Monday, October 30, 2017

Caer en Tentación #11, 10/30/17 Lunes: Truth and Innuendo

Chapter 11: Truth and Innuendo

Carolina shoved Damián off herself and tried to calm down. Damián quickly dressed as Carolina picked up her purse and left through the french doors near the stairs, where Santiago was peering in. She gave him the excuse that she had been resting. They walked outside as she explained she was nervous about the new business and needed to think. Santiago was a little confused and easily led to his pick-up truck as Carolina said she needed some fresh air. Damián watched carefully from the window. She glanced over in his direction to make sure he wasn't exiting through the same door.

I'll talk with my friend,” Andres said.
With your colleague?” Raquel asked Andres as they walked toward his car.
Yes, my colleague,” he said. “We have common business interests.”
Legal ones?” she asked, looking for his reaction, which was to look at her directly. “Excuse me. It's that I know you.”
Well, if you know me you know that everything I do is for you,” he answered. “To launch your catering business.”
For which I am grateful,” she said. Then she stopped short and looked back at him. “What did you mean by saying that my husband has no limits?”
That he likes other women.”
What are you referring to?”
Raquel, I knew you first.”
Are you serious? No, we're not starting down that road. No. No. After thinking why I walked away from you –”
For money.”
Ah, of course. Well, yes,” she said, with a droplet of sarcasm. “It's logical that you would think that way because it makes you feel better. I remind you that when I started seeing Damián the business was brankrupt. He built it up on his own.”
On his own?” He sounded like he didn't believe her. “And I did nothing?”
Andres, that is your problem. You are very selfish. Also very envious. That was it.”
She walked away before he could think of a denial, one that he could believe himself.

Carolina tried to explain to Santiago that she was nervous because while Damián and Raquel were accustomed to dealing with business matters she had been locked up in a routine of kitchen and housework. For now she just wanted to get away for a while. To her possible surprise he told her that she had him and their kids behind her in all things. She was not to worry.
Santi, you're so good. More than I deserve,” she said as she embraced him. “Forgive me.”
No, my love. On the contrary. Now I see that I've been very selfish and argumentative because I didn't want to share you with anyone. But now I've learned. I've learned my mistake and I want to help. I want you to achieve your dream. We're going to do well and work better as a couple. What do you say?”
She smiled weakly.
Don't worry,” he said.

Mia and Federico arrived home from school. Nicolás was with them. He suggested that they watch a movie, but Mia said a quick “No thanks” and went directly upstairs.
You know how my sister is,” Federico said to him. “Get used to it.”
But what did I do?”
Nothing, but things go on in my sister's head that nobody understands. You can be talking to her one minute and the next you're completely disconnected. Nico, don't get any illusions about my sister, okay?”
Fede, I don't have any illusions; calm down. Okay?”
Well, then, quit bugging her.”
Nicolás agreed, but looked as though he wish things were otherwise. He became pensive.

Santiago kissed his wife, reassuringly as she sat in the pick-up.
Don't worry; we'll work this out. What do you need to raise this? Crockery?”
We don't have enough crockery.”
Why? When is the event?”
It's Saturday.”
Well, then don't worry. You have the tablecloths, the trays, the burners, lighters –”
We're short on lighters, too.”
Well, let me make a call –” He reached for his cell phone.
No, no, it's not necessary,” she said, taking his hand. “There are so many things on the list. Thanks, but I don't need help. Seriously.”
He put his phone back. “We're together in this thing, yes or no?” She nodded. “We're a family, and we're going forward together. I want to help. So call. I'm in this with you. I don't want to feel left out anymore.”
You're right,” she said, touching his face. “I want your help.”
Santiago, I don't believe it!” said Raquel, as she arrived. “You're going to help!” She kissed his cheek. “Thanks! And Damián?”
Santiago turned to his wife.
Why didn't you tell me Damián was here?”
Because he left as you were arriving, therefore –”
Ah,” said Raquel, leaving just enough room for Carolina to make the exit by kissing her husband and saying she had to get to work on this.
That's how it is with her,” Santiago said.
The same with me,” said Raquel, smiling. “Seriously.”
Everything will be alright.” She nodded.
However, Santiago didn't look as though he believed his own words.

