Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Caer en Tentacion #62, 1/16/18: Trapped--Everybody is Trapped

(Scenes not necessarily in order)
Epoca Actual
Raquel tries to get away from the couple that is preventing her from leaving. She is now fully cognizant of who she was with, but not exactly where she is. The "hostage takers" tell her she cannot leave, that her family has been notified and Andres Becker is coming to pick her up. The man persuades her to take her medicine and lie down.

Meanwhile, Santiago has been at the house and after being told the woman he's looking for was there but left, has been sent on a wild goose chase to the local Greyhound station and maybe they can help him. Santi talks to a police or security officer at the bus station.

Rueda reports to Andres that apparently the gun that was used to kill Carolina belonged to Santiago. If it turns out to be true, a judge can put in an order to have him arrested. They think things will work in their favor and against Santi, especially with him alone with Raquel and outside the city. He can be charged with flight.

Nico is quite agitated as he tells Alina about Santi's missing gun and that the police think the gun they found in the woods came from the box the gun had been stored in. Alina says it could be, which doesn't help Nico's state of mind. He tries to call Santi. The two agree they need to find Santiago.

Rueda shows up at Antonio's office about the gun and the missing Santiago. Rueda avers that Santi fled knowing he's guilty and tells him he knows where Santi is.

Back at the Legato offices, Andres is putting the last of the "ransom" money in his pocket when the harridan of the Becker matriarchal line flies in. She tries to stop him. He swears it's not ransom money, it's a thank you tip.

Miriam then shows up at the Becker home spewing her usual green venom. She knows Cintia is lying about Raquel's whereabouts and she knows Raq is with Santi--on a honeymoon with her lover instead of being at the side of her dying husband. Then she announces that Santi is the one who is responsible for killing his wife--just as Mia comes into hearing distance.

Two pueblo police officers put their heads together and figure out the woman the man was looking for is the same one that is in somebody's house, waiting for her family to pick her up. According to the family, she was taken by force, so they need to find this guy as quickly as possible.

Alina tells Lola and Nico the police are going to compare the bullets from Santi's house with the gun found in the woods. Unfortunately for Santi and his family, the report comes back that the striations on the bullets from Santi's gun case match the ones that killed Carolina (recovered from her body I guess). [Question--did they fire the gun they actually have in their hands to see if, when fired, bullets make similar striations--or is this just me pretending to be a CSI investigator.] Nando assumes this means Santi killed his wife.

Miriam plays telephone w/Laura and passes on the information she has on Raquel's location, that she's with Santi and the police are looking for him as a suspect in his wife's killing. She suggests Laura might want to cover the arrest.

Santi finally goes back toward the house he'd been to before.

Nando calls Cin to bring her up to date on the latest and that he's leaving right away with his boss to pick up Santi.

El Pasado
Raquel is still in her bedroom with Santiago. She's afraid she's going to end up like her mother, in a psychiatric facility. Santi tries to calm her down. She's not like that. Raq is in deadly fear of losing herself. She feels it. He tells her all she needs is to be calm. He holds her while she sobs. Instead of taking her away, as she pleaded earlier, Santi goes downstairs and tells Damian who has just shown up with Caro and the baby in tow. He's surprised to see Caro there. Dam goes upstairs. Santi ushers Caro out saying they'll talk further at home.

At home, Caro and Santi have the same argument over the catering business--will she or won't she continue to be part of the business. She accuses him of flip-flopping on his support for her decisions. The argument escalates. She makes a big mistake by blurting out, "What do you think--that Damian and I.....?" Santi fires back, "And what does Damian have to do in all this? What does he have to do in my house? What does he have to do with my wife?" She back pedals quickly. It is all about Damian worrying about Raquel, and her being unable to work and what it would mean for her not to have the business any longer. She tells Santi she quickly accepted an appointment to talk to him and leaves him with a parting shot--as always he leaves her feeling as though she's the worst (person).

Fede and Nico are hanging out. Fede is distraught over the chaos in his house, but his own personal chaos, too. He feels like a coward not being able to confront anything, especially the problem with Sabrina, for instance. Nico thinks it's easily solved. He's not the problem, Sabrina is. She's not the one for Fede. He just needs to find another girl and everything will be ok.

Laura is in a panic to get a story and is running full tilt to get her cameraman. She begins to get contractions and cramps. She starts to bleed, right on the steps of the building. She loses the baby. Nando arrives at the hospital. Naturally (and with good reason) he blames her for not following the doctor's orders. She, in turn is upset because she just lost her baby and he's not comforting her.

