Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Pot Amar Sin Ley, 4/3/18 Chapter 21: Deadline Or Dead In The Water?

Juan, who's quickly becoming the poster child for kids lacking a father figure-- is introduced to Alejandra and starts to gossip like a middle-aged old lady about how it's no wonder she'd want shed of Carlos after what she'd gone through on account of him.

Olivia tells the janitorial worker, Rosita, her husband legally has no right to keep her kids from her.  Also, thanks to Sr. Vega, her case will be pro bono--they won't charge her a centavo to represent her. 

Leo and Rob introduce Juanito to Oli.  Afterward he asks a moment to call his mama to tell her he'll be late getting home and not to wait on dinner.  Rob and Leo get a chuckle out of that one.

Ale mentions to Ricardo in their office that she does feel her relationship with Carlos is like the 800 pound gorilla in the middle of the room.  She says they've got to discuss this.  He says he doesn't want to pressure her.  She tells him that no matter what's going to possibly happen to Carlos, her and Ric's relationship makes her feel alive again.

Victoria tells Isabel that Gustavo is suing the backside off Mal-ena.  Isa doesn't care.  She's been disillusioned by the man she'd devoted herself to and is determined to divorce him.  Vicki says she's giving the case to Ale who's very good.  Isa is down with that.

Vicki knocks on the door and asks her to speak to Gustavo's wife.

Juanito calls Mama and tells her he's hired (no notice at the SJW office?) and will be starting in on the Carlos Ibarra case; don't wait up.

Ale advises Isa to speak to Gus and hear what he has to say; he doesn't want a divorce.  Perhaps once the initial anger and hurt passes the two of them might reconcile like a couple did just the day before.  Isabel is totally opposed and says the law is on her side.

Juan reads through Carlos's case and his findings track exactly with Leo and Rob's.  Nothing actually links Carlos to the crime and he was leaving the room at about the same time the death occurred; Carlos couldn't have been in two places at once. They are glad, if not relieved, that he's joined the group--a good find for a junior lawyer.

The mama of the princess in pink who was accused of knifing and killing the taxi driver has come to Carlos's law firm for representation.  She explains the girl was attacked by the horny taxi driver and her daughter killed him in self-defense.  Alan graciously agrees to take the case.  He sidesteps telling the lady how much his defense will run her.  "--Freedom for your daughter carries no price."

That evening, Ale broaches the subject of Carlos and ending it with him with Ric.  Ric says it's not the time or place and he won't force her about this.  She knows, but she needs to discuss her feelings.  She knows she does not want to lose Ric; they agree to go talk over dinner after she finishes the paperwork for Isa.

Rosita tells Oli she's afraid her husband will get violent.

Rob posits that with the toxicology report they should be able to suggest Patricia the call girl died of an overdose. Leo cautions Juanito against opening his mouth and chatting about the case, especially in front of Ale again.

Alan pays a quick visit to Taxi Girl and tells her not to worry.  Tells the facts to the judge and she'll be out in no time.

Oli and Rosi arrive at Rosi's apartment.  Cave Man Hubby comes out from the bedroom and starts screaming and yelling at Rosi, telling her to get out that he never wants to see her again!  (What a pig, anyway, with a face and a personality not even a mother could love!)  When Rosi tells him she's brought her lawyer there, he starts in on Oli also.  He's got no reason to talk and get the heck out!  She cannot do a thing to him.  Oli says but yes she can: robbing Rosi of her property and kidnapping her kids.  She'll call the police and they'll put him in jail.

Alan chats with worried mama of Taxi Girl.  Not to worry just because Carlos is indisposed.  Carlos isn't the only lawyer at their firm.

