Monday, August 28, 2017

La Candidata 8.28.17 Chapter 53: Cecelia Wants to Destroy Regina

Ochoa asks Alonso if he would like him to kill Regina.

Omar screams for Ochoa to do so but Alonso walks away and tries to tell him to stop. As Alonso walks through the house, trying to get a better signal, Omar follows him, screaming for Alonso to get rid of Regina because she’s only causing problems.

Gerardo and Regina stops kissing and she notices something (or someone) moving in the distance. Ochoa hides behind a tree as Regina and Gerardo looks around.

Alonso runs outside Omar’s house and demands Ochoa stand down. Ochoa tells him he will not and Alonso orders him to watch and report, only.

Hernan reminds Cecelia that Teresa is not to be trusted. Cecelia tells one of the makeup artists to stop covering the bruises and then asks Hernan why he says that. He doesn’t get a chance to respond as the program is about to start. Once alone, Cecelia calls Alonso and asks him to turn on the program and smiles.

Regina and Gerardo reach the cabin. She wants to leave but Gerardo asks her to calm down. He promises to protect her but Regina tells him to come inside and he obliges after looking around.

Teresa sits down with Hernan and explains that losing their baby made Gerardo crazy. She begins to cry and tells him that Gerardo blamed her for everything.

Omar and Alonso watch the program. Omar advises Alonso to take care of the problem immediately before it ruins his political career. Alonso asks him to shut up so he can hear but Omar chides him for focusing on gossip when he should focus on his campaign. Alonso asks Marcia, who is standing a few feet away, to take Omar to his room. She obliges.

Hernan asks Teresa about her gambling debts and the fact that it ruined her marriage to Gerardo. Teresa nods but she thought her pregnancy was a second chance to save her marriage. Hernan reminds her that she’s divorced from Gerardo but Teresa thinks that a piece of paper should not break what God has united. Hernan nods as does Cecelia, who watches from the sidelines.

Marcia leads Omar to his room but he stops her and asks them both if they have slept together. They both deny it but Omar knows Alonso is dying to sleep with Marcia. He will make sure they pay for their betrayal though and walks away as Marcia chases him.

Teresa continues with her story as Cecelia watches, a big smile on her face. Sometime later, Hernan tells the public that they just heard Teresa’s story and his team has also collaborated that she has a severe gambling addiction, however, their program doesn’t condone violence. If anything, until Teresa’s story is legally proven, they will always time for a rebuttal as it is their job to report the news as well as both sides of the story.

That night, Alonso opens the door to his home to Cecelia. She smiles and tells him that she’s there to help him, no matter what. He lets her inside and confesses that he was happily surprised by her work today. Cecelia nods, happy to know that Gerardo is finally out of the presidential race. She then asks him what else he wants from her. Alonso wants her to spend the night and goes in to kiss her but stops short when his maid calls him over. She tells him that Emiliano has arrived and Cecelia prefers to go to her apartment but Alonso stops her. He prefers to sleep with her in his marital bed. Cecelia slyly smiles.

Fernando has a meeting with his band of narcos. He tells them that they need money for their operation and to keep any reporters quiet. Most importantly, they must be forceful because he has everything riding on their project. One the narcos, Bizco, wants to know how they will handle the gossip regarding Regina and Gerardo but Fernando explains that Regina will release a memo tomorrow, explaining the sordid situation. Bizco chides Fernando for also not stopping Chulo’s expansion into his territory and warns him that things will end badly for Chulo and Fernando if he doesn’t do something, soon.

Regina, now in bed with Gerardo, tells him that they must return to reality. Gerardo doesn’t want to. In fact, he asks Regina to marry him because he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Regina is shocked but tells him that, even though she is still not divorced, they have a lot of obstacles separating them. For one, their children but Gerardo doesn’t care. He asks if he would marry him and Regina tells him she would before kissing him. She then reminds him that they still have plenty of things to resolved. Gerardo nods but he wants to leave the cabin with a yes from her. Regina tells him that he has her yes and her heart and her everything. She reiterates that she loves him and he does as well.

A family lawyer approaches Teresa and offers his services should she want to press charges against Gerardo. Ignacio comes and calls her over. He demands to know what she is doing and Teresa announces that she is planning her vengeance though Ignacio tells her to stop playing with fire or he will expose her. Teresa calls her bluff and reminds him that he slept with her and she’s now going to talk to her new lawyer. She walks away and asks the lawyer for a card.

