Thursday, January 18, 2018

Papá a toda madre Wednesday 1/17/18 Capítulo 3: Hip! Hip! Dubai!--OR--When the Nice Guy is the Wrong Guy

We start this episode in the funeral parlor where Renée is accepting condolences. There is Nerón her godfather and Flor, Jorge, (whose wife Dulce has not accompanied him), Verónica and Toño. Finally, there is Dr. Lupe who appears with coffee for Renée and tells her (for the first of many times) that he is there for whatever she needs. She is at the casket when the funeral director needs her to sign a few documents for the funeral home. The bill is 50,000 pesos (about $2,663). Renée is surprised by the cost. She talks to Verónica and Nerón about feeling so alone even though she is surrounded by so many people. Verónica reminds her that her mother just passed away today. Renée remarks that this has been the most intense day of her life: a wedding and a death and all that they need is a birth. Flor completes that trifecta by announcing that she feels like she is going into labor. Dr. Lupe takes control of the situation.

Early in the morning the next day, Dulce comes home and Jorge tells her about Renée's mom and how he went to the funeral. She remarks how it really rained on the ”engineer” (Renée) what with the aborted wedding and now the death of her mother. Dulce says goodnight but Jorge wants to know how her evening went especially with her being out alone for the first time at night. He also has noticed that it has been a long time since she had put on that perfume . . . did she put it on for someone special? His questioning sets Dulce off. If they are going to talk about infidelities, she is there to remind him that years ago he and Yuriria had their “thing”. He insists that nothing happened. Dulce counters that he didn’t stop loving Yuriria either. Their marriage is hopeless. The best they can do is get a divorce. Jorge does not agree.

At the hospital, Flor is in full labor. She feels like she is going to give birth to a watermelon.

As Mauricio descends the staircase Dubai bound with his suitcase, Anifer tells him that her mother said that he would take care of her. It is better that she not bother him because no matter what she does he is not taking her anywhere. She doesn’t like it there in the house and her mother says that if you are always inside you can get sick. She wants to go out for a walk. He asks her if he does take her someplace, will she stop bothering him? She promises.

At the funeral home, Renée and Dr. Lupe are left with Catalina's ashes. Dr. Lupe offers to take Renée out for some food. He is concerned about her getting sick. She wants a few minutes alone with her mother’s ashes and then to go home to sleep. She also needs to see her godfather’s new baby. She does not know what she is going to do yet. Dr. Lupe wants her to know that he is there to support her in whatever she needs. He leaves and Renée just cries.

Nerón and Flor have a baby girl. He is at the nursery window to see her. Another person admiring another baby in the nursery thinks he is the grandfather.

Mauricio takes Anifer to a video arcade for kids and dumps her with plenty of tickets for games to keep her busy like forever. No, he will not be going in. He has a lot of things he has to do. There are a lot of kids there for her to play with. He will be with their parents. She can play for as long as she wants. As he leaves her, Mauricio stops and looks back at her. He remembers his mother putting him to bed and how he told her that he loved her best. They were always going to be together. And when he was big . . . He wanted her to be proud of him. With tears in his eyes, he declares it is just too much to think about, turns around and makes a phone call.

Nerón holds and talks to his new baby. He will take care of her, spoil her and love her forever. He thanks God for this blessing.

Dr. Lupe offers to take Renée home from the funeral parlor. He does not want to leave her alone. Renée says that he has not changed since they were fifteen. How can she ever pay him back? He suggests that they can make quesadillas like they did back in high school. She smiles through her tears. He hugs her.

Dulce is on the phone telling the person on the other end that she is going to finish up her mom duties today a little later. The kids are not home. Jorge is making things very complicated. The call is cut short when she hears a horn honking. Jorge has arrived home hoping that pulling out all of the monetary stops for Dulce's birthday will change her mind. He has bought her a new SUV. It has a big blue bows all over it. It is loaded. It is red. He loves it but she not so much. She sees it as cute but being a little masculine. She hates it being red. Jorge is convinced he will never do anything to please her in this life. He asks if the SUV was not her dream. She notes that this is the first time he has tried to fulfill a dream of hers since they have been married and he just didn’t do it. He asks if he hasn’t given her everything, well almost everything. She makes it clear that she is not changing her mind because of the SUV. Flor and Nerón see them and walk on over to show them the new baby. Jorge congratulates them. Dulce smiles amd checks her phone. Jorge sees the baby as the greatest gift from heaven. Flor says she does not need anything to be happy now. Dulce says not now but she is going to begin to need sleep, time and money because from this moment on until the end of her life she will never sleep in peace again. She offers her congratulations on their baby girl. Dulce leaves. Jorge tries to soften the comment. Dulce was just exaggerating. . . She had acid reflux the last few nights . . .

Jorge and Dulce’s kids talk about the possibility of their parents getting divorced.

