Monday, October 09, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #40, Oct. 9, 2017: Julio is Over It and CuteMute is Now Only Cute

Here is the recap, courtesy of RGVChick:

Previously: Juana and Luisa go in to see Jorge before they leave. Juana informs him that his father’s meds are in the kitchen and that he can call her if he needs anything. Jorge thanks them for everything. After they leave he cries because it’s the worst day of his life…he lost his mother and Andrea at the same time.

In her bedroom, Andrea also lies crying and thinking about what Jorge said…his mother died because of him; being close to her harms him, so they can’t continue together. She goes to her desk and starts writing. Meanwhile, in the living room, Francisco gives Fabi a tea that is also a relaxant. He asks if she wants to talk about her aunt but that’s not the only thing bothering her…she quarreled with Ramón. When Francisco tells her they are very different, she argues that in many things, they are alike; it was something else…just things that can happen between couples. He asks if things will be resolved, but she won’t talk about it. After Fabi asks about her grandmother, Francisco replies she was very affected by Virginia’s death and that is why he is spending so much time with her.; it seems he cares more about her than they do, but Fabi thinks he feels that way only because she isn’t his grandmother.

At his own home Ramón visualizes Francisco consoling Fabi at the funeral and knows Francisco will take advantage of any opportunity to be close to Fabi.

At Fabi’s, Francisco wonders if Fabi will allow him to continue seeing her, but she reminds him they had already talked about it. Francisco insists since she and Ramón are through, but she clarifies that they had a disagreement….they didn’t break up. After Francisco declares his love for Fabi, Juana comes in; so Fabi quickly says he is leaving already. After Francisco leaves Juana chides Fabi for allowing this man to console her. Fabi tries to downplay it by saying that he just stopped by since he was checking on her grandmother, but Juana insists that it’s wrong; she doesn’t want to know about their problems though she can’t ignore the fact that she finds her with Francisco. When Juana says she doesn’t want to take sides, Fabi insists on telling her why they argued and recounts what happened starting from the time Dalia gave her the earrings. When she finishes, Fabi admits she can’t accept that the girl gave him the earrings and he made light of it. Apparently if he kept the earrings, that girl is more important than he admits, so Fabi thinks he is using her. Though he did tell her about Sofia, he gets angry about Francisco; and she has never hidden anything from him. Juana doesn’t know what to say; she just advises that they should talk if they want to continue seeing each other.

Next day—

Juana goes into Andrea’s bedroom and wakes her’s late and they have an appointment with Dr. Linares. Fabi is getting ready to go to work; and she isn’t hungry and doesn’t want breakfast. Juana tells her the problem is with Ramón not the food; and when Juana describes what she made, Fabi agrees to eat.

Ramón gets to work greeted by Dalia who complains about how beat (literally) he looks. She hugs him but he flinches in pain. When she found out he was assaulted, she was going to see him, but figured he was at Virginia’s service. Ramón says “yes;” he wanted to be there for Fabiola. When Dalia asks how he is, Ramón replies it hurts, but he is okay. Fabi comes from behind and greets them coldly. When she shakes her head and walks away, Dalia wonders if she is still upset. When Ramón leaves, she shows her cunning smile.

At the university, Andrea approaches Sara who thinks Andrea is upset with her, but she isn’t (because she doesn’t know her nemesis threw her to the dogs). Sara notices something is wrong, so Andrea writes that Jorge’s mom died in an accident. Sara feels it must be awful to lose a mother; then remembers that Andrea lost her parents, so that must be worse. When Andrea writes that she remembered everything, Sara tells her she can count on her. Sara then wonders about Jorge since they always come together, but Andrea doesn’t know where he is.

Emilia wants to know why Ossie went to Susana instead of her. Ossie called her, but she didn’t answer; he really would have preferred that she console him. Ossie recalls that the last time he saw his mother was at a store. Had it not been for the argument he had with his father, he would have never left home. He didn’t have a chance to say good bye or tell his mother how much he loved her. He tries to continue to share his feelings, but Emilia kisses him passionately (and he is consoled).
Roxana and Antonio meet with the doctor who explains the process for obtaining the DNA. Antonio wants to be assured that there are no risks, so the doctor confirms.

