Monday, June 18, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 3 (6/18/18) Monday Kickoff: The Slap Heard ‘Round the Lobby

Episode #11    
     After Leo storms out of Mariela’s room without explaining why he doesn’t want her to wear the Lyin’ Heart pendant, Carmen comes in to comfort Mariela. She says it seems to have brought back painful memories, but she knows how Leo is, he’ll get over it and will explain it to her.
     Leo is in a local bar, drinking his way out of (or into) his depression. He calls the joven for a refill. Surprisingly, Rogelio is taking a break in the same bar and recognizes Leo immediately from his voice alone. He gets up and makes sure. Yep, it’s Leo. Somehow it pleases him very much to see him back.
     Rafaela and Demián have some pillow-talk in their huge double king-size bed (no doubt so they don’t have to touch each other—ever) before turning out the lights. Rafie thinks they should set Ren up with Alonso, who has no girlfriend, rather than Santi, who already has a formal relationship with Flo. Dem doesn’t think that is a problem, he can fall out of love easily with someone like Flo. Rafie will check things out. Dem decides he wants some nookie and overrules her wishes not to give him any. (We don’t have to watch.)

     Carmen fusses at Leo when he returns. Leo tells her the story of the Lyin’ Heart pendant. Next morning Leo goes to Mariela to ask her to forgive his bad behavior. Mariela just wants to know why. He says not to ask—it’s part of his painful past in Puebla. Maybe later on he’ll tell her. Leo gives the pendant back and tells her it’s in the best hands, hers. Mariela smiles, not sure at what—Leo? the mystery?
     Rafie chats up Santi about his relationship with Flo…and with Ren at breakfast. He claims everything is going ok with Flo and nothing at all with his cousin Ren. Rafie keeps it up, doesn’t he find Ren attractive? Well, yes. To Rafie, she seems the kind of woman men like. Santi wants to know what she’s getting at. Nothing, really.
     Rafie now chats up Renata regarding Santi. Then she teases out that Al's back in Puebla. In answer to Ren's questions, no the two boys don't look anything alike and they are very different--each one has his own style. She turns to leave for the office. (Is she really wearing a double zippered outfit? It can't be that comfortable to sit on, but easy to take off.)
     Dem and Fr. Dan meet out in front of the house. Dan wants to meet this famous cousin. As they are introduced, Renata quickly wraps up her skimpy, revealing attire with her wrap. Ren is pleased to meet him. Dem interjects he’s so happy to have her here, as he wraps his arms around her. She leaves for a stroll around the grounds. Now Dan sees the set up, but something is still not adding up, he tells Dem.
     Mariela and Sara run into each other at the cemetery. Sara is quite pleased to see her all grown up and quite the lady. She shares that Al and Santi will definitely remember her.
     Mariela surprises Fr. Dan while he’s hearing confession. He’s really happy to see her and congratulates her on her degree. He learns Leo came back with her.
     Lety and Ren have another unpleasant little run-in outside the house. (These two will never be BFF.) Lety accuses Ren of having designs on all that surrounds her. Lety says it’s obvious, from what she observed, that she’s making a play for Santi. Ren comes right back with the same point, but she inserts the word “Joven” in front of Santi’s name, thereby drawing the line between their social classes.
     Rogelio has lost no time to runtelldat to Dem about Leo being back in town. Rog is ready, willing and able to dispatch him. Dem agrees. He’s ready to make Leo pay in blood. Rog has a temporary change of heart. If something should happen now to Leo, the suspicion will fall on Dem. It’s better to wait and see why he’s here.
     Alonso is also back in town. He drives up to Quadrum in a bright yellow sports car. (Where, oh where have we seen that car before. Was it in PyP? Poor Santi doesn’t seem to have any wheels at all, that we’ve seen anyway.) As he enters the lobby he hears a loud discussion at the reception desk. He runs into Mariela, well runs into her hand. She’s yelling about something when Al sees her and hears her name. He says her name. She turns and for one hot second she likes what she sees, then remembers why she’s there. It’s about that hotel that was built on her grandfather’s land. Al assures her that they purchased the land many years ago. They wouldn’t have built on it otherwise. She yells “No me toques.” [BINGO] and security escorts her from the building. She yells back that she’s going to get a lawyer.
