Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/10/18 Chapter 26: Carlos Confronts, Ale Stays WishyWashy, Ric Is A Brick

Isabel remains undecided and tells Alejandra to lay aside the paperwork while she reconsiders--for Luis's sake.  (I believe).

Carlos is the early bird who catches his worm of a cousin, Alan, in a host of omissions, not the least of which is that he spent the night of the bachelor party sleeping in the same hotel with the hooker that accused him of murdering her friend.  Why did he OMIT that information???? His personal life, sayz Al, is none of his beeswax.  Carlos mentions that his lawyer now, Leo, will be investigating Alan as a major suspect since Al decided to omit this bit of trivial pursuit.  Al swears one thing has nothin' to do with the other and he's got nothing to hide.  "--I hope not!" "--You are going to have to eat those words, you'll see!"

Ric knocks on Ale's open door and finds she's gone, but Carlos has left his markers all around.  The flowers.  He seems to be impotent at this point and Carmen walks in.  She advises Ale's left for just a moment.  Shall she tell Ale to come see him about something.  Nope.  He leaves.

Ale, meanwhile has come to Ric's office and finds The Ex, Elena, waiting there, gloating in all her imagined glory.   She goes on pointedly about how happy Ale must be now that Carlos is free; especially now that they must be planning a new date for the wedding.  Oh, yes, El is especially informed on everything that goes on in the firm still; everyone knows her after YEARS of marriage to Ric and still hold her in the highest affection and so just open up about EVERYTHING.

Carlos has Alan bring him the company ledgers.  He wants to see all that's transpired while he was locked up.  He is mad as Hell when he sees that they're down to 2 months' worth of working capital.  He accuses Alan of piss poor management.  Better stated: total incompetence and chasing away the clients with his "style".  Not to mention taking on a criminal case for which they both know he's not capable.  He's not capable of winning a jaywalking case let alone a homicide case.

Al whines that Carlos never has trusted in him or his decision making.  Carlos says it's because he always knew what an imbecile he was.  Alan states he was a bit careless in that and only forgot one thing is all.  Of course, the whole case centered on that.  The long and short of it is that Carlos tells him mitts off  and follow his directions or Al will find himself out in the street.

 Leo informs Juan that his first task is to delve into Patricia's background and to get hold of a full report from the M.E. concerning her lungs and any vomiting, etc. that might have caused her to choke and die.  Then, they've got to investigate Carlos's true relationship with his cousin.

Ric walks in and finds El waiting to get him to pay for the soccer(?) equipment and after school activities.  She manages to invite him to the movies as a foursome (I think.)

Carlos accuses Alan of trying to wrangle the firm away from him, opportunist that he is.  Thinking that Carlos'd never get out of jail, it was urgent to get control of the business and the firm any way he could.  That is because it was the only way a miserable failure like him could ever manage to get hold of a firm as big as that one.

Laura, all dolled up after her lottery win, comes to tell Ale and to pay her a bit for encouraging her to get on with the divorce and a better life.  Ale refuses the "tip"and they hug.

Meanwhile, El has coffee with Leticia and discusses her plans to win Ric back and how she got one over on Ale an Ric this AM.  She's going to take it slowly and little by little Ric will once again be hers.

Ric proceeds with the custody case for the girl whose close to anorexic/bulimic IMNHO.

Rosita signs divorce papers and Olivia tells her to move in with a relative or at least find some other hovel to abide in so that mean hubby cannot accost her.  She has Victoria come in to counsel hr on mental/emotional abuse by a spouse.

Ale tells Carlos she's working late and cannot see him that evening.  She seems to smile at the end of this call.  Is she falling for all his guilty attentions?  Is she still in love with him after all?

Rob tries to talk Ric into going out to a club with him and Leo that night but he refuses and admits he's too into Ale to want to do this.

Juanito arrives home and shows off his thank you gift from Vega.  Guess who's come to dinner?  It's Fer.  The three have a nice meal and Mama says it's time the two young people go out and enjoy themselves together, like young people should.

Back at Vega Rosi's Crazy Caveman hubby starts screaming and pulling on her to leave with him for the house.  She's refusing.  Ale tries to pull the two of them apart and gets a fist in the jaw which knocks her against the wall and bloodies her lip.  Just then Ric shows up and grabs Caveman by the arms till Security takes him away to call the police.  Oli convinces Rosi to place charges and get him locked up for a good while along with the divorce so she can then live in peace.

