Monday, February 12, 2018

Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 20, 2/12/2018: Careful with Those Gift Horses, Mau; You Might Get Kika’d

Alt Titles: A Redeemed Flower and a Happy Plant
                Papi Number 11, Kika’s Got Your Number!
At Logatoys, Gladys tells Mau that Kika Braun is looking for him and she is there at the office, so Mau spruces up with a hair smoothing and mouth spray…which Fabian uses also. As they try to calm down, Mau tells Gladys to have Kika wait a moment.

At La Chapianeca Restaurant, Juan Perez meets with Falcón and asks how he can be of service. After Falcón shows him his phone and tells him they must wait for orders, Perez agrees to wait, but wants to know who Falcón is and what it is he really wants. Falcón, however, replies that the less they know about each other, the better because, after all, his (Perez) name isn’t Juan Perez either. Perez backs down and agrees to wait for orders from higher up without any more questions. (OMG is it a Fisher Price takeover?)

At Logatoys, Mau wonders why Kika has shown up without prior notice…she could have at least sent him a “Whats” message. Fabian thinks Kika may want to invest in the company and they shouldn’t pass up the opportunity. Mau agrees, but also thinks that it will be difficult to keep things professional with that statue of a woman. When Fabian suggests that he will deal with Kika if Mau can’t keep it all business, Mau admits that, while he was in Miami, Kika brought up feelings and memories of the lifestyle he had not too long ago. After Fabian scoffs at the idea that Mau could be falling in love, Mau suggests that they bring in Kika now; so he tells Gladys to let her in. As she enters, Kika provocatively asks how they are…

Fabian stands to greet her, but Kika walks right past him and says she is there to see Daddy Number 11 and throws Mau a kiss.
At Inova Cars, Victor tells the secretary that they won’t be taking her position to give it to someone else. Just then, Veronica walks in and asks what position they are talking about; so the secretary tells her that there is a vacancy which she hopes gets filled quickly, but she doesn’t know when the interviews will be; so Veronica asks what type of qualifications they are looking for. (Vero, even a dog does not poop near his food bowl.)
[Mexican Version: At Nerón’s shop, Pablo hopes Jorge can tell him how long it will take before he can go across the border. Nerón warns that he shouldn’t get his hopes up because Los Angeles is a huge city.] Just then, Flor stops by with Milady since she was in the area and asks how things are going.

When Nerón immediately notices the new clothes, he asks where the clothes came from. Flor hesitates to think of a good lie then replies that she got it at a garage sale…everything was really cheap so she had to take advantage. After Nerón sternly tells Pablo to go elsewhere to get some work done, he scowls at Flor telling her that he doesn’t believe her one bit. He can tell the clothes are of very good quality and demands to know where she got the money. When he guesses that she went to the nude photo shoot, Flor finally admits that she did, but it’s not what he thinks. Quite upset, Nerón chides her for going too far…now everyone will see her completely exposed and he will be made fun of by half of humanity. (Different somehow from being married to your Grampa, right?)
At Mau’s house, Renée looks over the old blueprints for “Logabot,” a robot. When she is amazed by the incredible design, she sits to study it closely.
At Logatoys, Kika explains that her attorneys advised her to come see the company with her own eyes since she shouldn’t go in blindly as an investor. She had come to touch and feel…so here she is, “Surprise!” Mau has his mouth open, but speechless, so Fabián nudges him. When Mau introduces Fabián as his associate and brother, Fabián extends his hand to shake Kika’s hand, but Kika is completely focused on Mau and ignores him. Kika then asks Mau for a tour. She did look around when she arrived and it does look good, but it seemed somewhat empty. Mau explains that she arrived on a day that happened to be a holiday for the employees and nudges Fabián so he can support his fabrication. When Mau adds to his lie and tells her that the employees are having a “Picnic day,” Kika wants to go see the employees, but Mau tells her that the employees will feel uncomfortable if the boss is there since they are good, simple folk…middle class. After Mau offers to give her a tour of the city, Kika gladly agrees, but then catches sight of the photo on Mau’s desk. (Mau now wishes he had a fresh wax job on his CAR.) Mau explains that is a photo of him as a child…he was already cute then, but through the years he became the radically attractive galán that stands before her. Kika smiles and comments that, at that age, he probably never thought he would be the father of such a cute little girl. Mau then suggests they leave; and as Kika walks out, both Mau and Fabián are salivating, woofing and their tails are going crazy. (On second thought, Mau now decides maybe a couple of bicycles instead.)