Have you gone crazy?” Miriam asked. “I will not permit any tests on my son!”
Nobody is asking your permission, Miriam.”
Are you crazy? At this moment my son is fighting for his life. What do you want? Doctor, don't do anything.”
I will make the decision here,” Raquel said. “Miriam, for God's sake!”
What does it matter whose baby this was?”
Raquel ignored her and spoke directly to the doctor.
I need this test to find out the truth.”
Are you serious?” Miriam was almost shouting, but definitely sneering in anger.
I am serious,” Raquel said, directly. “I have the right to make this decision, Miriam; I am the wife. I have the legal right to make this request, Doctor, and you know it.”
This is the height of evil –”
The crime is that you don't want to permit me to have this information. After all the humiliations you have heaped on me. Yes or no?”
Ladies, I ask you to please calm down,” the doctor said.
The only thing that will make me calm down is for you to do this test. I'm asking you,” Raquel told the doctor.
The lady is the patient's wife,” the doctor said. “I can't deny this request.”
Let me talk to my lawyer,” Miriam said. “and let him say what we are going to do.”
I will go to the hospital's legal department and abide by their word,” said the doctor. He left, not showing his gratitude that this allowed him to escape the epic battle that had been escalating before his eyes and ears. Miriam shook her finger at Raquel.
Listen, Raquel. The only thing you will get out of this is the day when I put you out in the street!”
You don't impress me with your threats. I have two children to fight for. I've kept quiet about this for Damián's sake but now I have had it. Never again.” She walked away, leaving Miriam frustrated and annoyed with her failure to intimidate Raquel.

Justice doesn't operate on the same time schedule as we do, Señor Àlvarado,” Laura told him. “Police investigations are slow in cases like this.” Santiago turned away with the beginnings of a sarcastic laugh. “Excuse me but it's my job to maintain spectator interest in this.”
Really? Let me understand: You're telling me that your job is to keep people interested in this and how? Making up lies to give a good show?”
Not necessarily –”
Yes, if it's necessary to keep your audience.”
If the principals in the matter don't talk we have no choice other than to go to their friends, others who know them, their own –”
You aren't going near my family. I won't permit it. With my family? No.”
It's too late, Señor Àlvarado. We're already investigating your daughter, Lola. We heard she was in contact with a friend of hers from school and believe me, she's saying some horrible things. Did she talk to you about a trip after graduation?”
She didn't do what you're saying. It's not true. In my family nobody tells lies, least of all my daughter. Who is this friend?”
Watch the interview.”
[???] Who is this friend?”
There was a knock. Laura looked at him smugly as he backed away and answered the door.
Oh, it's you,” he said as Godoy asked to enter.
You're here, aren't you? Come in,” Santiago said, knowing that his day was already in ruins. As Godoy entered, Laura was a little uncomfortable.
Detective, I present the journalist –”
Laura Garcia,” Godoy said.
What? You know each other?”

Raquel went back to the company offices only to have to face Andres.
Why are you like this? Is this about Damián?”
Why are you asking me? Talk to your aunt and she'll tell you everything as she always does.”
You talked to her, didn't you?”
I didn't start it; she decided to mess with me.”
Don't make an enemy of her. She'll put you out in the street, Raquel.”
She can try what she likes, I don't care!” Tears formed in her eyes.
Lower your voice. She's an enemy who will stab you in the back. I'm only trying to protect you.”
I can't anymore. I can't take it anymore!”
Raquel, Raquel,” he said, reaching out to embrace her. “You can't go on like this. I'll take you home. Let me take you home. Let's go.”
She nodded and they left.

She's my wife,” Godoy said. Santiago smiled ironically, covering up his true reaction.
Of course, it should be obvious,” he said as he turned around to look at her.
I'm a reporter,” she said.
I think it's better if you go,” Godoy said. She started to, but Santiago grabbed her arm.
No, no. You have to wait and tell me what's going on with my daughter and her friends.”
I'm not getting involved in this business, Señor Àlvarado. It would be better if you confronted her. Tell her to expose this publicly. That's my advice.” As she stepped away her husband stopped her.
Wait for me outside,” he said.
No,” she said, pulling free. “I can get back alone, thanks.” She walked out.
Of course,” Santiago said, disgusted. “It was her. It was her. Now I understand how she found out. She's your wife.”
Señor, it's not what you think –”
No? Then explain to me because I don't understand. Your wife came here to ask questions. I didn't tell Laura anything about the case, Señor.”
Leave my house. I don't want to talk to you. Get out!”
Godoy took a small brown envelope from his pocket.
My boss wanted me to hand this to you personally.” He held it out and Santiago snatched it.
In case I wasn't clear, I won't talk to you. Get out of my house.”
I'm very sorry.” Godoy left.
Santiago opened the envelope and dropped Carolina's rings into his hand. He finally sat down on the couch and thought back to the first time they had dined with Damián and Raquel and Raquel had told him that if Carolina was happy everything would be better, another time when he and Carolina argued about her limited life. He finally shoved everying off the table in frustration.

