Friday, August 18, 2017

La Candidata, Episode # 48; Thursday August 17, 2017: Alonso Makes a Death Threat to Regina

Regina and Gerardo continue to discuss Regina’s wish to report to authorities what Emiliano has done. It’s killing her but she has decided high principles are more important. Gerardo tries to convince Regina that if Emi has to go to prison, he will hate her for the rest of her life. He alos tells her that whatever happens, he stands behind her. She thinks he will leave her but he reassures her that he never will and she is the love of his life. Regina knows she is in between a rock and a hard place. It’s about ruining her career or ruining herself and showing the world she is a failure as a mother.

Hector and Emi discuss what is happening with his life, when the maid says that someone is here to see Emi. Turns out it is Ximena who is there and Emi takes her in his arms. He explains what happened to him and she asks who the woman was who was there. (Cecelia). Ximena tells him this whole situation is crazy.

Hernán and Andres meet outside the government offices and lament about how there is no proof about what happened with the prostitutes. There are no witnesses to the crime and Emi’s friends say they weren’t there. The other prostitutes are nowhere to be found.

Magda arrives at Omar’s place and he wants to know about her going to the bank. But Magda is there to take him to the doctor, he is very confused. He insists he wrote her a check but he can’t remember who he wrote the check to. His thug reminds him he wrote a check to Marcia and now he’s really angry saying that Marcia is going to take all his money. Omar insists he has to go to the bank, but Magda says he needs to go to the doctor. Omar wins, he has his thug take him to the bank.

Magda gets on the phone to Mauro to tell him that Marcia is robbing Omar. She asks him to tell Alonso to please call the bank and cancel that check.

Cecelia goes to the Caberet’s bartender and asks if he has anything for her. (She must be looking for cocaine and he hands her something). Isela walks in and wants to know what is going on. Cece lets mom know that Regina knows about what happened at her home and is planning to report it, because of her stupid high morals. She says they have to run away and that is the only solution.

Noemi pours herself a drink and they discuss whether Natalia should go live with José. However, Mario walks in and says he needs to speak with them both. He sits down and says that Emiliano will end up a prisoner. Natalia and Noemi look dumbfounded.

Noemi and Natalia know that Emi has been out of control and that something awful was going to happen. They both want to go see Regina. Mario tells them that this will destroy the family.

Regina asks Daniela to cancel all her appointments. Regina’s phone rings and it’s Alonso. He tells her he has to speak to her but she says she needs to speak to their son. She is going to tell him (Emi) that the best thing to do is to tell the truth. Alonso is very angry and tells her how could she follow through with such stupidity over her high morals!

Omar waits in the car while his thug comes out of the bank with the news that Marcia cashed the check and disappeared. Then Omar has a temper tantrum. He looks like he’s going to explode into pieces and his henchman offers to take him to the hospital. But Omar insists on going home. Marcia is in the background hidden, calling her mother on the phone. She tells her mom that she is sending money to help out and pay for her home.

As Ximena sits with Emi, Alonso comes to the door. He orders her to leave, putting blame on her father for the situation Emiliano is in. He tells Emi to pack his suitcase because he is leaving the country so he won’t go to prison. Emi does not want go and tells his father that. Alonso says, “Do you know what they do to young guys in prison?” Again he tells Emi to pack and he will take care of everything else. Emi explains that what happened, did happen and he keeps going over it in his head; his mom is right. Regina arrives and says, “What is going on here?” Alonso says that Emi needs to pack his bags.

Alonso says he is going to take Emi out of the country. Emi says no, but Regina says that Emi must face the consequences of what he has done. She asks Alonso to leave. By that time Natalia and Noemi are there and Alonso goes into a tirade about what Regina is doing to his candidacy. Natalia looks up at Alonso incredulously and says, “You seem to be more concerned about your candidacy when the most important thing is your son.” Alonso says, yes but he doesn’t want his son to go to prison. Noemi sticks up for Regina and says that Regina is doing what she thinks is best. However, Alonso says, “What kind of mother is Regina anyway?” Both Natalia and Noemi look up at him in disbelief.

At home, Omar is in bed while the maid puts a washcloth on his head. Marcia walks in and says, “How did it go at the doctor?” But Omar gets livid, gets out of bed and tells her that she robbed him. Marcia asks for the maid to leave them alone. She tells him that she didn’t rob him and that he gave her that check. He says she deceived him. But Marcia says that is NOTHING compared to what he has done to her, namely treating her like a prostitute, beating her, holding her like a prisoner. She admits she used to money to help her family. He accused her of taking revenge on him. So Marcia says, “Go ahead and kill me, I don’t care. All you do is solve things with money and power. One thing that you can never buy with money is health. And that’s the one thing you don’t have is your health. You are going die and I am going to take every advantage while I am here.”

Teresa is in the hospital and she asks the doctor when she can leave. Doctor says not for a couple of hours now. What about the baby? No more baby.

