Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #2 1.16.18: One Little Girl to Win the Hearts of Many

Renee smiles at Alejandro and waves goodbye before turning around and high tailing it out of there. Catalina and Alejandro run after her.

The little girl waves at Mauricio and runs to him as Mr. Fairbanks and Miranda wonder what is happening. The little girl hugs him tight, but Mauricio demands security take her away as he doesn’t know her. The girl claims that she doesn’t know him either but he’s her father. Miranda can’t believe Mauricio has a daughter, but Mauricio declares he does not and asks Fabian if it’s a joke. Fabian shakes his head and Miranda demands a clear answer. Mauricio tells her it’s all a misunderstanding and asks the priest to continue with the wedding. Miranda, however, reminds him that the little girl is still clutching his leg. The girl tells Mauricio that her mother wrote a letter with his name, Mauricio Lopez-Garza. Mauricio is shocked to hear he knows his name as is Miranda.

Alejandro runs after Renee and demands she go back in the church and marry him. Renee won’t though because her priority is her career and she doesn’t need a man’s permission to follow her dreams. She runs off as Catalina, and everyone, watches.

The girl tries to find the letter her mother wrote but can’t. Mauricio tells everyone that the girl has no proof she is his daughter, but the girl takes out the necklace with the “M” and hands it to Mauricio. Miranda plays with her own necklace and slightly scoffs as she though she was the “most special woman in the world.” Mauricio looks at Fabian and cringes.

Renee gets into a bus but doesn’t have any money for the ride. The driver tells her to go ahead and she finds a seat next to a kissing couple. The couple stops and stares at Renee, as does everyone, and she explains that she was going to get married, but she doesn’t even know why as she had other dreams. Either way, she realized her mistake in time and didn’t go through with it. She then gives her engagement ring to the couple next to her and gives her bouquet to the woman next to her. After that, she lays back and sighs deeply, relieved.

At the church, Alejandro tells Catalina that he never wants to see Renee again and storms off. Catalina can only sigh as she knows Renee did the right thing.

Mauricio explains that he had the necklace mass produced, much to Miranda’s shock and disgust, but Mauricio tries to save face by stating that hers is special. Miranda demands to know who the child is though, and the little girl explains that her mother’s name is Maria Cruz. Mauricio can’t remember her though, but the girl insists that he is her father and tells him that 1) her mother is beautiful, 2) she told him Mauricio was handsome and 3) they met at a party, saw each other a few times afterward but never heard from Mauricio again and 4) he is allergic to nuts. Everyone declares that the little girl must be telling the truth, but Mauricio argues that he must’ve been drinking and having fun when he met Maria. He tells Miranda that it doesn’t matter but Miranda thinks it does. Mauricio turns around and asks Fabian for help, but he shrugs his shoulder.

At Jorge’s, he and his children get the place ready for a surprise party for Dulce. Valentina doesn’t think it’s a good idea, as her mother hates surprises, but Jorge thinks it’s great. Just then Dulce, walks in and they all yell “surprise!” Dulce doesn’t seem happy to see them, as she thought they would be at Renee’s wedding, but Jorge smiles and tells her that they wanted to surprise her. He hugs her with the children, but Dulce does not look amused.

Fabian goes to find the person that brought the little girl, much to Mauricio’s delight, but Mr. Fairbanks demands he solve his own problems, ASAP. Mauricio nods and suggests they start the reception until he comes back but Miranda prefers to suspend the wedding. Mauricio begs her to reconsider but she walks away with Mr. Fairbanks. Mauricio curses the little girl and runs after Miranda, who doesn’t look back.

Jorge tells his family that he would like to apologize for his behavior of late, as he has been very stressed and impatient, but he declares things are going to change. Dulce smiles and nods as her client, Isauro, is free and the news will likely report it soon. Jorge thinks it was obvious he was going to get off, as his team of male lawyers were great, and Dulce can’t believe he would dismiss her efforts. Jorge tries to salvage the situation, but Dulce wants to talk to him privately. She takes him away to their bedroom.

Mauricio catches up to Miranda and begs her to reconsider. Mr. Fairbanks thinks he is not the right man for her daughter but he’s the one she chose to have kids, so he will wait for him to resolve his situation. Miranda scoffs as neither one of them wants kids but Mr. Fairbanks is confused. Mauricio thinks he’s the perfect man for her and Miranda agrees so Mauricio asks her to marry him.

In their room, Dulce tells Jorge that the best gift he can give her for her birthday is a divorce.

Miranda tells Mauricio that he has until their departure time (or 38 hours exactly) to resolve his situation with the little girl or the wedding is off, and she leaves by herself. Mauricio smiles and nods and Miranda leaves with her father.

Jorge is shocked at Dulce’s decision, as he thought they were going to work on their marriage, but she explains that their relationship has been on the rocks for years and she is done with his mood swings, his long hours at work, and the fact that the horrible house they live in. Jorge reminds her that there is a worldwide recession, but Dulce is done compromising, especially because he has never taken her dreams into consideration. She states that she wants a divorce and that’s that. From the stairs, Samuel wonders if his parents will get divorced but Valentina explains that fighting between couples is normal and everything will get resolved soon.

Fabian finds Mauricio outside of the church and tells him that he didn’t find anyone, and the little girl seems to have appeared out of thin air. He asks Mauricio if he doesn’t remember the girl’s mother and Mauricio goes through his digital rolodex of women but can’t find the right Maria. Just then, the little girl comes and asks if they are going home and Mauricio cringes.