Later when he was still staring at the rings Lola came down and asked whether he wanted dinner.
A reporter came here saying they were investigating you and your brother, especially you.”
Why? What did she ask, Dad? Answer me.”
She told me that a friend of yours who was going on the trip was saying things about you. What was she saying? What happened?”
Nothing happened.”
What that woman said isn't important. What's important is what my daughter says. Tell me the truth. What happened?”
I'm telling you the truth. Nothing happened. Why don't you believe me?” She started to leave the room. “Why are you always questioning me?”
I'm not questioning you. Lola, I'm trying to protect you; that's all.”
Then stop protecting me.”
She left, went to her room, and closed the door before taking out her cell phone. She texted
I hope you haven't said anything. For your own good, I hope that.

Raquel offered Andres a drink when they arrived at her home. He declined, saying he wanted to make sure she was alright.
I don't understand why you think you have to take care of me,” she said. “You didn't before. And you knew what went on between Carolina and Damián. Or not?” She shook her head. “Don't worry. I don't understand.”
Raquel, I always told Damián to take care of you and your family. That's all I could do. You understand that?”
What are you asking me? Because I get that you knew when they started. Please don't tell me you just discovered this. I can't [???]
What's important is what's happening with you now. That's what I'm asking.”
What I'm asking is that you tell me since when you knew.” He started to protest but she ignored it. “What did you see? Can you tell me, please?”
I didn't want to say too much. I feel bad and –”
Of course, of course,” she said, as he said he had to go and turned toward the door. “Miriam. I know perfectly well how to confront reality –”
I promise I'll come back another day and we'll talk. Excuse me.”
He turned away to leave. He couldn't leave fast enough.

Santiago talked with Antonio, explaining that he wasn't well after everything that had happened. Antonio advised him not to talk to Laura again. Laura was very bitter toward her husband but Antonio couldn't yet believe that she had the nerve to go to see him. Antonio warned him that reporters will – as she did – pretend to want to help him when they were only looking out for their own interests, which was to be the first with a front page story.
But she's going after my children and Raquel's children. I have to do something.”
Like that. That's what I told you. She wants you to talk. I'll talk to Godoy. I promise that that woman won't bother you anymore.”
Antonio, I need to know who killed my wife. I need to know whether or not I was the father of that baby.”
We're working on the paternity test. I promise you we will get to the truth.”
The door opened and closed. Santiago looked in its direction as Nicolás entered. He ended the call,l saying he would call later, before turning to his son.
Son, I'm glad you're home. I have to ask you a question about your sister.”
What's up with my sister?”
She went on the graduation trip, remember?”
Of course.”
What happened?”
I don't know.”
Don't tell me you don't know. What happened?”
Why are you asking me this?”
Because reporters are asking about both of you. She made comments about your sister and I need to know so I can protect her. Don't you want to help?”

Andres went to the hospital where he found Miriam and her lawyer outside the ICU, looking at Damián through the window in the door.
How do you feel, Aunt?”
A little better.”
You think the blood pressure is under control?”
Yes, yes, that's what they told me. It's all due to the distaste of dealing with that damned Raquel.”
Andres looked at Rueda.
Raquel asked for a paternity test.”
That disgraceful bitch thinks that Damián could be the father of Carolina's baby.” She looked at Rueda. “Tell me there is something that can be done to avoid all that.”
The police will do anything to expedite this investigation.”
Miriam and Andres took that to mean that the test would go on no matter what.
Well, I guess we'll see,” Andres said, sotto voce. He was probably unaware of his facial expression, which went unnoticed by the others. “There's nothing else to do but wait for the results.”
Damián never had children outside of marriage,” Miriam said. “Much less with a woman like Carolina. I'm sure of it.”
We'll take advantage of being here,” Rueda said. “I received news from my investigators about Santiago Àlvarado.” Both stared at him.

