Monday, February 12, 2018

Caer en Tentación #86/87, 2/12/18, Lunes: Unnatural Killers / A Visit From the Reaper

Chapter 86: Unnatural Killers

Raquel and Damián continued their heated conversation regarding Andres' remarks about Carolina. Raquel seemed ready to accept Andres' assertions that Carolina would do anything for money but Damián knew his cousin much better than that. Raquel said she was looking into things to prove her own suspicions, that Carolina was hiding something, as this would ultimately hurt Santiago. Damián tried to avoid further conversation on this, claiming to be very tired. As he started to leave the room he wanted to know why that was such a big deal to Raquel. She reminded Damián that Santiago was his friend and business partner. He asked what proof she had and she said “You know Andres; there was no proof.” Damián did an about face, deciding he needed to speak to Andres right away. As he left the room Raquel called Santiago's cell phone, which was in the bedroom on the nightstand near Carolina.

Carolina looked at the screen and answered. Raquel ended the connexion when she heard Carolina's voice. She was then annoyed with herself. Carolina called her back and she allowed the phone to ring several times before answering. Raquel said she had called to talk to Santiago, but no details came forth. She did finally mention the recipe book used for the business, and Carolina said she needed it right away. Raquel said she would meet her.
Santiago drove Florencia home. She invited him for dinner but he said he had things he needed to do. She told him she was concerned about him because Carolina's brother was very dangerous. He convinced her he would go straight home. She kissed him goodnight and went inside as he buckled his seat belt. She smiled at him.
Raquel and Carolina met at the catering facility and Raquel returned the book to Carolina. They had a slightly strained conversation until Raquel finally asked her whether Andres' statement that she had been coming on to him was true. Carolina – justifiably – looked shocked.

Andres was in his office and Rueda at the police station as they spoke on the phone. Andres wanted to know whether Rueda had spoken to Vicente, but he had not; Vicente was out like a light as in “You know how it is with drunks.” Andres wanted to go to the police station to deal with him but Rueda advised him against this. Andres wasn't happy with this but Rueda reminded him that this advice is what he is paying him for and that he would not benefit by being seen talking to Vicente. Andres threatened Rueda, saying that if he goes down he'll drag him with him. Andres was about to lose his temper completely as Azucena and Federico entered his office. Federico wanted to discuss something with him but Andres tried to distract him by dismissing him as being a child in an adult world. Federico would not be put off. He was looking to protect his own and his family's interests. He knew about product production and had ideas to discuss. Azucena smirked at Andres from behind Federico's back.

Raquel came out of Lola's hospital room, telling Santiago that Lola would be alright. However, she made it clear she didn't trust Alina, making observations about Alina's body language around Santiago. He told Raquel “I have eyes only for you, nobody else.” However, she knew that Alina was after him. He didn't believe this. He told her she had nothing to worry about because he wasn't Damián. He went on saying that he wanted to be with her out in the open with no care as to the comments of others but she told him that was not possible at the moment. She had to be on Damián's side and he had to be on his children's. She was not happy during this, finally walking away without a kiss.

Antonio and Fernando discussed the possibility of planting someone in Vicente's adjoining cell toget the goods on him. Antonio found the idea of Rueda being Vicente's lawyer very fishy and Fernando said that Andres had to be behind this somehow. He was sure that Vicente and Andres were both mixed up in the money-laundering and they really needed to release and watch him. Antonio finally agreed but was impatient for this entire case's resolution.

Rueda went to see Vicente in the rehab facility. This was to make sure he wouldn't talk. He was detained originally for violating the restraining order requested by his ex and needed to be cooperative. If he cooperated he'd get out.

Sammy met with Mia to talk about disposing of Alina. He suggested that she lure Alina into a meeting about Nico – or to make peace – and administer the poison after a distraction. She wasn't sure about this. He asked “Wouldn't you like to see dead the woman who is trying to steal your boyfriend?” Mia looked up and he said “You and I are the same” and handed her the fatal substance.

Nico and Bebo were at the hospital. Nico told Bebo not to worry about Lola. He knew that Bebo was in love with his sister. Bebo asked about Alina and Nico confided that he feared that his father would also fall into her trap. Nacho arrived to get Bebo to go home with him but Bebo insisted on staying for Lola's sake. Nacho then got Santiago to leave with him to talk. Santiago told him he would tell him but not there.

At Santiago's house later he told Nacho that Damián had contacted Saldivar about some problems they had during construction of the houses and the man was looking for payment. Nacho laughed as though this was totally contrary to what he had assumed. The phone rang before he had a chance to explain.
Jovita called because of Benjamín, who was behaving a bit strangely, crying continuously, and asking strange questions. He told her he would be there right away, then went out the door. As she was about to hang up the phone Jovita was confronted by Mia who told her “Are you trying to break up this family? My mother is getting back together with my father, so don't go calling Santiago.”

