Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #72, One possible funeral, one possible wedding, and a baby?

Repeated Scene:

Fabi in bed thinking that Frank doesn’t deserve to be treated the way she treats him (Fabi news flash: YES he does!)
New scenes:
Adalgisa is worried that Benito has not gotten home. Benito shows up drunk, she chides him for getting drunk for Luisa because she does not deserve it. He then tells her that Luisa threw a bucket of water on him, so she takes him to the room to help him change his clothes. He passes out and then she gets an idea and begins to undress him. The next morning Benito wakes up naked and Ada is next to him, she tells him that they made love, Benito looks shocked.
Frank goes into the room and Fabi is still in bed, tells him that she is not feeling well after what he tried to do to her last night so she is not going to work.
Roxy wakes up in bed with her “new beau”, he tells her he is leaving for 2 to 3 weeks because he is going to Rome. She would love to go to Rome someday (subtle Roxy, subtle)
Maggie goes to Medfer to visit Antonio. They talk about Fabi and why she did not go to work Anonio says “she is not feeling well” Maggie then says “is she pregnant?” Dalia is outside eavesdropping and just hears that part of the conversation; it’s all she needs to go gossip about it.
At Ramso Benito has a terrible hangover, he tells Valente that he woke up next to a woman but he does not recollect what happened. Valente in his infinite wisdom says “what we do when we are drunk doesn’t count”. Ramon in the meantime is at the front entrance of Ramso and Valente comes over and asks him what is wrong. Ramon is worried that Fabi has not shown up to work, again quite wisely Kimosabe tells Ramon “what you and Fabiola had the other night meant nothing to her”
Luisa is taking care of Hortensia, she is giving him a sponge bath and Hortensia asks for almost cold water. Luisa has no choice but to use cold water, and warns her that she can get sick.
Jorge and Andrea are the university, Jorge tries to kiss her but Andrea says they have to be discreet because everyone knows they are cousins. Sarah sees them from afar and gives them a dirty look which they don’t notice. Andrea then gets a call from Juana letting her know that Mr. Mendez will show them his property tomorrow.
Ozzy is looking for a job but won’t settle for a low paying job because it’s beneath him. So he begins to think about his options and he thinks of Ofelia because she looks lie she has money.
Fabi gets call from Maggie who is checking to see how she is feeling. Fabi confesses she still loves Ramon, so Maggie tells her that Ramon and Sofia were hugging yesterday. Fabi looks devastated.
Julio and Ozzy are arguing about not being able to take care of grandma because Ozzy is busy. Julio is upset and tells Ozzy that he will take care of his grandma whether he likes it or not. Jorge hears this and volunteers to take care of Hortensia himself.
Juana calls Julio to invite him to dinner but Julio has other plans and turns her down (plans with Emilia)
Luisa goes to tell Finito that she accepts his marriage proposal. Finito is thrilled.
Adalgisa dressed like Lucy has prepared a special dinner for Benito. She talks about how he made her dream come true the night before. Benito wants to clear things up and tells her he does not remember anything (that’s because nothing happened Benny). He will not feel any obligation to her for something that he can’t remember. She cries and keeps lying to him, tells him that if she can’t have him she rather die.
Image result for lucy from i love lucy apron

Dalia stars spreading the rumor that Fabi is pregnant and the first person she tells is Ramon. Ramon can’t believe that it is possible. Dalia tells him that he never meant anything to Fabi so just accept it.
Benny and Adalgisa continue with blah, blah, blah. She continues crying.
Julio is at the casino with Emilia he is in a good mood because he is winning so he kisses her; Ozzy walks into the casino and sees his dad with Emilia. He goes near them and takes pictures on his cell phone of Julio kissing Emilia. He then goes to confront them.
Luisa comes home tells Dalia and Valente that she is getting engaged on Saturday; Dalia assumes it’s to Benito but Luisa says no it’s to Finito. Dalia can’t believe it.
Outside the casino Ozzy tells Julio that he would have never imagined they have the same taste in women. Emilia is shocked that Julio is Ozzy's father and is the jerk that sold his son’s car. She turns to Ozzy tells him his gold mine is now over and then to Julio and says “I never want to see either of you again” she leaves and Ozzy then says “well it’s not like she was the love of my life. Julio is upset and tells Ozzy “you are a gigolo” Ozzy then says , well you are no better, you are playing with the maid for her money, and you are cheating on her with Emilia” Ozzy then blackmails Julio and tells him that he will show Juana the picture if Julio doesn’t give him what he wants.
Roxy’s beau is making plans with a man on the other line, who needs someone to take care of the “merchandise”. He suggests that he has a woman (Roxy) who will work for them.
Porfirio continues to have nose bleeds.
Diegito tells Antonio that he now agrees that Antonio and Roxy should not continue together, but he does not want Maggie either.
Ramon continues to cry about Fabi being pregnant with Frank’s baby. Uhm can’t they count; there is a possibility that if Fabi is pregnant the baby could also be Ramon’s. (Oh but wait she’s not pregnant)
Fabi in her apartment is crying about Ramon being back with Sofia. Frank then calls her to let her know that he is “working late tonight” in bed with Blond Bimbo. He will not be home until tomorrow.
Both Fabi and Ramon have night mares about each of them being with other people (Frank with Fabi and Sofia with Ramon)
Julio gives Ozzy a check to keep him quiet.
Andrea Jorge and Juana go see the Orchard with Mr. Mendez.
Luisa takes Hortensia her breakfast but finds she has a high fever, she calls Francisco but he is busy with Bimbo and says he will come by later.
At the shop Valente tells Benito about Luisa getting engaged, Benito is shocked and hurt.
Frank goes to see Hortensia while in the room he gets a phone call from his notary and tells him he wants him to prepare documents for a purchase of the clinic. “What did you win the lottery? “no I married a stupid millionaire” Hortensia overhears the conversation and yells at frank that she will not   let him get away with this revelation Frank tells her to shut up or he will kill her. She calms down but then sees that Frank is going to inject her with something and she passes out, or possibly dies.