Raquel paid the monthly bill for Cinthia's rehab facility directly to its administrator, who commented that she was always so prompt. She peeked in on Cinthia, who appeared almost catatonic. Her hair was in braids and she was staring into space, as though completely unaware of her surroundings.
Mia was accosted by two other girls in the school hallway. They were inviting her to a party at Alvaro's house, but she declined, knowing that their motive for inviting her was probably sinister. They accused her of snubbing them because she thought herself better than they were. She denied thinking any such thing and they told her she should come to the party. As they walked away another girl [Isela?] appeared and Mia explained that she turned down a party invitation from the other two. Isela told her she wouldn't be going alone. She was taking advantage of an opportunity. She then looked over toward Alvaro and another boy, who were talking to the two other girls. They were sure they would be able to deliver Mia to them, although one said “Be careful what you do.” Joaquin made what might otherwise have sounded like a reassuring comment as Alvaro looked over at Mia.

While getting work done on Raquel's kitchen, Nacho told Santiago he had gotten his green card. There was some good-natured teasing about this, as Nacho had been waiting years for this. Raquel returned and looked at their work, saying that she was pleased. Something in her manner said otherwise to Santiago, who asked what was bothering her. “Personal stuff; I'm fine,” she said as she went back inside.

Damián and Carolina sat in his car. There had been silence for a while.
I feel dirty,” she said. “I tell myself that Santiago thinks everything works, and what do I do? I'm here with you.”
What do you want to do?”
Stay away from me.”
If you want me to stay away from you why are you here talking with me? It is written. This has nothing to do with Raquel and Santiago. This is just about you and me.”
Just like that? Therefore, what about you and me? We have to be destroying everyone and everything. It's not fair, Damián.”
No, it's not fair. But we have to take care of them.”
Take care of them? To take care of them is to end this madness now. That is how to take care of them.”
And then what? Are we going to deny what we feel? Look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me that.” He turned her face to look at him. “Are you going to deny what you feel?” He started caressing her cheek. “I have to kiss you. To have you. To know your body. Look into my eyes.”
He moved in and began to kiss her, but she pulled away.
Damián, I can't.” She then got out of the car, leaving him high and dry.
She returned home and paused to lean against the wall to catch her breath, thinking about the irrevocable step she had avoided this time. When she opened her eyes she saw Lola with her arms folded, looking at her.
Mother, are you alright?”
Yes, everything is fine,” she said as she headed for the next room. Lola's cell alerted her to a message.
I can't see you today. Don't know if it's too much to ask if you think another second about me. Can it be?
She smiled slightly, then looked to make sure her mother was out of sight.

Mia modeled an outfit during a Skype conversation with Isela, who gave it a verbal thumbs-down. She was recommending tighter pants and a shorter blouse. Mia thanked her, telling her that this was the first time she was going anywhere without her brother.

Carolina took a shower, thinking about the illicit encounters with Damián, beginning with the first time Santiago almost caught them.

At the same time Damián went home and began coercing Raquel into what should have been an Afternoon Delight. She resisted at first, as this had not been a recent pattern of behavior for him. He started talking about them going away for the weekend. She was surprised at this, as he had not been willing to do this for a while. Their conversation was audible to Mia, who got up from talking to Isela and listened at her door.
It's my Mother,” she told her friend. “It sounds like she's with someone.”
She's with your father, isn't she?”
No. My father is working.”
Don't tell me it's one of the workers in your house. It's more likely to be one of them.”
No, don't say things like that.”
Well, then you'll have to see. Go ahead, Mia.”
Mia slowly left her room and stepped out into the hall. She could hear her parents' voices, but their room was around the corner. Damián picked up Raquel, opened their bedroom door, and carried her inside. He put her down on her feet right next to the bed, then pushed her gently onto the mattress and leaned over to kiss her. The door was slightly open and Mia approached it silently. She peeked inside and somehow failed to recognize her father. Neither of the adults noticed her as Damián removed his dress shirt to uncover his well-developed bare chest. He didn't even allow Raquel enough time to remove her wraparound dress or her strappy CFM stiletto heels.
Mia went downstairs and saw the men present. Santiago noticed her staring at them.
Hi, Mia. How are you?” asked Santiago.
She said nothing, merely sidling back to where she came from as she looked at the four men out of the corner of her eye.
Didn't I tell you? That girl is a time bomb about to go off,” said Nacho. “She'll cause a big mess.”
Augustin waved this off and they almost argued. Santiago brought their attention back to work.
Mia went back upstairs to her room.
You were gone too long,” said Isela. “Who was your mother with?”
With my father,” she said.
Did you see them naked?”
No. I walked out.”
My parents never have sex. I think they're going to get a divorce. You're lucky to have both of yours with you.”
Yes, I'm lucky.”
Her face said that she was thinking something else entirely.

