Saturday, October 28, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #10, 10.27.17: To DNA or not to DNA

Repeated Scene:
Present time
Santi asks Raquel to please allow a DNA test of Damian to see if the baby that Carolina was expecting was his. Raquel resists, and Santi says don’t you want to know if the child was Damian’s.
At the same time Miriam arrives at the house and Cynthia tries to intercept her but she runs up to Raquel’s bedroom and finds Santi holding Raquel’s hand. She goes into a tirade and chides Raquel for bringing her “lover” to Damian’s bedroom. Raquel tells her what the hell you are doing in my bedroom get out of here. Santi tries to explain that Miriam is not hearing it she has made up in her mind that they are lovers and that’s that.

New scene:
Miriam runs out of the bedroom, Raquel chases her and tells her that she is confused. “I am not confused, I have always thought you were not good enough for my son, and I have just confirmed it.” You will end up with nothing is Miriam’s last words and she leaves Santi comes down and tells Raquel to not pay any attention to Miriam because she is full of hate. Raquel tells Santi to please leave, and do what he needs to do. He obliges and leaves.
At the TV station Laura’s boss asks her if she has anything new. She tells him that Carolina was pregnant; her boss says that’s not enough, he needs something bigger. An interview with Santiago Alvarado would be great, well Laura says she is working on it. She walks over to her desk and finds Patricia who is going to be telling her something, Laura asks if it’s ok to record her. Patricia says yes.

At the pasta company Azucena gives a flash drive with financial information to Nando, she asks what this information has to do with the car accident. Nando as is customary for him spills the beans about what he is working on and tells her that it’s a murder investigation and that there are several theories including that money had something to do with this crime. Andres is hiding in an office listening to Nando’s conversation.

Laura shows up to the Alvarado’s home and asks Santi to answer some questions; he is not interested in allowing her to make him look like the idiot of the story. Laura then tells him she can help him. He is intrigued and gives her 2 minutes.
Andres Chides the secretary for giving the documents to Nando, they are confidential information. She says no they are not and they had an order from the Judge to release the information. Andres doesn’t care that she released the financial information but he says that the information about the audit that Damian had ordered was confidential. She apologizes but did not know it was confidential. She asks Andres what are you afraid off, are you responsible for diverting funds? No I just covered for Damian when it came to his unfaithfulness, and he is the one that was diverting funds. I am not bad I am just an idiot for covering up for Damian and Raquel. Damian used money from the company to finance his affair with carol.

At the police station Antonio asks Nando what did he find from the documents, Nando tells him that in the audit there were many diversions of funds and in every one of them Andres was the one who initiated them. Antonio doesn’t think that that fact does not mean he is guilty of murder. Nando disagrees he thinks that the fact that Damian ordered the audit is a motive for Andres to try to get rid of Damian.

Cynthia is telling Raquel that she should allow Damian to have the DNA test or don’t you want to find out if Damian was the father of that baby
Laura tells Santi that if he doesn’t talk the press will jump to their own conclusions.  “Based on lies” he says. “Well if you don’t talk how do we know they are lies” He asks her to please leave because all she wants is gossip to hurt his family. No she says she is there for herself because she was betrayed just like he was so she understands what he is going thru. Well he does not believe her, well if you don’t talk we are going to look into your past and we won’t care who we hurt dead or alive.
Out in a street Lola is walking back home with Benjamin in her arms, when Juan the stalker approaches her and tells her that he is there if she needs him. “Like the other time” Lola says sarcastically. He tells her that she hurt him in the past, and she says “I hurt you?” he apologizes and reiterates that he is there for her. She has to leave.

Three years earlier:
Mia sees Joaquin and calls him over; he tells her that he is not interested in talking to her so he asks her to leave him alone. Her one and only friend comes over and tells Mia never mind him, he is an idiot. Mia as is customary is rude to her one and only friend and walks away, a few guys see her and begin to tease her. She gets dizzy, her friend comes over asks if she’s ok and she says she needs to go to the bathroom and leaves.

Damian goes to Carolina house, asks her if she is alone, yes she is alone but her husband and/or kids can arrive at any minute. Damian tells her “I just needed to see you” he begins to kiss her passionately.  “Let’s spend the weekend together” She tries to pull away but not really. She kisses him back. He tells r. She says she can’t well “I already toll Raquel that I may need to leave for the weekend due to work”; Carolina says “what am I supposed to say to Santi”  “make something up” says Damian. “I am a bad liar” she says (no not really you are a darn good liar) Damian asks her to please try. He kisses her again and she says no not here in the house. “that is why I want this weekend, and if after the weekend you don’t want to continue with me I will leave you alone” “I will try” “you will make me the happiest man on earth”. He kisses her again.