At the hospital Damián's doctor told Raquel that no visitors would be permitted because Damián's condition is losing stability. The most recent setback occurred when Miriam was with him. Raquel reminded him that she had warned him about this before so could he allow others but not Miriam. He seemed agreeable but advised her to be prudent when visiting Damián. He left her alone with Damián who was saying Carolina's name.
Santiago arrived at the Becker house with one of Benjamín's favorite plush toys. Jovita was grateful but before she could explain anything Mia came down the stairs and coldly told him he could leave it and go. “You are not Benjamín's father or my mother's husband. Is that clear, Santiago?”
She may have been thinking that the poison Sammy left with her could have multiple uses.

Antonio questioned Vicente in front of Rueda, asking questions about the man who had used Damián's credit card. Vicente tried playing dumb but Antonio wasn't accepting it. He asked about why he had been visiting Damián at his office and what about the money. Vicente accused Lisa of telling him this and tried to brush it off. He laughed when Antonio told him that Damián was awake, saying that “He's more dead than alive” but Antonio showed him the front page of the daily paper.
If he confirms this, I'm charging you with extortion,” he said.
No, no he can't talk,” Vicente mumbled.
No, no, Damián can't talk,” he started, repeating himself several times. Rueda tried to prevent Antonio saying more but Antonio didn't stop, demanding to know more about Vicente's accomplice.

Santiago called Raquel from his cell as he was driving away.

Mia arrived at Alina's office, saying she won't take much of her time. Alina asked whether she was there to interrogate her about her relations with Nicolás, but Mia said “If you know my questions, why don't you answer?”
By then she was seated on the other side of the desk and her attention was focused on the coffee cup. She asked to be invited for some and Alina called her secretary on the intercom to bring in another cup of coffee. She stared at Alina's coffee cup during this.

Antonio asked Vicente why Damián couldn't talk.
Because he's half dead.”
Stop the bad jokes. What happened the night of the accident?”
What night?”
The night your sister died.”
I don't know. I wasn't there.”
Where were you?”
In a bar drinking a beer.”
Someone had to have seen you. To confirm your statement.”
Actually I remember I was drinking alone at home.”
You are lying.”
That's enough,” Rueda said.
Why can't Damián Becker talk? What secrets are there between the two of you? What is the complicity?”
I didn't kill my sister. I protected her. I loved her, Antonio, I couldn't –”
That's not enough, Vicente. If you don't tell the whole truth now, we can't catch her killer. You will be the accomplice of your sister's killer.”
You didn't hear me. I didn't kill my sister.”
Then we will have to wait until Damián is ready to talk for the whole truth. You will remain under arrest for complicity and for withholding evidence.” He rose and looked at Rueda. “Why don't we keep him here? He'll be a protected witness. Does that interest you that he will remain behind bars?”
Rueda did look as though he couldn't believe he had gotten into this. Antonio left. Rueda sat down.
Rueda, what he said is true.”
Don't worry about it. It's a tactic.”

Alina was on the phone when her secretary entered with coffee for Mia. She put it on the desk and was about to leave when Alina told her to wait a minute. She got up, taking some papers with her to hand to her secretary. As she gave her instructions Mia took out the drug dealer-sized ziplock bag and put a small amount of the powder into Alina's cup, which she stirred a few strokes. She put the spoon back just in time as Alina came back in and took her seat. Mia watched as she picked up the cup for a sip and asked if there were any more questions. Mia looked as though she wanted to get out of there via the Starfleet energy-matter scrambler, but that was not going to be possible.
I'm going to confess something,” Alina said. “I'm very interested in Santiago. He's with your mother now, but I always get what I want. It's him I'm interested in, not Nicolás.”
Mia got up and knocked the coffee cup back, spilling the contents on the desk and on Alina.
Do you think you have the right to seduce all men?” she demanded.
What is up with you?”
You use them. First you seduce them then you treat them badly, above all boys like Nico and Sammy.”
What does this have to do with Sammy?”
Sammy is my friend. He told me everything you've done.”
So he asked you to come here and he's behind this. Listen to me well, little girl. Sammy is a disaster. He's dangerous to you and to me.”
Mia picked up her purse and left immediately. Alina looked down at the overturned coffee cup.

Raquel and Santiago took a hotel room to make up for recent lost time. Despite the mundane appearance of the room their lovemaking could have been a scene from a great Hollywood film. They said very little and at least neither of their cell phones rang.

Andres insisted upon entering Damián's room despite that the regular nurse tried to prevent him. He closed the sliding door and watched her walk away before approaching Damián's bed.
You know what? You're guilty of the whole thing. For lust. For getting involved with a woman who wasn't worth the trouble. Are you going to stay here now and leave me with the pile of shit you left? With Vicente and the business problems? Covering up your infidelities? You were never in charge of the business. You left that for Carolina. You left that for a slut!
At that Damián opened his eyes and stared at his cousin, then grabbed his hand.
You understood everything, didn't you?” he asked as he backed up toward the door. “You play the fool but you understood everything!” He slid the door open and left, looking afraid. He didn't notice that the policeman assigned to guard Damián had watched him when he was in the room.
The question is whether he had heard anything.

