Thursday, October 19, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #47 10.19.17: Lovers Lost & Lovers Found

Sofia chides herself for not telling Ramon the truth, especially as she has no idea how to locate him. However, just as she’s down in the dumps, she sees an ad for an airline and decides to buy a ticket for Mexico City.

Benito calls Adalgiza, who has just woken up, to ask her how she’s doing. Adalgiza is good but has no idea what happened. Benito explains that he is giving his mother pills in secret and she drank them by mistake. Adalgiza didn’t know Fredesvinda was sick and Benito explains that she is suffering from dissociation as she doesn’t hear him whenever he talks about Luisa and how much he loves her. Adalgiza is shocked to hear about Luisa and curses her luck but saves herself by saying she’s worried about Fredesvinda. Benito then reveals that Jean Claude is a psychologist, not a friend, and asks her to help him give his mother the pills. Adalgiza, half-heartedly, agrees.

Osvaldo meets with his partner in the test selling scheme. His partner asks if his clients know who he is and have his contact information. Osvaldo nods and his partner worries that the university authorities will use that against him. He then warns Osvaldo to never mention his name or else. Osvaldo nods.

Adalgiza is shocked to know about Luisa and Benito. She wonders how she could’ve missed it as Fredesvinda comes and asks her how she feels as she fell asleep early yesterday. Adalgiza shakes off the question and then tells Fredesvinda that she bought her some antioxidant pills (Jean Claude’s pills) that a coworker recommended but she will give them to her at specified hours, so they can have the correct effect. Fredesvinda thanks her for her kind gesture.

Fabiola compliments Ramon on his cooking and he compliments her on being who she is, as he loves all of her. She smiles and they both wonder how they could’ve fallen in love so deeply, especially after their sordid and less-than-friendly history, but they are glad that they are. They then kiss and fall into bed.

The next day, the doctor goes to see Roxana, who is out danger, but they need to be vigilant. Antonio sees the doctor out as Roxana thanks her lucky stars.

Margarita goes to Grupo Cresta to file the lawsuit against them by HS. She runs into the main lawyer, who met with Veronica, and tells him that HS is willing to come to an agreement and avoid a trial. The lawyer will consider it and Margarita leaves after a brief smile.

Benito sees Luisa outside the building and asks her to not be angry with him. Luisa is sick and tired of their always being someone or something between them. Benito argues that he has told his mother and Adalgiza, who has agreed to help him give Fredesvinda the pills, about them and they will be together, in the light of day, soon. Luisa reminds him that her love for him is great to have survived so many obstacles.

The lawyer calls Veronica and tells her that he needs the documents she promised in his hand by that afternoon. Veronica agrees and hangs up. She then goes into Porfirio’s office, which is surprisingly vacant, and looks around for the documents. She opens one of the drawers with a key on his desk and finds the HS documents. She looks them over and smiles before taking them and putting the file back in its place. She closes the door behind her.

Fabiola goes to the boutique and interviews for the sales job. She admits that she doesn’t have a lot of selling experience, but she worked in a mechanic shop before. The owner likes her sunny disposition though and asks her for her ID. Fabiola obliges and the owners goes to make a copy. Fabiola then receives a call from Ramon, who has gotten the job at the shop, and tells him the interview is going good and she would like to work there. They both smile as things are going good.

Sofia arrives in Mexico City and vows to find Ramon, wherever he may be.

Adalgiza goes out of the house and sees Benito from afar. She sighs, as he will never be hers, and goes to say hi. She tells him that she gave his mother the pills and she has had a great morning. Benito thanks her and hopes they work their magic soon. He then gives her a kiss on the cheek and part ways though Adalgiza looks after him longingly.

Fredesvinda runs into Liboria, the nosy neighbor that saw Luisa and Benito kiss. Liboria tells her that she looks great and Fredesvinda tells her about the rejuvenating pills Adalgiza got her before promising to get her some as well. Liboria then asks if her nephew, Regino, can meet Adalgiza, to see if they click. Fredesvinda shakes her head as Adalgiza already meet someone who is good looking, hardworking, etc., and then whispers under her breath that Adalgiza will as soon as Luisa is out of the picture. Liboria then tells her about one of her clients, who suffered a cerebral stroke, and now only speaks English. Fredesvinda asks for more details.