At Raquel’s she is happy about the great job that Santi is doing with her kitchen, he is glad to see her smile. He says that he hopes it’s for the kitchen, well Raquel says not entirely, she is happy because Damian is taking her away for the weekend. “you should do the same with your wife, to fire up your passion” Santi says my passion for my wife is perfectly find trust me” Raquel gets a call from a prospective client for a banquet, it’s for this weekend, well I guess by to the passion says Santi. But work is work so she must do the banquet.

Andres is with “mike” and he asks him for another favor, when we were with Lola and Patricia you recorded it right, no and nothing happened anyway. I deleted it’s dangerous to have a video because they are minors. Well if you want to keep doing business with me you need to do what I ask.
Raquel is at her laptop preparing for the banquet because it has been confirmed. Santi walks in and wants a minute of her attention to approve a plan of her kitchen, but she is too busy, asks him to please support their work this weekend because that will help carol get closer to him.

Lola and Juan are walking on the street, Lola says “I can’t believe Patricia is saying that she is my girlfriend”, Juan tells her “see I told you to be careful who your friends are.  They continue to walk and he tells her that he is glad to see her smile, she says “thank you for defending me from that creep (Andres) but that doesn’t mean anything” “I already told you how I feel about you” “yes but you are my PE teacher” “I just have to help you see me another way, I am only 6 years older than you” she opens her gate and he asks if he can come in, she replies “sure that way I can tell my parents that my PE teacher wants to be with me, and since they are so modern they will allow it” he says ok that he understands and leaves but not before asking her to think about him and then kisses her on the cheek.

Carol is on phone with Raquel and says that they are lucky to get a client so quick, and that she is nervous but that they will do their best. Lola walks in so Carolina tells Raquel she will call her later. Carolina says hi to Lola, and wants to talk to her but Lola is busy she has a lot of homework and leaves to her room. Then Carolina gets a call from Damian, who tells her that he heard about the banquet and “I guess we will not get our weekend” (boohoohoo) Carolina knows but she is actually excited about the banquet. Damian puts on his pouty face and tells her that sometimes he feels that her work is more important than he is (boohoohoo again child). Carolina thinks it might be a sign to tell them that what they are doing is wrong (yes, yes listen to your gut feeling carol) well the only sign that Damian listens to is the one that tells him that he needs her, “don’t you need me?” . He tells her to meet him at the banquet hall, he is going now.

At the Becker home Santi and the construction workers are moving a cabinet. Nacho asks Santi what is wrong, Santi says that Carolina is acting strange ever since she got the idea of working and opening her own shop she has been acting different. I feel that she feels that I have clipped her wings, Nacho tells him that Santi needs to support her decision otherwise she will blame him for not reaching her dreams.

At the banquet business, carol is waiting for Damian, he drives up and sees her he smiles, but then Raquel shows up, she does not notice Damian only sees Carol. They walk in to the building leaving Damian outside. Carol is having second thoughts about the client, because they are not ready maybe they should back out, no Raquel thinks they will do a good job, she will buy everything with the credit card. Carol asks why the credit card, is the client not giving us a deposit. Well he is but I need that money for something, just don’t tell Damian, but Damian walks in and asks her what about the deposit. Raquel dances around the subject and says “I was just saying I am going to go pick up deposit, do you want to go with me?” oh no “I’ll go by myself you stay with Carol, make a list of the things we need" (ugggh, Raquel). Damian will absolutely stay and make a “list” for Raquel. Raquel leaves and then Damian and Carol get “busy”
Mia invites Nico and Fede to lunch, but she does not take her eyes off social media where she continues to be bullied. Nico asks if Joaquin is still bothering her, she says no but some girls are. She says its ok, Nico says "no it’s not ok because you matter to me.” Mia replies that he should care about other better looking girls; well “I care about you because you are perfect Mia” she smiles at him
At the Alvarado home Santi gets home and calls out for carol, but Lola tells him that she is not home she went to the banquet hall because she is nervous about the event for the weekend.  She encourages Santi to go there to show his support, but change and get cleaned up    to look better, since you have to compete with Damian, at this Santi says please repeat what you said well what I mean is that he always looks impeccable. That might be so but it’s because he sits at a desk all day while I work with my hands all day. She says true but go change anyway.