Jorge begs Dulce for another opportunity, but Dulce has made up her mind. Jorge reminds her that they are married, till death do us part, but Dulce has considered her options, and this is the best one. The kids come in then and ask if they are going to celebrate or keep arguing and Jorge suggests that they go to a restaurant to celebrate the wonderful woman their mother is. Dulce scoffs as Jorge tries to kiss her cheek.

Flor looks at the picture of Neron’s deceased wife, Carmelita, and makes faces at it. Neron comes into the bedroom then and Flor suggest they move the photo to another place in the house, so they don’t have to wake up to her every morning. Neron agrees, grabs the photo, and moves her to another place in the house as Flor smiles and caresses her pregnant belly.

At home, Veronica and Tono discuss their upcoming Orlando trip. Veronica then wonders if Mauricio got married, unlike Renee, and Tono declares that everything at Logatoys will be right as rain and they had nothing to worry about. Veronica then looks at the expenses of the trip and asks Tono if they should go on it. Tono suggests they use their credit cards and pay them later but Veronica is wary. He shakes off her fears and shows her a picture of Miranda. They both declare that she’s pretty, but Veronica thinks the wedding was likely an investment. Tono thinks all weddings are an investment and asks Veronica if she’s happy with hers. Veronica and smiles and states that she is waiting for her money back. Tono tells her that he has change for her and gives her a kiss.

Renee arrives at home and looks around. She calls out to Catalina, who is happy to see her, and explains that, despite how happy she was to see her married, Alejandro was not the man for her. Catalina asks her what happened, and Renee reveals what he said outside of the church. Renee reiterates that her career is first, and she thought Alejandro was supportive even though he wasn’t. Catalina hugs her and smiles because they didn’t even get half the gifts. Renee laughs and hugs her back, but Catalina suddenly gets a pain in her stomach and Renee helps her lie down.

Flor asks Neron if he has anything else for the laundry but finds him accommodating Carmelita’s photo in the living room. Neron thinks it’s a great spot, as she will guard the door, but Flor frowns.

Mauricio and Fabian go to the police station and Fabian tries to explain the situation as Mauricio can’t calm down long enough to explain. The detectives their state that they will look for the girl’s parents, but she must stay with him, her closest relative, while they investigate. Mauricio declares that the girl is nothing of his but, when they call the little girl over, she states that Mauricio is her father and therefore she will go stay with him. Mauricio tries to argue but Fabian asks him to calm down. He calls Mauricio over and suggests he perform a DNA test, ASAP, much to Mauricio’s annoyance.

At the hospital, Renee takes Catalina to see Guadalupe (Ricardo Baranda), a doctor and longtime family friend. Catalina wonders why Lupe wasn’t at the wedding and he mumbles something before stating that he wanted to go but couldn’t. He then goes to order some tests and Catalina tells Renee that Lupe loves her and always has. Renee shakes her head and then Catalina wonders why they came, as she feels fine, but Renee can’t help but blame herself. Catalina tells her not to, as it’s not her fault, but stresses about the cost of the hospital. Renee tells her not to worry as they have money saved up for emergencies.

Jorge takes the family to Dulce’s favorite restaurant, but she declares that it used to be her favorite, 15 years ago. She notes that the menu and the place is the same, albeit a little older and boring, but Jorge thinks that’s part of its charm. He tells the children that it’s where he proposed but they have already heard this story before. Dulce nods and declares that it was the most “original” proposal ever. Jorge is quiet, but the pain is all over his face.

At Mauricio’s apartment, the little girl explains that a man came to her hometown, told her Mauricio had sent him because he was her father, and brought her to him. Fabian asks for the name of the man or any other details but the girl shrugs. Mauricio asks her why she knew he was her father and the girl explains that her mother, before leaving on her work trip, gave her the necklace and his number, which she left in her hometown. She then explains that the man who brought her answered the phone, but Mauricio declares that he never sent anyone. He then asks Fabian for the helicopter as they are taking the little girl back home right now, despite the girl’s declarations that she can’t take care of herself, because he will lose Miranda otherwise.

Jorge keeps giving his family details on the proposal and calls the waiter over. Dulce wants to order calamari, but Jorge reminds her they are not in season and orders for her. Dulce sits back and watches as Jorge tries to control his children’s meal decisions as well and chides them for suing their cell phones at the table. Dulce gets a text message from work and pulls out her own phone, much to the children’s delight, but Jorge grows serious as she sees his family fall apart during a simple dinner.

In his office, Lupe gives Renee the news about her mother: her cancer has metastasized to the point where nothing could be done to cure her. She begs Lupe for a treatment, a suggestion, anything but he states that anything they do will only prolong her suffering. Lupe, unfortunately, has nothing else to say and leaves. Once alone, Renee cries, destroyed by the news.

Mauricio and Fabian arrive in the little girl’s hometown in Chiapas and she leads the way to her house. Two neighbors, who reveal her name is Anifer (short for Ana Fernanda), wonder what she’s doing back and explain that the hometown looks so empty because the rest of the neighbors are at a march. Anifer points out her house and runs toward it as Fabian follows. Mauricio asks the neighbors to please make sure Anifer goes back with her mother, but the neighbors stop him and state that there is no one left in the town, so he must care for Anifer. Mauricio thinks they want money to take care of the girl, but he finds that his wallet is empty. The neighbors explain that they can’t care for her and warn Mauricio to leave or else be detained before running off. Mauricio goes to find Fabian.