     Marcia reports that the papers relating to the purchase of the hotel land are not in the archives. She suggest talking to his father—but better Al than her. Marcia wonders if what that young lady said has given him second thoughts.
     Santi comes in to welcome his bro back to Puebla and the office intrigues. Sara ducks in to see Alonso and finds both boys still in conversation. Al tells them how his face ran into Mariela’s hand. Sara can’t believe he’s talking about the same sweet girl she ran into earlier. Al wonders what Sara knows about those lands Mariela was talking about. She doesn’t know anything that would help. She suggests talking to his father, or Mariela. He doesn’t want anything to do with Mariela again—ever. He says it in such a way that Sara wonders if she didn’t have an effect on him. A negative one, ok?
     Fr. Dan drops in on Leo and congratulates him on raising such a successful and lovely young lady. He wonders if Leo is going to stay on for very long. He reminds him that folks around Puebla have very long memories. Dem and Rog have been spying on Leo’s house for an opportunity to make an uninvited visit. They see Dan emerge. He’s mad that his bro got there first. He doesn’t like how Dan is so cozy with Leo. They skedaddle so as not to be seen and decide to wait for some other time to visit Leo.
     Lisandro tells his father he’s willing to stay on so long as he gets to run the law office portion and gets to run it without interference from Ed. Ed agrees.
     Mariela tells Leo and Carmen how she got thrown out of Quadrum. Leo is sure they can find official filings in the town government registry, since everything in Don Manuel’s house burned (except the teddy bear, as I recall). Mariela wants a lawyer. Carmen has a friend. They’ll go see him.
     Alonso goes to see his father. Dem cuts him off when he tries to defend Santi. It’s better not to talk about that muck-up son of his. Al then asks about the lands they built the hotel on. Dem looks momentarily reflective as Al tells him of Mariela’s visit. Dem assures him the land was theirs before construction began. Al says that Mariela doesn’t think so and when he went to the archives to see if everything was in order, the records weren’t there. Dem says he’s sure Ed has them. He’s the one Dem gave them to.
     Elena shows up in Rogelio’s office. That pisses him off. He’s told her not to come to his job site. She wants him to come home to her. He says as he doesn’t get along with her son, nor his son with him, he doesn’t need the aggravation. If he needs someone to take care of his needs, he can find someone else without other obligations. (It’s obvious he can’t stand her; why does he stay with her at all.)
     Fr. Dan scolds Julio for his attitude towards Rogelio. He should be there for his mother and let the adults work it out. Dan doesn’t really give him any useful advice, just that he can’t use the church as his hiding place.
     Just what I wished Lety wouldn’t do, she does. She enters Santi’s room, sniffs around, literally, and “steals” a particularly smelly shirt. She gets caught outside his door by the two now resident harpies. She manages to live through the slurs slung at her without having to give up the shirt.
     Carmen takes Mariela and Leo to see her friend the lawyer. It’s evident right away he’s under the influence, which he hides right away under his desk. He thinks they have an ice cube’s chance in hell going up against Dem and win. He’s a rat fink. Dem already owns half the town. He can’t help them, not because he doesn’t want to. Demián Ferrer is a very bad man and very powerful. It would be a lost cause.
     Rogelio comes home (but it’s not clear which home, his or hers.) In any case, he pushes some clothes aside in a closet and checks on Dem’s gun, kept in a small wall safe at the back. It’s still there.
     Al visits Liso. They chat about his current job situation. Al tells him that any time he wants to leave, he’ll gladly bring him on at Quadrum personally. Liso assures him that for now, things are going to be ok—he gets to run the legal office. He can’t leave his dad alone with both businesses. Al says he needs to think about himself and not what his dad wants. Liso knows. Al tells him what he came for. He wants Liso to check on the lands that had belonged to Don Manuel Salvatierra and when the Ferrers bought them.
     Dem talks to Rog about certain business transactions that the granddaughter is digging up. Rog has an idea on how to resolve the issue—something that will teach Leonardo a lesson and get the girl to back off.


Thanks, Anita. Lefty literally sniffing around was too much. Yuk! At least they saved us from the Demián/Renata sex scene. Wardrobe must have gotten a good deal on medium forest green and brick red clothing. I think that Mariel is going to need a sober lawyer.

