Friday, December 15, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #39, 12/14/17: Mistaken Identity -- Bad News for Gabriela, But What About Nacho?

This is Anita filling in. What she has seen, so far is--
Past Time:
Mia gets her dad's hotel room number from the reception desk (a no-no in my book) and heads upstairs. She happens to see Gabriela at the door to Dam's room number and stops to spy. She has enough and takes off.

Meanwhile, Dam is persuasively working on Caro's resistance to him. She still thinks he's "doing" at least two women, other than herself. He tells her he's in love with her and left his wife for her. She says she didn't ask him to do that. For her, family comes first. He wants them to run away together and start a new life together. She gives in to lovemaking when Gaby knocks at the door. Damian tries to shoo her away and fortunately for his hide, Cristian hears the commotion and pops out of his room. Dam says Gaby was looking for him and got the rooms mixed up. He goes back to Caro. She's done with him. She tells him to go back to his wife and family. If he leaves Raq, she'll never see him again (and how many times has she said that....).

Meanwhile, Cristian and Gabriela have a loud discussion on who broke their swinging lifestyle arrangement. Gaby also wants to know who Dam is cheating with. Cris says to stay out of it it's none of her business. Gaby says Raq is her best friend and has a right to know. She sweeps out leaving Cris with his mouth open.

Raq is through with her tears and is ready to battle for her man--or at least get a better explanation for why he "needs time" away from her. She asks Santiago to accompany her. Santi urges her to take it easy before making any big decisions. She insists that she needs Dam home and he reluctantly agrees to go with her.

Mia goes back to school (in her oh, so passe red sweater) and tells Nico and Fede she didn't talk to her father, but she knows with whom he's cheating on her mother--Gabriela. Nico pipes up that Lola was right.

Present Time:
Raq has run into Alina at Santi's house--after hours and all dressed up. She won't let Santi explain Alina's presence. She's in a hurry and says she's gotta leave. Alina is sorry (not) and Santi says never mind her, there's nothing between them anyway. (Does anyone in this story NOT lie?) Alina says only a woman in love acts that way and, oh by the way, whenever she's close to Santi he makes her "feel" things. She's about to leave when Nico arrives home. He sees her and his father and gets his pants in a twist and is very disrespectful. After she leaves, Santi lights into him for being so discourteous. She's Nico's boss and she's Santi's lawyer for heaven sakes. Santi leaves it to Lola to figure it out. He's mum to her, too.

Raq is back home and looking at herself in a mirror. She may be wondering who she is now and could she be letting herself in for more heartache if Santi does to her what Dam did. Santi is also reflecting on how he feels about Raq and calls her. She won't answer and hangs up the call.

Laura is checking up on Fernando, wondering why he isn't home and why he sounds so strange on the phone. Luckily she can't see him, because he and SinCin are standing close together, within kissing range as she is enticing him to stay the night and if he does, they won't just stay up talking. Fern looks as though he's mightily tempted. Fern answers. Laura wants an update on the Patricia case. Fern says he'll be home soon. SinCin says adios, but left alone, she's clearly disappointed.

Andres and Raquel are discussing the state of affairs at Legato. Miriam is out for awhile. He'll be taking over, but Miriam has made a mess of things and he needs Raq's skills. Oh, and by the way, she's getting all her credit cards and money back. In exchange for what, Raq wants to know. He only wants her forgiveness for all his stupidity. Later on we learn this is all a set up, in collusion with Andres and Rueda to keep Raquel distracted so she doesn't file charges of attempted murder.

Apparently Nico told Lola he was jealous seeing Santi and his boss together. Lola tells Santi before he leaves to take Benji to pre-school. After he leaves, she teases Nico about the idiocy of Alina being interested in him and doesn't believe Nico when he says he slept with her.

Santiago learns Laura has been to Benji's preschool to talk to the tyke. The director assures Santi that she was turned away. (Did Laura think Benji was going to tell her about Damian and his mother and his paternity?)

The Affair of the Shovel--Toni is telling Fernando that a 3d DNA sample was on the shovel. Before, the police didn't have a match, but Antonio took the cup that Nacho had coffee in when he came in to give his statement and used the saliva there to get DNA. It was a match. The two look quite serious and they know what is coming next.

Nico arrives at the office and is looking in on Alina with a client. She steps out to talk to him. She's pissed because he's supposed to be on his way with an errand and they'll talk later---and he'd better think twice about what he is going to say because he already has one foot out the door.

Fede is at Legato ready to work. He wants to start at the bottom and tells Azucena he doesn't want anyone to know he's the boss' son. He runs into Andres and his mom, who presumably have finished their confab. She tells him she's going to work there, for the time being. Azucena welcomes her aboard.