Sandie..thanks you for an excellent recap of all the happenings of the dumb and the damaged.

So...Ozzy has decided to become a full fledged gigolo and a blackmailer. tree----apple. It is always interesting to watch two equally unscrupulous people try to get the better of each other. Bleecchhh.

Roxy is on a slippery slope with her new beau. Drug mule? Welcome to hell, Roxy

That must have been quite a task for ADa to undress a drunk , deadweight Benny.GIrl must be eating her WHeaties.

Fab and Ramon have nightmares about each other. Ahhh

Frank is tired and cranky after his night of passion with Nurse Naughty and decides to silence HOr for good. I am thinking about Frank in jail.


Susanlynn: I see that Ada raped Benito. She that desperate to have kids ?

I'm NOT Frank is upping the ante with evilness & murdering the Naughty Nurse.

Sandie: Now we're in the Murdering Stage of this TN.

I don’t think Francystco killed Horhell. He would have silenced her with the pillow if had had wanted to kill her. I think he just sedated her.

Thank You Sandie. It was worth it just to know exactly what Frankwithnobrainorheart blurted out in front of Hortorhoid. Perfect.

I MIGHT feel some empathy for Dr. Parrot. Well maybe Valiant also. The rest of these whiny little bitches need to be in time out for a few years. Diego too. You may not be too keen on Marg, and she is a little Hoe like all the rest, but it is not your choice who your Dad gives his business.

You have to give ADA points for effort. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

?The little farm looked nice. I get the impression a stack of hotcakes is about the intellectual limit for Wanna?. A FARM? Hmmmmmmm

So Wolfio needs to steal money from Wanna? to give to his blackmailing son so he doesn't tell Wanna? about Wm. Perfect.

So Ramoon, if you think she is expecting, now is the time to be tearing it up, with no concerns about contraception. Like a free play when there is a flag before the play is snapped.

Pay attention Steve.

Fantastic title Sandie. The recap was deliciously snarky and a great deal of fun.

Enjoyed so many lines but "wisely Kimosabe" and "Valente in his infinite wisdom says “what we do when we are drunk doesn’t count” (huh!?) were among my favorites.

"Maggie tells her that Ramon and Sofia were hugging yesterday. Fabi looks devastated". Sigh. Speechless.

Granted, my expectations for Ada weren't terribly high, but I didn't expect her to pull the fake "you slept with me" trick. Initially, I felt a bit sorry for her. Now? Nopis. I guess this love "quadrangle" - Benito, Luisa, Finito and Ada is going to (mercilessly) continue whether we want it to or not.

Dalia doesn't learn her lesson. Lessons. Based on some of his comments,
I think Val is less of a prize that initially surmised but still too good for Dalia

"dumb and the damage" said it all Susanlynn!

So what did Fran give Hortensia? A sedative? A lethal dose? Fran is so angry about Fabi, it is likely her money is the only thing keeping her alive right now.

And perhaps someone could tell me where the Juana/orchard storyline is going (?)

"Diegito tells Antonio that he now agrees that Antonio and Roxy should not continue together, but he does not want Maggie either" is the death knell for Antonio and Mags relationship.

Thank you Sandie!


tell Wanna? about EM. Perfect. now

Cyst can't be that angry, he got what he initially wanted all along, her money. And he is not exactly celibate, so life is good Cyst, so enjoy it and chill.

The road to Hell is usually a nice drive. It's when you arrive that you have that Oh Shit awakening. So you have some time yet.