Letty not Lefty! Too funny!

Demián-Rafaela! That is what I get for posting on the fly . . . So to speak!

Thanks Anita....another nicely paced and very complete recap. We are so lucky to have you doing this

. I can’t think of anything less appealing than sniffing a young man’s clothing. Once testosterone kicks in, usually a guys room has a strong aroma, not to mention his shirts. For some reason I thought Lety pilfered a scarf, but regardless the whole trope of inhaling people’s clothing is a real turnoff for me. But it should be a Bingo square. Do we have that one?

The Elena-Rogelio dynamic is painful to watch. She is clearly in chronic victim mode and keeps choosing losers. Leonardo to the rescue perhaps?

Got a kick out of the hard drinking, cluttered office of Carmencita’s lawyer friend. Not promising....but who knows?

Anyway thanks again. This one is moving right along.

JudyB on iPad

JudyB--I'm pretty sure it was a plaid shirt. She took it off a hanger in his closet, which had other shirts. I wish we could conjure up Julia and ask her to modernize her Bingo cards. Definitely Falsified DNA Test would be a good one, so would Sniffing Clothing Belonging to the Opposite Sex.

Anita – great title! And thank you for another great recap!

Classic telenovela tropes abound in this episode. I have four on my BINGO board (since I don't know the rules-LOL):

- Leti looking back down (twice!) at those steps outside
- “No me toques!”
- “Sueltame!”
- sniffing of clothing

Carmen's tipsy lawyer friend had me channeling that old movie "The Verdict." (with Paul Newman)

And they could not salvar las tierras del Doctor Salvatierras (gah) but I guess Mariela will salva las tierras. ~rolls eyes~


Thank you, Anita.

The sniffing is definitely a telenovela thing. We had it in Vino de Amor with Sofia inhaling Dismal Dave',s shirts. In Destilando Amor , Hot Rod loved to sniff Gaviota',s scarf.

Thelma has much darker hair and looks very different to me. I did not recognize her at first.

Not to mention "Augie the Sniffer" on CME.

I've been working on my own set of Bingo cards, just for fun. An early addition: "Lo nuestro fue un error." (We've had it TWICE on PASL already!)

Anita, so many faves, starting with the title – snort!

Top rib-ticklers:

“Is she really wearing a double zippered outfit? It can't be that comfortable to sit on, but easy to take off.”

“These two will never be BFF.”

“Al tells them how his face ran into Mariela’s hand.”

Loved, loved, loved the tiny little violin playing the theme song in the background of the Lyin’ Heart non-explanation. Pure melodrama! THAT’S WHY I KEEP COMING BACK.


I found Julia's Deranged Telenovela Bingo cards by just doing a simple Google search. Yay! I'll print them out because this telenovela is perfect for it. Copy & paste---

In the meantime, it will be interesting to learn just whose heart is lyin'. 🤔🤔🤔


Anita, regarding the nookie...that is how Rafie snared Dem to begin with, so did she really think that was going to stop after she got him to marry her? Raf, you made your bed. Just saying .

It's possible Rafie just had her eyes on the prize (pesos, land and social standing) and closed her eyes and thought of ... well, not England anyway. Yep, nookie was her fee to get into the master suite. It's her bed now!

Episode #12 (Tue Jun 19)–Pt. 1
The best laid plans go 1) as planned; 2) awry – take your pick.

This episode had a lot of scene changes, each one with a little kernel that adds to a whole can of corn. Please excuse the tardiness, I’m only half way through writing the recap. But here’s something to hang your comments on.