Lisa has a run in with Vicente (although he's wearing the same jacket he wears in the future). He has the money she wanted so he can see his son. As she takes the money, he grabs her and calls her names, including greedy.

Lola heard her parents arguing again. It was the same ole' same ole'. Lola asks her to try to see it from his side--he was brought up differently. Caro accuses Lola of always being on his side. Lola tries to make her see that Benji needs her. In a huff, Caro walks out saying she feels like she's nothing but a servant in the house. Lola shares that with her dad. Santi tries to make it up to Caro by offering her help with Benji. Agustin's cousin is willing, so she can go back to work--which is something he knows is her dream. They kiss and make up. He want to make love, but Caro says she's not up to it (even though the suggested time to wait is up) and her doctor says to give it a few more days. He's ok with that, just let him know when she is ready. They keep on kissing.

Mia tells Fede she doesn't want her mother to go crazy.

Epoca Actual
Now the two pueblo officials get the wanted poster of the man who is posing a threat to Raquel Cohen because he's a suspect in his wife's killing. Off they go, just as Andres arrives at the appointed place to meet with the man who IS holding Raquel. They leave for his house in Andres' car.

Santi raps on the door again. The woman errs in answering the door. He wants more information on Raquel. Raq hears his voice and calls out his name. He pushes past the woman and into Raquel's arms. They hug each other tightly. Just then Andres and the husband arrive. The wife alerts them to Santi's presence. Andres finds them together and tells Santi to release her. He insists on taking Raquel with him. They have words. Not aware that the police have arrived, Santi socks him one. The police enter, guns drawn. Obviously, they take Santi away.

Alina tells Bebo, Lola and Nacho that it has been confirmed. The gun that killed Carolina is the same one they found in Santiago's house. [Huh? says CSI Anita. There was no gun in Santiago's house, only the case and the bullets.] She tells them there's been an order issued to arrest him and Antonio and Fernando have gone to get him. She further explains the police assume he fled the city when they came to search his house. Nico says he couldn't have known about that before he left. Alina says that won't matter to the police.

Santiago is at the police station, telling the officers all he knows about his and Raquel's escapade. He wants to be reunited with Raquel and leave. They tell him that unfortunately he can't, Mr. Becker has filed assault charges and violating a restraining order that was in place. (Remember back a long time ago, Santi socked Andres, but everything was kept quiet?) Santi says there is no such order. Furthermore, Raq wasn't being held against her will, she was with him voluntarily. He's told he can't see her because she's being checked out by a doctor. As he retells his story he says it was that woman who lied to him. She's the one who should be detained. Santi hears a familiar voice and turns to find Antonio standing there.

Miriam is talking "at" Mia, which does nothing to assuage her fears that her mother is having some sort of breakdown. Instead she foments more fear (and hatred). Her mother is sick. Cindy tries to defend both her and Santiago. Fede doesn't like what he is hearing out of Mimi's mouth. Mimi screams at Mia to decide what she wants to do, stay or go with her? She keeps up her pace of tearing Raq down. She says Raq doesn't care about them. She lied to them about where she would be. She should have been there with them. She only cares about her lover. Mia shouts at her to stop. Mimi screams at Cindy this time, that she's taking her grandchildren. Either way, they can't stay in this house.

Laura and her cameraman have arrived at the pueblo where all the brouhaha is going on. She runs into Nando. He is furious. He tells the guy he can't film, but he films anyway. Nando is forced to answer her probing questions with, "No comment." Andres shows up. He also doesn't want to be filmed, but instead will give them something--off the record.

Raq and Santi see each other from seats in different parts of the offices. He tells her he's sure everything will be ok and they'll be able to leave after a few things are cleared up. He won't leave her alone. Santi finds out Tonio isn't there about any restraining order. He's told about his father's gun and the tests. Santi can't believe that is true. His father's gun is still at the house. Sorry, but the bullets matched and he has to take Santi in. Raquel looks at him sadly incredulous, "Was it you?" He swears it wasn't as he's led away.

Andres is outside and gives Laura and the cameraman the high sign. They get it all on video, with Santi protesting that he had nothing to do with it and Raquel calling out to him, being restrained by Andres. The pain she is feeling is written all over her face.


Anita: Miriam always upping the ante in destroying Santiago's reputation!

Almost done. Is anybody out there or did we all fall off the grid?

Anita: The Flu is getting out of control.

Aha! So that's it! How inconvenient.

Thank you Anita. Stay well and warm.

The episode was unbelievable but full of possibilities given the rather loose set of facts regard the "gun, bullets, and case". Do they have Santi's fingerprint on the gun? Nando and his boss are per usual jumping to conclusions, or, to use another phrase, "jumping the gun" with respect to guilt of Santiago.

