Friday, February 16, 2018

Weekend Discussion 2/16/18: Karmageddon for the Tempted – Caer en Tentacion

Karmageddon for the Tempted – Caer en Tentacion

The evil ones of this tale are long overdue for punishment, folks. Let's talk about what the writers are likely to do and what we'd do ourselves. This is all up to Episode 93:

Andres Becker / Arath de la Torre – The Beast

Guilty of promoting prostitution involving borderline jailbait girls, possible paedophilia, blackmail, embezzlement, sexual harassment, attempted rape, sexual assault of helpless victim (Cinthia), conspiracy to frame innocent parties, menacing, corporate theft, money laundering, getting Laura to go on the air to lie about what really happened (and boinking her in the process).

Miriam de Becker / Julieta Erurrola – The Wicked Witch of DF

Guilty of emotional abuse, slander, and financial abuse of Raquel, including attempts at turning her children against her and attempting to assume control over Damián's medical situation; manipulation of Mia, conspiracy to frame Bebo Galindo, Nacho, Santiago, and Raquel. Guilty of psychological abuse of Raquel with regard to custody of Benjamín, reneging on Raquel's offer regarding custody of Benjamín.

Guilty of sexual and emotional abuse of Damián (Time period and duration unknown), attempts at manipulating Damián in his present condition, barging into his home to set up his medical bed in the master bedroom rather than the ground floor to annoy Raquel despite this being against Damián's best interests.

Laura Garcia / Luz Ramos – Journalistic Vulture

Guilty of broadcasting speculation disguised as news, compromising her husband's career and police investigations, and the mental health of the subjects of her stories, siccing Rafael on Cinthia, misleading the public, accepting payment from Miriam to slander Raquel and Santiago on the air, boinking corrupt cop and Andres in exchange for information.

Juan Durán / Francisco Pizaña – Licenced to Prey

Guilty of stalking, physically abusing, and blackmailing Lola. Also guilty of attempted murder of Bebo and more death threats against him, of violating restraining order by harassing Lola with breather phone calls and threatening notes left in her home.

Mia Becker Cohen / Ela Velden – Evil Drama Queen

Guilty of false accusation of sexual assault, emotional blackmailing of Raquel, arson (destruction of Joaquin's father's car), psychological manipulation of Federico, attempted murder (poison in Alina's coffee), emotional abuse of Nicolas

Rudolfo Rueda / Enoc Leaño – The Shark

Gulty of greed, unethical practices, attempted murder of Alina del Villar

Alina del Villar / Erika de la Rosa – Señora Robinson

Guilty of taking advantage of sexual naïveté (Sammy Rueda and Nicolás Álvarado), agreeing to throw the Alvarado custody case and accept payment from Rueda to leave town, accepts large sum from Miriam to throw the custody case, incestuous sexual relationship (Sammy, son of previous lover Rudolfo Rueda) and pursuit of Santiago (father of other young conquest, Nicolas). Also guilty of suggesting hiring a hit man to finish off Juan and of setting up a compromising situation involving Santiago for the negative effect it will have on Nico and Raquel.

Vicente Rivas / Carlos Valencia – Skid Row Candidate

Guilty of ongoing blackmailing Damián and Carolina for large sums, ongoing domestic violence against ex-wife

Miguel Villegas / Nacho Tahhan – Sleazebag in Proper Clothing

Guilty of exploitation of young girls, rape, implicated in the murder of Patricia Vargas, cover-up of drug death of young prostitute, money laundering for drug cartel.

Current Status: In police custody.

Likely unresolved, as we haven't seen them for many episodes:

Joaquin / – Entitled Brat

Guilty of cyber-libeling Mia

3 Frat Boys and 2 Mean Girls

Guilty of attempted gang rape of Mia

Done (or we think so):

Rafael / Jorge de los Reyes – Corrupt

Guilty of drug trafficking, attemption to pimp Cinthia, abusing Cinthia to into stealing from Raquel. Also guilty of police corruption.

Karmageddon: Now serving time.

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UA: I'm looking forward to seeing the Karma hitting these IDIOTS.

Urban--What about Miguel? He's complicit in whatever Andres was into. He's also guilty of molesting underage girls, causing the death of one, money laundering, etc.