1.Rogelio’s plan is to plant the murder weapon on Leonardo. He’ll be arrested and Mariela won’t be able to function without him. He’ll start the ball rolling by dropping an anonymous tip on the police. Dem wants to be reassured that his fingerprints have been wiped clean. Once Rogelio affirms it, he gives the go-ahead.
2. Carmen, Mariela and Leo leave Hidalgo’s law “office.” They don’t have much confidence in him. They’ll look for someone else. They decide to go out to dinner—Leo’s treat.
3. Rafie scolds Amalia in regard to Lety’s night-time scavenger hunt. She tells Amalia she’s in danger of being fired and run off, regardless of her length of service. Sara drops in and tells Amalia that it ain’t gonna happen. She still has some authority around the place.
4. Mariela learns more of the Leo-Lucía backstory from Carmen, including that Leo was found with the body and considered a suspect, but was let go for lack of evidence.
5. Dem stops by the PPD to let the police chief know that his wife’s assassin has returned to Puebla. Dem suggests the police weren’t thorough enough in their investigation and Leo was let go too soon. He offers the chief lots of dinero to stick it to Leo and lock him up for the rest of his life. The chief turns him down. (YAY!) He tells Dem that if it was impossible to charge him then, it’ll be harder now. Dem isn’t about to give up. He’ll show up the chief.
6. Amalia tells Lety to go find a job and stay away from Santi.
7. Flo wants to have a huge Pueblo-Wide Fiesta in honor of Renata (becoming her BFF). Santi is not so into it. He prefers introducing Ren to folks just as they had been, a few at a time. Flo thinks Ren is a perfect match for her brother Liso. Santi thinks it’s ridiculous for Flo to play matchmaker. She thinks Santi is a party pooper.
8. Leo leaves the table at the restaurant to go wash his hands. Guess who walk in—Alonso and Lisandro. They come over to greet Mariela and Carmen. Al warns Liso about Mariela’s hand, as he reaches out to shake hands. Most of his repartee seems tongue in cheek, but Mariela takes it as sarcastic and mean and is left fulminating. Leo returns, having missed all the fun.
9. Ed and Dem talk on the phone. Ed has the power of attorney ready for signatures. He asks if Ren knows about it. Dem says no, but Ed shouldn’t worry about it. He also wants Ed to use his influence to get Luci’s murder case re-opened.

Episode #12 (Tue Jun 19)–Pt.2
10. Over dinner, Al & Liso talk about Mariela. Al admits she’s lovely, but who would support her attitude for long. Liso thinks he could. That surprises Al—he’s never seen Liso interested in a girl before. Liso says someone like Mariela would certainly shut up his dad’s snide remarks about his manhood. Al fills Liso in on why Mariela got on the wrong side (of his face). Liso understands now, why Al wants him to look into the land purchase. Al says he actually feels a bit sorry for Mariela. It couldn’t have been an easy life. He tells Liso how Mariela’s grandfather was inside his house when it burned down. And, even though he saw her first, Liso can have first crack at her.
11. Lety warns Santi about Renata and her claws.
12. Carmen continues to play matchmaker between Alonso and Mariela. Leo is very uncomfortable, knowing who Al’s father is. Carmen doesn’t pick up on that. He tells Mariela he doesn’t want her to associate with that class of people. Then he excuses himself to go home early. Carmen wonders, that for all that Leo likes his solitude, it seemed that when she was talking about Al, he seemed a bit jealous. Mariela pooh poohs the idea.
13. Cirila is watching Por Amar Sin Ley, engrossed in the latest episode where Karina slaps Ben and Letty. Rogelio is able to enter Leo’s house easily and walks past her.
14. Ren “meets” Al in his bedroom and is quite impressed. Santi waits for Ren in *her* bedroom. (You can tell by the deep rose-fuchsia headboard.) Santi thinks he has her number, based on what he overheard—she’s making a play for both brothers. Ren defends herself by equating his jealousy with her jealousy when he spends time with his girlfriend or that Lety sniffing around him. She’s prepared to show him she’s not playing with him. She undresses him with her eyes, starts to undress herself and he finishes by undressing himself. Post-coitus she kicks him out and falls back onto her pillow, wondering if maybe that was the right thing to do after all.
15. Leo gets home earlier than Rog expected. Rogelio has made it into the studio. He unwraps the gun, but we don’t see him wipe the gun clean. He reaches for a grey pail to stand on. There is a noise behind him and Leo walks in. Quicker than a frightened bunny, Rogelio shows up behind Leo and clocks him with something that makes him bleed. Cirila comes flying in. He grabs her from behind as well, but doesn’t knock her out. He makes a clean getaway.

