Thursday, August 24, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #13 8.24.17: Engagement Rings and Two-Timing Wives

Fabiola tells Ramon that she can study or work or do whatever she wants although she’s getting married. Ramon doesn’t think so and hopes she doesn’t end up a simple housewife, as she has plenty of potential, but Fabiola requests that he not even look at her when they work together. She storms off as Ramon looks at her.

Fabiola walks into the office and Dalia offers her congratulations. Fabiola demands to know if she’s also going to give her “some advice” because Ramon already have her plenty: he thinks she’s only going to be a useless housewife if she gets married. Dalia smiles and tells her to ignore Ramon because Francisco is a catch. In fact, she’s lucky to have a man that won’t make her work. Fabiola shakes her head, goes into her office, and slams the door. Dalia rolls her eyes at the whole spectacle.

Hortensia incessantly rings the doorbell to the Antonio’s apartment to no avail. Margarita thinks he is already at the shop so Hortensia suggests they go and see him; she will go alone if Margarita doesn’t want to go with her. Margarita will but Antonio arrives then and bids them good morning. Margarita though he was at the shop but he just went to drop off Diego. Hortensia demands to talk to him about Fabiola and Ramon. He lets them inside but both he and Margarita look annoyed.

As Andrea prepares to go to school, Juana asks her to remember that her doctor’s appointment is that afternoon. She wonders if Jorge can take them but Andrea explains that he has a lot to study and won’t be able to take them. Juana suggests a cab and confesses that she has a lot of faith in the doctor. Andrea nods and Juana hopes to hear her voice again soon. Andrea smiles and goes.

Dalia goes to see Ramon and asks him what he said to Fabiola that she was in such a foul mood. He tells her but Dalia thinks she should butt out as 1) it’s not his problem and 2) Fabiola didn’t ask for his advice. Ramon still worries that Francisco will cut Fabiola down but Dalia reiterates that it’s not their problem. She then asks if he would like to go to lunch together and Ramon agrees before asking her to let him get back to work. Dalia obliges but smiles before leaving.

In her office, Fabiola looks over documents but can’t concentrate because of Ramon’s comments. She thinks Ramon knows nothing about her, much less Francisco, to comment on her life. She knows Francisco is not a macho and loves him but her face says otherwise.

In his apartment, Francisco and Rebeca have breakfast, post coitus. She jokingly asks if she is invited to the wedding but Francisco tells her she is, as a co-worker. She smiles and then asks where he is going for his honeymoon. Francisco is thinking Dubai but Rebeca notes that it’s too expensive though Francisco explains that, should his plans work out, he won’t have to pay for it. He then receives a call from the hospital as the doorbell rings and Rebeca goes to answer it. A messenger gives her an envelope as he hangs up the call. Rebeca then closes the door and gives the envelope to Francisco before going to take a shower. Once alone, Francisco opens the letter and finds that he is 4 months behind on rent and the eviction process will start if he’s late another month. He shrugs it off as he will have the money from the insurance soon.

Hortensia tells Antonio her worries but Antonio thinks Fabiola is more than capable at her job as is Ramon. Hortensia worries that Fabiola will be surrounded by men, especially Ramon, but Antonio explains that Dalia has worked at the shop for years and all his mechanics are respectful gentlemen. Hortensia doesn’t think Dalia and Fabiola are comparable but Antonio doesn’t care and won’t fire anyone because she dislikes them. In fact, working at the shop seems to be doing a world of good for Fabiola but Hortensia prefers that he buy the shop from the sisters so they can set up a business more in tune with their knowledge and skill. Antonio wonders if Ricardo asked her for her help in the past but Hortensia shakes her head; she notes that all young people don’t listen to reason. Antonio reminds her that she doesn’t listen to reason either, especially when her granddaughters are about to lose the insurance money because of her. Hortensia demands he respect her but Antonio prefers that they leave immediately as he has things to do. Hortensia, offended, tells Margarita to leave with her but Margarita prefers to stay for a bit. Hortensia storms out and Margarita apologizes for Hortensia’s behavior. She explains that she tried to stop her mother but she wouldn’t listen though Antonio tells her that it’s not her fault. She smiles and asks if they have time for a coffee. Antonio tells her they do and goes to make it.

Jessica, Julio’s secretary, goes into his office and tells him that they called from the bank and warned her that he needs to make the minimum payment or they will close the account. He asks that she leave him alone and she obliges. Once alone, he stresses about his financial situation.

