Saturday, December 09, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #35, 12/8/17: Gabriela condemns Christian for her sins, and no amount of rice will fix that phone.

After Christian walks into the apartment with his lover, Gabriela argues with him about cheating on her (the nerve). He tells her that she was doing the same, she denies it and then he says “why are you dressed like that (as she buttons up her coat)?” She calls his lover a “zorra” (derogatory name for a woman that sleeps around) and the “zorra” defends her self. Gabriela tells her to shut up and then walks away leaving Christian and the Zorra in the apartment. Christian suspects that Gabriella was waiting for a man, without realizing that Damian the coward is hiding inside. Christian and his lover leave, and Damian comes out of hiding only to drop Gabriela’s cellphone in the water in order to get rid of the recording Gabriela made of Agustin.
Present time:
Santi goes to Alina’s office to pay for her services; she tells him that she is going to defend him for "free". She has a personal conflict against Ruedas and will gladly go against him for free. And besides if Ruedas is defending the Becker family they must be trying to cover up something dirty. She then says “I suspect they may be partially responsible for Carolina’s death."
Cynthia is in Godoy’s apartment serving him a drink. She is glad he stayed. He tells her that he cheated on Laura; Cynthia says that “we all cheat because we can become attracted to people who are not our partner.” Godoy confesses that he is no good because not only did he cheat on Laura but he is also the reason why she limps.