At Antonio’s shop, Ramón explains how he was assaulted to his coworkers. They took his wallet and cell phone, but hopes he can get his same phone number. When one of the men invites him to lunch, Ramón refuses. He was out the day before and has to catch up on his work. Meanwhile, Francisco walks by and saunters into Fabiola’s office. He wants to know how she is and just happened to bring her favorite lunch. Fabi gives him one of her irresistible smiles.

Jorge looks at his mother’s picture when the doorbell rings. When he opens the door, Sara throws herself at him for a big consolation hug. She just found out. After he lets her in, she explains that she just came to give condolences and to apologize…she acted like an idiot. She understands he will only see her as a friend and invites him to the theater, but he doesn’t feel up to it. When she suggests they play cards (is that and the theater part of the condolences?), he agrees.

At the shop, Fabiola and Francisco are enjoying their lunch when Ramón walks in and hears them. He enters Fabi’s office and demands to know what Francisco is doing there. Francisco pompously tells him he came to see how Fabi is and brought her food. When he asks if there is a problem, Ramón replies that there definitely is since he is her boyfriend and he is the only one that should bring her lunch. Fabi explains that it’s just a kind gesture and thinks he is exaggerating. As Francisco offers to leave and tells Fabi he will call her later, Ramón grabs him and tells him he has nothing to talk to Fabi about. Fabi is furious and orders Ramón to let Francisco go. Before Francisco leaves, he tells Ramón that as long as Fabi accepts his friendship, he will continue to see her; it’s Fabi’s decision. When Fabi asks Ramón what is wrong with him. He replies that they are having problems and she allows Francisco to come in. They continue to argue and bring up past issues including the earrings, so Ramón insists that is in the past and she should get over it, but she retorts that it’s the same thing she tells him of Francisco, so he should get over it too. What bothers her is how irrational he gets…that is not the Ramón she got to know and who she fell in love with. After she tells him he is acting like a caveman, she orders him to out of her office because he is upsetting her.

At Julio’s home, Julio looks at the check Juana gave him and apologizes to Virginia…he knows she was never in agreement, but he can’t let this opportunity pass. In the living room, Luisa asks Jorge to go see if his father is going to come out to have lunch, but, just then, Julio comes out. Sara gives her condolences, so he thanks her but when Jorge tells him lunch is ready, Julio says he has to leave. As Jorge invites Sara to stay for lunch, the doorbell rings. When Jorge opens the door, Andrea writes a note asking him if he would like to have lunch, but he already invited Sara. Andrea nods and walks away. Sara tells Jorge he can go after Andrea, but Jorge just shakes his head.

At the shop, Ramón works on a car as he hurts his hand. Dalia comes running to help him and asks what happened, but Ramón complains that everything has been going wrong ever since those damned earrings showed up. Dalia apologizes for giving them to Fabi and insists that he go with her (so she can play nurse) because he is bleeding.

At Andrea’s home, Juana notices Jorge hasn’t come by to eat and suggests Andrea not leave him alone too much. Andrea tells her Sara, who is no longer her friend, is with him. Juana hurries her to go to the doctor, but Andrea doesn’t want to go because he hasn’t really helped her. Juana thinks otherwise and points out that Virginia’s death brought up too many feelings, so she should go see if the doctor can help her bring out whatever is bothering her. Just then, Don Pedro stops by to ask how things are going. When Blanca informs him of Virginia’s death, Don Pedro laments it and thinks there has been so much tragedy for the family. Juana then tells him she already gave Julio the money so he can invest it. When Don Pedro wonders why she gave it to Julio, Juana replies it was easier since he knows those things (and she is stupid!). Don Pedro thinks she shouldn’t be so trusting (and so do we), but Juana can only say that Julio offered. After Don Pedro asks for the girls and is told that only Andrea is there, he asks her how she is. Andrea, of course is sad and has to hurry to the doctor, so Don Pedro offers to take them.

At the shop, Dalia is playing nurse (surprisingly she isn’t wearing an itty bitty nurse’s dress). When Ramón screams in pain Fabi comes out and asks what happened. After Ramón tells her he smashed his hand, Dalia offers to let her tend to Ramón, but Fabi turns around and walks away.

