Saturday, August 19, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramon, Capítulo 9; Friday, August 18, 2017: Fabiola and Ramón get to work together!

We left off yesterday with Fabiola announcing to Ramón that she is the owner and wants to know what he is doing there. Ramón is a bit confused and turns to Dalia and says, “Why didn’t you tell me this?” So Fabiola goes on to explain that since her father passed away, she is taking his place. As she is throwing her weight around, her uncle Antonio comes up and wants to know what is going on.
Dalia explains that she was talking to Ramón about the mechanic job there when Fabiola so rudely interrupted and said that she was the new boss. Antonio turns to Fabiola and Fabi tries to explain that her father left his half of the business to her and Andrea. Antonio says, “No one is saying anything to the contrary. But first we need to discuss this.” He takes her aside so they can talk elsewhere. Ramón then turns to Dalia and says that maybe he can find work somewhere else, but she pleads with him to wait and find out what Antonio has to say first. Obviously no one seems to like it how Fabiola just muscled her way into the situation without notice.

In Antonio’s office he lets Fabiola know that her presence was a surprise there and they needed to discuss the situation calmly. Fabiola explains that this man (Ramón is Juana’s son). Obviously, he did not recognize Ramón. She doesn’t want Ramón hired and then goes over the whole story about how he suddenly shows up. She also fills him in on the life insurance problem, how Hortensia is saying that Ricardo’s signature is falsified. If a judge decides that the signature is false, then NO ONE gets the money.

Antonio also tells Fabiola that she is more than welcome to work there, but she must learn the business first from the bottom up before she can make important decisions about the business. Fabiola says, “So when can I start?” Antonio says, “Anytime!” Again she pleads with him not to hire Ramón.

Outside Ramón tells Dalia how stubborn Fabiola is and is discouraged. Nearby, the other mechanics are busy and need help so they ask Ramón for a hand. Dalia thinks this is a great idea so that Antonio can see what a great mechanic he is.

Agustín arrives at Roxana’s place and says, “Don’t tell me that you can’t see me now. Do you have time to be with me?” Roxana explains that Diego is in school but she does have to go pick him up soon. He starts to try to get her to be romantic with him. Then he asks about the flowers and who brought them. Roxana lies and says she bought them for herself and Agustín says she has good taste. They end up in the bedroom.

Juana and Luisa are pretty much gossiping together about the situation with Hortensia and also about Julio. But one thing that Juana keeps thinking about is that Julio said for her to beware of Antonio. Luisa gasps and says, “And he is such a good person!” Jorge walks up to them and Juana says that Andrea is ready to go out to the university.

Jorge arrives at the Medina home for Andrea and Sara is there. He wants to know why she is there, but obviously she is there to flirt, he just doesn’t know it. She invites him to have coffee with her while Andrea continues to get ready.

Back at the Medina auto repair business, Antonio has Fabiola busy in the office showing her the ropes and some books with what she needs to start to learn. However, he makes it very clear that even though she is an owner, she will not be allowed to manage until she has learned all about the business. She begs him not to hire Ramón, but he tells her that just because she doesn’t like him is not a good reason not to hire him. But she gets him to agree to not hiring him.

Jorge is driving Andrea and Sara to school and Sara is suggesting that they all go out dancing later. Jorge is not into this, he does not like noisy places where you can’t hear each other talk. He’d rather go to the movies or go home and play games. Sara is not thrilled and says, “Whatever.”
Ramón is trying to diagnose the problem with the car and finally makes a determination of what it might be. Antonio walks up and hears what Ramón is talking about and hires him on the spot. Ramón follows Antonio into the office while Fabiola looks upset and walks off in a huff with everyone watching.

At Virginia and Julio’s place, Virginia opens a special delivery letter from “the Hacienda” also known as the Mexican IRS. She opens it up and finds that they owe more than 10,000 pesos. She is flabbergasted and angry.

Antonio goes over with Ramón what is expected on the job as Ramon fills out paperwork. Then he mentions about Fabiola thinking that the only reason he came there was because he found out his mother was the beneficiary of the $1,000,000 life insurance police. Ramon then says, “Look, if I thought I was going to be able to get my hands on the $1,000,000, do you really think I’d be looking for work?” That was good enough for Antonio and he welcomes Ramón to the job and tells him to go pick up a uniform from Dalia. But then Fabiola walks in and demands to know why Antonio hired him when he promised he wouldn’t. He lets her know that he thinks Ramón is a good mechanic and when you are in business, “you have to make decisions with your head, not your heart.” He then hands over to her paperwork and financial statement showing their income and expenses.