Sammy went to the Alvarado house and told Nicolás “Alina is dead. Or at least almost.”
Nicolás grabbed him by the lapels and pulled him up off the floor.
What did you do?” he shouted.
Poison her. Fortunately Mia helped me. I'm grateful for that.”
Nicolás looked at him in shock.

Alina's secretary came back into her office. She started to clear the desk, but Alina stopped her taking the coffee cup away. She knew something was very wrong as she looked inside it.

Raquel and Santiago got dressed to leave. Love talk and then talk of family happened, with them planning a welcome home for Lola complete with flowers and chocolates.

Nicolás pounded on Alina's door until she let him in. He told her he had been worried and when she accused him of using an excuse to see her he told her that Sammy had told him he and Mia had poisoned her. She realized that this was the real reason Mia had come to see her. She then ordered Nicolás to leave.

Federico went to see Luz who – to his good fortune – was alone in the house. They wasted no time. However, he looked a little guilty or sad in the morning. They were going to be late to work. In fact, even later because they went in for another round.

Alina was getting ready to leave for work when she saw a funeral wreath on her door with a hand-lettered banner saying “You will always be my great love. Sammy.” She called out his name, but he did not answer. He was hiding somewhere in her house. She called his cell phone but got his voicemail.
Sammy, I have reached the limit! If you think you know me you are very mistaken. I will not tolerate this.” She ended the message.

Sammy got out of her house without being seen and went to the Becker house. Jovita told him Mia was still asleep but she would upstairs to wake her herself in an effort to keep Sammy downstairs. Raquel entered the room, carrying Benjamín. Sammy introduced himself as a friend of Mia's. She came down as Sammy asked about the “little brother” who was the child of “your husband and Santiago's wife.” Mia asked him why he came and he said he had to talk to her.
In my room?” she asked.
I'd rather you met down here,” Raquel said. “You just got up.”
Sammy is my friend. Nothing's going to happen, Mother.” She looked at Sammy. “Let's go to my room.”
Jovita's facial expression indicated she did not believe this as the two teens went up the stairs. Raquel looked at them.
Who is that boy? Has he been here before?”
Yes,” Jovita said.

Mia and Sammy went into her room. She looked down the hall before she closed the door.
Why did you come here, Sammy?” she asked.
You are a damned traitor,” he said.
You stooped too low.”
No. You also wanted to off Alina. It's true.”
No. It simply came to me that this was madness. You're very sick in the head.” She made the standard gesture for this.
Yes. I'm very sick. But you are a damned traitor. All women are.”
That's not true.”
It is.”
Mia backed up toward the closed door but he caught up with her very quickly and backed her into it.
Alina has to die,” he said. “Why did you let that slut live?”
Mia looked frightened as he repeatedly pounded his fist on at door at her side.

Chapter 87: A Visit From the Reaper

Santiago came home to find his children on the couch watching television. Lola handed him the phone and told him that Raquel had called and left a message. He had come back from bringing Florencia home. Nicolás told him that Carolina was at work.

Damián went back to the office to confront Andres after what he had told Raquel. He ordered Andres for the nth time to stop interfering in his life. From Andres' reaction when Damián backed him up against the wall with his hands at his throat it was obvious that he was killing two birds with one stone: Making Damián look bad in Raquel's eyes and provoking him. He made another disparaging remark which almost caused Damián to choke him. A security guard came in to see if anything was wrong. Both told him they were just talking and all was well. They waited until the guard left, then Andres blamed Damián for everything. He then told Damián that Carolina was dangerous and he should realize that. He walked out and Damián struck the desk in frustration.

Carolina told Raquel that Andres was a liar. Not only was she not involved with him it was worse, that Andres had once tried to rape Lola. Raquel had never heard about this, which surprised Carolina because Damián knew about it. This was why she didn't want Lola working there. Further, that Andres was obsessed with her (Raquel) and that he was a sick bastard. Carolina's cell began ringing before Raquel could respond. It was Santiago, but Carolina did not answer. She told Raquel to stop interfering in her life and walked out. Raquel's cell rang and it was Santiago, who was looking for Carolina. Raquel told him she had just left. She ended the call and Santiago went over to the banquet hall. Raquel was upset and annoyed because now things were worse than ever between her and Carolina and her and Damián.

Things were about to get worse between Carolina and Damián as he asked her whether Andres had told the truth. She swore it was a lie and was not happy that Damián seemed willing to believe it. She started to leave, but he caught up with her and grabbed her arm. She did not like what this all implied. “I am not your property, Damián. I am not men's property, not like the antiquated notions they have.”
You're right.”
I am in love with you and yes, I have deceived Santiago. You have also deceived Raquel. I can't go on feeling like this. We are the same.”

Santiago and Bebo brought Lola home from the hospital. There was a giant white plush animal waiting for her. She hugged it and smiled. She told them that she planned to go back to work, to study, and to make her life happy. She hugged her father.

A court official came to Juan's house with a summons. He had not answered the first one the day before. His mother told the man that Juan was not at home, that he had gone out to the hospital to see a doctor. The man handed the document to Juan's mother telling her that if he failed to show up in court the day after next the police would come to arrest him. He then left. Juan's mother closed the door and called her son on the phone. She left him a message to come home right away. She was clearly worried.