Over breakfast, Osvaldo tells Virginia that he is going out with some friends. She wonders why he’s not going to class but he explains that they are close to finishing so classes are minimal so he’d rather spend his time elsewhere. Virginia reminds him that Julio won’t give him money, especially after the hospital, but Osvaldo tells her that he has his own money. Virginia asks him from where and Osvaldo explains that he was saving. She then asks him to ask Julio first, before going out, but Osvaldo will do it later.

Margarita tells Antonio that Hortensia found out about Fabiola working at the shop from her as Hortensia wanted to visit her since they’ve been distant. Antonio is not surprised, especially after all the stunts Hortensia has pulled lately with the insurance policy money. Margarita regrets ever having encouraged Hortensia to investigate but Antonio asks her to not lament that they cannot change. Margarita nods and goes to leave but Antonio asks her to not be a stranger as Diego asks about her, frequently. He suggests they go to the movies but Margarita worries that Roxana may get angry. Antonio explains that Roxana is in Miami for a work conference but Margarita wonders if that is the truth. Antonio demands to know what she means but Margarita prefers to go. Antonio holds her back and begs her to tell him the truth. Margarita breaths in deep and confesses that she saw Roxana kissing another guy outside of a restaurant a few days ago. Antonio is floored and demands to know why she didn’t tell him sooner. Margarita preferred not to get in the middle and didn’t know if maybe they were in an open relationship, either way, she already confronted Roxana in front of him and she denied ever having been at the restaurant. He asks her to describe him and Margarita obliges. Antonio then picks up the phone and calls Roxana.

At the airport, Roxana sits down to have lunch with Augustin while they wait for their flight. She then receives a call from Antonio but decides to ignore it, with tears forming in her eyes.

Antonio hangs up the call but tells Margarita that he is going to find out the truth. He picks up his keys and goes to leave with margarita in tow. Moments later, Antonio gets in the car as does Margarita though he prefers to go alone because it’s a personal matter. Margarita insists she accompany him since she told him about the other man. He asks her to put on her seatbelt and drives off.

Augustin comes back to the table and Roxana notices how long he took. He asks her to calm down as they still have plenty of time but she looks stressed. Augustin wasn’t aware of how nervous flying made her and asks a waiter for a bottle of water. He asks if she’s okay but Roxana is quiet though she can’t stop looking at her phone.

A client comes to drop off her car at the shop. Lucho asks her to leave the car so they can analyze the trouble and the woman agrees. He writes down her name, Sonia, and her phone number and asks her to wait at least two hours so they can check the car. He gives her a receipt and she goes. Lucho then asks Ramon if he can look at the car but Ramon suggests Rulo do so as he’s almost done with his workload. Lucho nods and goes to get him.

Rulo is in one of her cars talking to his associate in crime, Dario. He tells him that he has another piece of equipment and will bring it over soon. Dario agrees and tells him that he is close to reselling the part he already stole from the mechanic shop. Rulo asks him to make sure he doesn’t get in trouble, lest Antonio figure out their scheme, but Dario assures him that everything will be okay. Rulo then reminds Dario that he owes him money and hangs up.

Julio receives a call from Jessica, who tells him that Noel, the gentleman from the poker game, is there to sign him because he has some documents for him to sign. Julio asks him to pass and Noel, all business, asks Julio to sign the invoice, promising to pay him the $50,000 plus $5,000 extra for every day the original payment is late. Julio is pissed but Noel thinks he should’ve thought it over better. Julio nods, signs the paper, and Noel smiles before leaving. Once alone, Julio curses his luck.

Ramon goes to see Fabiola and hands her a document. She asks him to explain to her what it is about but Ramon leaves without saying a word. She chases him down the hallway and explains that they are at work and what she said wasn’t meant to be taken literally. Ramon looks at her, smiles slightly, and walks away. Fabiola calls him a slew of obscenities about Ramon as Francisco walks in and asks if she can leave with him because he has a surprise for her. Fabiola explains that she has work to do but Francisco reminds her that she’s also an owner and should ask Antonio for permission to step out, if necessary. Either way, it won’t take long. Fabiola smiles, considering this.