Cave Man Hubby yells to Oli that those are his kids.  She tells him they're Rosi's also so it's considered kidnapping.  He spits back at Rosi "--Did you tell her what you did?  That you killed my child!!??  Did you??"  Oli informs Ape Man Hubby that it is Rosi's body and she has a right to do with it whatever she wants.  He doesn't enter into it.  Fine, then he's getting a divorce. "-- See your kids.  I'm outta here!  I want nothing more to do with you.  You killed it!"  He slams the door and leaves the apartment.  (Bolt the door, Rosi.  You are so much better off without this ape.)

At dinner that night, Juan explains to his mother that Carlos gets dressed and is leaving to get married.  He orders breakfast and adds a rose as a nice gesture, then leaves cash to cover the cost of a taxi.  "--That is not something which a murderer would do.  And when her friends arrived and found her dead it was at the same time he was asking for a cab.  The man couldn't be in both places at once.  Besides, there's a possibility that the girl was taking drugs and O.D.'d in her sleep.  Case closed."  Mama cheers.  But why isn't that all in the news?  Because papers only want what sells and this is all classified anyway.  (Great.  Now Mama will blab it all to her friends.  So much for on the q.t.)  Couldn't he have run off in a hurry right after?  "--No.  He was too calm and collected leaving the hotel.  However, if for some reason he IS lying, I will note that and catch him on it."

At the restaurant, Ale explains why her relationship with Carlos is simply on hold: yes, she broke it off with him after he'd cheated on her; but then, at the jail he got a beating and asked her not to make a final decision until he was out of jail and she agreed.  Ric simply pleads his case (pardon the pun) that despite whatever happens to Carlos, HE will never cheat on her or ever hurt her in any way.  He seals it with a kiss.

Next morning, Juanito goes to the court house and receives a memo; he then stops at the ME's offices and explains he understands the methods and timeline for them to process a case.  However, in case something becomes available today he'll just hang around outside his door in hopes of getting it that much more quickly.  ME tech who is obviously uses the Mañana Method of report processing, tries going back to his morning paper but is too perturbed.

Rob and Leo visit Carlos and advise him of what they've found so far that now makes his case very winnable.  Great, he says.  Just do me a favor and don't tell Ale.  He'd rather do it.  They look sheepishly at each other.  (How to explain to this guy that Ale is more and more a lost cause for him?  How out of touch with reality can a guy get--current circumstances aside?)

Ric has Ale join him for a signing of the paperwork on the man who woke up and cannot stand his wife of 30 years any longer.  The guy infuriates him and he needs Ale's calming touch for himself and the wife.  In the conference room, the wife begins crying, is humiliated at his insistence she sign; he just wants shed of her.  She can take everything but just give him his freedom so he can start a new life.  Ale enters the conversation and says take my advice: (something to the effect of)  "--Take what he's offering and you'll be better off.  Do what I say and believe me you can do better and you will manage just fine."

She signs and he boisterously thanks Ric and walks out the door.  Laura, his wife, sees her whole life as lost.  Ale tells her it is just beginning: she now has a chance to start again doing what SHE wants to do, maybe studying or trying a hobby whatever.  Laura thanks her for her support; Ric offers her his sympathy in light of the situation.  She thanks the both of them and walks out the door with her head held high.  Once on the street, she buys a lottery ticket--maybe it's her lucky day anyway.

At Taxi Girl's trial, she testifies to give her version of the facts.  When the prosecuting attorney takes the floor he affirms there were no marks on the defendant, nothing to prove she had been attacked--no cuts or bruises.  Therefore, where is the proof of self-defense?  Alan is slack-jawed and speechless.

Back at Vega and Associates, Rob races into Leo's office.  They've set a date for the trial to begin.  Leo says it's way too soon!  They don't have their irrefutable proof of the ME's toxicology report yet!!  Rob says they could still use their various hypotheses.  Nope!  It's panic time for Leo.  They MUST have that report!!


Thanks for the 411 on what happened last night. Your title was perfect for resuming the cliffhanger...Will our Fab Trio clear Carlos or is the whole case screwed?