Osvaldo goes to the administrative office and meets with one of the administrators, who tells him that they received an anonymous email accusing him of selling exams. Osvaldo is shocked and chides the administrator for believing an email though the administrator tells him that he’s suspended while they investigate.

Pedro is in his office, thinking about Juana, and realizes that he may be falling for her. He shakes it off but admits that Juana is so naïve and sweet and genuine that she may have stolen his heart. He smiles to himself at the thought.

Julio vows to win Juana’s affections over Pedro, as then it’s ‘goodbye money,’ and an old man is not going to win Juana over him.

Jorge sees Andrea waiting in the college parking lot. He offers her a ride home, but she is going with Santiago, who arrives at that moment, and Andrea goes to him. As Jorge goes back in his car and rides off, Santiago makes plans to go eat with Andrea though notices that Jorge didn’t look too good when he saw him. Andrea admits that he may still be depressed, and Santiago suggests they invite him to eat so he’s not alone. Andrea nods but her heart is not in it.

Julio calls Juana, who apologizes for telling him that she valued Pedro’s opinion, but Julio shakes it off and instead invites her to a movie he’s been dying to see but doesn’t want to see alone. Juana reminds him that Hortensia will not be happy to hear they went out, but Julio could care less. They agree to go out at 8 tomorrow and hang up. Pedro then calls Juana and invites her out at the same date and time, but Juana already made plans with Julio. Pedro shrugs it off and hangs up after a goodbye though wonders what Julio is planning with Juana.

Fredesvinda arrives home and tells Benito about her meeting with Liboria, who said she looked younger, and Benito agrees that she looks great and offers to buy another bottle. Fredesvinda agrees and then Benito tries to talk about Luisa, though Fredesvinda tells him that she forgot the tortillas and runs out. Benito sighs deeply as the pills are great but don’t work.

Osvaldo arrives at Susana’s house and chides her for sending the incriminating email. Susana admits that she sent it, as revenge for dumping her, and Osvaldo warns her that he will tell the school she helped him. Susana reminds him that, if he does, he will admit that he sold the stolen exams. Osvaldo calls her a piece of trash, though Susana thinks he is one too, and he storms off. Once alone, Susana breaks down crying.

That night, Sofia looks out into the city from her hotel room and vows to find Ramon, no matter what.

Fabiola calls Andrea and tells her that she got the job at the boutique and Ramon began his first day at the shop; everything is going according to plan. Andrea is happy for her and Fabiola smiles as Ramon gets home. She hangs up and Ramon shows her the tips he got from all the cars he serviced. Fabiola congratulates him and then reveals that she made dinner but has no idea how the food came out. Ramon, bravely, tries it and it’s good.

Adalgiza gives Fredesvinda, who has been feeling great, a pill. Fredesvinda would also like to order another bottle and Adalgiza agrees. Afterward, Fredesvinda goes to bed as she must wake up early. Once alone, Benito again thanks Adalgiza for her help but neither realizes that Fredesvinda has come back and overhears as they reveal the true purpose of the pills. Fredesvinda shakes her head sternly as Adalgiza promises to make sure his mother never misses a dose.

The next morning, Benito goes to say goodbye to Fredesvinda but finds that she is catatonic. He waves his hands in front of her face and Fredesvinda looks at him though only speaks in English. Benito calls Jean Claude and tells him that he needs to come quickly as the pills have had an adverse effect. Fredesvinda pretends not to understand a word he’s said.

Over breakfast, Andrea tells Juana that Ramon and Fabiola have finally found work. Juana is happy to hear it and then asks Andrea if she has class until late as she’s going to the movies with Julio that night. Andrea is surprised but understands as Julio is basically living alone and may feel lonely. Juana smiles and Andrea, thinks it’s good she goes out and takes her mind off things like Julio.

