Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #74 5.1.18: The Truth Shall Set You Free, Like a Cold Bucket of Water Will Wake You Up

Or Drug the Old Man and Add Barbed Wire to the Fence AFTER the Dead Come Back to Life

Mr. Bustamante, Veronica’s and Tono’s boss, takes them to her office and announces that the meeting was a complete success and their clients were very impressed. She smiles wide and apologizes, again, for the daily celebration thing, but Bustamante apologizes for not understanding the value of such a tradition. She then goes to tell him something, but he tells her that they will talk tomorrow as he has to go. Once alone, Tono tells Veronica, sarcastically, that her work is important and great and the only thing that matters. Veronica chide shim for being so rude but Tono reminds her that she didn’t tell their boss that he helped, even though she should’ve.

Renee is crossing the street when a motorcyclist stills her bag, but Mauricio grabs it back as the motorcyclist is getting away. He cheers but the motorcyclist turns around and reeves his engine, leaving Mauricio a little scared for his life.

Veronica tells Tono that they do great work together, and credit shouldn’t matter, but Tono prefers to resign. Veronica doesn’t think one thing has to do with the other but Tono thinks she’s being crazy about everything lately. Veronica admits she is, because he drove her crazy, and that’s why she hit Yolanda with the soccer ball. Tono knew it was her and calls her possessive, which Veronica denies, but, by then, they are close enough to kiss and do so, right on Veronica’s desk Tono separates for a moment to close the blinds and then kisses Veronica again.

The motorcyclist runs after Mauricio and hits him over the head, knocking him down and sending Renee’s bag flying. The motorcyclist grabs it and drives off as Renee goes to help Mauricio who, upon seeing the blood on his forehead, faints.

At Logatoys, the motorcyclist calls Falcon to tell him that they got Renee’s bag and computer; Falcon instructs him to take it where they agreed and hangs up. He tells Fabian the good news, but Fabian doesn’t smile.

At the most awkward “family dinner” ever, Jorge tries to explain his current economic situation but Kika’s parents aren’t impressed. Charytin also reveals that he used to drive for a pseudo-taxi application and her parents wonder if this is the man Kika wants at her side. Charytin reminds them that Kika has always been very populist and Aristides asks Jorge to please leave so they can talk as a family. Jorge is more than happy to leave and runs out the door. Kika holds him back for a minute to kiss him but Jorge barely acknowledges her and runs, with the promise of a call back later. Once alone with her family, Kika asks if family why they love embarrassing people.

At Neron’s, Pablo tells Flor and Neron his plans to leave for the US border tonight. Flor asks Neron to convince him to stay but Neron has given up trying to do so. Pablo thanks them for all they did for him and Neron asks him to please be careful. Pablo is sure he will find his father soon and he will be successful in the US. Flor is sure of it as she thinks she has developed a sixth sense because of the chemotherapy. She smiles and hopes she can see far enough into the future to see if she lives. Neron laughs at her joke but moves her wig and Flor chides him as Pablo looks on.

Renee cleans Mauricio’s cut and asks if he feels better. Mauricio nods and tells her he does, except for his wounded masculinity. Renee thinks the cut is superficial but warns Mauricio they will go to the ER if it gets worse. She chides him for trying to fight the mugger, but Mauricio reminds her that she tried to follow the mugger too. Renee reveals that she did as soon as she realized that her computer and the notes on her project where in the bag but now it’s lost, and the computer is too old, so she doesn’t have her notes. Mauricio offers to give him the one he has, as he has so many, but Renee shakes her head and thanks him.

Post coitus, Veronica and Tono are basking in their glory, happy to be behaving like teenagers again, and having sex at the office. Tono continues to talk but Veronica shushes him and wonders why they ever decided to get divorced. Neither can think of a big reason why they decided to do it but Tono admits that he is a little pigheaded sometimes, but he still loves her. Veronica admits that she is still very much in love, which is why she gets so jealous, and gives him a kiss. After a moment, Veronica wonders what they will do now as she already has her divorce papers and all they need is to sign them. They ask each other if they want to continue getting divorced but they, likely, decide against it because they kiss again.

Aristides and Topacio Braun can’t believe Kika has fallen as low as Jorge, who was dressed horribly, as Charytin reveals that he has four kids. Kika explains that she has changed though and demands they leave her alone if they are only going to make fun of Jorge, lest she get even more mad than she already is. Charytin and Topacio run to the door but Aristides stays behind to warn Kika that they aren’t leaving until she forgives them, even if it is by force.

Fabian looks over the documents in Renee’s computer and congratulates Falcon on a job well done. He then looks over Renee’s design and decides that it is more interesting than he thought, and Renee is a genius. Falcon asks if they can use the design to build a prototype, but Fabian is silent.