Renee lies to Catalina and tells her they have will run more tests and she will be fine, but Catalina knows the truth because she’s sensed it for a while now. Renee begs her not to talk like that but Catalina laments that she felt bad on the wedding day that wasn’t. Renee tells her that she will get better and they will go home soon but Catalina shakes her head and smiles.

Anifer gets home and hugs the trees in the backyard. She tells Mauricio that she loves climbing them when she’s bored and it helps pass the time while her mother gives class to the neighborhood children. Her mother disappears sometimes also but hasn’t come back this time; no one has. Mauricio is surprised and confused but Anifer asks Mauricio to follow her inside, so she can show him something. Fabian comes then and confirms there are photos of the little girl around the house but none of the mother. Mauricio can’t believe she would leave her daughter this way but then gets a call from Miranda, who demands to know if he fixed the Anifer problem, and Mauricio declares that he did before pretending to have bad reception and hanging up. Mauricio then asks Fabian to help him find someone who knows Maria Cruz, so they can take Anifer to her, but they are stopped in their tracks by armed men, who arrive on the property and demand to know who they are and what they are doing there.

Catalina tells Renee that she would prefer to go back home instead of staying at the hospital. She knows that, despite all Renee says, she prefers not to be alone. Renee tries to protest but Catalina suggests she give Lupe a chance though Renee reminds her that she just left a man at the altar. Catalina thinks that Alejandro wasn’t the ideal man for her, but Lupe may be just the one for her (neither notice that Lupe has overheard this and smiles before leaving). Renee reminds Catalina that she hasn’t eaten and goes off to find something for her after kissing her mother on the cheek and hugging her. Catalina tells Renee that she loves her and gives her a kiss as well. Renee smiles wide and promises to be back soon. Once alone, Catalina gives into the pain she’s feeling and cries her eyes out.

Jorge drops his children off with their cousins, but they begin to protest as does Dulce. Jorge declares that he is the father and they will do as they say before dropping them off. Samuel wonders why he dropped they off and Valentina assumes it was to have sex but then shakes her head in disgust for even thinking it.

The armed men ask Mauricio to see Anifer and he calls her outside. They demand Mauricio leave with his daughter, as they don’t know who Maria Cruz is, and never come back. When Mauricio tries to argue, Fabian points are that they are paramilitary, and they will be in danger if they don’t leave now.

On the way home, Dulce and Jorge can’t stop arguing. She can’t believe that he keeps doing things without her input, but Jorge just wanted to be alone at home with her. Dulce thought he would at least spring for a hotel, but Jorge is confused. Dulce explains that Mexico has plenty of love motels and they should go to one, but Jorge is shocked he would even suggest it as they have nothing to hide. He is also shocked to learn she knows so much about them, but Dulce is saved by her ringtone when she gets a call from work.

Mauricio and Fabian walk away from the house and they hypnotize that Maria was in deep with the paramilitary, like everyone else in the town, and likely ran away. Mauricio plans to do the DNA test as soon as he gets home, and that way, there will be no doubts. Fabian notices that they have lost Anifer though and Mauricio calls out to her as they hear gun shots and take cover. It’s only Anifer with a toy gun, who calls them cowards and runs past them on the way to the helicopter. Mauricio notes a strange plant in her hand and Anifer explains that she wanted a memory from where she grew up. Mauricio won’t allow her to board the helicopter with it though.

Renee arrives at her mother’s hospital room but finds her sleeping. She gets closer to wake her up but finds that she has flatlined. She begs someone to help and explains that her mother fell asleep while she went to go get food. The doctors try to do something as Renee’s eyes fill with tears, but Lupe grabs her hand and shakes his head. Renee breaks down crying then because her mother died before she was able to say goodbye.

That night, Mauricio and Fabian try to get Anifer to swap her mouth, but she wants to know what it’s for. They can convince her to do it, after a few trips, and Fabian puts the Q-tip in a plastic bag. Mauricio’s maid comes then with the plant Anifer brought and declares that dinner is ready. She then looks at Anifer and Mauricio, who is stressing about the dwindling clock on his marriage to Miranda, and states that they have the same look. She then walks away laugh as Mauricio scoffs.

In her room, Dulce gets ready as Jorge comes in and tells her he is ready to go. Dulce thinks he’s mistaken, as she is going to celebrate her birthday with her co-workers (alone), but Jorge thinks that’s not very ladylike. Dulce, frustrated at this point, thinks he will never change, but Jorge lets her go as he wants to prove how much he wants their marriage to work.

Fabian tells Mauricio that he is going to get the samples to the lab ASAP. He then goes to leave but Mauricio begs him not to leave him alone with Anifer. Fabian laughs off his worries and walks away as Miranda calls. She is waiting for him and wants to know where he is. Mauricio tells her that he had to shower but will be there soon and Miranda asks him to hurry so they can have their honeymoon.

Jorge tries to convince Dulce to stay one final time, but she tells him that, if he wants to see her happy, he will let her go. Jorge nods and she leaves.

Sometime later, Mauricio is in bed with Miranda, but she can’t stop questioning him about Anifer. Mauricio declares that he took care of it and wants to get back to what’s important. As he begins to kiss her, he gets a phone call from the maid, Rubi, who tells him that Anifer woke up, screaming for her mother, and wonders what to do. Mauricio instructs her to give the neighbors money if they complain and hangs up. He then silences his phone and begins to kiss Miranda again.