Episode #12 (Tue Jun 19)–Pt.3
16. Rafie is preparing her face for bed. She thinks Dem is a fool to reopen Luci’s case. He’ll be the first one they suspect. He bristles and protests his innocence. Rafie knows better and lets him know. She knows he couldn’t take the fact Luci was leaving him for another man. And, he’d better take care. One of these days she might leave him for another man. At first he’s furious and not to threaten him. Then he thinks it would be a good idea after all. Rafie backs off to rethink that strategy.
17. Cirila, followed closely on her heels by Carmen and Mari, tend to Leo. They take him to the hospital against his will. The X-rays are ok so he won’t need stitches, shaving his hair around the cut, nor have to wear a bandage around his head. Mari gets lucky and gets a job with the local doc, who has the highest praise for her grandfather. Dem later gets a text from Rog letting him know he couldn’t finish the job.
18. Liso returns home to find his mother and sister planning this big welcome party for Renata. He doesn’t know who she is. Al said nothing about her over dinner, but he just met Mariela. Flo knows nothing about her. Liso is very impressed with her.
19. Alonso and Sara share breakfast al fresco in the garden. She pushes Mariela at Al as a good match. They are at odds because their first impressions don’t match. Sara has to go wake up Santi. We note he didn’t bother putting on his pjs, but did put all his street clothes back on, including his socks, just to flop across the bed. Sara wants him to be careful with Lety. She’s so illusioned with him. Sara doesn’t want him to hurt her. Santi insists he’s never done anything to lead her on.
20. Leo and the ladies have gone to the PPD to file a complaint. The police chief tells them how odd it is that the two persons most involved in the Lucía case, show up in his office almost on the same day. That’s when Leo learns that Dem paid the chief a visit asking to reopen Luci's case. Now Leo wonders if Dem had anything to do with what happened to him the night before. Chief asks him not to get ahead of the police investigation, and not go around making accusations without foundation.
21. Dem and Ed go over the Salvatierra matter. Legally, everything is in order, but Ed concedes there are some wonky things still out there: changing dates, forging the doctor’s signature, suborning witnesses, that sort of thing. It’s manageable, but he’d rather that none of this resurface. It worries him. Even as a child, Mariela came to see Ed about the lands and she knew her grandfather didn’t want to sell. That surprises Dem. He brushes it off since it happened so long ago, Mariela is sure to have forgotten it all.
22. Santi appears at breakfast. Ren was already at the table. After what happened the night before, Santi feels entitled to a smoochie. Ren throws him off. He tells her he’s ready to go to Flo and break up. Ren asks him not to do that. It’s too soon to bring their relationship to light. It wouldn’t look good. She asks him to hold off a bit and have it remain their little secret. Then Al appears, ready to go to work and Ren’s eyes turn on him, for a little too long. Santi notices.

Episode #12 (Tue Jun 19)–Pt.4
23. Liso reports to Al that the land purchase was all above board. That puzzles Al. Why would Mariela act as if the lands were still hers. Thinking out loud, he says maybe she just wants to make trouble and get some cash out of it. Liso doesn’t think she’s like that. Al doesn’t think so either, but there’s something that just doesn’t add it. Liso says Al needs to be prepared to defend himself if she decides to file a suit. Al decides to go talk to her in person. Liso advises him not to. Instead, he’ll go talk to her.
24. Mariela goes looking for a lawyer from the names she got off the internet. Everyone turns her down. Her last stop is at Ed’s notary. He explains that the law office is being restructured and they aren’t taking new cases. Well, that’s one thing that’s quite clear to Mariela, Demián Ferrer has bought and paid for every lawyer in town. Liso enters and says, not him. He will assist her, to Ed’s chagrin.

Thanks, Anita.

I got out my bingo sheets. I am playing #8: gun fired/fire/no me toques There are probably more when I can really think about it.

Fun episode.

Lety the sniffer needs to grow up fast. At least Sara understands “women her age”.

Ewwww! Carmen noticing that Leonardo was acting like he was jealous.

Renata’s overly sweet “little girl’s voice” is annoying just like her.

How long until the police come searching at Leonardo’s?


Thanks Anita. For some reason my DVR was not recording this so I only saw it from the moment Rogelio bashed Leonardo’s head in. There does seem to be a creepy romantic vibe in Leonardo’s protectiveness of Mariela. Will have to get a Bingo card and start playing since this one seems to be racking up scores at a great rate.