Just as they are leaving the apartment building, Julio runs into Don Pedro who gives him his condolences. Juana thought Julio would be resting, but he needs to tend to some business (and spend her money). After they walk away, Juana feels sorry for Julio because it will take him a long time to get over Virginia’s death (Not! He’s already over it). Don Pedro shares that he lost his own wife and one never really gets over the loss. Meanwhile, Julio watches them leave and wonders what Don Pedro is doing with Juana. He hopes Don Pedro isn’t asking questions and knows he should be careful with Don Pedro. Just then he gets a call from bank to confirm that the deposit of 400,000 pesos is already in his account.

At Roxana’s home, Antonio asks where Roxana wants to stay so she will just sit down on the couch. She suggests he stay to eat, but Antonio has to leave. After he leaves, Diego wonders if they will get back together, but Roxana doesn’t know; right now, his father is just taking care of her. When Diego wants to know what’s wrong with her, she will tell him a secret…he is going to have a little brother! Diego is very happy. Meanwhile, Margarita calls Antonio from her office to ask about the test and invite him to lunch, so he tells her just left Roxana at home and agrees to have lunch with her; he needs to talk to her.

At their love nest, Emilia sees a text that Ossie received from Susana inviting him to lunch. Emilia responds to the text saying that can’t make it because he has things to do. When Susana asks, “What things,” Emilia thinks “Sleep with me,” but writes, “Things. Bye.” When Ossie comes out and asks who it was, Emilia is very honest and tells him he will have to come up with an excuse for Susana later…he just refused lunch with her.

At the doctor’s office, Andrea enters and tells him nothing new has occurred. Seeing that she is downcast, the doctor tells her she shouldn’t get impatient. When she thinks it’s of no use, he reminds her she spoke her cousin’s name. Andrea then shares that Jorge’s mother died and her death made her think of her parents, so the doctor tells her it would be expected. After Andrea refuses to be hypnotized, the doctor wonders why and suggests they do the same exercise without the hypnotization, so Andrea agrees. He states the same words: 1) airplane- Andrea writes parent’s death; 2) architecture- Andrea writes her career; 3) book- she shrugs and 4) Jorge- she looks questioningly. The doctor points out that Jorge is the only word she has vocalized, so Jorge must be the key to many things. When the doctor suggests Jorge participate in a sessions, Andrea refuses. The doctor then tells Andrea that if she refuses, then he needs to hypnotize her because her emotions are surfacing so they have a better chance at figuring out what is holding her back from talking.

Antonio discusses the DNA tests with Margarita who also wants to know how things are going between him and Roxana. Antonio assures her nothing has happened…the pregnancy has nothing to do with any romance. After Margarita reproaches that he spends more time with Roxana than with her, he gets frustrated and tells her he doesn’t need her reproaches. When Margarita realizes she needs to be understanding, but she still has her little heart, he apologizes for being so harsh. She apologizes too and asks for Diego. After Antonio shares that he insists on a brother, Margarita frowns as they continue talking…

At night, as Juana and Andrea get home, they run into Hortewitch who asks if Andrea can talk now. When Andrea shakes her head, Hortewitch complains that going to psychologists is like throwing away money. After she invites herself to go home with Andrea so she can tell her all about her sessions, Hortewitch orders Juana to make something to eat for her. Andrea walks as she rolls her eyes in disgust. When they enter the home, Hortenwitch gives Juana her order including coffee; though Juana warns her about drinking coffee at night. After Juana goes to make the dinner, Hortenwitch wants to know what progress Andrea has made. She thinks it’s all in Andrea’s head and she just needs to “want” to talk. After Andrea repeats a word Hortenwitch wants her to say, Hortenwithch tells her to use more force and even demonstrates for her.

After work, Ramón grabs Fabiola by the waist but she gets scared because she wasn’t expecting him. After Ramón apologizes for acting like an idiot, she accepts his apology, but when he tries to kiss her, she clarifies that accepting his apology doesn’t mean she forgives him or that things are resolved. When Ramón tells her he needs her, Fabi reciprocates but adds that the Ramón she fell in love is not the one that makes her feel insecure or that is jealous and this irrational man who blows up with any little provocation. She then says good night and walks away.