Outside, Dalia gives Ramón a hug and congratulates him. The other two mechanics don’t seem happy about though. In Dalia’s office he calls Juana and tells her he got the job. She is happy but tells him not to trust Antonio. In the background, Fabiola is watching and thinks to herself he won’t last there a week.

Virginia goes over to Julio’s office and wants to know what he did with all the money he was supposed to pay the taxes with. She is angry and says he will take care of it. They argue and he says she doesn’t trust him. Then he tells her to go home. He wonders how he is going to pay those taxes.
At school, Sara is telling Andrea how much she likes Jorge. Then she gets a text from Juana saying she has an appointment at the doctor. Then Andrea texts Jorge and asks if he could go with them.
Back at the shop, Fabiola tells Dalia how she never thought about how the work was over there, but she is learning a lot now. Ramón is over working on a car and Dalia sarcastically asks Fabiola why she doesn’t like Ramón and notices she can’t stop looking at him. She says that she’s not looking over at Ramón, she’s just looking at the workshop. As they pass by, the mechanic with Ramón notices that he is staring at Fabiola and Dalia as the walk past. He teases Ramón about looking at Fabiola, but he claims he was looking at Dalia, who is his cousin.

Osvaldo arrives at a home and greeted by a blonde woman named Emilia who introduces herself as Susana’s mother. He says he is there to see Susana. Then she asks if she looks “old” to him and he tells her she looks quite young. When Susana comes out, he remarks how beautiful her mother is and that there must be a line of guys waiting to become her stepfather. She recoils at the idea and then he goes with Susana to her room but takes another look at her mother. (Now this just seems weird!) I didn’t catch the entire conversation, but he seems to be helping her with exams and it sounded like he was doing something unethical. I didn’t catch the whole thing. There was also a scene where Jorge had asked Osvaldo about tutoring someone else and it appeared that Osvaldo was making money taking tests for others. Commenters: Please fill this part in.

Luisa finds Benito sleeping on the job and she walks up and scares him to death practically. Of course Luisa is upset about the previous day when he told his mother that he was at her place only because he needed to use the bathroom instead of telling her the truth, the both of them are a couple. He says he doesn’t want to give her a heart attack and needs more time. Luisa is getting tired of this and wants to know why a man his age is scared to tell his mother that he is in a relationship! He explains that ever since she has become a widow, all she has is him. Luisa then says, “Yes, but you are her son, not her husband!” Benito tells her, “But I am the only child! I need to be with her.” Luisa leaves in a huff and says, “Don’t touch me!”

At the Medina business office, Antonio tells Fabiola she is at the desk that her father used to occupy and now this spot can be hers. She cries and says she knows she can never replace her father and promises to do her best. She wants to leave the office as is and not change a thing. After giving her some invoices, he says he is leaving to go pick up Diego. She sits down, gets emotional, then stares at the family photos sitting behind her desk.

At the doctor’s office, Andrea, Juana, and Jorge are chatting. Andrea gets a text from Sara who wants Jorge’s cell number. Then the doctor calls Andrea into his office. Andrea goes in, accompanied by Juana. Jorge stays outside. The psychiatrist says that Andrea’s problems are not physical, they are mental. He recommends that he do hypnotherapy on her.

Porfirio and Margarita are at the office when he receives a phone call saying that the judge accepted the case to examine the signature problem. They both sigh and wonder if this will make things worse.
At the park, Antonio and Roxana talk about their relationship as they eat ice cream. He wants her to come back and live with him.

Francisco calls Fabiola and wants to know if she would like to meet him for lunch. But she tells him she has a lot of work and explains that she went to work in her father’s business, so when the time comes regarding the million $$$, she will be the one to manage the money. However, Ramón is at the doorway and overhears this. After she hangs up, he knocks at the already open door, where Fabiola is surprised that he is standing there. He comes in with some paperwork for orders but she doesn’t know what to do with them and she tells him to give them to Dalia, but Dalia is not there. However, Fabi has not a clue what to do.