Mauricio is at home on the phone with Miranda bouncing around chanting "Hip! hip! Dubai!” where he hopes to be taking off for with Miranda. On the other end, Miranda, with her suitcase packed, asks if everything is ready and if the little girl is gone. Mauricio answers that the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María . . Everybody is gone!!! He lies and tells her that some nice parents volunteered to take her to the authorities. Sorry, she is not his responsibility. Fabián is calling. Mauricio tells her he will meet her at the hotel. He now talks to Fabián. Fabián wants to bring him the results of the DNA test. Mauricio does not want to know the results. The girl is not his daughter and he is not going to worry about her. It is all too late for him. He is going to pick up Miranda at the hotel. He is going to Dubai and along the way he is going to save his business which is his responsibility. Hip! hip! Dubai!

Outside of her house, Renée and Dr. Lupe talk about her mother. Eventhough he and Renée did not see much of each other after high school, Dr. Lupe would sometimes stop by to say hello to her mother and she would invite him in for a cup of coffee. Now Renée knows why her mother always remembered him with such affection. Verónica comes over to invite Renée to go with her to see the new baby.

At Jorge's house, he is begging Dulce to tell him what he can do to get her back. Does he have to swear on the Bible that they are going to move? He is ready to change anything and everything for her. They can move now with all of the money she made off of the Snow White case. . . Her answer is there nothing he can do because it is too late. All she wants is a divorce. In the middle of the discussion, the phone rings. He tells her to answer it but she doesn’t. He asks her to please tell him the truth about wanting a divorce. She says she did already: his rigidity, his indifference, his coldness. The monotony is killing her. He never saw her dolled up like she was and with that perfume in his whole life. He wants the truth. She tells him the truth. There is another man. He leaves. She answers the phone says she will call later.

Everyone is at Toño's to see the baby. Nerón does not know what they should name her. His two sons are named Sócrates and Cicerón so he is thinking about about Hipólita or Agripina. Flor asks him if he hates the baby that much or what. She says that no way will her baby have one of those ugly names. Flor decides her name will be "Milady". Toño and Verónica are off to Orlando tomorrow. Renée thanks them all for their support in the good times, in the bad times, and in the worst of times.

Mauricio is at the hotel to pick up Miranda to leave for Dubai. Her father Mr. Fairbanks cannot believe that he has the nerve to show his face. They can do what they want but if Mauricio thinks he will be investing in his company, he has another thing coming. Mauricio insists that the important thing is what he feels for Miranda. Miranda finally arrives and Mauricio makes a joke about first the honeymoon and then the wedding. Fabián has followed him to the hotel to give him the DNA results whether he wants them or not. Miranda wants no more secrets between them. As Mauricio insists he is not the father, Miranda pries the envelope out of his hands and rips it open. She sees the results. Anifer is Mauricio’s child. Miranda tells him that it is all over between them. Mauricio asks Miranda for more time to solve the Anifer issue. Sure she is his daughter but he can send her off to boarding school in Canada. Mr. Fairbanks asks him if he has a heart. Miranda cannot understand how he could have left not knowing if she were his daughter. She is going to Dubai ALONE. Mauricio then asks Mr. Fairbanks to convince his daughter. That is not happening because as Mr. Fairbanks say,s his first impression of Mauricio when he saw him at Logatoys was right. Did his father not teach him anything about responsibility? He must be twirling in his grave seeing the good-for-nothing his son has turned into. He feels sorry for his daughter because nobody deserves a father like him. Fabián pops back up to tell Mauricio that he felt that Mauricio just had to know if Anifer was his or not. By the way, where is Anifer?

At Jorge's, Dulce is packing up to leave. He is trying to guess who her lover is. Which one of those crummy lawyers? When she insists she is leaving for good he throws her suitcases on the floor and tells her she can leave with what is on her back. That does not slow her down. He does not know how sorry she is for every having married him. She calls him an ignorant jerk on the way out. Dulce goes outside and decides she will take that new SUV after all. Jorge doesn’t want her leaving with anything. She says he can have the house and all that is in it but she is taking the SUV. He says no. She says she will talk to the kids. She starts to drive away. First, Jorge stands in front of the vehicle. She starts to move and he throws himself on the hood. He ends up falling off. She pauses long enough to ask if he is okay. He says he is and limps away as she drives away. Not giving up yet, Jorge gets into Dulce's SUV not remembering it is dead and tries to go after her. He changes to his SUV and it starts. He tries to find Dulce in the new SUV. He is stopped by a traffic cop when he runs a red light. He gives the officer his sob story but the officer is still ticketing him.

At home, Renée finds a place for her mother's ashes. Dr. Lupe is still with her. They discuss why she stopped the wedding. Dr. Lupe says maybe it was because she was not in love. She answers who knows. What she does know is that Alejandro was one person when she met him and a completely different when they were about to get married. Dr. Lupe says that the important thing is that she feels sure of herself and not sorry for the decision she took. Renée is not too sure what is going on with her. Dr. Lupe reminds her that he is there for her again and “knowing it is not the time or place” he has to tell her he is in love with her and has been since high school. Renée’s response is not one of joy. She looks just more troubled. He does not expect an answer from her. He just had to tell her after being quiet about it all of those years. He also wanted her to know that at this difficult time, she is not alone. She thanks him and says it is good to have friends like him that appear when they are needed the most.