Back at the office, Cecelia asks where Alonso is and Magda says he is out, she just got back herself as she was with Don Omar. Magda wants to know what is wrong. Cece says that “it’s just that everything can go wrong.” Magda says, “No, Alonso knows how to handle everything, don’t worry.” Cece replies that he cannot control his wife and Magda agrees. Cece gets an idea; she knows just who can exert control over Regina.

Ximena comes to speak to Gerardo about what happened to Emiliano and tells him the story. She wants him to convince Regina to not report Emi. She begs for his help and says everyone deserves a second chance. She says it wasn’t Emi, it was his friends. She leaves and says she is going to find out what her mother is doing.

Emi and Regina talk privately and he says he really regrets what happened. He didn’t even know what happened as he was in his room when the rest were at the pool. He heard screams and then he found out what happened. She was already unconscious, but he is not a murderer. He confesses too, that Cecelia helped him hide the whole situation.

Meanwhile, Alonso can’t take it any longer while he talks with his madre and suegra and says he’s going to go in there to see what is going on, but his phone rings and it’s Mauro. It seems that Regina contacted someone named Roel Sandoval, who is one of Alonso’s political enemies. Alonso tells him to listen well, because he is going to give him instructions on what to do. Mauro hangs up and tells Magda that they are about to step into Hell.

Lorena goes over to Regina’s office and Daniela tells her that Regina is not in and to leave. But Lorena says she has information for Regina. Daniela assures her that Regina will not want to see her.

Ignacio arrives to take Teresa home from the hospital. She does not tell him she lost the baby. At home, Iggy asks if the baby is his, but she tells him that the “baby” is Gerardo’s, because a mother knows these things.

Alonso barges in on Regina’s and Emi’s conversation and forcibly removes her from his room. Emi protests and Alonso basically tells him to shut his trap as he forces Regina out.

At Mauro’s office, Magda arrives with a case full of something. She asks permission to leave to see Don Omar and the ‘invited guest’ comes in to see Mauro. He sits down and Mauro shows him the money inside the case he will get paid to do this “favor.” In fact, Mauro tells him that Alonso is prepared to meet any of his requests. But he wants something more: He wants Mauro’s position.

Cecelia comes to see Gerardo in his office. She walks in and tells him his secretary was not at her desk. “Did you come on behalf of your boss? Then don’t waste your time.” Cece asks if she can shut the door. She says she is not there regarding Alonso, she is there because this is about Regina. She explains if he doesn’t do something, Regina’s whole career will be over.

At the San Roman-Barcenas home, Alonso and Regina continue arguing as he violently manhandles her. She says she wants Emi to tell his story to the authorities and have justice. Alonso is extremely angry and says not to provoke him, hurting Regina’s arm. She demands that he let her go. So he threatens her: “If you open your mouth, I’ll kill you!” Regina steps back, staring at him in astonishment. 


Due to the subject matter of this novela there will be strict moderation of the comments. Anything about current or past real-world political situations will be removed. Discussion will be limited to the story, the production values, and the actors' performances. Also, episode discussions will be closed once the next episode's recap is posted.

Thank you, Cynthia. Your recap of this very complicated episode is excellent.

Least favorite scenes--Alonso grabbing Regina by the arm and then twisting her arm. She might have been surprised with the first contact but with the second contact she should have taken her other fist and clobbered him in the head as hard as she could.

Most favorite scene--Marcia informing Omar about him not having his health and what she plans on doing. I was disappointed to see her go back with plans to stay on.


Thanks, Cynthia.

I love that Marcia got away with the money but I think she was immensely foolhardy for going back to the mansion. She should have just taken the money and disappeared. Omar still manages to get his goons to obey him at this point and until either Natalia or Alonso can control him he's still dangerous.

I'm still wondering whether Cecelia will try to seduce Gerardo. She is too hell-bent on proving she is better than Regina. May she make a bloody fool of herself.

Ignacio is still shell-shot over losing Nayeli and Teresa knows this. What she has done to him is just as cruel as what she is doing to Gerardo.

Alonso's threat to kill Regina comes as no surprise. He was trying to con her the other night into confessing her feelings for Gerardo and didn't fool her one bit. I would definitely have broken a liquor bottle over his head at this threat. He is no better than his father.

I am still unclear as to what the doctor actually did to Teresa.

As far as Teresa, I am thinking that the doctor just removed the dead fetus.

UA: Looks like Alonso will have Sandoval whacked.

I was NOT shocked he threatened to have Regina whacked. Because if he's successful, then he jumps back into the campaign for the Presidency & wins.

Cynthia: So far, how many people have joined the Body Count as of this week ?

That's what I thought.

We never heard how far along she actually was because she is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. It should not take long for someone to figure out that she is no longer pregnant.

Thank you, Cynthia. I thought that the actor who played Omar was magnificent in the scene with Marcia. He twisted his face in anger and looked as if he was really going to explode. Marcia was probably foolish to go back and I wonder what will happen to her now.