Does anyone have an idea if Univision will broadcast the TVYNOVELAS PREMIOS at any time? It is being recorded and broadcast in mexico city of course on sunday feb 18, 2018 but goodness knows why univision can't broadcast here? I do not see it on the schedule now or in near future. So frustrating, especially since CAER has nominations in most categories!!
I wonder if we will be able to see online somewhere?
CAER has been nominated in all major CATEGORIES as I have pasted below.

Caer en Tentación - Producción de Giselle González

Silvia Navarro - Caer en Tentación

Gabriel Soto - Caer en Tentación S

Arath De La Torre - Caer en Tentación

Julieta Egurrola - Caer en Tentación

Germán Bracco - Caer en Tentación


No te preocupes, Anita, I just fixed that.

Amotelenovelas, it's supposed to air on Thursday the 22nd. I don't know why Univision doesn't carry it live. It would bring better ratings if they did, especially on a Sunday night when the Spanish-language network ratings are lower than the weeknight ones.

Have at it, folks. My wishes:

Andres and Miguel should end up in prison doing hard time. The other prisoners will know what to do with them.

Miriam should off herself if Andres doesn't kill her first. I can easily imagine him doing so if she forces him out of the company, which she is more likely to do rather than walk away from it herself. She should have gotten rid of him ages ago but then she would not have had a lap dog.

Rueda should get a conscience and leave for LA. He is not down with murder and the death of his son is a very heavy price to pay for anything.

Juan needs to die. This is the only way Lola will be free of him. She should not have to leave the country, change her name, etc., in case he got loose again.

More in a little bit.

Mia needs to be in a facility. She is too dangerous to others to be allowed to fun around loose.

Alina should probably commit suicide. We have no backstory on her but she must have had a difficult childhood and/or youth to be this warped. She is deeply miserable and getting off on the misery she creates.

OOps, It's "run" around loose. I wish we could edit our comments.

Laura needs to lose her job and end up as a stripper or something she can be humiliated for. She has no integrity at all.

Vicente should end up in prison, but I suspect he will end up dead.

Urban Anthropologist....I just noticed that we can watch CANAL DE LAS ESTRELLAS en vivo on our computers/ I suppose we will be able to watch the PREMIOS. It does say SUNDAY Feb 18th. What is with Univision anyway? All year, they are showing these telenovelas all night and yet they wouldn't air the main awards show on tv? Seems crazy to me.

We do have to wait a very long time to see these folks get there due and we love it when it finally happens but I wish the TNs didn't all have to end with a wedding. After watching dozens of these TNs, I'm up for something more creative at the end. :)

ON ANOTHER NOTE---Could someone on this forum tell me whether Papa a toda madre is really worth watching...I need to clear out my DVR and I have been recording that since beginning and never watched.

I haven't watched it much either. I've
Been Caught up with this one.Maybe Ill see it when this is over, I'll see what I've been not missing.

I'm not watching it but I am curious whether Sebastian Rulli is doing well. I've never seen him in a comedy and sometimes actors who do drama very well can't quite handle comedy.

Thank you Urban. Quite an impressive list and you captured all their nasty deeds very well.

Am I wrong or doesn't this show have a very disproportionate number of evil characters??

What's interesting is that there are quite a few additional characters who certainly can't be classified as evil, but have made their fair share of mistakes.

I totally agree that Andres and Miguel should be in prison. For life without chance of parole.

Rueda and Alina should both be disbarred and both jailed, Rueda for a year or so and Alina until her looks fade and she can do no more harm to young, impressionable boys.

Miriam will get her just desserts - being totally alone and abandoned by her family.

I feel Vince has suffered enough and is a prisoner of the demons in his mind.

Laura should never work in any type of reporting position again and be left to find other work, stewing in her own bitter juices.

Mia is a clear danger to others. Unless she agrees to intense therapy, she should live a solitary life away from anyone she could harm.

I agree that Lola will never be able to live her life (or indeed live) with Juan alive. I don't think he will live through this.

And of course, the list may need to be added to, depending on who murdered Caro.

I'm watching Papa a toda madre and it's OK. The cast is great, but I think it's slow moving It is still early though and hope it picks up. Rulli is doing well in his role, I have to say. I wasn't sure how he'd be either, but he's good.

Urban thank you...


Diana, A Que No Me Dejaa had more evil characters than any other novela in my memory. If you watched that and kept track (which I have to do throughout any series I watch in order to post this discussion) you'd have seen this. My word document on that was four pages long, single-spaced. Most Karmageddon word documents are half that or less.

YNCELH's Karmageddon post was almost three pages.