As Renee bandages his forehead, Mauricio tells her that he may have lost some ideas because of the bump on his head but Renee calls him ridiculous though suggests he goes to see a doctor. Mauricio has a better idea and asks her to put her hand on his hand and tell him what she has been holding back for days. Renee doesn’t think she should, but they are interrupted by the doorbell, and Renee doesn’t say anything else. Turns out the visitor is Ariel, who sees Mauricio and asks if he comes back alter, but Mauricio explains that it’s fine, but Renee lost a lot. Renee explains what happened to Ariel as Mauricio thanks her and leaves to avoid any more awkward situations.

As Veronica and Tono continue to kiss, they wonder what to tell the kids as this is obviously a reconciliation. They then wonder what to tell Bustamante but can’t think it over as Adelina calls Veronica to tell her and Tono that Bustamante wants to see them in his office. She thanks her and hangs up as Tono wonders if they should tell him the truth right now.

At home, Maria cleans Mauricio’s wound, but he calls her heavy-handed. Maria apologizes for not being as careful as “others” but then asks Mauricio to keep his distance from Renee because she’s tired of running into her everywhere, especially now that they’re together. Mauricio asks her not to worry as Renee will soon be leaving but Maria asks if he’s worried about something else he hasn’t told her. Mauricio shakes off her concerns and tells her he is very busy with the play before leaving.

Kika calls Jorge to tell him that she will have the recommendation for Rodrigo done soon enough. Jorge thanks her and she then wonders if they will see each other later. Jorge doesn’t think it will be the best thing, especially because of her situation with her father, but Kika admits that she is still very mad at him, Jorge doesn’t know what happened, but he gives her the same advice she gave him: to learn to listen. She chides him for copying her, but Jorge simply told her the same thing she told him. Kika shakes her head.

At a restaurant, Aristides and Topacio can’t believe Kika is dating a good-for-nothing lout but Charytin reminds them that Kika loves trolls dating apps and that is probably where she found that man. They all think she will end up maintaining him so Aristides as Charytin to find out Jorge’s address, ASAP, and warns her to not say anything to Kika. Charytin tells him that she would never.

Tono and Veronica sit with Bustamante, who praises Veronica on a job well done in such a short time. He then goes on and praises the owner of the company as Veronica tries to tell him the truth about Tono. Tono stops her and Bustamante continues to tell them how she did an excellent job, despite being a woman, and how the owner doesn’t let anyone from his family, including his very capable wife, work at the company because he hates nepotism. By then, Veronica and Tono are probably sweating bullets because they don’t know how to tell him the truth.

At school, Valentina continues to text Danny, who admits that he wanted to show her something: a big picture of his face and body at the beach. She thinks he has a great body and Danny asks her for a picture of herself in a bikini. Valentina immediately tells him no but asks him if they can meet in person and she may wear a sexy blouse then.

Renee and Ariel walk out of the police station, but Renee doubts they will find her things; she hates that she lost her laptop, but Ariel thinks she did the right thing and reported the theft. He then suggests they go for tacos, so she can feel better, and Renee promises to call him later on and they will go. After a moment, they go their separate ways.

At Mauricio’s, Anifer asks him if he likes her hometown. Mauricio is tells her it’s not the best but he doesn’t hate it so Anifer asks him to come with her and Maria on their trip because she will miss him if they are gone for too long. Mauricio tells her that he would go to the end of the earth for her and reveals that he and Maria are also now dating, so he doubts they will be gone long. Anifer wonders why he doesn’t look as happy as when he was daring Renee though, when his eyes shone, but Mauricio explains that it’s different with Maria, makes a joke about the pollution, and then asks Anifer to continue doing her homework.

Renee arrives at Fabian’s but finds that Fabian is waiting for her instead of Noel. Renee didn’t think he would be there, but Fabian thinks they have plenty to talk about and welcomes her inside to discuss things. Renee looks unsure.

Inside her office, Veronica tells Tono that they have to be quiet about their relationship or they will be fired, despite the fact that they both do their jobs well. Veronica suggests they hide their feelings, as best they can, but Tono wants to know how close they can be and goes in for a kiss. He stops himself though, but Veronica wants another kiss. She admits that she loves being his secret lover and they kiss again as Adelina walks inside the office and pushes Tono behind the door, crushing his teeth and nose. Adelina asks how the meeting went and Veronica tells her it went great, but she has to go now and slams the door shut. Once alone with Tono, Veronica kisses him where it hurts to make him feel better.

Inside his house, Fabian congratulates Renee for building a relationship with Noel, unlike him. Renee finds it strange that Noel would tell him about their meetings, but Fabian explains that he and his father tell each other everything. Renee wants to talk to Noel though, but Fabian explains that he feels “indisposed.” He then asks if he can help with anything, but Renee is there is discuss her house’s title. Fabian thought she had a lot more pride and wouldn’t want to live in the house that belonged to her mother’s lover, but Renee has no reason not to live in her house. She then explains that, with the house, Noel did a lot more for her than she ever expected, unlike some people, (who crave love but aren’t willing to give it) and she will be damned if she doesn’t fight for the house her mother worked so hard to maintain.