Carolina left the bathroom in her pink negligee robe and saw that Lola was going out.
Lola, where are you going? You're going out?”
Why didn't you tell me anything?”
I've got to go.”
Where are you going?”
I have a meeting about the graduation trip. I'm going.” She went to the door, which was already open.
You're not going anywhere yet, Lola.”
What do you want?”
A minute. I want to go with the other parents to see what we have to pay.”
You don't have to because there's nothing to pay.”
How is that I don't have to pay?”
My friends are going, so I got some money from them.”
How nice of your friends but we don't accept any money –”
This argument continued only long enough for Lola to escape the house. Carolina was in her negligee and her hair was wet so she could not follow.

Lola met her classmates at a club. They were all talking about the trip. When Patricia approached Lola she backed off saying she was going. She then went to a table to greet the others, who were drinking Tequila Sunrises. Patricia looked back at her with daggers in her eyes. Lola should have felt those.

Santiago arrived home just after dark. Carolina got him to sit down on the couch.
I'm very worried about Lola,” she told him.
Why? She's the best-behaved daughter in the world.”
I know, but that's precisely why I'm worried.”
But, why? Did something happen? Isn't everything alright?”
I don't know. Lola was very strange. She just told me she paid for the graduation trip.”
What are you talking about? How could she have paid –”
She said her friends paid. Isn't that really strange? How would they have the money to pay for a trip like that?”
Who gave her the money? She had to have told you something.”
She didn't tell me anything; that's why I'm so worried. Because I don't know what Lola is getting into. I don't know if it's [???], I don't know if it's drugs –”
How can you think she's into drugs? You have to pay more attention to your daughter. Look at what you're doing! You – ”
I was working a few days on the business with Raquel. You know what I've been doing. We need to talk to our daughter. To find out what she needs, what is happening –”
Caro, don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I'm doing. I'm just asking. You have to pay attention to Lola. How could she be into drugs?”
You know what? It's my fault.”
No, no, no. It isn't.”
It's my fault.”
Caro –”
Everything that happens in this house is my fault.”
No, Caro, don't say that.”
No. It's my fault because I'm garbage.”
Caro, you aren't garbage. Don't say that, please.”
She became slightly incoherent and walked out. Santiago could not see whether or not she was crying.

Lola's classmates were talking about the upcoming trip, with predictions about the boys all getting drunk and not knowing with whom they will be having sex.
So, we don't have to have sex with them,” said Patricia, who then looked at Lola.
I'm going to the restroom,” she said. She got up, but Patricia got up and followed her.
Lola! You can't admit I bother you?”
It bothers me that you are saying we're a couple.”
We are.”
What are you talking about? I haven't said anything.”
How could you not have said anything? It's all over school.”
I said I haven't said anything to anyone. Tell me who told you I said that. Who was it?”
Lola stared at her.
Lola, that's our secret.”

Son, you have to tell me what happened to your sister on that trip, please.”
Dad, I don't know what happened. Lola never told me anything. Why are you asking me?”
I don't know. Your sister said her friends paid for her to go, your mother argued with her about this. I don't know any more.”
But I don't understand –”
Do you want to help me or not?” He paused for a moment. “Nico, reporters are looking into your mother's death. Those people are vultures. Anything they find is News to them. One came to the house. She was investigating your sister. You must know what happened. You have to help me.”
Lola was in her room on her phone.
I swear if this is true I will kill you, Patricia.”
I'm not going to bother you.”
Then shut your damned mouth because this is now a slippery slope.”
She ended the call, then punched in another number. A male voice answered.
Look who finally appeared.”
I need to see him,” she said. “No, it's not for me. It's for Patricia. Can it be tomorrow?”

Godoy met with Antonio the following morning.
I couldn't stop her, boss. What do you want me to do? Laura is a reporter and she has to do her work as she pleases. She has the right –”
What is not right is her stealing information or you giving it to her. I don't know which it was.”
Another policeman entered to tell him that Peralta from forensics was looking for him. He arrived before Godoy was able to get up and leave.
I'm here to tell you that the DNA results are in. We have the compatibility tests –”
Alright, Peralta,” Antonio said, impatiently. “Who impregnated Carolina Rivas? Damián Becker or Santiago Àlvarado?”
Peralta looked at both men who were staring back at him.