At Nerón’s shop, Nerón is still fit to be tied as he thinks that his only hope is that the magazine where her photos will be displayed is only for men…he hopes it doesn’t sell! Flor adds fuel to the fire when she tells him to get his mind out of the gutter…her photos will be displayed in panoramic form on walls and the sides of trucks. After Flor reminds Nerón that he was scraping the sidewalks because he was ogling her in the magazines, Nerón calls out to Pablo who knows it’s time for him to go get busy elsewhere. When Flor continues that he surely didn’t look at her heart before anything else, Nerón takes out one of her posters and tells her that those photos were only provocative; she didn’t show much and everything was left to the imagination. What irks Flor the most is that Nerón’s reaction is only because of his jealousy. Nerón denies it is jealousy and points out that his sons will see her naked and will think that he married a professional trickster (hooker? Porn star?). Flor is shocked and offended; so Pablo tries to defend Flor, but Nerón tells him not to butt in. Flor thinks that Nerón just wants to side with his pestering sons; so she asks Pablo to go to their house because she needs a favor; he will get paid with HER money that she made with HER photos.
At Inova Cars, Veronica’s boss tells her they don’t have a good candidate for the vacant position; if she has a friend or someone she would like to bring in; she can go ahead. Veronica does happen to know a very good systems engineer who is very responsible and who also had applied for her previous position and almost got it. When her boss tells her to tell her friend to go talk to the human resources personnel, Veronica clarifies that the person is not her friend, but her husband. Her boss is impressed with Veronica’s candor as it says much about her character. When he asks if her husband would be interested, Veronica assures him Toño would be interested; they can interview him, observe him for a period time…whatever it takes, especially to avoid rumors since she doesn’t want people thinking he was only hired because of her recommendation. Her boss assures her that if her husband has the abilities and qualifications they need, he doesn’t care if they are accused of nepotism. After he tells Veronica to tell Toño to come by, Veronica thanks him and assures him he won’t regret it. (Vero secretly tries to remember where she saw that 'Wake up my husband' app for her phone.)
At Mau’s house, Rafael goes by to visit with Renée and thanks her for all she has done to make them feel welcome; they are very happy in her house. They start looking at the blueprints Renée found; she thinks they are about thirty years old, but the design is very advanced. Rafael is clueless about the blueprints, but believes whatever Renée says. Renée comments that the design is very good; and with the modern technology and advances, the design could be possible…and it could function well. Rafael then changes the subject and asks if there would be a problem if he were to open up a veterinary office; it wouldn’t be for very long…only until he finds a better location. Renée doesn’t think there would be a problem; the neighbors would probably like that he could take care of their pets...and their children. Rafael is glad, but then wonders if the neighbors would be bothered by the fact that he and Rodrigo are married. Renée hesitates, then remarks that not everyone thinks alike. They are not always in agreement with everything, but everyone respects each other’s privacy. Rafael responds that the only thing they care about is that their landlord be content with them…nothing else really matters. (We will remember that, R)
At a bar, Kika tells Mau that this city is much more glamorous than she thought. She thinks she can now even pronounce Tenochtitlan correctly. Mau agrees that the city has its charm. He then thanks her for taking care of the car and chauffeur…since he had to lend out his car for the employee picnic. Kika thinks his employees must appreciate him very much…possibly even have him up on a pedestal. (Mauricio, if you told the truth your tail would fall off.)
Anifer walks with Renée and is glad she was there. After Renée reminds her that she promised she would be there when Anifer got out of school and she would never leave her alone for a second, Anifer’s teacher catches up to them and tells Renée she would like to have a meeting with them to discuss their child’s performance and academic levels. When Renée clarifies that she is not married to Anifer’s father, the teacher now understands why this child has such liberal thinking…to say the least. If the parents have that type of lifestyle, what could be expected of the daughter. Renée retorts that it’s not that important that Anifer’s father and she are or are not married; and as Renée is about to continue, the teacher interrupts and insists that it is important because this is a Catholic school and they expect certain behaviors of the children as well as their parents…who should set the example. After Renée responds that she would like to explain their situation, but doesn’t have time, Anifer sticks out her tongue at the teacher as they turn to leave.

As they walk away, Anifer confirms that the nun is her teacher and Renée thinks the teacher is very annoying; Anifer agrees!
At the bar, Kika gets serious and asks Mau if he liked the plans to expand the business. Mau thinks the plans are very good and never imagined she would have learned so much about the business. Kika explains that since her father and uncles are well-known businessmen, she couldn’t stay behind; what she is most interested in is being in the top ten youtubers for the most successful in the world. Mau then insists on paying the check, but when he sees the bill, he pretends to have forgotten his wallet; so Kika insists on paying it despite Mau’s efforts to get her to send the chauffeur for his wallet. Kika suggests that he can pay next time…and hopes that there will be a next time. When Mau tells her whenever and where ever she wants, Kika tells him she wants to go to his penthouse….since he has talked so much about his enormous penthouse. Mau has an “Oh sh*t” moment, then suggests he take her to the pyramids, the Frida Museum or the Bellas Artes, but Kika insists on the penthouse.

Outside in the neighborhood, Toño drives up with the kids as Rafael is holding a dog. The kids get down and start petting the dog; so Toño tells them to be careful because he could bite. Rafael assures him the dog doesn’t bite, but Toño clarifies he was talking about his little one who sometimes bites. Rafael laughs and offers to take care of the kids while Toño parks the car. When the kids tell Rafael they would like to have a dog, Rafael tells them that this little dog is looking for a home, but they have to ask their dad. When Toño comes back, Rafael tells him that the dog needs a home, but Toño thinks it’s a great responsibility. When the kids promise to take care of it, feed it and clean up after it, Rafael adds that having a pet can help children become more responsible; so Toño tells them he has to talk to his wife. After Rafael suggests that they can have a trial period and take the dog for a few days, he adds that they can return it to him since he lives right there; so Toño agrees that they can keep it.