Rulo and the other mechanic talk about Ramón and Rulo just wants to wait to see how things work out as he thinks that Ramón will let down his guard. (He was making another reference to something else, but I didn’t catch it.)

Julio arrives at the casino already for making his bets. He is seated next to a woman who looks a lot like Emilia, Susana’s mother whom Osvaldo came to see.
At Roxana’s place, Antonio and Diego are happily together watching TV. Diego wants to stay up later, but Roxana says no. Antonio asks if he can spend the night, but Roxana wants to spend the night at his place. (Maybe she forgot to change the sheets on her bed.) So they all decide to pack up and go to Antonio’s for the night.

At the end of the day, Dalia invites Ramón to dinner. Francisco walks in and Fabiola does a big PDA show especially for Ramón’s benefit. On the way home, she and Francisco talk about her interest in the money. Anyway, Fabiola returns home to Juana who wants to know where she was all day. Finally Fabiola says that she has been working at her father’s place of business since she wants to learn all about it since she is now an owner. Dalia goes to fetch her mom Luisa too, but she explains Virginia is sick. Jorge is with her and she’s running a fever and needs medication. He tries to call Julio, but he ignores his call because he’s at the table thinking he’s a winner. Luisa thinks Virginia is having an asthma attack.

The doorbell rings at the Medina house and it’s Ramón wanting to take his mother to dinner with himself and Dalia. Francisco lets him in and Ramon gets to hear Fabiola tell a different about why she went to work there. Oops! She got caught in the lie and is now exposed with her half-baked story about being responsible with money.


Cynthia: Good recap.

Thank you, Cynthia.

I cheered when Antonio gave the job to Ramon to Fabiola's frustration. I also enjoyed how Ramon walked up to Fabiola, smiled, and walked away, leaving her fuming and stamping her feet. And Dalia is right, whenever Ramon is within Fabiola's sight she cannot stop looking at him. She also puts up an act of being superior, ignoring him, demonstrating affection with Francisco, which is clearly an act and only underlines that she is not indifferent. Now she is caught in this scheme of "being responsible." How is she going to get out of this? Today was not a Fabiola's day, and by her own doing.

Excellent Cynthia. Well written, chock full of astute observations and a lot of fun.

"Obviously no one seems to like it how Fabiola just muscled her way into the situation without notice" said it all. A beautiful woman painting an unattractive picture. Petulant, spoiled, demanding brat is not a good look on her. I rather felt for her as she put her worst foot forward for everyone to see. I have hope as "She cries and says she knows she can never replace her father and promises to do her best".

"She also puts up an act of being superior, ignoring him, demonstrating affection with Francisco, which is clearly an act and only underlines that she is not indifferent". Excellent Lucio. I like Ramon's reaction in that he is a bit amused but is not being the slightest bit unkind. Or shaken.

"But one thing that Juana keeps thinking about is that Julio said for her to beware of Antonio". If you believe that is a red flag Juana, you are right! And while I have no great love for Virginia, I did feel for her last night. No wonder she doesn't have the most pleasant disposition - Julio makes that impossible.

Benito needs a shot of courage.

Osvaldo’s crush on Susana’s mother IS strange in and of itself. Even more so that she is Antonio’s gambling partner who might become more. It’s a small world sometimes, too close for comfort.

Sara and Dalia are in for much disappointment. I am still hoping Rulo's bad boy behavior might change and that he and Dalia will get together.

Cynthia, thank you for all your hard work. This was great.


Cynthia, awesome recap and appreciate your keen eye for detail...thank you!

Lucio and Diana, ITA that Fabs is putting on an act, but so is Ramon. They remind me of two children--the boy pulling on the girl's pigtails (because he likes her) and the girl sticking out her tongue at the boy (because she likes him too). Fabs has the more growing up to do, though, IMO.

Diana, "Osvaldo’s crush on Susana’s mother IS strange" isn't it? And he was taken by her since he first saw her picture!

I'm really liking the Benito/Luisa interchanges. They remind me somewhat of Lioncub and Sonia in VEA.

To fill in what is the deal with Osvaldo. He is selling test answers for college exams. His girlfriend is with him in the biz. Some guy wanted answers for a math test, and couldn't find Osvaldo, so he asked Jorge. Jorge was surprised that Osvaldo is tutoring math when he himself was bad at it. Osvaldo said it was then, the last exam he got 10.