At home, Jorge prays for help to save his marriage and keep his family together. Just then, Dulce comes back, because her car won’t start, and Jorge offers to take her. Dulce prefers to take a taxi though Jorge wonders why and she storms off in a fit because he won’t leave her alone. Jorge then gets a call from Neron, informing him of Catalina’s death.

Mauricio and Miranda are in the middle of hanky panky, but his phone won’t stop vibrating. Miranda grabs him and gives it to him before going to get dressed. Rubi explains that Anifer is screaming for him now and a neighbor threatened to call the police. Mauricio thinks it would be the best thing and then hangs up as Miranda comes back. She demands to know why he lied, as she heard Anifer screaming on the phone, and Mauricio explains that he wouldn’t leave a little girl alone. He is shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth, but Miranda can’t help but be disappointed because she thought Mauricio had not commitments, but this is not the case. Mauricio begs her for another chance, until tomorrow, and Miranda agrees before leaving to the club.

Later, Mauricio arrives at home and finds Anifer sleeping on Rubi’s lap. She explains that she finally calmed down and passes her off to Mauricio as she’s going to bed. Mauricio asks her to adopt the girl, but Rubi laughs off his comment, and warns him not to say those things in front of Anifer, before leaving. Once alone with the Anifer, Mauricio takes off his jacket and covers her before taking it off her in a fright. He wonders what is happening to him that he is suddenly so paternal…


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AAA, thank you for a splendid job! You got it posted much sooner than I thought would be possible.

This TN is a little silly, but it's growing on me. Renee, in her wedding dress and holding a bouquet, getting on the bus had me laughing.

SpanProf, And of course, all the signs are there--Catalina is not long for this world. -- from yesterday. Wowser, you know your TNs!

I had my doubts, though I thought it might just happen somewhere down the line, but not the second night out.

In Human: Thank you so much Mr. Alfredo.
Miranda is too hot for Rulli. Woof
Mauricio is still wearing those Ollies Dollar Store or Flea Market blue plastic gardening clogs. I noticed them when they were out in the country right before we saw Anifer's house.

I presume Dulce has found a new bedmate. That is sure what it appeared to be.
Poor Veronica is married to a frigging toad. A notebook toad. Sheezo.

I Luuuurved Anifer's One.....Two....Three....in the church. Holy Moly if he doesn't want her....

I've never been all that crazy about Maite, but she is growing on me.

Did anybody else hear the guttural growl Flor made looking at Neuron's past wife? She could play a troll, or a great dane.

Fun episode all the way around.
Thanks again Alfredo.

AAA, thank you so much for your detailed and timely recap. I dozed off and for some reason the darned thing didn’t record...so your recap filled in a lot of blanks.

Anifer looks like she’s going to be another Paloma...stealing my heart!

Kirby, I had the same thought about Dulce...probably has a side dulce at the office that she doesn’t want her husband associating with. I was trying to think why she didn’t want her husband to go to the reception...not even give her a ride there. Maybe her side dulce thinks they are already separated?

Careful with too much woofing and wagging...wouldn’t want you getting overworked :-)


When Dulce and Jorge were in the car and her phone rang one time, it was pretty obvious it was her boyfriend or hopper who was calling. He could possibly not even know she is married, if it is one of those 'hook up only' relationships.

They didn't waste any time getting Catalina out of the way.

It's shaping up to be a fun TN, or let's hope so. There are a few elements that don't look all that comedic, Jorge and Dulce, for instance. We'll see.

Kirby is absolutely right about Miranda being hot! Renee is really cute, cute, cute; but Miranda is the hot one.

It's getting a little late, I hope a very happy personal "TN" runs inside everybody's head tonight while we zzzzzz...

Good morning patio! Good morning beautiful bird with a sweet treat. A beautiful rose completes the picture.

Alfredo, another stellar recap. You keep going, going and flawlessly too!

I must admit I've been dragging and feel asleep part way through so I very much appreciate your fine details.

"Alejandro runs after Renee and demands she go back in the church and marry him". Yes, that is certainly the tactic I’d take to stall an on the verge runaway bride.

"From the stairs, Samuel wonders if his parents will get divorced but Valentina explains that fighting between couples is normal and everything will get resolved soon". Ahh, the sweetness and optimism of children. I really like these two kids.

"Veronica and smiles and states that she is waiting for her money back. Tono tells her that he has change for her and gives her a kiss". Love it.

"Dulce nods and declares that it was the most “original” proposal ever. Jorge is quiet, but the pain is all over his face". I agree Andy, this couple will be the "pain point" here. If she is cheating, she is coward, and should be honest rather than making Jorge think everything is his fault.

Loved Flor's "guttural growl" - thanks Kirby. While I have total respect and understand a devoted partner wants to keep the memory of their deceased spouse "alive", it's a little disconcerting for the "new" partner.

RgvChick, I totally agree about Anifer. Cute and sassy...

Anyone from the Ramon patio knows I am obsessed with wedding gowns and veils. When I saw Maite's veil, I was mesmerized. Not sure if it was a "comb" or an ornament but the veil with its beautiful lace was gorgeous. The gown was pretty but that veil! They should have saved it for the finale (no apoiler, I'm jist saying if there IS a wedding) wink, wink....