Andres arrived at Raquel's house as she was coming down the stairs.
Good morning, Precious,” he said.
I'll make coffee,” said Jovita.
No, Jovita, thanks,” said Raquel. Jovita went back to the kitchen.
I did not want her to hear the explanation about what we talked about last night. Since when did you know about Carolina?”
Why don't you explain to me what's going on between you and Santiago Àlvarado?”
Are you insinuating –”
You are beautiful and almost a widow. What is going on between you?”
Why does that matter to you? What's with you?”

Everything happens with you. Everything. Raquel, I'm in love with you.”


Thank you Urban. Almost word for word recap which really helped in this episode. Layers and layers of mystery. Right now in the story it's almost impossible to spot the truths from the innuendos. To me the present seems more muddy than the past!

Damian's moves on Raquel happening right after Carolina left him 'high and dry' in the car made me uncomfortable for Raquel. Very aggressive.

And the ending with Andres creepy declaration made me sick; Damian is still alive.

Totally confused about the 'relationship' between Patricia and Lola. Mia is not much better. So far the two boys, Frederico and Nicolas, seem to be some of the most normal characters in these two families.

Patricia has the hots for Lola, who does not return the sentiment. Patricia either hasn't gotten the message or is out for revenge by creating rumors that they are a couple when they're not. She is sick and between this and getting her mixed up in Andres' underage hooker harem this girl will be in for a heavy Karmageddon.

Andres' discomfort with the DNA test also means something. Does anyone else think he may have raped Carolina? I wouldn't put it past him in view of his other actions.

So he dated Raquel once upon a time and she dumped him for Damian; one can hardly blame her for that back in the day. His declaration is both creepy and dishonorable. I don't believe this man to be capable of love. He just wants what Damian has, so Raquel would only be a possession to him. I can only imagine what he would do to Mia.

I hope Raquel give him holy hell at the opening of tonight's episode.


Urban, your conversation translations and ability to describe events and emotions are unsurpassed.

While things seemed rather clear at the beginning of the story, everything seems to be getting increasingly murky.

I trust no one. I would say nothing would surprise me but I am fairly certain much will.

I was extremely unnerved by the ferocity with which Damian almost forced Raquel to accept his advances. To transfer his pent up passion from Caro to Raquel was disturbing.

Even more so was Mia's reaction. The child is crying for help. I didn't blame the workers for being unnerved.

The biggest mystery appears to be Lola. Is she simply trying to stay away from Patricia? Who is she texting? Could there be monstrous intent behind the rather docile façade?

I've felt the children are suspects all along. Frederico and Nicolas are flying under the radar. For now.

At least Andres was his usual despicable self. At least something is consistent.

Urban, this was stellar. Thank you!


UA: Awesome Recap!

Diana: Santiago & Raquel making out was OMG!

Tks for the recap Urban

Just realized that creepy Andres is adorable Pancho Lopez "Una Familia con Suerte", bummer.

Of the children, Mia & Lola would be the likely suspects, with Mia shooting Caro in the heart. But I can't see any of the children harming the Quad.

I thought that Mia was turned on by watching Raquel & Damian having sex and turned those sex eyes onto Santiago, which is why Nacho told him she was big trouble & to watch out for her.

Lola is a secret ho, and when she's found out to be a secret ho, she's going to blame Carolina instead of taking responsibility for her own actions. She also better hope Patricia doesn't turn up dead, as those "I'm gonna kill you" texts will come back to haunt her.

Nico may not know directly about Lola's secret activities because they appear to run in two different social circles.

Nevertheless, if Lola refuses to tell Santiago the truth about her activities then she will have to finally suffer the consequences of her actions when Laura exposes her. (and let's be honest, no daughter wants to tell her father she's a prostitute --sorry to be harsh but if you're having sex in exchange for money/materials you are a prostitute). Tough life, do better next time.

Speaking of Laura, this case really isn't that newsworthy. Damian wasn't some big time celebrity. He owned a pasta factory and was having an affair with his "friend." Laura needs to stop using Damian & Carolina as stand ins for her and Godoy.