Now on to Rosita. Please don't throw tomatoes. Obviously we're on her side because she's married to a dreadful pig and she's just trying to protect her living children. But what if she were married to a nice guy who provided adequately for the children, and she got an abortion of the latest one, without asking him, because she didn't want to have any more.

Would we still say "it's her body and she doesn't need to consult with her spouse"? Half the genetic material is his, so I think we might be a little more sympathetic to his side.

Just wondering what others think. Opinions may vary.

Hey, Jud! No, don't know what the law really is there concerning your hypothesis. I am guilty as charged on this recap--going along with the writers. On the other hand, I prefer adoption - with a closed file and no 2nd thoughts once the birth parent signs off on it. Yeah, I thought of what you did, and have no answer cuz it would mean she had sense enough to get birth control or dicuss it with the hubster beforehand. But, that assumes the two people involved are as aware/educated as most Americans these days about the topic of abortion, birth control--natural or otherwise before getting married. IMHO, we must cross the cultural devide first, then the educational divide and then the legal one--which varies from country to country. Good UA discussion topic. No priest in this story to provide the old fashioned side of things, either. " : > }

Re: Rosita
Is it that Rosita and her husband don't believe in contraception? Honestly it's better to use protection than resort to abortion as a means to contraception. Five kids does sound like a lot, but even if the husband was the problem and didn't believe in contraception she could have discreetly taken the pill or IUD or something (I know these things fail too, but I somehow get the feeling they don't use contraception).

I only sympathize with Rosita when it comes to the issue of the husband separating her from the children and being kicked out of the home. I don't buy Olivia's argument that it's her body she can do what she wants with it, but I also happen to not believe in abortion unless the circumstances really demand it. I actually couldn't believe Olivia would adamantly believe in abortion, given her desire to start a family and have many kids. This case is kind of on the gray line because the husband is major jerk, but I kind of lean to his side because he does have a right too, that was his child. It doesn't matter how far advanced or undeveloped the fetus was, because it was genetically his child. And being married to Rosita, I feel his opinion counts too, but if both spouses disagree, who gets to have the final say? I understand Rosita trumps him in this because it is her body, and so she's the one who can just go to the clinic without his knowing and get the procedure done. Physically there's little her husband can do to stop her from abortion. However, someone's access to a choice doesn't make it an inherent right.

I respect everyone's opinion on this matter, whether or not they agree with mine.


Gracias, Jardinera.

Someone once deleted my opinions on abortion during a past series and I have no desire to provoke the closing of this blog -- or eviction from it -- if any such topic incites a digital battle. That was why I imposed the discussion rule for La Candidata about no real-world political digressions and closed the discussion threads once the next episode's recap went up.

In this specific example, if the law in D.F. permits a woman to be the sole decision maker regardless of her marital status then Rosita did no wrong. That is all we should be concerned about in this story. Her husband is an abuser and their children are not his property, so kidnapping them is a crime. Throwing her out of their home should be regarded as a crime. What we need to worry about is whether she or Olivia will become victims of his violence any time after this scene.

That there haven't been priests as supporting characters in recent years is an interesting change. If anyone living in Mexico or did in the recent past is reading this, please let us know whether Mexico is becoming more secular.

Alan pulled a major guilt trip on Alejandra back when Carlos was initially arrested. He told her that Carlos had to have hope that she would welcome him with open arms once he was out of jail. At this rate the longer he is still in the more guilty she will feel. She needs to decide now what she is going to do since she had drifted back to indecision. Paula is telling her not to feel guilty about moving on. We all agree with her.

Isabel should care about what Milena is trying to do to Gustavo because that will affect her and Luis. Even if Isabel comes from money Gustavo is financially responsible for Luis. If Milena manages to destroy his ability to make a living then he can't provide child support. Not to mention that Isabel doesn't deserve the public humiliation.

Jardinera: You've really outdone yourself in this recap.

Good Morning All!!

I want to touch on so many things with this novela, i love it.