In the kitchen, Juana is cleaning up and finds the book with the little love notes Jorge wrote. She thinks how Andrea hasn’t told her she has an admirer.

At Antonio’s home, Diego wonders why they can’t all live together. Antonio explains that he and Roxana are separated…they don’t understand each other the way they used to. Antonio tries to make Diego look at the advantages; he has two homes and toys in each. Diego confides he has a secret. When Antonio asks about the secret, Diego hesitates but then blurts out he is going to have a little brother. He doesn’t want a sister because his friend, Javier, has a sister who makes him play dolls. After Antonio points out that he had a sister and they got along very well, Diego agrees to a sister as long as she doesn’t sleep in his room.

At Andrea’s home, Hortenwitch has finished her dinner and wants to see TV, but when she tries to get up, she gets a pain in her head. She blames the pain on the coffee because every time Juana gives her coffee her head hurts. She decides to leave to take her pills, but she will come another day. After Hortenwitch leaves, Andrea indicates she tries her patience and Juana agrees, but, after all, she is her grandmother. Juana remembers to gives Andrea the book she found and asks who gave it to her…and if she is in love. When Andrea shakes her head and indicates she’s going to bed, Juana thinks she put her foot in her mouth.

Outside the apartment building, Luisa passes by Benito and ignores him, so he chides her for pretending he is not there. When he brings up that they have been together 5 years, she agrees…5 YEARS that she lost…being at his side…and walks off. Just then Ramón calls Benito and asks for a favor.

In her bedroom, Andrea recalls Jorge saying they couldn’t continue together and how he told her he invited Sara for lunch. She doesn’t understand…Jorge told her he loved her. When she questions why he is feeling guilty, she thinks she needs to convince him his mother’s accident was not his fault.
At her home, Hortenwitch complains about the throbbing in her head and blames the coffee “that woman” prepares…but it’s her own fault for drinking that hogwash.

Next day--

Ramón arrives at Benito’s station at 5 a.m. as Benito heeds what one does for love. Ramón tells him to help because he wants it ready before Fabi gets up.

Meanwhile, as she sleeps, Andrea has a nightmare about Jorge blaming himself for his mother’s death and she insisting it wasn’t his fault. All of a sudden yellow-eyed demonic man (psychologist?) with a moustache tells her it’s true…Jorge killed his mother...just as she killed her parents because she asked them for that book; so they changed their flight. When the demon says she KILLED them, Andrea wakes up and cries out that she didn’t kill them.

Outside, Fab walks out of the building and sees a big sign “I love you with all my heart.” She smiles as she sees Ramón walk out from behind a pillar.

Juana enters Andrea’s bedroom and sees her crying. As Juana approaches, Andrea says, “I didn’t kill them.” Juana is amazed that Andrea spoke, but Andrea keeps crying and repeating the same phrase. When Juana tries to get Andrea’s attention to point out she has recovered her voice (and completely ignores the implication of what Andrea is saying), Andrea looks dismayed and remains quiet.


RGV Chik Tank you Berry Mooch por retelling this juvenile story in grownup talk.

I sure wish Antonio would get a hint and ask for his specialist to interpret the test results or get his own DNA tests.

I am just over Fabi and Ramon. I must have gone out with a hundred Fabis and I will tell Ramon, she is as close to his as she will ever be. There will always be a backup guy orbiting somewhere. Sometimes it is you, sometimes someone else, it depends on whose turn it is in the barrel. Drop that flaky ass shit and find a normal girl or the flakes will start sticking to you. We didn't get to see much of her parents, but look at Middle Earth Granny. There you go.

Amazing what a nice nightmare can do. Who, How, What is going to happen to let Jorge know he is a warranty replacement and not blood related to Cuteness? Now that she can talk isn't she going to rush out to talk to Jorge (and Red Buttinsky) ?

Yet another excellent recap from you today Rgv Chick. Superb title!!

"because she doesn’t know her nemesis threw her to the dogs", "Juana thought Julio would be resting, but he needs to tend to some business (and spend her money)" and "When Ramón leaves, she shows her cunning smile" were among many favorites.

