Monday, September 11, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #23, Sept. 11, 2017: The Raving Conscience of a Witch and a Snoop

Today's recap comes courtesy of RGV Chick. Thank you for your hard work!

Andrea and Jorge finish watching the video and are excited that it explains everything—from naming Juana the beneficiary to why the signature was so different. Andrea can’t wait to see her grandmother eat her words; and Jorge can’t wait to see his grandmother’s face when she see the video. Andrea wonders if the video will be sufficient to claim the insurance money and thinks it will at least serve to restore Juana’s honor. When they discuss who they should show it to first, they agree on Don Pedro, but when Jorge tries to call him, he doesn’t answer.

Suddenly, they hear HorHellia banging on the door and yelling at them to open it. In a panic, Jorge quickly takes the cassette out of the camera before they go open the door. HorHellia comes in with Virginia demanding to know where Fabiola is. When Jorge asks what’s going on, Virginia tells Jorge not to butt in and pulls him to leave; he drops the cassette, but quickly picks it up. They both leave Andrea to deal with the grandma from hell on her own. HorHellia demands to know what Jorge was doing there, but gets frustrated when Andrea doesn’t respond. HorHellia insists on staying there until Fabiola arrives then thinks Fabiola is with “that” mechanic and is appalled at how low this family has gone.

Jorge and Virginia go to their home. When Virginia asks what was going on, Jorge tells her his grandmother found out about Antonio and Margarita. Virginia admits that HorHellia asked, so she told her. Jorge is disgusted that his mother is such a gossip. He then asks her for his father’s camera. Virginia is curious as to why he wants it, so Jorge tells her he just wants to if the cassette wasn’t damaged. Virginia wonders why he is so interested in the cassette.

Back at Andrea’s, HorHellia scolds Andrea for using her cell phone. She complains that Juana taught them very bad habits; and she doesn’t understand how Ricardo allowed it, but everyone will be set straight, including Andrea, Fabiola and her daughter, the fool. She tells Andrea about Antonio and Margarita being lovers. HorHellia is irked that Andrea is so quiet and demands that she talk NOW! She wonders how much longer it will take Andrea to get over her trauma…she needs to get over it. HorHellia then tells Andrea that is she thinks she should ignore the fact that Margarita is seeing a married man, she is totally wrong…that is something she will never accept, even if he gets a divorce. When Andrea gets up to go elsewhere, HorHellia grabs the phone from her so she won’t have a chance to warn anyone that she is there.

At Virginia’s house, as Jorge looks for the camera, Virginia insists on knowing what is on the cassette, so Jorge tells her it’s just a party from when they were children. When Virginia suggests that they have several of their own, Jorge insists that he wants to see that one to make sure it wasn’t damaged when she pulled at him and it dropped. He finally finds the camera and goes to his room.

During a driving (Miss Doe-sy eyes) lesson, Ramón praises Fabiola for doing so well; he thinks their last kiss inspired her. When she looks away from the road, he warns her not to get distracted. Fabiola thinks she’s had enough of a lesson for the day and suggests that Ramón invite her for a frozen treat, so she parks the car so Ramón can take over. Instead of getting off and going around to the other door, Fabiola starts to climb over Ramón (such a tease!). Midway through the climb, when Ramón asks if he has told her that she is beautiful, she says “yes” but she loves to hear it, so he tells her, “You’re beautiful, my goddess” and he gives her what she seems to be always yearning for…a kiss. After Ramón figures out that switching seats isn’t going to work and wants to go around the car, Fabiola wonders if they should tell everyone that they are a couple, Ramón doesn’t think it would be a good idea. When he thinks his mother already suspects something and worries about his mother’s reaction, Fabiola wonders if Juana would think that she wouldn’t make him happy, but Ramón explains that Juana is concerned about their differences. Fabiola argues that other than their gender, she doesn’t consider them as being different. Ramón thinks that as well, but those around them won’t. When Fabiola wishes those people to hell…she only cares about Ramón; he thinks she is more rebellious and impulsive than he is. After Ramón reiterates that they should wait, Fabiola agrees because she has only told a handful of people that she broke up with Francystco. They then think about how grandma from hell would react, but neither one cares if she gives them her blessing.