I think we know Carolina's killer. I strongly doubt that this producer would allow the writers to make it a random killing by a greedy or perverted thug we don't already know.

Well, the weekend is over, by my thoughts are still roiling around the theme. Instead of Karmageddon's for the evil ones in the tale, I'd like to start at the opposite end and mention a few who should see different fates.

Florencia--She was a little busybody who fantasized about Santiago, but did the right thing--left the family (being young, she didn't know she had to give notice--but Santi could have asked Auggie about her). She's perceptive, knows how to keep her own counsel and to dispense advice (even if it's tilted her way). I would want her to be able to go to school and get certified as a counselor.

Jovita--After all the turmoil in this family she's been with since Damian was small, she deserves a comfortable retirement. She's had her hands full with Benji, Mia, the housework and the cooking (although I thought that here and there I saw one other maid). Either Miriam's money or Damian's should pension her off when she's ready.

Benjamin--This child, this seemingly unspoiled, happy child, deserves a functional family, which right now is not in the cards for him. As sad as it makes me, the only thing that Raquel and Santiago have in common is the tragedy of Carolina's death, Damian potential long-lasting disability, and her daughter disintegration. Even if she divorces Damian to be with Santiago, the four adult children will never combine to make a single happy blended family. Even after they leave home, home for holidays will always be tense. Santiago is deluded if he thinks taking Raquel, Benjamin and the four children away and starting over is going to work. In my fantasy, Santiago and Raquel get to raise Benjamin and she gets pregnant with a child with Santiago. Oh, and I still think they could change his name if they find out Damian was the one who insisted on the name. They can always tell him his new name is a nickname.

Cintia and Fernando--Cin will always be a recovering addict. At least she has repaired her relationship with Raquel. The two are literally alone now. I don't know if Fernando has the strength to cope with Cin's ups and downs, her fragile psyche. He's a good guy who's made some long-term errors in his personal life and at least on one occasion was easily seduced. He lived with the guilt of that and the aftermath for years. I think he did love Laura at one time, but after she couldn't get past what he had done, but kept him on, he did fall out of love, but it took him a long time. That's damaging. So we have two damaged creatures hoping for the best by clinging to each other. It may or may not work out for them. Probably not, but it would be nice to think so.

Azucena--Her devotion and loyalty to the Becker family (minus Andres) should be lauded. She should be given a big raise, maybe even shares in Legato as compensation. She should be given an all-expense paid vacation to some 5* hotel on the coast (or maybe to the Met to see Il Trovatore to watch her namesake).

Luz--She and Fede (if he's not guilty of any participation in the crime) will form a deep friendship with benefits, but she's not really expecting anything more. He will probably help with her expenses for her little boy and perhaps even pay for his schooling. She deserves something better than just being friends with Danny.

Bebo--He's such a nice guy, polite, good-looking, tall, dark, curly-headed. If he and Lola don't make it together, which sometimes seems likely and sometimes it doesn't, someone will bump into him in the street and suggest he sign up for acting school and become a telenovela leading man in a few years.

Bebo--He's such a nice guy, polite, good-looking, tall, dark, curly-headed. If he and Lola don't make it together, which sometimes seems likely and sometimes it doesn't, someone will bump into him in the street and suggest he sign up for acting school and become a telenovela leading man in a few years.

Nicolas--Before he can lead a happy life, he has to get rid of the demons that drew him into two very bad relationships. For this he may need some short term counseling. He's a smart guy, also good looking, but he would do well to finish school, go to law school and get his JD (or whatever it is you get in Mexico). After what he's been through he knows what gaming the system, corruption and crime is and might become one of Mexico's top rated honest lawyers. He would become a district attorney. (Hopefully this doesn't make him a target of the cartels.) If that doesn't work out, he can go back to the guitar and maybe he and Fede can form a band, or something.

Agustin--I wish he would find a nice country girl who will make him tortillas, tamales, chilaquiles, cochinita pibil, arroz con pollo, love him a lot give him at least two children and not mind if he watches futbol on weekends.

Lisa--She needs to be left alone to raise her son. That said--Vic either spends the rest of his life in prison or Saldivar hunts him down and kills him.

Lola--After what she's been through, she deserves a quiet, happy, stable environment. As long as Juan is alive and roaming around, it won't happen. Prison isn't good enough, because he can always get out. I feel sorry for his mother, though, but she enabled him for a long time. It's possible what Lola sees and feels for Bebo is the opposite of what she had with Juan. Is it love or a comfort zone--and does it matter, as long as she feels safe with him.