Jorge hands Rodrigo the recommendation letter, written by Kika, and Rodrigo laments that it wasn’t written by him though Jorge thinks Kika’s letter is better. Rodrigo is happy to have it either way but hopes life teaches him to be more understanding than he’s been. As Rodrigo walks away, Aristides arrives and looks around before asking Jorge if he lives there (in a dump is what is face says) and Jorge goes to shake his hand, but Aristides doesn’t move. Jorge then suggests they go to a cafeteria as Baldo, Samuel and Valentina arrive and greet them. Aristides asks Jorge if all of them are his kids, but Samuel explains that Lili is missing. Aristides nods slowly as Baldo as for the meaning of a word in Venezuelan Spanish before Valentina realizes that he must be Kika’s father. She explains that she is his daughter’s biggest fan and Aristides wonders if that is all she is. Jorge pushes his three children inside the house (because they are ruining the moment) and suggests they go to a café, again, as Mauricio arrives. Aristides shakes his hand and looks at Jorge, who wonders what to do now.

Fabian tells Renee that Noel doesn’t want to see her, period, but Renee doesn’t believe him. Fabian thinks she’s being ridiculous and reminds her that fatherly love isn’t born overnight. Renee is well aware and reminds him that she’s only there to deal with her house’s title though Fabian thinks she wants to bleed his father dry. Renee doesn’t care and begins to scream for Noel, but Fabian warns her that he will call the police, so they can kick her out. Renee doesn’t care and asks him to do it, so she can tell everyone the truth about her patronage and the fact that Noel faked his death. Fabian doesn’t think anyone will believe her and demands she get out, now. Renee wonders why he always trying to ruin everyone’s life, but Fabian is sick of her spiel and asks her to leave, again, before warning her to not jump the fence because he put barbed wire on top. Renee leaves quietly and Fabian goes to Noel’s lair to check his pulse (still alive but barely).

Jorge, trying to defuse the situation, begins to babble uncontrollably. Mauricio asks him to be quiet and wonders what he has to do with Kika as Aristides reveals that Jorge and Kika are dating. Mauricio is shocked, but Aristides can’t believe Jorge is behaving so cowardly and hiding his relationship with his daughter. He then warns both Jorge and Mauricio to keep away from his beautiful daughter, especially if they are playing with her feelings, because he won’t allow them to use her as they wish. Jorge tries to explain that he would never do that, and Mauricio backs him up, as Jorge thanks him and then Mauricio leaves. Once alone with Jorge, Aristides asks him how many zeros he wants to stay away from his daughter. Jorge demands he respect him, but Aristides is done talking to him and hopes Kika gets over her infatuation with him, soon. He walks away as Jorge wonders what to do now.

That night, Renee goes to Rafael and fills him in on what happened with Fabian that afternoon. Renee believes Fabian is doing something to Noel, but Rafael doubts it as Noel is very weird to begin with. Renee doesn’t agree, as Noel talked to her freely the past few days, but she must do something and suggests talking to Rodrigo, so he can investigate. Rafael can but he reminds her that Rodrigo needs a report to be able to search the house and she can’t reveal that she jumped the house’s fence to talk to Noel in the first place. She wonders what to do then.

In Noel’s lair, Fabian brings Noel his dinner as Noel chides him for drugging him. Fabian will explain it soon enough and then reveals that Renee visited them, but he barely spoke to her, though she did look sad. He tries to get Noel to confess what he was going to tell Renee, but Noel shakes his head. Either way, Fabian refuses to share his father’s love with Renee and Noel calls him crazy. Fabian nods and thinks he inherited all his good traits before taking away the food and leaving Noel’s to his thoughts.

At Mauricio’s, Mauricio jumps up and down with joy because Jorge is dating Kika. Jorge thinks Mauricio feels betrayed, but he is over the moon because Jorge, the conservative cave man, and Kika, the liberated social media queen, are a match made in heaven. Jorge still thinks he betrayed Mauricio, but Mauricio shakes his head and asks Jorge for details. Jorge reveals that they are just dating, for now, and seeing how things are going. Mauricio suggests he talk to Kika about investing in the cooperative company, but Jorge doesn’t want to mix business with pleasure. Mauricio understands but suggests he resolve his issues with Aristides, soon, before it comes between him and Kika. Mauricio then cheers some more but Jorge looks uncomfortable.

At the Barrientos household, Veronica and Tono sit their children down and reveal that they are no longer getting a divorce. They cheer but the kids could care less. When Tania announces that she has homework and tires to leave, they hold her back and ask if she’s not happy with he news. Tania wants to know if they will continue to fight like before and Veronica promises that they won’t though they could have a little fight, here and there. Tania admits that they seemed happier when they were getting a divorce, and she thought it was great because they still lived together, and Ernesto agrees. Veronica and Tono tell them that they promise not to fight as much and smile because they will be together forever now! The kids don’t move and Tono and Veronica tell them to give them a big hug. After a moment, they all hug, happily.

