Thursday, December 14, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Milagros de Navidad, Sangre de mi Tierra, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of December 11, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla
• 12-2PM—Las Reglas del Juego
• 8-9PM—Milagros de Navidad
• 9-10PM—Sangre de mi Tierra
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Juanita- on the spilled coffee, later on Paloma made Paco some coffee, promised she didn't add anything, and asked him not to spill it this time, and he said he wouldn't.

usually an evil guy has a whole gang of chumps doing his dirty deeds, but Roberto is all alone, he seems more psycho than evil.

the actor playing Natalia's ex was on "Milagros de Navidad" last night, as an American restaurant owner with not real good spanish.



Ah, thanks deb, for the additional information. I miss so much these days. I'm hoping that eventually, my Spanish will return to its mediocre state, up from its current abysmal.

Interesting that Telemundo casts Keller Wortham again (in "Milagros") as an American. IIRC Jacob Sanders, too, was American. I tried to find out a bit about Keller Wortham--where he was born, raised, etc. But just about all the sites that offer biography have nothing. IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and others all claim they have biographical info about him, pero nada. I listened to a brief interview in Spanish, and though his Spanish seemed very fluent, there were one or two times when he questioned whether a word meant such-and-such in English. So I'm guessing that English is his native language, but I'm not really sure.


whoa!!! the production guys sure know how to put together an ending!

I was thinking it good that Juanjo was the first to discover Cris with Kimberly, but no, Mercedes did, including pics of her with Juanjo, wow, (with her cuz as a PI that Cris used to track Kimberly with no results, how...)

and that sure is a sporty car Cris bought Kimberly.

Juanita- I agree Paloma spilled the coffee, but... even tonight Paco in explaining to Natalia what happened said HE spilled the coffee, not sure why he had Paloma's thumb drive but Paco came across some of the "artistic" pictures Jordon took of Paloma, hmmm...

I think when Telemundo signs an actor they take them for all it's worth, tonights Milagro had Calvo from Sin Senos.

psycho Roberto is going to put us all in the loony bin.



Deb: I see that Roberto is super Psychopath. Has he had anyone killed ?



get on board!, go ahead and watch ,... you missed the jail' death count'.

Any, bodies that will fall now, will those of social standings..
until late into the series.

But he has enough socio-pathology to satisfy the 'gamethrone/houseofcards/borgia, moves, to keep tabs on his dirty,avarice schemes!!

Roberto ,will have to kill to maintain silence...!!!
so, as he gets some a good chunk of stolen cash ,he can begin to make make gangster moves! fraud=title -thief, ownership..

IT was funny to see all our regular soap people on 'NAVIVDAD' last night ,I watched a full episode, I might watch the rest !!

PALOMA has redeemed her!! Get back with [ fine -as-wine ]Jorden,

but theirs was no passionate love affair/ or cry or die ,emotions expressed in their relationships, no hearts and flowers, on her part!!!

Mercedes, is on the warpath?? excuse me, Mrs . I-AM-A WIFE 1ST...what your husband is not always right??

Meche ,had the nerve to pressure Aurora ,to claim/ say that Roberto, is good husband!! please!!

How many Europeans producers are in south America??, and in production decisons and have their children staring in latino soaps.
when I look at the names.. I can easy see, somebodies child got a job..

because, I sorry Junjo /actor, has the personality projection of bland toast..
but ,I like him anyway !!any body but Paco,I hate him...!!

HALIMACANDY onsneaktip


deb, I'm surprised that you say you agree Paloma spilled the coffee, since you had convinced me earlier that I was wrong. And, as you say, in this episode Paco says he spilled the coffee. Why would he say that if it was Paloma who did it?

Speaking of Paloma, I do NOT have a good feeling about Paco's intentions re Paloma. Even with Natalia being all sexy and receptive, he seems to be lusting after Paloma. What a turd! Indeed, I'm beginning to think I've tuned into the recent US news rather than a telenovela.

Speaking of turds, Roberto continues his doing whatever it takes to get what he wants. This time, he wants to prevent Aurora from going to LA. He first zaps the ticket Horacio sent her via email, and then, when Horacio re-sent it, Roberto hides Merce's keys, undermining her confidence in her mental functioning and probably undermining Aurora's confidence in Merce as well. As a result, Aurora says she can't go to LA and leave Emilito with her monther so upset and confused.

And then there's Kimberly. She cancels the dinner she was going to have with Cris in order to be with Juanjo. Cris calls while she's with Juanjo, and Kimberly ignores the call. He calls again while she's in the bathroom and Juanjo sees that it's Cris who is calling. He wants nothing to do with this and leaves her.