Santiago went to see Antonio at the police station but Antonio didn't tell him about his conversation with Vicente. Both were sure that Vicente was involved in or knew something about Carolina's death. Furthermore, Rueda was involved in this as well. Both men were certain that Rueda was there to make sure that Vicente didn't talk and that Vicente knew more than he was saying. Both knew that Vicente had been blackmailing Damián. What both wanted to know was the state of theings between Vicente and Andres.

Rueda told Vicente he needed to be calm. Vicente looked like a caged animal that wanted to strike at first opportunity. He told Ruedas that he had no intention of going to prison alone. He would take Andres down with him. He told Ruedas to stop wasting time and do his job, which [in his opinion] was to get him out of there. He threatened to tell the judge everything if Ruedas and Andres didn't get him out of there.

Santiago ran into Alina as he was leaving Antonio's office. She told him she was filing papers, routine things. She asked about Lola and he told her she was well and thanks for asking. He also told her he wanted to talk to her about settling his fees now that the money is coming in from the sale of the houses. She suggested talking this over coffee or dinner and he said he would come to her office. She suggested they go to her place and she would prepare something to eat. She also suggested they talk about Benjamín, since she had an idea about the situation. As she led the way out he seemed weirded out about this.

As Rueda was descending the stairs in the rehabilitation facility he passed a dark-haired, bearded man who was going up to the same floor. He paused for a second to look at him before continuing down. The man got onto the floor and asked directions from an orderly. The young man started to talk but the other man forced him into an empty room, slammed him up against the wall, and demanded his clothes and his silence.

The spider had led the fly into her web. Santiago took the coffee and tried to start a conversation about the fees he owed because he wanted to pay them. She brushed that off., then apologized, saying she had just had a fantasy.... about going into business with him as an investor.

Nicolás arrived at the Becker house, telling Raquel that he wanted to see Mia. Raquel let him in and asked whether he knew Sammy. Nicolás said he did and identified Sammy as Rueda's son. Raquel was a little surprised but told him that Sammy was upstairs with Mia. Nicolás hightailed it up the stairs to Mia's room in time to prevent Sammy from choking her to death. He pulled him off her, dragged him into the hall and punched him enough times to bloody his mouth. Raquel entered the bedroom where Mia was on the floor coughing. She turned her over, repeating her name.

Vicente was lying in his bed as the intruder entered his room in the orderly's scrubs. He barely ade it past the two plainclothes police in the hallway. The man filled a hypodermic needle and started to inject the contents into the port on Vicente's IV. However, Vicente opened his eyes and the fight began. The plainclothesmen entered the room and wrestled the intruder down as Vicente yelled something unintelligible.

Sammy ran out of the house and out of the gate. He was bleeding from both mouth and nostrils. He stepped out into the road directly in the path of a white car coming toward him and was hit. The driver kept on going.

Mia was sitting up, seemingly none the worse. Raquel demanded to know what was happening while Nicolás yelled that this should be reported. Mia gave him a dirty look. Raquel demanded that they owed her an explanation.

Alina started talking about how she wanted to diversify her investments and that she knew other people – rich people – interested in doing and that this could benefit him. Santiago was or pretended to be distracted with other matters on his mind for the present time. He finally said he would think about it then changed the subject to Benjamín. Alina said that his situation has changed because Miriam renounced custody, Damián was incapacitated, and that Raquel had “psychological problems”, at which point Santiago decided it was time to go. He told her he was not interested in fighting with Raquel or allowing her to be trashed. She told him that he had to decide whether Benjamín was better off with the Beckers or with himself and his children.

Rueda went to Andres' office to tell him what happened. Andres didn't like the idea of witness protection for Vicente and asked whether they could arrange an accident. Rueda told him that would be very difficult. His cell rang. The caller told him that there had been an attempt on Vicente's life. He ended the call and told Andres.

The EMTs covered Sammy with a sheet and put his body in the ambulance. A witness who likely was a servant in a neighboring house told Jovita that he had committed suicide. She said something about “strange things happen in your boss's house” which caused Jovita to tell her to shut up. As the ambulance drove away Jovita went back inside and told Raquel. Both were upset.

What the hell was Miriam doing in Damián's room? He was becoming agitated again because he could not move his legs. The doctor told Miriam that they would need to do another test regarding Damián's nervous system. Because the brain controls everything else, including legs. He left the room to arrange this while Damián agonized over possibly being paralyzed and Miriam fussed over him.

Laura was at the department looking to talk to someone in higher places. This man seemed to have known that she and Fernando were parting company. This looks strange and doesn't smell good.

Mia admitted the murder plan to Nicolás, adding that she was unable to carry it out. He was incredulous, asking why.
For you! You deceived me with Alina! Don't you get it? Why did you do that?”
Raquel entered and told them that Sammy had just committed suicide.

Rueda and Andres continued their conversation. Andres insisted they needed to know more about Vicente, such as who his enemies are. Rueda suggested that he might have many, then his cell rang. He took the call just outside Andres' office. Thirty seconds later he collapsed in tears on the floor, having been told that his son was dead.

