issued.

OMG...Being with Morgana made him realize how much he loves Lestela. OMG I hate you, Ry. ..and I do not think that you have ever played basketball in your life. Poser. #loveandbasketball

"O Hon,. I know it was wrong, please forgive me, she made me realize how much I luuuuurve you."

Riiiiiight Ryyyyyan. No girl has eeeeever heard that one before

So when Tonya figures out that Fauxpas is dead will she get in touch with Blake? I don't remember how much FP told her about Laura.

Danilo almost sounded smart and logical when he was threatening Joe about what would happen if Joe squealed about the money laundering. #idiotsavant?

Hmmm...I hopeo that we find out Rosario's back story. What made her ultra badass Wonder Woman? Was she working in a bordello , too?

Hey, when I was listing all the cheating in the marriages portrayed here, I forgot about that love match of Ton and Ocelio. Any chance there was no cheating there? #Rhetoricalquestion_#sarcasm #hahahahaha

I think that I need to make a flowchart. FunBun assigned Cal as Dan's babysitter. Then, Dan and Cal formed their own team. Dan promised to protect Laura if she did not rat him out and set Cal on Faustno . And Bun does not know what Dan and Cal are up to. In the meantime, Morg gave Ry some spontaneous sexual healing therapy which caused Ry to have an epiphany and realize his true love for Lestela! #howromantic #hopeospringseternal

Kirby, that I recall, FP didn't mention anything to La Toña about Laustela or that he had been "in touch" with Blake. But La Toña was talking to Fauxhoochie a couple episodes back and trying to get her to find out exactly what FP was up to since he didn't express interest in going back into the "beezness" with her.

SusanLynn, "Did Joe fondling Mercy's chinnychinchin mean that he was not going to tell Ry..." It seems that he is going to keep quiet...for now. I think Joe is starting to accept the fact that Mercyme doesn't want any more from him than what they already have. My hopeo is that he will find a way for Ryan to find out about the laundering...when? who knows. I just feel that he does have a conscious (under all that hair) and has some loyalty for Ryan and the company.

"Paloma doesn't want to give back Danilo's hat, but he's wearing it again the next time we see him" I wouldn't put it past DaniLucifer to have snatched the hat away from Paloma and left her crying...he is E-V-I_L!



Oh, I wonder if we'll find out what transpired at the meeting of the Cartel minds tonight...

We haven't seen Blake in a while, so that storm may be brewing. Now that Laura's fingerprints were "requested," will that alert be forwarded to the Senator who will in turn alert Blake??

SusanLynn I think we'll need several flowcharts...


I am not sure where Joe is going with his conversation with Danilo. There is no way for him to turn Danilo in without his relationship with Mercy being exposed. That's whether he tells Ryan about the money laundering or not.

I wondered how Laura's prints got into any database under her own name. What name did she give when she was arrested? I would think it would have been Estela Carrillo. So Blake must have arranged for those prints to be renamed as Laura Oviedo when he figured out who she was? Or...??? Confused.

Oh, there was a scene between Fausto and his girlfriend, but I didn't think they said anything of interest.

Susanlynn, I work near 495 in Foxboro. I never, ever drive around Boston. Even when I worked in Cambridge, I took the train most of the time. The traffic is mind-boggling. I don't recommend driving around Boston except as a last resort. Parking is outrageously expensive.

We do have E-ZPass. AFAIK yours should be good here, if you have one, but you'll want to confirm on their website. If you don't have a transponder, a camera takes a picture of your license plate and sends you a bill. No tollbooths. I don't know any more about this stuff because I don't spend much time on toll roads.

Rgv..yikes..Blake in Mexico has influence over a U.S. senator ! I remember that phone call that the ICE officer made to someone who asked that all the people rounded up for deportation have their finger prints checked. We need Chavilin. Do we know how long he will be in jail ? The good guys are so outnumbered. Also, there are so many women being threatened and abused by men. #WWWWD



and 'meet his new Boss...Satan' had me howling and talking to the computer.

Somebody text LauStela and tell to keep her hundred grand and just go shopping, FauxPas moved away.

Hit it and quit it Ryan, even more reason to kick MorGona(Rhea) to the curb. Get her skanky ass out of there. As a matter of fact, hook her up with Tona, no sense in just giving it away Morg. You need a steady job now anyway.

Julie, as of last year , I had to have my fingerprints taken and a criminal check done and I teach in community college and only have contract with adults. Even volunteers in public schools here have to have that done to volunteer to work in public schools. Maybe Laura had to have her fingerprints taken to teach music at the school.