Raquel goes to Miguel’s office to pick up the deposit, mike was not ready with cash but he can give her a check, he comes back with the check and it is more than they had agreed to, Raquel does not understand. He tries to explain that they will make up for it afterwards. Raquel asks where did he hear of them, he said that it was probably one of his partners. At that moment Andres walks into the office.
At the banquet hall Carolina and Damian are pretending to be interested in working, but Damian gets near her and they begin to kiss.
“Andres is your partner?” well Miguel does not want to get in the middle of this mess and leaves. Raquel asks Andres what did he tell Miguel that he feels he is able to talk to Raquel that way. Well he says that he may have said that Carolina is beautiful and sensual, Raquel says that those are inappropriate comments. Andres convinces her to keep the business because she can’t afford to lose her first client. Raquel agrees, but warns that nothing funny or inappropriate should happen at the event, otherwise she will leave everything. Andres agrees that nothing will happen.
At the banquet store Damian and carol continue kissing and getting all hot and heavy, when Santi arrives he walks in the gate and begins peering thru windows, he is knocking on a window but Damian and carol can’t hear because they are too busy.

Present time:
At the hospital Miriam asks doctor, how Damian is doing? Doctor says that he remains the same, at that moment Raquel walks in and asks to speak to doctor in private, Miriam is opposed to that and Raquel says “that’s fine, you are going to find out anyway” she turns to the doctor and asks for a DNA sample. Miriam is outraged and wants to know why, well “I want to know if the child that Carolina was carrying is my husbands?”


Thanks Sandie

Miriam is such a detestable witch. How low can she sink to piss Raquel off mighty good before she retaliates?

Journalists are often portrayed as parasites& tabloid but their bosses and executives are worse. Any bad news is a magnet for these worms. I hated when Laura started to touch Caro's personal stuff. Eitherway why is this story so magnetic? It should belong in the tabloids not in main news. Has journalism fallen so low?

I LOLED when Andres said: I'm not the main bad of the story. I'm just an imbecile!" . Yeah right. I think the reason Andres wants those tapes with Lola&Patricia is to set her up as a suspect.

Raquel just letting those lovers boink in that house was disgusting. I would start to get pretty suspicious of Dam.


tabloid pushers*

Countx: If you had to guess, who do you think are the likely suspects to have wanted Carolina whacked ?

Well my first bet would be Andres or Miriam. Or Santiago who could have found out about the affair . We see him in the first episode paying someone of for silence.

Murder/attempted murder of Carolina and Damian




Damian (Viewerville knows he's not a suspect)






Unknown Suspect

I think the Miami trip is key. Were Dam & Caro really going to Miami for 2 days? Or did someone want people to think they were running off to Miami and planted the tickets in the car? Seems like most of the 2 days would've been taken up with flying/sitting around the airport waiting for the flight. Did Caro even have a passport?


Well the ones with strongest motive would be Raquel/Santiago. Andres would benefit most from it . Some massive rage is required to shoot someone twice or it was just made to look like a crime of passion.

Another theory: What if Caro committed suicide in disgrace, as a cowardly way out? But then again why would someone shoot himself twice in the heart when a head-shot is enough?

Sandie--I really enjoyed reading your recap. You brought back every scene in all its perfect horridness, with grace and humor. Quite a feat. Gracias.

Countx--You always have interesting theories. In this case, I don't think Caro would have committed suicide, but physically she could have. As I recall, one of the bullets was to her heart and the other to her lung. She could have been trying for the heart and got the lung first and didn't die. Then she tried again, successfully.

But we have to ask ourselves, what was she doing with a GUN out in the woods, fleeing from the accident, for which there is right now no other explanation. Was the woman we saw running Carolina or was it the substitute/prostitute running away from her captors.

In either scenario, someone may have pulled her out of the car and dragged her to the river OR, if she's the one running away, was chasing her. Maybe he/she had the gun. Also, I don't think she would have committed suicide if she thought Dam was still alive. I'd assume she checked when she came to.

Another question--were they really on a lonely road, or was that just for filming purposes. The car tumbled off the highway and into a ravine. WHO called the EMT and the police? Otherwise, it might have been days before anyone found the accident site. Raq was called as soon as Dam was found. We aren't sure of the time lapse, but it wasn't long enough for Raquel to get worried about his absence. (Well, we did see her crying and looking at a photo in the opening episode--so she may have known Dam left her.) Santi learned at the accident site that a woman was with him, but disappeared. Didn't he learn from Tonio at the station that the personal effects belonged to a Carolina Rivas? Did he know her? Santi says, yes, it's my wife.(Hmmm. If he and Tonio were friends through Santi's father, he should have known what Santi's wife's name was---Diana, could I be overthinking this? Ha.)

Anon207--I hate to do it, but Fernando Godoy ought to go on your list of suspects. He's been acting very strange from the very beginning. Still waters run deep. Another red herring, but I won't be surprised if he knew Carolina or known of her.

