Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/2/18 Chapter 42 Miercoles: Dens of Iniquity

Chapter 42: Dens of Iniquity

I'm Christopher Mason. The truth can be found in the strangest places. While this is usually thought of as helpful often it is quite distasteful. This is the unpleasant discovery that is made when good people need to enter Dens of Iniquity.

  • Alejandra accused Ricardo of being selfish and thinking only of himself. She was determined to deal with him only as a colleague and nothing else. She felt as though she had never been special to him. Paula tried to convince her to take time to think about this, but she would not be persuaded.
  • Victoria did not think that the sperm bank was a good idea for Olivia. It was contrary to her wish to marry the love of her life and have children with him. She felt that anything short of that would be Olivia shortchanging herself and the child. Olivia admitted that she was right.
  • Alejandra told her mother that she must be cursed since the two men she had fallen in love with turned out to be selfish losers and that she had no wish to go through this again. Paula told her that there were many men out there who were handsomer and better than Carlos and Ricardo put together, but Alejandra was not receptive to this. Paula tried to tell her how she had never given up hope despite her own many failures in this area of life. She begged her not to punish herself over this or worse, go back to Carlos after a disappointment with Ricardo. Alejandra was almost offended at the idea.
  • Based on her observations Victoria speculated that Alejandra would get back together with Carlos over the foundation he wanted her assistance with. Olivia disagreed, thinking that Alejandra must be confused. Victoria said point blank that she personally wouldn't be in love with either of them and preferred to be alone.
  • Had Victoria known the entire story she might not have thought so.
  • Paula was determined to get Alejandra to see reason and take her time with this. Alejandra's cell rang and she checked the screen. It was Carlos. Paula left the room so she could talk to him privately. He was arriving home from the office as he talked about not being able to stop thinking about her and how they used to spend weekends past, going to dinner and the movies, and sharing bottles of the red wine that he knew she fancied. She was not upset to hear him talk about how beautiful their relationship had been. Nor was she upset to hear him say that he would have to get used to being without her.
    She looked very sad.
  • Unless Alejandra was mourning her lost dreams, this was not a good sign.
  • Roberto led his two friends into the Rivoli club and immediately scanned the room for attractive women. He spotted three at the bar who appeard to hve arrived together and said they should just dive in. Before the approach he proposed a pact, that none of them was to go home alone. They then walked up to the bar and Roberto began the introductions and his pitch.
  • Carlos used the “no pressure” line and the claim of understanding and “before being your boyfriend I was your friend” etc. while setting up an appointment to discuss the foundation he claimed he wanted to establish.
    When she ended the call she looked as cold as a frozen margarita.
  • The coldness is a defense mechanism, often useful for self-protection. This is a lesson others still need to learn. At the same moment a party was taking place in another suburban area, one destined to have dire consequences.
  • A number of unsupervised teenagers was having a party hosted by a fellow named Francisco. A girl named Alexa stumbled toward the media room to get her cell phone but on the way was stopped by two of the host's friends. One of them handed her a tequila shooter and after some persuasion she downed hers along with them. She stumbled back to her purse to get her cell phone, wanting to call her father. She had it in hand when Francisco arrived with two red plastic tumblers filled with some unknown intoxicant. She tried to refuse this, saying she wanted to call her father. However, she was already heavily under the influence. Enough so that her cousin, Francisco, was able to take the phone away from her and convince her that her mother was asleep.
    He then handed her one of the cups and tipped it so that she swallowed its contents to the bottom to the chants of the others. He told her not to worry, that he would take her home. He then gave her the other cup and grinned as she drank its contents.