Regina arrives home and finds her parents waiting for her. Noemi asks if she is aware of what happened with Teresa. Regina heard it from Daniela but she wants to talk to Emiliano first and then she will deal with everything else. Noemi tells her that Emiliano isn’t there because he is staying over Alonso’s house. Regina asks if she knows why but Noemi doesn’t though she assumes that he doesn’t want to be harassed over the fact that his mother is dating a wife beater. Regina reiterates that Gerardo is not a wife beater but Mario suggests she leave him, especially because she represents women’s rights and can’t be associated with a man like Gerardo. Regina knows exactly the kind of man he is and knows the kind of woman Teresa is too, she has mental problems. Mario thinks that Teresa’s declarations are damaging, regardless of her mental issues, and Noemi agrees. Regina chides her for taking Teresa’s side over Regina’s; she’s sure that Teresa’s declarations were part of her revenge plan. Noemi reminds her that they could also damage her career but Regina is not surprised that she would care about that over everything else. She tries to leave but Mario reminds her that Gerardo’s career as a politician is dead, not just for hitting Teresa, but also for the casino scheme. Regina sighs, exhausted.

Lorena arrives at Fernando’s office and he asks her about her dealings with Chulo. Lorena admits that they are not going well and now she must deal with Mauro, who is demanding more money to continue with the negotiations. Fernando suggests she sleep with Mauro, if she hasn’t done so already, or promise to do so if he helps her. He demands she find a way to bring Mauro to their side, immediately, and find a way to escalate the tension between Chulo and Bizco so that Chulo kills him. Lorena is quiet.

Gerardo meets with Ignacio at his home. Gerardo is livid at Teresa’s actions and Ignacio warns him that the worst is yet to come as Alonso also hired a lawyer for her. Ignacio tried to convince her otherwise but Teresa is a woman on a mission. Gerardo wonders why Teresa would do this to him, especially since it’s not true, but Ignacio has a solution to their problems: Gerardo must tell everyone where and with who he was when Teresa was supposedly beaten up. Gerardo is unsure but Ignacio reiterates that it’s the only way to come out unscathed.

Post coitus, Cecelia shows Alonso the video of Ximena during the drug deal. He thinks it’s good stuff but she’s too late because they already destroyed Gerardo. Cecelia notes that he is destroyed politically but he is still in Regina’s life and they can use that video to blackmail him into leaving Regina. She thinks the most important thing in Gerardo’s life is Ximena, even before Regina, but Alonso wonders why Cecelia is helping him rekindle his relationship with Regina. Cecelia reminds him that his marriage is over but Alonso knows Cecelia wants something and he thinks it’s for him for marry him. Cecelia sits on his lap and tells him that she knows he will never marry her but Alonso is curious to know what she does want. Cecelia wants him to divorce Regina, expose her in front of the Mexican people as an adulterer, and destroy her reputation. She wants Alonso to be the next president but not before exposing Regina as a fraud and a liar. She asks him if he will do it and Alonso is more than happy to oblige.

Regina tells Noemi that Emiliano hasn’t answered her calls but Noemi assumes he turned off the phone or fell asleep. Regina nods and Noemi reminds her that she must stop seeing Gerardo lest she be continually associated with him. Mario looks at them both but doesn’t say anything. Just then, she hears her phone ring but doesn’t answer.

At that moment, Gerardo is calling Regina but she doesn’t answer. Ignacio comes and tells him that he has an alibi, Regina, but Gerardo refuses to expose her. Ignacio reminds him that he will go to jail then unless he uses his power as a Senator. Gerardo thinks that will complicate things even more but can’t say anything else as Regina calls him back. He answers and asks if she saw the news. Regina nods and tells him that it was all a lie. Gerardo is sure Teresa will do anything to destroy him and Regina asks if he is going to publicly say anything about the matter. Gerardo is unsure and Regina asks to call him back in a few minutes.

Once she’s hung up, Regina goes to leave but Mario hope she isn’t going to see Gerardo, especially because the press is on a witch-hunt and it would be career suicide to go near him. Regina asks that he not talk about Gerardo that way but Mario thinks that Gerardo has only caused problems within her family and has managed to distance her from her loved ones. Regina is quiet and Mario is now sure that she has stopped fighting for the country of Mexico.

