Friday, August 18, 2017

La candidata Friday 8/18/17 Capítulo 49: An Attempt is Made on Emiliano's Life--OR--When Does a Death Threat Become Just an "Expression"?

Outside of Regina's office--Lorena is leaving. Mario happens to see Lorena and asks Daniela what that woman was doing there. Daniela tells him she wanted to see Regina and adds that Lorena has no shame. In no time flat, Mario is on the phone to one of his goon-guards and tells him that Lorena is leaving the building. He wants her followed and wants to know about all of her movements.

At Regina's/Alonso's House--Alonso has awakened a beast in Regina with his threat. She is over the top and rightfully so. She did not know that he was capable of killing her. Alonso tries to write it off in his usual arrogant casual way by saying it was just an "expression". Regina is not buying it. She invites him to kill her right then and there. She is not afraid. A completely exasperated Alonso goes on about her scaring Emiliano with jail and how he would never survive a place like that. She needs to realize that. He is begging her. She asks if he is trying to convince her. Of course he is! Is he trying to improve things between them by threatening to kill her? She doesn't know what is happening to him.

Mauro's office--Sandoval, Regina's lawyer, is visiting with Mauro. The lawyer makes it clear that he will not be treated as "second class" to anyone. A pay-off won't do it. If Alonso makes him the minister of the Supreme Court of the land the day he takes office, he can count on his assistance. Mauro tells him that will be impossible. Well, it will also be impossible for Sandoval then to stop advising Regina.

Back at Regina's/Alonso's--Regina refuses to let the death threat drop. She just wants to know how Alonso is planning on doing it. Is he thinking of a hitman? Will she have an accident? All of the fighting has brought Emiliano out of his room. He wants it to stop already and he also wants to know why his father threatened to kill his mother. Alonso goes back to saying it was only an "expression". Emiliano cuts them both off and tells them only he will decide what he will do with his life, not them. He leaves. Alonso goes to touch Regina and she screams (the legendary ¡¡No me toques!!): "Don't touch me!!." He reminds her that their mothers are in the dining room. Maybe they should go to their own room to continue the discussion? Regina reluctantly agrees.

Gerardo's office (with background music that sounds like it is straight out of "Twin Peaks")--Gerardo is wondering out loud to Cecilia if her visit is a part of Alonso's strategy. Of course not! According to Cecilia, it is all about Regina. Regina is in danger of losing her career, her family and what is worse she is going to have Emiliano charged. The boy will be destroyed! Gerardo will not be meddling in Regina's business. Cecilia tells him next that he is responsible for everything that is happening to Regina. Gerardo starts to smirk and shake his head as Cecilia says she just cannot understand his way of "loving" someone. He says he loves Regina but attacks her son! Gerardo knows what is up and asks Cecilia who she is to Alonso. Is she his press secretary? "Yes!" she answers. Is she Mario's ally? Or is she Alonso's slave? She asks him to watch what he says about her. He tells her to watch what she says and shows her to the door.

Back at Regina's/Alonso's-- Regina knows her son was involved in a murder. Alonso insists it was an accident. She does not understand why they are covering it up if it is an accident. Alonso thinks that Emiliano's future will be over whether a judge finds him guilty or not. Society will judge him. Regina accuses Alonso of only being concerned with his own future, not Emiliano's. It is Alonso's fault that they are in this predicament because he covered it up. She asks him to explain what happened to the boy named Axel. Alonso says he died of an overdose just like the girl. What does she want him to say? Alonso goes on about Regina condemning Emiliano. Where are her maternal instincts? She asks where are his paternal instincts with him introducing Emiliano into a world of death and corruption? Alonso handed Emiliano over to his employee (Cecilia) and then called her when the whole mess had to be cleaned up. Alonso (the slime ball) tries to play defense blaming Emiliano. It was Emiliano's idea to have a party and the problems they are having now are due to Emiliano's idea. Regina has heard enough. All of this business about death,lies, corruption, and betrayals is not for her and not for her son. Alonso wants to know what this all means for him and for his son. Regina says she will not turn Emiliano in. She cannot do that to her son but he has to pay for the mistake he made. As for Alonso, she will never cover up anything for him again because he is not anyone to her anymore. Alonso loses it going on about he can't/won't lose his wife, his son. She won't force him into this craziness. She leaves. Mauro calls Alonso with news. Alonso wants to know if Sandoval accepted the deal.

