Thursday, December 28, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #105 12.28.17: Sexy Nurses & Buff Cops

Ramon tells Fabiola that he is there to support her, despite very clear legal advice, and kisses her. Francisco walks in, puff out his chest, and tells them Ramon wasn’t supposed to be there before walking away after Ramon declares that he’s there to support Fabiola. Ramon then decides not to enter the court with them but offers Fabiola is full support in spirit. They kiss again and then Fabiola leaves with her lawyers.

Julio comes out of the bank with Juana and Andrea, hoping they can all go to the bank to present the POA, but Juana wants to check on Fabiola and the bachelorette party preparations. Julio shrugs, as he also wanted to take them to lunch, but they decide to go together on Monday.

In court, Carlos states that Francisco wants to sell the clinic and split the profit in half. Margarita states that they will buy it and Francisco asks them for 5 million even if it only cost 3 million when they bought it. Francisco explains that the clinic has gained equity, but everyone knows he’s just stalling. Francisco offers to sell it to someone else, but he will choose the real estate company lest Fabiola and her lawyers sell it for less just to get rid of him. Everyone agrees, and the court is dismissed.

Outside the court, Ramon sees Francisco and Carlos leave, silently, as Fabiola arrives and tells him that Francisco only forced her to come to rile her up, but Margarita is happy they at least came to some sort of agreement. Ramon then offers to take Fabiola to the car and bring it around to the front.

At the shop, Guero invites Lucho to Finito’s bachelor party as Rulo overhears. Lucho is wary but accepts and Guero tells him it is BOYB.

Juana arrives home with Julio and Andrea to find Jorge and Luisa hanging decorations. Andrea declares that Julio finally has the power (to leave them all broke) and Luisa asks if Julio will be at the wedding tomorrow. Julio nods and hopes he can manage while she’s on her honeymoon and hopes she stays working for him. Luisa will, and he then gives her the rest of the day off to organize the party.

Rulo chides Dalia for not inviting him to Finito’s bachelor party (a party she’s not even invited to), but Dalia promises to get him invited. She then gives her a hug, but he doesn’t smile.

Porfirio drives Margarita back home and tries to invite her to dinner but Margarita already has plans to eat with Diego and Antonio. She hasn’t driven the dagger far enough though, so she tells him that Antonio proposed and she accepted and is happy to see he’s taken it so well. Porfirio reminds her that he’s dying so it’s not like they can get married and reveals that, despite the treatment, the cancer hasn’t disappeared.

Dalia chides Ramon for not inviting Rulo to the party, because she’s her boyfriend, but Ramon tells her he never thought of it. She declares that she invited him either way and Ramon shrugs though he states that she deserves better. Dalia tells him to be quiet and Ramon nods, wondering why he even bothered.

That night, at Juana’s, everyone waits for the other women to arrive at the bachelorette party. Just then, the doorbell rings, and troths of women walk in and hand Dalia their gifts.

Finito gets everyone’s attention at his own party and thanks them all for coming as he never expected to have a party but is happy they are all there regardless. Some of his food providers also arrive and they all sit down to drink and toast. While everyone toasts with beer, Finito drinks egg nog (because sure).

The girls are having their own fun because Andrea invited a game where the participants tie a chile around their waist and try to place it in the beer bottle. Luisa wiggles around but Juana is the ultimate winner because she has a patience of a saint.

At Finito’s, Rulo changes the music to someone move cheery as Ramon asks Finito if he’s having fun. Finito confesses he’s nervous because of the wedding tomorrow and Ramon has a solution: down some tequila instead of egg nog. They then toast to his and Luisa’s happiness.

The girls are playing another game where you dump coins hiding in your bum into a glass bowl. Everyone cheers but there is no clear winner.

Julio is also having the time of his life, losing at roulette, and declares that he will get back all he’s lost in gambling when he has control of the insurance money. He goes to bet again the money he doesn’t have.

