Sunday, December 24, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #45, 12/22/17; One of the twins dies, no not those twins!

Present time
At the office Raquel, Azucena and Mia are Discussing Nacho Azucena says that he always seemed to be a good man.  Raquel also says that Mia had gotten him in trouble before over a tantrum. Cynthia then arrives she has to talk to Raquel, but Raquel says she has no time for her antics. Raquel and Azucena leave and Cynthia asks Mia why Raquel is acting like that, Mia then tells her that it’s because the police have now found the man who stole Damian’s jewelry. Cynthia asks who, and Mia tells her that it is the son of a construction worker that did work at the house
Rueda states that Bebo is now in Jail, and that they will probably drag Santi into it. Andres is glad because now he does not have to worry anymore as per their plan. Miriam wants Rueda's to make sure the case continues until Santi pays for everything.
Raquel comes back into the office, Cynthia tells her that she lied to her, that she never does anything right, but she wants to do things right, she is just sick. Raquel says “ok tell me what you did” Cynthia begins to panic and says “I, I, I stole the jewelry, sorry Raquel I did it” Raquel looks shocked.

 At the Jail Santi and Nacho continue to have a discussion, and Nacho asks Santi if he indeed believes that he killed Carol. Santi’s response is “you lied about the affair; you knew they were having an affair and did not tell me anything.” Nacho tells him it was to protect him “if you knew back then what they did the one in jail would be you” “protect me from what?” Nacho says that he is not capable of killing any one, but “think what you want”. Santi says look at me in the eyes and tell me you did not do it “I swear on my son It was not me, ““how then do you explain this?” how did the jewelry get to Bebo.” Nacho then says “this is a trap, please save Bebo” Santi reassures him and tells him not to worry. Santi leaves and calls Raquel. She tells him that it’s been a crazy day, Cynthia is there listening to Raquel’s end of the conversation so when Santi tells her that he loves her, Raquel simply says “I do too”
Cynthia tells Raquel that she was just trying to help that she sold drugs, and that she knows she has ruined people’s lives but she was just trying to help. I tried to find work, but I am no good I don’t know how to do anything. Oh and by the way when I told you I slept with Damian that was a lie. I tried but he refused me. (Talk about not knowing when to shut up) This infuriates Raquel even more (ya think). Cynthia continues to say she has a lot of problems, but all Raquel says those are your problems. She also tells her that she should go to the police and let them know what she did because an innocent man is in Jail. Mia walks in and wants to talk to Raquel, but she has no time for Mia and Raquel leaves. Mia then rudely asks “where did my mom go? Did she go with Santi? Tell me where she went”
Lola tells Santi to Calm down Carol just went to help her aunt, “yes but she should be resting” then Santi notices that Lola seems pensive asks if she is ok, Nico says she is upset because she misses her boyfriend, Lola tells him to mind his own business and begin s to yell at him. Santi tells her that he does not like Juan for her. He is no good for her.
At the hospital Carol is being wheeled in she is in a lot of pain Damian is there and she yells at him to leave.
At the Becker home Raquel is telling Mia to support Fede that they have to let him live his life Mia says “is he gay?” Raquel answers ambiguously that “he is looking for his destine, we have to allow him to be himself.” Mia says “this makes me mad and I can’t control it”
Fede and Nico on the phone discussing Fede’s issues when Santi gets a call from the hospital that carol is there, he tells Lola and Nico o get what they need and then he rushes to the hospital.
At the Becker home Raquel tells Damian about Fede trying to define his sexuality Damian says “is he gay?” I support him but he needs his dad says Raquel Damian says “I will support him, but this has shocked me.
Fede comes down to let the Becker’s know that Carol has been hospitalized.
At the hospital Santi and crew ask doctor how carol is doing. The doctor informs them that she lost the baby but the other one is ok. She had been pregnant with twins, the family is shocked.
They go in to see carol and when she sees them she seems sad about the dead baby, but Santi says the other one is alive. Carol asks Santi to forgive her because the baby died because she went out. She continues to ask for forgiveness, because it is her fault that the baby died. She begins to lose her composure and screams.
At the Becker’s Mia comes down to tell Damian she needs to talk to him. Everyone informs her that carol lost her baby and Mia says “so” well Raquel says “she is our friend. Damian says that their conversation can wait. Mia gets upset and that she guesses that Santi cares more about “his carol” than his own kids. Damian gets upset at these comments. He then gets on Mia’s case and tells her that she is selfish, that all she cares about is herself. Mia takes this to heart, and walks away. “Don’t let her manipulate us” Raquel gets upset and says that they need to concentrate on their family and no other families. She goes to check up on Mia, who had a tantrum. With Raquel and Mia out of the way Damian tells Fede to call Nico to find out about Carol. He is obviously very concerned.