Godoy needs to be busted down to traffic cop for continually giving Laura information about the case when he's been told not to. Laura will be on the news blaring the paternity of Carolina's child (which the general public doesn't really care about) and Godoy will be all "Well what am I supposed to do? She has a right to work blah blah". Fire him. Any decent defense lawyer for whoever ends up being arrested could rightly say the case was compromised from the beginning.

Thanks so much Urban!

I too have been thinking that Andres either raped or blackmailed Caro into having sex with him. But he didn't seem too concerned about the DNA test so who knows. He really is slimy. Now he says he is in love with Raq?

I'm starting to think that Lola and Mia are so damaged that maybe they had something to do with the car accident and Caro's murder. Crazy but then these two girls have a ton of baggage.


If a DNA test shows the child didn't belong to Santi or Dam, that means there's a third man in the mix. Godoy already suspects Andres.

Miriam is silly. If Dam is cheating on Raquel with a woman like Carolina, then he could get a woman like Carolina pregnant. Have a seat.

I am wondering if part of Carolina's appeal to Damian was that she was with Santiago. I wonder this because of Andres' revelation that Raquel was with him first (and that he had no limits & liked lots of women), and then she went to Damian. While Raquel would've dumped Andres anyway whether Damian was in the picture or not, I'm wondering if Damian decided to come on to Raquel while she was with Andres. It might be his pattern to go after taken women, and it might be a power play on his part (I took your woman).

If so, there would've been no happy ending for him and Carolina, car accident/homicide or not, because if they did get together openly, after a while he would've gone back to his way of being and pursued another (taken) woman. We really dont' know that much about Damian, to be honest.

Thanks, Urban. Some great story telling once again. --Gotta say that the last words out of Andres' mouth made me ill. Queazy doesn't quite grab it but close enough. Blechhhhh!!!!

Urban lovely recap. I think the last
Thing raquel and Santiago are thinkin About is Havin a thing. Miriam really do Think her perfectly screwed up son can do No wrong. Really? Hes a selfish lusty Jerk, who wants what he wants. And she Probably raised him to be that way. If he Wasn't that way before,he may have take a pompuse pill. There are so so many Mysterys with these people.
So is Lola a lesbian and shes fighting it are what?
And Raquel was with Andres before she
Got with Damian? See, mysterys. And
Tonight we find out who The baby daddy
I Thought sure that Girl saw who daddy
Was bangin in her parents room. That's
Just sad. So glad raq didn't back down
From the hellian that is mom-inlaw.She
Really thinks her son can do No wrong.
I hope it his baby,just to see that
Nasty smirk melt off of her face. Dam
Is dirt.

Thank you Urban.

The only backstory we have about Damian is that he's an only child of a sick, possessive mother and that he rescued the company founded by his father. His mother was described as being the president of the company so now I wonder whether she ran it down through fecklessness or due to malice. We have not seen Miriam's home yet and we're up to episode 12 tonight. It could be lavish, which would make her another suspect in the near-demise of the company.

We don't know anything about Damian's father, but I can easily imagine him having a seriously understandable motive for adultery. We also don't know how long Andres has been involved in anything about the company, but we know that his real "business" is criminal and he may be draining the pasta company of funds. He's greedy, entitled, and doesn't care about anyone else in the world. He's using Miriam and trashing anyone he has to in order to curry favor with her in hopes of getting the lion's share... or all of it.

Mia having the hots for Santi? Well, is that why they cast an actor who is only 33? I don't think so because she already has enough baggage. I don't know that anyone who is already that messed up recovers from seeing her parents doing the deed.

Well, Mia's first thought was that Raquel was doing one of the workers (probably Santi).

My first thoughts wouldn't be that my mother was cheating on my father with one of the workers. I also wouldn't have gone to peep and see who my mother was having sex with. I mean, really.

But Mia did and it's just my opinion she got sexually turned on after watching her parents have sex and she turned that desire onto Santi (for that moment). Just like Damian turning that desire for Carolina into having sex with Raquel.

Mia might not have any of those thoughts normally about Santi but she's a teenage girl with jumping hormones, she was turned on by watching Raquel having sex and Santi just happened to be there.

She also might want to compete with Raquel by coming on to Santi (since she obviously can't come on to Damian).


Thank you,Urban. Gee, what a tangled web of lust, cheating , and deceit . Every character in this show is damaged in some way and should seek counseling. It is like a big, nasty game of musical chairs. Andres is despicable. Yikes. Dam = player

Anon207: The list of people, who wanted Carolina dead keeps RISING faster than an ice glacier.