Jorge hooks up the camera and views the cassette. As he watches, Virginia is outside his door snooping and recognizes her in-law’s voices. Just then Julio arrives and calls out to her so she goes to see Julio. She tells Julio she has something to tell him, but he doesn’t want to hear about her problems. When she tells him it’s about Antonio and Margarita being lovers, he chides her for getting involved in other people’s problems. Virginia wonders if he cares that his sister is involved with a married man and worries about the child; she only acted on what her conscience dictated. Julio thinks her conscience isn’t always accurate and if she continues, she may end up alone. When Virginia assumes he’s insinuating that he will leave, Julio tells her that if he had the money to pay all his debts and live without problems, he would have already left. Virginia now understands why he wanted his nieces to get the million dollars…so he could leave. Julio confirms her suspicion and tells her he regrets having that opportunity slip through his hands.

Antonio, Margarita, and Diego are walking in what looks like a mall when Margarita gets a call that she has been approved to rent the apartment. Diego wonders if she will invite them over, and Margarita, of course, would be extremely happy to have them over.

Jorge is in his bedroom and sends Andrea a few messages to tell her the cassette was not damaged. In one of his messages, he asks if she isn’t responding because the witch is still there. Andrea, as well as HorHellia, hears the messages coming in, but fears looking at them. When HorHellia looks at the phone and sees the last message, she is livid that they refer to her as a witch…after she has given her whole life to them. Andrea grabs the phone and goes to her room.

As they get to the ice cream shop, Ramón tells Fabiola he has changed his mind…he wants everyone to know they are “novios” and that they love each other, but Fabiola thinks he is being impulsive and suggests that they wait. The important thing is that they both know… it’s even more exciting. Ramón agrees and thinks that they will have their whole lives to be together…he looks forward to being with her for 100 years. When Fabiola thinks that sounds incredible, but fears that she will be too old, Ramón assures her that she will be the most beautiful old lady and he will take care of her.

In her bedroom, Andrea quickly texts Jorge that the witch is still there and has her sword draw, so he needs to take precautions. She also sends him Don Pedro’s number. She then sends a text to Margarita warning her to be prepared…her mother is furious because she found out about her and Antonio.

In his bedroom, Jorge calls Don Pedro and leaves a message that he needs to show him something that will prove that his aunt and uncle left the insurance money to Juana.
Dalia and Luisa are in their kitchen talking about Fabiola and Ramón. Dalia thinks Fabiola is playing Ramón. Luisa warns her not to even think about talking to Juana because, after their talk, it was clear that Juana doesn’t care. Dalia wants to know what else they talked about, but Luisa only tells her they talked about a lot of things. Luisa thinks that theirs is not’s just a fever. When Dalia asks if it’s actually love, Luisa tells her that not even God will separate them; she tells Dalia that she need to learn to lose.

Osvaldo goes to Susana’s house to talk to her. When she wonders what he has to say, he tells her he was wrong in what he told her and misses her. Susana chides him for not showing interest in what happens to her, but he argues that he does…that’s why he is there. He apologizes for offending her and promises to treat as she deserves to be treated. They talk about his encounter with her mother at the casino and how he lost his money.
Virginia sits thinking about how Julio would leave if he had the money to pay all his debts and get rid of all his problems. She can’t lose him…she can’t live without him (what an idiot of a woman she is! She needs to hear some of Regia’s songs.)

Fabiola arrives home to find GrandmaHell waiting to grill her. Fabiola draws out her own claws and rebukes that after all she has done to them, she has no need to give her explanations about anything…she (HorHellia) no longer exists for her. HorHellia then demands to know how long Antonio and Margarita have been lovers which takes Fabiola by surprise because she knew nothing of it. HorHellia doesn’t believe her, then asks when she broke up with Francystco. When Fabiola tells her it’s none of her business, HorHellia snarls back that it is her business and admonishes Fabiola for leaving a doctor for that mechanic. Fabiola insists that if Antonio and Margarita being lovers is true, it is their business. HorHellia can’t believe that she is the only one in the family with morals, but Fabiola rebukes that her statement doesn’t befit her.

Meanwhile, Antonio tells Diego he can go leave his cousins some bread and invites Margarita to go with them (uh-oh! Round 3 coming!).

Fabiola continues to admonish her GrandmaHell for bringing up morals and reproaches her for leaving them without the money their parents had left for them, running off the only person that really cared for them and putting an innocent man in jail…her “morals” and care have not brought them anything good. HorHellia claims that she is only following what her conscience dictates. Just then, Antonio, Margarita, and Diego enter (biting my nails now). Antonio approaches HorHellia and asks if something wrong. She answers with a ((SLAP)) and demands an explanation for his involvement with Margarita (the lady has gone bonkers!).