The highlight for me was any and all scenes Diego was in. He coaxes a Madonna like smile from his mother and has his rather dour dad smiling, aglow in personality and happiness.

One of the lowlights was Hortenwith trying to get Andrea to speak. Leave the speech pathology to the professionals please.

"He tries to continue to share his feelings, but Emilia kisses him passionately". May I admit I threw up a bit in my mouth watching that scene? I will leave it at that.

I'm dismayed with the childish behavior of both Ramon and Fabiola. They are interesting when "together", boring when not.

Julio seems intent on blowing down his self made path of destruction.

"When Juana tries to get Andrea’s attention to point out she has recovered her voice (and completely ignores the implication of what Andrea is saying), Andrea looks dismayed and remains quiet". I want to give Juana a good shake myself.

Loved your shot Kirby. I laughed out loud at "What is going to happen to let Jorge know he is a warranty replacement and not blood related to Cuteness?" Indeed. The only way they will find out is from Julio who is not inclined to make any changes in Betito's care. It will be interesting to see how this comes about. I hope the situation doesn't drag on until the end. I can't stand seeing Sara too much longer.

RgvChick, you made my day. Not once but twice. Thank you for your dedication!



Kirby: Have y'all been watching "Las Amazonas" ?

well, I finally had a moment to thank CHickie for another wonderful review...type a !Ong response, and then, my tablet ran out of power. (This happens quickly lately. I think my tablet is dying.)

Anyhow...some stream of consciousness thoughts...

Those outfits the guys at the garage wear....male dance review???..Magic Ramon and the Mechanics???

Sara scurries over to Jorge's to offer sympathy in the form of cards and the theater. Meanwhile, back at Emilia's !ove nest, she and her mascara are supplying solace via sexual healing. Careful, Em, you are going to break your boxerclad boytoy.

I have enough of the scribbling on the tablet for two seconds and writing a paragraph. It's getting annoying.

The nightmare at the end gave me a nightmare.

I have decided that ANt and ROX deserve each other.

OT..Cynthia...I saw your message on the last recap, and I am happy you are an OUtlander fan , too. I am not on Facebook, but I check out every online source I can. Go to YouTube for previews of the next episode..the reunion.


You're very welcome, Kirby, Diana and Susy...and thank you for your kind and insightful comments.

Kirby, I am so with you in regards to Ramon and Fabi, they are trying really hard to NOT get back together. They are both immature and stubborn...maybe they do deserve each other..they were 'novios' for what? a couple of days? and they are bickering and making snide comments...guess that's what happens when fools rush in.

Emi and Ossie...barf, barf, barf...the woman has no remorse whatsoever and didn't even blink when she responded to her own daughter.

Diana, it's hard for me to pin point a favorite scene in this episode...Diego is cute, but somewhat spoiled and selfish...I just hope he doesn't turn out to be another Ossie. Well on second thought, I suppose the simultaneous crying by Jorge and Andrea was touching. They are the only ones that I have an interest in right now, though Jorge did seem to turn the switch to "off' quite quickly. Oh and Luisa and b Benito...but since they are ignoring each other, they're kinda "bleh" right now too.

Susy, "Magic Ramon and the Mechanics" Luv it!!

And Kirby, ditto on what Diana said...great shot of the birdies :-)

CHickie, yeah, Emilia is dreadful. I have two daughters, and I don't even borrow their clothes. I hope Emilia gets an anvil for being an awful person and a creepy mom. However, these things do actually happen in real life.

I have given up on MI Maredo . I have enough trouble keeping up with one telenovela. I forgot to record the new ten oclock show. Did anyone watch it ?

SusanLynn not to sound smug, but I was watching last night and thinking, well at least RGV, AAA, Sandie or one of our TN sharpshooters will make this worth watching, because honestly, my life is so much more interesting and bullshit free that it is just hard to pay attention to these grammar school dropouts.

Those two don't even like each other. I had to buy two fish to get them to sit together on top of the mast long enough to take a picture. Then they wouldn't even look at each other. I did hear one muttering something about Adalgiza, it must be a kind of fish she was expecting or something.

LOL Kirby, maybe it's Ramon and Fabi reincarnated as birds!!