Alonso opens Emiliano’s room and finds him sleeping in his bed with Ximena. Cecelia comes, smiles at the scene, and hugs Alonso. She asks if he’s going to leave her alone all night but Alonso pulls her close and tells her no. After a kiss, Cecelia asks if he’s going to ask her to sleep with Emiliano again. Alonso laughs and tells her that Emiliano already has someone to sleep with. Either way, he wants her all to himself. Cecelia smiles as he kisses her again.

Ignacio comes back to Gerardo’s apartment and tells him that the entrance is full of reporters because the police has come for him. He then sees Regina and asks her to not come out immediately after them. She nods and Gerardo asks him for a few seconds before closing the door. Gerardo approaches Regina and tells her that having her there assures him that everything will be okay. Regina is sure it will be and kisses him. Gerardo then tells her to take all the time she needs before giving her a kiss. He then leaves as Regina thinks their situation over.

In Jose’s house, Natalia sits in the living room, awake, and looks around. Jose comes and asks if she’s having trouble sleeping, Natalia explains that she hears bums in the night and can’t fall asleep because of it. Jose nods and reminds her that his house is not like the one she’s used to do. Natalia is quiet for a second and then apologizes before confessing that she can’t stay in his house, no matter how much she tries.
In the police station, Gerardo and Teresa tell the detective their story…as Teresa lies, Gerardo tries his best to defend his reputation…Teresa explains that Gerardo wrapped his hands in a blanket so there wouldn’t be bruises on his hands and knuckles…Gerardo reiterates that Teresa is lying and he never hit her, Ximena or any other woman…Teresa cries and tells the detective that Gerardo always wanted a son but it’s not her she lost their child…Gerardo explains that Teresa’s gambling addiction left him with enormous debts and now she’s lying for revenge…Teresa begs the detective to put Gerardo in jail or he will continue to hurt her; she begs him to help and not let the patriarchy win…The detective silently shakes his head at both their stories.

Sometime later, Andres tells Gerardo that he is lucky to still have some power and influence as a Senator and that there were no witnesses present during Teresa’s beating or he would spend the night in jail. However, Teresa’s demand will follow his natural course unless he tells the police who and where he was. Gerardo shakes his head and worries that, even if he is found innocent, Teresa would have destroyed his reputation by the time everything is said and done. Ignacio suggests he continue using his influence, if he won’t say the truth, and Gerardo leaves the police station with both Ignacio and Andres in tow.

From inside one of the station rooms, Teresa demands to know why Gerardo is being let go. Her lawyer reminds her that he is a Senator and that allows him the opportunity to demonstrate his innocence without being in jail. Teresa screams that Mexico is in the gutter for this very reason and storms off as she chides the police for not defending her even though it’s their duty.

The next morning, Regina walks by her parent’s dining room and Mario tells her that Gerardo is being ripped to shreds by the press and he is now out of the presidential race, which means only she and Alonso remain. Regina asks that they keep their opinions to themselves but Noemi asks her to stop being stubborn and have breakfast with them. Regina prefers to eat breakfast alone but Mario stops her and asks her why she can’t see they are only trying to protect. Regina argues that they are only protecting their own interests but Noemi demands to know why she keeps protecting Gerardo. Regina declares that she loves him, in case they forgot, and walks away.

Emiliano and Ximena walk to the front door and run into Alonso, who is having breakfast. Ximena apologizes for staying over unannounced but they fell asleep. Alonso doesn’t mind though he thinks Gerardo might. Ximena asks him what he means and Alonso wonders if she’s seen the news. Ximena demands to know what he means and Alonso smiles.

Regina arrives at the senate building and is bombarded by a sea of reporters. They demand to know what she thinks of Teresa’s declarations, if she maintains a relationship with Gerardo, and if her own life has been threatened because she’s protecting a wife beater. Regina goes inside, without saying one word, as Daniela stops the crowd and tells them that Regina will make her opinions known at her convenience.

Moments later, Regina arrives at her office and finds Fernando waiting for her. He shakes her hand and tells her that, as his candidate, he is there to help her because she can’t ruin her political capital by associating with Gerardo. If she does, then Mexico would be left to Alonso and that is not good for any of them. He asks if that is what she wants but Regina is quiet.

Sometime later, Alonso asks Emiliano to stay and live with him but Emiliano would prefer not to. Alonso asks if he is going to let Regina make the choice for him but Emiliano is curious to know what Alonso can offer him: a chance to be someone by stepping and destroying everyone who gets in their way. Alonso is quiet and Emiliano goes to leave but Alonso reminds him then that only the strongest survive. He then asks Emiliano who he wants to be and Emiliano wants to be himself. Alonso tells Emiliano that he taught him to be a winner and use his power; he demands to know if Emiliano is going to be a loser or a winner. Emiliano is quiet.