Pablo goes to Jorge’s to say goodbye to everyone and Lili confesses that she will miss him dearly. Pablo promises to take care of himself and asks Lili to take care of their child. Jorge stands silently in the back and watches as Lili and Pablo promise to write each other every day and hug tightly. He then bids each of them goodbye with a handshake and even Baldo wishes him good luck. Jorge then tells Pablo that, despite their differences, he wishes that Pablo finds his father in the US. Pablo thanks him and he and Jorge shake hands as Lili watches, a smile on her face.

At Mauricio’s, Maria and him sit on the couch and she asks him about her surprise. Mauricio asks her to be patient and Maria agrees and then goes to check on Anifer as Mauricio receives a text from Renee, asking to see him tomorrow, in private. Mauricio smiles, thinking that this will be good news.

The next day, the Braun family sans Kika walk down to the lobby to go shopping but they run into Jorge, who asks Aristides if they can talk.

On the Mexican side of the border, the coyote instructs Pablo how things are going to go but he seems wary. The coyote advises him to listen to him or things can get very dangerous. Pablo considers this.

As Tono and Veronica kiss and pretend to be “cheating” on their spouses, Bustamante knocks and comes in. Tono pretends to find something he was looking for on the floor as Bustamante sits down. He notes that they seem happier and both agree that a job well done makes them very happy. Bustamante asks if they told their spouses about their great success yesterday and they both say they did and their spouses were great. After praising their spouses for a bit, Bustamante reveals the real reason he’s there: the company’s owner wants to invite all of them (and their spouses) to dinner tonight. Veronica and Tono wonder what they will do now.

Mauricio arrives at Renee’s and she sits down with him, wondering how to tell him what she needs to tell him. Mauricio, think she is trying to get back with him, encourages her to talk and Renee reveals that she found her real father: Noel Carvajal. Mauricio is floored that it is all she has to say so Renee reveals the big twist: Noel Carvajal has been alive this whole time! Mauricio is shocked…


Another great recap, Alfredo. I loved the title. Just perfect! ! Thank you!

Toño got on my last nerve when he was moaning about not getting recognition for his part of the job as Verónica did. Maybe he should not have settled for a job as an “assistant” and have gotten a higher position with more responsibility some where else.

Anyway, the post sex scenes with him and Verónica were a hoot. At least those two are back together so that is one couple down and how many more to go? We have little over four weeks left.

Feeling rather ambivalent about María, Mauricio never should have told Anifer that he and her mother were novios.

Fabián is just the worst of the worst.


Alfredo, thanks for your excellent recap. The title made me laugh.

Fabián is a total nut job. If I wasn't sure before, I certainly am now. His father is much the same and I suppose this at least partly explains why Fab is so bad. So I have to partly excuse Fab for the bad things he is doing... everything except those truly awful pants he wears. Those are just unforgivable.

Toño and Vero are a hoot; it should be fun to see what they do >> Thursday <<. It looks like fútbol is on Wednesday.

I don't know what to make of María. She got interested in Mau in a big hurry, and now seems determined to make a man of him.

No babying him while attending to his booboo, for instance.

And now she wants him to come across sooner rather than later while poor Mau is still dreaming of "cursi" rose petals. Ah, well.

Who else? Ah, Pablo. The man should watch the news on TV some night. Crossing the border illegally is no cake walk. If María's friends have located his father just tell him to get on "Face" and they can talk. Much better than getting beaten and battered only to locate your father and find him shacked up with some floozy (male or female, doesn't matter) drinking rot gut all day.

KikaBoomBoom's father should just be dropped in a canal some night.

I better start keeping up with my TNs. Playing catch up seems to give me dyspepsia.



Thank you for your recap, AlfredoA, and great title, too!

When Mau was running with Renee's backpack, could he have held it out any farther toward the motorcycle? (~rolls eyes~)

Renee does not seem very traumatized by having her laptop stolen. WTH?

Toño's tie around Vero's head was a real hoot, a I liked his plaid boxers. LOL She's mad for plaid.

Jorge tying his shoe laces while he Meets The Parents was a nice touch.

Renee's bandage on Mau's forehead was overkill. I've got Hello Kitty bandaids (for granddaughter) that would be the right size.

Vero & Toño's youngest boy (Federico?) was just a hoot, sitting there truly bored out of his gourd, when they broke the news to the kids. Brilliant bit of directing.

And we learn that Noel, the walking dead, isn't "dead" dead after that dose of prune juice. Ummm ... yay?

Maria is marking her territory. Have those two "done the deed"? Hard to know, with this show.

Haven't seen this yet Alfredo, but looked forward to your recap with my morning coffee and you didn't disappoint. Marvelous title.