Thanks Urban! Your recap was 10x better than the episode.

I feel like the story is already starting to drag. Nothing new happened in this episode. Honestly I think the plot is focusing too much on the affair and the subplots of the kids. I'm still trying to keep with which each kid's storyline, mainly Lola's. Nico and Fede are kinda in the background still.

I do agree that it's likely that Andres blackmailed and raped Carolina. That supports my theory that he's the first or one of the first to find out about the affair and uses it to his advantage. He's been added to the list of the potential fathers of Caro's baby.

Doesn't Miriam have anything better to do than sit or stand around Damian's hospital room all day? Not to mention bash Raquel to no end? If I didn't know any better I'd say Andres is her son, not Damian.

I still think there's no guarantee Damian will ever wake up. I thought to myself last night if this is supposed to be a Raq/Santi love story then either Damian will die or he'll wake up and become a villain and try to tear them apart.

Paraphrasing Steve, I think the body count in this will rise and not just with Damian.

Thanks, Urban. Fabulous job.

Honestly, with many families living in close quarters, I'm sure more than a few kids have heard their parents getting it on and that these same kids instinctively go "eeeoooh!" then head in an opposite part of the home, turn up the TV or the music, etc. But, nope, Mia heads right for her copulating parents. Santi and his crew seem to be pretty stand-up guys not into minors, so Mia is lucky they won't (I guess) take advantage of her horny teenage curiosity.

Urban, thanks for such a detailed and complete recap. I have to agree with Susanlynn's description of this show. It seems suspenseful, but sad, to me. All the focus is on selfish needs, although it's well written and produced, with excellent acting.

Urban--Sorry this is so late, but current events got in the way. I agree that your recap was stellar--better than the episode and definitely a different take on what I saw. Thank you so much for the dialog. It provided a perfect framework.

I have my own angle. Just because I like to think the best of folks (unless they are just made to BE evil), that Mia's friend on Skype urged her to go find out whether it really was her father and mother getting it on or was it one of the workers in the house. When she went downstairs, I thought it was to count heads to assure herself it wasn't any of the workers with her mother. However, she did have a sly look on her face when Santi stepped forward to find out if she needed anything. When Mia went back to her room, Julieta (Isela was an ok substitute) wondered what took her so long. Mia was--I think--happy to report it was her parents having sex.

It continues to amaze me how in this day and age we see adults in tns still having sex with most of their clothes on--especially the men. But, we I guess we have to leave it to our imaginations, if we have to.

Miriam is in denial about her son. The sentence works better if translated, he would not have had any children out of wedlock, especially with a woman like that Carolina.

So, Santi has a secret.

I thought the guy on the phone with Lola was her profe Juan. He's the only guy she knows other than Andres--and I sure hope it's not him. Maybe we'll find out tonight.

How does Sissy Cindy fit into the story? Did she have the hots for Damian and he did her, too?

I thought what I heard Andres say, after asking what Raq and Santi had going and Raq just looked at him, was, well, you are a beautiful woman and HE's a widower. It's still sick, since he is implying that Raq was indulging in an affair when she's not a widow.

I'm more convinced than ever that the baby is not Santi's or Dam's. The look on Nando's face was one of discomfort. Hmmmm. But ni modo, we'd BETTER find out tonight.

It seems Caro has a smidgin of conscience left and expressed to Dam - AGAIN - that what they are doing is wrong and it will only end up hurting everyone around them (to say nothing of her budding business partnership). Dam uses every trick in the book to persuade her. He's just a despicable character who thinks and acts with his nether regions, thus his "attack" on Raq when he got home. She was quite aware that it was out of character for him.

I felt sorry for Santi, who came around to not only approving of Caro's new business enterprise, but offering to wholeheartedly supporting her, even to the point of running errands for her, for her to just turn him down with her piss-poor excuse.

No he s not a saint, but I'll take him over"to sexy for my shirt" damian any-
Time. Damian is slimmy. There are no saints in this story. But some have saving grace. We'll see who that'll be after all the black smoke has cleared.

Wasn't that Damian and Caro havin sex in the bed room in his house?So I just thought Mia didn't say anything just because she thought that was her mom &
Dad.I'll look at that again on demand.

Nina--it was Dam and Raq in the bedroom that Mia saw. Dam and Caro were getting busy at the catering offices and were interrupted by Santi knocking.

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