At Nerón's, Flor wants to know if he told his sons about his new daughter. Nerón is not talking.

Finally, Mauricio goes back to the game center and picks up Anifer. He has something to tell her. She says her mother says when you have a hard thing to say it is best to just spit it out. He explains to Anifer that he is not the father she is looking for nor is he the the father that she deserves. Their next stop is the local orphanage, where Mauricio tries to unload Anifer. Unfortunately for him, he does not quite meet the criteria of a parent who is unable to care for his child. When it comes down to it, he admits that he just doesn't want her. Mauricio leaves Anifer at the orphanage and makes a run for it as the orphanage officials and Anifer follow in hot pursuit. He runs into the driveway without looking and gets hit when a car backs up. It is nothing serious but Anifer is all over him as he is laid out on the ground. Anifer asks if he needs her to take care of him. He can only say “shoot me”. She will take care of him and puts her head on his chest.

Verónica is visiting Renée. Renée tells her all about Dr. Lupe. Her mother had always said he had a thing for her and she was right. Verónica cannot believe he would tell her right now but he is a good guy. She knows it is not the time to make any decisions. Verónica tells her not to rush into anything, to give herself a chance with all that she wants to accomplish. She will move ahead.

Back at home with Anifer, Mauricio is on the phone with Fabián as he watches Anifer eating his Italian pastries he had imported all the way from Europe. He is not happy to be sharing them. In the meantime, he tells Fabián about the orphanage and almost ending up in the hospital. He asks Fabián how are they going to find Anifer's mother or any relative to take care of her. Fabián reiterates that there is nobody in her town and no signs of her mother. From what they saw with the paramilitary troops, there are two possibilities: either she hid herself or they hid her. Mauricio suggests they call the police. Fabián laughs. What are they going to tell them? That they are looking for one of the thousands of women who disappear in the this country? And that is all before they tell them how strangely Anifer came into his life. Mauricio has to stop talking to tell Rubí that the next time Anifer wants something to eat, to just give her a yogurt and not his imported European cakes. Fabián tells him that there is nothing for him to do but to assume the responsibility of being Anifer’s father. She is his daughter, so he should just take care of her. Mauricio insists there must be a clue somewhere but cannot keep his eyes off of his pastries being consumed not by him...

Renée needs some consolation and ends up talking to her mother's ashes. Her mother went so quickly. She feels like a little girl again but like an orphan this time. What will she do without her mother? The house feels just so big . . .

Mauricio tries to get information from Anifer about other relatives she must have. She shrugs her shoulders. He then asks her about the letter that was sent with her. What did the letter say? She never read it because it wasn’t hers. What was the man like that came for her? Anifer says she has told him a thousand times. He was about as tall as Rubí. As Mauricio is fishing for more information, Anifer asks why he doesn't love her. How can he love her if they do not even know each other? She loves him just because he is her dad just like parents are supposed to love their children just because they are their children. He does not get it. She reminds him that she told him that she will take care of him and that he will take care of her but he will not have to take care of her for long. She tells him that her mother will be coming back for her soon. Mauricio asks when. All she knows is that her mother said soon. Did he really think that her mother would leave her alone forever? She would never do something like that. It sure is clear that he does not know he mother. Mauricio eats his cake and smiles.

At Jorge's, his kids Samuel and Valentina want to know where mom is. Since she has not been answering Jorge's calls or messages, the best he can do is tell them she is at a ”spiritual” retreat. She should be away for a week the most. Jorge calls Dulce and leaves her messages and will forgive her if she comes home. The next morning, the kids still want to call her. Not happening. While Dulce is gone, Valentina is told that she will be doing all of the cooking and chores her mother and the maid did being the good “little woman” that she is. Her mother paid for the maid so there will be no maid. The kids keep asking questions about their mother. Samuel wonders if the convent she must be at has a Facebook page. Jorge reminds them it is a "spiritual retreat", not a spa. As Samuel asks to call his mother one more time, Jorge starts to lose it. Their mother will be back soon.

Renée has taken a good look at the funeral expenses she signed for and cannot afford them. She goes to the bank where her application for a loan would be turned down if they allowed her to apply for one. They do offer her a credit card though. She cannot believe that.

Nerón is all dressed up for his last day at work. Flor wants Nerón to invite his sons to "Milady's" baptism. He "calls" his son Sócrates to make her happy but it seems that Sócrates cannot make it.

Jorge stops by Dulce’s work place to talk to his wife’s bosses/associates to see if they have any idea where Dulce is. They do not have any information for him but they do have some papers to give him since he is there. They are divorce papers from Dulce's lawyer. He is hesitant to take them. There is no divorce in the Sacred Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. They insist they know nothing about where his wife is. He ends up taking the papers and leaving.