And how about Mike? Maybe there's going to be more on his "mistaking" Raq for Caro when she went to meet him and used all those inappropriate sobriquets. Raq should think again why Andres walked in just then. We know Andres expected to see Caro with Mike and was going to put her in a compromising situation to later expose her.

Oh, and there was no gun recovered at the accident site. They determined the type of gun from the caliber of the bullets. Gee, where is Kirby when we need him.

Gracias, Sandi.

I hate Miriam more and more with each episode. There is no TN villain more despicable than a possessive, controlling mother who can't let her son be an adult and have his own choices in life. It seems that Damian's only value to her was to rescue his father's business.

Her threat to leave Raquel with nothing also shows that she doesn't give a flying damn about her grandchildren, who are apparently still minors or at least not yet ready to spread their own wings and fly. They're not yet in college and leaving Raquel with nothing either means Miriam means for the grandchildren to end up in the trash or under her control. Either way the children lose.

That doctor should share information only with Raquel.

Laura is a vulture and her boss is worse. What the hell has happened to journalism that used to be "just the facts"? Edward R. Murrow would have fits on top of fits.

Why didn't Lola ever report Juan? Six years difference is too much even if they were three years older than they are. Not to mention that him pursuing her would still be an ethics violation if this were college instead of high school.

That Miguel and Andres would be the first clients is not good. I am imagining the event they are having catered and that could make Raquel and Carolina unknowing accomplices in something that's not only illegal but sordid and disgusting.

I doubt that Carolina committed suicide. Where would she have gotten a gun? It's also not that easy to shoot oneself in the chest like that and shouldn't the medical examiner have said something about the possible distance between the gun and the wound?

Andres was determined to compromise Carolina in one way or another to get back at both Damian and Lola. He's still my #1 suspect.

I always wonder how they film those accidents . Were they using CGI to flip the car over or some special pillows/soft ground?

My bet is that the actors first sat in the car, flipped the brakes and stopped the car. Later they fill the car with dummies and flip it over. After that they put the actors back in the car to pretend they're injured.

Thanks Sandie!

I'm glad Raquel agreed to getting the DNA test done. She is Damian's wife and can make any decision she deems appropriate. There's no guarantee he will wake up and she will also have the right to make the decision to pull the plug if it gets to that. She's certainly capable of playing dirty against Miriam.

At this point Andres is public enemy No. 1. I don't yet see any other clues that Santi and/or Raq did it for revenge. They are both angry but they are not yet acting cold blooded. I'm sure someone finds out about the affair before Santi and Raq do and Andres seems like the likely one. Guess we'll find out eventually.

I don't like what Andres is doing with Miguel. Lola is surrounded by crazy people.

Why would Andy take it so far to kill/murder Damian&Caro? Wouldn't it be enough to just send someone to stalk them , obtain compromising photographs and show them to Raquel?

Countx--You and I are overthinking this.....we should wait and see (but I can't help speculating either)!

Thanks Sandie! I'm going out on a limb to say that the baby isn't Santi's or Damian's.

Carvivlie-You aren't alone. I hope that limb is strong enough.

This is just the sort of twist GG might throw at us. We have no idea what Caro was up to between her giving in to an affair, through Benji's conception and birth, and this latest pregnancy. Can't wait to find out.

Andres was playing funny with the company money. If Damian had receipts on that he could've gone to Miriam and had Andres tossed out of the company and in jail.

With Damian (and Raquel) out of the way and Miriam clueless about running the business, Andres could've raided the company for all it's worth and skipped away when the business folded.

Sandie, this was excellent. Loved your important conversation translations. Your wit was sprinkled liberally throughout. “I am a bad liar” she says (no not really you are a darn good liar)" was great!

“that is why I want this weekend, and if after the weekend you don’t want to continue with me I will leave you alone” “I will try” “you will make me the happiest man on earth”. The more we see (and hear) Damian, the less I like him. I'm starting to wonder if Caro wasn't so much an obsession, but was simply a challenge, something he'd conjured up for his own amusement.

Anita, there is so much to process and ponder here, I am overthinking everything myself. I have to be honest. I have absolutely no idea who murdered Caro and caused the accident (I'm assuming both are the same, but who the heck knows??) Count, I think Santi is just a bit too obvious. While I believe Andres is disgusting, I think he is also a coward. Would he have the guts to track down a defenseless woman and shoot her? I mean he'd have no problem with kidnapping, sexual abuse and other hideous violent acts but did he have the nerve to hunt down his prey?

Anon207, thank you for the list of suspects.