Bebo is at the Alvarado home explaining that life in the US is different, there is more nightlife but it was also very hard. He believed in the US as the land of opportunity but he worked very hard for very little money, and besides things are more expensive in the US. He is getting ready to leave and Lola and Nico tell him to stay because his father may come by. He does not think so because “haven’t you heard that the police suspect him of killing your mother” Nico and Lola had not heard that and have a look of disbelief when he tells them this.
Miriam shows up to see Raquel and makes insinuation about Santi having been there earlier. She tells Raquel she is there to give her back what belongs to her, money credit cards everything but all she asks is to be able to take Damian to her house.
In the past
The Beckers go visit the Alvardos. They bring food and want to spend some quality time with Carol. Raquel tells Santi to go help with dinner. Damian takes this opportunity alone with Carol to explain to her that nothing happened with Gabriela. “She is threatening to tell Raquel everything; I was just trying to contain her” “Oh so you pay my brother off with money, and you will sleep with Gabriella to keep her quiet."
Mia is in Lola’s room and she tells Lola that she does not like everyone talking about her problems. “If you want to help me, you will cover up for me when I go out”. Lola does not think that is a good idea, and she should get help to try and stop hurting herself. Mia tells her that she is just jealous of her and her family because they have Money. Lola says no, money means nothing, “I’m just sad that you hurt yourself”
Damian continues hounding Carol, asks how is the baby?
Later they sit down at the dinner table and Raquel brings up the subject of Gabriela and her cheating husband. Santi makes a comment about how Gabriela is too much, “she even came on to me” Carol than says “what are you saying Santi?” He then says “she flirted with me” Carol says “why did you not mention it to me?” “it was no big deal” Then they try to change the conversation and Santi says he would never, ever cheat on Carol. Carol looks at Damian and Damian is very nervous about the conversation, he wants to change the subject, but Raquel says they are not doing anything wrong just having a conversation amongst friends.
In Nico’s room he tells Fede “I don’t know how to help Mia” Fede confesses he does not know either, he is just finding out himself about Mia. He then tells Nico that they have a connection that only twins understand “when she feels sick, I feel sick and when I feel sick, she feels sick.” That’s why he won’t kiss a girl because he feels that Mia would know. Nico tells him that is silly and just ignore Mia, live your own life.
Back at the dinner table Santi says that people who are unfaithful are cowards” He then looks at Carol and says “my love I would never do that to you” Carol then turns to Santi and says “After what we have gone through, I feel I have found you again, I fell in lovewith you again” Damian pays attention to what she is saying, Santi tells Carol “you are the best woman, I love you” Then they kiss.  Raquel then turns to Damian, “what do you feel for me?”
Mia tells Lola about the call she answered from Carol and tells Lola that her mother is a “mosquita muerta” or a fake. Well Lola has one better and tells Mia that she saw Damian and Gabriela in a compromising position. “So before you come and accuse my mother, look at your own parents”
Damian tells Raquel that she is the woman that helped him succeed, that she makes him who he is and that she is the mother of his kids (he does not say he loves her) but Raquel cuts him off and says she loves him (will she ever learn?)
That night in bed Dam tells Raquel that she is beautiful and more with those glasses she is wearing. “It’s time that we get closer again” Raquel asks him “are you still in love with me? “Of course I love you” he replies. He gets on top of her and they make love.
In the Alvarado’s bedroom Santi thanks Carol for saying what she said. Carol tells Santi to forgive her, Santi says there is nothing to forgive, you are better than me, he then leans over and kisses her stomach.
Mia walks in to Feds room and says “My dad is cheating on mom”, Fede responds “what makes you say that? “Lola saw Gabriela and dad very close in his office”
Azucena tells Damian that she has already sent Gabriella a new phone, without anyone noticing.
Christian stops by Damian's office and Damian wonders why. He says that Gabriela kicked him out of the house, but it is ironic because she caught him with his lover, and at the same time he knows she was in the apartment waiting for a man. He is glad he did not see the man otherwise he would have killed him.
At Gabriela’s house Santi is telling all his workers to keep it down because they don’t want Gabriela to be disturbed. Raquel than gets there and Santi wonders why, she explains that "Gabriela called her because she needs a friend after what Christian did to her”
At the basketball court, Nico and Fede are talking and Fede confesses that he thinks his father has a lover.
Gabriella and Raquel are having a heart to heart. And Raquel tells Gabriella, since you guys are swingers and sleep around, why are you making such a big deal about Christian having a lover.?“That is different, we are supposed to be open about it and not lie to our partner, he lied to me” Raquel does not understand her and says “you were flirting with Santi, so why are you so uptight about Christian doing the same” Well it’s different because Santi only has eyes for one woman” “yes his wife” “no Raquel you sure are blind, he is obviously dying to be with you” Raquel tries to process what she just heard.
Juan walks Lola to work, and again has a little jealousy attack and tells her he does not want any dudes to be looking at her, she tells him I am with you not any other “dudes”
Dam doing what irresponsible people do goes to see Carol, he wants to be near her and the baby “If I’m not near you my life will be ruined” “you have Gabriela” Damian denies it then she says “Don’t lie to me, I love you but we can’t be with each other” “but the baby is mine” Carol then replies, “we do not know that”
Present time
Miriam yells at Raquel that she is ungrateful, and Raquel just tells her to get out of her house. Raquel is frustrated and tells Jovita she is going out to see the one person that understand her
At Alina’s office Santi says he has to leave because Bebo is at his house and wants to go see him. Alina says “oh I’m glad, he has not come to see me yet” “oh is that so, well why don’t you go see him at my house” “oh that’s such a great Idea” Alina follows Santi home with the pretext that she wants to see Bebo.
Ruedas is at Antonio’s trying to dig some information from Antonio, but Antonio will not tell him anything.  (yeah right) He tells him that there was no DNA, no fingerprints, he tells him he knows that Andres had money problems at the company…and if we had stayed there longer he would have divulged much more information. (Incompetent cops at this station are a dime a dozen I swear)
At Santi’s house he arrives, immediately followed by Alina who walks with him inside his house, as Raquel watches from her car, she looks defeated.


Sandie: Gabriela called her the derogatory zorra ? What does that mean in defined terms ?

Gracias, Sandie. You got all the important stuff.

Steve, zorra is another word for "slut." There are so many words for this in Spanish that I have difficulty sorting out the nuances, but I don't think this one necessarily carries the implication of putan, which refers to a prostitute. Golfa usually refers to a gold-digger, which is a different implication about money.

Gabriela is mental and her husband may also be. Neither of them is in any position to criticize other people's morals and if you're going to be swingers you can't be hypocrites about jealousy, either.

Very smart of Damian to destroy Gabriela's cell phone. As to his behavior at the dinner table he was avoiding telling Raquel that he loves her because Carolina was in the room, but we can't know what he actually feels, if anything.

Is Laura faking the limp to make Fernando feel guilty? That would be in character for her.

Thanks Sandie!

