1: Accidents
and Carolina drove down the Plaza de Cobro one clear night.
could be destroyed.” he said.
better we go.”
kissed after passing through the toll booth. Both looked
the same time Raquel and Santiago fought their emotions alone in the
privacy of their homes.
paused as a song came on the car radio.
know that song? It reminds me of you,” she said. “Of when we
first met.”
alright. Everyhing will be alright.”
was not alright with Raquel and Santiago, who were curled up in their
beds. Both were fighting the urge to use their cell phones.
wrong?” Damián asked.
can't get it out of my head. I don't want to go on with all those
lies, so many deceptions. I don't want to live like this.”
just a few days, my love. Two days. It's all I'm asking of you.”
leaned in and kissed his cheek as he continued driving.
am very sure. I love you with all my heart,” he said.
he was clear-headed and had not taken his eyes off the road,
something impacted the car from behind, sending it off the road and
down the embankment. It turned over many times until it righted
itself at the bottom of the embankment. The roof was crushed. Both
Damián and Carolina were unconcious.
Raquel and Santiago sat bolt upright on their beds, as though
startled by demons.
hour or more later the ambulance arrived. Emergency medical
technicians removed Damián from the car and strapped him to the
gurney, immobilizing his head. They carried him into the ambulance
and drove to the hospital as the police car arrived. If Damián had
any conciousness he was thinking about how he had met Carolina.
was three years previously when she arrived at his store. He and his
cousin Andres were talking about an upcoming event and a pending deal
with distributors in Monterrey when he caught her eye. And she his.
She looked up at his rugged face, which was fashionably unshaven.
His ash-blonde hair showed evidence of greying along with the beard.
His blue eyes were alert and quick to catch the sight of her long
brown hair and fair complexion. Something about her touched
something in him.
you like pasta?” he asked.
very much, why?”
having an grand opening tomorrow and there's something I'd like your
opinion about. Would you like to come in?”
but I'm in a hurry.”
two minutes,” he said.
like to, and it looks like a lovely place, but I have to go.”
your opinion is very important to me. Just two minutes, no more.”
walked inside as he asked her whether she enjoyed cooking and they
walked up to a table where there were serving trays. He explained
that this was a recipe intended to be served the following evening.
He asked his employee, a young woman named Claudia, to serve some.
is our specialty; we're going to serve it tonight.”
tasted it.
is it?”
sauce is a little acidic, but a little sugar, a little cumin, and
some oregano will make it perfect.”
you,” he said. “That was important.”
congratulations on the grand opening, but I have to go,” she said.
She headed toward the door.
for the two minutes.”
then picked up a large gift basket arrangement and presented it to
her with his thousand watt smile.
let me give you this.”
no, I can't. It's not necessary.”
accept it, and come back soon.”
could not prevent herself from smiling back.
see you soon,” he said as she left.
came in from behind Damián, just in time to have seen this.
you interested in that chick, cousin?” he asked.
just gave us an excellent tip about the pasta sauce, Cousin,” he
said as he left the room.
had driven her children to school. She kissed both of them and Mia
made sure that Federico, her twin brother, had his inhaler as he
headed off to classes. Raquel drove Mia to where her classes began.
son, Nicolás, came up to her as she headed toward her car. He
showed her his exam grades. She was thrilled for him and talked
about how proud his father would be.
was in the music shop buying a guitar, a gift for his son. His
daughter, Lola, was with him to help. She admired another one that
was on the wall, but Santiago didn't agree with her. The store clerk
came back with Santiago's credit card to tell him that is had been
you want me to try again?” the clerk asked.
no thanks. It's alright,” Santiago answered as he returned the
card to his wallet.
we'll buy it another day, for another occasion,” Lola said.
he said, uncomfortably. “Let's go.”
he arrived home and called his wife.
in the kitchen, love,” she said.
everything alright?” he asked.
The pasta's almost ready.”
picked up one of the pasta boxes from the basket.
this pasta rather expensive?”
worry; I got it free.”
A new store is opening near Nico's school.” She handed him the
dinner plates. “So calm down.”
love, I'm worried about money.”
I go back to work?”
it must be something else.”
went into the dining room.
think about that. Caro, don't start. I've said it a thousand times.
I can do it alone. I just need a little more time –”
came in at that moment, interrupting discussion of what had to have
been an ongoing issue.