Alina told Santiago that he needed to prove that his children would be better guardians for Benjamín than Raquel and her children. She pointed out that Federico and Mia were equal half-siblings to Benjamín as Nico and Lola. He refused to attack Raquel. This may have gone farther if Santiago's cell hadn't rung. It was Nico, who told him what had just happened. Santiago ended the call, saying he would be right there. When he told Alina what happened she seemed shocked, sitting down as if in a trance. She finally said “Then it's true; he tried to kill me.”
She told Santiago about Nico's warning and Mia's visit to her office. Mia had put the poison in her coffee. Santiago didn't want to believe this. A minute later Alina took a deep breath and realized that the solution was there due to Mia's madness.
Raquel asked about Sammy and what had happened upstairs. Mia didn't want to talk. She had one of her classic outbursts, accusing Raquel of blaming her for Sammy's suicide. Raquel told Nicolás she wanted to talk to Mia alone. Mia lashed out at him, saying it was all his fault. She finally said that if he had not cheated on her with Alina this would not have happened.
Nico went downstairs to find Federico, who began asking questions. He told him to talk to Mia. Federico went upstairs as the doorbell rang. Jovita opened the door to Santiago, who went up to Nico to ask what happened, repeating what Alina had told him. Nico sat on the steps and looked like he wanted to cry.

Antonio went to speak to Vicente, who would not talk about the attack. He blamed Lisa for his arrest. He demanded to see his lawyer.

Federico entered Mia's room. Raquel had not gotten her to talk. She wanted to talk to Federico; Raquel left reluctantly. Federico closed the door and sat near his sister. Finally she said “I don't know why I do all this, I don't know why I did it but I know you understand me. I need you.”
She collapsed against him as he held her and stroked her hair.
Raquel went down the stairs and embraced Santiago, to whom Nicolás had just related the situation. Raquel could not understand how such things could happen.
The doorbell heralded Alona's arrival. When she entered she said that the police have recorded Sammy's death as an accident but a witness and a conductora said that he had deliberately stepped in front of the car.
Santiago looked at Raquel and told her “I was with Alina when Nicolás called me.”
Alina said “I am here because your daughter and Sammy tried to kill me.”

Carolina arrived home to find Lola and Benjamín on the couch. She told her that things between her and Raquel were worse than ever. She begged her not to tell her father.

Raquel got home and did not want to talk about this. Damián insisted upon knowing and she finally told him what Carolina had told her about Andres' attempt at raping Lola. She said that Andres was a psychopath and she felt like a perfect idiot because she not only didn't see it but her own husband had never told her about this. That was the measure of his respect for her. She didn't understand this. How many secrets did he have? “How is it possible that you keep that pig in the company? How does that look to your children? And do you have secrets with Carolina? This was very serious! You didn't tell me and is this about you? Did you not tell Santiago, who is your friend? Don't you care about him or respect him? I'm sorry, but this isn't about machines, it was about his daughter or don't you know that?” She looked at Damián, who stood there woodenly, with an almost blank stare. “Are you going to share the other hidden stuff with me or not? Becauses I suppose there is more, isn't there?” He did not move. “Don't look at me like that! Talk! Do you want to tell me this or are you going to tell me nothing?”
He did not react, so she turned to go upstairs.
Raquel, don't go.”
Well, then?” No reaction, so she started away again.
Raquel, let me explain.”
This time she didn't wait. He repeated himself but she would not come back. Mia appeared at the top of the stairs in her robe and pyjamas.
Your mother and I were having an argument over an office matter.”
I suspect you'll be in the guest room tonight.”

Carolina faked a headache when Santiago came home. He claimed her differences with Raquel were his fault and volunteered to make her some tea. She accepted. She appeared relieved when he left the room.

The following day Lola meet with Florencia to confront her. She saw how Florencia looked at her father. Florencia denied any wrongdoing, saying she is no homewrecker. This encounter ended with Florencia saying that there was something strange about the relationship between Lola's parents and Damián.

Damián confronted Andres about his interference between him and Raquel. Andres was not taking this. Damián told him he was not indispensible. He accused Damián of doing nothing for the last year and he had run the company and gotten a lot of investors. Finally Andres said that if Damián dared to terminate him the dirty money would come to light and they would both go to prison.

Azucena called Carolina at Damián's request. Carolina refused to talk to Damián and said that she had had enough. She had decided to tell Santiago. Azucena could not change her mind. She also did not know that Federico was behind her and hearing her half of the conversation. She went into Damián's office and saw that he and Andres were arguing again. Andres left with an ominous word. Azucena told Damián what had happened in her conversation. Federico was just outside but neither noticed him.

Carolina drove to the building site and saw Santiago climbing something with a heavy bucket hoisted over his shoulder. She called out his name and he fell.


Sorry this is so rough compared to what I'd rather write, but I wanted to get it all out.

I think we all knew Sammy wouldn't make it to the finale. The question now is whether Mia and Damian will.