I missed the first 5-10 minutes so I didn't get to see the conclusion of the Gabriela/Cristian scene. There's only four words including zorra and golfa that mean "slut" that I can think of off the top of my head. The other two being "puta" and "ramera" lol but yeah I think both of them brought that upon themselves with their unconventional lifestyle when it comes to their marriage.

I had a feeling that Caro was trying to keep up appearances when saying all those loving things about Santi in front of Damian. She was pretty convincing. Damian, however, seemed to have a harder time doing that with Raq. Even so they both still managed fo keep their spouses fooled. I'm still curious to see how Caro's other pregnancy (after Benjamin) plays out up until the accident.

Gabriela's comment to Raq about Santi having feelings for her (Raq) certainly wasn't out of place. I've said before that they obviously had a great friendship before the accident. Damian and Caro obviously skipped a step.

Thanks, Sandie.

Well it’s different because Santi only has eyes for one woman” “yes his wife” “no Raquel you sure are blind, he is obviously dying to be with you” Raquel tries to process what she just heard.

I'm still feeling Santi is in love with Caro. Even though they've had sex together, the vibe I get between Santi and Raquel is friendship.

Poor Fede. Afraid to kiss a girl because he thinks Mia will know. Caro's trying her best to be there for disturbed Lola, but Fede needs help too.

...Raquel's trying her best...

Sandie, this was fabulous. Excellent attention to detail!

Mia may be one of the most depressed characters - ever. So sad, angry and bitter. Not attractive or endearing - to anyone. That said, she is suspicious by nature. She's temporarily been sidetracked by Gabi, but she has sensed all along that Dam has a roving eye.

"Well it’s different because Santi only has eyes for one woman” “yes his wife” “no Raquel you sure are blind, he is obviously dying to be with you” Raquel tries to process what she just heard". It seems we've all honed in on this...I've long wondered when Santi fell in love with Raq...I am more convinced than ever it was earlier than Caro's death. I don't know if he is aware of it or is concealing his feelings. TF, I think Damian does not love Raq, but loves Caro.

Urban, Dam seems able to placate Raq by murmuring sweet nothings. And actually, they really aren't more than that.

Sandie, thank you!


Santiago and Raquel clearly have different ways of coping with the affair and the accident. Raquel seems more paranoid and eccentric. She can take her anger out on a comatose Damian with no consequences. Santiago doesn't have that. He's mourning his wife's death while trying to figure out his feelings for Raquel. Several episodes back when they were at the cabin and Raq flashed Santiago (lol) he said he didn't know what he wanted and Raq said she did but I think then she was acting on impulse and anger at Damian for everything. Her coping mechanism is wanting to feel what Damian felt when he was with Carolina and the only person she can attempt to do that with is Santiago. She tried playing off her feelings in the moments leading up to them having sex because of her jealousy towards Alina but Santiago got her to admit that she was upset that she couldn't be with him. And he made his frustrations about not being able to be with her known. They are like drugs for each other to cope with everything they're going through.

I think Raq and Santi are both desperately unhappy and both are trying to find relief somehow. I’m not convinced that either of them are truly in love with the other. They are just hoping they can feel true love again and their deep connection enables them to “ try out “ this sexual route, so to speak.
I think all these characters are quite flawed, all in different ways. Well, maybe Santi is not so flawed- maybe he is just very confused and somewhat knnocent or naive. Perhaps Bebo will offer some normalcy. Seems he and Nacho are both kind of “with it.”
I think the whole family - santi, caro, nico and lola are all NAIVE or just not that bright.
THat lawyer lady is something else- always scary to see sick characters pretend they are normal. She is pathetic. I think the writer of this TN is really obssessed with sexual “stuff! !!”

Who is Bebo's father? Nacho? I'm confused.

Thanks - Diana

Yes, Diana. Nacho is Bebo’s father . Nacho is under suspicion for Caro’s death which is why Bebo says to Nico and Lola that his father will probably Not be coming by their house because he is under suspicion for their mother’s death. They are both very surprised. You may also remember that at one point Nacho mentions to someone that his son is finally out of jail and coming home. It seems a lot of people are under suspicion!!

Thanks Sandie!