Gerardo's place--Ignacio is with Teresa. Ignacio has no idea what she wants from everybody. What is she looking for? For everyone to feel sorry for her. He tries to explain that that is a feeling and not a reason but he concludes that her brain isn't working very well. Those become fighting words. What is her brain like? He is the one who is sick. She doesn't have a problem. If she feels bad or crazy, like he says, it is because he is berating her for having a weak moment. If she thinks she is capable of separating Gerardo and Regina, she is wrong. He is going to tell Gerardo everything and then she won't be able to use Gerardo. The "conversation" is cut short by Ximena coming in and wondering if they are fighting. There is silence.

Regina's/Alonso's dining room--Alonso and a visibly upset Regina are talking to their mothers. Natalia wants to know what is going on and warns them against shouting at each other like that. Alonso tells Noemí that his wife wants to turn Emiliano in so his son can spend his life behind bars. He asks Noemí to help him. Regina accuses Alonso of trying to manipulate all of them. Why doesn't Alonso just take care of what he is in charge of? Alonso says everything just got beyond his control. Regina counters with everything he is involved in lately does get beyond his control just like with his threatening to kill her! Natalia is shocked when she hears this. Alonso goes into his "it is just an expression" explanation one more time. He is desperate! Natalia tells him he still cannot say that. Noemí tells her daughter to think things over carefully before she does anything. Regina blows her top. What does she have to think about??? Everything is destroyed: her son, her whatever it is. . Alonso fills in the thought and says "family" and tries to play the "let's face this as a family" card. Emiliano comes out from his room and asks to talk to his mother alone.

Escalante's office--Escalante is not happy with Lorena. He asked her to meet with Regina but not at the senate building. Now they must be thinking why she came back. He did not want anyone to know she was working for him or for her to be seen with him because of her being tainted by corruption. First, she needs to clean up her image. Then he will see. From today on she will no longer be doing anything on her own. He doesn't want her repeating her mistake again.

Outside Escalante's office building--Mario calls his goon-guard and asks where Lorena is. She went into an office building but has not come out. The goon-guard mentions that Escalante has his offices there. Mario comments that Lorena has not lost he taste for power or money. They are not to lose sight of her and he wants a tail on Escalante.

Emiliano's room--Emiliano tells his mother that she is right. He cannot live like this. He has to take responsibility for everything he did. He clarifies this by saying he wants to file a complaint and make a statement to the authorities about everything that happened at the house. Is he sure? Yes. They hug each other.

Alonso's living room--Alonso is pacing and moaning to his mother that he just cannot take anymore. Emiliano is just like his mother. They are uncontrollable and they just complicate his life. Natalia reminds him he is good at complicating his life all on his own. He thinks he can solve everything and he always chooses the wrong solution.
Alonso won't hear anymore and turns it back on Natalia. She warns him she is his mother. He goes on about the shame he feels because of her sleeping with the chauffeur and blames her for his father losing his mind. She can take care of her life and he will take care of his. Regina comes out and informs Alonso that Emiliano has decided he wants to go to the authorities and file a complaint. It is his decision. Alonso storms out. A stern Alonso stops by to hear the decision straight from Emiliano. Alonso tells him that that is fine: he just "chose" his mother. He shakes his head in disgust and leaves.

Gerardo's place--Later Gerardo comes home and finds Ximena making food for her mother who is sick and in bed. Gerardo sees Teresa and tells her if she keeps feeling sick, He will have to take her back to the hospital. Ximena tells him about Ignacio arguing with Teresa. He also tells Ximena about Emiliano deciding to file a complaint.

Alonso's office--Alonso is talking to another lawyer. It seems that this guy is over Sandoval and is only too happy to take double the money that was offered to Sandoval to put the brakes on an investigation into the death of Alma Roldán. When Mauro comes in, the lawyer leaves with the cash to make an important phone call in private. Mauro suddenly is nervous about the bribe and is worried that if something goes wrong, he could end up in jail. Alonso doesn't see it that way. He is going to be president and the buck is going to stop with him. So what is Mauro bawling about?

The public prosecutor's office--Emiliano, with Regina and Sandoval is ready to file a complaint about the death of Alma Roldán at the public prosecutor's office. The official asks who is it against? Emiliano answers "the person responsible for her death". Where did it occur? "The house of the Governor Lic. Alonso San Román Suárez." Emiliano goes through the whole story of the party, the prostitutes and the arrival of a boy who was not invited but did bring drugs. Sandoval's phone rings in the middle of his statement. After Emiliano tells everything he knows, he and Regina get a surprise they were not expecting: the official tells them that there is not enough evidence to warrant an investigation. Sandoval says that is what he thought was going to happen. It is no use trying to do it again because the answer will always be the same. Regina cannot believe what she is hearing snd asks if they both were bought. Sandoval denies it and asks her to calm down. Regina is still launched from earlier in the day and immediately calls Hernán and tells him she wants to do a show about the death of Alma Roldán that afternoon. Sandoval warns her not to do something she will be sorry for.She tells him the only thing she is sorry for is having hired him. She then tells Sandoval that "the people" don't "sell" the law. "The people" will be merciless judges. He can tell Alonso that. Regina and Emiliano leave. Sandoval is back on the phone.