He is leading a charmed life right now on a number of fronts. Most Doctors would have already lost their job and or license for his lackadaisical job performance, not to mention Nurse Naughty.

So Fabi was so torn up about her HUSBAND wanting to sleep with her that she could not make it to work the next day?

That explains a lot. We Gringos are a scosh more industrious than you people South of the border it appears.

"The road to Hell is usually a nice ride." Let me write that down, Kirby.

And more wisdom from Valiant, "What you do when you're drunk doesn't count." I did not know that, but this advice could be helpful during those holiday parties that are coming up.

Juana buying an orchard??? Maybe she will end up making jams and jellies for Smuckers.

At this point,all of these people kind of deserve each other.

So many role models here.....said no one ever.

Thanks so much Sandie! Finally truths are coming out....well lies too but those are always present lol.

I don't really care if Hortensia dies and I don't care if Fabi loses her money. She has acted the idiot through most of the show.

I'm surprised Emilia didn't offer to entertain both father and son.

Thank you, Sandie.

"Uhm can’t they count; there is a possibility that if Fabi is pregnant the baby could also be Ramon’s" - exactly.

Diana, "Maggie tells her that Ramon and Sofia were hugging yesterday. Fabi looks devastated". Sigh. Speechless." Cheater!

The scene with Julio, Oz and Em was funny. Birds of a feather.

Thanks all for your comments they add so much more depth than can be found in this TN.
Lucio: I’m so with you, Ozzy was unintentionally funny. I had to see that scene twice. When he says “it’s not like she’s the love of my life” I thought. duh. She’s 100 of course she’s not. And when he basically told Julio look whose calling the kettle black. Lol
Carvivlie: you are right about Emilia, she is the only one that was half decent. That one time. Ozzy will burn in hell for all he does. Along with Frank, blond bimbo, and so many others.
One more Note Ada has now joined the ranks of scum. Her comment about “in love and war all is fair” is only used by those who can’t look in the mirror after their actions.


I would call this episode the Nonsensical episode...ALOT's like someone lit a torch under the writer's HotBuns (hmmm, remembering the other HotBun from DV...raawwrrr!) Anyway, so many things just didn't make sense...

1. Luisa agreeing to marry after telling Finito she's been there, done that And after waiting 5 gruesome years for Benito.

2. Sweet Ada turning into a lemon and lying to Benito...too much, too soon! Diana, "Initially, I felt a bit sorry for her. Now? Nopis." DITTOOO!!!

3. Ozzie just happening to walk into a casino and seeing his scumbag dad kissing the Mascara Monster. What crazed jealous idiot would think to take a picture instead of storming in there and kicking the Sh*t out of the turd.

4. Dalia assuming Fabi is pregnant over something she overheard and spreading the rumors to the one she is supposed to care for so much...not too surprising, but SO convenient.

5. Juana buying such a large farm Susy, "Maybe she will end up making jams and jellies for Smuckers. " Good one!!

6. HorHellia being so totally out of it, but she conveniently came to just when the Cyst was calling Fabi "stupid" BONG!!

7. Kirby, "So Fabi was so torn up about her HUSBAND wanting to sleep with her that she could not make it to work the next day?" N need to say more...

What is it with these TNs that every woman will go to such lengths just to be married...regardless of whether there is love or not...#gettingtiredofit



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Forgotten letters and mistaken letters can be confusing...that should be

"NO need to say more..." on #7

AND #whateverhappenedtobabybeTito

"NO need to say more" Well she sure seems pretty fragile right now to have gone where no twit has ever gone before a week ago with her galactic Altar hopping.

Sometimes it is handy to stop and ask yourself:

"Does this serve any useful purpose, and does it make sense?" before you:
Get Married
Operate a handgun
Drive a car blindfolded
Jump off a cliff
Do drugs with strangers......

You get the picture Fab? You need to sort of pretend to see the future, if you will, and look and see how these things might work out for you in the long view.


Very wise and specific advice, kirby. If only some of\any of these people would listen to you....or the parrot.

So will Francocystco be able to keep Hormerrhoid permanently sedated until she dies? No vacations, no down time for him when she might regain consciousness for long enough to open her pie hole?

It would so great if Hor finally served some positive purpose and blew the whistle on Fraud. It is always interesting when the paths of two awful people cross and then cancel out each other ..karma is coming.Hor pushed Fraud at Fab . Happy now Hor? #ananvilintheshapeofhortensia


Agree Susy. To me she is disposable, and after what we saw, I can see no workable future for her unless Francystco turns her into a vegetable somehow or another. Otherwise, as I said earlier, keeping a lid on what she now knows is not practical in the long run.

So she needs to out Cyst as her last great act while breathing.

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