And Dyspeptic Andy, your suggestion to drop Kika's dad into a canal sounds good. Still, I'm very pleased that Jorge is on the receiving end of a father who believes he is unworthy of his daughter. How does THAT feel, dear upstanding Jorge? I'm sure this will be another little "empuje" on his journey to emotional redemption.

Can't wait to watch Ver and Toño's reconciliation scene! And the scramble for fake spouses will be fun. I have enjoyed their story and Neron and Flor's the most.

Thanks as always Alfredo. RgvChick has a "ghost" but I think of you as a ghost now too...we see the recaps but never hear from you. Hope all is well.

Good morning, all.

Thank you, Alfredo, for another wonderful recap of all the happenings.

I guess that we all knew that the Bickersons were just going through activity patch trying to adjust to their new normal of becoming the new breadwinner. And who will serve as their spouses?..Neuron and Flor...R & R...Kiki and jorny...Renee and Maury??

So...Fab let his old father crash to the floor after drinking that Koolaid. I am amazed that Noel did not break anything!

Maria...ugh...smells like desperation to me.

Pablo heads to the border.....

Kiki..the original cool shoulder...cold upper chest and back...in those strapless dresses ..which have become a uniform of sorts.

Alfredo, this wasn't much of an episode but your recap was clever and so much more enjoyable!

"After a moment, they all hug, happily". Tono and Vero back together and actually smiling. Right where they should be. "She's mad for plaid" - love it doris.

"Danny asks her for a picture of herself in a bikini" Uh oh.

"Fabian refuses to share his father’s love with Renee". Huh? In addition to being cruel, calculating and unscrupulous, Fabian is obviously totally delusional too.

You nailed it Jarifa with "Fabián is just the worst of the worst".

"Anifer wonders why he doesn’t look as happy as when he was daring Renee though, when his eyes shone". Nothing escapes a child's pure, honest gaze does it?

How do you solve a problem like Maria? I'm not too sure if Maria likes Mau or the idea of Mau but "She is got interested in Mau in a big hurry, and now seems determined to make a man of him" was great and insightful Andy.

I wouldn't want to be in Jorge's shoes now. Actually, I'd never want to be in his shoes. "I'm very pleased that Jorge is on the receiving end of a father who believes he is unworthy of his daughter. How does THAT feel, dear upstanding Jorge?". Thank you Judy, no need for me to comment, you said it perfectly.

Renne didn't seem too distraught over the loss of her computer, I agree. But I think she would be far more concerned if she knew where it landed. She is even keeled which in the real world is a good thing, but as the main femal protag in a TN? Not very exciting. If she can't drum up enthusiam for her romance, how can we??

Pablo is surely not going to have an excellent adventure. Crossing illegally. What can possibly go wrong? The possibilities are endless.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how Tono and Vero pull off bringing their "spouses" to the dinner. I'd love to see Vero bring Jorge And Tono bring Flor. Now, that would be great fun.

Alfredo, thank you for the excellent recap! Greatly appreciated.


Balls is a,ways wearing that puffy down(?) vest, Renee her leather jacket, and Kika her strapless dresses or so low cut her boobage threatens to spill out. I'm really confused about the climate there in the privada. 😳

Balls? Thank ....NOT .... autocorrect. Baldo!!! Aaaaaauuuugggghhhhh! Aotucorrect is our enema! And look, it can't even correct that!

OMG that bandage. A Blues Clues bandaid would have done just fine.
I have 'saved many lives' with just that. Doris we think alike. :-)

And that little motorcycle? Couldn't Mau just kick him off of it?

Then I see that the head bandage quickly changed to something more in line with
a dressing on a mosquito bite.

Well, Tonito got laid. And her wearing his Madras plaid tie as a headband and his shirt was truly a hoot.

PopaKika doesn't look much older than Jorge, Yikes !

Mau finally sees 'Also ran Jorge ' is now with Kika.
And doesn't realize that Kika Braun is waaaaaay ahead of both of them. (Einsteins)

Vero and Tono's little one doesn't know he is on TV. Too cute on the sofa with the other two.

Jacket does Renee have? I think I have seen 8 or 9 identical ones. Is it one jacket and they just paint it each time?

Some of these people are (Doris) wearing next to nothing, while others down vests and leather jackets....HUH?

"Anifer wonders why he doesn’t look as happy as when he was
dating Renee though, when his eyes shone" Can't Fool Kids and Dogs.............

Really enjoying Autocockwreck this AM.



1 Mint Green
2 Forest Green
3 Mauve
4 Pink
5 Burgundy
6 Brown
8 Navy Blue

OK Eight.

Thanks a bunch Alfredo, for making sense of a nonsense episode.

I really like the writer's honesty showing Lili wanting somehow to get across the border to plop out the baby so we can pay for all of it. I am surprised they would go there.

doris, auto-correct drives me crazy, too, since much of the time I have to re-enter what I want three or four times before the keyboard will believe that I want what I want but, on the other hand, it does finish words for me, etc., so my lazy self doesn’t turn it off.