In Virginia’s home, she quietly approaches Jorge’s bedroom. After she listens through the door, she opens it and hears that Jorge is in the shower so she enters and starts watching the video (No! No! Nooo!). Once she sees it, she takes it thinking that Juana could claim the money and she would lose Julio forever (ARGHHH!!).

Back at the Hell match, Antonio abhors HorHellia asking her who she thinks she is since she has no right to butt in to his life. HorHellia agrees, but sneers that she has a right to get into her daughter’s life. Andrea takes Diego to another room before Margarita refutes HorHellia and states that she is ashamed of her. Antonio and HorHellia continue admonishing each other until Margarita demands that HorHellia should tell her what she has to say and leave Antonio alone. Fabiola wonders why HorHellia has to ruin everything…what did they to do that she hates them so. HorHellia retorts that she’s only trying to protect them from the likes of Juana, Ramon and now Antonio. Antonio refuses to listen to any more stupidities and goes to check on Diego. In Andrea’s bedroom, Diego sits crying and tells Antonio he doesn’t want that lady to hit him. Antonio tries to pacify him, but Diego wants to know why the lady is so angry. When Antonio explains that since his Uncle Ricardo died, the woman is just not well, Diego wonders if she’s crazy and why she said he had something with Margarita. Back in the living room, HorHellia starts in on Margarita. She cries that a mother gives her life for her children and warns Margarita that this man will only hurt her, but Margarita is willing to take the risk. Disgusted with the response, HorHellia tells Margarita she is ashamed that she is her daughter and prohibits her from stepping foot in her house. After she leaves. Margarita can’t believe her mother ran her off; Fabiola looks at her with tears in her eyes. Meanwhile, in Andrea’s room, Antonio explains to Diego that HorHellia meant that he and Margarita have something special just like his mother and Agustín. When Diego realizes that his father and Margarita are “novios,” he cries that he doesn’t want another mother or father…he doesn’t like Agustín and now he doesn’t like Margarita. Diego runs out of the room and goes to Margarita. He yells that he doesn’t want her with his dad. When she tries to explain, he refuses to listen and tells her he doesn’t love her anymore. Antonio decides it’s best to leave; and Fabiola invites Margarita to stay there as long as she wants. Margarita is saddened by all the damage her mother has caused.

At Virginia’s home, she goes to the storage area and finds a cassette similar to the one Jorge has. She then goes back to Jorge’s room and inserts the fake cassette into the camera. On her way out of the building, Virginia meets Osvaldo. When he asks her where she is going, she responds that she just needs a distraction. He wonders if she had another argument with his father, but Virginia walks away.

HorHellia enters her home on her broomstick ranting and raving to herself about Margarita. She doesn’t know how Margarita can do what she is doing especially with the values she instilled. She is adamant that Margarita will not set foot in her home and thinks she is stupid for getting involved with a married man…she is just like her father!

In Virginia’s home, Osvaldo asks Julio if he fought with his mother, but Julio just doesn’t know what to think of her. After Osvaldo wonders why they are still together since they’ve always fought ever since he can remember, Julio confides that they did argue because she found out about Antonio and Margarita. When Osvaldo doesn’t understand what the problem is since Antonio and Margarita are adults, Julio explains that the problem is that she went and gossiped about it to his grandmother. Just then, Julio receives a call from HorHellMa summoning him to go to her house so he can go pick up Margarita’s things and take them to her.

Antonio is at his home and Diego is still crying. Antonio reassures Diego that even though he and his mother are with other people, they will always love him, but Diego won’t listen and demands he call Roxana. Despite his efforts to convince Diego that he is not doing anything wrong with Margarita and reminds him of the fun times they have had together, Diego doesn’t want to go out with them anymore and is adamant that Antonio call Roxana. After Antonio tries to call Roxana and Diego hears that she doesn’t answer, Diego runs to his room crying.

At Fabiola’s home, Margarita worries most about Diego and Fabiola thinks GrandmaHell is a witch. Margarita explains that ever since her father left, her mother’s bitterness has become worse. Fabiola doesn’t think her GrandmaHell is crazy…she is like a demon who has no justification for what she does. Margarita apologizes to the girls for taking part in the signature fiasco, but Fabiola and Andrea know that GrandmaHell coerced her.