Julie, "I wondered how Laura's prints got into any database under her own name. " Many episodes ago, Blake sent Laura's fingerprints to the Senator so that he could help find her and deport her. It seemed to me that he already had her fingerprints from way back when...

I also remember that when Fauxpas and Laustela were arguing he said something like 'You were so good, you reached as high as "el gabacho" (gringo, assuming that is Blake). If Laura was Blake's 'personal companion" he may have had her fingerprints taken as one of his security measures.


OT....Julie, thanks for the into. Maybe I was not clear. We will not be going to Boston. Hubba would not drive in NYC when our daughter lived , so he would not like Boston either. He there is spending hours on the computer looking for a route to avoid Boston and major traffic on our drive north to Maine and then Canada. Our trips to Toronto were down familiar, but we have never made this road trip before. We flew up at Thanksgiving , but that was a mess because there is no direct flight , so we had to go from Newark to Montreal airport and then change planes to continue our trek.

SusanLynn. "that phone call that the ICE officer made to someone who asked that all the people rounded up for deportation have their finger prints checked." From what I remember, they never took the fingerprints...they made some lame excuse (too many illegals picked up? they neede to hurry and get rid of them...??) and didn't do it.


Rgv..that's how I remember it , too. Cal got laura out of that situation. He is a violent , creepy hitman , but oddly he has also been her protecting guardian Angel !

What is going to happen when BadtotheBun finds out that Dan and Cal have formed an alliance ?

Julie..forgot to tell you how much I loved the title !

Yeah, Cal got her out of that situation, but now I'm wondering which us the worse of 2 evils...D-Lucifer or FauxPas? And how did Cal know where Laustela's bedroom was in that huge mansion? I know why he switched the guns, but do they really think Laustela won't notice it's not the original plot gun...they a totally different?!


You're right, Rgv, ICE did NOT take fingerprints because lazy. And if the school had taken Laustela's fingerprints, they would have been under Estela's name. So Blake must have put those fingerprints into the system on his own, via the senator. I guess he and La Tona must have kept a record of all their "employees'" fingerprints.

Intriguing that there is a remote possibility that Morgana could get pregnant for real. If she actually has a bun in the oven, how will she explain when the baby is born with a bun on its head?

Susanlynn, oh yes, I forgot about the trip to Maine. 495 goes around Boston, but even the northern end of that gets kinda choky during Rush Hour(s), I am told. But it is still much, much better/less annoying than taking a direct route through the city - unless you enjoy driving at 2 or 3 in the morning. Then it shouldn't be too bad to either go straight through or a closer loop around on I-95 or I-93. But avoid those roads during business hours.

Also, if you're taking 95 through Providence, avoid rush hour. Or avoid Providence.

I am am little confused about why Cal wanted that gun. Wasn't it fortunate how easily the found it , and Dan originally found it by accident while looking for lingerie. These bad guys have such good luck !

Since Faustno originally started Laura's troubles, I am glad that he is gone. Google Hieronymous Bosh ..his painting is my vision of Fausto in hell.

Danilo wanted Cal to get the fingerprints on the gun checked to find out if they were Estela's. He was hoping that it would turn out to be a murder gun, but I don't think there's a simple way to query the gun about its history. Guns leave distinctive markings on bullets, but I don't think a database of such markings is kept. It's supposedly easy for the person with the gun to damage the barrel such that the markings won't be the same next time it is fired.

When Laura and Ryan found the gun they thought it had never been fired before. I didn't hear Calao say anything about that, but maybe it was in the police lab report.

Joe's dilemma is tell Ryan about Danilo's money laundering and Danilo will tell about Joe's affair with Mercy. But wouldn't Ryan be more worked up about the money laundering and Danilo than he would about his mom not being a saint?

I'm confused about the gun too. The original one was pretty and feminine looking, but the new one is not so Laustela should notice. Maybe the replacement has a bad history that could implicate Laustela in a crime, since the original one was supposed to be clean and never used.

Julie, we crossed. Maybe Calao thinks because Laustela is a girl that she won't notice the difference between the two guns?

Befpore I can thank Julie for the recap, I must chide Sysanlynn for another bowl of Hopoes and strawberries. This is the third day in a row--aren't you concerned about the build-up of toxins in your insides?

Ok, thank you so much Julie, almost a Hopoes-free episode. It was a deliciously crunchy read. Yep, Morgan'ass Busy Night--three guys in a row? If FauxPas hadn't had a bit of a set back, he should have introduced her to La Tona. Morgan'ass definitely has stamina. (The first Morgan'ass was a typo and I decided I liked it.)