Alfredo, thank you - most excellent!


"Mauricio and Miranda are in the middle of hanky panky, but his phone won’t stop vibrating."

It turns out they hadn't set it to do that and it was actually Anifer calling.
Then when she dug it out from down under the covers somewhere I thought...hhmmmmm Woof !
And she was done...and gone. Turn that thing OFF, unless..
I Like this show. An adorable smart kid and stuff I can imagine into porn.

My heart was breaking for little Renee last night. We already knew there is no Dad around, and like a lot of these TN people, there is no other family around to speak of, leaving her alone against the world.

A Helicopter? Jeezo, if he could do without that and the boat, he might be able to salvage his company. His little bachelor pad appears to be the size of Macy's too, maybe time to downsize? Do it now on your terms or later on the bank's terms. Your choice playboy.

Good Moooorning patio. still Winter here in SW FloriDuh.

Susy, JudyB and RGV must still be busy picking out what to wear tonight in case Mauricio shows up again shirtless.


Diana the bird is a Limpkin. It feeds almost exclusively on snails.
" is a bird that looks like a large rail but is skeletally closer to cranes. It is the only extant species in the genus Aramus and the family Aramidae." Wikipedia

The Limpkin's bill is uniquely adapted to foraging on apple snails. The closed bill has a gap just before the tip that makes the bill act like tweezers. The tip itself is often curved slightly to the right so it can be slipped into the right-handed chamber of the snail.

They are not rare, but not plentiful either. Central Florida is about as far North as you will find them.


Andy, there is another one similar to Miranda to be on the show later. Kika, the 'Lizbeth' from La Piloto. She is another wispy blonde about like Miranda, long and slinky and what dreams are made of. Or as we call them here in FloriDuh 'Bow Ornaments'.

I saw her in one of the scenes they show at the beginning or in a commercial break, somewhere, she had on a reddish or orange dress. (That almost fit)


Thank you, Alfredo for another great recap.

A very fun episode. Miranda would be Mauricio's perfect partner since they don’t want kids but it seems that that is not going to happen. That last scene really showed Mauricio in a nutshell. I liked that Catalina’s death was a nice short compact event and we didn’t have to spend countless episodes at the hospital. The pace is good here. Poor Flor who just cannot get rid of Carmelita’s photo. At least she is guarding the door (good call on the Great Dane, Kirby) maybe the photo will make its way out of the door soon.

Andy, the bus scene was fun. I loved her giving the ring and bouquet away.
RgvChick, yes, Anifer is growing on me, too. The kid has spirit.
Diana, yes, the veil was lovely. The weddings are always the best and we have seen “almost” two. There has to be at least one more wedding, right?

Isn’t it nice to have a novela where if you do nod off you haven’t missed some “clue” or utterance that is going to impede your understanding or enjoyment of the rest of it? Something with a nice linear plot line? I think so. Yes, I am watching CET. ; )

Thanks for the info Kirby. I will assume that is a tasty (to the Limpkin) snail rather than the berry I imagined it to be.

I hope our "girls" are safe and warm and not shoveling themselves out (unless they are otherwise preoccupied with their wardrobe) :)

Snow here in MA. Left home at 5 to be at work by 6:30 before the snow started. Winder in New England. Right now FloriDuh sounds like paradise.


Morning Jarifa!

Yes, "nice linear plot line". :) And OT, even when I can force myself and stay awake for CET, I still miss half of what goes on, so I rely totally on the recaps...

I agree with you about Catalina. I like the actress and was sorry to see her "go" so quickly but at least it wasn't really drawn out.


Kirby: Mauricio is a Buji playboy & spoiled brat ROFLOL.

He has no idea that his so-called best friend is scamming him & taking all of his $$$$.

Quick note as I am off to drive the expressway this morning before the snow gets worse. Liked the play of words in the title AAA...ONE little girl to win the hearts of MANY. Don't mind seeing Mauricio's plans blow up in his handsome face, but do find the Jorge/Dulce storyline depressing. Yes, he's a cuadrado and too over-bearing, but Dulce is a nasty broad and for sure is cheating on him. Not a good way to handle discord and disappointment in a marriage. Ugh. And Flor gives me "muy mala espina". Don't like her, even if Neuron is happy right now having his bells rung. The other couple, can't remember their names, give me hope though. They've got problems but they clearly still care for each other. That can get you through a lot of misery.

I'm going to stick with this because I love the Patio, but Mexican comedies are way too "broad" for me. I like my humor to be a little more subtle, and not so "familia peluche" style. But it sure beats a dark story like Caer. Lordy, I'll take this slapstick over that any day.

Thanks Alfredo. You're a champ to keep doing this night after night, week after week, month after...well, you get the idea.

Jarifa, Diana, I have left the TV on sometimes and allowed CET to be on for a bit. I have surfed in and out of the recaps and comments a tiny bit out of curiosity. I must say, for ME, that CET is just too dam much work to be entertained. Just dark and convoluted. I believe it would be more entertaining and less work to say, build a whole house or assemble a car from scratch.

It is apparently a fabulous show, but not my cup of tea.

I forgot to add that yes, I laughed at Rulli’s animal imitations. It doesn’t take much these days.

