Thursday, June 01, 2017

La Piloto #62 5.31.17: In Which Yolanda Disappoints Dave (Again)...

• Oscar wonders how Santamaria found out about John’s extradition and Santamaria explains that he had Dave’s cell phone in his possession and was able to read his text message. Oscar thinks it’s a great coincidence but Santamaria reiterates that he’s not the enemy, in fact, he visited John in jail that morning. Oscar nods and asks for the information then though he realizes Santamaria must want something in return. Santamaria tells him that he is looking for Yolanda Cadena, because they have an old score to settle, though he doesn’t have many contacts in Mexico who can help him so he needs his help. Oscar tells him that Yolanda is a good friend of his, and he loves her very much, but he will turn her over, if only to help out his brother. They then agree and shakes on it though Oscar has one condition: kill Yolanda in the most painful way possible. Santamaria tells him that he will try but Oscar hopes he tries really hard and smiles.
• Yolanda and the girls looks over several maps and decide the best place to buy in order to build their airstrip. Yolanda then assigns them each a task: Lizbeth is inc charge of the airplanes and locating John’s personal airplane; Wilmer will be in charge of communications and will check out all of devices provided by Vergara; Olivia will be in charge of security. Zulima reminds the odd woman out as Yolanda doesn’t know where to place her. Zulima tells her that she can pilot the airplane but Yolanda reminds her that she doesn’t know how to; Zulima suggests Yolanda teach her and Yolanda agrees.