Dalia brings Ramon the piece he asked for but Ramon is in a foul mood. He explains that he saw Francisco, who didn’t even acknowledge him, but he doesn’t like his presence either way. Dalia suggests he not think about it and then asks if they are still going to eat together at the restaurant. Ramon suggests tacos, as he has a lot of work, and Dalia agrees. As she goes back inside, Francisco and Fabiola walk out, arm in arm. Dalia walks back to Ramon as Fabiola asks her to call her cell if she needs her because she’s going out with Francisco, who is waiting for her by the entrance. She then tells Dalia to tell Ramon (who is standing right there) that they will talk when she comes back. Ramon asks Dalia to tell Fabiola that he is merely following her instructions and she should only talk to him in writing. Fabiola asks Dalia to tell him how long he is going to be this way but Dalia has had enough. She demands to know how long they are going to behave this way but Fabiola has already walked off, angry, and Dalia then asks Ramon what that whole thing was about. Ramon explains that Fabiola doesn’t want him to talk to her and he’s simply following orders. He then asks her to let him work and Dalia obliges.

Antonio, who is speeding toward the airport, asks Margarita to call Roxana, from his cell phone, immediately. Margarita obliges.

Augustin asks for the check as Roxana receives a call from Antonio’s cell phone. She ignores it once but Margarita calls again. Roxana tells Augustin that it’s a call from work but she needs to take it outside as she’s having reception issues. She walks off but decides to ignore the call again and throws the phone in the garbage can. She walks away without another word.

Margarita tells Antonio that Roxana is not answering but he’s sure it’s because she’s with her lover. He demands Margarita call her from her phone as Roxana wouldn’t have her number. After a moment, Margarita obliges.

Francisco takes Fabiola to the jewelers. He tells her that her ring finger is missing something important and takes her to one of the employees. Fabiola is unsure but Francisco doesn’t want her to arrive at the church without an engagement ring, especially because it symbolizes their love, and he would like her to have it. Fabiola is over the moon and tells him that she never expected him to be so romantic. The employee then brings over various rings and asks Fabiola to choose the one she likes the most. She gives Francisco a kiss on the cheek and goes to look.

Roxana stresses about the long line to board the plan. Augustin asks her to calm down but Roxana continues to fidget.

Antonio arrives at airport and decides to go to the international flight departure game since he doesn’t know what airline or at what time Roxana is flying out. Margarita follows him.

Fabiola picks one ring and Francisco slips it on before asking if she likes it. Fabiola nods and gives him a big kiss. He is happy she’s happy and goes to pay as Fabiola looks at her ring and kisses him from behind.

Roxana passes through the security gate and is gathering her things as Antonio arrives with Margarita. He notices that there is no one with her and begins to shout her name but Roxana pretends not to hear him. A security guard stops Antonio, as he doesn’t have a boarding pass, as Augustin goes through the gate as well, oblivious to everything. Moments later, Augustin arrives and finds Roxana pacing at the boarding gate. She demands to know why he took so long and Augustin explains that the alarm kept sounding for his belt and shoes. She nods and tells him to hurry to their departure gate as a guard runs by to deal with a security breach. Augustin wants to go and see but Roxana holds him back and tells him they should hurry. Augustin still goes but Roxana stays behind albeit stressed at the whole situation.

Antonio keeps screaming at various guards that he needs to speak to his wife. He tries to push his way through but they stop him. Augustin comes and asks a guard what is happening. As he does, Margarita looks at the gate and catches a glimpse of him as Antonio pushes his luck too far and is arrested by airport security. Margarita runs after him as the guard drags him away.

Julio arrives at the casino, where they know him by name, and trades 2,000 for chips. The employee wishes him luck and Julio goes to sit at the roulette table. He makes a bet and prays for better luck…

Roxana is waiting for Augustin, who arrives and tells her that he didn’t see who got arrested but they were fighting with the guards. Roxana asks if the person who got arrested can go to jail and Augustin nods, especially the way things are. Roxana is visibly stressed and Augustin assumes that it’s because of what happened to Ricardo and Katy though Roxana asks that he not remind her. She does confess that she is leaving her husband and son for him but Augustin reminds her that her marriage is over and they will come and get Diego when they are settled in. He then asks if Augustin called her earlier but Roxana explains that he would come say goodbye in person, not over the phone. Augustin thinks it would be ridiculous of him to do so and Roxana asks he would do something ridiculous for her. Augustin would not, for her or anyone. At this, Roxana stops short.