  • Alexa was too young and too drunk to be aware of Francisco's intentions. Meanwhile at the strip club Juan entered looking far more confident. He seemed to be intimidated no longer by interacting with the strippers. It must have been the black suit.
  • The waiter greeted Juan and took his drink order. Juan pointed out a girl and asked her name. The waiter identified her as Roxana. He offered to get him a prettier one but Juan said not to, so the waiter approached Roxana and pointed Juan out to her.
    She joined him on the couch.
  • Alexa collapsed and was barely caught by her cousin. Another boy came in with yet another round of shots. Alexa got away and stumbled toward the door as the shots were distributed. The boys laughed, then ran over to keep her from falling down. Francisco said he would take her home but suggested that she sleep a little while because she was very drunk. He tried to get her to kiss him but she pulled away.
    Finally he got her to put her arm over his shoulder and he guided her out of the room with one of his friends on her other side.
  • While Juan had found one of the right women for his investigations his colleagues were meeting all the wrong ones at their favorite watering hole.
  • The woman Roberto was trying to seduce apparently was an animal lover so he began bragging about how many abandoned puppies he had rescued and brought home. Of course he was caught when she asked how many he had; fortunately they both laughed.
    Ricardo's conversation was about work and he explained that while most thought that things were over when a judge made a decision that is often when the problems begin. When she asked how he managed his stress he told her he spent time with his children. When she said she was dying to have a baby he looked a little taken aback.
    Leonardo started talking about technology and how he preferred to take notes with pen and paper. He preferred physical books. His conversation partner was put off by this and said she never read. He couldn't believe it. She told him if a story sounded interesting she would wait for the movie and then go to the cinema. Not exactly his kind of woman. He was too polite to say so.
  • Juan and Roxana talked about her work. She didn't go outside alone with clients because it was too dangerous. He started asking questions about Tatiana and she suggested she dance for him. He said he'd tip her well for it if she would talk instead. He then took out money Leonardo had given him in the office, with a comment about whether she had to pay a commission. She seemed impressed with the amount, tucked it into her pink lace brassiere, and began answering his questions. Apparently Tatiana's child was sick and she would do anything for him.
  • Francisco put Alexa on the bed of what looked like a basement room complete with banister-free stairs. He deliberately fell on top of her but she was able to push him off and get up. She had her cell phone and she mumbled that she wanted to make a call. He got the phone away from her, did something to it, then put it on the nightstand. She collapsed back on the bed and passed out within seconds.
    He took off his jacket, then unlaced and removed her shoes before sticking his hand up the left leg of her jeans.
  • As Roxana flirted with him, Juan asked more questions. He had not known that Tatiana had a child. Another drink later he asked about the bachelor party and Tatiana's address. Roxana told him that this information would cost him. He gave her more money; she stashed it in the same place and then asked him to pay for a dance for the bar's sake. He agreed, then she whispered the information to him. He entered it simultaneously into his smartphone, then they got up to leave the lounge.
  • Francisco's two friends entered the basement room.

    Just in time to see him remove her jeans. “Your cousin is pretty” one of them said as they began removing their shirts.
  • Ricardo and Leonardo decided to call it a night. Ricardo told Roberto that it was too soon for him to forget Alejandra. Roberto then ordered a round of drinks for himself and the three ladies.
  • And then the screaming began. Alexa woke from her stupor and saw her cousin and his friends, who by then had stripped down enough for her to see weapons they were not entitled to use. She began to scream as they took their turns in front of each other, also taking turns at covering her mouth.
  • Roxana stripped down to her pink lace lingerie and started coming on to Juan. When she sat on his lap and they briefly talked she mentioned that Tatiana had all the luck with clients because she always got the ones with Money. After which she didn't want to talk any more about Tatiana. He asked her to stand up because his legs had fallen asleep. She stood up and asked him to buy her a drink. He agreed.
  • I always wonder how the expense reports  are filled out for this.
  • Alexa woke up in the basement bed. She was naked under the sheet. She also remembered what had happened because she cried.
  • Juan and Roxana returned to the bar. He bought her another drink and asked about Patricia. Yes, Roxana knew her but they had a falling out. It was all about clients, of course. Patricia had always been so competitive about everything, including how much her clients paid. She fought with everyone and it was annoying. “I have no real friends here; just co-workers. They're all bitches.”
  • The following morning was Saturday. Juan got up early, dressed in weekend clothes, and despite his mother's attempt at keeping him home went out to act on the information obtained the night before.
    When he arrived at Tatiana's building one of her neighbors told him she had left with her child two nights before. Juan claimed to be a friend of Tatiana's, then exchanged contact information with him to follow up.
  • Whether rich or poor, when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.
  • Paula woke Alejandra and insisted she accompany her for a Ladies' Day Out. Alejandra was reluctant, but Paula didn't take no for an answer.
    They had their nails done. Paula started talking about doing things for oneself was the best thing to do when romantic problems happened.