Luisa wins one of the games and Andrea hands her a give: a corset with a thong. Luisa laughs as Finito would never allow it but they all cheer her on. Juana then goes to answer the door and it’s two policemen, who comes in and rip off their uniforms. As they dance around Juana, Luisa gets between them and declares that she’s the bachelorette. Andrea turns on the music and they being to dance.

In her lair, Hortensia hears the music and realizes where it’s coming from. She storms off to stop the party.

At this point, everyone is just trying to get Finito wasted on tequila shots (it’s not like he has a wedding tomorrow) and they begin to do karaoke. Ramon and Valente laugh at how drunk Finito has gotten.

As Luisa ogles the two strippers, Juana tells Fabiola that she never expected the surprise to be stripper, but Fabiola can only laugh and smile. Just then, Juana opens the door for Hortensia, who declares they have lost their minds, but the strippers don’t care and carry her in their arms. They let her down after a second and she leaves in a huff. Juana worries that she may do something drastic (like kidnapping her granddaughter perhaps?) but Fabiola reminds her that she doesn’t live with them and can’t do anything.

All the men are drunkenly singing Pedro Fernandez, but no one seems to know the words. The doorbell rings then and Finito answers the door to find the stripper Adalgiza and Benito hired. She begins to dance in front of Finito, who is mesmerized, but Ramon and Valente wonder how hired her. They assume it was one of the other people Finito invited. The stripper then shakes her tail feather as Benito tries to look away but can’t. The stripper then begins to dance with him and Finito is on the floor before he knows it, enthralled.

Outside, Adalgiza and Benito watch the festivities from behind a tree but Adalgiza is worried that the stripper will take advantage of Finito. Benito hopes she does but Adalgiza chides him for thinking that way.

More police officers arrive at the bachelorette party and the girls think it’s reinforcements, but they are real police officers, which Hortensia called, to arrest them for their lack of morality. Juana declares that they are just having fun, but Hortensia likens their “fun” to an orgy and they are disturbing the peace. Luisa calls her a party pooper but Hortensia thinks they are all bad influences on her granddaughters. However, Dalia reveals that her granddaughters were the ones who hired the strippers and Hortensia is shocked though her granddaughters feign ignorance. Hortensia wants the strippers arrested either way and asks the police officers to do so immediately.

Antonio and Margarita overhear the commotion from their apartment and go to see what is happening.

Imagine walking into the building and seeing this: two police officers trying to arrest two men in their underwear as a group of women hold them back…

Hortensia declares that everyone is trying to turn the apartment building into a brothel but Fabiola screams that they are only having fun. Antonio and Margarita arrive, and Fabiola begs her for help as Hortensia only wants the strippers arrested because they are naked.

At Finito's, all the men scream for Finito to take the stripper to a private room as they continue to dance.

Outside, Benito explains to Adalgiza what a private dance means and she tries to go inside and stop him. Benito stops her and tells her that she went along with the plan and now they must see it through. Adalgiza prefers to leave though and Benito smiles to himself because the plan is working.

Margarita explains to the police officers that the strippers were only doing their jobs, so they shouldn’t be arrested. Antonio also tells them that Hortensia is a troublemaker and they shouldn’t listen to her. Hortensia can’t believe the women will be rewarded for their libertine behavior and storms off. Fabiola then invites Margarita to the party as well and Antonio asks her to behave before leaving. They also invite the police officers for a drink, but they prefer to leave.

Finito, now full of red kisses on his cheek, begins to take off his jacket and stumbles back. He screams that his leg hurts, and Ramon offers to take him to the ER because his leg might be broken.

Adalgiza arrives home and goes to her room as Benito tells Fredesvinda that their plan worked, and he will get all the sordid details out of Valente tomorrow. Fredesvinda thanks him for helping her live longer and Benito smiles as Fredesvinda leaves to go to bed.

Valente and Ramon take Finito to the doctor with Jorge and Teofilo. The doctor looks him over and declares he will need to walk in a boot for the next three weeks and take the prescribed pain medication. They wonder what will happen at the wedding tomorrow but Finito prefers to take it one day at a time though he’s obviously still drunk.