In the airport police station, Margarita, representing Antonio as his lawyer, argues that Antonio overstepped his bounds but he was desperate to talk to his wife; she suggests they look at his criminal record and see that he doesn’t even have a blemish. The representative reminds her that he was asked to leave, kindly, but didn’t. In fact, he caused quite the scene. Margarita hopes that they let him go, as he meant no harm, and the representative goes to see what he can do. Margarita chides Antonio for getting arrested, especially for Roxana, who is worth nothing. The representative comes back and asks tells her that he they will let him go, on this occasion and thanks to the fact that he doesn’t have a prior criminal record. They bring in Antonio and the representative asks him to thank Margarita for a job well done. He then warns him that any other disturbance on airport grounds and he will be arrested. Margarita thanks them and takes Antonio away.

Julio makes another bet and loses. He curses his luck and puts his head down on the table.

On the drive back to the shop, Fabiola can’t stop looking at the ring. Francisco thinks it’s a shame their wedding will be small as she looks so excited. Fabiola thinks it will still be great but Francisco wonders if she would like a giant wedding instead. Fabiola admits that she would love one but right now is not the right time. Francisco thinks her parents would’ve loved a big wedding but she reminds him that they are not there. Francisco nods and tells her that he’s sure her parents would bless their union, wherever they are, and he loves her like no one else will. He kisses her and continues to drive but Fabiola is no longer smiling, in fact, she looked sad.

Ramon and Dalia are having a grand old time telling jokes and eating lunch. Rulo and another employee from the shop (and apparently his only friend), Poncho, see them and Poncho suggests they go eat with them. Rulo suggests he goes and storms off. Poncho follows and suggests Rulo forget about Dalia as she is only interested in Ramon. Rulo demands Poncho stop reminding him, either way, he won’t give up on Dalia and he will get rid of Ramon. Poncho reminds him that Ramon took on two muggers, by himself, but Rulo reminds him that, when he sets his mind to something, he accomplishes it.

Julio sits down with a bank representative and asks for a loan of $30,000. The representative asks for his bank account and he obliges. The representative then looks up his account and explains that his late payments are too great and he can’t borrow against the account; the best he can do is offer him a lump sum of the available credit in his card though he won’t be able to use it until it’s paid back. Julio is pissed that they have left him with no options, especially since he’s been a loyal client for years, and may even close his account with the bank. The representative tells him he can do so but that won’t liberate him from his debt. Julio thanks him for nothing and storms out.

Ramon and Dalia arrive at the shop and they both get back to work. Just then, Hortensia walks in and Ramon offers to help her. She asks to see Fabiola but he tells her that she’s out to lunch. Hortensia then asks if Ramon is there and he tells her that he is also out to lunch but he can help her. Hortensia is unsure but asks him about Ramon: his character, appearance, etc. Ramon is unsure, as he’s new, but Hortensia thinks he can’t be all that different from his mother, Juana, who she’s had plenty of fight with. Ramon nods and Hortensia continues to put her foot in her mouth by stating that she is there to make sure Ramon is fired. Ramon suggests she wait inside the office and Hortensia nods before leaving. Once alone, Ramon cringes at the encounter.

Hortensia goes into the office and meets Dalia, who Hortensia refers to as “the daughter of the maid,” and comments that the shop is turning into a homeless shelter. She then announces that she is going to wait for Fabiola in her office. Dalia stops her and tells her that she can’t go into the offices while Fabiola and Antonio are out. Hortensia tells her that she’s no one to stop her and goes anyway.

Moments later, Hortensia walks into Ricardo’s old office and cries while looking around at everything. She comments on how much time Ricardo used to spend on the shop and wonders why he died and left her all alone. She grabs a picture on the desk and looks at it before announcing that she is going to take Fabiola out of the shop and needs his help because the shop is not the place for her. He raised Fabiola as a flower and the flowers are not for pigs.

Dalia finds Ramon and confesses that she is pissed after her encounter with Hortensia. Ramon is pretty much the same. Dalia can’t believe she is Ricardo’s mother, especially because he was a great human being and nothing like Hortensia. Ramon confesses that she said a lot of hurtful things about he and Juana but she had no idea who he was. Dalia wonders what she will do when she finds out the truth but Ramon isn’t scared. When Fabiola and Francisco walk in, Dalia tells them that Hortensia is waiting for her in her office. Fabiola is shocked.