And let's hear it for Merce! She confronts Cris as he's getting dressed for his meeting with Kimberly--oops, I mean with the Agricultural Association. Merce doesn't buy Cris's lame excuses, and when Cris says "I don't know what you're talking about," she tells him that she's talking about the woman to whom he gave a sports car. And just to make things perfectly clear, she whips out photos. (I wonder whether her cousin (Ramón?) supplied them. He had told Cris he wanted nothing to do with Cris's request to follow Kimberly if it means Cris is being unfaithful to Merce. Perhaps he then decided to help Merce instead and took the photos to show her. Whether I'm right or not, Merce certainly does have incriminating photos.)


Juanita- sorry to be confusing, meant to say it could have been Paloma that spilled the coffee from what they showed us, but they keep saying it was Paco, so yea, it was Paco.

they haven't explained the coz's detective work very well but I thought he did work for Cris following Kimberly around, with pics, but had nothing conclusive to show him, and now with Mercedes pics the ones with Juanjo were just taken and how would he know about the car.

ah and the thing with Mercedes keys as Roberto's plan unfolds, she was taking little Emilio someplace, came back in the house but apparently locked Emilio in the car and no one could find her keys which turn up in her purse which was also locked in the car.



Thanks, deb, for clarifying about the coffee.

You're right, they haven't really made clear what the coz finally did or didn't do for Cris. I think I do recall him telling Cris he followed her around and saw nothing to be concerned about. But I wouldn't be surprised, given coz's loyalty to Merce, if he was the one who gave her the photos, gathered during and after his "assignment" from Cris. As you say, it's not really all that clear.

Thanks for adding lots of needed details concerning Roberto's exploit with the keys. I thought I understood that somehow Emilito was locked in the car, and hence the urgency of finding the keys, but I wasn't sure. My comprehension of what I hear in Spanish these days is very shaky. And I didn't realize that Merce's purse was in the car. Perhaps Roberto missed his calling as a magician.


ah, now there's a good cliff hanger, goes good with the exploding glass at the end of every show.

interesting that Mercedes knew about Cris all along, and about all his lovers, but she acted this time because he was falling for Kimberly.

and later when Cris was off to make Juanjo pay, she stopped him, the affair would come out and she would be humiliated, he seemed to agree, so I don't think it was him.

and I'm surprised two guys could take out the prison wise Juanjo.

so I'm thinking maybe Roberto hired someone.

ah, so Doris is Serena's pole dance teacher, but do we know anything about Kimberly, does she live with Doris?



deb, I too was surprised that the two guys succeeded in beating Juanjo, esp. since he went to the door cautiously with some kind of object in his hand (a steel pipe, perhaps?). And yes, I think you may be right about Roberto's having hired the thugs.

I don't remember who it was that suggested here a few episodes ago that Leo might be gay. Whoever it was, last night's episode sure points in that direction. His looking at dresses, putting lotion on his hand and sniffing it, holding up earrings near his ears, etc.

Apparently Kimberly does care for Juanjo, as well as being really angry at Cris, who she assumes was responsible for beating up Juanjo (and who also contemptuously told Kimberly that she could keep the sports car as her tip for her services). She's angry enough that she files a report against Cris with the police. We see Susan and her deputy come to Cris's house. He asks whether he's under arrest, and she says no, but someone has filed an accusation against you and you have to accompany us to the station for questioning.


Everybody hates Juan. Chris, Rob and Serena’s dad so it could have been either one them who hired the thugs to beat him up. But chances are it was Rob...... he’ss been behind so many misfortunate events and his rage and jealousy pushes him deep and deeper out of control.

I was glad when Chris stood up for his daughter and so sickened by Merche’s weakness. The argument sounded like it could turn violent at any moment and Merche just stood back dong nothing to intervene. Right or wrong, aurora is her daughter and she should have stepped in to tell them to call down and talk rationally.

I thought Kim was up to no good.... going from guy to guy....and thought mayb she was in cahoots with Rob. Still might be...time will tell....she’s definitely hiding something.



ok so Doris, being Serena's pole dancer teacher, knew Serena got the bar job and so was that why she took Juanjo there, hmm, but Kimberly doesn't know the old crowd, and even though she is fun loving, she does seem to have some ethics about her, as she never told Cris anything about the other family and vice versa, and she seemed sincere in getting justice for Juanjo, and she hasn't been sleeping around, not with Paco either, and she told Doris last night she had not cheated on Cris, as yet, but had planned to so with Juanjo, but he kicked her out, and she is business associates with the Montiel's.


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