The next day, Luisa wonders how she got home and asks Dalia if she did anything crazy because she’s too hungover to remember. She wonders how she will marry Finito now, but Dalia tells her that Ramon and Valente didn’t come to sleep either, so they must’ve had a crazy night. Luisa doesn’t doubt Finito though and drinks some coffee as Dalia leaves for work.

Finito doesn’t remember what happened either and Teofilo tells him all that he got crazy with a stripper last night. Finito can’t believe he cheated on Luisa in that way but Teofilo will tell her that he was calm and broke his foot in the tub; he tells Finito that all that men agreed on that story though Finito is unsure.

Ramon calls Fabiola to ask her how she’s feeling. She can’t believe Finito’s bad luck as Jorge told them what happened, and Ramon laughs to himself because he knows the truth. He then hangs up as Guero comes back with some greasy food to help him and Lucho get through the day.

Benito and Adalgiza find Valente at work and ask him about the bachelor party. Valente tells them it went great, especially with the stripper, but Finito slipped and fell so he couldn’t sleep with her. Adalgiza is confused but is happy to know he didn’t sleep with the stripper. Valente then leaves and Adalgiza runs to check on Finito with Benito in tow.

Teofilo finds some crunches for Finito as he calls Luisa.

Juana calls Luisa to check up on her and reveals what happened to Finito. She promises to go see him when her head stops pounding and Juana promises to be over soon to help her get ready. Luisa hopes it’s not too much trouble as she looks terrible and they hang. Just then, Finito calls Luisa, who knows his leg is broken, and asks her to meet him at the sub shop. She agrees, hangs up, but worries that Finito knows how crazy the bachelorette party got last night.

Rulo is sleeping in a car when Chava wakes him up and chides him for leaving him alone last night. Rulo tells him that he was barely invited because Ramon and Valente organized it. Chava nods but he doesn’t look happy.

Guero and Lucho work on a car and talk about Finito’s broken leg as Dalia overhears. They tell her the BS story they agreed on, though Dalia is shocked that Finito drank so much.

Luisa meets Finito at the sub shop and chides him for breaking his leg on the day of their wedding. As Teofilo signals Finito to be quiet and not tell Luisa the truth, he tells her that there is something she needs to know.

Dalia finds Rulo at the shop and demands he tell her the truth about Finito’s broken foot. Rulo shakes his head but Dalia knows they hired a stripper and Rulo nods. He tells her that, if not for his broken foot, Finito would’ve cheated on Luisa. Dalia hits him with her clipboard for saying that.

Francisco meets with his real estate contact, catches him up on his life, and then instructs him to register the clinic but not put it up for sale until he says so because he wants to stall the divorce proceedings. The agent nods.

Finito tells Luisa everything about the stripper and declares that the evil alcohol made him behave erratically though that’s no excuse. He tells her that she can stop the wedding if she likes but Luisa refuses to lose the best man she’s ever met after one night of heaving drinking. She hugs him tight and he kisses her hands as Adalgiza and Benito look on, dejected. Finito then instructs Teofilo to close the shop because they have a wedding to get to. Teofilo offers to help Finito get dressed as Dalia calls Luisa to tell her the truth about the stripper. Luisa knows everything though and chides Dalia and Rulo for being gossips when they had agreed on a story beforehand. Dalia then hangs up, annoyed.

Sometime later, Luisa is dressed and ready to go as Juana helps her with the finishing touches. Juana then begins to cry because she’s so happy to see Luisa getting married. Luisa hoped it would be Benito who she would marry but she promises to be happy with Finito.

Finito is also ready to go and thanks Teofilo for helping him and being a true friend. Teofilo begins to cry and Finito asks him to get dressed as they are late.

Ramon leaves to go get Fabiola, who will only go to the church wedding as she’s recovering, and Julio will take Luisa, Juana, and Valente in his car. Much to their annoyance, Rulo and Dalia will go to the church in a taxi because there is no space (and Luisa can barely stand the sight of him).

Fredesvinda is laying in bed because Luisa’s wedding is moving forward and that means she will die though she can’t understand how since she’s to going to the wedding. Adalgiza is the one who’s really dying because the man she loves is getting married, so she can’t deal with Fredesvinda’s nonsense right now. When she leaves the room, Fredesvinda locks the door behind her.