    They started talking about her ex-husbands, starting with Felix (who saw life as a Greek tragedy).
  • Ricardo was eating breakfast and reading the morning paper when his ex-girlfriend, Mariana, arrived with her best friend, who desperately needed his help. Hugo, a handsome middle-aged gentleman, then told Ricardo what had happened to his daughter the night before. Ricardo was shocked, but told Hugo that he had to tell him everything so that he could help. Hugo explained that his nephew had given a party the night before. The boy's father – his brother – was a wealthy lawyer so Francisco and his friends always felt free to do what ever they wanted without consequences. His daughter was in the hospital.
    He was sure they needed to hurry because he feared that the attackers would flee the country. Ricardo said he would have to bring charges first. He started saying “No, no” but finished with that the only thing he wanted was for the rapists to end up in prison. Ricardo told him he needed to file the charges first and Hugo almost became hysterical. He finally said he wanted to kill his daughter's rapists.
  • Paula talked about David, the husband who cheated, saying that it wasn't her fault. It was his nature. She said that everyone is responsible for his own happiness but that she would help her in any way she could because she wanted her to be happy.
  • Ricardo told Hugo he could not take the law into his own hands; that was the surest way to prison. Mariana got him to calm down. Ricardo said that he would have to talk to Alexa. Hugo told him that his daughter was a minor and that Francisco had been entrusted to watch out for her. He railed at feeling helpless. Ricardo told him “I also have a daughter and I would do anything for her.” Hugo then asked whether he understood his feelings. Ricardo told him he did but that they would need to act in the best possible way to help Alexa. Hugo agreed.
    Ricardo then told him he would need to get Leonardo because he was a criminal law specialist unlike himself. He warned him that it would be difficult because Alexa would have to give a statement. However, they would make the rapists pay.
When entering Dens of Iniquity one must be prepared. Roberto and his colleagues are experienced in this venture and know their limits. Juan entered with a purpose and it looks like he is learning. Alexa is the innocent who fell into a particularly vicious trap. It will take her father and more to help her out of it. Until we meet again Behind Mansion Walls, I'm Christopher Mason.



Your screenshots were awesome!!

Especially because I had to stop watching this episode when Carlos started whining his song and dance show with Ale.

Really are we going to see this pathetic behavior throughout this novela? I don't think I will be able to hang in for that long. Please let the writers develop a different plotline.

We are currently about 20 episodes behind Mexico. I don't know if we in the USA can post to Televisa's website or to their Twitter feed, but they do seem to listen to viewers (sometimes with disastrous results).

Carlos is playing pathetic; he's actually very Machiavellian. What he is doing to Alejandra is comparable to what toxic mothers do to their children to keep them close to them. However, if he tries to ruin Roberto -- who helped get him out of jail -- that should finish him in Alejandra's eyes.

The three frat boys should get cooked. I hope that this series follows The Rule of Karma because what they did to Alexa is unforgiveable. Is this generation without conscience or is it that we're hearing about this stuff now to a greater degree than in the past? When Victoria hears about this case she will want to go on the warpath.

Your Christopher Mason recaps are such a delight UA, and I feel no need to watch this episode (even if my DVR failed to record at the right time) because your recap was so complete.

I love Christopher's pursed lips and raised eyebrows. Clearly he has a puckish sense of humor and keeps enough of an emotional distance that his reaction is always "ah, what fools these mortals be".

And I also loved how you structured the tale--three Dens of Iniquity. The bar which is an upscale hunting ground for Roberto, and other men. And yet Roberto,in your wonderful screencap....and in spite of his promiscuity, just seems like a delighted toddler looking out at a wonderful playground.

2)Then we see the shoddier version of that upscale bar where predatory men pay openly for lap dances and other favors from scantily clad, financially desperate women.

3) And last, all the basement rooms (and they are legion) where heedless adolescents drug, rape (and often even film) helpless victims.

As in the case of the stabbing of the taxista, this incident mirrors something that actually happened in Mexico a few years ago.

As the mother of two daughters and one granddaughter, don't even want to think of it.