Thank you RGV Chick great detailed recap.

Despite the fact that we had a major event with Andrea regaining her ability to speak this episode was pretty boring.

We keep getting on the same merry-go-round.
Dirty Old Goat-->young dumb dumb-->clueless in Mexico

Anyway here's to a better episode tonight, cheers!

Kirby, the birds didn't like each other and you had to bribe them with fish??

There is no visible evidence of your having to resort to such drastic measures to keep them in the same shot. Your explanation was as good as the shot.

Susanlynn, Gabe's TN doesn't start until Monday.


Diana the dead giveaway may have been my overhearing one of the birds mumbling
'Adalgiza' under her breath. Then I'd put two more fish on the other bird being named Benito. :-)

I saw the previews for Soto's new TN. No wonder Luciana was so standoffish in Vino el Amor. He kisses like he is attacking a Big Mac.

Ms Chickie lovely recap. All these mix
ed up people.I really want Tony to find out about the Babylie Roxy is tellin.That's just really wrong. She's
Forcing 4 people to live a lie, even the Baby-5. Cuz she a selfish skank. She'd be a good friend to middleearth granny Virgy was.But Then virgy had a change of heart. Nosy ways n stuff,and tried to do the right thing But the cell phone and asma done her in.Andher husband's lyin gambling ways.
It's gonna be a while before Jorge can
Be with andrea,unless he goes snooping
Thru mom and dad's papers lookin for something else and finds the adoption
Papers, ooops "I was dopted?".Yeah, U
Was dopted. Otherwise,he will not find
Out unless Julio gets a servere case of the guilts.Between stealing&gamblin
Jaja' s not to bright. She takes folk
At face value. Not good all the time. Shes to trusting.Julio don't care that
The wife is dead he gots jaja's money.
And now he'll Make himself feelbetter.
What a dirtbag. And ozzy is just like him. What a screwed up family. O jorge
You hit the jackpot baby, now find a way outta that lot of swill.And find a
Way to protect your borther, Betito. Not that jackass that's playin bang the Momma and the daughter.I cannot stand either one of them. Now what would really be disgusting if she was
Hittin dad and son. Gross And yuck!

Ramon and gabiola, are just silly kids
Actin grown up, and not very good at it. He over reacts and she's stubborn.
They both are. So whatever.

Yes Steve the "La amozons" when I can.
But nobody is recapping and there's no
Cc3. I went and read the what abouts &
Where-to-fores of it. It's pretty good. That one will get away tho.And that Man with the sexy hot baritone voice is in it too. Its like every since comCast moved uni from 32 to 54 all the cc3s are gone. But that's up to uni.
Not even "rose of guadalope" got cc3
Anymore. O well, thank the Lord for da

Thankyou RVG Chick!And you others too.

HA! So, that's how you did it Kirby??? Again, great story.

From one end of the spectrum to the other. Gabe was cool, aloof and emotionless in Vino. No wonder the leading lady (already forgot her name) shrank from his touch. Here, I would agree that the previews show Gabe as rather "ferocious".

What I'm not seeing in either case (and perhaps that's not fair as the new one hasn't even started) is emotion. The new leading lady (whom I'm not familiar with) seems to be full of passion (from the one minute promos at least). So, something's burning, even if it's not love. And at least from one half of the duo:)

I'm really curious and think I will watch at least the first few even if its not recapped.


I have to

I have to...proof (I guess) - don't remember where I was going. Sorry, long day


Diane, from the preview I saw he looks
Like a wife stealin jerk.I hope it has
Cc3. I would love that. Vino had it.
But maybe he'll play a good guy later.
I'll see if I like it.

Nina..."a wife stealing jerk"...there you go !!! ...who kisses like he is attacking a big Mac...thank you, Kirby. I hope he doesn't wear vests in this show...that was getting really old.

I don't know much about Silvia Navarro, but she made a pretty convincing pole dancer in the club "Chigago" in Mi Corazon es Tuyo with Jorge Salinas. I had a man crush on Jorge in that one, he was such a good Daddy and the twins were adorable....boys. Boys through and through.

Silvia plays sexy, smart women . I will try to remember to record the new show .

Kirby: "attacking a big mac" ROFLOL.

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