• Santamaria gives Oscar the details of John’s extradition: tomorrow at 5 am in a DEA plane. Oscar tells him that he never gives thanks but thanks Santamaria for his help. He then asks Santamaria to leave as he has a plan to orchestrate. Santamaria also has a plan and suggests Oscar listen to it, if he’s interested. Oscar thinks about it for a second and then tells Santamaria to tell him his plan. Santamaria asks if they can sit down for a coffee, jut so they can be more comfortable, and Oscar obliges.
• In his cell, John remembers when he said goodbye to Yolanda before she left to Colombia. He then remembers when he found out the truth from Oscar and Yolanda’s betrayal. He puts his head between his legs and then takes out his vibrating cell phone and answers. It’s Oscar, who tells him that tomorrow he will be extradited. John asks how he found out and Oscar explains that he found out from Santamaria, who found out from Dave, and they are going to rescue him ASAP because he won’t let him be extradited. John nods and hangs up.
• Yolanda tells everyone that she knows the routes through which they will take the merchandise but they still need the information for their suppliers in Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. Olivia notes how hard it will be to work without their contacts and Yolanda asks the guard to bring them Vergara so they can talk to him. Once alone, she asks Wilmer to trace Rosalba’s cell phone and find her and the baby. Zulima looks away as Olivia watches the door in case the guard comes.
• Monica thanks Dave for coming and bringing her things. He nods and she apologizes for being so cold and distant though Dave tells her not to worry. HE then remembers when she got shot and confessed that she would die if something happened to him. Dave then asks her to be patient as he talks to Benavides and secures her release. She then asks about John and Dave tells her that John will be extradited early tomorrow morning though their happiness is short-lived as Dave tells Monica that Fajardo sent the details about John via text and Santamaria got a hold of his phone. Monica doesn’t think Santamaria would be interested in the information either way but Dave isn’t sure and that’s the problem.
• Oscar tells Santamaria that he hopes his plan works because the last time he tried to rescue his brother, it was a disaster. Oscar then remembers the ambush in the streets of Villa Antigua when the police almost caught him. Santamaria thinks his plan in Villa Antigua was poorly executed and notes that since he is ex-military, his plane should work better, though he warns Oscar to follow his instructions to the T. Oscar asks him to explain his wonderful plan and Santamaria tells him that they need to attack the convoy when their guard is down. He then shows Oscar a map of the airstrip terrain and tells him from where they need to attack.
• Monica asks Dave about Yolanda and Dave reveals that Yolanda and her friends are with El Cartel de las Sombras. Monica is shocked and Dave explains that they must’ve been pressured somehow, though he doesn’t know with what. Just then, the guard announces the end of visiting hours and the whole room empties out. Monica tells Dave that she understands that he thinks Yolanda’s a good person, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, but what if she is not. Dave is quiet.
• Yolanda asks Wilmer to hurry up but he needs to download the program to trace calls first. Olivia then tells them that Vergara and the guard are coming back and they all assume their positions and continue to talk about security at the new airstrip. Vergara hopes that what she has to discuss is important, as she interrupted him during a meeting, and Yolanda tells him that they need the contact information for their suppliers. Vergara asks her to figure it out like the Lucios did, as El Cartel doesn’t deal with that, and warns to think before interrupting him again. Yolanda vows to dedicate herself to the job, if she hears that her aunt and the baby, and confirms they are alive. Vergara would need permission from the board but will see what he can do. Once alone again, Yolanda asks Wilmer to hurry and trace the cell phone’s location.
• Dave talks with one of the guards and she allows him to visit Monica in the yard for another five minutes. He confesses to Monica that he is very confused about the Yolanda situation and Monica reminds him that she also made a huge mistake with Simpson and she now has to live with the consequences. She remembers when Simpson kidnapped and killed her sister as Dave tells her that she was correct when she told him Yolanda would never change. Monica nods but has come to realize that you can’t fight love and the image of innocence and purity you create for the one you love is unbeatable. Dave can’t stand how wrong he was though nor the fact that Monica is now in jail because of him; Monica grabs his hands and asks him to not be so hard on himself. She caresses his face and reminds him that he will always have her. Dave nods and kisses Monica, who pulls in close, though they separate as soon as Joanna and her cohorts come to spoil the moment. Monica asks her to leave them alone but Joanna thinks she needs a roll in the hay so she can have a better attitude. She then asks Dave to come to her cell but he demands they respect Monica and leave her be. Joanna backs off and tells him that they are all friends, regardless of what Monica may have said. Dave nods and warns Joanna to be careful or he will extradite her to the US. Joana tells him that he can’t do that but Dave asks her to give him one reason and Joanna leaves with her posse in tow. Dave then apologizes for the kiss and leaves as the guard tells them that visiting hours are over. Dave and Monica stare at each other one final time and the guard escorts Dave outside.
• Oscar tells Santamaria that his plan is interesting, though complicated, but Santamaria reiterates that it is effective nonetheless. Oscar nods and proposes he work with them, when all is said and done, but Santamaria wants to rescue John first and go from there. They sake hands and Santamaria gets in his car; Oscar then asks if he would like to stay with them but Santamaria already has a place to stay and drives off. Moments later, Oscar asks his men to follow Santamaria, carefully, and report back to him. His men oblige and drive off.
• Lizbeth tells the guard that she will check out airstrips tomorrow while Olivia will be in charge of security so she needs an inventory of all their weapons. The guard asks Olivia if she knows how to handle a gun so she loads and cocks one in front of him for good measure.
• At Monica’s apartment building, Dave shows the guards at the door a picture of Santamaria and tells them to keep a look out lest he show up again. He then receives a call from Yolanda, who tries to explain what happened, but Dave tells her he knows everything. Yolanda explains that they have Rosalba and Amanda’s baby but Dave already knows the story as all narcos are the same. He chides Yolanda for not trusting him, especially when he could’ve helped, but Yolanda explains that she has a plan. Dave reminds her that she will only add more crimes to her list but Dave shakes his head and tells her he can’t listen to the same story nor trust her. Yolanda tries to talk to him but Dave hangs up.
• That night, Yolanda looks out the window of Sombras headquarters and thinks about Dave and their various nights together as well as their vows and promises. Just then, Estela walks in and tells her that they need to talk about Zulima because she doesn’t trust her. Yolanda reminds that she doesn’t trust anyone but Estela thinks Zulima’s story about being kidnapped is BS as she was also kidnapped and never saw her. She wonders if Zulima betrayed Yolanda with the Federal Police but Yolanda reveals that Zulima was the first person to help her when she left home because of Ernesto. Estela understands and Yolanda asks her to not talk bad about someone that has only helped her. Vergara arrives then and asks to speak to Yolanda.
• Dave rolls Raul into Monica’s apartment and confesses that he is nervous about John’s extradition tomorrow. Raul asks if he would like him to come with and Dave agrees before pouring them both a drink. Raul thinks it’s ironic that John is finally brought to justice as both Yolanda and Lizbeth go back to working for narcos. Dave agrees though he can’t understand Yolanda’s actions. Raul is even more surprised as Lizbeth seems to not have learned anything from her time in jail. Raul thinks they must have threatened them with something but Dave thinks that there is always a second option. Either way, what hurts Dave the most is the fact that Yolanda made a deal with the Devil without asking for his advice or help. Raul thinks it wouldn’t have made a difference as he spoke with Lizbeth at length to no avail. Dave nods, chugs his drink and slams down the glass.
• Vergara tells Yolanda that they are going to video chat with Rosalba and the baby, just so she can be sure they are safe. Estela prefers to leave as she doesn’t feel too good but asks Yolanda to send her regards. Once she’s left, Yolanda dials Rosalba’s number as Vergara keeps watch close by.
• In the border of Mexico-Guatemala, the guard gives Rosalba a phone and warns her to be careful about what she says. They are both happy to see each other and Rosalba shows Yolanda the baby.
• Downstairs, in the dining room, Wilmer tries to trace Rosalba’s call as everyone else watches. The guards close by don’t notice as he intercepts the video chat between Yolanda and Rosalba and pinpoints her exact location. Lizbeth thanks Zulima for her help regarding the planes they need and tells her they will look at them tomorrow so he should go to bed. Zulima prefers to stay.
• Rosalba asks about everyone and then wonders what will happen. Yolanda doesn’t know but Rosalba needs to focus on taking care of the baby.
• Downstairs, Zulima goes to a corner, as Estela’s watches, and texts Vergara to let him know that Wilmer is triangulating Rosalba’s video call. Zulima then walks back to them, nonchalantly.
• Upstairs, Vergara gets the text message, rips the phone out of Yolanda’s hands and orders his guards to detain Wilmer as he was tracing Rosalba’s location. Yolanda looks down at the floor as Vergara open and closes his fist.
• Moments later, Wilmer is being tied up in the same place Roberto was as Vergara watches. The other guards drag the rest of the girls plus Estela and Zulima into the room as Yolanda demands to know if Vergara is going to kill them. He is quiet and Yolanda tells him that she ordered Wilmer to trace the call. Vergara shakes his head and walks toward Wilmer as Olivia cocks her gun and points it at him. Vergara only smiles and tells her that she has some big ones to come and threaten him with a gun. Olivia demands he do what he needs to do and Vergara asks his guards to kill Olivia first, then Wilmer, then Yolanda. Yolanda tells Olivia to stop and lowers her gun as the guards rip it out of her hands. Vergara tells Yolanda that this is all her fault but she only wanted to know where Rosalba and the baby were. Vergara reminds her that the guards have strict orders to kill Rosalba and the baby should anyone come near where he has them; he asks her to think about it before she tries something stupid again. Yolanda pleads for them to leave Wilmer be but Vergara thinks they should at least punish him. The guards then proceed to punch in his stomach and face Wilmer for a couple of minutes.
• Later, Yolanda goes to her room and tells Estela that they Wilmer is in a lot of pain so they gave him some pills but she doubts it will help. Estela cringes at the thought and then asks Yolanda if she has thought about the fact that Zulima could’ve told Vergara about their plan to find Rosalba and the baby. Yolanda reiterates that she’s barking up the wrong tree but Estela doesn’t trust Zulima. Yolanda asks her to leave and Estela obliges; once alone, Yolanda thinks about the time that Olivia told her that she, Lizbeth and Amanda was almost executed but Zulima was saved. She also remembers when Zulima told her that she was kidnapped by John and then El Cartel for moments and shakes her head.
• The next day, John is sleeping in his cell when Copete comes and wakes him as his extradition is in 10 minutes. He opens the door and two guards come in and cuff him.
• Yolanda tells her medallion that she has never steered her wrong but she prays that Rosalba survives and Amanda’s baby is not left alone. Vergara then barges in and tells her that she has to be ready ASAP as John’s extradition is in 10 minutes. Yolanda doesn’t understand what that has to do with her but Vergara tells her that she must kill John before his plane takes off…