Rueda is ready to spring Miriam from the hospital with the help of the bought-and-paid-for doc, who will alter any report so it looks as though Miriam had a mental "episode." She tearfully checks on Damian before being ushered out.

Nico shows up at Mia's house. He wants her to accompany him on his legal errands to the court. She objects to tagging along and he picks a fight--either she wants to spend more time with him or she doesn't. She insists on quality time, not just any old time. He heads for the door and it hits Nico on the way out. Poor Mia. She doesn't realize he's mad at Alina, his father and possibly himself.

Santiago is at the police station haranguing Tonio for letting Laura run rampant over the investigation. Tonio agrees, he's getting sick of her, too and he calls someone to get him Fernando asap. Santi asks about the DNA test on Benji. Tonio tells him to relax, it won't be long, and oh, by the way, Nacho is on the radar again for Carolina's murder and attempted murder of Dam.

Lola meets Bebo where he's having coffee. She asks him for some assistance with her errands because she's in a hurry and has to go. Bebo wonders if her real errand is to go be with Juan. She answers no, she broke up with him. Bebo says she'd better make sure he knows---he's been watching them from across the street. Bebo asks if she'd like him to make him disappear from her life permanently. She doesn't quite know what he means, but as they are talking, a car nearly runs them down.

Rafael, the crooked drug cop, shows up at SinCinFern's apartment. He's pissed that Fern is investigating him. He wants her to find out what he knows. If he goes down, does she know what they do to cops in prison? He says he can't afford that and if Fern knows anything, then Rafe will have to kill him.

Raquel walks into Damian's office. Azucena welcomes her again and hands her some reports to review. Raq asks her if she knew about Dam's affair. Azucena's silence is a "yes" for Raquel.

Past Time:
Cris stops Carolina from leaving the lobby of the hotel while Gabriela is still exiting. He tells her it is a precaution, for hers and Damian's sake. BOOM! Someone else now knows of their affair. (How many is it now? Cristian, Andres, Azucena, Vicente, maybe Lisa, Mia--who thinks she knows and is dangerous, and maybe Agustin, and Nacho by hearsay.)

Santi has accompanied Raquel to the Legato offices. He runs into Lola and they both run into Andres, who is so disrespectful to both of them that he and Santi would have come to blows if Raq hadn't interfered. After they leave the scene Andres asks Raq why she is still surrounding herself with "these people." Raq is furious with him. He says he know Dam just left the house. So, Raq insists on knowing who Dam is cheating with. Andres does not respond.

Mia, Nico and Fede come back to Santi's house. They are discussing Damian's betrayal with Gaby. Mia wants to tell her mother. Fede doesn't. Mia wants revenge. Caro interrupts by returning home from her latest and last "tryst" with Damian. Nico tells her Mia and Fede learned Dam is cheating on Raq with another woman. They way Mia frames her accusation--as if Caro knows--Caro is led to believe Mia is saying she's the woman in question.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Cristian knocks on Dam's door. He tells him: first, how he helped keep Dam and Caro from being exposed; second, he would never reveal Dam's secret; and third, that woman is poison.

Caro feels as though she is about to be exposed when Mia coughs up Gaby's name. And, she knows Caro saw him with Gabriela in his office. What does Caro say about that, she demands. All three want to know if Caro knew about the affair. Caro thinks hard and fast and comes up with a half truth. She did indeed see Dam with that lady once and she confronted Dam about it, but he swore he had nothing to do with that woman. Mia says that can't be the truth because she herself saw Gaby at his hotel door. Frustrated, Mia storms out and Caro sends Fede out after her and for him to make sure she says nothing to their mother. Nico goes after them.

In desperation, Caro calls Dam and tells him what the kids are thinking. Dam thinks the jig is up. Caro says no, he has to DO something. He can't lose his family.

Present Time:
Fede is at work on the pasta line. He is about to be propositioned by a young fellow who likes guys. His accomplice a female fellow worker will help them get together. Fede agrees to go for a drink after work with them.

Nacho gets arrested. Santi bursts into Alina's office. He wants to know everything about Nacho. Did he kill Carolina?


Looks like no recap of Thursday's 12/14/17 show. Since I neither speak nor understand Spanish but do read the Spanish cc's to the very best of my ability (which means not very good) I rely heavily on the Recaps since UNI has not been putting any English cc's of rmonths now.
This is my puzzle about the DNA results which lead to the 'arrest' of Nacho (Ignatio) for the murder of Carolina Rivas. Does anyone know which object the tested for DNA? Was it the shovel? Or something else? And aside from the DNA on the murder whatever happened to the DNA from baby Benjamin? do we know the paternity of Benji? Damian? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Viewerville!