At work, Fabián tries to get it through to Mauricio that he cannot keep trying to evade reality. The company has enormous debts and there are only two ways to go. Either you pay the debts or you end up in bankruptcy. Mauricio says they cannot do that. They need time. That answer angers Fanián because that is exactly what they have been doing for a good while. Mauricio blubbers for Fabián not to yell at him because he is sensitive.

Renée goes to the funeral home to try to broker a deal with the director just to find out that the bill has already been paid by Dr. Lupe.


I am liking Dulce for leaving now knowing that Jorge cheated on her and her reasons for leaving. I was not impressed that he wanted his daughter to do the house work and cooking in her mother's absence because she was a good "little woman" but left her brother Samuel off the hook for doing anything. The more I see of Jorge and his suffocating personality, the more I understand why Dulce had to go. I was happy that she took the new SUV.

My favorite part was Mauricio on the phone talking but also watching the consumption of his cherished imported Italian pastries by Anifer. I also liked him trying to dump her at the orphanage. Very funny.

More later.


Haven't seen this yet, but your title was fabulous Jarifa. A title like that MAKES you read the recap. You just have to after that snazzy beginning.

Jorge's past infidelity certainly set the stage for Dulce's leaving. It explains her coldness and indifference to his feelings. But it doesn't explain her shabby treatment of her children. And repaying infidelity with infidelity is not the way to deal with it. Get counseling and if you can't work it out, explain your separation and plans for divorce to the children. Don't just dump them.

Okay, Rant over. Just my opinion. And opinions will vary , as Csrlos used to remind us.

AND VIVI, SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK! We've missed you.

Thanks Jarifa. I enjoyed the recap and will look forward to watching my recording later on. OSU men were playing basketball last night at the same time. Couldn't watch both.

Good Morning, Everyone!! THank you so much, Jarifa for your splendid recap and the title is puurfect!!

Jarifa, "I was not impressed that he wanted his daughter to do the house work and cooking in her mother's absence because she was a good "little woman" but left her brother Samuel off the hook for doing anything." I am in total agreement with you. I guess Dulce was bringing in most of the money since she was the one paying for a maid and now Jorge can't afford one.

I also have to agree with JudyB, "Jorge's past infidelity certainly set the stage for Dulce's leaving. It explains her coldness and indifference to his feelings. But it doesn't explain her shabby treatment of her children. And repaying infidelity with infidelity is not the way to deal with it. Get counseling and if you can't work it out, explain your separation and plans for divorce to the children. Don't just dump them." Then we wonder why the new generations avoid marriage...after witnessing such horrible examples who would want to delve into such a commitment.

I really like Veronica's character so much more. Her character on Vino was good, but I like the "softer" personality and looks Veronica has in this TN.

Still a very BRRRRR day in the RGV, hoping for warmer temps soon.

More later...

I loved your title Jarifa. Excellent recap.

"Flor completes that trifecta by announcing that she feels like she is going into labor" and "Dubai bound" were among many favorites.

"When it comes down to it, he admits that he just doesn't want her". I could care less that Anifer has postponed/stopped Mauricio's plans to wed his rich bride, his leaving Anifer was icy cold. I was rather rooting for the car to give him a bit more of a bump.

“She notes that this is the first time he has tried to fulfill a dream of hers since they have been married and he just didn’t do it.” While Jorge definitely has his issues, I can't help but feel Dulce is (and always has been) focused on one thing. Herself. As you pointed out Judy, I can't recall seeing her loving or affectionate to her children. But when you divorce, you do separate from everyone. Including the children you no longer live with. She left them there and that to me is inexcusable. Sign the papers Jorge and move on.

“Now Renée knows why her mother always remembered him with such affection” yet when he bares his heart and soul, “Renée’s response is not one of joy”. Ahh, Dr. Lupe. Ye have no hope.

Loved how Anifer (and Rubí!) were enjoying those pastries.

"Milady". OK, well that is definitely different!

Vivi's back?!! Wonderful!!

Jarifa, another superb summary. Thank you, thank you.


Thank you for your recap, Jarifa! And the title is perfect! lol

Ah, so Lupe has been carrying the torch for Renee for-ever. Bless his heart!

If Dulce’s car was so horrible, why didn’t she get it fixed or replaced? Surely she earns enough money? Or maybe just enough to pay a maid. Is Jorge the one who controls all the money, since he had enough to buy her a brand-new car?
ITA with Jarifa and JudyB. Jorge & Dulce are beyond dysfunctional. I just want to FFWD-> thru all their scenes, already.

What if Anifer’s mother is a former model-now-leader in the paramilitary? Like those Telemundo telenovelas? Could it be drug-running? Somehow I feel there has to be a punch line to all this mystery. Maybe she is the "Snow White" case Dulce was involved in? Ah, speculation . . .

Flor thinks Hipólita or Agripina are stupid names, and “Milady” isn’t? OMG, this girl really has an I.Q. below that of plant life. (...because, who knocks boots with a guy with the dead wife’s photo watching them in the bedroom? At least that finally got taken care of.) Well, I wonder about Nerón's I.Q., too.