At the hospital Lola is wondering why Carol is blaming herself so something must have happened; Nico suggests calling her aunt Lisa to find out what happened. Santi calls her and asks her if she has been with Carol, but Lisa says no she did not see her. Lisa senses something about the line of questioning and says yes she was going to talk to carol but she saw a friend and went back to her town with the friend. She asks about carol, and then they hang up. Lola and Nico ask what did she say, he tells them that Lisa says she had not seen Carol.
Lola goes in to say bye to carol, and asks her about her aunt Lisa. “You had said she had problems, what happened to her” Carol was about to say something but Lola interjects and says that Santi called Lisa and she said that she had not seen Carol. Did you or did you not see her. Carol realizes she was about to get caught in a lie and begins to tread lightly around the issue. She tells her a lie, and Lola seems to realize that it’s a lie. Lola tells her to relax and that she will come to see her tomorrow.
At the Becker’s Fede is on the phone with Nico, Fede finds out about the twins and tells Damian that carol is depressed about losing the baby.
Present tense
Alina brings evidence about where Nacho had been the day of the murder. But Antonio and Godoy tell her that the evidence is refutable. Alina gets upset at them and tells them that this evidence is as strong as their evidence of the DNA on the shovel
Raquel and Santi discuss that Cynthia confessed that she stole the jewelry. Santi gets upset, but Raquel calms him down and they kiss
Cynthia is outside Raquel’s houses talking to Godoy when Rafa shows up and grabs her by the arm forcefully tells her she has to answer some questions.
At Santi’s house Raquel and Santi continue to kiss and they begin to get more intimate when Mia and Nico walk in on them.
Mia runs off with Raquel chasing after her. Nico yells at Santi that he is going back to work because he is trying to take Bebo out of jail then tells Santi to keep having his fun.
Rafa asks if anyone is home, Cynthia does not know. Cynthia gets a phone call and is about to answer but Rafa grabs her phone and throws it. Godoy worries because Rafa has discovered that Cynthia works for them. Antonio tells him to take a couple of cops and go to Raquel’s house to make sure everything is ok.
Santi is worried that he will lose Raquel because the kids are having a hard time with their relationship. She does not want to lose him either but the kids are not approving. Santi thinks that they have to accept their relationship.
Mia runs to tell Fede that she saw Raquel and Santi kissing. Fede tells her that she needs to let them be and that he will live his life without blaming the others for his problems and that she should do the same.
Rafa tells Cynthia to look for money and jewels, “you betrayed me with Godoy and that won’t be cheap” he takes out a gun and points at her and Cynthia panics.
In the past
Mia continues to be a brat and Damian continues to lie to her about caring for her. Mia does not believe him and tells him to leave.
At the Alvarado house Santi drops off the kids and picks up clean clothes, he leaves them at home Lola tells Nico about her conversation with Carol and tells him that it seems that Carol was too nervous and it appeared that she was lying “why would she lie?” Lola says she does not know but would like to find out.
At the hospital carol is tired and is talking as if she was drugged. She then imagines that Santi is Damian and says "leave leave". Santi does not understand but then Carol says “I cheated on you, I cheated on you” Santi looks shocked.


Gracias, Sandie.

This situation with Rafael is the icing on the cake that says Raquel needs to have Cinthia out of her life. There is now nothing to "work through" with her anymore. Her lies about boinking Damian and the theft of the jewelry are par for the course with drug addicts who only want to share their misery with others but this situation with Rafael puts Raquel's and her children's lives in danger. What if one of them were to walk in? This is completely unacceptable and it needs to be cut off right now.

When Miriam finds out that it was Cinthia who stole the jewelry she will try to use that against Raquel. She has spent over 20 years convincing herself that Raquel is no good that this is all the proof she will need.

Also par for the course is Mia's abject self-centeredness. Her lack of concern about others has been disturbing before but now it shows that she is devoid of normal human feelings. She is a sociopath. It's a good thing this family has no pets.

I completely buy Nacho's explanation of non-disclosure because he knows Santiago better than anyone else. He was protecting him from his own impulses.