Antonio wants a coffee from the cafeteria but Margarita reminds him that they need to leave the airport, immediately. He agrees but he’s happy to have confirmed that Roxana was alone. He tries to call her again but Margarita chides him for continuing to degrade himself. Antonio gets Roxana’s voicemail and hangs up though Margarita is sure she turned off the phone. Antonio explains that he wants to wish her a good flight and calls again. This time, Margarita hears the phone vibrating in a nearby garbage can and picks it up. She shows it to Antonio, who thinks she lost it, but Margarita knows she threw it out because she wasn’t alone. In fact, she saw the same man she was kissing out the restaurant at the airport, Antonio didn’t see him because he was fighting with the guards. Antonio decides to call Augustin from Roxana’s phone.

Roxana and Augustin are in line when he receives a call from Roxana. He tells Roxana that she’s calling him and Roxana pretends to look for the phone while praying Augustin doesn’t answer. Antonio calls him again and Augustin answers. Antonio tells him to pass the phone to Roxana. Augustin obliges and Roxana answers. Antonio tells her that she left her phone in the garbage but she can go wherever she wants with Augustin and never come back because he never wants to see her again. In fact, she can also forget she has a son…


AAA, thank you so much for the expeditious never fail...always thorough and impressive with your skillful descriptions.

Gosh between Fran-a-hole and JulIsOutaluck that insurance money is going to fly...if they ever get it.

I'm on the FabTeam too but tonight she was back to being her immature self...her bouts of stubbornness and tantrums are not impressing me at all.

Thanks Alfredo your recaps are so clear and fun to read.

I have a question, you said that Fabiola didn't think that Francisco (or Mr Trivago) isn't a macho but she still loves him. Does that mean not manly or wimpy, I've only known that word in English to be an adjective. They don't seem to feel passion for each other.

This TN is fun because all the characters are mostly multidimensional like we all are, even Hortensia was given a little sympathy by showing her grief over her son.

Julio's descent into his addiction is hard to watch.

Thanks again

Rena, when Fabs used the word 'macho' she meant that Francisco was not the type of man that would expect her to stay at home and be at his beck and call...being a full-time housewife and not allowing her to . I guess the best translation would be "male chauvinist."

Oops I didn't finish a thought....*Not allowing her to grow professionally or personally.

Alfredo, detailed and delicious.

"She knows Francisco is not a macho and loves him but her face says otherwise" is one of the many, many reasons I love reading your recaps. You always convey the feeling, tone and emotion perfectly.

"Margarita breaths in deep and confesses that she saw Roxana kissing another guy outside of a restaurant a few days ago". Hmmm. I'm on the fence about Marg's revelation. If I thought it was purely in defense of doing the "right thing", I would cheer her decision. I have a nagging feeling though that a small part of it might have been fueled by jealousy. Am I wrong?

What Roxana did was terrible but I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry. The seconds were dragging and it was a virtual race to escape. I was not at all impressed with Antonio. He was beyond hot headed - he was angry, almost to the point of being out of control. I understand his sense of outrage and betrayal but he left me feeling very uncomfortable. I am fervently hoping "In fact, she can also forget she has a son…" was uttered in the heat of the moment and is not a threat he would ever dream of carrying out.

"He raised Fabiola as a flower and the flowers are not for pigs". What a charming thought Hortensia.

Fabiola did not impress me last night either Rgv Chick. Two steps forward, two steps back.

Rena, Julio is in the throes of his addiction and he may have hit rock bottom.

So I gather there is no deep emotional attachment to or for Francisco on Rebeca’s part. Content to be the other woman, she doesn't appear to be the least bit needy.

BadFran and Julio are in dire straits...

Alfredo, thank you, thank you.


Thank You Mr. Alfredo.
Secondly RGV, we are all hopeoing you will do alright being on the South side of your watery visitor.
Third, I have an old Indian proverb for Julio and Franky McJerky:

"When the white man has cut down the last tree
And he has killed the last fish,
And he has poisoned the last river,
Then he will realize he cannot eat Money.


Fabi is just decadently cute and perky, great legs too.
But Dalia is PUT TO---GETHER from the waist down, yowzers. It is an agonizing choice looking up from my bowl of Alpo.

BTW I have known a few gamblers similar to Julio and I do not see it as an "Addiction" in the classic sense of the word, nor do I see it as an illness. The ones I have known whose children came to my house to use the bathroom because there was no bathroom tissue in their house, were just weak, selfish, self centered, and stubborn.