First on the priest thing, I think when a novela takes place in a small secluded town then we see one appear. But if the story takes place in the big city then they don't bother with one anymore and if one does appear they pain them like in Papa A toda Madre, closed minded and old fashioned.

On the abortion thing, im glad we all have our own views and in this story they painted the husband as bad only to make us sympathetic towards her decision. I also ask what would be the story if the husband was actually a good guy. I'm all for female empowerment but to have Oli do it? Come on at least have victoria do it. Its more believable.

On the Isabel thing, really getting annoyed how everyone is pushing for them to get back together. He cheated FOR A YEAR. compared to Carlos's one night stand Gustavo looks worse. If i were Isabel i would not take him back and i would clean him out in the divorce then get a restraining order on him. Its over you screwed up big time. There is nothing he could say to fix it. I feel Isabel might actually hate him. Which i feel shes allowed to do. whether she feels hurt now or tomorrow.

I might be the only one but Ale and Ric's relationship seems forced and going to fast. The way they express themselves about each other makes me kind of uncomfortable. I wished it took longer for them to fall for each other. I also sense no chemistry between the actors. Just don't buy it.

That's all for now. Can't wait to read responds :)


Has there been anything in this series to indicate how much time has passed since the opening episode? It has to have been at least a few weeks. The fact that we don't see calendar pages on screen really makes this a challenge.

About Juan... In L.A. Law Victor Sifuentes had to have been at least 30 years old and most likely about 32. Most law school graduates in the US are between 24 and 26 on the day they get their degrees. If Victor passed the bar exam on the first try -- which we can easily believe -- and spent four years in the Public Defender's office he's at least 30 years old in the opening episode. A newly-minted Mexican lawyer is probably 23 or 24 due to a 5-year undergrad program and Juan looks like he's had a little experience at least. I agree with everyone who says that this role should be played by a younger actor. As to the character, I'm going to bet that he never had a father.

And can we not refer to the rapist taxi driver as "horny"? He had a knife and prior intent. Rape is not about lust; it's about power, control, and ultimately hate.

I'm going to bet that Alan will blow that case.

UA, definitely México (and I guess, Latin America) is becoming more secular... especially young people... Televisa still is very traditional (doing changes little by little), other TV Networks are way more "open".

Just watched the show and we've talked about folks making "guest appearances" on it. That sure looked like Jesus Ochoa playing the taxi driver. Yikes!

Thanks, Jardinera. Juan, who's quickly becoming the poster child for kids lacking a father figure -- you certainly nailed our bubbly new attorney.

However, in case something becomes available today he'll just hang around outside his door in hopes of getting it that much more quickly.

I do like Juanito though. When he gets down to business, he’s good. You go, Juanito!

I’m not sure Rosita’s husband was an ogre before her abortion, but punishing her by taking the kids from her is stupid. Her having the abortion is probably an affront to his masculinity, making him feel like she thinks he’s incapable of providing for all of them and maybe that she doesn’t want him any longer. When Rosita first told Oli her plight, I got the sense that another birth was simply more than she could handle emotionally or physically. If pro bono marriage counselors exist, I suggest that.

I think Ale and Ric moved too fast, but then they haven’t done the deed yet. I like the chemistry. Those to sizzle when they're alone together. I didn’t like Ric saying he couldn’t live without her – that was crazy TN talk -- but he was back on track last night being calm and not pressuring her.

I don’t think Ale is indecisive about whether she wants to give Carlos another chance. She doesn’t. Hope she doesn’t prove me wrong. When Carlos is with her, he’s near a nervous breakdown. Wish she could observe him when he’s with Leo and Roberto, because then he’s worried, naturally, but still his old self.

I was looking forward to Jesus Ochoa, but now his taxi driver is an alleged rapist. He's dead, so I guess we won't be hearing his side. That poor girl needs Juanito to represent her, not does-no-homework Alan.

