20: Revelations
made up an excuse about her hair being wet; she told Lola that she
had had a headache and needed to take care of it. She went on about
how since she began working everyone is questioning her actions,
demanding to know where she was going and what she was doing. “Now
you're acting as though you were the mother and I the daughter,”
she told Lola. “What is the matter? What's with you?”
it's that since you've gone back to work you have no time for me.
You're not around when I need you. That's what is bothering me.”
here,” she said. “I'm here to talk to you. Tell me what's
I don't want to talk. I don't feel like it; it's over. I've solved
the problem. Okay?”
Okay.” Carolina left the room without another word, took a breath,
and tried to lean against the wall. Nicolás arrived at that moment,
allowing her no time to think about what had just happened. When he
asked about Lola, she told him that Lola didn't want to talk and
asked him what this was about. He pleaded ignorance, then asked
whether she had been showering.
had come down to the living room and wanted to know what had been
happening, specifically where her father was. Raquel told her that
she had spoken to him earlier and he had said to kiss her for him.
Mia then reluctantly wished Andres a good night, gave him a kiss on
the cheek, and left. Raquel waited until she was beyond hearing.
tell me why you hid the business about your sister.”
none of your business. I won't talk about my sister with you.
Besides you almost provoked a relapse.”
only wanted to go to see her, nothing more.”
repeat, it's none of your business. Don't interfere.”
writing checks to you behind Damián's back and it's none of my
me, but are you threatening me?” He shook his head. Raquel
laughed in a knowing manner. “I don't believe you.”
have the wrong idea; you're wrong about me –”
no, no. I'm not mistaken. Look at yourself.”
I just want to make things easier. I'm going to give you money when
you need it.”
don't say.”
I understand why Damián doesn't know anything about Cinthia. That's
why you came to me from help. I want to help you. Let me.”
you to what?”
took this as the invitation it wasn't meant to be. He moved in
closer and touched her shoulder. She began backing away. He grabbed
her left arm despite her protests. Neither heard Damián as he
entered the room.
something happened?” Damián asked. Andres had backed off.
was just saying goodbye.”
were you doing here?”
came to see my niece and nephew. And you? You don't want me to
can see them when they're at the office.”
that's clear. I'm to follow your example. You're not capable of
leaving work behind for personal reasons.” He turned to Raquel.
“Remember you can count on me for anything you need. With your
permission.” He went toward the door. “Good night, cousin.”
Damián waited until the door had closed behind Andres.
was he doing here?”
he said, to see our children.”
don't like him in the house when I'm not here.”
you jealous, Damián?” Raquel asked, almost laughing.
put up with Andres at the office because I have no choice but I don't
want him in my house. If he tries something sneaky please tell me.”
was nothing sneaky because remember that I don't exist, do I?” She
headed for the stairs. “If you're hungry heat something up for
yourself because Jovita went to bed early and I'm going to do the
same.” She went up the stairs.
looked asleep when Santiago came to bed. She wore fully-covering
modest cotton pyjamas that were comfortable but certainly not
enticing. She was facing away from him.
you sleeping?” he asked.
do you feel? Our son said you had a headache.”
sat up on the bed.
gone, thanks. In fact, I've been thinking, Santi.”
happened with Damián? Don't tell me it's about your work.”
the job is ruined it's not my fault. It's because Damián has other
don't know what you're referring to because Damián didn't say
anything to me –”
I'm not talking about you. It's about Lola. She's not a little girl
anymore; she's a young woman.”
Santi, I don't understand you. You're insinuating... what are you
not insinuating anything; it's just things I see.”
it's crazy! Damián has a daughter the same age as Lola –”
be bothered by this. I've never hidden anything..”
I'm bothered it's because of what you're saying –”
you know what? If you and I can't have an conversation like normal
adults I'll go sleep somewhere else.”
got up and left the bedroom. Carolina looked more relieved than
he say anything disagreeable?” Raquel asked as Santiago helped her
lie down.
he didn't say anything.”
he saw?”
but we didn't talk about it.”
you sure? There is nothing to say.” She clutched her head. He
began pulling the covers over her. “I feel sick.”
covered her up and asked if she was alright. She seemed to have
passed out. He went down the steps from the bed only to see Federico
and Mia in the doorway. Both were giving him the stink-eye.
mother doesn't feel well,” he said. “She drank a little too
you helping out?” asked Federico.