Julio arrives at the church and Luisa gets out of the car and walks over to Finito, who waits for her, anxiously. They look into each other’s eyes and smile.

In the kitchen, Benito cries and drinks cup after cup of tequila because they lost and the people they love will marry someone else. Adalgiza declares that she will not give up and runs to stop the wedding.

In the church, in front of the priest, Luisa and Finito both accept their promise to love each other faithfully. The priest then asks if anyone has any reason to stop the wedding as Adalgiza walks in and looks at them…


Wry, witty and wonderful Alfredo. I don't know how you managed to do this so quickly!

The screen shots were great and really added to everything. I think this is one of the most enjoyable episode of the show to date. I smiled right along with you.

As you noted in your comment, I also thought Finito and Luisa looked lovely together and at that moment, thought perhaps they should truly be together. Will Ada speak or forever hold her peace? Guess we will have to wait until tomorrow.

"Andrea declares that Julio finally has the power (to leave them all broke)" and "troths of women" were among many favorites.

You know, I have been to many a bachelorette party and I never realized the fun I was missing - "the participants tie a chile around their waist and try to place it in the beer bottle" and "another game where you dump coins hiding in your bum into a glass bowl". I will certainly keep these in mind for the future! :)

"everyone is just trying to get Finito wasted on tequila shots (it’s not like he has a wedding tomorrow)" was spot on. I'm fairly certain though that it was Ramon who was primarily egging Finito to drink, drink, drink. Both parties looked like a lot of fun and it was nice to see the men getting along. My favorite was Rulo and Jorge dancing in sync in the back of the room. What a smile Rulo has.

"Sexy Nurses & Buff Cops" was an outstanding title.

"She hasn’t driven the dagger far enough though, so she tells him that Antonio proposed and she accepted". Ack. For a smart woman, Marg seems very obtuse at times.

It was nice to leave the dark dankness prevent in this show for a night.

Alfredo, thank you. I really enjoyed your excellent recap.


RRRRrrrr... Streeeepers. Fun episode, and Alfredo you were on the spot about Fabi's facial expressions.

I got the impression tonight that to this crowd, Stripper and Hooker are synonymous.

I mean in real life they practically are, but we are supposed to pretend they are not. Like our 'Massage Spas' here in Florida which are actually Whor...Brothels.

Yeah Diana, Marg was not very delicate with her marriage announcement to Poor Poorfi. His response was succinct. "Well, as I am a walking Dead Man (You heartless Witch) I couldn't marry you anyway."

thank you so much, Alfredo, for this excellent retelling and photos. I missed all the fun. I was at an overbooked restaurant waiting at the bar for an hour before we were seated at a tiny table on an enclosed porch next to a frosty window. It is in the 20s or maybe the teens.

I have never been divorced ,but it seems to often be an expensive deal. Someone told me she ended up paying $20,000.00 in legal fees , and someone else settled with his ex-wife for $400,000.00. yikes. It is so unfair that Fran gets ANY part of that clinic since it was all Fabu's money that went into it.

Also, I have never been to a bachelorette party with strippers. I think that I would feel embarrassed for the guys.

"While everyone toasts with beer, Finito drinks eggnog (because sure). " Ha

Thank you, Alfredo, you did this one more than justice!

Finally! An episode of this TN worth watching and a whole lot of fun. I actually watched most of it instead of just reading the recap (but I always have to read the recap to know exactly what I watched when I do watch.

MR. AAA, what fun you must have had writing this...and you did it justice! The added screenshots were a welcome surprise. Well done, AAA!

I think we are all in agreement...a good, fun episode!

Diana, you touched on just about everything I wanted to say!

The male strippers--RAAWWRRR!! Rulo and Jorge dancing...double RAAWWRRR!

Andrea--she won't be smiling for too long!

Luisa and Finito did look nice together, but, Nopis, they don't belong together when they are both in love with someone else.