Emiliano is a stupid young man but he does show some contrition for what happened. It seems that he is the only one who can confess as to what happened. Alonso has covered up everything else. Alonso is showing Regina how violent he can be and I assume that the money Mauro is offering is a bribe to stop the legal process. I wonder if Mauro will give up his position.

The Karmageddon discussion post will be up tonight at 8:30PM EST. After tonight we will have only 13 hours left of this story.

Lynette: Mauro will not give up his job.

Yay for Karmageddon!

Hey everybody--Had to chime in before I get on the road.
Cynthia--If this is what you do with a houseful of family, definitely do it again. Superb recap for a complicated episode. I ended up watching it twice. Thank you.

The only thing important you left out is that the bribe being offered to the white haired guy is the Licenciado Regina called to be her son's lawyer. When Alonso and Mauro found out it was someone who was opposed to Alonso politically, they decided anybody can be bought with enough money. They said the money would be his if he defended Emi poorly. Clever guy wanted more. Agree that Mauro was stunned, but probably won't give up his job--or tell him he will and then have him killed. Mauro isn't much into killing off the opposition or people in his way, though.

Regina wanted to know from Emi, if he trusted her, why did he call his father first. He stammers a bit and then it comes out that he didn't know what else to do. Regina assumed Alonso took care of all the "clean up," but that's when Emi confessed that Cecelia arrived first and she called Alonso right away. (I think I have that right.)

At last Regina knows the stuff Alonso is made of--his career at all costs.

Anyway, have a good week, folks. See ya.


Thank you Cynthia, recap is just perfect.

I too was disappointed to see Marcia come back, she moved up on my like column. She has been doing what she has been doing for her family. She has given all the money to her mother, and I guess she figures she can go back for more.

No wonder this TN was so controversial in Mexico. The TN does not sugar coat anything, "anyone can be bought", politicians, lawyers, police, etc. etc.

And yes I too agree Regina should have smacked, slapped, kicked, spit or whatever means she had to defend herself. Alonso is a PIG!!!

Excellent detailed recap, Cynthia! I'm especially grateful as I have to miss Thursdays due to aerobics. A good solution for Emi would be to leave the country. A nice strict military school in the US or Spain would be almost as good as a prison. ITA with everyone on Marcia, and Marcia is right too. He deserves to lose a lot of money to her, and I too hope she gets some more when he goes to his eternal punishment, so to speak. :)

Emiliano seems to be guilty mostly of trying to conceal a corpse. If they had called the authorities when Alma died, there probably would have been no crime charged--just a lot of bad publicity for Alonso--which is of course the reason for the concealment crime.

OT: SpanProf: El bienamado: so Chuy Muertes has a child??? Hmmmm. . .

Thank you everyone and thank you Sandie. Yes I do have houseguests right now but I am hanging in there! Last night my visiting uncle was sitting in my family room and I apologized to him and said, “I’m going to leave you here with Estela Carrillo while I finish writing my recap for Candidata.” He is my uncle that got me started on these novelas, and was happy to be left in front of my TV with Estela since that is one he has been following. LOL…

Oh Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! Why, oh why did she return? She should have just kept the money and taken off to disappear into the sunset. However, she does say that she is going to stick it out with him until he keels over. I think it’s a very dumb decision on her part, but we shall see what happens. She is right about what she said regarding money and power. It can’t buy back your health. You can get the best medical care in the world, but one still gets old, sick, and dies. Omar will be meeting his maker and judged very soon.

Money buys a lot of things, but what is even more important to some is power and control. So this person who is meeting with Mauro (I did not get his name) finds power and control even more enticing than the money. Money is great, but when coupled with power, that goes a very long way. People may be willing to part with some money, but they are not so inclined to part with power.


Jarifa: Yep. I suppose it's necessary to have some kind of barrier between him and Justina. Btw, I hope he and Justina do end up together. They're an absolutely adorable couple. Somehow, that show always leaves me feeling good. :) Whereas, at the end of a La Candidata episode I find myself thinking--Yep, the acting was very good. Clever plot development--but how depressing!

Marcia wants the satisfaction of seeing Omar die in his decrepit condition. I can understand that, but is it worth the risk? I don't think so.

Something I neglected to mention the other day, which is that Noemi is a terrible hypocrite. She tells Natalia to go after Jose but insists that Regina delude herself into thinking that Alonso is the right husband for her.

Sandie: Do not forget that journalists can also be bought too.

Urban, I agree about Noemi being a hyprocrite, but I think she likes the power and prestige that she has by default if her son in law is President of Mexico. She's old fashioned and thinks that if Alonso is President, that automatically makes him the right man for her daughter. As for Marcia, you are right, I think she wants to see Omar rot and die.

Wouldn't you? Wasting one's youth on someone like Omar has to feel profoundly demeaning when there are young bucks like Hernan out there.

That's true, Urban. However, perhaps Marcia thinks it will be over very soon and she can live in the lap of luxury until that time, then meet someone handsome and dashing. It's a dangerous game she is playing because Omar could order one of his thugs to to kill her off.

Cynthia: Marcia will likely get whacked sooner or later.

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