OT: Diana, you are not alone. I am at a point with CET (excuse me if I have said this here before) where I just want to know who did it. It has been that way for a while now. It just keeps getting more convoluted and everything is depressing and dark except for Benja. I am so glad I didn’t sign up to recap that one but did MMTF. I would be tearing out my hair by now.

Steve I have not seen any indication that his best friend is stealing from him. He appears to be orchestrating the fall of his empire singlehandedly even against the wishes of his friends.

One thing this show is doing, which was very entertaining to me in Despertar Contigo, is the Spanglish. An English word or phrase sneaks out now and then.

When Mauricio and Miranda were up there and Anifer was clinging to his leg he looked over to Fabian and said something to the effect of 'can't you help me'. I didn't write it down, but it was a short quick plea for help in English. I caught another couple of times an English word sneaked in also.

It's just a really clever play on acknowledging the fourth wall.

Ha! Kirby we both used “convoluted” to describe CET. Great minds . . .

Jarifa, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) you prefer comedies, and my heavens, CET is certainly the polar opposite.

Kirby, I'm hanging in there simply for the same reason Jarifa is - I want to know who "did it". I am changing my mind every episode but not knowing is maddening...

I am positive it's the darkest TN I've watched since I began 10 years ago.

I never, ever say "well things can't get worse". They do.


"Dulce is a nasty broad and for sure is cheating on him. Not a good way to handle discord and disappointment in a marriage. Ugh".

Very well said Judy!

Of course, I was likely the only patio denizen who did not "get" she is likely cheating. I agree with the "nasty" though. I'm sure he isn't a saint, but that wounded look at the restaurant was real.


Thanks Alfredo!!!

Veronica and Tono seem like a great couple. Just the opposite of Jorge and Dulce.

Jorge is pretty old fashion and controlling. No wonder Dulce wants a divorce. I too think she is cheating--which I don't approve of. She should have left him sooner if that was to be the case.

Kirby, I wonder if the La Pilota blond will be for Fabian. I mean Mark Tacher has to have a woman too right? It's Mark Tacher!

I've really only seen Maite in Lichita and she was awesome in that. I bowed out of La Gata early--though several members of that cast are here.

Anifer is super cute and I just want to pinch her cheeks. Her home life situation sounds awful. She doesn't seem worried about her mom at all. I hope that isn't thrown under the rug and we get more details.

So who was the mysterious man that picked up the phone and brought Anifer to the church? Could Fabian have picked up the phone and had Anifer picked up by someone in order to stop the wedding? Who else would have access to Mau's cell?

Diana, you are right about me and comedies but there have been so few that I have tried to expand my viewing possibilities. I actually enjoyed LQLVMR and TVA but I loved LC. It was dark and depressing but the plot was clear and there was nothing extraneous; a little masterpiece of its own. CET is by the same producer. I just wish I knew how many episodes were left.


Alfredo – Thank you for your recap!

Snow Day #2! - Woke up to 6°F here this a.m. with a wind chill way below that. No fun walking the dog at 6:30 a.m.! We got 3 inches snow yesterday. Thank heavens for telenovelaland and its warmer clime.

I love that both “brides” had enough self confidence and self esteem to call off their weddings. None of the old "Well, I’ve got so much invested and come this far, so I need to go ahead with it and not disappoint all the guests, etc.”

Alejandro really showed his true control-freak colors in front of the church, after Renee ran out. Run, Renee, run!

I almost run for my cell phone whenever Mau’s rings, because that is the same text tone set for one of my sisters. Gaaaaah!

Dulce & Jorge’s marriage is so over. Derailed. Toast. Their depressing apartment is a Feng Shui swamp. I can’t even look at those scenes without feeling like I’m drowning. Poorly lit, dingy green paint and all that wood. Ugh….. set designers know their trade and this one is screaming “swamp.”

Renee at the hospital, still in her wedding gown and veil – especially the veil! - had me rolling my eyes and laughing. She could have taken off the veil, but I digress…..

Kirby – Flor’s growl at Carmelita’s picture was a hoot. HOW on earth she knocked boots and made a baby with Neron, with that picture watching them the whole time, is beyond me.

Every time I see Veronica (have not seen this actress before), I think of Valerie Mahaffey who was “Eve” in Northern Exposure. Something about her eyes, voice, face, etc.

Oh Diana, she had "I have a date" written all over her, from her makeup to her dress, just the whole package. And then that phone call in the car. It wasn't like "Oh hey Jerry, yeah we are....blah blah... or Margarita, I was thinking of calling you...." . It was a hello, then turn away and speak very quietly.

Doris, the Veronica girl was in a TN many of us watched earlier 'Vino el Amor' and she is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. A really great actress, and a little quirky and just plain entertaining. I was so happy to see she was on this show.

And not only did Neuron have the picture there watching over the bed, he kept (apparently) a lighted candle at her 'shrine'.

Hello? (quietly....."yeah, I miss you too...I can't talk right now...bye"

"Who was that Honey?"
"Oh, a customer, wanted to know if I had heard anything from the Judge."

"and made a baby with Neron, with that picture watching them the whole time, is beyond me. "
Tequila...Final Answer


Dulce and Jorge just bears out what I have said all along. Women love to be kissed, just not on the ass.

OT: Thanks, Alfredo, for the info on CET. It is doable now that I know it will be short.

Good comment about Catalina’s death. It is true to life.

Alfredo, in my initial comment I said you keep going, going and flawlessly too!

"a white dove in a den of wolves" proves it!

That was a very touching story about your grandmother - thank you for sharing.