Sofia meets with a PI and asks him to find someone she met in Tijuana, Ramon Lopez Ortiz. She gives him his profession and the fact that he has a mother who also lives in Mexico City. She has few other details and the PI admits that it will be hard to find as his last name is common, and the city is big. He suggests she doesn’t call another PI, as they will likely defraud her, and Sofia thanks him for his honesty. He bids her goodbye and Sofia wonders how she will find Ramon now.

Jean Claude goes to see Fredesvinda, who wonders why he’s there, and realizes that he’s the doctor who prescribed the pills. Jean Claude has no idea why the pills have had that effect, as it’s never happened before, and he suggests they get a translator as neither he nor Benito speaks English. Benito suggests Adalgiza, who was born in the US, and calls her. She is on her way to work but Benito begs her to come back as he can’t understand Fredesvinda. Fredesvinda hadn’t thought of Fredesvinda but continues to pretend to be clueless.

Sofia arrives at her hotel room and swears to find Ramon, even if she must put up fliers. She then notices the phone book and looks up Lopez but finds that there are dozens of pages. She wonders what his mother’s name is, as he must live with her, but sighs deeply. She then turns on the radio to a “lovers lost” station and hears an announcement that listeners can send their requests to find their lost love to the station. She grabs some paper and rights down the information to send an announcement to Ramon.

Jean Claude and Benito hear Fredesvinda say “Godfather” and then it’s father so she must be asking for a Padre (priest). Jean Claude takes her pulse but finds she’s okay as Adalgiza comes and takes to her in English. Fredesvinda has no idea what happened but she feels great though she wonders what Jean Claude is doing there. They try to lie, to no avail, and finally state that he knows first aid and that is why he took her pulse. Fredesvinda shakes her head.

Sofia goes to the radio station and finds the DJ who handles the program. She asks him if she can record her message ASAP and he agrees so they can begin to circulate her announcement ASAP. Sofia agrees and goes to him.

The doctor goes to see Roxana and reveals that the danger has not passed, like they thought. He suggests a suture that will help protect the baby though it will have to be done under general anesthesia. Thought nothing is 100% sure, the suture will help the baby. Roxana and Antonio agree to go through with the procedure.

Sofia records her message and begs Ramon to please contact her as she has a lot of things to tell him and only lied to protect him. She then tells him that she loves him with all her heart and will be at the radio station for three days in the afternoon, should he hear her message and want to see her.

Julio goes to pick up Juana, who is ready to go and happy to see him, and they go.

Jean Claude, who had left for a few hours, comes back, and asks about Fredesvinda. Adalgiza explains that she’s better, and eating, but they still don’t know what’s wrong. Jean Claude reveals that he’s done some research and she could’ve suffered a cerebral stroke though he needs to be sure. He shows Fredesvinda some pictures and she correctly matches the images with the word. He then tells Benito and Adalgiza that she’s not in too bad a health, but Benito can only communicate with her in English, much to his discomfort.

In the car and after the movie, Julio confesses that he hasn’t gone out since Virginia’s death and thanks her for going with him. Juana admits that she hadn’t been in a theater since the sisters were younger and Julio hopes they can repeat their outing. Juana suggests he invite someone else next time, like Hortensia, but Julio shakes his head as Hortensia is always a hassle. He tells her that he enjoys her company and hopes she will reconsider.

Sofia, who is at the station, hopes Ramon hears her message.

Fabiola is at Ramon’s and turns on the radio to the station just in time to hear Sofia’s message. She shakes her head, thinking that it’s too much of a coincidence, and turns off the radio as Ramon arrives. She tells him that her first day was great and the owner told her that she has a natural gift for sales. Ramon kisses her and then tells her his good news: a coworker’s son is moving from his apartment and it’s in a good area and at a good price. Fabiola hugs and kisses him as they smile at their good luck.

Julio and Juana arrive home, and he asks her to invite him for a coffee. Juana thinks he should go home, as it’s too late for visits, but Julio confesses that he likes her a lot, grabs her and plants a kiss on her lips, much to Juana’s shock. She immediately pushes him off and runs off while screaming “no!” Julio smiles to himself as he watches her good.