Alfredo: Your title of the recap pretty much said it all!

Hoping Yolanda gets whacked!

Alfredo, I don't know how much we are paying you but you deserve a raise Bud. Thanks for another great transcript. Are you sure you are not using that secret speech to text algorithm you lifted from the CIA?

And now for act two: Kirby eats his words.
My last comment yesterday wished Zoolima would exterminate Estela, Yoli's worthless, illiterate, boozing, obnoxious, loudmouth Mom.

OK I take it back. Yum, tasty.

Who'd a thunk it, SHE is the only one who is onto Zooli. AND of course Yoli will hear nothing of it. Chrimmidy, she sneaks a few feet away as Wilmer is tracing the call and texts Viagra to rat Wilmer out and nobody notices her sending a text? I sure wish Olivia had given Wilmer his reward as I had recommended a while back. Look at the mess the boy is in now and he probably is STILL a virgin. Yikes , poor guy.

I hate to admit it, but John's rescue looks to be successful with Santamaria calling the shots. S&M is about ten times smarter than Oscar, and is a pretty sharp military tactician. The last thing we needed is those two teaming up. Wonder how Oscar would feel if he knew S&M has HIS money?

Although I care not whether DEADave and Moni ever get together, it was good to see him warn the mean girls with a "Don't believe I can? Then find out." Hopefully Moni will be safe now until he can get her moved or OUT. I thought their reasoning putting her there was flimsy to begin with.

Steve thank you for #DieZooliDie

Alfredo, thank you as always. As others mentioned, it is amazing that Yolanda won't believe Estella about Zulima. I agree with Kirby that I don't care if Monica and Dave get together. The extradition will likely succeed. Did I understand it correctly that Vergera wants Yolanda to shoot John? They likely don't want him to go to the US as he could talk about their operation. If the extradition fails and John is rescued, we will have John/Oscar running one carter and Yolanda the other.