I thought it was hilarious to see Laura with her cameraman limping as fast as her little legs would carry her to get pictures of Santi.

I thought Raquel had some second thoughts after Santi was arrested. In her current mental state, she could start to believe Santi did kill Carolina. It was interesting to find out that she was worried (in the past) that she could end up in a psychiatric institution "like her mother". I think the writers have definitely committed to a story line that the dysfunctions of various members have a familial, if you will, inherited predisposition: Mia, Cynthia, Raquel... Of course Miriam has poisoned the gene pool as far as the Becker clan goes.

Nico's advice to Fede seemed right to me: you're fine; just find another girl and forget Sabrina.

Thanks, Anita. Fine recap. I appreciate all your CSI-ing about the gun because I just can’t keep up with all its twist and turns and the cops’ stupidities, especially after 10 p.m.

harridan of the Becker matriarchal line flies in

I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle Miriam. Of everything she’s done, her two-facedness with sick Mia irked me to no end last night.

In a huff, Caro walks out saying she feels like she's nothing but a servant in the house.

Caro’s got some nerve getting huffy with Santi and then Lola. She gives me newfound respect for the mothers/fathers who just up and abandon their families and leave them alone, instead of staying and kvetching and lying and trying to make other families members go on guilt trips.

Gracias, Anita. This was a painful episode.

Does anyone remember what happened to the gun after Raquel found out about it?

Whatever was wrong with Raquel's mother, Miriam is definitely worse. She is pure evil in addition to being as sick as she accuses Raquel of being... while almost denying that Mia is certifiable until the suicide attempt. Why didn't the doctor who treated her insist that she become an inpatient case?

We all know that Santiago and Raquel were both home during the "accident." Also, I strongly doubt that Santiago could face his children if he killed Carolina.

Andres' arrogance in this situation will ultimately have consequences. The next thing I'm expecting is for him to try to get Raquel declared mentally incompetent and then to assume control over her.

I can't believe that Antonio can even consider the possibility of Santiago being guilty.

Niecie: Here's the latest and the most confusing.

The tests performed on the bullets recovered from Caro’s body show that the striations match the bullets in the gun case at Santiago’s house. They now assume that not only was it Santiago’s father’s gun that killed Carolina, but it was Santiago who killed her.

Probably the best way to think of this (in CSI mode) is that they PUT the bullets they found in the gun case into the gun they recovered from the boys in the woods and they matched the striations on bullets they took out of Carolina, thus confirming the GUN they found was the one that killed Carolina. If that's the way it happened, I have no solution to the enigma. Santi looks like the guilty party right now.

My question exactly, Urban: who took the gun from the case after Raquel saw it in the drawer in the episode where Benji got sick. Did she take the gun and dispose of it? Who ELSE knew he had a gun in that drawer?

I just don't see how there can be a match to a gun they haven't tested (at least nobody has said the actual gun was tested). They only tested the bullets, but I guess that's glaring enough evidence.

Still, they are missing one digit from the serial number, so there are nine other guns out there with close enough serial numbers. But the fact that it was so close to Rogelio's gun and it was in Santiago's possession makes it mighty suspicious.

Again, I say, if the gun the boys found IS the murder weapon, and it was the gun from Santiago's father's gun case, then whoever removed was really stupid to dispose of it near the original crime scene....unless it was all a set up.

Unfortunately this is not going to look good for Santi getting custody of Benji through Lola.

Antonio is in a quandary. He probably can't believe Santi would kill Caro, for any reason. Look what Santi put up with for three years. But he can't ignore the evidence and has to do his job.

The one I can't forgive right now is Laura. She's condemning Santi as guilty before he's even arraigned.

Thanks Anita. I’m here! I’m sick though so I didn’t live tweet last night like I usually do so your recap helped me out a lot.

While I’m still not sure about the Becker side, the Cohen side of the family has obviously dealt with mental illness which explains why Mia is the way she is. From what we’ve seen so far though it seems like Raquel has had more “up” periods than “down” periods unlike Mia. Thankfully neither Mia or Fede inherited their father’s cheating nature.

So now we know how Laura lost her baby but what’s the deal with her leg? I’ve been waiting to get the answer to that one. The only person to blame is herself. Godoy must be tired of putting up with her antics.

Hopefully Santiago isn’t in jail for long. I fear the story may slow down because of it. Miriam will likely succeed in getting custody of Benjamin. However, the fingerprint results still have to be revealed and the way things are going I highly doubt they’re Santiago’s fingerprints. So the question is: who do the fingerprints belong to?