At Luisa’s place, Ramón and Juana discuss what needs to be done to get a permit to sell tacos. Juana plans to go get information the next day, but Dalia suggests Juana sell “tacos domicilios” (to sell from the house)…they can make fliers and of course, Dalia is very willing to help. When Dalia notices that her mother is late, Juana covers for Luisa and tells her she asked Luisa to stop for churros.

Meanwhile, Luisa is making out with Benito on his couch. He wants to go to his room so their bodies can sink into the ocean and their passion can be drowned by a tsunini (tsunami); Luisa doesn’t understand so he explains that it’s when the ocean invades the earth with all its might (or something like that…good attempt at being poetic!), but Luisa would rather stay where they are. While they get it on, his mommy calls asking if he already drank his hot chocolate. Benito pretends he was asleep, but Fredesvinda insists on talking and shares that a clairvoyant told her the family would soon grow. She wonders if he is going to get married or if they will be getting a dog. When Benito responds that it’s probably a dog because he is too young to get married, Luisa scowls and leaves. Benito quickly hangs up and catches up to Luisa asking her to not to leave, but she chides him for not taking a perfect opportunity to tell his mother about them. Benito explains that he can’t tell his mother they are getting married because, as far as everyone knows, they haven’t even been “novios.” This appeases Luisa but she asks that they have a very short “noviasgo” (courtship). When Benito suggests they continue where they left off, Luisa refuses because she lost her inspiration.

Julio drops by Fabiola’s home and tells Margarita he heard what had happened…mommy dearest called him to go pick up her things to take to her. When he asks why their mother ran her off, Margarita gives him the details. When he tells her that it was Virginia who ratted on them, Margarita figured it was her and worries that the only thing that came of it was that Diego was hurt, Antonio is up against a sword and the wall; and she has been run off from the house. Julio wonders why she picked Antonio who has so many problems, so Margarita justifies that Antonio is separated and, either way, their mother was not justified in what she did. Julio agrees to bring her things there until she gets an apartment. He thinks it best that Margarita and their mother live separately if they can’t get along; he gives her his support.

Luisa arrives to her house and gets questioned about the churros by Dalia. After Luisa tells her they were sold out, Dalia goes to her room, but Ramón stays and wants to know what is going on because he has seen the looks between Luisa and Juana. When they pretend that they don’t know what he’s talking about, he laughs and won’t ask anymore, so he leaves to his room. Juana explains that she used the churros to cover for Luisa’s tardiness. She understands why Benito wants to keep their relationship a secret from his mother, but she doesn’t understand why Luisa keeps it from Dalia.

Fabiola goes into Andrea’s bedroom as she gets ready to go to sleep. They comment that neither one knew about Margarita and Antonio. When Fabiola thinks that no one can rule the heart and people should be able to see whoever they want, Andrea guesses that Fabiola is also referring to Ramón; and she is right. Margarita walks in and tells them Virginia was the one who ratted on them. She thanks them for letting her stay there.

In Miami, Agustín and Roxana enter their room after a night of dancing. Agustín had forgotten what a good dancer she was and promises to take her dancing more often. He tells her he trusts her and agrees to let her go to México without getting upset, so she tells him she will leave the next day. He will say “good-bye” the way she deserves (the way HE thinks she deserves) and they kiss.

Virginia returns to her home and gets questioned by Julio. She replies that she just went out for some air. He chides her for making Diego cry and his mother ran Margarita off…he hopes she is satisfied. She apologizes and wants him to know that everything she does, she does for him…he is her life (bleh!). He wonders if that’s why she just made his sister’s life miserable and wonders if that’s her way of showing her love.

The Next Day

Jorge is in his bedroom when Don Pedro returns his call to ask what it is they found that is so important. Julio tells him about the video his aunt and uncle recorded. He points out that the video explains why they selected Juana as a beneficiary and clearly shows that his uncle signed the document. Don Pedro tells Jorge he is on his way to the office and asks him to meet him there.

Margarita drops by Antonio’s home and asks for Diego, but Diego runs away from her. When Margarita informs Antonio that Virginia was the one that blabbed, Antonio assumes it was provoked by Roxana and asks about the status of the custody clause. Margarita will start on it that day and reminds Antonio to look into the auto shop property. Antonio then tells Margarita that they will have to stop seeing each other until things are better with Diego; Margarita understands. They tightly hug each other good-bye and she leaves.