As they discuss naming the dog “Carola,” Jorge drives up to his house with Samuel and Valentina When Samuel and Valentina walk toward the dog, Jorge calls them back and tells them to go inside the house. As they walk back, Jorge gives Rafael a disapproving look.
At Nerón’s repair shop, Pablo approaches Nerón carefully since he knows Nerón is still upset. After Pablo asks for directions to the house and wonders if Nerón would like to accompany him, Nerón refuses and tells Pablo that if he is going to do that disloyal ingrate a favor, he can do it himself. When Pablo insists that Nerón go with him since he doesn’t know the area and could get lost, Nerón agrees to go, but is only doing it for Pablo…not for that ingrate who is going to have his honor stepped on like a used horse blanket. As Nerón opens his cash box and sees the little money he has made that day, he is disconcerted and comments that his business is not going well; they need to get more customers or they’ll bust like a can of green beans. (Well maybe some nude pics of yourself Big Boy?)
Mau has Kika’s chauffeur take him to his former penthouse. As they park in front, Mau tells Kika he has to answer his phone. When Kika comments that she didn’t hear it ring, Mau tells her it was on vibrate and pretends to answer the phone. He sounds shocked and after he asks if Anifer is ok, he states that he will be right over! After he hangs up, he apologizes to Kika for having to go see Anifer…that’s the difficult side of being a Daddy Number 11. When he asks if they can do this some other time, Kika agrees and tells Number 11 that the only girls she will allow to beat her out are the little ones. Mau then tells her he will take care of the situation then call her so they can meet later at her suite. After she agrees, Mau gets out of the car and goes to the entrance of the building. When he waves good-bye and sees that the car is out of sight, he hails a taxi. (“And the Gold goes to Mauricio Lopez Bozo in Mens Skating on Thin Ice”)
Nerón and Pablo walk along the sidewalk as Nerón complains about the distance they walked. When Pablo tells him they are almost there, he adds that it’s where Flor told him to take Nerón since it would be the only way to make Nerón understand. As they continue on, Flor comes out from behind a large bush and calls to Nerón…she wants to show him something. When he finally goes, Flor shows him her posters on display against a wall and reads, “To breastfeed in public is your right and that of your baby.”

Nerón is dumbfounded as Flor assures him that those are the photos that she had taken…that’s the only reason she agreed to have them taken without anything on top. When she asks if he is going to continue to be ticked off, Nerón shakes his head and says, “How can I be angry, when even the crocodile tears are spilling out as I see you there looking so tender with my little piece of camphor.” He continues to admire the poster as Flor comments that it was thanks to Milady who is becoming quite a model, just like her.
Kika returns to the building where she left Mau. After she presses the buzzer, a security guard comes out and asks what apartment she is going to. When she responds that she is going to the penthouse to see Mauricio, the security guard tells her that Mau hasn’t lived there for quite some time; he must have moved. Kika is confused because she just dropped him off there. After she flirts with him and compliments his moustache, Kika asks if he knows where she can find Mau since she needs to see him right away; so the security tells her he has the address Mau left so that they could forward his mail. 
Mau arrives to his office complaining about having to take a taxi and a bus. When he checks his email, he sees an email that indicates Renée has been accepted to the mechatronics master program (check it out…it certainly wasn’t written by someone at the University!) for the winter term. Mau is quite happy until he reads that he must pay the corresponding fees by the end of the month.

At Mau’s house, Renée shows Anifer the blueprints of the Logabot which will serve to help her make a robot that will be inspired by the Logabot. When Anifer wonders whether Renée, as a child, knew she would want to build robots when she grew up, Renée thinks that is a nice question because sometimes adults forget what they wanted to do as children, but as far as she can remember, yes, this is what she has always wanted to do. Anifer then asks if Renée had wanted to be an inventor or something similar; so Renée explains that she didn’t know about mechatronics engineering back then, but she did dream of making things that moved on their own and machines that would do things. When Renée asks Anifer if she already knows what she wants to be, Anifer replies, “Yes, astronaut!” Renée thinks that is good, but Anifer adds that she would also like to be a veterinarian…and a spy like her mother. Renée is amazed and thinks it sounds great.
At Veronica’s, Toño is glad that Veronica got home early; it gave her time to do the kitchen while he played with the kids and the dog. After Veronica tells the kids to be careful with the dog and that they can’t give it a bath, Toño points out that the kids are very happy with the dog and that the dog doesn’t cause much fuss. Veronica likes the dog, but hopes it won’t cry all night so that Toño can get enough sleep for his interview the next day. When he asks what time the interview will be, Veronica suggests he be there early because tardiness is not tolerated. Veronica then adds that if Toño is hired, he will be working in a different department; they’ll be in the same company, but totally apart. Toño thinks it sounds good, but has a small problem. If she gets him the job, the other employees will start saying that he got the job because of his wife. Veronica is irritated with Toño’s attitude and tells him not to start with his comments. When she asks him if he is even going to show up for the interview and to tell her the truth because she can smell his thoughts, Toño remains quiet. Veronica insists the he answer her, but Toño sarcastically tells her to read his silence…his eyelashes…and his eyelids. As he moves closer to her and insists that she read him, Veronica starts to laugh and they end up kissing and hugging.
At Jorge’s house, Valentina and Samuel assure Jorge that they already know what to do, or rather not to do, while he’s gone. After they spew out the long list of what they shouldn’t do, Jorge reminds them not to associate with the new neighbors; they have to behave as if he were there in every space and corner of the house. When Valentina asks him to bring a souvenir from Hollywood, Jorge agrees…if he has time since he is going to be SO busy. After he tells them that he is putting all his trust in them and hopes they don’t disappoint him, Jorge gives them a blessing and goes to wait for his taxi outside. As he exits, Kika drives up. After she introduces herself and asks if Mauricio lives there, she gets down from the car as Jorge points out Mau’s house. Kika doesn’t understand how Mau can be living there…it reminds her of the houses in Caracas—the ones where the people living in poverty reside. Jorge thinks she is exaggerating since this a private community for those at a certain level...middle class…or getting to middle class. When he asks Kika if she is Mau’s friend or acquaintance, she replies, “Friend, acquaintance, pal…or hopefully something better. One never knows, right?” Jorge then comments that Mau has always had luck with the ladies…even now when he is in such a bad economic situation. Kika is surprised, but keeps her composure and responds that life is like a wheel of fortune; there are ups and downs…one never knows. After Jorge awkwardly dismisses himself, Kika keeps looking at Mau’s house.
[Mexican Version: At Nerón’s house, Flor reminds Nerón that she kept trying to explain, but he never gave her a chance. She also figured that even if she did explain, he would still overreact. Nerón admits that when he first saw it, he was shaken, but then saw that it depicts something very natural. Flor doesn’t understand how there are people who still react negatively when they see a woman breast-feeding their child…it is very natural; it’s as if they were never breast-fed. Nerón responds that maybe they were never breast-fed, just given a bottle to suck on…that’s why they are such suckers! While Flor gets his coffee, which she notes he can’t get for himself, Nerón apologizes for being so stupid. Flor agrees with stupid and adds ugly and dumb…like all men, but she loves him like that…and that’s why he takes advantage of her.]
At Mau’s house, Anifer comments that the house is very pretty…it turned out really nice. Mau agrees, but tells Anifer that they shouldn’t exaggerate because it’ll get to the decorator’s head; after all, this is not the Palace of Versailles. Renée can’t believe how Mau can be---he takes a step forward, then steps backward. If Anifer likes it, Renée is satisfied. Anifer does like it very much. When she asks Mau if he likes it, Mau agrees that he does and recognizes Renée’s efforts…the decorating is satisfactory. After Renée scoffs at the term “satisfactory,” Mau wonders what she meant by saying that he takes a step forward, then backward, but Renée tells him to forget it. When Mau adds that he just doesn’t want Anifer to regard this as the “best,” Renée wonders what Mau considers the “best,” but then figures he is referring to his penthouse…which he no longer has. Renée wishes he’d grow up. Mau figures that her problem is that she thinks he is not’s not as if he were an apple! (“madura” also means ripe in Spanish). When they start their back-and-forth arguing, Anifer shouts, “Enough!”