Hey, guys, when anyone gets stabbed in the abdomen, it does not spell death. Calao should have stuck the shiv in his heart for good measure. I have a feeling FauxPas will be resurrected.

Kirby--Bunmean told Morgana she would have to "pay a toll" to get to ElD. I sure do like the idea of El D being female or gay, so not her type.

Remember the doc told Morgana she can never have any children. It sounded pretty definite, so it's only in her head that she's going to get pregnant--that's probably why she's in such a hurry to line up the candidates.

Another thing that's been cleared up--Steve plays pool AND basketball at night, but no hint of what he does during the day.

Anita.... Best typo ever.

I hopeo that stab got a vital organ , but perhaps it will just slow Faust down a little. It seemed a little early for his demise, but there are so many villains that I was hopeoing that the writers were going to portion out the anvils instead of bringing down all the villains in the last episode.


OT--Waaay OT: I just saw a trailer for a soon to be released US film Baby Driver. I was surprised to see our AV fresa, Nicole Brizz (Eiza Gonzalez) in it along with Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, JON HAMM and a few other. Of course we knew her English was perfect....I would go to see this just for another chance to gaze upon Jon Hamm.

Susanlynn--OT: I-495 is an interstate, so no tolls. I go to see my Boston family often and let me tell you, EZ Pass is the way to go now-a-days from DC, especially through DE and on the NJ turnpike.

BODY COUNT (Which might grow again anytime in this TN):

1.) Several of the Teachers at the Foundation

2.) Racist Skinhead

3.) Pedro Carrillo

4.) Walter Cabrera

5.) Dude killed by El Dorado's Men

6.) Laustela's Tia Herminia

7.) The Prosecutor

8.) The Prosecutor's Assistant

9.) Osiel

If anyone else should be added, let me know.

Anita..yeah,we know that like all American guys (grin) , Steve likes B ball and pool , but how does he pay his bills? It makes me think of MEPS in which the galan (Fernando Colunga) played football for that university so known for its football..Harvard.

Anita..thanks for the info. Hubba was surprised that EZpass was accepted going from NY into Canada. Now , we are looking for places to eat breakfast in Connecticut. Cracker barrels are evidently a southern and midatlantic thing.

Kirby--at 12:27--one small mind thinks like the big one (the one that flies with the eagles).

Susanlynn--I don't think you'll find Hopoes and strawberries on the Cracker barrel menu. Try Friendlys. (Yeah, it's a chain but you're not tempted by all the chotchkes at the front of Crackerbox.)

OT...Anita..ah..Jon Hamm. I miss Mad Men. I went to school with a guy named Hamm and that was the name of my fourth grade teacher. Related? Probably not. So, are we going to hear a lot of ..okay. Okay. Okay like we heard from her in AV ? Also off topic..the star of Outlander is supposed to be "The Spy Who Dumped Me" with Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. Squeeeee.

Anita. Have you been taking to Hubba? I like being tempted !!!

Anita..stuff happens. I have a friend and a relative who got pregnant after being told by a doctor that there wasn't a good chance of it happening. They stopped " trying" so hard...and boom.. Pregnant.

Susanlynn--Still OT: No, but if you want me to, I will (catch me off-line). I have found that a few more miles under pleasant circumstances makes a big difference. Either cross the Hudson at the Tappanzee bridge or even better at I-84 near Newburgh. The best ride is to follow I-87 all the way to the Mass Turnpike near Albany. Lovely countryside and I get to Acton in about 8 1/2 - 9 hours (but I drive like a fiend and only stop twice.)

Yeah, stuff does happen... here's a wild what if--

I once saw a Lifetime movie where a girl had twins, but the twins had different fathers. MorgaSlut could have triplets!! One with a bun, one with an obnoxious smirk, and one that's overall good, And if it can't happen the way the dr said, she'll find some other way to "get pregnant". She's a woman with a mlssion and will go to any means to get what she wants.


I understood that DaniLuc wanted CaLow to get the gun (hopeoing LauStela's prints were on it) to frame her for shooting someone by shooting (probably anybody (with HER gun) with her prints on it.

And BadBun also told MorGonnarhea that El Dorito is "Like his twin brother'

Kirby, I only remember them talking about seeing if the gun had any "history" ...and of course to get her prints. I'm thinking Cal took the glass just as a precaution..in case the gun didn't have any prints.


Julie, this was awesome. I read it all while grinding my teeth at these people.
Haven't read the comments yet, so sorry if I repeat another poster, but did Morgana went from slutish looking to President of SlutsRUs? Two guus in one afternoon? Geez, did she even shower in between (I just made myself barf a little).
Laura being caught by Danilow at least means that she won't believe anymore of his bull about being all about music and yada yada yada. But of course that as soon as she gets a goos thought on Ryan (not being guilty of money laundering) she finds out that he's a manwhore. Typical!