I'm helping.”
huh,” said Mia, sarcastically.
guess I'd better go,” he said.
accompany you,” said Federico.
looked into Raquel's room. She was not happy.
sat up in bed with documents on her lap and her computer open at her
side. She got up when she heard her husband's footsteps in the
didn't you tell me that Carolina intended to have an abortion,
do we have to keep revisiting that stuff?”
now we're going to have more lies between us?”
has nothing to do with us! This is about work. Give me those
did, but clearly resented the demand.
didn't you tell me? I'm talking to you. Why didn't you tell me?”
there are things I can't talk about until they're official until they
go before a judge.”
me why Carolina would want an abortion. When? Where?”
held his head in his hands as Laura shouted her questions. He was
tired of this. He wanted it to stop.
was more than two years ago. Yes, and before you jump to
conclusions, yes, it does coincide. Benjamín, Santiago's second
son, may not be.” Laura looked shocked and he saw that. “Promise
me you will not say anything about this on the news.”
promise,” she said. “But in exchange you have to help me with
Carolina's daughter. Lola is in danger, Fernando. If she continues
with this jerk she's in danger. Promise me.”
well, I'll do it.”
One more thing that's been going around in my head –”
almost afraid to ask. Tell me.”
about Lola. Patricia was sure that Lola went after older men. When
I confirmed her relationship with Juan – who is her teacher -- I
thought she could be fooling around with Damián Becker.”
stared at her.
the crooked narc, laughed at the idea of Cinthia selling drugs,
saying that she would lose control and use the merchandise herself
before being able to sell it. He suggested she had other
merchandise she could sell at a good price male customers. She shook
her head.
bad,” he said, lounging back into his chair.
I won't use even a gram. I need money for my sister.”
I can't take the chance. If you screw up I will get the
will happen. Trust me.”
paused a moment, then took her face in his hands.
have one chance to prove yourself.” [???]
following morning, Santiago was holding Benjamín on his lap when
Raquel knocked on the door.
sorry about yesterday,” she said.
on in.”
acknowledged Benjamín with a touch as she entered.
want to apologize about yesterday. When I sobered my life passed
before my eyes –”
worry about it.”
very ashamed.”
no; nothing happened.”
you sure you're alright?”
don't want to talk about that. Are you alright?”
have something important I have to talk about with you.”
came to see me.”
he have any news?”
fussed a little and Santiago handed him to Raquel.
said that two years ago Carolina and Damián... well, Carolina
intended to have an abortion and Damián was with her.”
looked at Benjamín for a second, then back at Santiago.
is the possibility that Benjamín isn't mine. They want to do a DNA
test but...why? I'm sure, Raquel, I'm sure that Benjamín is mine.”
Godoy kept his word to Laura and went pick up Juan on the street near
the campus. He tried to resist but Godoy offered him the choice to
go with him now to the station or wait for a warrant that would be
delivered to his place of work. That would mean he would have some
very uneasy explanations to make to his superiors at the school in
view of his relationship with Lola. Godoy wanted to talk to him not
only about Lola and Carolina but about Particia Vargas because of her
statements about Lola and older men. Juan tried to walk away, but
Godoy didn't allow him to.
mess with me,” he warned him. “Because I don't like men who beat
up women. So come with me and we'll talk. [???]”
stopped resisting and entered the car. He may or may not have
noticed a group of students standing under a nearby tree.
went to the pasta company and told Andres he wanted to go into
Damián's office. Andres would not let him in, saying he was to
start at the bottom by working with the construction crew.
and Santiago sat down to talk.
have to understand that for us to face the truth would be best,”
she said. “Why won't you do the DNA test?”
he said. “Stop saying this. I won't do it.”
I don't need it. Because it's not necessary.”
that Damián is the father –”
So what will happen? Tell me, what will happen? Someone will take
away my son? No. If I get that test... it won't matter. I love my
son. Nobody will take him away from me.”
The only thing I'm saying is you need to think about these things.”
do you want me to think?” he shouted. “Tell me the truth. To
have him taken away because of lies? I won't do it!”
we lower our voices at least for a moment?”
sorry. Can you take care of Benjamín?”
have things to put right.”
worry. I'll do fine.”
understand that we're not perfect and made lots of mistakes. Maybe
we didn't handle things well with Damián and Carolina. But all this
isn't fair. You didn't deserve this and neither did I.”
took his keys and left. When he closed the door Raquel allowed
herself to cry.
up with you?” Antonio asked Fernando. “Have you gone mad? What
has this man done? Why did you do this without an order?”
don't know, but this jerk beat up Santiago's daughter.”
no, no,” said Antonio, unable to avoid looking shocked. “Are you
sure of what you're saying?”