As they stop and look at Anifer, Anifer continues, “Well I think everything looks very pretty. I like it very much; even my little plant is happy…if you don’t believe it, ask it! ASK IT!” Renée turns around and asks the little plant if it is happy, then turns back and tells them that, yes, it said it was happy. Anifer then motions to Mau and gives him an expectant “now you ask” look, so Mau asks the little plant if it is happy, then tells them that, yes, it is happy. After Anifer smiles in satisfaction, Renée and Mau scowl at each other.
At Veronica’s house, Veronica comes down from checking on the kids and asks Toño what he’s doing. When Toño replies that he is checking on some information for the interview, Veronica is glad to hear it and thinks he is looking into some software programs, but Toño is looking for information on the boss since it’s good to know about him before talking to him. When Toño comments that the boss is an Americanist, Veronica wonders what good that information will do for the interview, but Toño points out that everything will help so that he can converse with the boss. Veronica suggests that he not even get into the topic of religion because he doesn’t know anything about Christianity; though Toño clarifies that he is talking about Cristiano Ronaldo. When Veronica asks who that is, Toño tells her he’ll explain later and smears jelly on her nose.
At Mau’s house, Renée shows Mau the robot blueprints she found. She explains that they are not complete, but the idea is very good. When Mau asks who they belong to, Renée thinks they must be his father’s since they were among the things that had his father’s name. Renée explains the different blueprints using technical terms; but Mau has no clue as to what she said. Renée justifies that he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know about mechatronics, but if he did, he’d get just as excited as she is. When Mau tells Renée that this is probably a design that his father discarded and shouldn’t put much value on it, Renée suggests that if he is not interested and gives her his approval, she would like to use it as a basis for the project she has to present in the competition for entering the mastery program. Mau has no problem with it and tells Renée to use it. When he asks if she is going to build the robot, Renée tells him that would cost millions. All she needs to do is present the plan for the robot and explain its construction process. When she adds that she would give credit to his father since she wouldn’t dare wear someone else’s hat, Mau tells her it wouldn’t bother him…and as far as his father is concerned, he doubts he will complain. Renée doesn’t want to abuse her privileges…since she will be using the blueprints and Logatoys will be paying her enrollment fees. She worries that she will be in debt for years. As he goes to Anifer, Mau insists that she use the plans and adds that she deserves all the help that the company and his father can offer. He looks at what Anifer is doing and says, “Oh how pretty;” and as he repeats, “How pretty” he turns to look at Renée who is looking at the blueprints. (The significance is more obvious in Spanish since Mau switches from “que bonitO” to “que bonitA” :-)