Adriana Noel, I agree... if anything good came from this episode, it's that both Ryan and Laustela found out that D-Luci is not at all what he initially seemed. Hopeofully, they both will put their guards up from now on and think twice about what his true motives are.


Well, if Bun said "twin brother" I suppose we can rule out a woman being El D. I think that it has to be the Bun himself. P.s. When he was lying on the bed ..sofa?? with his head back ( and his pants on ..QTH???) ..I actually did not recognize him.

I misspoke about Hopeos the other day. I mistakenly said that it is the breakfast of champions..that's Wheaties. Hopeos is the breakfast of superheroes!! I bet Rosario and Wonder Woman eat them every day !!!

Yes, now both Ry and Lestela see what Dan really is behind his adolescent personna and goofy grin.

RVG Chick: MorganSlut ROFLOL.

She might pull that off.

I think that Laura is unlikely to look in that suitcase any time soon, and when she does, she may not even realize that it's a different gun (if Calao or Danilo doesn't swap it back first) unless she has a really good memory for what it looked like. She didn't spend a lot of time looking at it.

Fausto's stab wound was probably too low to involve his liver or kidneys. I have heard that a stab wound in the guts is extremely painful, though. And of course his odds of survival would depend on how long till someone finds him and gets him to the hospital.

Adriana, I wish I'd paid enough attention to notice if Morgana was wearing the same outfit when she seduced Ryan as she did with BunMan. Ew.

Susanlynn... I think "twin brother" could also be interpreted as "generic twin sibling of unspecified gender." Maybe. It might be a stretch, but if El D is a woman, BunMan certainly isn't going to let Morgana know that!

Bunman could very well be El D, though. I just don't know why he'd pretend to be El D's enforcer.

I don't know what to make of the fact that Lucio Galvan told Danilo that he could deal directly with him. If Bunman is the real boss, I don't think Lucio could get away with that, yet we didn't see Bunman burning Lucio's unmarinated hand.

But I doubt that Lucio is the real boss, either. Because then Bunman wouldn't be allowed to tell Danilo not to talk to Lucio.

At least I no longer believe that Bunman is a mole from a rival gang. But I'm still not sure who he is.

Oops, premature hitting the Publish button. Meant to say that either Bunman and Lucio are peers who both work for the real El D, OR they (and perhaps additional partners) are a collective and there is no El D at all.

Julie...unless Morsex has mulitiple pairs of those shorty jean shorts and Madonna bra tops, I think that it was the same outfit. Gak. I don't even like to think about changing dentists. I think that Morofthesame must have spent some time as a sex worker because she seems so nonchalant about it all. I wonder if she rates the guys on a scale like in the Olympics. Points for creativity? After all, Bun thought that he should rate her.

So...El D is kind of the Wizard of Oz. The man behind the curtain.

Julie, fantastic recap. Dumbasslo is
Pond scum. Hes blackmailin a lot of
People. Someone is gonna wind up dead
In his oversized cowboy hat. Him.

Laurasita is so jealous.Glad she knows
Ryan's not involved with the moneywashin stuff. Man she is in a pickle now.

Morgaspreadthemwide will do anybody. Anywhere.I hope those men use comdoms.
I wonder if dumbasslo will try to use the Stabbing also to keep laura in
O letty, she's still on fantasy island
Thinkin hubby will leave his happily
Married fake wife and come back to her

Tomas:Is he or isn't he a good guy? Is it Possible to have a guy in this show who isn't comfused,befuddled cheating,
A murderer, in prisin or just plain dumb? If it is leticia you've hit the
Jackpot girl. Dare we dream?

I like the way moma rosy was about to
Open a can of whipass on morgaopenwide
But she didn't do to good with "I got
Amnesia don't remember anything about
That stuff" play.Becides dumbasslo got
His answers.

O ryan you poor schmuck. "To hell with it All" is gonna make you a baby daddy. So Happy father's day. What a mess. And he Made it.

Thank you Julie.

Thanks for the wonderful recap Julie.

Question: Who arrested Chavalin? Tomas? Is he an undercover ICE agent?

OK, you watch over there, I'll keep a lookout over this way. I know that BunSquirrel is in this tree somewhere, but he aint gonna get us.

Anonymous at 5:57: An undercover agent arrested Chavalin. He gave a fake name so we do not know what his real name. Here at Caray, he is known as CuteCop. Tomas was not that undercover agent...who he is or what he does has not been revealed.