Do Nerón’s offspring even know about Flor’s existence? One has to wonder . . .

WOW Thank You Jarifa. Another fun episode. I believe I may have to start naming some of these characters. What I find hilarious is the what I call English bombs, like photo bombing except that an English word or phrase jumps in. I kept a mental list last night, (Because I'm weird) so here it is.

English bombs
The obvious first one Hip Hip Dubai
Mauri talking to Miranda on phone, “The Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, Everybody's gone.”
Then almost immediately after that talking on phone to Fabian who says “No way.”
He called his prospective Father in Law “Mister Fairbanks” in perfect English

“And the oscar goes to.. “ When Miranda tore the DNA envelope from his hands, which Fabian had brought.

At orphanage or Girl's club Hit by the car “Shoot Me”

Fabian on the phone from Logatoys to Mauri at home while Anifer eats “OK Sorry”

Also, I am impressed with Fabian's neckties, especially the knots he uses. Hilfiger makes a few for the Eldredge knot where the knot can be different fabric from the Front tongue. He had that one time with a yellow tie and a blue knot. Then the other night he had what looked to be a trinity knot too. Very nice. Reminds me of the cool knots Fernando Colunga always had in his ties in P&P.

So Dildo bought Doulche a new jeep and she didn't even say thanks. Years later is a bad time to get even for a past infidelity. A convenient excuse, as I see it. But like JudyB said, two wrongs do not make a right. I hate both these two already, the kids didn't sign up for this war.

Previews last night showed Marjorie De Sousa and Finito in Descontrol.

Thirty-One, yes 31 degrees here in the SUNshine state..
Good Morning patio, and thanks again Jarifa

Did D. Bag #2 initially plan on just LEAVING Anifer in that arcade while he went to Dubais? It sure looked that way.

If your parents leaving you money has a breath of a chance of your turning out like Mauricio, I'm kinda OK with being left Jack Shit now. :-)

Jarifa: Your title of this recap was the BIGLY MIC DROP!


Thanks everyone for stopping by the patio and your kind comments! This was a fun one to recap.

JudyB, just seeing Carlos’ name made me think of all of those who have disappeared from the patio these last couple years. Viví is back? That is good news, indeed. I sure understand the lure of a good game. I hope your OSU team won. I am so happy we have lots of different opinions. It makes all if this more fun..

RgvChick, the whole “women’s work” thing always makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. It is no longer 1950. I won’t be rooting for Jorge until he hands his son an apron and a mop. I have a feeling there is no escaping Anifer until Mauricio decides he wants her. Not a spoiler just a suspicion. Hope things warm up for you. We are going to hit 33 today. A heat wave!

Diana, yup, a little extra push with the car would have been a good thing. LOL. Mauricio actually thought he could just run away from them at the orphanage and that was going to work. He should only know how many episodes he has left . . . I wonder where Flor even got “Milady” from. It sounds like something out of a bad romance novel.

doris, what wondrous speculations about Anifer’s ever elusive mother! A “Snow White” connection would be perfect. I wonder if we will ever see her or if she is (dead and ) gone.

Kirby, I liked your list of English “bombs”. I did’t realize there were as many as there were. I am glad you know what all of those tie knots are since I have noticed them but had no idea what they were called. Yes, I think Mauricio was planning on leaving Anifer at the arcade. No such luck for him. We are at 18 this a.m. but it is sunny!

Steve, I think I am saying thank you . . . 🤔

Kirby - I noticed all the English bombs, too, in every episode. Reminded me of fifty years ago, when French was considered the "international language." All the cool people (LOL) used little French frases (I know it's phrases) to sound oh-so-cosmopolitan.

I'll have to pay attention to Fabian's neckties! It has been ages since I read the Ask Andy forums......

When the car hit Mau, I was hoping he would wake up with amnesia and be a nice person, a mensch, for a change.

Back for a bit before chores...

Diana, "I could care less that Anifer has postponed/stopped Mauricio's plans to wed his rich bride, his leaving Anifer was icy cold" Yes , it definitely was cold...Mau is on my sh*tlist right now. I feel for Renee, she has a tremendous challenge in getting him to transform.

Doris, I agree about Flor's and Neron's IQ's...horrible names! I'm not sure if Neron's children know they have a step-sister; Neron made a call to one of his children, but he just pretended to make the call, right?

OT-Susy and Diana, yes, I finally named all my kids; I took suggestions from everyone :-) And Ramon, the injured one, is doing much better today. I think one of the bigger goats stepped on his right leg; so he was sore and having a bit of trouble walking.

Kirby, luurve your bombs, you pinpointed them perfectly. And I agree, it sure did look like Mau was going to leave Anifer at the arcade; that look he gave said it all.

Kirby, glad you were able to go out and "shoot" the eagle. Nice pic!

doris, that would have been nice! An instant transformation! Unfortunately for him, he has a looong road ahead to being a mensch. Ha!