I have given them cars, fed their children, loaned them lawn mowers, and the only positive was that the children survived to become adults and got out of that hell hole.

Ummm Happy Friday.

Rena: Mr. Trivago? I thought about that too. The last two parts he has played have been a scoundrel, and although he is clean shaven in the Hotel?---Trivago..commercials, I still look at those with a jaundiced eye.

Thank you, Alfredo. I agree with Diana: "You always convey the feeling, tone and emotion perfectly."

Francisco feels pretty sure he can solve all his financial problems. And I agree with him. Fabiola is no match for him, he is just at a higher level. He will manipulate and bend her any way he wants. You can see her future with Francisco as a repeat of Virginia with Julio.

Good Morning, Everyone! Still here rainless so far...there's a nice cool breeze with many clouds, so that is a nice break from the scorchers we've been having. BUT still hopeoing for some rain.

Diana, " I have a nagging feeling though that a small part of it might have been fueled by jealousy. Am I wrong?" No, I don't think you're wrong, she asked Antonio if he was sure it was a business meeting Roxana was going to, so she knew exactly where that would take her....little sneak!

I didn't feel sorry for Roxana at all...she's been bedhopping all along and she left poor little Diego crying just so she could go find some excitement with a man she knows she really doesn't love. I don't like Agustin, but I'm glad he was callous enough to tell her he wouldn't make a fool of himself for any woman...serves Roxana right for leading on Antonio and giving him false hopes.

Kirby, "just weak, selfish, self centered, and stubborn" that describes Julio perfectly.

Kirby, you never cease to impress me, not just with your pics, but with your kind soul. What you do to help those around you is awe-inspiring. The world needs more people like you.

Wonderful recap!!

I'm still team Sofia. I know I'm doomed to be disappointed. Fab has a long way to go to get me to like her.

I was surprised that Fran is in so much financial trouble. I have a friend who is a doctor at a hospital and he makes more money than he can deal with. Also, we haven't seen Fran have any vices, other than the female kind, and his apartment didn't look that nice.

Wow how does Julio come out of this?! $5000 in interest a day? I wonder if he'll try to commit suicide? Happens in NYC quite often actually.

Roxana got exactly what was coming to her. And I think she is realizing she has made the wrong choice...

Thank you, Alfredo . AAA is right!! Your recaps are always a joy to read .

I have no sympathy for Roxana, a woman who is playing two men. cannot have it and eat it. She is not only running away from Antonio but also her young son. Augie must have something that I do not see to justify her desire to escape with him. I hopeo that Antonio gets over Roxy and notices Marg .

My telenovio Marcelo is not playing someone to admire here. Maybe that will change.

Kirby, you are a kind person. The problems of others often skill over into the lives of innocent bystanders who are left to try to pick up the pieces for others who are affected . #beentheredonethat #whenbadpeoplehappentogoodpeople


Kirby, it seems as though you are there when people need you. Kindness, especially to children, is one of the greatest gifts one can bestow on others. It's heartening to know you are helping...

Rgv Chick, hoping rain will find its way there to you...

I feel for Roxana's son who it appears will be placed in a tug of war between her and the vengeful Antonio. She may be a bad wife and even though she hasn't put her son first, does love him and deserves to be part of his life. I hope Antonio realizes that.

Carvivlie, I think it might be just you and I at Sonia's table. I'm not planning on leaving until (and unless) we are shown she is not a good person.


Diana thanks. So how did Rebeca's boyfriend pay for the ring for Fabi? It is my understanding you dont just walk in pick it out promuae to pay for it and go get laid. 4 months behind on rent is ALREADY on his Equifax Transunion and eveywhere else.

I liked Sonia back when she called herself Gabriela.

The guy who is Ramon's boss, (Jorge Ortin) I believe he is Lucho or something here, was Cuco in Fin del Mundo and was the same easy going cool fellow there too. It makes you wonder if any of the basic person shows through in the characters these actors play. It sure seems like it sometimes, or maybe some just do good people better and some have being an SOB down pat.

RGVChik I just looked at your weather and it looks like all that clean living is paying off for you and the animalitos. Don't go around bragging though, you got by by the skin of your teeth. :-)


I am getting confused between the characters in this show and those in Mi Marido !! I usually only watch one telenovela at a time, and there are so many characters in both of these shows.