Inside her apartment, Juana chides herself for allowing the kiss with Julio to happen. Andrea comes then and asks if she enjoyed the movie. Juana mumbles something and then tells Andrea that she’s tired and going to be. She runs off as Andrea shrugs.

Julio arrives home and runs into Jorge, who asks if he would like to have a sandwich with him. Julio offers to go to dinner instead and Jorge accepts.

That night, Juana is dreaming about running into Julio wherever she goes and seeing his puckered lips as he kisses her. He declares his love in her dream and Juana wakes up with a start. She wonders what is happening to her.


Alfredo, Thank you so much! Univision had "breaking news" about baseball and I missed the whole thing where Adalgiza and Benito are talking and Fredesvinda overheard. I would have had no idea what was happening if not for your notes. I am enjoying Adalgiza so much!

AAA, your recap is FABulous and eloquently written as always. Thank you for always sharing your time and talent with us.

I couldn't go to sleep without making a quick comment...

Instead of those doggone pills, Benito needs to give Fredes a really strong laxative or Drano to flush out all the BS she's throwing out. that off my chest...more tomorrow...

Whoops, I meant Fredesvinda (who I'm enjoying). She's hilarious


Thank you, Alfredo for another fast and furious recap of all the action.

I have had enough of Frede who has now decided to speak only ENglish because...why??? Mama's boy had better open his eyes and be a big boy.

Here comes Sofia. I like the bangs.

And Juana has a dream about Kissyface Julio. Are the writers going to reform Julio? Does Pedro actually have a chance with Pippy Longstocking ?

Pippy Longstocking. Perfect. And she acted like she wanted to boil her mouth out with peroxide after he kisssed her, and Julio seemed happy with it. QUE?

Thanks again Mr Alfredo. I missed the part where Mama From Hell #2 overheard Benny and Ada, so double thanks.

OK, girls, why does Ada only wear black and white dresses. THINK. She had never had on any colors. Just black and white or white and black. Hmmm that can't be just a co-inky dinky.

Yaaaa RGV, some syrup of Black Draught, 2 ounces should do it. Then have a seat and fasten your seat belt Feddy, this could be a bumpy ride.! much time has passed since VIrginia died? Everyone seems to be moving on with no evidence of her husband or sons going through the stages of grief. Jorge is depressed but that seems to be more about losing Andrea. Julio is back to licking his chops over getting his paws on that money and getting back to the casino. #wolfonamission

That must make for some interesting scenes on the set, having Esmeralda be Fabiola and a real Fabiola there being Sofia.

"Here comes Sofia. I like the bangs. " I like it all. Woof

Virginia is in Cancun working on her tan.

Alfredo, thank you for another fantastic recap. Perfect title.

You described everything in perfect detail.

Are we supposed to root for Julio and Juana?? I think it's still all about the money and the gambling. She (Pippi - good one Susanlynn) will be a nice diversion for him but his priorities will always be financial.

I laughed at her dream? nightmare? though. I wonder if the actors had fun filming that. I hope so.

"Sofia arrives in Mexico City and vows to find Ramon, wherever he may be". How true Alfredo! Sofia looked beautiful last night I thought. Yearning and determination suit her. She has such verve - she wasted no time in getting her message out there. Disappointed Ramon didn't hear it but I do believe Fab thought the message too coincidental to be true.

Ramon and Fabi don't seem to be down for long did they? I like Fabi but she is prone to childish pouting. Contrast that with Sophia who has basically lost everything - her family and her home to which she can never return. And of course her one true love.

"That must make for some interesting scenes on the set, having Esmeralda be Fabiola and a real Fabiola there being Sofia" - excellent Kirby.

Susanlynn, I've also had enough of Frede. Her refusing to accept Luisa is sad but her newest sabotage of pretending not to hear (and now speaking in English) is loathsome. I'm a bit peeved at Benito too. He needs to pack his bags and leave. Luisa deserves so much more. RgvChick, I like your "cure" for Frede. Well deserved.

More espionage from Vero.

Looks like Roxy's baby is not out of the woods yet.