This will be short but longer tomorrow.
Mia finaly has come face to face with
Somebody as crazy or crazier than she is. All the cocka roaches are Runnin
For cover under each other and it's not working.
Alina is pure trash.
Do not feel sorry for RUEDA at all whatever his son was he helped make him. Sad.
Damian is in his own swill bucket of his own making.
This show is as crazy as ever.

Thanks Urban, I'll finish tomorrow.


Urban, thank you! The recap is excellent as usual. Again, a big thanks to all of the recappers taking the time to do these double episodes

Nina, good comment about Damián.

A couple random thoughts.

My hopes were up when Sammy started choking Mia but unfortunately only one of them bit the dust last night. Mia poisoning Alina was a new low for her as if that were possible.

We heard Benja talking last night. I had not heard him before. Might be because I wasn’t watching closely enough.

On to tonight!


I am wondering what will happen to Rueda now. He is working for the two most corrupt people in this tale, Miriam and Andres. Will he get some kind of a wake-up call or will he go after Alina even more intensely?

Somehow I suspect the latter. I also expect that when he cancels an appointment with Miriam she will bitch and moan when she finds out that he did so because his son is dead.

A reaction like that from Miriam would not surprise me and would be totally in character.

Urban: Thanks for a great two hour run. Much appreciated.

"Vicente looked like a caged animal that wanted to strike at first opportunity." Not that he doesn't always, but it is a great description and apt. And, the brute's constant whining tone and nasty threats throughout this tn do make you want to smash him with the nearest cdement flyswatter or something.

Thanks Urban!

So the male version of Mia is dead. It was inevitable though. I think losing Sammy might be worse than any villano punishment for Rueda.

I very much enjoyed the scene when Andres went to Damian’s hospital room and Damian grabbed his hand. Damian might not be able to really talk that much but he can hear everything.

I gotta say the Santiel love scene was very well done lol. So far Santiago is letting himself be seduced by Alina but that won’t stop her from possibly using other methods.

I’m guessing Santiago’s accident in the past is merely a filler. Obviously he recovered 100 percent.

I think it might be healthier (mentally) in the long run for Fede to accept who he is and not try to fool himself or please everyone else.

Vicente may have not been directly involved with the accident and murder but extortion is a crime and he may have to answer for that.


what a gripping episode and you did incredible justice to it Urban.

"Mia looked up and he said “You and I are the same” and handed her the fatal substance" was just once instance where your powerful words carried the absolute perfect tone and meaning. Jarifa, how low can Mia go? Perhaps she won't be given the chance if Alina manages to manufacture a case against her. This will be her way to force Santi to be with her.

I believe Sammy''s evilness sprung from his mental illness. A violent, hateful, vengeful child at the end. For Mia, there is no excuse.

I cannot believe Nico told Alina that Sam and Mia wanted to kill her. What was he thinking? Oh. He clearly wasn't. So now he feels guilty? What he should feel guilty about is for lowering his standards and being with an over manipulator and liar. I don't think he loves Mia, she was simply something strange and forbidden. Mia is not capable of love. I think she always wanted Santi in her heart and Nico was the next best thing. She and Florencia share that certainly.

I don't believe that we actually saw any Juan scenes last night so I imagine this was another chopped salad? :)

"Santiago drove Florencia home. She invited him for dinner". Your teenage babysitter invites you to dinner? What is wrong with this picture.

"As she led the way out he seemed weirded out about this". Really Santi? You can't recognize this snake for who she is or your adoring babysittter? Also, I don't think Lola asking Flor about Santi was aired last night.

So Caro was going to tell Santi? Perhaps she was.

I can't wait for Andres to get his comuppance. He is vile. I still think he may have been even mnore obsessed with Caro than Raquel, his vitrol hasn't lessened even with the poor woman murdered, dead and buried.

I think we've always suspected Fede knew more all along. I really hope he isn't involved in the murder. Raquel has her hands full with Mia.

Don't answer the door Lola. Never.

Whatever happens in Santi's fall can't be too bad because he's up and walking at the present. Looks like a nasty fall.

Urban, this was great. Thank you!


Typo: Santiago *isn't letting himself

There were no scenes with Juan last night, just his mother. However, we should expect to see him tonight.

Sammy was a sick little boy. I think his parents' divorce (whenever that happened) was a contributing factor but I think that Rueda will put all the blame on Alina and go after her with all (legal system) guns blazing. We didn't hear what Nicolas told his father but if he told Santiago about Sammy's sexual involvement with Alina I can't think of a better anti-aphrodisiac. Not that Santiago needs it; he's a true-blue guy in that way. BTW, I hope we will see more of Carlos Ferro in the future. He's hot and a good actor.

What will all this do to Mia? That is a question that needs an answer and I think it should occur to someone to get her to a shrink ASAP whether she likes it or not. Never mind Alina's motives in any of this; any lawyer now would think that Santiago's home would be better and safer for Benjamin than Raquel's.

Until we consider Juan, whom none of these people know is out of jail.

Thanks Urban!!!

Lola is happy at home so of course Juan will show up to ruin it. Gosh I hope he doesn't kill anyone! His mother enables him by sitting back and doing nothing. She knows how dangerous he is. I fear tonight's episode.