I did not see LC but CET is indeed very mysterious. And to me, totally baffling. Someone else had posted there were 100 episodes so am thinking we still have around 40 episodes to g.o

doris, yes, Veronica does look like Valerie. She is amazing and I'm sure you come away with this being a fan...If you ever get to see Un gancho al corazón watch it. If only for her.

Kirby, I hope I might have been napping...sounds like I missed a lot of obvious clues!


OT: I am just happy we have a lot of variety to choose from with all of our different tastes and that it is not just the same old same old.

Hello, all. Another snow day here. Waking up at 5.30 and finding out that it is a snow day and going back to sleep is pretty close to heaven..I imagine.

AAA, I just do not know how you do it, but I am so glad that you do. THank you so much for that excellent retelling.

Regarding Dulce, I still do not understand much SPanish , but I think that she is the absolute opposite of her name. What a bitter pill. I got tired of looking at her frowning face. I enjoyed all the comments about evidence that she is cheating . The red flag for me was the CFM shoes.

Doris..I agree that DUlce's home was just plain depressing..a refection of that unhappy marriage.

Hubba was passing through the living room on the way to sports central (the family room which the cable provider has named The Man Cave..ugh) Anifer was chattering in that high pitched squeal, and he said , "WHo is that?" I do not find that child charming like PAloma from DV. To me, she is a bit annoying. Sorry.

Diana, like you, I loved the bridal gowns and veils. Both brides were beautiful. My older daughter called off her engagement five months before the wedding. I had the gown hanging in the spare bedroom for awhile. When she did marry (someone else) , she bought a different dress. Her sister did not want the dress which was too princessy for her taste. It happens. I am glad she didn't decide not to marry as she and her daddy were walking down the aisle.

I have listened to lots of people at different stages of learning English , and RUlli speaks ENglish very well. My friend teaches Spanish and used to go to Mexico for vacation in the summers. She told me that more and more English words are making their way into MExican conversation. I noticed Fabian called Maur "Bro" instead of hermano.

Mark T. Looks very good with that short MBA haircut. I like long hair on men, but he looks better with short hair.

Susanlynn - Anifer's voice sounds like Alvin and the chipmunks.

AAA, thanks again for your great recaps! I have reread or skimmed these first two a few times to get the names of the characters straight. (I can't tell the players without a scorecard, and even then...)

I have to agree that Dulce is actually a bit of a bitter pill, and not a saint, but please! Jorge is a world class jerk, and I can't imagine how she put up with him for 15 years. He's lucky she hasn't shot him.

Much as I like this TN, I see signs that a lot of it will be men who are total jerks getting their comeuppance (Alejandro and Jorge so far; Mauricio I suppose will be "saved".)

Well, at there's a lot of eye candy :-)

Well, at least there's a lot of eye candy.

Sheesh, I can't even blame this on auto-correct.

HI, Patio Peeps!! No, I wasn't going through wardrobe :-) I was busy with the kids and took one to the vet....seems it had a minor injury to its leg, but it'll be fine in time.

Great comments already. I agree with all the comments regarding Jorge and Dulce...they are doomed. What I didn't like was how Veronica reacted when she walked in on her surprise birthday party. She could have at least pretended to appreciate the efforts for the children. She and Jorge have problems, so let the frowns and antagonized looks be between them; no need to make it worse for the kids.

When Mao was doing his animal impressions, my first thought was, "He's trying to do the Jim Carry thing (I don;t care for Jim Carrey, so you can figure out how I felt about those imitations). I enjoy comedy, but when it's over-exaggerated then, mehhh!

Diana, I dozed off during the first half and yes, I missed some of clues....oh we-ell!

Palomita was too sweet to tame Mauri. Anifer can give as good as she gets...perfect for him.

Alfredo....I think that Dulce is going to eventually turn into HOr from RAmoon..still bitter...just older. Life is short. You get back what you send out into the world. If Dulce is so unhappy in her marriage, she should get a divorce and try to find happiness elsewhere, but she is just making everyone unhappy including her kids. Anyone who grew up in a family with parents who do not get along knows that is a difficult way to live.

Chickie...hope that your little kid is back on his or her feet soon. Do you have names for everyone? I was on the Outlander forum, and there was a message from a guy in NEw Zealand who raises llamas and names them all after characters from Outlander..and he has a hundred or more.

Para military??? Who were those guys? Did Anifer take that plant with her on the helicopter after Maur told her not to ?

Poor Lupe will not have a chance once Renee and Maur meet. Miranda may be a hottie, but Renee will make Maur want to be a better man.


Chasing birds before the weather turns to sh__.

Miranda makes ME want to be a better man already. :-)

Alfredo, I dont think that Anifer is Maur's daughter but he will fall for her, and then, he and Renee will form a happy !ittle family!!!


Kirby!!!...you are incorrigible!!! (Lots of future ex wives in this one, rigbt? ). I can always find a giggle on a snowbound day here on the patio.

Excellent recap, Alfredo! The mystery keeps getting weirder and deeper: Anifer's mothers' missing letter, the almost abandoned village (what march?), the paramilitaries. What the heck is going on? And if the DNA test comes back, will it be genuine or falsified? Could those paramilitares be related to Dulce's client, Isauro, the Narco, by any chance?