Marg--how obtuse can the woman get--my goodness! or was she next in line for a lobotomy?

More tomorrow...good night all!


I am very sad that I missed Rulo and Jorge dancing !! Are they good dancers?

Susy, Yesss! Rulo can really shake that bootie! I wish they have moved the camera closer to Jorge and Rulo when they were dancing in the background.

And I really laughed out loud when the male strippers danced around Horrortencia and picked her up.

I forgot to mention that I thought Luisa finally looked beautiful. Not until she was a bride, but finally! And where is the show of regret that it's not with Benito? I didn't see it.

I have to watch the next episode.

I'm assuming Francisco and his attorney are talking about 3 and 5 million PESOS, because Juana only received ONE million dollars from the life insurance, correct? She gave Fabiola what she was supposed to receive, which was half ($500,000), then Andrea the money to buy the huerta, so there's no way Fran and his attorney are talking about three and five million DOLLARS.)

Haven't seen this one yet AAA but you were on top of your game writing about it, and evidently the episode writers were too. Finally something worthy of your skills.

Loved the title. That alone would make people read your recap, even if they don't watch the show. And while I've never played those bachelorette games, someone did order a stripper for one of my birthday parties years ago and I must say it was great fun. He had a very tough looking lady manager with him to make sure nobody got out of line, but when some music came on that I taught an aerobics number to, I jumped up and started dancing with him. Tough lady didn't blink an eye.

All your little asides and screenshots were marvelous. [Julio] "finally has the power (to leave them all broke) and Finito drinks eggnog (because sure) were just perfect.

And I agree with AndyBanda that Luisa looked lovely as a bride. I've always admired her comedic skills, but she had an elegance in that screenshot that I've never seen before. Most of the time she looks like the witch in the Wizard of Oz but her humor and sassy kindness manage to make her more attractive.

Simply an outstanding recap in every way Alredo. You knocked it out of the park.

Let's hope Finito & Luisa get the happy ending.

If they'd only infused some of the good, vibrant energy of last night into more of the episodes, this show would have been a completely different show.

Oh yeah, Rulo and Jorge were hawt. Very hawt. Rgv Chick, I was very gratified to have such amazing eye candy. It was obvious the guys had fun filming that scene. Must have been a nice break from the perpetual scowling.

Judy, I love that you got up and joined the party, dancing with your surprise male dancer! The thought is making me smile.

Anon, yes, I believe the total amount of the insurance policy was 1 million. Beanie time.

Andy, no sign of regret from Luisa. Very well put. And yes, she did look lovely. Inner beauty radiates as well.


Judyb, I am not surprised at all to learn that you joined in that dance!! Are you still teaching aerobics? I love to dance, but so far I have not danced with any male strippers...but maybe that will be a New Year's resolution for 2018.

Diana, I hope hubby is continuing to recover. Our friend had a severe injury playing football for Duke University. He suffered for years and finally had both knees replaced at the same time.

Thank you, Alfredo. Great recap and screenshots. The episode was fun, and I enjoyed it the second time through your retelling.

Boys and girls having fun. Contagious. Audience catching it too.
I liked seeing Hor frustrated. At least, this time not getting what she wanted.

Just a thought on Rulo and Jorge, the Fab Duo--

Anyone notice how chummy they were--that was quite odd. I wonder if they are friends in the real world. As Diana mentioned, they were even dancing in sync.

JudyB, WOW, what fun you must have had dancing with the stripper! That must have been the NudyB in you :-)

Anon 1:21 Yes, they were talking pesos.

Ah yes,Rgv Chick, the NudyB persona comes out whenever there is great music on. I was raised by strict Presbyterians but music makes me crazy!

And Susanlynn, I retired from teaching this Fall so I would have more free time and energy for new grandbaby in town. First two months were rough though--if possible I would advise NEVER retiring from a job you love.

But having a flexible schedule is nice and nothing is better than a baby (for me anyway)

Rgv Chick, yes, Jorge had his arm on Rulo (or maybe it was the other way around) at the party. I definitely got the sense they are friends, the dancing seemed spontaneous and both were grinning ear to ear...