Doris, in Pasion and Power, with Fernando, he always wore a tie, with these outlandish (by Gringo standards) knots. There were Fernando Colunga sites at the time devoted almost exclusively to dissecting his ties and their knots. Most gringos I know can hardly manage a Windsor or four in hand, let alone a bow tie.

Ask Andy Forums... :-0

When the car hit Mau, little Bit was there vowing to care for him. Squeaky, but sweet.

I wonder if we have seen the last of Miranda. I mean, we SHOULD have, unless Mauri can take time out of his 'Daddying' to stalk the poor girl.

I have never seen Rulli play comedy, and he is not doing a bad job of it. You just always think of him as the hot Latin lover with his shirt unbuttoned. It is kinda cool to see him do something different.

RGV...Ramon? How did it take to getting all those tattoos?

Jarifa..thank you so much for an excellent recap. I am still trying to keep all the names and storylines straight.

Mau is so immature. I can't believe that he just left that little girl at the arcade. It reminded me of a notice on the news that police were going to start making arrests of kids being dropped off at a mall all day and causing trouble! Then, he thinks that he can just drop her off at an orphanage.

milady???? As a name for a baby? The last time I heard "milady" was in OUtlander when the feisty , rich teen girl wanted the hero to deflower her before she was married off to an old dude. Well, nowadays , people like to give their kids unique names..Apple, NOrth, etc. Mais oui, DOris?

I have already had more than enough of the Bickersons. Awful people. I want mORE VEronica and Renee.

Hi, Vivi !!!

RUlli speaks English with very little accent. He must have learned as a child or teen because usually the earlier you learn a language, the less accent you have. I wonder if he is the one who decided to show off his fluency by peppering his lines with English. We could make a drinking game of it.

Kirby..Hubba made a nasty comment about those tie knots Fernando had in PYP.

so..Did Jorge actually cheat or does Sweetie just think that he cheated? Are we going to meet this Yuriria?

CHickie...I am glad that Ramon's leg is better. Ramon in our tn also got hurt a lot.

Very sunny here but very cold...17.

milady???? As a name for a baby? Do Neuron and Flo not realize that in English that quickly becomes Malady? But, you know, naming acumen aside, as long as the picture of the chupacabra stays out of the bedroom those two are happy. More power to them.

"nasty comment about those tie knots Fernando had in PYP" I would have too if I didn't have a man crush on him.

Rulli's accent...remember years ago when Shakira first began to speak English? If you didn't speak some Spanish you could not understand her English. But lately she sounds pretty good too.

Thanks, Jarifa. I missed a lot of this last night, but now I feel like I was there.

Jorge cheated? I had him all wrong. I thought he was a stick-in-the-mud still in the dark ages but devoted to Dulce and his family. Wrong! And telling Valentina she was now responsible for all the cooking and cleaning? That's worse than Mauricio trying to dump Anifer in an orphanage.

Vivi's back? Great!

Jorge swears he didn't actually do anything and Honey is just accusing him. Imagine that.

Like Private Eyes tell people: If you are to the point of hiring me to verify his/her infidelity, it is past time to end it either way.

But Doulche is kinda sexy in a 'grudge match' kind way, I am not ready for her to go completely away yet.....

Susanlynn, thanks for the info on Rulli’s English. Interesting. As for “Milady”, it is just weird but so were Nerón’s suggestions.

Niecie In Md, yes Jorge cheated and she has a name Yuriria. I sure hope she pops up.

Finally I put it together: the last time I saw the actor playing Nerón(Juan Carlos Barreto), he was a nasty sadistic mafia type in LC. As a matter of fact, the actress who plays Flor (Michelle González) was one of his prostitutes. Funny that they are together again here.


A superb recap of this novela too, Jarifa! I'm so glad you're recapping here. Did Jorge ever consider asking other people what they want? Noooooo! He just has to decide for them. And was that new car a Hummer??!! (or Hummer-like vehicle). Who on earth could afford the gas for that? Otoh, Dulce was very cold and even nasty to both Flor and Renée. No matter what she's going through in her own life, there's no call for that. Since it's obvious that Renée is going to end up with Mauricio, I hope Dr. Lupe finds someone nice. Kind, good-looking AND a doctor? There must be some appreciative someone out there for him somewhere. I wonder if that DNA test is for real? And what a good dad Nerón is! (low iq or not). I wonder how his grown kids will react when he does tell them about "Milady"?

I believe it was a jeep

I have already had more than enough of the Bickersons. Awful people


Oh, Lupe', Lupe', Lupe', poor guy. I have seen it a hundred times. A perfectly nice guy, smart, good job, makes a good living, would make a faithful, loving husband, and most women would choose something from the produce aisle over him . NO pizzazzz, none.

To illustrate, let's say there is a home invasion and a guy bursts in with intentions of a robbery and rape. The above guy might be able to negotiate HOW MANY times the rape is going to happen, but another guy might just shoot and kill the intruder. The question is: Would the average girl rather end up with a good negotiator or a murderer ?