Your humor, as always, was on point:

"When she ended the call she looked as cold as a frozen margarita."

And also your observation (as Christopher) that coldness is a form of self-protection. We do build walls and I think that is what we are supposed to assume about Victoria. She has built walls around her heart for protection and it will be a long time before Roberto can melt that self-protective coldness.

Another gem, UA. Thanks so much for your time and creativity to start off our mornings.


Thanks, Urban. Great title and recap.

When Ric pointed out that his specialty is family law and criminal lawyers in his firm would handle the case, I thought at least PASL gets the law specialties right. Not like some TNs where one doctor treats everything.

Tough to watch that poor girl and that her own cousin was the pack leader. Urban, I believe we're hearing more about this stuff now but it's always been happening. It's heartening that brave survivors are speaking up.

So Carlos will turn up at Ale's office tomorrow morning to discuss his foundation. He's at Vega just about everyday. Shudder to think how often he'd visit if they were back together. Ale, for pete's sake, just take Carlos back.

Thanks, Judy.

Roberto is the proverbial kid in a candy store in this bar. I can imagine how the actor is having a really good time with this because of how he has been typecast in the past. BTW, I first saw him in the prologue episodes of Yo Compro Esa Mujer where he was the child version of the hero.

The question on my mind about Roberto is whether he will ever be faithful to any woman. We don't know his backstory.

As for the frat boys I could have put more upsetting screenshots in this but didn't know what the reaction would be. While I personally know of no example of this from my own youth or college years this makes me very happy never to have had children. I could not imagine having to deal with this as a parent.

Flawless recap Urban. I love Christopher Mason and all the screenshots.

That scene where Alexa was raped by her cousin and his friends was very painful to watch, it reminds me of a similar incident in the Netflix series "13 reasons why" where a teenage girl was raped by her boyfriend's friend while she was intoxicated.

It was thrilling getting to see Paula talk about her exes. They should have taken advantage of their time out together though to change Ale's Morticia hairstyle

Ava: My wife's cousin had a similar experience of attending a party & was drunk. She was violently gang-raped.

Steve,so disheartening, I don't even want to imagine the pain she has lived through, I hope the disgraceful bastards were caught and paying for it. My faith in humanity will never be restored.

Ava, I was also hoping for that. Alejandra needs something fuller on the sides and top, like an upsweep.

Which reminds me that it's time to do my nails.

Urban, you are simply amazing to pull a double duty and with such an emotionally draining episode to boot. What a stellar recap! The title is fantastic and so very appropriate and I loved how you divided the story into different dens and your very eloquent description of the horrible tragedy that happened to this poor girl. I loved the chosen screen grabs, they were spot on, especially Juan's facial expressions and the repulsive perversity of Francisco.

I found the gang rape scenes very well done and well acted, it was outright terrifying to watch. And the fact that the instigator is the victim's cousin is beyond tragic. I can't imagine the betrayal and the horror of a parent finding out that his child was cruelly raped by his nephew.

I hope that for once the writers will do the storyline justice and let the police and the D.A's office handle the case.

Alejandra got on my last nerve last night. I get it, Brick is the worst etc... but you don't want to be with Carlos, so why do you keep encouraging him? I hated it when she was overly polite with him, saying that he doesn't bother her, and thanking him profusely for his help. At this point, I really don't care whether she gets together with Brick or not. And I must say that I kind of like Carlos' take no prisoners attitude to winning her back. He, as opposed to bland, passive and needlessly self effacing martyr-like Brick, is actually fighting for what he wants and I respect him for that.


I am not a fashion expert, but I must admit that I almost went blind when seeing the horrible ensemble that Alejandra was wearing. Never have I seen more hideous and antiquated shirt, and the pants looked like something ordered on ebay for 99 cents including shipment.
This ensemble would maybe (and that's a big maybe) look appropriate on a matronly grandmother from a classical telenovela such as Los ricos tambien lloran or Cuna de lobos.



Urban--Thanks for the recap, complete with all the necessary scene clips. I went off happily to the opera last night and thought no more of PASL, knowing it was being safely recorded. It was shocking to come home and only finding 31 min. recorded--just at the beginning of the rape scene. In a way, now I'm glad I didn't see it (nor the nail spa and shopping spree results).