I'm having a hard time finding someone to root for in this one. I don't like the coupling of Santi and Raq, the kids are a mess...Also, I can't get out of my mind that pay off Santi gave that guy. Raq's weird behavior in the cabin, wanting to lie in the bed etc., gives me doubts.

Still a long way to go in this one.

Diana. Hi It's "amotelenovelaas"--When I answered your "who is Bebo" question, I came through as anonymous instead of "amotelenovelas" (How did that happen?!!) So....I wanted to add that I hope I understood correctly that conversation between Bebo and Lola & Nico. as I explained it above. If not, someone correct me.
and....Sandie....I too found Raq's behavior in the cabin way too weird but she has always been a weird character even before Caro's death. She was so OVERLY enthusiastic all the time--I'd call it hyperbolic personality syndrome (LOL). I just wish she could use her extremist qualities to do something drastic to that mother-in-law!!!!! However, I do wish Dam could come home to someone's house already and be in a partial wake-up state--OR something more concrete than the coma!!

Damian is in this condition because of the peculiar legal situation it presents. Raquel should be making all the decisions regarding him and should have access to his money, but she doesn't and Miriam is doing whatever she thinks it will take to destroy her. Nobody has brought this up but I'm sure he hadn't made out his will yet and if he dies there will be hell all over.

If he wakes up from the coma anytime soon I'll bet he will have amnesia.

Ahhh, thank you amotelenovelaas!

I readily admit that there is so much going on and as I understand almost none of the dialog, am confused very easily. That is why I so appreciate the marvelous recappers and commenters, such as yourself who explain things so well.

I totally agree that Raq was very over the top initially. She was just, well exhausting. She seemed to have a good heart, but the more the story continues, the more I think she became (painfully) aware of what was transpiring between Damian and Caro.

Urban, I am starting to wonder if Dam WILL wake up. He cried when he was told Caro was found (or died, I can't remember), so I think something is stirring but can't be sure what or how much.

Carvivlie, I like Augustin. I'm wary of everyone else :)


Sandie, thank you, good recap girl.The
People are such liars.
That dinner talk was enough to make a girl upchuck her Sunday supper. Damian said Everything "but" love you baby.
Cuz the jerk don't.
And that sex was just guilt sex.Guilty jerk.

And that "you cheated on me" argument
Between Gabriela & Azusen or whatever
The hell his name is was totally dumb.

Miriam, dear sweet psycho momma Miriam
Like she's doin Raquel a favor by givi
ng her back what she stole from her, well she kinda is, Raquel got bills.

The kiddos the kiddos, just as screwed up as their parents.

Is little benito santi's or Damian's
Offspring? I thought that was settled.
Well, about as settled as Everything else with these very confused & mixed
Up people.

Raquel is probably thinking santi is
Cheating on her. She can't take more
Cheating. But he wouldn't do that to
Her, not after what Carol did to him.
He knows what it feels like. And not with That psycho skank lawyer skank.

Ok this was good, now I must get in warm mode. Good night tall.

Back home and all caught up--visually and verbally. Thank you, to Jar, Urban and Sandie keeping the sensational recaps coming.

Nina--Benji's paternity is about to be settled. The judge ordered a DNA test, which Santi didn't want, afraid Benji would be taken away from him if it turned out he was Damian's. It was taken a few episodes back.

What you are seeing in the tres anos antes is Damian insisting the baby to-be-born is his while Caro tells him they can't be sure since she also had sex with Santi at the family retreat 2.0, around the time she got pregnant.

The last pregnancy, which ended with Caro's death, was determined to be Santi's.

Yes, I've also been wondering at what point did Santi fall in love with Raquel, or has he? In the present they only speak of "quiero" and not "amo." He's been very comfortable around her almost from the beginning and found her a good listener when he was experiencing Caro's "raro" behavior. They did spend a lot of time together, but I don't think Raquel was ever attracted to him as long as Damian was alive. She only had eyes for him.

I worry, too, about that payoff. What was it for? Why did Santi tell the man to get lost and never be seen around there again? We know now that the seeds of doubt or suspicion were sown by Nacho urging Augie to tell Santi "what he saw." Augie's reluctance was not lost on Santi. We have also seen that Santi does have a hot temper and has not hesitated to use it on Caro. Could he have found out definitively about Caro and Damian and decided to take revenge?