I tell Nico we couldn't buy him the guitar?”
haven't told him yet,” Carolina said. “I'll go talk to him now.”
I'll take care of that,” Santiago said. However, Lola stopped him
at the door.
not the end of the world,” she said. “We can always get it next
paused for a moment. This was not a situation he enjoyed. “I'll
go talk to him.” He went out.
don't know why your father insists I don't work.”
he's too proud.”
but because of his pride we're missing out on many things.”
Legato, the grand opening was going well. Damián and his friend
Christian talked about developing frozen products for export. He and
his date toasted this idea with Damián and Raquel while Miriam,
Damián's mother, watched with disapproval, which she quickly hid
when Raquel looked in her direction.
many comments about sauce! It's all marvelous, Son,” she said to
Damián. “This is a big success. A great event.”
said Raquel. “A great success for Damián.” She raised her
glass again as Christian and his date did the same.
we agree,” Miriam said. “We had nothing to do with it.”
did it together,” Damián said, “because she is always at my
drank another toast with Christian and his date while Miriam sensibly
did not say what was on her mind. She had never liked Raquel.
and Raquel walked through the store oblivious to Miriam's mood until
they found Andres, who was in the company of another man and three
very young women. When he looked up and saw Damián he dismissed
them very slickly by suggesting that they go back to “the
apartment.” The four moved out of his way. Just in time for
Raquel to clink glasses with him with “Salud.”
could I not be when I'm drinking with the most beautiful woman in the
place?” was his reply.
following morning Raquel dropped off her children and tried to pull
out of the school's parking lot when she backed into the driver's
side door of a car pulling into a space behind her. Federico saw
this before he could walk over to his class. She immediately began
apologizing. “I'm sorry; I didn't see you.” The driver got out
of the car through the passenger side door and berated her. It was
obvious you didn't. What were you thinking? It's a public place!
Children are crossing here. How did you not see –”
down. We'll call the insurance companies –”
do we fix this?”
came over to see what happened, then greeted Federico.
lady hit me.”
know each other?” Raquel asked the boys.
mother will pay for the door,” said Federico.
it was my fault,” said Raquel.
started to protest and Raquel walked the two boys away, telling them
she will handle this. They were to go to class and not worry about
it. She went back to Santiago and introduced herself. They shook
me call the insurance agent,” she said.
don't worry. I can fix it. I've done this before.” Before she
could say any more he said. “I have no insurance. Therefore I
learned how to do these things well.”
then stepped away, leaving Raquel feeling more guilty than before.
Santiago told Carolina about this at home.
don't know. I don't know how we're going to pay for this.”
she has to pay it. She ran into you.”
what do you want? Do you want me to look ridiculous in front of
them? What am I going to say when her insurance company contacts me?
That I have no money to pay for it? No. No thanks. You know what?
Let me go to work. My luck has to change.”
kissed her and turned to leave. She went to the bedroom and removed
a mostly empty jewelry box from a dresser drawer. She was looking at
a watch when the doorbell rang.
opened the door to Raquel and Damián, whom he invited in.
going to do the work; this wasn't necessary,” he said as Raquel was
admiring their home. Carolina came in just in time to hear this.
Raquel turned around at the sound of her footsteps.
she said to Carolina.
introduced them as the Beckers. Damián and Carolina looked at each
other, a bit stunned. Raquel noticed this.
you two met?” she asked.
Carolina said.
we don't know each other,” said Damián.
Why?” asked Carolina.
don't know. Maybe you met at Nicolás' school. That's how I met
Santiago.Pardon me, I'm Raquel and it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm
the one who wrecked the car door. ” They embraced and kissed in
the interruption but Raquel feels quilty for ruining your car door
and we're here to pay for it because that's only fair.”
We want to pay for it,” Raquel said.
did you get my address?” Santiago asked.
Federico, our son,” said Raquel. “But, yes, we want to pay for
the damage.”
thanks. I'm telling you I don't want you to.”
Santiago, it's no trouble to –”
I explained to your wife I will fix it myself. Thanks.”
we insist, once more –”
–” Carolina began.
said no.” There was an awkward pause. “Excuse me, but I'm going
to be late to work. Let me see you to your car.”
me, but can I hit the bathroom first?” Damián asked.
was a little vexed, but Carolina pointed out the direction, then led
the way. They stopped in front of the bathroom door. Damián looked
to see if they had been followed then looked at her.
husband is a bit stubborn.”