Outside, Kika is still in her car as she looks out her window toward Mau’s house. When the driver asks if they will continue to wait, Kika tells him “no;” she will let Mau sleep well for this night.
In Anifer’s bedroom, Mau checks Anifer’s teeth and tells her she did well as he gives her a high five. When he asks her if she sleeps well with Renée since Renée seems like the type that would snore, Anifer tells him that Renée doesn’t snore…but he does. Mau thinks he only snores slightly, but Anifer assures him that he snores A LOT! Mau says good-night and starts to leave, but Anifer asks for a bedtime story. When Mau tells her that his book has no more stories, Anifer asks him to then tell her something about himself. She then asks what her grandfather was like; so Mau tells her that his father’s name was Bosco…and his father didn’t look too much like Mau. Mau continues that he honestly doesn’t know much about what his father was like since they didn’t spend much time together and never got along. His father was very serious and Mau barely remembers anything. After Anifer says that she is glad she knows him, Mau agrees and kisses her good-night.
The Next Morning (So we’re into the next day…are Falcón and Perez still at the restaurant waiting for the call from the higher ups?)
Jorge is in Tijuana, but calls Valentina to tell her he has arrived in Los Angeles. (The dog is the only one who hasn't told a lie yet in this story.) He didn’t call when he arrived so as not to wake them. When she tells him that everything is well and that they are getting ready to go to school, Jorge wishes them a good day. After Valentina hangs up, Jorge continues to watch her on his phone as she hurries Samuel so that they can leave. Jorge then takes out a picture of himself with Yuriria from his wallet and stares at it. After he checks himself out in the mirror, Jorge goes to Yuriria’s house and takes her flowers.

When Yuriria asks why he didn’t let her know that he was coming to Tijuana, Jorge responds that he really doesn’t know and asks why she hadn’t told him about her health. She replies that is why she asked to talk to him; she wanted to tell him in person. Jorge wants to hear that she is getting treatment and that she will get well, but Yuriria tells him that though she is receiving treatment, she has already accepted it…the doctors have declared her terminally ill. When Jorge tells her that he doesn’t want to hear that, Yuriria silences him and nods in acceptance.

By Rgv Chick and Ghost


Soemthing's up with Kika, but what could it be? Could she be in cajoots with Fabian? teh higher ups...whoever that could be?? This is turning more into a mystery rather than a comedy!

Jarifa, you can add another mystery...what the heck happened at the restaurant???

Flor sure had us going there for a while...making us believe that she had completely exposed herself...kudos to the writers!!

Susy, you mentioned you had a here is mine :-)


Ok, it's kinda late...that's my excuse for the typos and I'm stickin' to it :-)

Can we bitchslapvTono into orbit? He spends most of the day with the kids, yet he is glad Vero took care of the kitchen while he spent time with the kids and the dog??? Low down, good for nothing, sorry excuse of a man!

Awwww RGV your Princess beats the plot dog by a mile. Thanks for another RGValley masterpiece.

Ole Kicker isn't as hot as she thinks she is, but she does have more curves than a country road.
Anifer's sticking out her tongue at the Nun was cute.

Lies always get lonely. Notice how you can never tell just one?W H I C H restaurant? The Kika restaurant or the Mobsters from a Higher Power restaurant?

I have tried to like Tono for Vero's benefit if nothing else, but my altruistic hopeos cannot overide my basic instincts. I still hate him.

Yes the mysteries keep building up. Where in the devil is that frigging SHOEBOCKS....?

And thanks again RGV Chik.


Rgv Chick, thanks for another great recap! And for your eagle eyes yet again. I didn't pay much attention to what was on the screen (the acceptance letter from the University) especially as it wasn't shown for long and he was reading it aloud in Spanish. But now, thanks to your screenshot, I see it was definitely not written by someone with a perfect grasp of English.

Veronica, I know you love the guy, but are you sure you want to risk your own reputation by recommending him for a job, for any job?

"(Vero secretly tries to remember where she saw that 'Wake up my husband' app for her phone.)"

Yeah, Chickie, but would it even work with Toño? I suspect he could sleep through almost anything.

Good morning, all. Yawn.

Chickie, I didnt have a chance to read the recap yet, and I must because I watched , but I have no idea what was being said. All I know from the visual is that 1)there was a lot of Kika 2) Jorge showed up at Yuri's door 3) Tono is a lazy slug 4) Neron can smile 5) I want Renee to makeover my home Loved the title !! Alternate : Too Much Kika

Kirby your comments made me smile.

Your Princess is cutie. Mine was an overweight Springer spaniel !

Gotta go...later


(Vero secretly tries to remember where she saw that 'Wake up my husband' app for her phone.) Yep, that was one of my favorite quotes too Andy Banda
. Also:

("and the Gold goes to Mauricio Lopez Bozo in Mens Skating on Thin Ice")

Rgv Chick...I love it when you add in the nuances of the language. The "maduro" joke and the "que bonito..que bonita" explanation. I started watching telenovelas to learn Spanish (and hopefully ward off dementia which runs wild in my family) so I get very excited when cultural info or language info is added. Muchas gracias!

Judy, still trying to hold onto all her marbles

And love the Christmas photo of your little pup. He has very soulful eyes.

The Flor switcheroo on photos was a hoot. This telenovela is very big on MESSAGE and as long as they keep it light and funny I'm fine with it. Just not much into ranting.

Have to admit though that the more I learn about mother's milk, the sadder I am at how few women breastfeed. As your baby grows, the milk changes in composition to fit the needs of the baby. Formula can never do that. My mother was physically unable to breastfeed, but both my sister and I did, partly because we knew how heartbroken she was that she could not.

Whoa...guess I'm on MESSAGE myself. Thanks again Rgv Chick.

RgvChick, your recap was really exceptional. I savored every word. Incredible title.

The screen shots? Fantastic. "(OMG is it a Fisher Price takeover?)" and "... as Kika walks out, both Mau and Fabián are salivating, woofing and their tails are going crazy" were among many favorites.