Omar meets with Mario and tells him that he is surrounded by traitors and he needs his help. Mario asks him to calm down and tell him what his happening. Omar explains that Marcia is sleeping with his son and he needs Mario to kill her. Mario is shocked.

Gerardo is at home, waiting for Ximena to arrive. When she does, she looks at him, with tears in her eyes, and begs him to tell her that Teresa’s statements aren’t true. Gerardo asks if she believes Teresa, and Ximena thinks that she wouldn’t stoop so low, but Gerardo reminds her that Teresa already lied about the baby and he’s tired of her lies. Gerardo then tells her, with all the pain in his hear, that if she believes Teresa, then her plan worked and he’s a failure as a parent. He asks if she believes him and Ximena slowly nods. He hugs her, tightly, and she asks him about the future. Gerardo explains that he will have to renounce his political career and hugs Ximena tighter.

Teresa arrives at the Governor’s building but Cecelia stops her. She warns Teresa that the press can’t associate her with Alonso but Teresa tells her it’s too late as they saw her outside and took pictures. Cecelia worries about the implications but Teresa asks her not to worry as everything came out perfectly.

Mauro meets with Lorena and tells him that she has a massage for the man she works for, Chulo. Chulo arrives, grabs Lorena hand, and welcomes Mauro before telling him that he wants Bizco dead and gone or their deal is off and he will not receive any more money from him. Mauro nods and Chulo warns him to not betray him or he will kill him.

Regina thanks Fernando for his help and tells him that, if he wants to help her, then he can help Gerardo. Fernando is quiet and Regina explains that the press is ruining his reputation and he doesn’t deserve it. Fernando agrees but asks Regina to stop seeing Gerardo as a condition.

Gerardo arrives at Regina’s house but find Alonso looking at him through the windows. He does to the front door and Alonso tells his guards to leave them alone. He then tells Gerardo that he is surprised to see him there so early but Gerardo asks that he drop the act as he already knows he hired Teresa’s lawyers. Alonso just wants the truth to come out but Gerardo doesn’t believe one word. Alonso laughs and tells him that, no matter what, he is already out of the presidential race though he knows what he really wants is Regina. Gerardo admits that he does and he loves her as she loves him, and there is nothing he can do. Alonso thinks there is and reveals that he has a video of him and Regina, having sex on the floor, behind his back. He wonders what the public will think of saint Regina when they see her cheating on the Governor of Mexico.

Mario takes Omar to the study and asks if he’s sure that he wants Marcia dead. Omar is very sure and reminds Mario that he only trusts him to carry out his orders. Mario nods and Omar tells him that he also wants him to take care of all his businesses from now on and Mario couldn’t be happier. He then asks the maid to take Omar to his room after assuring him that he will take care of everything. Once alone, Mario looks over at Marcia, who has been hearing the whole conversation, and smiles. She tries to get away but Jose stops her.

Chulo tells Mauro that he has 24 hours to get rid of Bizco and Lorena will call him with instructions, soon. He then dismisses Mauro and smiles up at Lorena, who smiles back.

Cecelia tells Magda that Teresa is there and they must keep her locked up before she talks to the press or they manage to associate her with Alonso. Magda agrees to distract her as Teresa and leaves as Cecelia runs into Mauro and explains the situation. Mauro reminds her that he has more serious problems but Cecelia thinks the Teresa situation is worse as she can bring destroy all their plans with her mood swings and insanity. Mauro chides her for losing control and warns her that he will fire her if she doesn’t calm down. Cecelia reminds him that Alonso hired her but Mauro reminds her that the Governor hired and, if she wants to continue guarding Alonso’s back, then she can leave. Cecelia is taken aback at his harsh words.

Regina reminds Fernando that her personal life is not part of her campaign but Fernando explains that she is meant for something greater and she can’t let her relationship with Gerardo deter her goal of winning the presidency. He reminds her that she is the best person to lead Mexico before leaving. Daniela then arrives and Regina, with tears in her eyes, tells her that everyone wants her to kick Gerardo to the curb but she won’t do it.