In Don Pedro’s office, Jorge explains how they came to see the video and that it reveals why the signature is different…his aunt even told his uncle to leave it that way. Don Pedro thinks that there is still time to present it as evidence and after the judge sees the video, he could change his verdict. Jorge sets up the video and they start listening to a lecture on perseverance. Jorge doesn’t understand why it’s not the right video. Andrea and Jorge look at each other quite disconcerted.


Stupid Jorge and Andrea just lost the only proof they had for the girls to get that insurance money. There was no reason to panic and try to hide the video. The Bruja never goes in their bedrooms so what was all that about? You can bet Suck-up Virginia will run straight to the old lady with it. The chismosa doesn't want to lose that great prize of a husband.

Oh, sorry, I got carried away by the ineptitude of Jorge and Andrea and forgot to thank our wonderful recapper. Thank you, Cynthia!

Anon 3:42

Thank You Ms. Cynthia. How disgusting the old listen thru the door trick. Just like Thigh Gap listening as Sofa called Ramooon. Virgi's anvil is already there in Julio, she just does not know that what she wants most will be revealed as what she wants least. She will have earned it fair and square when she discovers what a dishonest loser Julio is. Yes the In-Car-Driver-Change is guaranteed to produce some physical contact far in excess of a handshake or hug. Clever little mink.

Jorge should have kept that tape either on him or under lock and key. Dumb Kids. That's what comes of trusting grownups.......

Sofia autocorrect Sofia. How many times do we need go through this?

And Thank You Ms. RGV Chik for the actual recap.

Rgv Chick, fabulous recounting of the (mostly) very unsettling events.

"The Raving Conscience of a Witch and a Snoop" was excellent but my hands down favorite was "During a driving (Miss Doe-sy eyes) lesson HorHellia (what an idiot of a woman she is! She needs to hear some of Regia’s songs). Perfection.

"he tells her, “You’re beautiful, my goddess” and he gives her what she seems to be always yearning for…a kiss". It was nice to see this sizzling chemistry hasn't faltered. Ahh, love in its infancy.

"HorHellia" was certainly in rare form. Ranting, raving, spinning maniacally in the fire she set, fanned by flames of her resentment, ego and unhappiness.

"HorHellia is irked that Andrea is so quiet and demands that she talk NOW!" Eyeroll. I don't think there is anyone she hasn't alienated or offended.

I did not expect Virginia to pilfer the tape. As soon as it fell out of Jorge's pocket though, the jig was up.

"While they get it on, his mommy calls asking if he already drank his hot chocolate" had me laughing. Benito must cut the umbilical cord!

The biggest loser last night was sweet Diego. Feeling betrayed by his father, of course he wants his mother and her loving embrace. Again, I hope Antonio comes to his senses and works out a reasonable custody arrangement with Roxana.

Augustin isn't very bright is he?

Kirby, are you still without power?

RgvChick, you've made my day! Thank you so much!


"Virgi's anvil is already there in Julio, she just does not know that what she wants most will be revealed as what she wants least" summed it up Kirby.

In his defense, Jorge had absolutely no idea his mother would do what she did. He was pretty careful about handling the tape (his clumsiness in dropping it aside). He will berate himself in thinking he "lost" it, rather than realizing his own mother took it.

RgvChick, I also wanted to thank you for “noviasgo” (courtship). I love learning new vocabulary so this is very much appreciated.



Good Morning, All! and you're very welcome Kirby and Diana!

Kirby, you're so right about Virgi's anvil! I hope they stay together foerver...they will be each other's anvils. I'm hopeoing that Jorge figures out who switched the tapes...he's a smart kid. Maybe he'll remember how curious his mother was about the tape.

Diana, "Ranting, raving, spinning maniacally in the fire she set, fanned by flames of her resentment, ego and unhappiness." Perfectly stated! Last night was so can these people continue talking to a raving lunatic....they should just disown her. I'm so glad taht Fabiola told her she didn't exist for her anymore, but as long as she gets upset with and responds to HorHellia, teh moer control HorHellia still has over her. She should just completely ignore her and HorHellia should be the one to be told that she cannot step foot in their home.


Cynthia: The title of your recap says it all!

Thank you for the great recap, Rgv Chick. I agree with all the side comments.

Virginia. Let's see what she has accomplished with ratting out Margarita.
Positives: maybe a thank you from Roxana
Negatives: anger from Antonio, Margarita, her beloved husband Julio, contempt from her children and Fabiola, Andrea, upset and hurting little Diego.
What did she think would happen? Was it worth it?