Lola told Laura.”
but what do we have? We have no proof and no accusation. What do we
don't know. Lola doesn't want to bring charges because she doesn't
want to cause more problems for her father. But this jerk is capable
of killing him.”
thing, poor thing. With everything that's happened, now this.”
take charge of him.”
will take charge of him.”
men entered the office where Juan was seated.
paused in his pose of reviewing company accounting in time to see
Santiago enter. He slapped the file onto the desk in anger.
you've come. Are you going to work?” he started taunting Santiago.
“Oh, I know. About your daughter –”
belted him in the face, almost knocking him off his feet.
the matter with you?” He grabbed the door jamb to prevent that and
rose, but Santiago shoved him back against the office wall. “Let
go of me! Let go of me!”
do you think you're doing to Raquel? If you try to do that again –”
shoved back, his face full of hate and contempt that he started
kill you, imbecile!” Santiago shouted at him.
walked out calmly, passing two employees who may or may not have
heard what had been said.
do you want?” Andres shouted. “Get back to work! Now work!”
He slammed the office door shut.
had slept on the couch without having changed his clothes. Lola came
down the stairs in her robe. She couldn't sleep either and came down
for a glass of milk. She was worried that he and her mother had
argued about her going to work for Damián. Santiago told her that
it wasn't about that or about her. It was about themselves.
your mother is right. I'm a macho jerk and sometimes I get out of
you're not.”
say that because you love me.”
therefore do you think she doesn't love you?”
who doesn't love me? We'll work it out; don't worry.”
looked at her; she did not look as though she was reassured.
wrong? Why did you wake up?”
feel strange.”
this about stuff you and your mother think I don't undertand? Is it
a boyfriend?”
if he is my boyfriend; I don't know.”
you can always confide in me what you've done. You don't have to
hide it. Did he do anything?” Lola shook her head. “Are you
nothing,” she said as she got up. “I want to get back to sleep.”
Santiago wouldn't let her go.
here. Talk to your dad. What happened?” She said nothing. “We
always could talk. We talked about everything. Now you're hiding it
all. I'm here. Tell me.”
did it. Forgive me.”
looked as though she might cry, so Santiago embraced his daughter.
is wrong. I'm here,” he said as he held her and said reassuring
words to her, telling her the guy should still respect her.
who also had trouble sleeping, stood just outside the room and
listened. She remained silent because she was in shock that Santiago
was able to talk to Lola in ways that she couldn't.
next morning Santiago drank down some coffee as Nicolás came down.
There was no breakfast on the table because Carolina was still in
bed. Lola was not feeling well and was staying home from school that
day. The men decided to get breakfast on the way to work – or in
Nico's case, school – and headed for the door. Carolina came
downstairs but her “Good Morning” to Santiago fell flat. He went
out the door. Just as the door closed she felt nauseous and headed
for the bathroom.
was at that time trying to get her family's day started, but for her
and Damián things were no better. They were as apart from each
other as Carolina and Santiago. Damián suggested that they go out
for dinner together that night, just the two of them. Raquel was a
little suspicious. Before this was officially decided Federico came
down the stairs with his books. Damián told him he was driving him
to school that day. Mia came down and was pleased to hear that her
father would be driving. He took her hand.
Raquel asked her children.
I'm not two years old anymore,” Mia said, without looking at her.
you tonight,” Damián said as they left.
little while later Damián was working at his desk when Santiago
returned to the office to see him. They spoke behind a closed door.
Both apologized for their stubbornness and Damián expressed the wish
that their families' closeness not be ruined by misunderstandings.
Santiago agreed and said that if Lola wanted to work there it was
alright with him. They shook hands and smiled.
this was happening Juan had the unmitigated gall to visit Lola's
house and introduce himself to Carolina. If Carolina had caught his
predatory smile she didn't have time to act on it as Lola came down
and asked him “What are you doing here?”
came to see you and to see how you were,” Carolina said.
could have sent a message,” Lola told him.
wanted to see. I was worried.”.
now you've seen me.”
it bothers you, I'll go,” he said.
you'll like, I'll get you something to drink,” Carolina said.
rather we see each other tomorrow,” Lola said. “Alright?”
the intrusion, Senora. It wasn't my intention,” Juan said to
Carolina with a slight bow. “A pleasure to meet you.” He then
were a little rude,” Carolina said to Lola when he was gone.