Alfredo, loved this. Thank you!


Mr. Heron? Mr. Blue Heron?

We are ready for your close up.

Amazing Kirby.


So Julio and Pippy get home from a movie, and it is too late to let him in for coffee. (Who drinks coffee after six and expects to sleep at all that night?)

Then Julio gets home and he and Jorge of the Jungle are going out to eat? Don't get into the habit boys, it will pack on the pounds later in life. #nofoodaftersundown


Good Morning!

Julio is just despicable! I wish they had put a Dracula suit on him and some fangs...for Juana's nightmare...I would have dubbed him Count Droolio.

Kirby, Ada might be wearing only white and black because her mother just passed away...following the old tradition of mourning a loved one...just a guess, though.

Diana, "Yearning and determination suit her. She has such verve -" Sofia sure is a resourceful one. Following Alfredo's thought...I hope they don't turn her into an evil/deviant nemesis. Dalia, then Sofia...that would really be too much for poor Ramon.

Kirby, ITA no coffee or late sleep and heartburn...

Although she initially denied it, I believe Juana did admit that she loved Ramon's father.

At this point, I don't think either Julio ("Droolio" - love it RgvChick!) or Pedro is right for her. I kind of wish her ex would appear and sweep her off her feet.

Alfredo, yes, this stew is thickening...I like Fabi but like and admire Sophia more. Someone is going to be crushed. I just hope no one is going to die.


Kirby and CHickie..JUlio asked to come in for know..he didn't really I am with you food or drink after 8 pm. However, I do have fond memories of cheeseburgers and Cokes after an evening at the movies or bowling.

Diana, are we ever going to find anything out about Ramon's father? How old is RAmon and how long has dear old dad been out of the picture. Does he even know that he has a son? The writers have told us so little about this guy!

Thanks Alfredo!!!

Whenever anything is going super right with a couple you know doom is about to hit. Hurricane Sofia is on the march! I really like Sofia, she is already showing herself way more capable than Fab. My only worry is that the writers will now turn her into a Dalia-esque character so that we root for Fab.

Why couldn't Pedro be 20 years younger? I'm so sick of watching these old men go after women that are too young for them. I find it creepy.

I really hope Osvaldo goes down. He's a big, fat jerk of a jerk.

Pedro has had a hard life, he's only 42.

Just Kidding

Carvivlie: Maybe it is a good thing, us old guys are the only ones who can afford them.

Not in a hooker way, just a high maintenance chick way.

Carvivle..Are you watching the new show at ten? There is a young girl who has a mega creepy older guy who is a truly despicable predator after her plus her gym teacher. Ick. At least Pedro is a sweet older man and not an old creepy womanizer.

I am having a blast reading the comments today.

"a big, fat jerk of a jerk" is spot on and had me laughing out loud Carvivlie! Perfect.

Pedro at 42? I froze, stopping mid-sentence. Could I have been that far off (about 30 years off) in assessing his age? Got me Kirby.

And yes, Juana is just too young for him. I know there are plenty of age appropriate women who would be lining up to meet him.

Susanlynn, I think Ramon's father left when he found out Juana was pregnant. I could be wrong. But this being a TN, I'm fully expecting him to return with some non-plausible story about being hit by the proverbial bus, losing his memory, etc. that explains his absence these 30 plus years :) Again, I just think Pedro is too old and Julio too sour...


Just opened your avatar Kirby.

What a sense of motion your shot conveys. You can almost feel yourself "there" on the boat, sun shining down, cutting through the water. Spectacular.


Thank you Alfredo.

So Sofia is 2 for 2 with the electronics. First the computer pop-up and now the "lonely hearts" radio show. Not at all rooting for her, but I am glad to see she is back to add some spice to the TN.

My favorite story line is Fredesvina with her antics. Poor Benito having to put up with her, but it is so funny. Adalgisa was not one of my favorites, but yesterday she moved to the good column. Putting herself aside to help Benito, very nice.


Haha ... love it that Frede's psychological English speaking is so clearly spoken and understood while Ada (who's, per Benito, a "gringa" from Chicago) can barely get the words out with a heavy Mexican accent. There are many bilingual actresses, why not use them when the role calls for it?