A bit much.” She was a little embarassed.
think it would be a good idea for us to be contact to resolve the car
the living room Raquel noticed the books on the shelf.
you didn't tell us you were an architect,” she said, excited.
didn't finish the course. But like construction, remodeling, various
such things. I do various things at times.”
you do very well,” she said.
just love your house. It's adorable.” She looked around some
more. “And I like your attitude. You have the experience and
don't hide behind a title. I liked painting and repair, but not did
it on a grand scale –”
led Damián back into the living room. He and Raquel politely took
their leave. Out in the car, Raquel commented on Santiago's
stubbornness and said they should help. This conversation picked up
again that night when they were preparing for bed. As Damián closed
down his laptop he reminded Raquel that although she always wants to
help others there will be people who won't accept assistance.
had not changed his mind or his attitude since the afternoon either.
He went on about other people with more money flaunting it when they
saw others were have-nots. He wanted to close this subject.
is friends with their son, Fede,” Carolina reminded him.
so because Nico is friends with their son we should be friends with
the parents? No thanks. What kind of people are they?”
doesn't matter; I was thinking of our son.”
our son?”
Of our son.”
I don't want to talk about this at this hour. We have more important
things to talk about than these people and their stuff.”
yes, yes. We have serious problems but we'll have worse ones if you
don't change your attitude.”
problems? Would you care to explain what they are?”
was concerned about Mia.
she seem strange to you lately?”
but it's logical. She and Federico always went to the same school
and now they're in different ones. I thought this was a good idea
but maybe I was wrong.”
know why? It's his friend Nicolás. And that's more awkward now
because of the car accident.”
the same thing again!” Damián said.
settled back into bed and Damián embraced her as she put her head on
his shoulder.
pretty, isn't she?” Raquel asked.
are you talking about?”
stubborn guy's wife, whom we just met. She's pretty.”
next morning Damián sent Carolina a text When he noticed that she
had read it he called. She answered and he told her that Raquel
insisted they come over right away because she wanted to discuss
remodeling part of their house.
I knew he wouldn't want to so I called you to see if you can convince
him to accept the job.”
You can count on me. Santiago is a little obstinate but the truth
is that we need the work.”
to you. 'Bye.” She ended the call with a pensive expression.
Damián had touched something in her that Santiago hadn't and she was
Santiago arrived at the Beckers' house along with two of his men,
Nacho and Augustin. Jovita, the housekeeper, let them in and fetched
Raquel, who came down the stairs and introduced herself to Santiago's
employees. Santiago seemed insulted, as though this were a practical
joke. It was as though he had been bullied at school by boys from
more affluent families and had never gotten over it.
this because I wouldn't let you pay for the damage to my truck?”
asked you here because I want to remodel my house. I don't know
about you but I don't like strangers in my house and this man is the
father of one of my son's friends.”
and Augustine's faces lit up with recognition, but Santiago said
nothing. He did an about-face and headed for the door.
see. Proud as ever,” Raquel said.
clapped his hands twice near Santiago's head.
lady wants to remodel her house. I think we can do a good job.
What's the problem? What are you waiting for?”
looked you up. You have excellent references,” Raquel said. “I
liked what I read. What more do you want?”
Tell me what you want done.”
the kitchen.” She led the way.
immediately began asking questions about the house.
the present Detective Fernando Godoy arrived at the crash scene. One
of the forensic technicians approached him with a cell phone found
near the car.
car was driven by Damián Becker. He was with a woman.”
Rivas,” said Godoy. “[???] Bring it immediately to the
lab. I want all the information they can get from this phone.”
handed Raquel's cell phone to her.
hospital is calling.”
looked as though she hadn't slept all night as she took the phone.
this don't come back here,” Santiago said to a bald-headed man in a
black windbreaker. He then handed him an envelope. “And you're to
keep your mouth shut.”
man looked into the envelope, pocketed it, and departed without
saying a word. Santiago watched as he left, then reached into his
pocket when his cell phone rang. He looked at it and paused before
was lying in a hospital bed. He was attached to monitors and a
ventilator as Miriam stood over him gowned in scrubs and a mask. A
doctor entered the room.
can you tell me?” she asked.
abdominal surgery went well, but he lost a lot of blood. We will
need to give him a transfusion.”
the blow to the head?”
need to do x-rays to determine the trauma to his brain. We'll need
to stabilize him first.”
you know if he is out of danger?”
your son's condition is serious.”
began to cry. At the same moment Raquel and her children arrived.