SpanProf -it looked like a Jeep to me, too. Not big enough to be a Hummer.


SpanProf, thanks. Good to see you on the patio. I wonder if Nerón’s sons even know he has remarried. Lol.

Okay, finally saw it. Lord, that huge red jeep does not say "sexy car for my beloved wife"...more like big, honkin' macho symbol for me, weedy little guy with a mustache and glasses. Can't say I find anybody in that family attractive, but do feel sorry for the kids caught in the marital crossfire.

Hope as time goes on that both Rulli and the little gal playing his supposed daughter can tone things down a little. Their acting is a bit like the color tint of the filming...LOUD, BRIGHT, OVER THE TOP. I don't care for the sepia tones of Caer but don't really dig the Disney colors of this comedy either.

Oh my, sounding like a Grinch. Sounding like cranky ol' Dulce! I'll just stop now.

Did enjoy watching the housemaid sneak-eat those Italian confections along with Anifer. I don't for a minute think that Anifer is really his kid, but she'll win his heart and become his kid which is even better.

Weather here continues to be hard-to-breathe cold. But the sun is out which is enough to make Ohioans giddy with excitement. And our improbable Buckeyes have won yet another game. Sloppy. Lots of turnovers. But they hung on to win. So far they have exceeded everyone's expectations by miles. I'm developing a mild crush on the coach.

And of course Renéé probably won't be able to afford to get her masters in Maryland now. In the real world, i would hope that the thesis adviser of someone in that situation would be looking into Fulbrights, Research Assistantships, TAships--anything to give a student a chance to study abroad in their desired program.

I like this TN, though it is perfectly silly so far. Still, there are some mysteries to clear up, Anifer's mom, the mysterious plant, the DNA test perhaps. Lots of potential, but the writers should (have) looked up the word 'verisimilitude', just as I did a minute ago :) I did get the first three letters right... Not much here as yet.

Dr Lupe is a nice guy (yeah, Kirby, they always finish last) and a really smooth operator, should be a surgeon. "Hon, sorry your mom is dead, I always liked her. Wanna go steady?"

The name Milady has been around a long time, used various places. In Dumas' novel "The Three Musketeers" she was the thoroughly bad, bad, bad, but beautiful and seductive spy; in films she has been played by Lana Turner, Faye Dunaway, and other hot tomatoes (thank you Wikipedia!) There was an old song, I vaguely remember the Bobby Darin version; probably other uses I can't think of and weren't near the top of the list returned by Google. But people really do occasionally name baby girls Milady. I think I even knew one, but I can't fully recall.

And I'm sticking with my original opinion, Dulce is not especially nice, but Jorge is a world class jerk she should have dumped years ago, OR she should have gotten out the whip and beat the crap out of him until he behaved. She kinda looks like she could do that. And enjoy it.

Don't you always wonder what the purpose of these extraneous people is in a TN? Dulce and Jorge? Like in Ramon, Luisa and Benito.

We all would really prefer to watch as Renee and Ainfer rehabilitate Maruricio into a human, and the fun along the way. But when those two are on it is like eating a pecan when a big chunk of that stuff from the shell has remained. Patooie !

Thank the Lord or somebody for the resilience and forgiveness of children.

Of course they have to make Mauricio just disgusting enough so that we will enjoy his slide back down to earth among us mortals, whether he believes he should be here or not.

It is cute seeing the cracks already surfacing in his armor, like when he covered her with his jacket, although he caught himself and took it back. How could you ?not be on team Anifer?

" And enjoy it." Yup. My first thoughts were that those two were a complete mismatch. Sometimes, it seems, a good match ten or fifteen years ago just isn't any more.

I could picture her with a grown up Mauricio, and him with,..uh..I don't know, himself?

I thought it was Hot Tamales? :-)


Thanks Jarifa!!

I'm enjoying the show so far though I could do without the cheesy sound affects. Rulli's facial expressions are enough.

Anifer's arrival is still a cloud of mystery. I hope for her sake her mom does return. She is so sure about it. I would hate to see her hurt. Of course, I don't want her to return until Mau has found his age and maturity and love for the girl.

Maybe Jorge found religion after his betrayal. Who knows but his "family values" seem to hinge on the woman staying home and being controlled by the husband. Feel bad for his daughter.

Ah poor Lupe. Such a nice guy and a doctor to boot! Run to him Renee!!!!

Milady...hmm.I thought that was the title used to address an English noblewoman

Carvivle..yes Dr.Lupe would be the obvious choice for a happy match in real life, especially since he has been carrying the torch for Renee since they were teens. However, in telenovelaville , the wayward hottie needs to win after the good as bread leading lady transforms him into a decent human being . #formulas

We need to import Nurse Naughty from Enamorabndome for the good Dr. Lupe. He could reform her and she could give him a romping good time. Win-Win.