Re Federico possibly being gay: Damian's reaction is realistic and honest. Most fathers don't want to hear this, especially from an only son. He probably got over this eventually. Mia's reaction is way abnormal. She isn't mad because she can't control her feelings about this; she is mad because she can't control Federico's or anyone else's.

The evidence of Nacho's location on the day of the murder should be enough to get him released. If GPS is all over cell phones in Mexico the way it is here it should prove that he was nowhere near the crime scene. I think Alina also pointed out that anyone could have taken the shovel after Nacho had last used it.

This is all I can think of pre-caffeine. More later on. Today I have to wrap gifts and make a grasshopper pie.

UA: Andres was the puppet-master of setting Bebo up I see. Big question is whether he gets released from prison anytime soon ? I don't see it!

Sandie: Cinthia needs to do all of us a big favor & just DIE!

Thanks, Sandie. Fine recap.

Fede tells her that she needs to let them be and that he will live his life without blaming the others for his problems and that she should do the same.

Yay, Fede is starting to grow up and become independent from his twin.

I'm ticked that Santi doubted his super-loyal friend about the theft. And "no" Nacho did not tell him directly that his wife was having an affair [would he have believed him?], but he did lay down enough hints for Santi to wake up about what was happening with Caro three years ago.

Thank you Sandie, for the recap. Loved the title!

I'm enjoying how this novela is inching forward until past and present collide.

I'm beginning to see more maturity in Lola than the others, but I guess she is the oldest of the four? Still don't like her choice in novios (Juan). And I'm nowhere near liking Mia, that BSC spoiled brat, but find it interesting that both parents told her they didn't have time for her in this episode.

I have only one question for Urban - what is a grasshopper pie?

Thanks Sandie!

I watched the episode yesterday since I couldn't watch it on Friday. Although I understand it's hard for Santi, I think Nacho's intentions were good. Like he said, if Santiago had known he'd be in jail for hurting or killing Damian. I don't think he'd take it out on Caro if he knew.

I hope Godoy and co. catch Rafa. I didn't think Cinthia was going to admit to stealing the jewelry. She's causing lots of problems for other people by her actions. Bebo should go free. I'm still not sure whether or not Cinthia really did make up the story about her affair with Damian. She's confusing me.

So Benjamin was a twin. It's bad enough she had one kid with Damian but the fact that it could've been two is insane. Benjamin is a cute kid though and, as I said before, the true victim in all of this. I just can't believe Caro chose sex over taking care of her pregnancy. I'm amazed she was possibly that drugged up to admit her infidelity. She likely won't remember what she said and Santi likely won't believe her and figure it was the drugs or exhaustion talking.

Grasshopper pie is made thusly:

1 pkg Lime Jello (regular or Sugar Free)
6 oz boiling water
1 cup cold water
3 tbsp creme de menthe
3 tbsp creme de cocoa
1/2 standard tub Cool Whip (Regular or Sugar-Free; do not use reduced fat ones)
1 9" chocolate pie shell (Nabisco Oreo one is recommended)

Dissolve jello powder in boiling water, add other liquids, and place in refrigerator until syrupy (as in dragging a spoon trough it leaves a trail). Combine jello with Cool Whip until batter is smooth; it will be a nice pastel green. Pour into pie shell, cover, and refrigerate. It will be set and ready to serve the next day.

As to Raquel and Damian not having time for Mia, I don't fault them over this. They have had more than enough with her histrionics and her lack of boundaries. They're completely fed up. I wonder whether Damian ever saw that Mia is so much like Miriam.

Does anyone know whether the program airs tomorrow?

Thanks, Sandie!

I usually am behind but finally caught up. I have only one comment: Would somebody please put Cintia and Mia out of their misery already?

Thanks Sandy.

TF said: "...I'm amazed she was possibly that drugged up to admit her infidelity. She likely won't remember what she said and Santi likely won't believe her and figure it was the drugs or exhaustion talking."

Yes I think this is what did happen, although I am not sure if the admission was due to drugs alone. Guilt played a big part.

Santi's reaction to Nacho's not telling him that Carolina was having an affair seems overdone in light of Carolina's "drugged" admission to him: ' I had an affair'. Unless Santi had a complete memory loss of this, he had fair warning from Carolina that she cheated on him and therefore should not have been as devastated as he has been at the news. And I still find it difficult to believe that Santi totally forgot about her admission. Does this give him a motive to take revenge? Surely not our sensitive Santi.