The desk nurse told her that Damián was out of the operating room
and in intensive care. “His prognosis is reservado. I'm sorry.”
Is my father going to die?” asked Mia. “Is my father going to
die?” She began crying. Raquel embraced her quickly, but even
more quickly she pushed away and ran toward the intensive care wing.
“I want to see my father!” she cried on the way. Several doctors
were on the other side of the swinging doors and they stopped her.
As they got her and Federico back out into the reception area
Santiago and Godoy arrived. The latter quickly introduced himself to
Raquel and explained that he needed to ask a few questions. She went
after her children as Santiago approached the detective, who asked if
he was a relative. He answered that he was a close friend and asked
how he could help.
were some things in the car that didn't belong to the victim. They
were some things bought near a gas station and they belong to a
woman. Her name is Carolina Rivas.”
was stunned for a moment or two, then shook his head.
no, it can't be.”
you know this woman?”
my wife. But this can't be. This has to be a mistake.”
walked away. Godoy followed him.
a minute. I have questions. Where are you going?”
started shouting. “Where is my wife?”
heard him and recognized his voice. She called out to him, then went
over to Godoy. “What happened? Do you need to tell me something?”
right now, Ma'am.”
went after Santiago.
years earlier Carolina had told Santiago that this job would help
change their lives. He wasn't willing to count victory yet. He was
going over some plans and bills with Nacho. Finally he pulled out his estimate and asked Carolina if she could drop it off at Damián's store
when she took Nicolás to school. She agreed to. She smiled to
herself as she stood up and stepped away from the table.
she arrived at the location she saw Damián having a somewhat
contentious discussion with Andres concerning production. Andres
recognized Carolina and turned to stare at her. He then departed,
thinking that Damián was looking for a side piece. Damián walked
over to Carolina and was intercepted by Raquel, who had just arrived.
She greeted him with a kiss and a “my love.” The two women had
arrived together as they both had appointments at the school.
Carolina handed him the blue folder with Santiago's estimate and he said
he would take care of it right away.
are you doing anything tonight?” Raquel asked. “Why don't you
join us for dinner?”
what a good idea,” Damián said. “Why don't you come over?”
on over, we'll talk, eat something delicious, get to know each other
better, since our kids are friends...”
like the idea but you know Santiago gets up so early. He gets tired.
If he wants to I can –”
he wants to?” Raquel asked in surprise. “Is he your boss? If
he doesn't want to come by yourself.”
ask him.”
you ask him now?”
not? Ask him now. Please?”
called Santiago, who – predictably – declined. Raquel persuaded
Carolina to let her try and she handed over her cell phone. After
his attempt at declining the invitation Raquel went on about good
food and such in a way that didn't allow him to get another refusal
in before she ended the call. Damián smiled, knowing that this
tactic had worked on others in the past. She then kissed him goodbye
and left to go to the foundation she worked for. Carolina left with
Santiago came home later he found Carolina looking through her closet
for something to wear that evening. He didn't understand her
indecision as he noticed that there were several dresses laid out on
the bed and she was taking yet more out of the closet. She wanted to
be sure that she was appropriately dressed for dining with a couple
wealthier than themselves.
been thinking about this and I think it's time we end this madness,”
he said. “I'm not going.”
no. This is not the time. We need the work, we need money.”
You're right. I'm sorry.” He kissed her forehead. “Don't
worry.” He kissed her lips. “ust make yourself beautiful. I
love you.” He left her alone to change. Her cell rang and it was
Damián, apologizing for the text and the call from earlier. He
didn't want to say that in front of Raquel. Carolina closed the door
to continue the conversation, telling him that it had taken her by
I want to thank you for giving Santiago the work. He's very
hard-working and will do a good job.”
course. But I take no credit for that. It was all Raquel's idea.”
then, thanks to both of you.”
after Damián ended the call Andres entered his office.
heard you asked for the balances and the audit without my consent.”
care of business is everything, cousin.”
you distrust me? I'm your partner. I'm your cousin.”
the door.”
minority shareholder. You were in charge of the accounting and the
numbers don't add up. Do you have an explanation?”
the present Santiago was driving. He left a voicemail “Caro,
answer me! It's urgent! I need to talk to you!” He ended the
call and drove, probably a bit over the speed limit. He looked ahead
and saw the parking lot of Parador Covabonga. There were multiple
police cars in it and they were near Carolina's car. He looked
inside her car and saw the infant seat in the back but no sign of
Carolina. He began shouting her name. He ran into the store where a
cashier asked if she could help him.
wife's car is outside. I want to see if she's here. Where's the
women's restroom?”
the back.”
ran in the direction.