Omar's house--Mario goes to Omar. Marcia opens the door. She tells Mario about Omar losing his mind. Omar manages to come down and it is clear that he is out of it. In his confusion, he asks Mario if he can trust him. Of course, he can! Mario takes Omar back up to bed. Mario comes downstairs and informs Marcia that he is aware she has started taking money from the old man. Yes, she is going to be taking all she can because it looks like Omar will be put into a hospital soon. Will Mario help her? Why should he? Does she not realize he could always file a complaint against her? He wouldn't do that, would he? Because if he did, she would talk. Mario "teases" her saying he is soooo afraid!! Marcia finally asks what does she have to do so she can clean out all of Omar's money without any interference from Mario. Mario tells her to do what she wants to Omar. For example, he can hurt him and say he fell! As for his price: tonight she is his. Mario is all over her. She does not look happy.

Mauro's office--Mauro is giving Cecilia a lesson on how to cook the books when a livid Alonso comes in. He announces that since Regina had no success with Emiliano being able to file a complaint, she now wants to go live on the Hernán Trevilla show and bring Emiliano along. He states to both of them that this is not going to happen. Is that clear? He tells them to get to work and leaves.

Franco's office--Franco is the head of the network that Hernán works for and an old friend of Mauro's. Mauro tells him that he is aware of Hernán Trevilla having an exclusive on his show that afternoon. Mauro wants it cancelled. Franco is not happy. Even though he and Mauro have a history, he cannot please him this time. Mauro is willing to offer money (fiscal benefits). That is tempting for Franco but what his network really needs is liquidity. He does have partners and they are not going to let a "scoop" get away from them and then have to close down the network. Mauro tries to bargain but it does not work.

Hernán's office--Cecilia is doing her part trying to shut down the show. Hernán asks why she has stopped by. She has come out of curiosity. Maybe to see how he destroys his career. Hernán laughs. His career is just beginning. She knows he doesn't care about her but she still cares about him so she is letting him know that Mauro is talking to the head of the network and they are going to pull his story and then he will never be able to work as a journalist again. Hernán explains that power has limits and that is called "journalism." When people find out the real intentions of Alonso, nobody is going to want to be next to a political "dead man". By the way, Hernán reminds her that he warned her about Alonso and to get away from him but she did not pay attention. Cecilia asks if he is going to destroy her, too? Hernán has done all he can to try to take care of her. Cecilia goes off accusing him of being like all of the others: give them power and they would kill their own mothers. Hernán tells her to listen to herself because she seems to be talking about herself.

Mauro's office--Alonso bursts into Mauro's office. Why is Ochoa there? Mauro tells him to sit down because he needs to listen to what Ochoa has to tell him. Ochoa is putting his own life in danger with what he has to tell him. It so seems that in order to clear up and cover up the mess with the dead prostitute at Alonso's house, they had to involve all sorts of "interests'. There is also a lot of money in the mix to make Alonso president. These people are not about to lose and will not hesitate to take the necessary actions to protect themselves. So what does Ochoa mean? Emiliano will never make it to the network. They are going to kill him.

Gerardo's place--Gerardo is having his usual hard time dealing with Teresa who is now sure that Ximena hates her. Gerardo tells her she is not the center of the universe but that does no good. Teresa asks what is wrong anyway. Gerardo asks why she and Ignacio were arguing. Teresa immediately erupts blaming Ximena for the gossip. As Gerardo is leaving, Teresa says the reason the Ignacio comes is because neither Gerardo or Ximena care about her. Gerardo makes the mistake of taking the bait but he does tell her that he will always be there for the baby but that does not mean he and Teresa will be a couple again. Teresa is afraid he will end up with Regina and that when the baby is born
he will take the baby and he and Regina will raise it. Gerardo tells her as soon as the baby arrive he is looking for a psychologist for her. Gerardo's phone rings. He has to go Later, Teressa calls Ignacio. She feels sick. She needs him to come. Ignacio explains he cannot always be available. He has to work. Teresa understands if he doesn't have time. She is just going to have to tell Gerardo all about them and then when Gerardo fires him he will have more than enough time. She hangs up.