The highlights for me were:

1. Milady (that baby is the sweetest. Ever).
2. Anifer
3. Your dog
4. Plot dog

Andy, I was really surprised Vero recommended Tono too! I gues that truly proves love is blind. She doesn't really see him for what he is. And what he is not.

Loved Neron being genuinely moved by Flor's image. She was right - it certainly was "tasteful".

RgvChick, I also think Kika is aligned with Fabian. Too much Kika...

Kirby, you know that Vero is going to have yet another job - taking care of Carola all by herself. Tono is deserving of little, yet he has so much. Your eagle? Really incredible.

Susanlynn, love springer spaniels!

I was moved by Yuriri's appearance. I fear their story will not continue for long.

RgvChick, this was excellent. Thank you!


RgvChick, I loved the recap. What a fun read! The first screen shot of Mauricio looking in the mirror really says it all about him.

Anifer’s teacher really is a pain.

When Jorge called Kika “ señora” and after seeing her reaction quickly changed it to “señorita” I had to laugh.

The role of Kika would have been perfect for Ingrid Martz. This actress is doing an excellent job but I keep thinking of Martz.

I was so happy that Flor could put Nerón in his place with her “public breastfeeding awareness/acceptance” poster.

Puppies in the hood and one in Toño’s House . When Rafael said they could basically try the dog out, you know he is never being returned. Smart vet.

Kirby, thanks for reminding us about the shoebox.

Andy, if Vero is smart, she will keep Toño far far away from where she is working. He could be a real liability.

JudyB, I agree that I like my messages “light”.

Diana, I agree that it looks like Yuriria will not be around long judging from the pace of this novela which will be a good thing. We need more funny than sad.


RgvChick, unfortunately, I can add nothing about the restaurant meeting and mystery. This is gong to be very interesting and fun.

Thank you, Rgv Chick. Great recap, as always.

After his conversation with Valentina, Jorge continued to look at the video feed of the living room. I think it means he installed a security camera there and is watching his kids. It is probably not uncommon now, but I feel uncomfortable. Being watched without knowing it is an invasion of privacy. Even with kids.

Good Morning! Thank you, Kirby, Andy, JudyB, Susy, Diana, Jarifa, and Lucio for stopping by and sharing your insightful comments.

Kirby, the restaurant I was referring to was the one where Perez and Falcon met. Did the writers intend to leave us hanging with another mystery or did they just forget to conclude that scene? Will it be another “shoebox” with a tight lid on it? “I have tried to like Tono for Vero's benefit if nothing else, but my altruistic hopeos cannot overide my basic instincts. I still hate him.” Yup, he’s arrived at the hate zone, I wish someone would bitch-slap him…where’s Julie?? She could do a mighty fine job! And if he were to be bitch-slapped to middle earth, that would be even better! Where’s NiNa? I miss her witty rants.

Andy, I took a close look at the letter because I wanted to know exactly how much time Mau had to pay the fees. When I read it, I wondered if the writers actually thought we would be fooled…details, details…

Susy, your reading of the visuals was spot on! And yes, too much Kika! Ada in Ramoon had curves like a country road, but she was much more likeable…and I could understand everything she said!

JudyB, “The Flor switcheroo on photos was a hoot. This telenovela is very big on MESSAGE and as long as they keep it light and funny I'm fine with it. Just not much into ranting.” ITA I can tolerate something light that doesn’t drag on. The TN that went over the top with messages (IMO) was Doble Vida…if they would have remove all the messages, they’d probably wouldn’t have had a TN.

Jarifa, “I was so happy that Flor could put Nerón in his place with her “public breastfeeding awareness/acceptance” poster.” I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the posters…Flor had many of us in a tither about posing nude, so Neron wasn’t the only one put in his place :-)

Diana, “Andy, I was really surprised Vero recommended Tono too! I guess that truly proves love is blind. She doesn't really see him for what he is. And what he is not.” The woman is beyond blind!

Lucio, “After his conversation with Valentina, Jorge continued to look at the video feed of the living room. I think it means he installed a security camera there and is watching his kids. It is probably not uncommon now, but I feel uncomfortable.” I felt very uncomfortable too; I’m afraid to think where else he put up cameras!

Jarifa, what I meant about adding the mystery was tha you could add that mystery to your "Mystery List." They really left us hanging with that one!


BTW, whoever bitch-slapped the "Whoopsies" into orbit...THANK YOU!!!

Judy, ITA that Rgv's fur daughtter has "soulful eyes". Great description.

Jarifa, "Puppies in the hood and one in Toño’s House . When Rafael said they could basically try the dog out, you know he is never being returned. Smart vet" was great.

Lucio, I'm glad I'm not alone in being uncomfortable with the hidden camera. If he had told the kids "I'm watching you", that would have been one thing. I realize he is doing it because he loves them (and frankly Val has snuck out more than once, right)...Still...


Yai yai yai, the patio is awake today.

Lucio, I wondered the same about sneaky ass Jorge and his video. I had assumed that it was simply part of the home security setup, as that is the rage lately to have cameras all over and be able to stream the video to your phone.

But since Jorge has proven himself to be far more dishonest than both his kids combined, you are probably right. What does he expect to see anyway?

I'm afraid that SHOEBOX was lost in the move along with a mountain of other stuff which Reneee's stuff displaced.

As her studies in Mechantronics, whatever in the hell that is, continues to stall, Renee could do well as a decorator.