Sara is such a fifth wheel. Driving to college in the car with Jorge and Andrea, suggesting to go to a club and invite some Andres for Andrea to dance with. Andrea couldn't protest loud enough. The faces and looks that Jorge and Andrea were exchanging were quite telling.

Diana, "And while I have no great love for Virginia, I did feel for her last night", I agree. After witnessing how Julio treats her, I wonder why she is still married to him. She doen't get support from him, gets disrespect, leeching of her money for gambling.

Pretencia, Fabuloso and CuteN'Mute.

Oh how nice a Love Story right out of a Three Dog Night 'Old Fashioned Love Song", how sweet....Wait What? Nooo this love is about MONEY Arggghhh. Ohh Nooooo

Ryan..Get me another dozen White Castles, dam I'm hungry since that awards show.

"I'm really liking the Benito/Luisa interchanges. They remind me somewhat of Lioncub and Sonia in VEA". What a great comparison Rgv Chick! Two great couples to root for.

Lucio, thanks for filling in that information. Virginia has a great son in Jorge. Her husband and Osvaldo - not so much. No wonder she is so cranky.


Thanks Cynthia for the great Recap.

ITA the most fun moments are the Benito and Luisa interractions. With a little Juana in the mix. Keeps the story lighthearted.

Fabiola not getting away with not hiring Ramon was my favorite moment. Not liking Dalia falling for Ramon though. Ramon called her my cousin, so that's how he sees her.


Thank you, Cynthia , for an excellent retelling.

I am still trying to get all the names of the characters sorted out.

This tn is so much lighter than Doble which featured sex slavery, money laundering, narcos, fighting, intimidation, murder, kidnapping, and lots of unsubtle messages. Time to relax with some flirting, petulance, and struggles over money.

Excellent job, Cynthia. Thank you.

Most of the other mechanics are actually glad that Ramon got hired, as they realize that he knows what he's doing and they really need him. However, Rulo is not happy about it, as he sees how Dalia is all over him, smiling and practically draping herself all over him. While Ramon doesn't even notice her fawning all over him, Rulo sees this as a straight out challenge to his "manhood," as he wants Dalia for himself, not that she wants anything to do with him. The other mechanic's comments that Ramon will "take" her from Rulo don't help. While his Buddy is just teasing him, I'm afraid Rulo is going to do something about it. I hope he doesn't get him fired like he did the other guy, by stealing tools and fixing it so that the blame falls on Ramon, or worse, getting him arrested for theft. At this point Fabiola would happily send him to jail. And Ramon has absolutely no inkling that all this is going on - he's not remotely interested in Dalia, as he considers her to be like a cousin, maybe even a sister. Rulo is bad news.


Kiiiirrbyyyyyyy! You grace us with your beautiful birds!! YaaaYYY!!!

Thanks everyone for your comments. And thank you, Lucio for filling me in on the part regarding Osvaldo and the no good that he's up to. There were so many scenes that I was trying to keep up with, I kind of lost track of what was going on with this unethical behavior with Osvaldo. He's gonna get caught!

Fabiola's character played by Esmeralda Pimentel reminds me so much of the character she already played in ECDLP, when she didn't want Marcelo (Erick Elias) hired in her father's factory. She's pretty much making the same kind of stink about it with Ramon getting hired at the shop and it's funny.

Susanlynn, yes this is more of a lighthearted TN. I've been on the Candidata team and it rife with political corruption, prostitution, drugs, thugs, and murder for hire. So "Ramon" will be a fun one to watch and recap.

Diana, yes I think Benito needs a big shot of courage too. He needs to stop being afraid of what his mommy is going to think.

Beautiful shot Kirby. It is though he is walking on water.

What a nice way to begin Monday...



Looking forward to seeing what the villains in this TN scheme & plot next.

Villains/Antagonists (that I can think of right now) in this TN

1. Hortensia: unreasonable, persistent, scheming, money-hungry witch

2. Francisco: two-timing, obnoxious snob

3. Julio: two-faced, lying gambler

4. Roxana: dissatisfied cheatin' hussy

5. Rulo: thief

6. Osvaldo: indifferent test-selling scoundrel

Feel free to add... :-)

Good list Rgv Chick.