The tape. So she would rather deprive the orphaned girls their livelihood, than give an opportunity for her beloved husband to chase the money? So, without that opportunity the husband will have no choice and stay with her?

How disgusting. I hope Julio and Hortensia always be in her life.

Thank you Cynthia!! Alfredo, glad to hear you are okay.

This show frustrates me to no end. We rarely see Jorge and Virginia interact and all of a sudden she is suspicious about a cassette? And she thinks she will lose Julio over this? Money that is supposed to be for her nieces? I can barely watch this anymore.

Alfredo, glad you and your family are safe...Good luck with the clean up. Sounds like you have a massive job ahead.

Virginia is such an unhappy woman. And you are right Lucio. Virginia's tattling did her far more harm than good. As you noted, she did it for friendship. Probably for her only friend. Why do I feel Roxie would never have reciprocated in kind??


Alfredooo!! So good to hear from you and that you are well and that your power is on. If you clean up the way you do recaps, you're going to go at it full force, be safe and take your time.

Lucio, great points on Virginia. She is truly pathetic. I also think she partly did it for friendship, but I also think she did out out of jealousy and spite--if she's not happy why should any one else be. What a horrible life she has. Was it Kirby that mentioned "Desiderata?" Virginia should have it stamped or tattooed on her.

Alfredo glad to hear from you and that you survived. Me too, but going on well into second day with no "Monopoly Supplied Electricity". I am skipping a step and buying the raw fuel and generating my own, but in this case economies of scale are very pronounced. But no material property is damaged except one old rotten fence. Diana the squirrels are back and giving me a thorough Squirrel Cussing as the long wooden fence with sections now missing WAS their off ground turnpike and no one could possibly be to blame except the peanut man.

Kirby, so glad the squirrels are back...fussy, but safe and they'll get over it eventually :-) Do you at least have a tentative date for restoration of power?

Kirby, am relieved there was no great damage.

The squirrels of course would disagree as their highway has been dismantled. Loved "squirrel cussing". :)

I bet the resourceful rascals won't skip a beat. And hopefully, no meals as well...


Rgv Chick thank you for the wonderful recap to a totally frustrating episode. I'm with you Carvivlie.

Great to hear from you Alfredo, glad you are safe.

Thank you for the reference to Regina, I am already having withdrawls missing my LC. And you are absolutely right Virginia is so needy and pathetic, she should look Regina up and learn a thing or two.

IMHO the biggest loser here is not Diegito, he doesn't know better and he just witnessed la bruja slap his dad, so his brain is little shaken. The biggest loser by far is Virginia, like I said she is pathetic, she has low self esteem, and is hurting her nieces, and is hurting her own son by her actions.

Margarita is going to have to learn to let go because Antonio has bigger problems to deal with.


Florida Power "Hopeos" to have it back on within a week.

I was outside late last night doing guard duty and it was surreal.....No light anywhere before the moon came up just blackness. No traffic, no sounds except a lonely generator or two toiling away in the distance. No airplanes, no sirens in the distance, no cops, just N O T H I N G. Like being waaaay out in the country.

Those of you who said thanks to me, I appreciate the thoughts, BUT it was RGV Chick who did the writing of this recap and all I did was post it up for her because she is still waiting for access here from our blog "mom". I tried to make this clear in the first sentence of the post. So, RGV Chick, thanks for your work and a wonderful job, you captured just about every minute very well.

I was trying to figure out where the real cassette went. Did Virginia destroy it? I know she replaced it with a phony in the camera, but did anyone see what she did with the real cassette? That was the part I missed.

Cynthia, you're welcome and thank you for stepping in and posting!

They didn't show what she did with the real cassette. When she left the storage area, she had both cassettes--one in each hand. Then when she reentered Jorge's room, she only had the one that she put in the camera. She got rid of/hid the real one off screen...ughh!

Kirby, within a week?! Wow, good luck, I hopeo you get it sooner than later.

RGV me too. I have the kitchen, water heater, and Air Conditioning and lights/computer/TV operational but am burning enough fuel to run the Titanic.

AACKK!! ALERT! ALERT!! They're showing Ramon an hour early!! my area...

Thanks Rgv Chick!

Rats, I've already missed half.


Well I misseed it all. @#$+)"*?/)&$#@

And I have to go to great lengths to just watch TV.
JACKASSES smoking crack at Looney Vision

I hopeo someone does a nice recap

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