Mia--For her sake and Raquel's and her long-suffering twin, she needs to be interned in a psychiatric facility. She needs a medical diagnosis and probably prescribed some drug treatment. The fact that she seems so lucid and connected to the world makes it a very difficult decision, but the times she's out of control, makes her dangerous. If it turns out she has deep-seated killer instincts--they are very hard to get rid of and she may have to be kept in a facility for a very long time. If she's actually guilty of a capital crime, then she could be adjudicated as not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to life-long incarceration in a psychiatric facility. It would be the only happy outcome I see for her.

Damian--For his sake and for Raquel's and Santiago's, he needs to come clean with how he has completely destroyed two families which were functioning well before he and Caro started their affair. And, he needs to admit to himself or a psychotherapist that he was the instigator and the pursuer. If he recovers sufficiently, he also needs to annul any claims to custody over Benjamin. He should agree to a divorce from Raquel, but leave her well compensated.

Raquel and Santiago--After committing myself to their growing attraction and finally giving in to the desperate need they had for each other, I would want them to be together. I just can't see a concrete future for them. Does Raquel take over the business and bring on Santiago as her partner (something Miriam predicted with apprehension)? Does Santiago go on to become an impresario in the building construction business? Can he adjust to success? Do they get married? Where do they live? How many bedrooms will they need? Six? Five? Three? The more I examine their character, I see Santi will always be a hot-head, quick to want to hurt someone who hurts his family, stubborn, unreasonable, good in bed. I see Raquel as more calming, preferring reasoning something out rather than lashing out, still having a very fragile psyche, easily hurt, jealous (in the case of Alina, with good reason). Not a good match, in the long run. They are two beautiful people who have loved each other deeply through horrific times. But is love enough?

Nacho--He continues to work for Santi until he either is permanently disabled by an injury or retires. He'll spend his time with Agustin's kids and his own grandchildren (if the Bebo/Lola thing works out).
Miriam and Rueda--They deserve each other. They will eat each other alive.
Alina--She should have nothing good in her life. She should be disbarred forever and forfeit all her ill-begotten gains. Laura should feature her on a DF Confidential series.
Laura--As unethical and immoral as she has come to reveal herself, I think she'll continue to have a place in broadcasting. Maybe she'll be demoted or fired and starts up a blog on criminal attorneys, bad cops, and the success of money laundering schemes, drugs and prostitution--and murder.
Andres--He goes DOWN and OUT
Cristian and Gabriela--They come back into the picture, shocked, but not surprised at the Becker/Alvarado affair and Gabriela probably believes she's lucky not to have gotten involved with them after all. But who cares? We haven't seen them since early days.
Leandro--He finishes whatever therapy he can give Damian; tells Mia she's too young for him, tells Raquel she's very nice, but she's too old for him, picks up his creams and massage vibrator and moves on to the next telenovela that needs him in a very short run.

Anita, loved the list!

I am hearty agreement with wanting just desserts for Jovita and Azucena. Loyal, tried and true.

I've liked Cin and Fernando since the first time I saw them together. In my mind, I have already decided they are together and beaten the odds. Same with Lola and Bebo. I'm not quite convinced Lola is really ready for a permanent relationship. She still has healing.

I wish resiliancy for Benji and the love of whatever family he ends up with.

I do think that it will be almost impossible for Santi and Raq to be together, even if Damian does not survive. The one terrible exception migght be if Fede AND Mia were involved in the murder. She will in effect have lost her children forever but Santi and Benji would give her reason to live.

Don't like Flo. I know she's young but you don't go panting after and kissing youer employer. She knew better.


I think Florencia is on her way to becoming a kindergarten teacher. Not a bad fate for her.

I don't like the idea of Cintha and Fernando. She is too damaged for him and he will always have to wonder whether she is using again. I'm all for a good pension for Jovita, though.

I think they decided that Gabriela would have been one delusional woman too many.

I agree, Urban. But the pay was a great reward for only a few episodes.

Urban thank you for this list. Anita Your list is great too.

It took me a while to digest all of the Karmaggedons and then to decide which really mattered to me. I do agree that there are way too many characters that deserve some huge anvils. but IMHO none more than Alina and Andres they have been the personification of evil they have been behind some pretty sick plots, and always thinking of themselves. I will be happy if Alina goes to Jail, Andres needs more than jail, he needs to have that pretty face disfigured.

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