Oh Shoot ! I had not even entertained that she might not be his daughter, as that is a base premise for the whole show.
With the DNA test results due back shortly, she has to be his, otherwise he has not had enough time to begin to care for her and would just jettison her. If that is possible. She appears to be made of epoxy, though.

"I'm still confused as to how Jorge managed to win her over? Maybe he promised the moon and stars and then all she got was that green house."
Both of them have probably changed over the years, but they did not change together. Like two train tracks ...they either stay parallel or they don't which leads to train wreck.

Here's a question for the patio: Could the plant Anifer carried back be important to the story as it develops? Almost everything happens for a reason in telenovelaland. Stay tuned --- must seeTV! 😎

SpanProf interesting points. I was corn-fuzed with the whole village thing with the guns etc. I wondered too, if Little Bit and her Mom lived there,how did Muari and her Momever happen to meet, unless she spent her weekends in the city or some such. Little Bit's shack was far enough out in the boonies that they chose to go in a helicopter.

SusanLynn at least I'm a nice doggie, I just woof and wag. I'm not one of those you need help detaching from your calf. Woof

Doris...I too, wondered what was up with that plant Ani insisted on taking with her.

Kirby..unless someone falsifies the DNA results. #telenovelatrope

Fabian appears to be a good buddy ,but is he?

Susanlynn: Mark Tacher not be a good buddy? Oh no!

Spanprof..hmm..is Mark ALWAYS a good guy? I think that I have on!y seen him in two shows and not late!y.

OT..ALfredo.did you know that Caitronia Balfe ( Claire on Outlander) was a model , including Victoria's Secret, and Outlander is her first major acting role? She has been nominated for many awards including the Golden Globes. Some people are lucky to be gifted in looks and talent.

But he was such a good guy in El Bienamado and before that in Para volver a amar. I guess I just prefer him to be a good guy--but playing against type would be pretty clever--especially since Mauricio and Fabián have been best friends since early childhood.

Susan gnu??? Thanks autocorrect !

Spanprof..I know what you mean . In the tn that just finished (Ramon) , mi telenovio Marcelo Cordoba was a despicable scoundrel with a gambling addiction who cheated his own nieces. In Alborado, my first tn , and Passion , he played a very good guy. However, in one tn that was on a few years ago, he played a guy having an affair with his auntie who killed the leading lady's grandpa . I called him the tialoving abuelo killer.

Usually childhood buddies remain loyal, right?

Susie I can't peg Fabian yet. He seems embarrassed and slightly disgusted with his childhood bro Mauri, so I wonder if he is doing a few back door things to try to save his buddy since he won't save himself. I somehow don't expect him to be doing anything underhanded and selfish, though like your telenovio from RaMoon.

Thanks, Alfredo. Still trying to get the hang of who's who.

The little girl is cute and I'm sure she's following the director's orders, but boy she is loud. Doris, ITA she sounds like Alvin and the chipmunks.

I felt for the guy sitting at the kitchen table praying for the Virgencita to save his marriage. Glad ya'll pointed out his wife is probably cheating, because I was wondering why divorce with two young'uns didn't seem to faze her. When it's come to that, usually there's some anguish about it. Not from her. Now I know why.

Kirby...okay..let's go with that theory for now. Fabian is trying to save Peter Pan from himself and ultimately save the company. Works for me.

Having two young'uns at home works perfectly for cheaters, as it is a very believable reason to force the other spouse to 'stay', don't follow me. Like a good little doggie. I have seen it waaaay too many times. Not in my personal life, but have been asked by buddies to get a rental car and follow someone incognito, as he/she had to stay home with the kids.

I always knew when one of the girls at work was either cheating or looking to. There is just a different look. Hair a little different, clothing updated, makeup more carefully done. A little friendlier in the breakroom, etc.

Kirby... My friends always had to tell me which of our coworkers were having affairs. I am pretty oblivious to those things,but they were happening around me. Very sad.

Tha dog nose. :-)

I've missed a lot of fun comments today. Thank you all.

RgvChick, I hope your kid's leg gets better quickly! You are tending to your tribe very lovingly.

Fabian hasn't done anything to make me think he is sabatoging Maur. As has been said already, he's doing it all by himself. I think a saint's patience would be taxed by Mo's impulsive, reckless, selfish behavior. I don't know how he can take care of a child as he is a child himself.


Hey Patio Peeps! I know it's late, and I've been off the Caray Caray Patio for a long time, but I've been dipping my toe back into tns and came across this last night. I thought it was cute. I loved the interaction between Mau and Anifer (I think Rulli's comedic timing has REALLY improved since Un Gancho al Corazon), and there was a good mix of actors I was really familiar with and some I haven't seen in a lot of other tns. I was very surprised by how quickly Catalina bit the dust! But also glad they didn't drag out that storyline.

Thanks so much, Alfredo for the recap. Lots of characters and plot lines to keep track of and you did a great job keeping it all straight.

Stay warm and dry, everyone in snow, flood, and mudslide areas!

Vivi....Hey. Were your ears burning?

Thanks Alfredo. Fun recap.A nice brake
From all the depressing stuff that no
Before and after.So we have a mystery.
"Who is Maria Cruz?"And what in the World did she see in this silly man?

And the town where she from is all infected with paramilitary. Is that
The mob in uniforms?

Vivi, omg. How are you doing girl?
Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
I hope yours gonna be on the patio with us through this craziness.Welcome
Back. You were missed.♡

Thanks Alfredo.More silliness tonight.


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