Regina's car--Regina and Emiliano are talking on the way to the show. Emiliano cannot believe that his father manipulated everything. He always knew he had power but not that much. Regina is not interested in him being involved in the interview. He doesn't want her to be out there all alone. He wants to be responsible. She does not want him involved in all of this. Regina showed her he was wrong. She was not responsible for anything. He wants them honest together. Alonso has been calling. She is not answering. Is Emiliano sure? More than ever. Regina hugs him.

Alonso's office--Regina is still not answering Alonso's calls or messages. Gerardo has arrived. Alonso explains the situation. He needs his help because Regina is not answering his calls. Gerardo is the only person Regina will talk to. Gerardo is concerned this could just be a dirty trick. Alonso is desperate. Soon Gerardo is driving to the network.

Omar's house--Mario has cleared out the security personnel so he is ready for a good time with Marcia. A little later, Mario is all over Marcia. He gets a phone call, has to leave but he will return. No worries! She will have all the money she wants. When he comes back, he wants her to put on something sexy just for him.

Escalante's office--Franco is filling Escalante in on Mauro's visit. Franco is so excited with the show being a rating explosion. Just think of the money to be made off he ratings of this "confession"! It turns out that Escalante has just bought the majority interest in the network. There are some powerful people interested in the program. All Franco has to do is put a camera man at the door. There is going to be an attempt on Regina's and her son's life. Franco thought he wanted to protect Regina. Escalante clarifies that he wants to protect his "investments". Just imagine how the electorate will react when they find out that Regina has lost her son! Her vote total will go up out of sympathy. Franco asks about it also affecting Alonso's totals. Escalante does not think so because the Mexicans have a special spot for mothers in their hearts. This will give Escalante his president and Franco his big scoop!

Hernán's office--Hernán is having sex with Cecilia in his office. There is somebody at the door. They straighten out their clothes quickly. A network employee has news. Hernán has the green light from the network for the Regina/Emiliano interview. Cecilia is upset. He can't do it. Hernán is happy because he is on the right side (not like her).

Alonso's office--Alonso is with Mauro well aware that the show starts in less than fifteen minutes. He asks Mauro if he talked to them about cancelling it. Mauro says they are not answering his calls. Alonso just cannot sit in his office anymore. He needs to go to the network. Mauro warns him if he shows up it will be clear that he found out about the plan and he will be in danger. Alonso doesn't care. He does not get to make that choice. The goon-guard posted at the door has direct orders fro the President to keep Alonso safe and sound. All they can do is wait and hope Gerardo gets there in time.

José's house--Natalia stops by. José greets her with asking her if she ever calls before she drops on by. Wasn't she supposed to come by and tell him if she was moving in? He tells her not to accept the offer. He is good for nothing. All he is good for is carrying a gun and protecting crooks. He insists he went about it all in the wrong way. Natalia tells him not to feel that way and then sees a third person appear. It is José's old flame. She is dressed only in his shirt.

Gerardo's vehicle somewhere in a traffic jam in Mexico City--Gerardo is stuck in traffic gridlock and going nowhere. He abandons his vehicle and starts to run as fast as he can.

Noemi's house--Mario gets home where Noemí is drinking as usual. He is not happy to see her drinking. He has enough problems like with Lorena making the rounds again. Noemí cannot believe he is worried about one of his son-in-law's ex-lovers! Mario is worried about himself because if she exposes him, they could end up with not even enough money for Noemí's alcohol. Anyway, the reason she wanted to see him was to let him know that Regina is planning on talking on that damn show. She is going to trash it all: her career, marriage, and family. Mario asks if that is true. Yes, it is so if Mario doesn't want to lose it all he had better put all of his money in her name. Mario looks worried.

Somewhere is Mexico City--Gerardo is still running.

Regina's car--Regina has her phone turned off.

Hernán's show set--Hernán has started his show hyping the appearance of senator Regina Barcenas.

Somewhere is Mexico City--Gerardo is still running.

The network parking lot--Regina's car has arrived but Gerardo cannot get into the parking lot so he has to run around to another unsecured entrance. Regina and Emiliano get out of their car. Cecilia is there to meet her and tells her not to go in because it is a mistake. Cecilia then tells Emiliano not to ruin his life.

Alonso's office--Alonso is ready to watch the interview and is crazy not knowing what is going on.

Mario's house--Mario is waiting to watch the interview online.