The police ran in. “Officer, what's going on?”
did not answer her. They ran into the back in time to stop Santiago
from opening every stall door in the women's restroom by grabbing him
and dragging him out.
and Carolina had gone to the Beckers' for dinner, taking their older
kids with them. Damián and Raquel greeted them warmly and
encouraged the kids to hang out together upstairs until dinner was
ready. Raquel then took Santiago into the kitchen and talked about
how lovely his children were. He was still not comfortable with this
situation. Damián was explaining to Carolina that he had been very
fortunate. His father had founded the pasta company and he now runs
it and Raquel came back before he could say more.
business is his life. He pulled it out of the ashes. Don't be
modest, my love,” Raquel said.
we did it together,” Damián said as he kissed Raquel.
in Federico's room Nicolás admired his guitar.
you know how to play?” he asked.
learning,” he said.
are you saying? You bought it yesterday,” said Mia as she played
with her cell phone.
not true, Mia,” Federico said.
can't take a joke,” was her reply. It was not said in any spirit
of fun. She then looked up and saw Nicolás looking at her. “What
are you looking at?”
bad that you don't have any friends at school,” he said.
used to get beaten up when she had to take care of me,” Federico
said. [???]
had had enough and she rose to leave.
family is very nice,” Lola said. She got up and prevented Mia from
leaving the room and suggested they talk alone.
Godoy called to get an update on the transcript of the messages in
Carolina's cell phone, but there was some beaurocratic problem that
caused a delay. He ended the call and slammed the phone down in
frustration on the kitchen table. His wife came in and announced
that she would be returning to work.
you sure you're recovered?” he asked.
been a year,” she said. “You still think I'm an invalid?”
went to the foot of the stairs.
can do it alone,” she said, emphatically as she went upstairs.
police brought Santiago to the precinct and left him with their
captain, who closed the door to his office.
are you stubborn,” he said. “Didn't your father teach you
anything? Did you know why your wife was afraid you would hurt her?
The report said that you were deranged –”
was not deranged. I was desperate. I –”
found her car –”
know, I know! Calm down. We've impounded her car.”
you know where Caro is?”
is working on it.”
I'm going mad. I have to find her. I need to find me wife, for
God's sake.”
had put her head down and was trying to get some rest in the hospital
waiting area. Miriam came up to her, having shed the scrubs, mask,
and gloves. She touched her face.
planned all this.”
are you talking about?”
father could have enemies. But don't worry. We'll find the guilty
heard this exchange. Rather than reveal his presence he walked over
to the main corridor and leaned against the wall. Federico joined
just heard something strange,” Nicolás said. “Is there anyone
who would want to kill your father?”
Nico, don't say such stupid things.”
just know something bad happened to my mother.”
looked through the window of the intensive care unit at Damián. She
thought about the night of the first time they had dined with
Carolina and Santiago.
had taken out her cell phone to take photos and Damián was teasing
her about what bad photos she took. She took it with good grace and
handed the phone to Jovita to take a full group shot. Lola smiled
but her eyes were closed while Mia and Santiago both looked sullen.
Later the kids went upstairs, leaving the adults alone. A few more
glasses of wine and some more conversation later Raquel had a light
bulb moment.
why don't you start a catering business?”
love it, but it's very hard to start a business –”
and Caro is dedicated 100% to the house and our children. I don't
think she has time.”
say things like that!” Raquel said, good-naturedly. “I won't
permit you to. All of us have objectives we're entitled to fulfill.
Right, Caro?”
good at home,” Carolina said, looking at her husband and continuing
to hold his hand.
Raquel gets something into her head you can't stop her,” Damián
said. “That's my wife!”
don't know what goes on in your house but let me give a little
advice,” Raquel said. “If you have a satisfied wife, everything
else is good. You'll have more satisfaction, more happiness, more
was clearly making Santiago uncomfortable. He never liked thinking
of the possibility that Carolina was less than happy with their
arrangement. Carolina was quiet because this was hitting a little
too close to home. Raquel paused for a second, then started
think we should change the subject,” said Damián.