Carlos is two faced. He plays the helpless helplessly in love weaklungonly around Ale. It's all an act to keep her via guilt IMHO


Jardinera--Excellent--par for the course. Juanito may be a poster child for not having a father figure, but he certainly had a helicopter mother. That's why he's helicoptering around the toxicologists office. I bet he comes back with the report. Can't wait to see what it says.

I'd like to stay out of Rosita's affair, but here's my take: Her initial story was that she already has five children. She didn't know how she was going to handle another baby with work, presumably being dead tired at the end of the day and having to take care of all those kids---and that the husband was not pulling his weight to provide for the family.

She doesn't look old enough to have 5 kids unless she had one every nine months starting at age 15. She probably couldn't get appropriate access or counseling for birth control, but after the third or fourth child she should have asked to have her tubes tied. I don't know what the laws/regulations are in a predominantly Catholic country, but it's pretty hard even in secular countries like Mexico's northern neighbors.

However, I'm afraid I have to agree, that if you are married, living together in stable family circumstances, the decision has to be a joint decision. The message they are giving us through Vega's case is tough to parse, but Oli was definitely getting ahead of a lot of viewers making the statement that, "You are in control of your own body and nobody can interfere with your decisions."

Still, many working mothers manage with the help of older children taking care of younger children. Not ideal because it robs the older child of a childhood, but we all know it happens (see Lola in Caer en Tentacion). What do we do about an unplanned pregnancy, then? By then it's too late, unless you want to keep the baby, give it up for adoption, or abortion. The best solution is not to have an unplanned pregnancy--but that takes us back to square one--access to the proper methods and use. Here's where the woman CAN take charge of what happens to her body (if her partner refuses to use condoms). I am not in favor of using abortion as birth control and---without data to back me up--I believe most women who undergo abortions are not in that category.

Niecie--I was thinking the same thing when I saw Ochoa's face. But, quick, get ahold of the movie, Divina Confusion--if you haven't seen it already. Ana Brenda Contreras is in it, too, and a whole bunch of other familiar faces. It's fun. He plays Zeus. He and the other gods are messing around in Mexico.

Good Recap Jardinera654. Some interest
ing opinions but I'm going to say this and then I'm going to leave it alone cuz this is a topic that can get hot really fast and I don't want to get hot about it cuz I do respect other peoples opinions and their right to have them, and here is my opinion. I hear sometimes in situations like this where people always say"it's her body" yes it is she can do what she wants with it, the thing is she didn't do what she wanted with her body she did what she wanted but the child's body. Some considered them not even human yet, that kinda floored me when I heard that, well I think they are but that's the way of the world. And as for hubby, I wish people would be more considerate of the fact that the hubby or the boyfriend should really have an opinion too. Even tho she may deside to go ahead and abort. Which may end
The marriage or relationship.Why don't
They use birth Control? Or adoption?
Well it's done now so......moving on.
He could deside to come back. Maybe.

I think Alan is a sorry lawyer. He is
Gonna loose that case. And that poor Girl will go to prison. That Guy was huge. He could broken her pelvics, OMG. Her mom Need to go to Vega and Associates and get Leo and Roberto and Juan on the case cuz he probably raped some other passengers and they just didn't say nothing about it. A serial rapist taxi driver. And it was premeditated cuz he was looking at her legs while he was trying to drive and then he just decided "I'm gonna get some of this here". He died from lust & stupidity.

I'm believing more and more that Alan
Set up Carlos. I will be surprised if
He didn't,Cuz there could be some deep
Under lying jealousy there. OMG this
Poor girl is gonna go to prison just for Defending herself against a serial taxi driver rapest. Cuz she got a real sorry lawyer.

RIC & Ale's troubles are about to start.Carlos,"honey I'm oooouuut come
To daddy".