Is the runaway bride's name Sofia or Sonia?

Kirby..maybe Chickie's good living and the patio's combined good vibrations. Whatever it was, I am glad that Harvey decided not to visit Chickie , the chickens, and the goats.

Chickie..Now you can concentrate on picking out names for the triplets!


Thank you Alfredo for the detailed recap once again.

I didn't realize that Francisco also appears in the Trivago commercials but without the facial hair; I was confused when bloggers started to refer to Mr. Trivago.

As for Margarita, she probably wants to date/marry Antonio and will help the divorce along quite nicely.


Susanlynn here she is Sofia.
the actress played a problematic character, Isela in Yo no creo en los hombres, which colors how I feel for her now. I don't trust her, count me on team Fab.

Kirby and Susy, yes, Harvey passed me by and I do believe the good vibes from the patio were a big help. I was worried about my animalitos, especially the babies. Goats don't like the rain and they stress easily. The winds have picked up, but not to the point of causing damage. I know I was very lucky, it could have been so much worse. Thank you all for your thoughts and good vibes.

I do remember Jorge Ortin from Hasta (would never have known the name except you provided it). And yes, he always seems nice and strikes me as someone I would like to know. "maybe some just do good people better and some have being an SOB down pat" had me laughing Kirby. And what a handsome fellow in your avatar...I am hesitant to say "plumage" but it is becoming.

I hope your new "family" is settling in Rgv Chick. I think goats are pretty endearing. They have a kind aura about them.

I think BadFran charged the ring (?) Perhaps the credit card companies haven't caught up with him.


Diana, I think you're right, BadFran charged, O'm just wondering if he and Fabs share a card or maybe she gave him a card??

The babies are doing well. Sometimes when there are 3, I have to help the mom with feeding because one baby is usually pushed away by the other 2, but all 3 seem to be drinking plenty on their own...yay!

Alfredo thanks again, you must not sleep.

I know it has been said before, but Karma sure bit Roxana in the you know what!! She deserves that and more, I sure hope that Antonio does not forgive her, she can keep her "munequito" and go to Miami, and stay there.

Hortensia is sure annoying, who does she think she is? She thinks she is high class and can talk to people without respect. She is always saying "la sirvienta" (the maid)as if it was an insult. Yes Juana and Luisa are maids, but they are more than that they are part of the family. At least Juana is, she has a bond with the girls that can't be broken, even thru misunderstandings, the love that Fabi and Andrea have for Juana will conquer all. So Hortensia can scream and whine al she wants but she will not get her way.

And Julio, man oh man he is digging a bigger hole for himself and Juana can see right thru him. Juana keeping my fingers crossed for you.

." Sometimes when there are 3, I have to help the mom with feeding"

Do they like human milk as well as humans like goat milk?

You are very kind indeed.

What I want to know, is who decided that zipper would serve any useful purpose there, on Roxies blue dress or is it a nursing dress or something?

Thank you Alfredo! I don't know where you get all the time and energy for all your fine recapping efforts. You always do such an excellent job, so thank you very much.

Oh that Julio! He is going to be in such trouble and take his family down with him with his gamblng addiction. I feel sorry for his wife and his sons. (Well maybe not feeling so sorry for Osvaldo.)

Francisco is another dog! (Actually dog is too good because dogs are better. My apologies to those of you who have good doggies.) Hoping that Fabiola dumps him soon when she realizes that he too, is after the million $$$.


Kirby you're too funny...the zipper does look odd doesn't it...maybe just easier access for Agustin? oh pfft...that's what you meant...LOL

Diana, I milk the mama goat and bottle feed the babies that don't get enough milk. They have to have the mama's milk, especially the first 24-48 hours, because it has colostrum that is high in protective antibodies and boosts the newborn's immune system.

RGV that was ME. I made my voice sound like Diana. Yeah I grew up on a farm and was just messing with you.

Is your weather still manageable'
, RGV?

Oh Kirby, you did fool me! I know you grew up on a farm LOL

The day was a bit cooler than usual and breezy, but that's it...NO RAIN!!

Ha !
Our news shows you getting rain now.
Hopeo you get a nice drenching.


Great recap Alfredo. So antonio and roxy are still married? Or they're devorced and remain friends with him hoping for a reconciliation? It sucks
For him. I'd like to see him with jauana. Horry would have a snobby heart attack.

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