TF--Sorry this malady is going around and caught you.

So who do the fingerprints on the gun belong to? They haven't checked Santiago yet. All we know is the fingerprints don't match anyone in the police databases of people with a criminal record.

If Giselle is being straight with us, Raquel may have taken the gun and disposed of it so it might be HER fingerprint, or at least the person who took it out of the case--that is IF the gun they found in the woods is actually the murder weapon.

I don't know enough about forensics to say whether they examined the bullet without firing it or they had to fire it to make a match. If they put a pristine bullet into a gun that IS the murder weapon and fire it, obviously the striations would match.

Does an unfired bullet have telltale striations? I thought it was the barrel of the gun that formed the striations. What do I know?

So what test was used for the police to come to their conclusion? The suspense is just awful.

Anita--- You make an excellent point. I love "plot gun(s)" in telenovelas but this plot gun is even more confusing than say plot gun in ECDLP. I might be confusing pasado vs época actual with the gun. Two important events I remember with the gun were Raquel accidentally finding it in Santiago's drawer then those little kids that found it in the woods. Am I missing something in between or is that the same gun?

TF--There were several episodes between the two you mention. They both take place in the present. Raq found the gun in the drawer in the episode when Benji got sick and Lola brought him home early (interrupting a little nookie between San & Raq). The one where the boys found the gun came later. So, you and I are right to be confused by the timeline.

TF - Oh,the Patio doesn't know if the gun in the drawer and the gun in the woods are the same. Tonio and Nando assume because there is one digit missing from the complete sequence of serial numbers associated with the gun. There are 9 other owners, but Tonio wasn't all that interested in them since one and only one was associated with someone who was close to the investigation.

Hi Anita, I'm here and just read your excellent recap.

"harridan of the Becker matriarchal line" and "usual green venom" made me smile.

I appreciate you and TF for all the information, speculation and questions on what we know and what we don't know in terms of the gun. To be honest, I am having a difficult time trying to process the gun trail so not only do I not have any answers, I'm not even sure what to think.

One of the most pivotal moments for me was "Raquel looks at him sadly incredulous, "Was it you?" He swears it wasn't as he's led away". Santi has always been in the back of my mind as a suspect/conspirator, but now that push is coming to shove, I'm confused. "I strongly doubt that Santiago could face his children if he killed Carolina". I hope you are right Urban...

So, any thought of Santi retaining custody of Benji seems to be out of the realm of possibility.

As others have noted, poor Raquel not wanting to "end up like her mother" was heartbreaking.

While I'm concerned for Santi, worried about Raquel's fragile state, afraid for Benji and worried about Miriam's continual emotional abuse of her grandchildren, I am first and foremost terrified for Lola and Bebo.

So is this rock bottom or will this plunge further into the abyss??

Thank you Anita.


Diana--I hope my instincts about Santi are correct and he AND Raquel are the victims here. I've gone back to the first episodes and he and Raquel do NOT seem to be dissembling. They have truly been hurt. They're genuinely confused, angry, and even talk about revenge, but decide they are better than the two cheaters and have drawn closer because of the tragedy. They do know what an impact this has had on their children. I don't think it's an act, especially between the two of them, or even one of them with the other.

I agree with you, Urban, Santi is such a straight arrow, he wouldn't be able to look his children in the eye if he had had any part in the "accident."

Yet to be answered is WHO was Santi paying off in the first episode. That's the only way I'll be convinced he did or did not have something to do with Caro being killed.

Thanks for verifying that for me, Anita. I knew those events had to have happened in the present. Im wondering if anything else relevant happened at the scene of the crime before Damian was knocked out and Carolina was killed. Specifically if maybe at least Damian tried to fight back etc. He is the key to all of this. When (and I mean "when" not "if") he wakes up eill he even remember what happened? That is the question.

Thank you Anita.Oboy this show is so insane.I keep going back and forth cuz
I can't stand seeing santi in jail,and
Mimi spewing her vomit. And Raquel in
That catatonic state of insanity.Just hate it.When are things gonna improve? Already?
They just keep giving us more ?s and no answers. How many more episodes of this maze of insanity? Like that would
Make difference.
This gives"who dunit"a whole new weird perspective.

Thanks Anita.


TF--I'll take a look and get back to you,tomorrow.

Note: Our Princess Juju will gives us a treat later tomorrow. Reminder--she's on the West Coast and watches live.