Ric worries about Ale's bleeding face but she refuses to go to the hospital to have it looked at.  (Viewerville keeps staring at that blood and then down on that bride white pantsuit, waiting for the stain and thinking how horrible to have to throw it away- and how much wardrobe must have paid for it and how many they went through before final taping of this scene.)  She agrees to let him take her home instead.

 Juanito discusses the fact that they cannot work on this case together since he'll have to go to numerous stripper clubs to investigate the dead dancer.  He doesn't want to expose her to such indignities, but yes, they should go out to dinner together or do something fun.  (I cannot make out what precisely Fer brought up.)

At the dance club, Leo bores his "pick up" and Rob goes off with her BFF.  (FF>>FF>>)

Ric brings Ale home.  She invites him in.  Ruh-roh.....There's Carlos having coffee and cookies with Paula.  Ric retreats and leaves.  Ale is left to "fight off"Carlos when he tells her he'll take her to her room to insure she gets rest.  He must settle for putting ice on her swollen face.

Once Carlos leaves. Ale admits she's torn now that Carlos seems so penitent and ready to please.  (Viewerville begins to gag.)  Ric's been good natured about all this as well, and she's hard pressed to tell Carlos it is truly over--if it really is.  Mama says not to stress over it and give it time.

At the police station, Crazy Caveman sees Rosi about to report him for what he did.  The police have to restrain him and the lady cop screams at the dufus policemen to drag the bum outta there already.  That's all it finally takes for Rosi to press charges.

Next morning Oli asks Leo to help work out the the legal situation with Caveman so Rosi doesn't have to worry about him as well as the kids.  Maybe agree to counselling with a psychologist or something like this if she really doesn't want him to go to jail. But, only if he's willing to cooperate with Oli and Rosi. (I say throw the book at him and if she agrees to this then she's also as dumb as a box full o' rocks.)

Laura's Ex comes back to ask Ric to sue his ex-wife for half her lottery winnings.  Rics says it isn't possible because they are no longer married.  She owes him nothing and nobody can do a thing to get him what he's asking for.  Ex Man screams and yells that he'll find a better lawyer, one who really can do what he's asking for.  Ric says he's welcome to try and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Over at Ibarra and Associates, Carlos informs Al he's going to represent Mr. Jail-Con.  It will be a lucrative venture and a way to dig the firm out of debt.  Al says it's dangerous--They're part of the Syndicate.  Carlos says he should have thought about that before sinking the firm into so much debt.  Carlos wouldn't have been forced to consider it as an option, let alone the only option.....


Jardinera--So far there are no early birds catching your worm. Let me be the first to thank you for a smashingly good wormy recap. Enjoyed it from top to bottom.

Please, writers, don't let Carlos do anything that makes me dislike him any less. Well, I'll concede that getting angry at Alan was well deserved and I applauded lightly. However, getting involved with the cartel world will bring him no end of problems (including perhaps a threat to Ale's life if he doesn't do something or other illegal). However, that I will applaud loudly, hoping that will be enough to bring him down.

Making the rounds at Vega, Carlos was marking his territory with the yellow stuff. Disgusting. Poor Richard, what's a decent guy to do. He doesn't want to withdraw from the field without a fight, but what to do, what to do.

Finding Paula and Carlos having coffee and cookies in the house was an unwelcome surprise. Ric probably thought he was going to at least get a kiss out of Ale before he left. Carlos buttering up the suegra is a new low. Is she caving a little? Before she was resoundingly sure telling Ale to drop Carlos regardless and now she's saying maybe it's better if she takes her time.

Re from yesterday--I, too, thought about the mirror images in the cases, especially in the scene with Benji and Letty. I wonder if there was any inkling of recognition that she might end up in the same situation as Milena.

Thanks, Jardinera. Carlos is the early bird who catches his worm of a cousin, Alan - ha!

Last night, Ale annoyed me as much as Elena did. Where's door No. 3?

I don’t blame Ric for not chasing Ale. If she’s dumb enough to take Carlos back, let her. For the record, when Carlos woke up from a drunken night with dancing girl Patricia, he did not look horrified (“Oh, what have I done! Sullied myself right before my wedding night!). He looked smug and even left Patricia a rose.

That is because it was the only way a miserable failure like him could ever manage to get hold of a firm as big as that one.

How big is Carlos’s firm anyway? We never see anybody working there but the two of them and the secretary. Anita, I too enjoyed Carlos socking it to Alan, and he hasn’t even seen yet the company bank withdrawals that Alan directed in his personal (offshore?) account.

Oli convinces Rosi to place charges and get him locked up for a good while along with the divorce so she can then live in peace.

Poor Rosi is between a rock and a hard place. Locking him up means he can’t earn income to pay her child support and his anger will fester.