That jerk that devorce his wife after
30 years of marriage cuz he's tired of her. I hope she wins that lottery. And when that chick he left her for take
Everything he got and he come crawling back to her and see all that money she can say "how you like me now?"And have nothing else to do with him because he humiliated her in that office with Rick and Allie yelling at her to sign the papers, she did not deserve that from that dog. He will see that again.

Thanks Jardinera654.

There is a lot of casting against type in this series, too. Guillermo Carcia Cantu, Julio Gil, Jose Maria Torre, Roberto Ballesteros, Azela Robinson, etc.

No surprise about the secularization of Mexico in view of events in the last two decades.

Forgot to mention this earlier but I also hope that Laura wins the lottery. She will then be able to have a good life. I'd recommend that she change her name and leave so that sorry ex of hers can't come after her.

I also thin that Juan will make a real pest of himself at the coroner's office until he gets that report.

Jardinera, thank you so much for such an entertaining recap. I loved your descriptions of Juanito as a gossiping middle aged lady and the horrid husband as a cave man that not even a mother would love.

As far as paternal consent to an abortion is concerned, apparently already in ancient times people were preoccupied with this issue.

Sopater, a 4th century BC Greek writer from Alexandria, quoted the lawyer Lysias, who had referred to a trial in Athens in which a man named Antigene accused his wife of having deprived him of a son by having an abortion.

In second century AD, Emperor Septimius Severus ruled that a woman who had an abortion without consent from her husband should face exile for having deprived her husband of children.

Nowadays, some countries require the authorization of the husband for a woman to have an abortion, but often such authorization can be overruled when pregnancy threatens woman's health.

In the United States, several States tried in the past to enact laws requiring paternal consent for an abortion, but such laws were declared unconstitutional. Therefore, nowadays neither paternal consent nor paternal awareness are required for an abortion. Such is the situation in a majority of countries, including Mexico if I am not mistaken.

It is interesting to note that fairly recently (February 2017) in Uruguay (where there is no need for a paternal consent to an abortion) a judge issued a temporary injunction in case of a woman who decided to have an abortion against her partner's wishes. If I understood correctly,the judge based her decision on a law requiring the woman to provide to a doctor information pertinent to her decision to have an abortion, so basically the judge thought that the fact that the father opposes the abortion is pertinent information and should have been provided to the doctor. The woman appealed the decision. She was 10 weeks pregnant and the abortion in Uruguay can only be performed up to the 12th week of pregnancy and it was feared that by the time the appeal is heard it will be too late for her to have an abortion. At the end, the woman suffered a miscarriage before the appeal and the appellate court declared the issue moot, while heavily criticizing the judge.



I wonder how did they get Jesus Ochoa to accept a non-speaking (grunting doesn't count) two seconds appearance? With that said, this was a great appearance, he was outright terrifying.

I am not familiar with Mexican law, but i find it hard to believe that self defense requires to have injuries.
Self defense is a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger to oneself or others.
The whole idea of self defense is that you use force in order to protect yourself or others from injury or death, therefore it is absurd to say that if there are no injuries, it's not self defense.It is more difficult to prove self defense when there are no injuries, but it is still self defense.

In a case like this, where the victim and the assailant never met before, the victim being a huge male taxi driver and the assailant a scrawny very young female, the victim being killed with his own knife, there being no motive whatsoever to the killing and the assailant's story sounding true, no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges against the assailant.



Jardinera - Carlos is most def playing on Ale's pity when she visits. He knows that's all he's got to keep her from cutting him off completely.

Anita, thanks for the tip on Divina Confusion. Sounds like fun.

First of all, I'd like to thank you, Irene, for all the detailed information on subjects that are touched on by this telenovela. I read it all carefully and it often leads me to more research on the subject.

Second, does anyone know who is playing Laura, the jilted wife who just bought the lottery ticket? My memory fails me, but she looks familiar.

I'm pretty sure Laura is played by Pilar Ixquic Mata who played Isela in La Candidata and Diego's (Jorge Poza) mom in el Hotel de los Secretos

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