I hope Alina presses charges against Mia but she will more likely use it as leverage against Raquel.

The police didn't kill the guy that attacked Vic so hopefully they get some good info from him. It looks like Andres didn't set that up but I'm assuming that mobster guy did.

Rueda knew his son was in a mental trouble and Alina told him to lock him up but he never did. Another parent not aiding their mentally ill child and looking the other way.

I haven't seen this episode yet so I don't know how Fede looked after having sex with Luz. Could he just be bi?

Urban thank you for the double episode, it sure is helpful to get the entire story, not just the crumbs that Uni leaves for us.
Fede overhearing the conversations is scary. He is such a good person that none of us would expect that he is the killer, but isn't that the type of twist that GG would throw at us. I sure hope not.
Alina is so perverse, her anvil along with Andres' anvil are the ones that I am most interested in.

Urban--Thank you, thank you. Reading your recap was like watching a movie and then getting the director's cut. This was so fabulous. It certainly shows us what poor scissor-cutters the junior editors at Uni are--they can't possibly be veteran editors. At this rate, 2 per night, they'll be done way before March 2.

Diana--You brought back some truths. "Mia is not capable of love. I think she always wanted Santi in her heart and Nico was the next best thing. She and Florencia share that certainly." I remember when the Mia/Santi thing happened.

My take on the poisoning scene was that as soon as Alina mentioned she wanted to go after Santiago and she always got what she wanted, Mia changed her mind. She WANTS Santi and Raquel apart so she can live this illusion of a happy fambly [sic intended] and not because the idea was pure madness--as she told Sammie.

Oh, Urban--the car that squashed Sammie did stop, although it was after we saw her run over him. In this case, "conductora," meant the driver. She's the one that told the police he placed himself right in front of her and a witness verified it.

When Rueda looked at the guy on the stairs, it was as if he knew what was coming for Vic. If he did, it had to be Andres. Andres is a scared rabbit right now, but a dangerous one. If he didn't know, it could only have been Miguel's overlord. Where is he, by the way? We only saw him in that one scene where Andres went to see him (and who in his right mind does that--and who in his right mind allows a sniveling low-life like Andres in to see him).

Was Santi telling Nacho the whole truth about the Saldivar affair. Does anyone know what a "permiso de escuela" is? That is the problem Damian was trying to solve with money. He also mentioned the word funcionario. Could they have been having problems with the workers being licensed? Was Dam bribing somebody to give them the proper permits/licenses and needed the cash and went to Saldivar? All very confusing. I don't think we've heard the end of this.

Can't say I'm sorry what happened to Sammie. But he was a coward to get Mia to do his dirty work--alike or not. It was awful what he did to Mia in the aftermath (to Raquel and Fede actually), but as it was happening, I cheered him--momentarily of course, because this was the first time I'd ever seen Mia scared for her life.

I knew the same thing when Mia spilled the coffee mug. What I don't get is why Alina told her her intentions in the first place unless that was simply the set-up for Mia to not go through with the murder.

I also thought the issue had to do with the workers or possible building permits. The bottom line is always going to be dinero in stuff like that so Saldivar could either be a very corrupt municipal official or a loan shark. Either spells major trouble.

So we have three parents with mental cases for children:

Rueda, who probably told Sammy to "man up"
Juan's mother (can't remember her name), who is definitely in denial
Raquel, who has tried to get Mia to see a shrink but legally couldn't force her to.

But maybe she can now. She can hold this over Mia's head to force her to see a shrink or invite Alina to press charges.

I keep wondering why Alina made it a point to tell Nico she loved him. She certainly didn't, but why did she say it? She had him wrapped around her finger and discarded him like tissue. She also told Santi that she loved Nico! Did she think Santi would find her more alluring because she seduced his son?? Her vain, self assurance is astonishing. Yet, from what we've seen, she seems to have reason to be. Santi might be the first to rebuff her. IF he does. I think she has got him lock, stock and barrel with that coffee cup. And Nico's stupid admission.

Of course I understand nothing about Alina so...why not this as well.

Anita, I also thought Rueda looked wise to the fact the "nurse" was no angel of mercy. Rueda has been a grasping, greedy, no principaled waste so far. Urban, I know you think he will go after Alina full force. i hope you are right...

I think Damian is certainly going through his purgatory now. Whether he ends up in hell remains to be seen.

Totally wrapped up with this. thank you for the excellent recaps and comments.


Just a big Thank You to Urban for the two hour recap.

Wonder what Valentine's Day will bring to our actors. Little Benjamin is terrific.

Everybody needs to be prevented from visiting Damian, not just Miriam. This include Raquel, Andres, and Mia. The doctor in charge of his health is a joke when it comes to protecting his patient. And Antonio needs to step up his game in all areas including giving the guard the right to bar everyone from visiting his chief witness to the murder (?) of Carolina.

As for Fede, well, he's definitely bi, but I don't think he is comfortable with sex period. Celibacy might work for him. He's way too close emotionally to his evil and crazy twin, Mia. This may explain a lot about his 'preferences'.