Will you consider (is it) Suzanne's mother, the blonde at some point? We haven't actually SEEN her do anything bad, but I suspect something is in the offing :)


I am still trying to get the families straight. Do Julio and Virginia have children? Is Osvaldo someone's son? Is Rulo the longhaired mechanic? Is he someone's son? Sorry..I am finally home after being on planes and cars a lot this past week.

OT...Chickie, after reading and hearing so much a out the eclipse, I am thinking about you introducing me to the Strawberry Moon.

Diana, yes! Suzann's mother, Emilia, certainly seems to be trying to hook Julio into some type of scam...thanks!

Susy, Julio and Virginia have 2 sons: Jorge (throne that is sweet on Andrea who can't talk) and Osvaldo who sells tests to students. And Rulo is the long-haired mechanic who steals tools and is sweet on Dalia. Ahhh...the Strawberry moon...much prettier than the eclipse :-)

Rulo's family hasn't been introduced, Susy. Fredesvinda is his godmother I think. She is the one that gave him the lotion and she is also Benito's mother. Benito is the one who likes Luisa who is Dalia's mother.

Hope I didn't confuse you more !

Ms Hampton good recappin. Fabiola is a
Spoiled little intitled brat. And Why is she pretending to not like Ramon? &
He's acting Like he don't care.Do they really need the $1,000,000 or is she
just feelin intitled? They don't have to take the whole amount from her, she
Could give them half, after all it was
A gift, she did not ask for it. Jauana
Is too nice. Who leaves their servant
That amount of money? Unless he wanted
To make sure his daughters got it and
Not that mean vendictive hortensia.The
Loving grandam ma. And therefore makin
jauana in charge.Well We'll see how this turns out.

Is Antonio the one that gambles?I Hope
He he don't get his Hot greedy hands on it. He couldn't even pay the taxes.
Why is she still married to his sorry but? Some women!!!

That guy that dont like Ramon will pin the Theft of the tools on him. He's been stealin tools a long time, even
Before the boss died,who's name just escapes me at this time.Are they for
Really dead? Money is involved after all.

Now that double life over,for now, I'm
Gonna have to keep these characters
Straight, there's so many.

Thank you Cynthia.

Nina, Antonio is Fabiola's and Andrea's maternal uncle. He owns half of auto repair shop and is Diego's (the curly haired little boy) father.

Julio is the one that gambles. He is Fabiola's and Andrea's paternal uncle.

Nina..Julio (beautiful Marcelo Cordoba) is the gambler. Antonio is the one who is divorced.

Chickie..thank you, your rundown helped me. brand new grandbaby's name is Andrea!!

Beautiful name, Susy!! And how is the baby girl? was she big? small?

Theres no contacting univision all those phone numbers. I'll just read the recaps Alfredo. They're more fun.
Plus I get talk to you guys. We're a
Rawdy crew yall.

Sweet Andrea. Welcome to the world little one!

Rgv Chick, thank you for going over the names. I frequently need refreshers and this is really helpful!


I dooo like CuteMute, I'll get the names down later. Nice hair, smiles a lot, nods yes and is Q U I E T....

Federico was a dick in DC too. Every time I see a Ho-te-l?---Trivago ad I still see him as his two timing self with Estela in Despertar Contigo. Ugh!

Thanks RGV, but I usually just give them Indian names...Running Bear, Smiling Dove, DuckFace, ShitforBrains, LowEyeQue, you know, sensible. But I'll try.

LOL, Kirby, sometimes the names we give them make so much more sense...and fit to a tee!

So....Antonio is the one that likes jauana.....Ok. But he's tryin to get back with his wife right? I saw him in
A liplock with jauana one night in the
Opening credits. So what's up with that? Ummm um!<I don't even know if that's spelt right, but y'all get my meaning. Lol.

I thought they were gonna move"La Tierra prometida" to Unimas? O these
People are so confusing.

OT ..Andrea Hope was 7 lbs, and she has lots of dark brown hair, like her auntie. We now have a blonde, a strawberry blonde, and two brunettes .


Okay that's it thats the biblical one thats on now. So they moved the other one with the girl shootin the gun at everybody to unimas?!?!

Kirby that Bird looks like he's dancing on Water. BEAUTIFUL!!!! And he
Knows he's being photographed. Smart

NiNa he knows he is 'On The Clock' These birds don't work for free! :-)

Nice Blog Post !

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