Dear Jardinera, what a fantastic recap! Loved everything about it but especially the following pearls: "Rick is a brick";"...find some other hovel to abide in";"Viewerville begins to gag" and "Ric says he's welcome to try and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya".

Regarding Rick and Elena scene at the beginning, she managed to trick him to come to the movies by saying that the movie the children chose is a horror movie and Natalia panics during such movies and wants her dad's company and also wants the whole family with her. Brick being a brick of course says yes. Then Elena reminds Brick about Natalia's recital and he says that they have to buy tickets for it asap and that he is going to deposit a wardrobe fee (quota de vestuario) and is going to attend it, of course, just like he has done every year.

Regarding Juanito and Fer, she said that she thinks that he doesn't want to take her with him because he is going to "meet" those girls and he said that it will be strictly for work, since it's a murder investigation, that he never frequents such establishments, and that he will invite her when a milder (leve) investigation presents itself.



Thanks Irene for the clarification 👍 👍. Brick will remain Brick for the foreseeable future. His moniker stays.
Niecie, I want a door#3 myself! Don't care for the matchup of protagonistos this time.

Anita, Carlos was definitely piddling in various and sundry corners, doorways. Good thing the color matched with the carpet.... phew !!

Steve, I was hopeful Ale would wish to wash the man right out of her hair instead.

Thanks, Jardinera! Great recap. I love how the nicknames are starting to emerge...Rick the Brick, jaja.

Anita, I hadn't thought about the syndicate threatening Ale, but now that you bring it up...she might have more than one reason to feel sorry she posed for those tabloid fotos. I've been cutting her some slack because I do understand that you don't exactly fall out of love overnight, but hard is it to say, "STOP KISSING ON ME WHEN I'VE JUST BEEN SOCKED IN THE JAW, BOZO!" (I loved when she told Paula that Carlos is very, very sorry and her Mom said, "Yeah, I know, he's been telling me about it for hours.")

Best line of the epi, though: my little Roberto telling his new conquest he's basically "un surfer hippie-chic." Well, it would work on me. ;}


As far as Leo's advice regarding Rosita is concerned, he is totally wrong to so confidently say that Rosita can decide that she wants her husband not go to prison and if he agrees, that's what's going to happen. We are talking here about a criminal prosecution for assault, death threats and domestic violence. Those are serious offences and there is enough evidence to substantiate each and every one of the charges.Thus, the prosecution has a very good chance of success and there is a substantial public interest for a it to go forward, and therefore I very much doubt the prosecutor would want, under the abovementioned circumstances, to consider a plea bargain where the only punishment imposed on the defendant would be mandatory psychological treatment. Granted, a prosecutor should always hear what the victim has to say, but the final decision on everything concerning the prosecution is solely in prosecutor's hands. It is up to him to decide whether a plea bargain is warranted in a specific case, most often due to weak evidence, unreliable witnesses or in order to protect the victim from the hardship of testifying in the court of law. Plea bargaining means that both parties (the prosecution and the defense) have something to gain in not going to trial, which is clearly not the case here.

Also, I never took Leo for a dummy, but he just about killed me with his stupidity when he said that Rosita would be safe because of a restraining order. Surely he must understand that a restraining order is just a piece of paper that says that a person must keep such and such distance from another person. Failure to comply is a violation of the order which can result in the arrest and prosecution of the offender, however it will be of no consolation to the victim if the person that murdered her is also arrested and prosecuted for a violation of a restraining order.
Caveman husband does not appear to be someone that would be deterred by a piece of paper, and I bet he would violate a restraining order in no time.

So overall, very poor advice from our star criminal defense lawyer.


Irene--It WAS poor advice to give to an abused woman when the reality is more like what you depicted. But Leo is a principled man and probably believes that an official piece of paper is sufficient. We'll see how it goes, eh?

I wonder if we'll even see a prosecutor. It would be more in line with our tn-savants to have him defended by a court appointed lawyer against Team Vega representing Rosita--crime or no. We'll see how it goes, eh?

I sure hope little Nora's case is appealed by someone who knows the legal system better.

Great work, Jardinera. Our thoughts are in line.

Carlos calling Alan on the carpet was right and good. However, warning him of the investigation was not. Why should he have warned him unless there is a chance of catching him in the act of embezzling money or communicating with the wrong person?

Which Carlos should have thought about with regard to that inmate. This could cost him his personal professional credibility in addition to putting Alejandra's life in danger. He doesn't seem to have thought of that.