I think Santiago is the father of the unborn baby, although Damian is a distinct possibility. I will be surprised if someone else is the father (although Fernando might be a slight possibility as he seems to have a personal unexplained interest in the case).

I think Lola is brave. Whether toting her baby brother around effortlessly or seeing and correctly summarizing so much, she is one of the most intriguing characters.

Why did Damian ask Caro for 2 days in the car. What was going to happen after the 2 days? Did he think he would make her so besotted she would agree to leave her family? Was he ready to do the same?

Urban, you are exactly right in that the only person the physician should be talking to is Raq. I wonder if she could bar Miriam from visiting?

TF, thank you for reminding us that in should Damian continue to linger in a coma, Raquel would have the power of continuing his life or ending it. Would it give her any satisfaction to do so knowing that she would get the ultimate revenge on both her cheating husband and abusive MIL?

I had to laugh. Damian and Caro can't seem to even get in the same room before either Raq or Santi are right there. They should have taken the hint.

Thanks Sandie. This was great.


Thank you all for all of the great comments.
Anita and Carvivlie. I agree about the twist GG might throw us. I don't think Carol would have cheated on Damian. But Andres may have possibly raped Carol. Just a possibility since he is such a low life.

Thanks, Sandie. Riveting recap.

Santi says my passion for my wife is perfectly find trust me

She encourages Santi to go there to show his support, but change and get cleaned up to look better, since you have to compete with Damian, at this Santi says please repeat what you said well what I mean is that he always looks impeccable.

Poor Santi. He's not perfect, stifling Carolina all those years, but still I like him. He loves his kids and his wife. Too bad he didn't see he needed to up his game and start wooing Carolina. But Raquel and Lola sure did.

Do we know for sure that little Benji is Carolina's? Could he be Lola's?

If Benji was Lola's, Santiago would be referring to his hijos & nieto but he's always referred to all three as his children or hermanos.

I think Andres would be the one in ICU if he had raped Caro.


Wasn't Caro 8 months pregnant? If so she could have pretended that the child was Benji to cover Lola's secret pregnancy. Lola would have to dissapear ( Goes to her supposed school trip)'while Caro plays out her pregnancy for some time . Caro later dissapears where Lola gives birth and swaps the babies.They both rest for a few weeks and return back.

Countx - Caro was 8 WEEKS pregnant at the time of her death. Benji was already 2 or so years old. The way Santi was in one scene cradling his son, and I believe has referred to him as his son, I don't think he's Lola's illegitimate child. What we don't know yet, is the real paternity of Benji.

Ah okay. I always keep confusing months and weeks for some reason in Spanish. 'semana' means a week while 'mes' means a month...

Niecie: I'm also starting to have the same suspicion that neither Damian or Santiago are the Baby Daddy of Carolina's baby.

Steve - I'm pretty sure the baby is either Damian's or Santiago's. I can't see Carolina being unfaithful to both of them. If Andres tried to be his scummy hands on her, hopefully she told Damian and shut him down.


...tried to put his scummy hands

I am late to this but thanks and ITA that Carolina is great at lying. Probably better in the end than any of us can guess. I say yay to DNA! I cannot believe it will be that easy, though.


Here is a quote to share that I happened to pluck--as I read it--from one of the books in the Outlander series that could apply as easily to Damian:

"Ye must beguile someone before ye can betray them, no? And I'm inclined to think that a man who would betray is all the quicker to resent betrayal itself."

Beguiled are both Raquel and Carolina. Betrayed is Raquel. Although I wonder if the rest of the quote will come about. Damian certainly didn't seem to feel any guilt in the few minutes before the accident, but maybe resentful of Raquel and Santi BECAUSE he betrayed them.

...OTOH, some men are experts at compartmentalizing. I guess that applies to women as well. Carolina can also be substituted for Damian in the above illustration, no? She has beguiled Raquel, Santi AND Damian; betrayed all the aforementioned and herself. Add those to all the children, too.

If the baby was Santiago's, that will be that and no one will wonder about Benjamin.

If the baby was Damian's or someone else's, will anyone think that Benjamin is not Santiago's and have him tested? If I were Santiago, I would have ALL the kids tested. Who's to say Damian was Caro's first and only dalliance?

Alert: Due to some playback issues and a major business phone interruption tonight's will be a week bit late.

Excuse the typo: A wee bit late.

Thank you Sandie,good recap, miserable
O these people are a gigantic mess. I
Wont be surprised if that baby isn't
damian's. Or Santi's.Miriam is a mess.
I don't know who's worst, hortensia or
Her.Both them moms from middle earth.

So tonight the mystery continues. Who
The baby daddy? Stay tuned.

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