"Fab Duo" indeed.

Thanks for asking Susanlynn. Hub is doing a bit better physically but the pain is still terrible. Another sleepless night. Your concern is really appreciated...


Dear judyb...I think that I may be done teaching, too. They cancelled the three classes that I usually teach at the suburban main campus and are only offering those classes at the center City site which is three times farther away from me. I loved teaching and meeting people from all over the world, but it was getting a little hectic . Perhaps, God has decided for me. #moretimetodance!

Thank you Alfredo.Finally a rather fun
Episode. Enjoyed the recap too.

The evil self righteous granny is very
Funny."They are a bad influences on my
Grandaughters". She is aware that her granddaughters have fornicated all over the place right? She should go home and drink some spiked green tea.
Or take some of those pills she gave

I am so over frankfarter. He's leaving
With 2017, good riddens. Jerk.

Lulu is rather pretty when she's all
Dolled up. Will somebody please cut the pigtails off jaja. She can't even
Dress up for a wedding without them pigtails. And she tried to dress them up. Still pigtails. I think when she unloads julio and get with a real man
(Don pedro),or somebody else, the pig
Tails will disappear. Hopes for the new year.

I'm off to the super market, already got Blackeyed peas,I'll find something to go with them,no dimes that's nasty.

Thanks you Alfredo. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO

OMG. I left the TV on from this morning and just walked in to what must have been "True Crime Stories", or "Tales From the Crypt".

The sound wasn't even on but what I saw was chilling. I could hardly believe my eyes as I scrambled for the remote to ask the TV what I was watching.
A couple of quick stabs on the remote and to my amazement I was seeing one of Alfredo's favs, Las Amazonas, and a TRIPLE WEDDING. Yikes, all three of those fellows were up there with those "Dumb smiles plastered on their unsuspecting faces."

That, followed by that show aimed at the Mensa crowd, 'Fat and skinny'.

NiNa, "Will somebody please cut the pigtails off jaja. She can't even
Dress up for a wedding without them pigtails. And she tried to dress them up. Still pigtails." thanks for bringing that up...OMGoodness, they really should have gotten some other hairstylists for this TN. I noticed Julio's hair too--wa-a-a-y too much mousse/gel/whatever gunk they put on it. And not to mention the Cyst and Ramon who always look like they stuck their fingers in a socket. What an injustice to these actors!

Susy and NudyB: You talk of quitting teaching, but what you REALLY mean is formally quitting teaching and getting paid for it. You two will always be teachers, it is in your DNA. Look how much of it sneaks out just here on the patio.


Kirby, I almost started watching Las Amazonas, but nehhh!

So you noticed, Kirby! Can't put much past you kid. Now going to do my best to stay awake for the Cotton Bowl. Midnight and beyond...that's a challenge!

Pfft...our comments crossed again...Kirby. Very true what you say about teaching...and I would add that there is a teacher in all of us...look at all we learn here from everyone...I surely have learned quite a bit about birds and their habits...and squirrels, too! :-)

Blush..Thanks RGV and Nudy.

Just back from a walk in the cold brr to see the Christmas lights.

Kirby, yes, I started teaching my dolls and stuffed toys in a little blackboard when I was a little girl. I always knew that I would be a teacher. I will especially miss all the wonderful students who came into my life .

I have never see "AMazonas." Is it about big women?

Saw a good movie a few days ago..."Darkest Hour" about CHurchill and England deciding to fight against Hitler. We saw "Dunkirk" a few months ago..another excellent movie.

Nina..."still pigtails"...yes.


Maybe the reason those "depedidas" were so much fun was the cast was actually drinking real booze. I agree, everybody seemed to be having a great time. Fun to watch. Thought the actor playing Finito did a great job of making the transition from timid prude to wild party animal before spraining his ankle.

Snowing here. Beautiful but slippery.

Judy: The so-called party was a bust ROFLOL!

Words of wisdom Steve. Are you still in the Philippines? I don't usually stay up this late but needs must for the Cotton Bowl. Yay for our defensive squad.

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