It's obvious in the Me2 era, to say that Alexa did not deserve this, especially raped by her own cousin. There was nothing consensual about this attack. Even drunk she tried to call home, to push the boys away and not to be forced to drink any more. My question is--at what point does Alexa take some responsibility for under-age, over-drinking? If she hadn't been drunk and was only dancing her head off in the other room, this attack would likely not have happened. Was this her very first introduction to alcohol? I think not. From what Hugo said, Francisco was used to doing whatever he wanted with his father's complicit permission, hosting parties, no doubt including Alexa.

But ni modo, Francisco and his two friends need a Bobbitt treatment. THEY were not drunk.

Meanwhile, it's too soon after Oli's ordeal to have to deal with something so awful and powerful. Urban--your description was horrific and sensitive at the same time. Kudos to you and Christopher.

Post Script--Alexa may have been too trusting of her cousin, since he was "charged" with taking care of her. It also shows that girls should learn early to trust only themselves. I can't believe that Alexa was "rebelling" against her parental values and WANTED to drink that much. OK. I'll step aside for now, or I'll get carried away.

Alexa is underage, so any "consent" these asswipes will claim is legally irrelevant. Not sure what the legal drinking age is in Mexico but the fact that she was not in a position to protect herself is the most telling thing here.

I hope they did a drug test on her for rufinol.

I know my memory is going but:

Where/when did this Alexa character come into the story??


Last night. Alfredo Aldame plays her father so I suspect we will get at least a few episodes out of this one.

A younger friend of mine was given Rufinol; and she experienced the typical side effects, loss of short term memory, loss of coordination, falling (on concrete, leaving her with a boxer's-like face), etc.
The only thing she was grateful for was that she wasn't raped, as evidenced by the hospital and the fact she still had on her panty hose.


The daughter of friends of ours was slipped Rufinol in a drink and was assaulted. This was during an overseas college semester. A bartender evidently had a habit of picking out women who struck his fancy and drugging them just before closing time. She did not want to press charges but her father was so outraged by the attack, it's more than likely what led to his heart attack a few months later.

That's horrible.

When the practice of jury selection consultation began in the early 80s I read an alarming article in the New York Times about it. The man who started that sort of business advised that if you want to get an accused rapist acquitted you should try to fill the jury with Irish-Catholic women. The prosecutor should try to fill the jury with fathers of girls or twelve men like Hugo.

NOTE: I will set up a discussion page to post after tonight's episode airs. Take notes because I will not be able to provide bullet points as I will be at the opera. Anita will be back tomorrow.

Urban thank you for this recap of this somewhat horrid episode.

I saw that scene with the twisted cuss
About to rape his cousin.I didn't not
Think he would join in the the rape fest of his cousin. I thought he was
Drugging her up for his putrid filthy friends.
But that sh*t turd didn't seem to care
She is his first cousin, if I heard Hugo correctly,his father is his bro. I wonder what kind of brother he is?
And those other two parasites, I want
Them is prison. NOW.

I fear that ale (ok I gotta spell her name a-l-l-y)^^that way sounds like a drink,lol) is about to fall head first into a pool of bull crap. And all her
Freezing her heart to keep from feelin anything is not going to help. She got
Herself into this mess by not cutting her ties with Carlos. She lets him guilt Her into feeling sorry for him.
And RIC being the gentleman he is gave
Her room to wallow back into carlos's camp...these 2 people are so annoying.
And too nice for their own good.

I want those little bastards in prison
And I want Juan to move the hell out of his mother's house. But this has been this way with them for years, to
Make a change now will be painful for the both of them. But if he keeps
Growing up he's gonna have to cut his
Momma's apron strings. I can see her fighting that.

The boys night out is down right so so borring. They were borring.

Ric needs ally, robby needs Vicky and
Leo needs oli.

Thank you Urban, and Mr mason.


PS, amazing screenshots Urban.

Dens of Iniquity! Too wonderful! Thanks so much. I'm not going to watch this one when I get home, due to the rape scene, but thanks to Urban I think I got all the plot points.

Steve, in reference to your earlier aside, I think we're still a long way from ultimos capitulos...but I feel a quickening of the blood just thinking about it.

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