LOL Kirby, that is an awesome pic...don't forget, they need to be on the lookout for the sidekick, Talisquirrel too.


Trivia: I'm surprised no one has mentioned this, but BBQBun wears a...sshhhh, don't say it too loud...v-e-s-t! I guess I hadn't noticed because he usually wears a jacket or I'm distracted by the shoulder holster; plus he is no DudBun.


Morgana kind of invited BunMan to rate her. He was supposed to communicate to El D whether or not she would be worthy of his attention.

We don't know what Tomas does for a living. Most people aren't free to loaf around a city park all afternoon, so that might narrow things down a little. He could have a night job, be independently wealthy, rob convenience stores, be unemployed, unsuccessful novelist, successful novelist, vigilante crime fighter (perhaps more of a hobby than an occupation), bum, unkempt real estate agent...

Damn, I love squirrel pictures.

RgvChick... you're right! I've been so distracted by the bun that I didn't notice the vest. Plus, he makes facial expressions, which are interesting to look at and interpret, so I never notice what he's wearing.

Susanlynn, speaking of vigilantes, have you ever seen this? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102618/ You can find it on youtube.

Rgv..yes, yes, yes !!! I definitely noticed that vest as NekkidBun was dressing in the afterglow.

OT...Julie..I did not know about that movie. His movie career has been dismal. However, I did like the second Highlander movie that he did. The one where he got married to an immortal.

Just able to read your delicious, juicy recap Julie. You are amazing.

"Does BunMan let down his hair? We'll never know", "He's like my twin brother, I know what he likes he doesn't like to see her this way" and "(So give her a sweater, Ryan" were among too many favorites to mention

"he's sinking into a shame spiral". In a sinkhole. What an a_ _ hole. I have been here what 9 years? I don't think I've ever used that word before. He just lost any right to the galan title. Revolting.

Adriana Noel, I got the feeling Morgana did not shower between trysts either. Yes. Rather made me sick.

Well, we got to see the only smile Assbun has given. To Morgana. But it wasn't sweet in the slightest, was it??

Susanlynn, I cannot make up my mind if AB is top bun or not. I like the theory his "twin" could be his sister, and the mastermind here.

Excellent comments all.

Julie, thank you!!!


Hey, Diana. I think that we both have been around here a long time, and I do not remember you ever saying that word!!! Ha!!! Strong emotion there and I am with you 100% . What is it with these new galans thinking that it is okay to bunnyhop with others while saying how much they love their onetrueloves. They evident!y do not understand the word "one" in onetruelove. Ry, you are not a galan to Diana and me.

Diana.."top bun"...tee-hee...good one !

I know those Furria little rodents are up there somewhere, but I can't see them.
I will just lay low and wait.
They gotta come down sometime, then BAM !

Bar-B-Que time.

Susanlynn....is superho gonna have a bun in the oven by bunguy and say it's ryans?". Well to make it really really
Interesting and fun They could pull a twins deal. You know how they to used to do in the American soap operas one in particular "The Guiding Light" when this girl got pregnant she had twins she slept with two men, or rather she had sex with two men there wasnt a lot of sleeping going on. Turns out that one of the babies belonged to one guy and other one belonged to the other. So since she's had sex with Ryan and Bunguy, I don't know how many hours if any between them she can have twins. I
Have never heard of any novelas having
Done that before. Now that would rock everybody's world in tn land. Just trying make it spicier than it already
Is. I would love to see them do that.

They pulled a fast one on "The Young and the Restless" today. Chloe was supposed to be dead, after the funeral her husband was in there talking to her while the coffin is closed and she opens the coffin lid and he passes out. Can't wait till tomorrow to see that one.

Loved your squirrel pix Kirby.

I have a soft spot for the little critters.


OT...Nina..I just started watching "The Bold and the Beautiful" because I have always liked the actor playing Ridge. Do you watch that one?

Thanks. They like us pretty well too if there are Hopeos or Peanuts involved.



Well, let's just make it 100 even. Good night, all.

Ugh, yes, Ryan is another galanfail. I guess we are supposed to give him credit for feeling ashamed of himself? Well, it's much easier to do the crime and repent, than to keep it in your pants. I mean, seriously, Ryan? Who raised y-- oh, right.

Susanlynn - it wasn't a movie. It was an unsold TV pilot. I saw it when it was on. I don't remember if it was good or not, but I thought it had potential for a series if they developed the characters. (Kind of a ripoff of The Punisher, but slightly more down to earth.) I didn't recognize or remember him a couple of years later when Highlander started, and was pretty shocked to find out it was the same guy!

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