does that matter?”
you never told me you had a boyfriend.”
well, you're always so busy so I couldn't.”
have time for us to talk so you can tell me what's going on with
you.” She took Lola's hands. “Above all so you can forgive
me. Do you want to talk with me?”
because I talked with Dad. Now you can go out, can't you?”
left Carolina alone in the kitchen. Alone to realize she had failed
again with her daughter. She then took a deep breath and went out
sent his workers home as Raquel came into her new kitchen. She was
delighted with it but noted the issues with Damián. Santiago hoped
that he would like it and told her that they had cleared up the
good, because I'd die if you didn't come back.” Raquel said. She
put her arm around his shoulders. “I'm serious.”
become someone indispensable to my life,” He looked a little ill at
She released him and looked him in the eye. “What is it?
Something's up.”
look a little dispirited. What's going on?”
what happened is – I don't know if this is weird – that Lola
talked to me. She talked about Her First Time.”
With you? With you? With her father? She told you? Why?”
don't know.”
weird you must be feeling.”
don't tell me that.”
lately she hasn't gotten along well with Carolina. Perhaps she
couldn't tell her, or me either. Things are a little weird at home.”
talk about this.” She took him by the hand to lead him to the
living room while callin to Jovita to make coffee.
went into a pharmacy and requested a pregnancy test. As the clerk
stepped away from the counter her cell phone rang. She hesitated to
answer when she saw it was Damián, but finally did.
you alright? Did you get home alright yesterday?”
was a difficult day,” she said.
clerk returned, saying “These are the two brands we carry of home
pregnancy tests.”
did not have time to mute her cell; she looked shocked, knowing that
Damián could hear this at his end.
do you want?”
is better of the two.” Carolina went back to her phone. “I'll
talk to you in a little while; I'm out shopping.”
yes. Okay.” He ended the call, looking shocked.
came into Damián's office with documents he needed to sign.
not now, please.”
there a problem?”
sorry. [???] Leave me the papers
and I'll get back to you. Thanks.”
left the office and he tried to breathe.
had gone home and used the pregnancy test. She looked at it and saw
the result she didn't want. Lola knocked on the bathroom door and
called for her.
do you need anything?”
I was just out.”
knocked again.
I need to talk to you.”
quickly hid the test unit under a towel and came out of the bathroom.
me,” Lola said, sounding like she was going to cry.
is it? What's happened to you?” She pushed back Lola's hair.
“Tell me what it is. Are you alright?”
shook her head and Carolina embraced her. She led her out to another
room while encouraging her to talk.
and Nicolás were at school, talking. Federico had discovered that
Joaquin had created a false profile exactly like Mia's on Facebook
and it was causing problems because it revealed that Mia was cutting
herself. He didn't want to talk about it. Nico was offended, as he
considered himself to be a friend, but Federico told him that this
was why he didn't think that Nico should get involved with Mia,
telling him again that for both his good and Mia's he should forget
about her.
he's older,” Carolina told Lola.
he's older. Does that bother you? It's that guys my age are such
that doesn't bother me.” She looked Lola in the eye. “Do you
love him?”
like him.”
at times that's not enough. It's important to know lots of things
about a person before having relations. It's not good to just have
sex with anybody. You have to hope for better.”
When you got pregnant so young?”
I didn't regret it. But if I had been more responsible and more
careful we wouldn't be talking now. [???]
Did you take precautions?” Lola didn't answer. “Tell me the
truth. Did you protect yourself?”
shook her head.
was only once.”
listen. You have to know something. You are the one I love most in
the world. With your father it was also the one time. You have to
be responsible. You have to protect yourself because it's not just
that you can get pregnant. You could also catch diseases.” Her
cell rang and she checked it but didn't answer.
should answer.”
I'm turning it off for now.” She then turned it off to continue
the conversation.
and Raquel had coffee in the dining room. They both drank it black.
met at a [???]. I don't know, it was
something overwhelming. We were together all the time, laughing
and.... the first time we did it she became pregnant.”
first time?” Raquel asked. “No! How odd, but it's a blessing.”
I worked with Damián in the business. We got married and I got
pregnant shortly thereafter. Does that sound crazy?”
as much as you think.”
I think you and I are very fortunate.”