Yes,Susanlynn, for sure Mauricio is destined for the wholesome-as-raisin-bread Renée. And it sometimes works that way in real life too...but only for a short period of time.

Kirby, liked your nuts and piece of shell analogy or was it metaphor? or simile? or what the hell! I liked what you said. I've cracked a few crowns that way.

And I suppose taming one's outlaw is a common female fantasy--at least in romance novels. It's even in Don Quijote, in the don Fernando/Dorotea episode.

Carvivlie, you know that there is always “something” about the “bad boys” in the novelas and it seems so in real life. Yes, it is “#formulas” for sure. As for Jorge, he is a first class loser who never got the message until now.

Andy, I agree this his been mostly silly but silly can be good. A nice break.

I just hope they find a nice girl for Lupe and don't turn him into Sofia the Shrew from Ramon.

Kirby, it's like that old song, "You say tamales, I say tomatoes"

I think that's the name of it :-)

"Hon, sorry your mom is dead, I always liked her. Wanna go steady?"
OMG- When you put it Iike that . . . Bwahahaaaa!

Summer has arrived! It's a balmy 34°! Just took the dog for a 1-mile walk. #cabinfever

Romance novels usually almost always have the "reformed rake" trope. As susanlynn said, #formulas

If Lupe didn't blow a head gasket, Naughty would change his life. He'd soon be going to the gym, buying trendier lab coats and bragging to his buddies.

In real life of course outlaws/rakes rarely change. That's why those kinds of novels and telenovelas are considered fantasies--aka wish fulfillment.

And JudyB is right, Win-Win, she would be hoppy as a something. She'd have her Doctor, and he would treat her like a queen compared to Cystco. What was her name? Oh here it is, Flor Martino, we need to text her that we have somebody for her. :-)

SpanProf..something about leopards...?


Lord, I have the attention span of a housecat. Where were we now? We didn't really end last night with a major calamity did we? I was glad to see that someone got Anifer into clean clothes, must have been the housekeeper. She didn't show up at the wedding with a carryon, so someone must have taken her shopping. NOT Mauler or Miranda. Is there not something in law enforcement named Miranda? Like read you your rights? Hmmmm

Oops! I got it wrong about the song "Milady". It was "Milord" (male) in French. It was covered by Bobby Darin, but the lyrics were changed a bit. (tip of the hat to Wikipedia once again)

Seems the French like Milord and Milady more than English speakers. Oh, well.


Goodness, this patio is knocking it out of the park....great comments!!

Alfredo, I would have never guessed Lupe is/was! Good eye! I'm also trying to figure out if Ruby was Xochitl (Catalina Lopez) from Mi Adorable Maldicion.

Alfredo...gee, Lupe is Milton. He looked familiar,but I could not place him.
In real life, I have known a couple people who carried the torch from high school onward.

The actress playing Catalina was Maite's good friend in LA Gata. She lived in the dump, too.

Alfredo, thanks! in MMTF another contemporary tale there were two brothers names Aristóteles and Arquímedes. I wonder what the preoccupation is with these Greek/Roman classical names. Here we have a Nerón, a Cicerón, and a Sócrates.

Yes, it can be very hard when kids get stuck on something.

Sometimes those torch carriers actually win. I know two people who dated in high school. Then, tery both moved on and married other people and had kids. In fact the woman was married and divorced twice. Then , they reconnected at a class reunion. They have been together for about ten years now. Everybody has a story. Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction.

Jarifa- So wonderful to be reading one of your great recaps again!

Poor Dr. Lupe is firmly in the friend zone. But I don't think anyone would have stood a chance telling their crush how they feel the day after their mom died and they dumped their ex at the altar. Bad timing!

Was glad to see bitter Dulce finally move out. When she accused her hubby of a long ago affair, I believed him when he denied it. Maybe it will turn out to be true, but I think his sins lie elsewhere-- being a rigid chauvinist. That's bad enough, and feel bad for the poor daughter that's got to cook and clean for the men-folk now. Bleh!

Can't believe Mau just left Anifer at the arcade! I was glad to see him get hit by a car, have his novia-Dubai plans blow up, AND have to watch his European desserts get eaten.

Viví, seeing you on the patio has made my day! : ) I am so glad you are watching this one with us.

“Rigid chauvinist” is a perfect description of good old Jorge. Can’t stand him.

Who knows what surprises await us tonight . . .


Vivi that was my gut feeling about Dunc...Jorge too. He just does not have that shifty look a cheater always has. That's not to say Doulche does not have reasons to no longer want to be associated with him.... He just strikes me as one of those wormy little guys who wants to be Large and in Charge. (but never will)

Jarifa said: " preoccupation is with these Greek/Roman classical names. Here we have a Nerón, a Cicerón, and a Sócrates."

I would submit we count our blessings. Almost every other TN that is on, save CET, I expect to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex come walking out.

So..with Jorge and Sweetie, it is "he said ,she said" right now. We have to wait and see,but for me, their scenes are like nails on a chalkboard. Eeek

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