Stay tuned, Anon, there will be a recap of some sort. Maybe not until after Friday's episode, but we won't let it get past us. This was too important a "filler" episode.

It was the shovel that showed there was a 3d set of prints he got DNA for. Before, the police didn't have a match, but Antonio took the cup that Nacho had coffee in and used the saliva there to get DNA.

In the scene with Antonio and Santi, he tells Santi that the results of Benji's DNA will be coming back .... soon. That's all we've got.

Hi Anon. I did not see last night's episode but the DNA test and Nacho's arrest I do not believe are related. The current DNA test they've been trying to do is on Benjamin, and whether he is Santi's or Dam's. He is now about 3 years old.

Caro was also pregnant when she was killed. That DNA test showed that Santi was the father.

Nacho became a suspect because of what he heard from Augustine when Augie saw Caro with Dam. Pretty flimsy, unless I missed something. He also would have had access to the company car (black one) that was seen following Dam and Caro.

Thanks Anita, I did not know that the shovel had a third set of DNA. I can't believe Nacho is the killer though. I'm beginning to suspect Raq and Santi!

LoriLoo--I'm beginning to suspect Mia, but still, it's too obvious. Her anger is the type that will overcome prudence and I'm afraid right now Gabriela is in her rifle sights. Wait till she finds out it's really Carolina.

Agreed last nights episode was very important among some of the important scenes we had:

--Mia finding out it was Gabriella visiting her dad, but she completely missed --Carol already in the room
--Nacho is now a stronger suspect because DNA is on the shovel
--Carol's jealousy
--Damian's immaturity
--Andres, Ruedas and Miriam working together to trap Raquel doing something, Andres asked Raquel to come work at Legato's
--Alina continuing with her intrigue, and inappropriate behavior
--Cynthia and Godoy becoming closer, some type of misguided chemistry
--Laura checking up on Godoy
--Santi calling Raquel and she ignored his phone call because she was "jealous" about Alina, not sure here, she may just be mature and realize that what she and Santi have is really not a good idea.

I will be recapping tonight's episode but it will be up early Saturday. Thank you for patience.

Sandie--Thanks for getting the recap started. I'll fill in as I go. Why don't you take your time with tonight's recap and let Thursday's stay up for part of Saturday.

All recappers on this crazy train ride called CET have my utmost thanks, appreciation, and admiration. You all are wonderful and any delay in posting is insignificant compared to the work involved.

Muchisimas gracias!!

Anita - I've also suspected Mia but she would need help dragging Caro off to where she was found.

I've suspected Andres but he is too obvious, as is Vicente.

I even suspected Dam and Miriam together, killing Caro, and the accident was just that - an accident.

So now I'm suspecting Raq and Santi; but that probably won't last either.

Will do thank you.

Good recap Princess. Raquel shouldn't give up on santi.Every man is not like
Her ass of a husband. There are desent
Men out there.Those two barracutas ali
And Gabriela should becaptured and get
Dropped off in the Congo somewhere.And
They can run wild all they want.

Why would anybody want to be in a rela
Tionship with Mia?the girl is as unsta
bled as nitroglycerin. All of these
Freaking people need some heavey duty
Therapy. Nobody is sane in this show.
Nobody is happy. How depressing.

At this point everybody is lookin like
Guilt warmed over. Except for little
Benji. Poor kid, all the adults around
Him are bonkers. Ok all done. For now.

THANK you Princess Juju.

Thanks, Anita. Fine recap. Wow, you're a fast writer.

Godoy and CinSin, a known drug abuser and liar? He must have a destructive streak.

The recap is all done, folks.
Niecie, thanks, but I'm the opposite of a fast writer. I started this around 4:30, trying to make it short, but the arc of the story and the character interaction gets to me and the recap just kept getting longer and longer.

Good stuff.

The shovel might come from Santiago's equipment and it could have been taken offsite by Andres or anyone else. I don't think Nacho did it.

I'm willing to bet that Andres will use the "fake" medical report on Miriam to oust her permanently. She's not going to like his true colours.

UA: Andres wants the Big Chair!

I don't watch on a regular basis, so need you guys to fill me in.
Who is Bebo, where did he come from?

muchas gracias

Variopinta--Believe it or not, Bebo is Nacho's son. He was recently sprung from prison by Alina la Abogada of Nacho and Santi and Nico's boss--you know, the one who seduces any male younger than she and wears undergarments as outergarments.

thank you Anita

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