Diana, I am not looking forward to Pablo’s “ not excellent adventure” (to put it in your “excellent” description) either. I wonder if he will just turn up in the USA or if they will take us on the road like they did before with the bus ride. I hope we hit the road with Pablo.

It will be interesting to see what outlandish Laurel and Hardy scheme V/T come up with for the Familia Dinner. Real life would have one spouse sick and the other conveniently out of town on business. but I just have a feeling we can count on these two for more.

And if there is to be no spouses working in the same company, Gawd forbid, two married spouses be having a secret office romance. (As it would appear to Bustanutty.)

And after Noe drinks the prune juice kool aid, and collapses on the floor, and Renee's bag/laptop is taken by the motorcycle/scooter boy, where is the outrage and anguish? I suppose I am just high strung, but if somebody did either of those things to me, I'd be out for blood.

I have ridden dirt bikes on winding wooded trails at breakneck speeds, and believe me, even a tiny sapling much less substantial than Mauricia barely clipping the handlebar can send rider and bike tumbling. My Chiropractor finally talked me into quitting that craziness.

I guess Renee/ Mauricio couldn't hop into their Corvette and chase down the perp.
And from Noel's perspective, I suppose Fabian actually looks normal. ? ? ? ?,

So Fartian looks over her LogaBot design and decrees she is a genius? OK, we will go with that even knowing Fab would not recognize genius if it stared him in the face. If you can't beat them, join them. Why not offer her a job? Every time you need a new product you can't send motorbike boy out to get one.

I think that Maite has a very laidback acting style. She seems to be in the under acting as opposed to the overacting camp.

Fidelito is by far my favorite part of this telenovela. He has no idea that he is in A tv show.

Diana, Jorge's shoes would be much too big for you. Size 13 maybe???

Wardrobe department seems to assign certain style to each character and that's that. I do like Rulli in those crew neck sweaters. He looked good in the Orange one even though I do not like orange , but last night's deep purple was a great color for him.

"Diana, Jorge's shoes would be much too big for you. Size 13 maybe???"

Mystery no more................................


Jarifa - I once turned autocowrecked off. That lasted a day, for the same reasons you keep hours in. Can't live with it. Can't live without it. 🙄

When Renee's backpack was stolen. IIRC she was looking down at her phone while while crossing that street. She could have been hit by a vehicle. Where is the PSA in that scene???

Two years ago, I met someone who worked for an insurance company. She said their health insurance policy for a major university had to finally exclude coverage for injuries as a result of stuff like that, all related to phones, tablets, earbuds as a result of "distracted walking." Otherwise they were going to go broke paying claims. Made sense to me.

Hours in??? Yours on. Gah! 😜😜😜

Seriously, I need to proofread.

Doris not long ago a fellow was killed near here while walking down the beach. He had his earbuds in and cranked. He did not hear the airplane making an emergency landing behind him. The beach was the only surface available to the pilot without a functioning engine.

We've had one or two opincidents of teens walking down train tracks, earbuds. Killed by train.

Doris...yes, these days, everyone is in his or her own little world. At the college, there are little seating areas. People would start talking together. Now, everyone is texting, talking on a celphone, or working on a laptop. Really sad. They are missing the chance to meet someone new. Where would I be now if I had not said hello to a stranger in the library?

You see the distracted walking all the time around here. The distracted drivers are the worse. As with other violations, the police never seem to be around for the goofball holding up traffic or all over the road. I only know of one person I know of ever getting a ticket for not using a hands free phone while driving. So, it does happen.

Yeah Susanlynn, really sad. If all the electricity went away, humanity would soon resemble a handful of larvae poured out onto a car hood, wriggling around for a while before they die.

Except for the "crazies" with survival and farming skills living out in the boonies off the grid to begin with.
It would be a great relief to all the actual real wild animals .

Yikes, where were we? Oh yeah, we were talking about how all modern cars are designed to stop automatically rather than run down some brain dead iphone user who walks into it's path.

Darwin would be proud.

Kirby, Pathetic to actually say that it is a good thing to have one of those cars because you never know where one of these goofballs are coming from. They even wander through parking lots and pop up from between parked cars. Sort of makes me think of The Walking Dead: pure oblivion to their surroundings.

I can see it for when some little kid darts from between parked cars.
I am glad THIS THING doesn't have that feature.--------------------------------------------------------->>>

Another gripe - people who walk out in front of us in a parking lot and don't look first! Didn't your parents teach you to Stop, Look & Listen before you cross the street???

"Look both ways":

I taught my pretend kids that and thankfully, it stuck.
I also let them make all the noise they wanted to. My grumpy neighbors used to say "Jesus, she makes so much noise, I can hear her and the other kids a block away !"