The network parking lot--Emiliano tells Cecilia he does not want to see her anymore. Regina adds "You heard my son." Regina and Emiliano leave the parking lot followed by Cecilia and security and start to approach the network building.

Escalante's office--Escalante gets a call and tells the caller to shoot to kill.

The network parking lot--Hernán's show is in progress and cuts away to Regina and Emiliano arriving. Nobody knows it but there are two men with helmets on one motorcycle speeding towards Regina and Emiliano. Gerardo who is still running calls out Regina's name. A shot rings out as Gerardo knocks both Regina and Emiliano to the ground. (or at least that is what it looked like)


Due to the subject matter of this novela there will be strict moderation of the comments. Anything about the current or past real-world political situations will be removed. Discussion will be limited to the story, the production values, and the actors' performances. Also, episode discussions will be closed one the next episode's recap is posted.

Excellent recap of a very exciting episode, Jarifa! Natalia certainly has Alonso's number. As far as I'm concerned, "We tried, but it looks as if someone got to them first" would have been an ok way to let Emiliano off the hook. After all, he tried to turn himself in--his intentions were honorable. Wow! Fernando Escalante is the most wicked of them all! Killing a child so the mother could get sympathy? Sick! My bet on how the attempted murder ended: Either no one was hurt or Gerardo was wounded, not killed--based on my experience with novelas.

Great work, Jarifa.

Escalante's attitude to this is comparable to attitudes of ancient times and Emiliano would be a sacrifice to insure the desired outcome. It's the perfect contemporary set-up with cameras trained on the victim and his mother. Escalante is as much a sociopath as the other men in this tale of his generation. His money helping Mexico is what his ego is based on and while he can be lauded for not wanting any of it to go into the pockets of corrupt politicians his own brand of corruption will be equally vile when and if the public comes to know about it.

Either that or Lorena will take the hit for this, since she was out to get Alonso. Since she didn't get the chance to tell Regina this that could happen.

Jarifa: Good Job.

SpanProf: I do NOT think anyone was injured in the attack.

UA: Escalante upping the ante in protecting his "investments" AKA Political Property.

Thanks Jarifa. Alonso partially redeems himself by nearly going crazy when he realizes that there are hit men out there to try to stop Emiliano and Regina from giving the interview. He even tries to get Gerardo to stop the show to save them. Its ironic that Mario want Marcia for sex and tells her she can have all of Omar's money but he is in danger of losing his own. I thought it was a great moment when Noemí told Mario that he should put all of his money in her name potentially leaving him penniless. Escalante wants Regina to be a grieving mother so that she will be a sympathetic candidate. He gave the go-ahead to the hit men so I guess that they were trying to kill Emiliano. The next show will let us know!

Lynette: I still do NOT believe anyone will get injured from Escalante's assassination hit.

Thank you Jarifa, you got a very exciting episode.

I am no longer surprised, or disappointed when people turn out to be corrupt in this TN. What I wonder is what does Escalante have to gain by having Regina win the Election. He must have history with Alonso.

The one glimmer of hope was Emiliano doing the right thing. This is a consolation for Regina.The fact that he turned on Cecilia was also good.

I have a feeling that Lorena may be the key to unravelling all of this mess.


A lot of the money Escalante wants to donate would end up in the pockets of Alonso and his cronies. If Escalante is the self-made man he seems to be -- Cecelia's homework says this -- he would not want that money going for anything except its intended use. Regina wants to do things for the poor and disenfranchised while Alonso would give only lip service to this. She would see that the money was put to its intended use.

We do not know what he intends to do -- or demand -- after the election.

I wonder how Lorena got involved with Escalante. She does not seem to be good at the power game as she chose to be the mistress of a married man who wouldn't leave his wife for her. Then she accepted a shady position and let Alonso ensnare her in his usual political machinations.

Lynette: Keeping fingers crossed Regina wins the Presidency.

Thanks, everyone, for your comments and being a part of our patio!

SpanProf, I do agree that Emiliano has does enough to exonerate himself by going in to make a statement.

Lynette, you are far more gracious than I in seeing some partial redemption in Alonso.

Urban, very interesting labeling Emiliano as the "sacrifice" and very appropriate.

Steve, yes, it looks like Escalante's MO is going to be upping the ante.

Sandie, I also wonder about how Escalante really fits into the big picture.

Looks like GOT could be doing the aunt/nephew incest thing, too. Is it a trend??? LOL

Jarifa: Yuck! It must be the end times. :)

Help! Need great recaps for the whole week. No need to worry. You always come through. No Unimas where I am. Sad face.

Anita, I hope you are having a good time wherever you are.

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