Gerardo thinks that Alonso is lying but Alonso reiterates that he can destroy Regina so he should be careful. Gerardo demands Alonso publish the videos then, after all, the public already hates him and this will just make him look worse. Alonso reminds Gerardo that the public hates him too and calls him a wife beater who hides behind his power to avoid going to jail. Gerardo shakes his head and Alonso demands he prove it and resign from his Senator position. He then laughs and wonders what a judge would say if he sees Gerardo and Regina, having sex like animals. Gerardo grabs Alonso, who tells him that he solves everything with violence. Gerardo then lets him go and Alonso is sure Gerardo doesn’t love Regina or he would keep his distance and make sure their offending video isn’t published. Gerardo is quiet and Alonso reminds him that, when Regina finds out he let the video be published, she will hate him. Either way, he loses Regina. Gerardo thinks he’s not a real man but Alonso only smiles, knowing he has won, for now…


Thank you, Alfredo, for another great recap. What an episode! It seems like I can say that about just about every one.

I did not like Regina not telling the truth about where Gerardo was to save him from being charged no matter what the effect would be on her campaign. She is being snookered in by Escalante way too effectively and her "squeaky clean" image is going to have weak points.

It was no surprise that Natalia was not going to make it with José at his place.

The best scene: Alonso was somsuccessful in provoking Gerardo that Gerardo ended up grabbing him by the lapels and then Alonso laughs. At that point he was like some kind of an evil clown. What a game player and manipulator! What great acting!

I liked seeing Mauro in action and not just taking it from everyone.

Jarifa: Marcia's days are still numbered!

Gracias, Alfredo. This was some episode and now Regina is in deep trouble.

I really hate the idea that women are only mothers, virgins, or whores and that she will either have to remain married to Alonso or become the political equivalent of a nun in order to lead Mexico. However, I think Fernando has his eye on her and is looking to marry her once her divorce is final so that she can't testify against him when she discovers his corruption.

However, if Mexican law is like ours in this, it's that she cannot be compelled to testify and not that she is forbidden to do so. So many people misinterpret this.

It does look as though the incest reveal will wait until the last or penultimate episode. When Alonso finds out will he kill Cecelia?

UA: If Cecilia gets whacked, GOOD RIDDANCE!

Cecelia is probably doomed anyway due to her rap sheet. If she is ultimately revealed to not be Mario's daughter and has been used by Isela in her own revenge against Mario she doesn't get off the hook. She blew her own chance of having a better life.

Combine her delusional thinking about Alonso with a reveal like that and she is a potential suicide case, either deliberately or by accidentally overdosing on some poison of her choice.

I was just wondering what the term limits in Mexico were. Post 1933/Mexican Civil War just to make sure another Porfirio Díaz did not occupy the position of president for seven terms again, Mexico set strict new term limits: president one six year term, representative one three year term and senator one six year term. Some of that was changed in 2014 to give elected officials more time to be productive. So, representatives now get a maximum of four three year terms and senators a maximum of two six year terms. The president's terms were not increased.

We still don't know who Magda's son by Omar is. I'm starting to give up hope of a reveal.


Excellent recap, Alfredo! Whoa! At least alonso isn't evil enough to have Regina killed. Time to show your wounded arm, Gerardo. I wonder if Mario will actually kill Marcia--Omar's wealth must be tempting.

Alfredo, awesome as always.

This episode was sure full of ...

Hernan continues to impress me, he is about the only one with morals. Faced with Tere's testimony, he still manages to be calm, collected and reminds her that there are two sides to every story, and as the consummate professional that he is, he will allow room for both sides. YAY Hernan!!

Cecilia is so consumed with envy and hatred towards Regina, that she is not satisfied with Gerardo being out of the race, she wants Regina destroyed!! She is only with Alonso because he belongs to Regina, she wants everything that Regina has because she never had anything of her own, at least in her opinion. URBAN I completely agree with you, she could have taken the high road, and had a great life without any of this mess. Mario did pay for her education, that would have been enough to be successful outside of this mess, but the revenge that Isela has instilled in her goes beyond reason, and has destroyed her, and will ultimately be her doom.

Natalia/Jose eh, not caring anymore.

Marcia, she should have left when she had the chance. Now she is in the midst of an impending menace, from 3 sides. Omar wants her dead, Mario can make that happen, and Alonso just wants to continue to use her.


Didn't finish my thought, full of continued misdeeds, and missed opportunities.

URBAN: Magda's son?

This was mentioned ages ago. Omar cheated on Natalia with her and she became pregnant.

Oooh, I missed that. I knew about the cheating, but not about a son. Thanks Urban.

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