Thank you Urban, the pie sounds delicious!

I don't understand why Godoy and Antonio are not trying to protect SinCin from Rafa, since she was trying to help them. Did I miss something?

Urban, I don't know for certain but Uni usually runs a Christmas type program on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I'll be surprised if it is on tomorrow.

I checked my TV Guide and it says all the TNs will be airing tomorrow and it indicates the episodes will be new so I guess we'll find out if that's true.

Godoy was worried because he knows that Rafa knows Cinthia is working for Godoy. I don't know how we found that out.

Antonio told Godoy to take some backup to Raquel's house.

Rafael saw Cinthia with Fernando and probably heard some of their conversation.

Tomorrow's will be late because I won't be able to work on it until I get home from a Christmas dinner. Do not miss that episode!

Merry Christmas to everyone from Manila, Philippines!

Merry Christmas patio thanks for all comments.
I have one comment/clarification. When Carol said I cheated on you she used “te engane”. Which means I cheated but can also mean a deceived you. This I think is her out. She deceived him about something that she is likely to make up.

Hats all I have this morning. Enjoy your festivities.

Thanks, Sandie, for taking time off from your holiday festivities and preparation to do the recap for us. Totally appreciated.

Must say the title had me holding my breath when I began the episodio. But, only saw the first half of it and had to close my eyes I was so frightened Mia was going to so deservedly kick the bucket. ; > )

Of course, she's a Miriam in the making and I just kept thinking throughout how much she deserved a smart one across that obnoxious mouth of hers. She needs a muzzle and a short leashe.


And as for Dam in giving it straight to Mia - right on, right on!! About time a pariente put his foot down!! Raquel needs a therapist for herself after putting up with Mia's mouth. I had to laugh out loud when Federico came up with "but Mia's always [in pain]".

Another thought - twins? Whose family genetic trait is twins? Guess we can do away with any need for a DNA test. Right then and there Lola must have figured it all out--or should have.

Excellent Sandie. Thank you.

Your conversation translations were so helpful, particularly "Oh and by the way when I told you I slept with Damian that was a lie. I tried but he refused me. (Talk about not knowing when to shut up") You write very well.

I think that while Cin's drug addiction will be her downfall, she does have a bit of a heart. When she is not lying, deceiving, destroying, etc. I still think there is a bit of hope for her. It is Christmas, is it not??

I am delighted neither Raq nor Dam had time for Mia. Let her continue to stamp her feet and stew in her own miserable juices.

I think Nacho has been a far better friend to Santi than the reverse.

Another thought - twins? Whose family genetic trait is twins? Guess we can do away with any need for a DNA test. Right then and there Lola must have figured it all out--or should have" was perfect Jardinera. Lola is far and away the smartest of the bunch. Except of course for managing her own life.

Thank you Sandie!

Merry Christmas all!



I am so fed up with Mia! She is such a despicable character in every which way and she's been lucky enough to have had 3 family members treat her beautifully anyway----all along until maybe now.
ANYWAY---a very MERRY XMAS TO ALL from sunny Sarasota!!!

Merry Christmas, thank you Sandie.Nice
Recap. Santa let santi know his wifey
Is a cheat. Wow, straight from the horses mouth"I Cheated on you".Now,how
Is he going to take That? She's doped
Up.Alcohol and dope will make you tell
the truth. But will he believe it?

Mia the little pus.She's runnin around demanding people to do what she wants.
She need to go get her little twisted
Self some serious therapy. Do not like
That annoying girl.

I wonder which one of the twins belong
To Damian?The dead one or the live one
In soap operaland,a woman can get preg
-nant for two guys.Remember the soap
"The guiding light"this woman got with
Child for two guys"twins",one for each
Guy. Huh, only in tn/soap land.Lol.
And I don't think it matters now cuz
That the baby is the one that died invitro With her in the shallow grave?
Or is it benji that survived?

Hi steve, glad you're ok from the flood in the Philippines.

Cynthia is a trainwreck,like her niece
Mia, trainwreck jr.
Ok done.
Hope everybody had a good day,ate lots of fattening food that you'll Have all summer to burn off and then put it all back on in 12 months.Again. Fa la la.

Thanks Sandie.

Urban, what's a grasshopper pie, and
Bugs are unacceptable. Lol.

Ok Urban I see the recipe up there^.

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