CHickie..what is up with Kika? Even though I did not know what she was saying, her accent or speech pattern seemed very unusual to me.

Jarifa...I have not seen Ingrid in a long time.

I think that Vero made a bad decision. She is going to have to babysit him at work now as well as at home. Tono is A teenager , but the actor does a good job of rangling the littlest actor who seems to not realize that he is in a show!


I guess that it is a thing to keep an eye on your BIg Brother is now truly watching us in reality these days. #1984

I feel sorry for Marisol who has gone from those pigtails to bald and a scarf. Meh.

For those of you who watched "Doble Vida", I think that the actor who played blonde Smarmy Park Stalker Guy looks much better with dark hair and glasses. However, someone has to tell him that those red pants are so 2012. Does anyone remember Niki\Miss OKayokay's boytoy in AV and his perpetual red pants (which were a thing back THEN) and his high heeled sneakers? #okay??

Kika is just so over the top dripping sugar flirty/sexy that she has to be up to something, but it is hidden from me too. I did see one tiny clue, when she picked up that picture of Anifer and seemed far too interested in it. Also her preoccupation with 'Daddy #11' is a bit odd.

I like how Fakian is invisible to her. If Mau even had two brain cells he would be Googling her ass and get the scoop on her and her 'Father and Uncles'. His testosterone factories down there are only thinking of keeping themselves employed.

RgvChick, It is on the list. Who is the “godfather”? So to speak . . .

Susy, I agree with Kirby, "Kika is just so over the top dripping sugar flirty/sexy that she has to be up to something" I'm still trying to figure out what it is she's up to...hopeofully we'll find out soon. I can only think of a couple of scenarios--

1. She somehow knows Fabian and they are working together (if not Fabian, whoever is trying to destroy Mau). Her avoidance of Fabian is over-the-top is she ignoring him to remove any suspicion of a previous association?

2. She's out to get Mau for some unknown personal reason which could stem from jealousy or revenge. Did Mau hurt her or a friend of hers...he is a playboy, so maybe she wants revenge??? Hmmm, could Maria be related to her somehow?

Susanlynn, I just googled Ingrid Martz and she is on a series on Azteca.

Thank RGV!

I hate listening to Kika speak. It is so affected.

Jarifa, I can see Ingrid playing Kika too but then it would have been Lichita 2.0.

I'm weirded out by the camera too. If Jorge was a little less controlling I could deal but this is just another nail in his authoritarian nature.

Milady won over the photographer too! So cute! That casting call wasn't for a breastfeeding ad but the photog must have had another gig lined up and Flor and Milady got it.

Can one set up a vet in their home? Don't you need medical equipment and such?

I wonder if Kika is working with Falcone? I mean Falcone could have sent Kika to meet up with him in Miami. And Juan Perez and Falcone are working for same person but they don't know each other? Mystery this has turned out to be.

Ingrid was dropped as a contract player too, like Ruilli, but hopefully she is getting lots of work elsewhere.

Is Kika Maria with a makeover. Makeover = blonde wig..........

Just now realized that Neuron was in Double life and Robo too (Robo is on right now) He looks a LOT better with a shave and haircut.

OMG, Kirby! The man with the turtle boots on Doble Vida...looks totally different as Neuron...maybe because he's standing?

What I found funny about the vet/home office idea was...Doesn't Mexico City have zoning laws? Here in the US, if you tried to run a business in a residential area, the neighbors would be up in arms. Back when I worked on a newspaper, the zoning board meetings had more incipient violence and raised voices than in the district magistrate's court. PASSION. UNBRIDLED PASSION. Nothing like it when it's related to home financial values.

RGV amazing how different he can look in each TN not that far enough apart for age to count.

Judy. so right. A vet office in an apartment it looks like, or condo at the least. All that pet waste, barking and meowing, etc. I thought the same, but just chalked it up to TNitiess. Here in FloriDuh the Homeowners Associations will kick little old ladies out for selling quilts out of their garages.

Good afternoon, everybody! Great comments today.

This TN is filled to the brim with mysteries, and I think that is (maybe) a good thing. If it were just 'would Mau come to love little Anifer and grown-up Renee' it would have been altogether too predictable. Cute, but yawn...

Now the tricky thing is to show that the mysteries actually add up to something and were not just nonsense thrown it to keep us distracted. It would be nice to see what's in that #@*$^! shoe box. Also, was Kika's interest in the photo on Mau's desk meaningful? And he kept a photo of himself on his desk?

I am curious about the way Kika talks. Is it just her idiosyncratic speech, is it part Venezuelan accent, or what? Anybody have an idea?

You guys should have seen the Nerón actor Juan Carlos Barreto in LC as a mafioso. It was a major role. He was always dressed impeccably in a suit.

Jarifa...Did the actor playing Neuron play a chef in Hotel ?

Jarifa and Carvivlie, thanks for the info on Ingrid. She is a sensational comedic actress. But, so is Veronica, so better to spread true talent around. I'm just happy she is working. Somewhere.

OMG. "Does anyone remember Niki\Miss OKayokay's boytoy in AV and his perpetual red pants (which were a thing back THEN) and his high heeled sneakers? #okay??" I domk I do. That made me smile fondly Susanlynn.I loved AV and now am daydreaming about Eduardo Yanez, my telenovio.

Kirby, I had no recollection of Neron being in DV. Watching too many TNs or bad memory? In my case both.