I know.” He looked away. His tone said he thought otherwise.
with people who love us and after all this time we're still
paced in his office, then finally gave in and took out his cell. He
started calling Carolina but put his phone down when Miriam entered
his office.
when are you going to tell these beasts you call workers that we
can't go on without water?” she asked.
not now, please.”
yes, now. Do I have to remind you that we are losing a lot of
well, wait a minute.”
are you going to say?”
left the office, leaving his cell phone on the desk and ignoring her
Dad was the first?” Lola asked.
I was so in love with him. I always loved seeing him. Your father
has such beautiful eyes, doesn't he? I always had butterflies in my
stomach when I was with him.”
after all those years it's different. It transformed into something
much calmer, much more profound. Not quite as passionate.”
what if Dad suddenly developed this passion again for someone else?
Are you ever afraid something like that can happen?”
I trust your father.”
he was the first and the only?”
I told you he was the first.” She smiled.
if Dad was the first and the only how would you know when he got the
invitation? How do you know when you feel love?”
it's when the only thing you want is to be with that person. Because
you think you will die if you are separated from him and you'd like
everything else to disappear for this.”
I hope I will be in love the way you were in love with Dad.”
smiled at Lola and kissed her cheek. Her smile disappeared shortly
went into the bathroom and washed his hands. When he dried them on
the towel hanging on the wall he found the pregnancy test stick with
its results on display. In her haste, Carolina had not hidden it
entirely under the towel on the shelf. He came out of the bathroom
and overheard his mother and sister in his sister's room.
you're going to protect yourself?”
I'll take precautions and thanks for listening to me.”
love you. You need to take care of yourself, be responsible,”
stepped away from the door, not wanting either to know he had been
this other chapter as good? You're patient, but to be the only man
in someone's life as you said isn't bad, understand me, but to to
regret not having another life, work –”
do you want to say? That that was premature?”
didn't say anything!”
never was with another woman.”
Raquel could not quite believe this. “Wait, look me in the eyes.
You don't seem to be a liar but you've never even thought of another
woman? Not even another thought?”
on his manner, Raquel had no reason to believe he wasn't telling the
truth. However, it was difficult to think he had never had
was looking out her bedroom window when Nicolás came in.
was right,” he said. “You fooled around with that idiot teacher
of yours.”
are you talking about?”
He held up the test stick.
Carolina was in the bathroom looking for it. She panicked when it
wasn't where she knew she had left it and looked under the other
shelves and behind the wicker unit. Even in the drawer. She took
out her cell.
returned to Damián's office for the folder with the documents and
noticed the screen on Damián's cell, which was still on the desk.
Damián was telling the workers to fix the water problem. Augustin
told him that they could have it done overnight if they were there
when nothing else was going on. Azucena found him and told him he
had a message. Her expression said that she was perhaps another
keeper of his secret. He took his phone into his office and Carolina
called him before he could read her message.
going on?”
I'm losing my mind. When I was talking to you I bought a pregnancy
test and now it's not here. It was in the bathroom and now it's not.
I've very afraid that my children will find it.”
looked out his office window into the corridor and turned around.
“You know, I think it would be better to go to a lab. I'll take
you to one.”
After this I don't think it's a good idea for us to see each other
ended the call. Damián didn't need to hear more to know what this
sat on the living room floor playing with Benjamín when Santiago
came back.
he behave well?”
very well. Very well. I know this might be sad, Santiago, and I
understand but I need to have that DNA test done.”
Do you want to take Benjamín away?”
questioned Juan while Fernando watched his facial expressions.
had nothing to do with that girl Patricia,” Juan said. “Besides,
was it suicide or not?”
were you yesterday?” Antonino asked.
was at home.”
were you wearing?”
I a suspect in something?”
no, but we're beginning to investigate your behavior with the girls
in that school.” Juan looked away from him. “What? You're
afraid? I don't believe you've done anything to others or did you?”
looked at each of the two.
course not.”
said Antonio, with a note of sarcasm. “Because the pain of
incarceration is great. You'd be spending a long time there. You
know what happens to rapists in there, don't you? When you enter the
prison they all take justice into their own hands.” He watched
carefully. “Now go. Hear this well: We took a hair sample from
Dolores. You will have to answer to me.”
left as quickly as he could.
we have a recording from the emergency lines,” Fernando said.
went into a conference room filled with forensic experts who played
back a 911 call from Damián. “I need help. There is an injured
person and we need help, please.” He answered questions about
where he was with “I don't know. We ran off the highway. Come
quickly, please! Help! She's dying. Help me, please!”
all, then it cut off,” said the expert.
was alive,” said Antonio. “Carolina was alive, but what happened
after this?”
was going to lose sleep over this.
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