Still, the night he set the mattress on fire and threw away his wedding ring tells me how wounded he is and his pain and anguish are clearly visible.

He and Raquel are both right--they will never be able to be alone together. Caro and Dam will be ever present the rest of their days. Then he turns around and tells Lola that he cares for Raquel and she has helped heal his heart. Truly, I just don't know what to think. Damian is so transparent. We know he knows he's cheating. We just don't know what Santi is really thinking.

Just to add a note--Damian knows he's cheating and doesn't care. He doesn't care what it is doing to FIRST--Caro (she's a mess), next--Raquel (she has to beg for a few words of love from him), then--the children (his own are ignored), and also--his business (trouble brewing with Andres and his mother).

I would put DAM in that category of men who LITERALLY do not think above the waist. He is not a mean, nasty guy at all but his sexual needs drive his life at most hours of the day and night- OY!!!

I have a hard time believing Santi is in love with Raq. They are helping each other through a difficult time but I don't see them together long term. They don't match up personality wise.

AND....another comment while I'm at it-----I have to add that this telenovela is PACKED FULL with mysteries yet to be solved. Personally--at least up to now--I am quite fascinated with telenovela, definitely more so than the other two I am watching- MARIDO and RAMON. I was doubtful I could enjoy a TN that went back and forth like this but I am very used to it now and it's probably good for our aging brains!!

Thank you patio peeps for all your comments.

Anita: Thanks for the slight recap, I had forgotten that Santi was the father of the baby that perished with Carol.

TF: I do agree that Damian loves Carol, and that is why I don't think he will wake up, at least not wake up to live his life again. He will die and go spend eternity with his love.

I only have one additional comment and that is Alina is going to cause trouble for the Alvarado's. Sleeping with Nico and now she wants Santi. She is the female version of Dam IMHO.


Damian is not in love with Raquel, because you can't be in love with somebody you don't respect, and he does not respect Raquel.

I think Damian and Carolina are true soulmates. Which is why when Damian realizes Raquel, Fede & Mia don't need him anymore and he's ready, he will die and join Carolina. There is nothing left for him on this earth anymore, not even Benjamin. Benjamin without Carolina might as well be a mound of dirt or a rock.

Damian & Carolina in eternity means no more worrying about Raquel & Santiago's feelings, no more having to care about what happens to their kids, no more hiding, no more sneaking. They can indulge themselves to their hearts' content and never have to worry about other people's feelings ever again.

IMO Damian is staying in the coma to avoid the consequences of his actions. I don't know if Damian knows Carolina is dead but once he knows for sure, I think he will choose to die to be with her and have more happy times rather than face the consequences of hurting Raquel, Damian, all 5 children, the business, public shame etc.

I'm not sure that Santiago knows what he is really feeling yet. Neither of them is blindly rushing into a relationship and that is a good thing.

Raquel has a strong enough personality that no man would be able to keep her down. Santiago needs a woman like this. He needs someone to get him out of any outdated thinking he has left and someone who will give Alina the heave-ho out of their lives once she figures out what's happening. Her ebullience often feels declasse to me (as an Anglo) but it's much more interesting than Carolina's passivity.

Damian's coma is a plot convenience that happens to be a possible consequence of the accident that wasn't one. If he dies at the end of the story at least Raquel will be free of him but I also think that Miriam has to die before Raquel can breathe easily.

Note: Due to circumstances beyond my control tonight's recap will probably be a "just the facts" if I'm to get it posted on time or only a little late.

Second, I've checked my blog calendar and have noticed that this series has been preempted 5 times in the last six weeks. Christmas Day is on Monday this year, two weeks from today. We can probably expect at least one more pre-emption before then.

These two people are undoubedtly into
Each other to the point of not givin a
Flyin fig about anybody that love them
That's why they got into trouble and left this mess for their families to deal with. They might be in eternity,
But I doubt they're happy. They left a
Mess. I have no impathy for these Two
Selfish liars. And I hope he wakes up
So he can face the music.As for raquel
& Santi I don't see them together just except Good friends.

Thanks for the Heads Up Urban.

Sandie: I do NOT trust Raquel's druggie sister either.

Mia is downright NUTS!

I don't trust Cinthia either. You can never trust an addict. Don't ask how I know.

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