I always said, "Good, so I hope if anyone is ever trying to stuff her into a car's trunk it is within a block of me."
I always told her if anything ever started to happen to make noise, scream, kick, bite, and R U N. To my house if possible.

Their school was a couple of blocks from my backyard. Sometimes, at recess, I could actually identify my little neighbor's MOUTH as the kids were at school playing. She just turned fifteen the other day. Time flies

For Susy----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>

GM, folks!

Kirby, "Diana, Jorge's shoes would be much too big for you. Size 13 maybe???"

Mystery no more................................


Susanlynn, Fidelito is by far my favorite part of this telenovela. He has no idea that he is in A tv show.

He's not my favorite part of this telenovela, but he is definitely a hoot!


I kind of remember Renee also wearing a red jacket and a royal blue one!

Tha patio is in fine form today. Beautiful avatars and great conversations.

Some of us had been wondering a while back about the second season of La doble vida de Estela Carrillo. I just read that a month ago, the plans to do a second season were scrapped, at least for 2018.

I am wondering what is on the horizon. I thought a remake was going to be done of Esmerelda with Osvaldo de Leon but I don't think that happened.

I would really love something good go come along.


I do not pride myself on my malady vocabulary and had to look up dyspepsia.

On Andy's behalf I an relieved that something Flor has is not TNcontagious, and he will be alright.

Andy say some serernity chants and look at this. You'll be fine.


And this

Greetings, my Patio Buddies! Busy, busy day so late. to the patio but popped in briefly to read all the amusing and/or insightful comments and thank Mr. AAA for spinning his gold. Diana, I too thought it wasn’t much of an episode, the recap is so much more entertaining.

Andy, thanks for the heads up on the fútbol game tonight. I’ll have to find something else to do or watch.

Back laters...

Great Blue Heron strutting his stuff. You can't see his feet though.

My 10Ds are still smarting about Jorges 13s. If this ever gets on Facebook, even my imaginary girlfriend will dump me.


Last week I saw on Despierta America that Susana Gonzalez was going to appear in the second season of Mi Marido Tiene Familia. I wonder how that will go.

I guess she's getting time off from Aventurera.


I think Renée wasn't overly upset about the loss of the computer because as she said, she had most of it backed up. Little does she know that her crazy half-brother is about to steal her work and pass it off as a Logatoy patent.

Kirby..the heron is beautiful. Aurocowrecked wanted "heroin" but we wrestled for awhile , and I finally won. Also, it did not like "autocowrecked"and tried to talk me into ," shipwrecked. "

Does anyone know what show is following this one? Diana, I , too, hope that we get a good one. I miss my old telenovios..Fernando C. And Big Ed .

Spring seems to have actually sprung...birds are singing , and I am enjoying all the lovely flowering trees..pink, white among the brilliant yellow forsythias.

Kirby, yes, kids grow up fast. You're changing diapers one minute and in a blink of an eye you are looking for colleges and planning weddings. It all goes by so fast. We must savor every moment. Oh, by the way, I know that you are a fan of both bees and photography , so you might want to check out my favorite author's Facebook page ....Diana Gabaldon..she is displaying some beautiful photos of bees in flowers.


Kirby, love Mr. Heron strutting his stuff.

Susanlynn, I miss what is becoming the “old guard” of galanes, too.

Susanlynn: I see that Jorge is the new "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" guest meeting Kika's family ROFLOL.

"Does anyone know what show is following this one?". --- Stevey's post from back in September(?) had a long list of upcoming projects. I need to find that. I think last night was episode #74 of 102 or 103. Does anyone know how to reach him/her for updates?

Here is Stevey's last report: http://caraycaray.blogspot.com/2013/04/proximas-index.html

More great comments to read, yay! SpanProf, nice to "see" you pop in to the patio!

Last night's episode seemed choppy..like they just piecemealed some scenes together.."Okay we have 45 min. just air it!" Oh well...at least we're trudging along with some of the story lines.

So Vero and Tonto reconciled just a quickly as they split up...great! Jarifa, “Anyway, the post sex scenes with him and Verónica were a hoot. At least those two are back together so that is one couple down” Now can we focus on the other story lines?

Susy, "Susy, “And who will serve as their spouses?..Neuron and Flor...R & R...Kiki and jorny...Renee and Maury??" If they decide to do that, Neron and Flor would be the best choice.

Kirby, Mau probably didn't kick the bike because he could have broken a toenail. If they would actually do some thinking, they should question why the biker was so adamant on getting the backpack. I would expect that if it were a simple robbery, the thief would have fled...not try for a second time. Doris, "“Renee's bandage on Mau's forehead was overkill.”" Yes,it was!! I was expecting her to draw a smiley face on it or put stickers on there.

JudyB, “I'm very pleased that Jorge is on the receiving end of a father who believes he is unworthy of his daughter…this will be another little "empuje" on his journey to emotional redemption." I sure hope so, the man needs to finally realize what a prejudiced idiot he is.