How many older than Juana is Pedro ? How old is Ramon? If Juana is in her 40s, is Pedro maybe 20 years older? I have relatives and friends who married guys who were ten years older, but I do not know anyone married to someone 20 years older. However, PEdro seems like a very nice guy...just maybe a tad too old for someone Juana's age. Hey, has he met HOrtensia??? #kiddingjustkidding

Alfredo, Sofia has indeed played some very interesting characters!

Forgive me for repeating myself, but I've felt all along Sofia has done nothing wrong. She has been selfless and unselfish...

I would be disappointed if Sofia doesn't fight for Ramon tooth and nail. She never stopped loving him, never stopped believing in him. I think she will be heartbroken Ramon replaced her rather readily. I have to be honest, if the situation had been reversed, I don't think she would have acted similarly.

I'm hoping that the murderous traits of her father stop right there and that nothing untoward runs in her family. I certainly wouldn't want her to hurt Fabi.

I sadly think it might not be necessary for Sophia to do much. It seemed obvious Ramon seemed concerned when he saw Sof's father on the news. But, that does not mean he still loves her. Will he have any residual feelings for Sophia or is he totally besotted with Fabi? We will have to wait and see.

Is anyone other than me the least little bit concerned about where Rulo is? :)


...whoops..."how many years older" ..sorry ...hurrying to get back to the walnuts in my yard.

Sandie, I like Ada too! She accepted defeat gracefully. I know I'm familiar with the actress but can't for the life of me remember where. She deserves someone nice but can't think of any eligible bachelors here (nice ones here).

Susanlynn, Pedro is on the plus side of 70. I'm thinking around 75 which is why I mentioned the 30 year age gap. It's just too much IMHO. Not sure how old Juana is supposed to be - early 40's I imagine. Big gap...


Susy, " I would be disappointed if Sofia doesn't fight for Ramon tooth and nail." As long as she doesn't pull someone's nails, I'm ok with Sofia :-)

By the way, many many moons ago, and I emphasize MANY, in Mexico, it was not unusual for parents to marry off their daughters to much older men. If you notice, Fabi and Andrea were very happy and teasing Juana about Don Pedro.

....that is, much older men with much-o money :-)

Jose Ron (Ramon) is 36 and definitely looks it ... they need to stop casting him in these younger parts.

Marisol del Olmo (Juana) is 42.

Marcelo Cordoba (Julio) is 43 ... definitely age-appropriate for Juana.

Carlos Bracho (Pedro) is 80!!

Susanlynn, I am watching Caer but I'm always behind an episode or two so I haven't been able to comment. And YES the Arath going after the high school girl is gross. It reminded me of these two shows I saw on Lifetime, one called Sugar Babies and the other Sugar Daddies. Same exact premise in both. College girl needs money and gets pulled into escort business. It's funny because one of the movies looks at it as if it isn't so bad and the other is really gross and has a murder. But at least in those the girls were college age. The girl in Caer looks at most 16.

OK then, Pedro looks good for 80. Thanks Anon!

I sort of think that really backs up our feelings he is a tad bit too old for Juana...

A 40 year age difference?? Nopis.


Diana, Thanks. I shot that over my shoulder this morning, just goofing around. I put it up so you guys would know where I was all morning while you sorted out Juana. :-)

Did you really???

That is even more impressive!

No wonder you live in FL. Your shots make it look like paradise.


Alfredo, Esmerelda also had incredible chemistry with Erick Elias in El Color.

Perhaps kissing isn't quite as an enjoyable task as she makes it appear, but I suspect she has a good working relationship with her costars and seems like a very nice person. I say the same thing about Jose Ron too...


All kidding aside:
Had Pedro not sniffed Juana's tears on his handkerchief I would have thought he simply felt Fatherly and protective toward her, being easily older enough to be her Grampa.

But in a TN, if there is sniffing there are pheromones involved. A woofer knows these things.


I recently read a comment somewhere online that those love scenes work if the two actors either like each other or hate each other...makes sense.