Diana brought up a bad memory of a zoning meeting years ago at which our lawyer stopped Hubba from going after a shady character (convicted felon) who owned a small piece of land next to the farm and had taken out a whole bunch of our trees! You are so right. SPirits run high about property ownership. Yikes

Andy...yes, I found Kika's speech patterns very annoying. Is it supposed to be like baby talk?...or sexy? #lostintranslation, I do not think that Kika is Maria in a wig, but I have no idea who Kika is. She just sprang full force into this tale. I suppose she will be a rival for sweet, home interior decorating, motherly , engineer Renee.

'Whoops' appears to have discovered that tormenting us for fun is nigh on to impossible and has gone on to greener pastures to find someone to bully.

Susanlynn, yes, Ithink that was hm. He is quite the familiar face these days.

Im doing something productive, but left the (in this case) Boob Tube on and a Papa preview popped up. WooHoo. Don't miss tonight.

As for Kika’s accent, I think that the actress Verónica Montes is doing an over exaggerated Venezuelan accent to be funny. Kika is supposed to be part Venezuelan.

Kirby..a "whoops" tab is actually showing up on my tablet. We know his to roll with things here on the patio. #chill

I am confused Falcone isn't really Falcone and Perez isn't really Perez, and they do not know each other, but they work for the same person??? #shadesofDobleVida #who'stheboss

Tono still looks and acts like an unmade bed in HOY. Just sayin..................

This comment has been removed by the author.

With mysteries like these, the song "Dizzy" by Tommy Roe always comes to mind.

Shall we just call Kika's accent a Venezuelan Floozy accent?

Looking forward to tonight's episode, Kirby!

I was trying to make a short list of who has not told a lie so far.

I think it is just the dog. But, she can't talk yet.

Loopy has not been seen or smelled since he was sent packing. He's sitting by a garbage can in an alley somewhere scratching fleas and licking his nuts. Good riddance.
Delete Loopy, add Kika. Both crazy, but Kik is more entertaining.

Question...I know that people sometimes get bonuses for recommending a qualified person they know for a job, but would a company really hire the spouse of an employee?

Chickie...great screencaps ! The baby is adorable.

Rgv Chickie, "Shall we just call Kika's accent a Venezuelan Floozy accent?"

Venezuelan Floozy definitely works for me :-)

Again...confused....Kika's father and uncles are well-known businessmen, and her goal in life is to be among the top YouTubers. What?? QTH!

Susy, i’m Not sure about companies, but in school districts that shall remain nameless the spouses of sought-after coaches or district leaders usually come in as a package deal.

Susy, that comment that Kika made about being in the top ten YouTubers was confusing. I think she meant to say that she wanted to be in the top ten of successful people as identified by youtubers. The way she said it pretty much matches her floozy accent.

Many larger American companies I have worked in or with prevent it. McDonnell Douglas had a 'Family Tree' org chart looking thing to help you figure it out. The more closely you were related the farther apart in the company you had to be.

Chickie...Two of the teachers I taught with got married. It was an interesting dynamic.

Rgv Chick - thank you for your recap!
(“And the Gold goes to Mauricio Lopez Bozo in Mens Skating on Thin Ice”) -LOL!!!

Too many other good snarky comments to quote in your recap and by the Patio today.



Susanlynn, it is just possible that Kika actually does want to be among the top 10 youtubers. People can make quite a bit of money on youtube and it can be an ego boost, which I think would appeal to Kika.

And Valentina was watching Kika's youtube channel at one point. In TNlandia is there anything that is ever just a coincidence?

Andy and Susy, yes the YT thing is a millenial thing. Get millions of followers and sell advertising. Beats actually working.

Okay! youtubing for money. I am in!

Hmmm... Maury tells Ani that his father did not look much !ike him. Foreshadowing??...Fabian's dad is his dad???

I left CET on last night after the Papa Toda Madre Gospel Hour, and wow. a pit of vipers. If these people were in my orbit I'd be asking for a ride in that Tesla headed for Mars.

Yes Susy, it was a mystery to me for a while, as a number of my other hobbies involve participants posting YT videos, and almost begging people to go see their videos. IE: In the high end camera drone world, (DJI mostly) people use their drones to take very high quality videos, and post them on YouTube.

Overlooking the fact that once you have seen forty acres of trees and grass from the top, it all begins to look the same, they post video after video and point people to their YT channel.

"And, Kika, this is my (half) brother Fabian, the invisible one."

I like "Venezuelan floozy accent". LOL

Wow! You guys have me thinking (and I'm not used to it, hurts my head :)

Mau and his father don't look alike; did not get along real well though don Bosco was a nice enough guy, took care of his employees; and Mau sometimes thought Fab's father was cooler, would have been nice.

Hmmm... and Kika fits in how?

Ah, excuse me, gotta go, I have a headache.

I like "Venezuelan floozy accent" too but I think Kika is more than a floozy. She seems quite formidable.

Carvivle...yes, Kika came on fast and strong. She seems pretty aggressive in pursuing Maury. Why? Does she really think that Maury is rich ?

Kirby ....years ago , it was a thing around here for someone to go up in a plane and take a photo of your farm or house from above and try to sell the photo to you. I do not go to many places on the, (to discuss Outlander) , my email, and YouTube for music videos . At Christmas , I did see a million youtube selections for making ornaments.

Susy check this out. It is from a drone at night. Two of the major highways through town here.

Kirby...kind of amazing. All those lights!

Thanks, Rgv Chick. Love the recap and pics, especially "Mau has an “Oh sh*t” moment." Your princess is a cutie patootie.


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