Diana, regarding Renee, “If she can't drum up enthusiasm for her romance, how can we??” Nodding furiously!

Andy, “Ah, Pablo. The man should watch the news on TV some night. Crossing the border illegally is no cake walk.” OMGoodness, I do hope he does watches the news! There are reports of the border patrol finding/capturing illegals practically on a daily basis here in the RGV. Just last week, there was an accident about 3 miles from where I live. A suburban transporting 15 illegals crashed--one fatality and several in the hospital. Two days later, a raid in a house in McAllen where several illegals were being held...living in horrid conditions. SO many sad stories...

Kirby, glad you are no longer on dirt bikes on winding wooded trails at breakneck speeds. And that blue heron is an amazing shot! Thanks!


I agree with all the comments about Jorge's redemption. Could it have already begun last night, when he treated Pablo with courtesy and shook his hand? Even Baldo shook Pat's hand. Methinks Baldo does whatever his dad does. Well, except Kika. 😁


Chickie...I often think of you and where you live when I watch the news. So depressing and sad.

Thanks, Alfredo.

Love Kika's dad giving Jorge a taste of his own medicine.

Susy, about kids, all that screaming paid off in the long run I guess.

Miss MOUTH is a Varsity cheerleader now.

Yeah, Mauricio fainted? Pulllleeeeze.

wanted "heroin" but we wrestled for awhile , and I finally won. Also, it did not like "autocowrecked"and tried to talk me into ," shipwrecked. "

Maybe it's pissed because I named it Diablo.

"Wrestled for awhile", and " tried to talk me into ," shipwrecked. " has me laughing so I can hardly type.

I think one night we should have AurtoCoWrecked night and just submissively let AutocoWreck have it's way and simply publish whatever AutocoWreck chooses for us.

It could be funnier than Vero and Tono.


Kirby, great idea. Sometimes, the struggle to correct autocorrect is real. It has pinned me several times .

OMG, Susy, you had to tap out?

Doris: Methinks Baldo does whatever his dad does. Well, except Kika. ��

Doris, that's too funny! And I am NOT going to try to add to it.


andy, laughing

Blogger didn't like the emoticon. Why pick on me, Blogger?

just smileys andy


This comment has been removed by the author.


Andy, follow it with ; a semicolon'

&#number in decimal;

or &#xnumber in hexadecimal;

If you're wondering what's up next, this is a link to the Proximas page on my blog https://5ftlatina.com/cohete/calendar/proximasupcoming/

I update it pretty regularly.

Kirby, thanks for the info, but considering the finished screen size I'll just stick with smileys.

:-) see?


Thank you, 5ft.

Kat, thank you so very much. I like anything Esmerelda Pimental. So nice to "see you"....

Prettiest heron I've ever seen...


Embarrassed to admit I've never been able to get past Esmerelda Pimental as "Kenia" in Abismo de Horror, so whenever I see her face, I think "evil". I really need to work on this, because I'm missing some good 'novelas.

Good Morning! Breezy and humid day in the RGV, but thank goodness no sever weather.

5ftLatina, thanks for the info! I'm glad to see they are finally going to show "La Bella y Las Bestias," I've been waiting for it since I first read about it. I am surprised, though, that it will be airing at 9 (E) rather than 10 (E) since it seems like it's going to have some violence in it. Still happy to see that it's coming soon to a TV near me :-)

Oooh.....Beauty and the Beast....count me that in.

Morning all.

doris, I loved Esmerelda in everything I've seen especially El Color. Mercifully, it appears I missed AdH! I am looking forward to this and hope you will be watching.

RgvChick, glad you enjoying a quiet even if humid day there.

We went from heat 2 nights ago to air conditioning yesterday.


Diana, your weather sounds like ours. I sure would love to have “spring”. We tend to go from winter to summer around here these days.

"We went from heat 2 nights ago to air conditioning yesterday."
Same here! It was 79° in the kitchen, so it was time to turn on the A/C. 😛

Hot here,too, yesterday and today. Fans and air conditioning going last night. Straight into summer?

Speeding into summer is crazy.

Jarifa, I do remember spring, albeit it seems like years ago. Now there seems little transition. I long for walks with just a touch of warmth.

It was 91 here yesterday. 91.

The words "I'm cold" seemed barely uttered and now, "I'm hot". Sigh.

Looking forward to seeing tonight's episode!


Yay! It's Thursday, back to unreality!



Andy, thanks for the giggle . Back to unreality , indeed.😋

Diana, i think that we may have gotten up to 90 yesterday or at least the high 80,s...likewise today ...and very sunny both days. However, temperatures are supposed to go back to the 70s over the weekend. Everyone is scurrying to find shorts , tanks, and sandals here.

Renees laptoo: For someone who doesn't even own a bicycle, much less a car, a laptop is a huge investment. To us that is like somebody taking our boat. She took it like misplacing a pair of shorts

More Poultry in Motion...........................

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