Esme and Ron do seem to be doing some very real , joyful kissing. Imagine getting paid for kissing someone you find attractive. Now, imagine going home and explaining how real those scenes look to your significant other. "Honestly, I am just a really, real!y, really good actor, dear., really ...good...really! "

OT: I put new instruments in my boat and the new speedometer is GPS based rather than water based, and I wanted to test them before the water got crowded this weekend. According to the new speedometer, the boat is a few miles per hour faster than I had given it credit for.

Kirby..and while you were out in your boat, I was throwing about a hundred or so walnuts the size of tennis balls over my fence. I wish that could share a photo. #ihatewalnuts

Susy, how many times have we seen those on screen 'play' romances surface after the show is over? I can think of one recently which was a disaster. Marjorie de Souza and Shitforbrains in Fin del Mundo. He was ONE of her love interests in the show and sure enough they got married (and now divorced and hate each other) after the show.

Jillian Gill, or something like that, he had some fish part name.

Aren't walnuts good to eat? Or are these the big black ones made of marble or granite whose tree is prized for it's wood rather than the fruit?

those, not these but you knew what I meant, right?

You should have a pretty good arm by now. Curve, slider, spitball, up and away....

CHickie...I am not the one who wanted Sofia to fight for good old Ramon...maybe it was Diana. I kind of take it for granted that Ramon and Fab are meant to be together.
As to the older man much younger girl scenario, that was quite common in many places in the past.

Kirby..yes, walnut trees are supposed to be valuable , and we have a lot around us at the farm and at our house. However, nobody has offered to buy them. They are huge this and rough. Eventually, the shell turns black and mushy . When the mushy shell falls away, the nut is inside. It is hard to crack. Then, you have to dig out the nuts. In the past, people used them, but now nobody wants to take the time or put forth the effort..including me...except the squirrels who have sharp little teeth and are hungry in the winter. Hubba says that I have a good curve ball..sometimes I do it backhanded just to change it up. He was the pitcher, but he doesn't !Ike to pitch the walnuts..prima Donna.

OT..ALfredo..nobody has chemistry like Jamie (Sam Heughan ) and CLaire (Caitronia Balfe).In fact , shippers were sure that they were a couple in real life, but they say that they have significant others.

". It is hard to crack. Then, you have to dig out the nuts. In the past, people used them, but now nobody wants to take the time or put forth the effort."

Yeah, like I said made of marble or granite. An ordinary nutcracker is no match, you need tools originally designed for working on bulldozers and Caterpillars (and safety glasses) to get at the goodies inside.


As I remember, in the nut world, there are English walnuts, thin shelled and large meats, and then your Black Walnuts, much tastier, but not a survival food candidate, as much more energy is expended in getting to the edible part than said edible part yields when consumed as food.

I have never seen Sofia play a villain, only sweet nice girls, I hope she is that way in this TN too.

" say that they have significant others" for her sake I certainly hope so, gal is homely, yikes, bird legs too.

Kirby, what an amazing morning you must have be out over the water whizzing around. Do you enjoy feeling that breeze on your face or do you hide behind the windshield...or whatever it's called on a boat :-)

Sofia (Fabiola Guajardo) played the villainous, bratty, man-stealing sister in De Que The Quiero, The Quiero. She was a horrible person in that one. She WAS redeemed at the end, though she suffered a pretty awful karmageddon.

Most of the time I stand up and rest my left forearm on the top of the windshield. There truly is nothing like a little saltwater spray on your face.

Or to open the throttle and hear that rumble and feel the boat point it's nose skyward and jump up on top of the water. At night the motion of the propeller and boat through the salt water causes a phosphlouresence in the salt water, and you leave a blue-green wake. On a moonless night it is magical.

Kirby, I'm green with envy. What a wonderful feeling that must be and the water must look enchanting at night.

I have lights under my swim platform. Here is a very bad picture of them at night. It is hard to drive and take pics both at night.

Chickie..put the coats on the goats. We are headed to Florida for a boat ride. Goats in coats on boats. I will bring the walnuts. #shipahoy

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