Yes he told Yoli it is her assignment to shoot John. She didn't look all that enthused about that.

So now they want her to be their assassin in addition to the drug pilot. This should be a true Goat Rodeo, with DEADave probably involved in the transfer, Yoli trying to shoot him, and S&M-Oz trying to rescue him.


I am so far behind watching the episodes and thought I would be able to catch up over the long weekend but to no avail. Thank you so so much Alfredo and Jardinera for your amazing recaps.

Of course Estela saw thru Zuli. A rat knows a rat when she sees one. I hope Estela steals Zuli's cell to show Yoli. It would be karma after Zuli used Yoli's cell against her.

Can the writers butcher Monica's character anymore? After reading that she and Dave kissed my first thought was "she's definitely dying soon".

Yoli's brains are like faulty headlights, sometimes they work, sometimes not at all, and sometimes they just flicker in and out from one moment to the next.

I am still completely bewildered as to why the women kidnapped a preemie baby from the hospital? What? So they could save it later if their actions didn't cause it to die? Idiotas

It sounds like John's conscience regarding Yoli is coming in and out too. He knows she didn't betray him at first and hopefully realizes she betrayed him later because of his actions. Am I crazy to want these two to finally have that long overdue talk about what happened? They are so much more interesting as a couple than Dave and Yoli.

Why didn't Yoli just tell Dave right off that they were kidnapped?

How is Raul in a wheelchair suppose to help Dave? I hope he doesn't die. With Liz gone how is he surviving? He doesn't have a job (and neither did Liz before she left).

Poor Wilmer. These women are like poison to everyone they come in contact with.

So tonight should be exciting. SM and Oscar trying to break John out, Yoli and Vergara's men trying to kill John (thought I can't see Yoli actually doing it) and Dave and his men trying to get John to the airport. Will Yoli try to help Dave but fighting off Oscar and SM? Will she try to kidnap John herself?

"Poor Wilmer. These women are like poison to everyone they come in contact with."

Me too. All he initially did was allow himself to get picked up, sort of, by a girl with highly apparent cosmetic surgery. She is the one with the toothpick legs and the Jenny Rivera top. I presume these girls mean well, but.......


Kirby, he was pulled in by a pretty face and maybe a bit of a hero complex---help her save her brother! But he is in way over his head now.

Thanks, Alfredo. A thousands thanks for all the good you do helping us enjoy our TNs.

Dave kissing Monica. Was that a pity kiss he gave her? So sad this is the best her character can expect.

Yoli, listen to your mama for once.

The whole dave and raul thing... not seeing that the gone girls are really being threatened again irked me. Yeah...yoli and liz should have spoke up sooner but these men are professional law enforcers and know how the game works. Yoli even said the baby was involved this time. But for drama and to drag things out...the writers dumbed the good guys down for a spell.

Moni is a trained law enforcer...does she not know self defense. General population never made sense to me but her not knowing how to fight is ridiculous. Yes...she is outnumbered but show some resemblance of a trained officer. And why ask for and why was she given a weapon. This whole story line is stOOpid.

Yoli came thru for dave and delivered john so why not hear her out...he had to know she had a similar plan. Or a smart DEA officer would have suggested she try it again with the big guns. Risky but why not.

And why get Moni all worked up. Why must men immediately fly to the arms of another...when you have unfinished business before you.

So stellas one redeeming quality is to open yolis eyes to zuli. I did not need her to stick around for that. Still wish she was gone already.



Thanks Alfredo. I agree with Kirby. You deserve a raise. All we can give you is praise and thanks, and that, I hope you know, you have a-plenty.

Still behind, but delighted that the sleazy, cheesey Estella has recognized another of the clan. Makes sense. The way you see the world says more about you than about the world. Yolanda, in spite of a multitude of betrayals, is basically a hopeful, romantic. At least that's how the writers seem to be presenting her.So she's unable to see what a snake Zulima is; but Snake Mom has nailed it.

As for starry-eyed Yolanda, only a crazy optimist would think kidnapping a preemie is a good idea!

I wonder what is going to happen to Arley if John is rescued. He is a dead enemy of John and has been beating him up in jail. I think he is supposed to extradited to the US at the same time as John.

Ooh good question Lynette! Arley may use the confusion and fighting to attack John.

What if Oscar dies trying to rescue John, John is extradited, and Arley gets loose and goes after Zooli, the killer of his baby's Mother?

S&M goes on to try to get Yoli, and Viagra shoots him. Then, we can have a Yoli Zooli war.

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