If this program has any medical verisimilitude Damian will not remember much of what happened. Miriam's murder attempt may have also deprived his brain of enough oxygen to cause further damage; the doctors said that they won't know until he wakes up.

Based on the light, I think a few hours passed between the "accident" and Damian being found. Damian made a 911 call before he was knocked out. He had to have been dragged out of the car before being knocked on the head; he wasn't driving a convertible.

Anita, Santi's "payoff" is definitely one thing that needs to be cleared up. The other thing I recall that when they couldn't "find" Caro after the accident, Santi kept asking "is she dead?" I know there was something strange about the questions he was asking but I can't recall exactly what it was.

"Mimi spewing her vomit" - excellent Nina.

And Urban, yes, there had to have been some muscle involved in dragging Damian out of the car and burying Caro. I cringe to think it might have been Nico or Fed but that part (to me) eliminates Mia (I don't consider Lola a suspect).

I would be surprised if the murderer turns out to have acted alone.


Diana: I still believe Andres was the one, who whacked Carolina.


Diana I agree that more than one person is involved. My guess: three people, perhaps 4, were involved in the murder of Carolina and the knocking out of Damian. Andres and Miriam planned it; whoever was in that car that Carolina saw(probably Mike) hit their auto from behind to cause the accident. And this person along with Vincente shot Carolina and it was Vincente who actually buried her.

Anon: The conspiracy to kill Carolina:

1.) Andres

2.) Miriam: there's a special place in Hell for people who kill mother of 3 kids.

3.) Mike

4.) Vicente

There's likely more co-conspirators here.

"Miriam: there's a special place in Hell for people who kill mother of 3 kids".

Steve, I am not positive it's Miriam, but you succinctly noted what has bothered me so much. Caro had three children. To be murdered the gruesome way that she was has stayed with me.

I can't help but feel she was the intended victim and someone wanted her to suffer - which I have no doubt she did. Dam was likely just "gravy" or even an "innocent" bystander if that makes any sense.


Anon: The sadistic & heartless way Carolina was killed like that.... bothered & haunts me still.


Miriam would not hesitate here considering her agenda. Remember that she is not the most maternal woman in creation. She has been discarding Federico and using Mia for her own purposes. She would not be any more loving to little Benjamin than she was to them.

I'm waiting for a flashback to Damiam calling her on the carpet for that.

Anita thank you for the excellent recap. Just got thru reading your recap. I am one day behind again.

I am so confused about this gun. Was there another gun in Damian's office?
Now like you Anita am no CSI but I did watch that show for a long time. The bullet's themselves are not what can prove if they were the ones in the gun, they have to shoot a bullet thru the gun to determine if the striation marks made by the barrel match the ones in the body. So this is what I know and what is confusing me.

Raquel found and saw the gun in benji's drawer. Santi took it and put it away.
The gun disappeared from the drawer because only the case and bullets were found by the cops. A gun was found near the scene of the crime by the two boys, and it appears to be the murder weapon. Are we to assume that the gun the boys found is the gun that was in Santi's house and that it belonged to his father.

Now they are making a big deal about the finger prints, this evidence is easier to take and get a match with Santi than what they have done with the bullets. They have had Santi in their cross hairs for a long time why did they not take his finger prints already?

A very confused Sandie here!!


Steve--If everyone you want killed or whacked actually dies, there would be no one left in the telenovela. Curb your desires a bit, ok?

Sandie--Just read your CSI review. Thank you. Whether the gun that disappeared from Santi's dresser drawer is the one they found in the woods has NOT been definitively confirmed to the Patio Peeps. All the police are saying is that the bullets from the body match the bullets taken from Santi's father's gun case. Still out there are the other 9 guns, registered to different owners with serial numbers that match-save one they could not recover.

As I've muddled through this earlier, SOMEONE took the gun out of the case. Was it friend or foe? If friend, why would he/she dispose of it near the crime scene? If foe, then it makes sense, but WHO is the foe that could possibly know Santi had his father's gun? Hmmm maybe Antonio? But he's not a foe. Oh dear, back to square one. Raquel may have been the one, who in her confused mind, got the gun out to get rid of it (like she did the one she found in Andres' office). But why would she drive out to the crime scene and dump it? I cross her off the list of the suspected gun thief.

Anon at 9:05--Sorry this is so late, but Antonio and his investigators decided in Episode #13 that a rock hit the windshield and caused Dam to lose control of the car and it went over the embankment. I had long thought they were hit from behind, too.

Regardless, we can all agree: Someone threw the rock (or hit them from behind) on purpose and the purpose was to harm the occupants (or one occupant). Whoever it was, had a gun and a shovel--not a good sign.

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