Aleandra never posed for the tabloid press: They ambushed Carlos and she was caught in the trap. There was no escape unless she would have been willing to tell him in front of the paparrazzi that she was not going to marry him. I wonder how that would have turned out.

Moreover, we now know that Rosita's terminated pregnancy was a result of a rape (she said to Victoria that he came home drunk and forced himself on her). So caveman husband is a very dangerous predator and there is no way that I, in Leo's place, would sleep easy knowing that someone like caveman is out and the only things that keeps my client away from him is a measly restraining order.

By the way, why didn't Olivia mention the rape charge to the prosecutor is beyond me. In 2005 (much later than in most of the world), Mexican Supreme Court decided that rape within marriage is a crime, thus terminating the previous legal doctrine (based on the assumption that the purpose of marriage is procreation) according to which a forced sexual act by a spouse only constitutes an undue exercise of conjugal rights.
The court stated that forced sexual relations within marriage -- whether the force is physical or psychological -- was a crime. The ruling was unanimous and it stated that earlier doctrine had denied women the right to exercise their sexual freedom and was based on an interpretation of rights relating to property, not human beings.



Anita, I am virtually certain it will be Leonardo representing Rosita against some public defender, which is a shame, because people watching this telenovela will get a totally unrealistic idea of how the legal system works and it might have far reaching consequences.
It's a shame, because the writers could actually use the plot to help people to better understand the legal system and to acquire a very needed knowledge of concepts to which they otherwise would never have been exposed to.

For example, Victoria could have told Rosita that marital rape is a crime now and that she shouldn't hesitate to report it to the authorities; Ricardo could have explained to Joel that he could have avoided his ordeal by a simple usufructuary stipulation; Juan could have explained what a presumption of innocence means to the lady that was accused of stealing a necklace etc...



"Carlos is the early bird who catches his worm of a cousin, Alan, in a host of omissions,"

Oh my, I do love how my Jardinera states things. And yes, "Brick" is a perfect nickname for our somewhat stiff, upstanding, but-oh-so-noble Ricardo. Alas, Alejandra appears to be weakening. While still pushing Carlos away, she's talking a different game, musing how he seems to be truly repentant and oh so "detaillista". Ugh. But of course, the drama must continue with Elena tugging on one end of the couple and Carlos on the other.

Alas, as Irene says, a restriction order means nothing. Lots of murdered women in our community here had a restriction order and it did nothing at all. Their abusive husbands always found them at work, and sometimes had the generosity to shoot a few of their co-workers as well.

The worst example was a divorced dad, children went to school with mine. He had visitation rights and used them to murder his two young children as a way of exacting revenge on his ex-wife. Legal agreements mean nothing to people in a quest for vengeance.

Seems like only the good souls believe in being law abiding. Such a world!

Thanks Jardinera. Always enjoy your saucy and spicy prose.

Judy and Blue: thanks. Urban U are right about Carlos being a big mouth and don't know if it was a hubris or purposeful.
Judy, a heartbreaking tale!

Jardinrea superb recap.

Liked those Snappy Nick names.Love the brick. When I see the sleaves of ric's coats I can See where the brick comes in. He will Need to use those bricks when ale gets Into trouble when Carlos starts helpin The mob. I agree, they will probably Threaten ale' s life to get him to do What they want.

Oh ale don't fall for that "baby I
Slipped and fell into temptation I'm sorry" crap. These tns do stuff for effect at times, so she's gonna Need some serious rescuing, and bricks arms
Are gonna bust out of those jacket sleaves and look like henry cavill and
Rescue his lady love. Without the "S"
On his chest,just a "B" for brick. Ha.

Loved seeing Carlos get onto asslan for being an enept lousy lawyer. But
He really should be careful cuz Alan
Could start workin with those cell mates against Carlos. Oh there is all kinds of evil lurking around these 2.

When I saw that jackass of husband who
Devorced his wife cuz he couldn't stand her anymore, the nerve of him thinking she owes that sh*thead any-
thing....what universe is he Livin in.
Now I can see him slithering over to carlos, and Carlos helping him just to
Get at RIC....the brick.

That caveman jerk,he needs to be in the Poky. He crazy. And as for the
Restraining order....yall saw how he
Just walked into Vega & associates?
It was like him walkin through a wall
Of Restraining orders...paper will not stop this man. I can see him getting a
Gun and comin after her and anybody he
Feel is interfering with his old world
Ways of thinking a woman does what she
Is told no questions asked.

Elena is a spoiled little intitled lil
Piss head who will have a hard fall &
I'm lookin forward to seeing it happen.

Thank you jardjnera. This is getting good.


Jardinera,sorry for that miss spellin.

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