Great comments everyone. I just had a simple thought. Why do they need to browbeat Vic into admitting that he was blackmailing Caro and/or Dam?

As I recall--and everyone else here, too, Dam ALWAYS paid him by check. The police have gone through the financial records twice and Fede and Raquel have, too. Wouldn't they have noticed the checks made out to him? Even if they'd been made out to Cash, where they were cashed might have said a lot.

Please, Antonio, FOLLOW THE MONEY. Of course, that won't answer our primordial question: WHO killed Carolina and WHY?

Nicolas' ratting out of Sammy and Mia was foolish and impulsive, but I think he was looking to prevent a tragedy. Sammy had tried to get to Alina many times before this, but Nico likely didn't think that he would go that far.

Where Nico's brain truly has failed him is in not seeing how sick Mia really is. This could be bringing that point home. Here's hoping he recovers and finds a girl worthy of him.

Now, on to Alina....

She never loved Nicolas; she told him she did to manipulate him. She gets off on manipulating men and young ones like Nico are easier than ones her own age. Remember that she and Rueda were once lovers? X years later she goes after Rueda's son, seduces him, and he ends up killing himself. Now that she's had it with Nico she might think to go back to men her own age and who is hot and conveniently widowed? Nico's dad. That she expects to steal him from an attractive woman with some social position is the cherry on top of the cake.

Because him canceling from seeing her cuz his child just committed suicide cannot be more
Important than what she wants.
And Damian is just that selfish.
He learned it from his mommie dearest.

Thanks Urban!

So alina may try to blackmail Raquel
Using her daughter?I could see her try
To do that. But I think she may want to back off from that.She may have met her Match with Raquel. She's been through That with one selfish bitch. And she Can now actually see her competition now. She knows how to deal with such a witch. A husband stealin ho-hopper.

Has Mia learned her lesson? We'll see
Tonight.Has nico learned his? And how has He learned? Stay away from old horny Female lawyers who has a taste for lil Boys whose brains haven't quit grown Past the one Brain cell of sex, yet.
I don't think he's in love with Mia either. These People need a vacation.
Big time.

I really hope RUEDA goes after alina
He knows where the little boys bones are buried, and his son's bones just joined them. I think he can do some real good damage to this chick,cuz she
Thinks she's hot stuff. Santi better
Open his eyes and stop being so nice to this skank who seduced his son. And
She tryin to jump his bones.Wakeup man
And stop being so dence, this woman is
A predator.

And that fall he til didn't look that bad, just filler.

Thanks Urban.Thanks to all the recappers. You guys work wonders with chopped up episodes.

Steve, Alina is not a paedophile; Nico was 18 in the opening episode. He is legally of age and -- at the time -- of sound mind. What that is/was is unethical, as he is her subordinate. She could be disbarred for it if anyone chose to bring her up before an ethics committee, but it's not something she could go to prison for no matter how anyone feels about this.

Mia is beyond help; we've all concluded that. I'd be ready to throw her in a pit with Juan and see which can kill the other.

Thanks, Urban. I appreciate the extra effort to give us all that was snipped out.

Wondering if Sammy's suicide will be a wakeup call for both Mia and Raquel. Mia is ill and needs more than motherly love. Maybe threatening to charge Mia with attempted murder would finally get her to accept in-patient psych treatment.

Loved bed-ridden Damian grabbing able-bodied Andres' hand hard and scaring the s*** out of him.

Urban, your take on Alina was excellent, especially "That she expects to steal him from an attractive woman with some social position is the cherry on top of the cake." I agree, She likes a challenge all the way around, doesn't she?

He knows where the little boys bones are buried, and his son's bones just joined them" was sobering Nina. Just how potent Alina's "magic" is that after Rueda went to Alina in fury, telling her to leave his son alone, he ended up making out with her. That's telling her Ru...Sigh.

"Loved bed-ridden Damian grabbing able-bodied Andres' hand hard and scaring the s*** out of him" made me smile Niecie! Thanks for the reminder - that was a great scene.


Niecie: I'm getting scared that Lola will NOT make it alive to the Gran Final.

Andres should be kept out of Damian's room. Damian doesn't remember everything yet but the road seems to lead to that. He has to live long enough to rat Andres out about everything he knows whether Andres was Carolina's killer or not. He has other crimes to pay for.

However, I'm sure Screaming Mimi will tell Andres that Damian is currently immobile.

Just for the sake of those reading in the future (as obviously I am super behind), 2 clarifications I wanted to make:
1. The scene with Luz and Fede- I don't think they actually DID anything. He apologized to her the next morning and she said something like "it's ok, you fell right asleep" and then later she said he still "owed her one"/"me la debes"
2. The explanation re: Saldivar- Santi said they were having problems with some of the permits needed to continue the construction project, so Damian contacted Saldivar, who is some sort of government worker, and gave him a bribe to move things along. Santi was really embarrassed because he had never done anything like that before, which was his excuse for not wanting to tell Nacho about it.
Thanks so much to everyone who recaps and comments...really. I wish I could be in "real time" with you guys so I could always comment. You guys are great!
-Isabel B.

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