I say something wrong?” Raquel asked.
rescued her from that predicament.
no, no; it's that Santi doesn't like change.”
don't we put on some music?” Damián said.
immediately went to the stereo and put on some salsa music. She and
Damián began dancing, then both pulled Carolina and Santiago out of
their seats. They danced mixed couples. Neither Raquel nor Santiago
sensed what was happening between their spouses.
years later Santiago was standing in the police precinct talking to
Godoy, Antonio, and other cops.
has disappeared.”
said Santiago. “With her things in the car. Is she dead?”
have no proof of that,” said Godoy. “The question is, where did
your wife go? Why didn't she go home to sleep and why weren't you
looking for her?”
my wife was visiting my brother-in-law!” Santiago yelled at him.
“She has to have gone to see Vicente. That's the only option
you sure? Do you know his address?” Godoy didn't blink as he
watched Santiago. Husbands are always the first prime suspects when
married women disappear.
can't be,” Santiago said under his breath.
drove out to see Vicente Rivas. He was a sullen man with a thin,
skeletal face and close-cropped grey hair who didn't like company.
His house was not in good condition. Although there appeared to ba
an adjacent property he may as well have been living in the mountains
with only the local wildlife for company.
that's me.”
Fernando Godoy of the police department. I've come from your sister
Carolina's home. When did you last see her?”
two years, maybe a year and a half ago. Why? What happened?”
don't know. She's disappeared.”
paused for a moment and smiled ironically.
you sure that's the last time you saw her?”
haven't seen anyone, least of all her. I have to go. I have a lot
of things to do. Watch where you're going.”
walked away. His manner aroused curiosity. As Godoy returned to the
city he called again about the cell phone transcripts. As he ended
the call he got a text forwarded from Carolina's phone:
can't look Santiago in the eye. I feel bad...
can't hurt Raquel either.
and Raquel were still at the hospital.
grandmother said that this wasn't an accident. Someone planned it.”
came up behind Mia.
for God's sake –” Raquel began.
knew this could happen one day. Someone trying to kidnap my son who
was able to escape –”
Miriam,” said Raquel in frustration.
Rueda arrived. He had obviously come at Miriam's summons. She
introduced him.
my lawyer.”
asked Raquel.
My office represents Mrs Becker. In an eventuality like this it's
better that we be prepared.”
'an eventuality like this'? What does that mean? What happened was
an accident. Nobody has committed a crime.”
course not,” said Miriam. “But we don't know what problems there
will be because of this woman.”
private investigator discovered that he was accompanied by a woman,”
said Rueda.
looked at her mother. She was stricken with shock. Raquel took out
her cell and stepped away. Miriam followed her.
open your eyes. It's evident that my son left with his lover.”
looked coldly at Raquel, who looked as though she was going to cry.
told you all these lies?”
knew you would never accept this. This investigation will go on.”
no, no. I understand you have gone mad because of your son's
accident but you can't live here. Sure that your son has committed
adultery. That he would leave with a lover? What's happened to
arrived in a rage. Raquel heard him as he charged toward Damián's
room and pushed the doors open. Federico and Nicolás were trying to
stop him and it was fortunate that there were medical personnel in
the room to stop him. Raquel caught up and he turned around to face
was with him; don't you know?” he shouted in her face.
had a brief memory of his mother calling him three years previously,
clearly upset and not speaking clearly.
I don't know what you're talking about,” she said. The tears
began to flow.
is the time to face this,” he said as he charged toward the room.
The doctors stopped him and shoved him back out into the main
corridor. Miriam began to panic and the children were upset.
a criminal! He was trying to kill my son!” Miriam screamed.
managed – with a little assistance from a security guard – to get
Santiago out of the building just as Godoy arrived.
happened? What are you doing here?” asked the detective.
had arrived, carrying Benjamin, her baby brother.
me what I was supposed to do, please.”
went to see your brother-in-law. It's been some time since he's seen
your wife.”
She lied to me? Caro lied to me? Now I understand. Carolina and
Damián were lovers.”
Lola and Nicolás stared at their father.
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Permalink posted by Urban Anthropologist
@ 11:11 PM

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