Is Renata truly an heiress or a scam artist trying to sleep her way into the Ferrer fortune? She clearly didn’t enjoy the bunny hop with Santiago.

We’ll sum total she gives women the famous “mala espina” but has quite a different effect on the male of the species.

JudyB on iPad

David Bisbal sings the opening theme song, and he sang the opening theme song for another telenovela many years ago but I cannot recall which one.

Hasn't that police detective guy played the same type role in other telenovelas???

The way Leo looks at Mariela sometimes is downright creeepy.

Too many great bingo cards to choose from! I need to pick one and print it out....and soon!

Doris, yes...David Bisbal has sung other theme for a telenovela years and years ago and it became a very popular song in its own right. Of course I can picture the story and the actors, but no names are swimming up into consciousness at the moment. It was about a meek, abused woman who blooms into a radiant beauty after she meets a wonderful artist in Spain. Ah..something is coming...Piel de Otoño.

JudyB - that could be it. I watched PdO after one of my adult ESL conversation students said it was good, and it was!

Anita - forgive my bad manners 😳 forgetting to thank you fo yesterday's recap. THANK YOU!!!

I remember it Doris because I was just starting to try and learn Spanish on my own and I couldn't make sense of Piel de Otoño to save my soul! But was very impressed with the actress' hair extensions.

Anita, love the bullet format -- I think that will work for me next week. I'm still trying to get into a rhythm here.

Jarifa, on Bingo card #8 we have: no me toques, fainting, fall down stairs, gun fired, que haces aqui, fire not in fireplace, and character travels out of country. I'm not counting "coma," even though everyone keeps calling Carmen's episode a "diabetic coma," because I don't think it counts unless a bunch of people are waiting anxiously beside the bed.

Judy, I had the same suspicion you had about do we even know she is who she says she is? Both Ferrer brothers admit they've only met her once or twice as a child, and it was she who made contact. I'm hoping the real Renata shows up at some point (and is NOT rude to the servidumbre.)

I'm on the scarf team for Santi's purloined apparel, mostly because those boys are too preppy to wear plaid shirts.

Does anybody know what the difference is between the despacho and the notaria, and why Liso is ok with one and not the other? Is he saying he's willing to be the office manager but doesn't want to practice law?

"Is he saying he's willing to be the office manager but doesn't want to practice law?" ⚖️
That is what I gleaned from it. Hopefully a more fluent patio member will weigh in.

BL, without doing any serious research (missing Irene), a notario usually deals with paper, but is a licensed attorney. He does not appear in court. A notario is several cuts above our notary system. They actually draw up wills, powers of attorney, trust funds, contracts, etc., not just witness them being signed. An abogado has legal cases where he/she represents someone in a civil case or defends someone accused in a crime in a court of law. (He rarely would be prosecuting or pointing out a defendant, crying out that the incarcerated suspect is guilty, based on circumstantial evidence, like we do on PASL.)

All along Ed wanted to share his practice in his notario with his son, Lisandro. He made Liso go to law school, so Liso is fully an abogado.

Thanks, Anita! I didn't think we'd have to know so much about Mexican law for *this* TN. ;}

About that stolen item. We've never seen Santi in a scarf and what self-respecting young man would hang a scarf in the closet? Even I don't and I'm very self-respecting--scarves fall off hangers. He'd have it folded in a drawer. I stand by my original declaration it was a shirt, unless proven otherwise (Alonso Vega to my rescue--or Lisandro, he's kinda cute.)

BTW, there *is* a Bingo square for "theft of important object," no matter what article of clothing it is. Although I guess it may take some time to determine whether or not it's important...

My dear Anita, you are a superwoman to provide us with 5 recaps a week of Corazon and a stellar recap of PASL to boot.

Thank you for this superb recap (and for all the others).
I especially enjoyed the following lines:
"Al fills Liso in on why Mariela got on the wrong side (of his face)"
"Cirila is watching Por Amar Sin Ley, engrossed in the latest episode where Karina slaps Ben and Letty"
"Santi waits for Ren in *her* bedroom. (You can tell by the deep rose-fuchsia headboard.)"
"We note he didn’t bother putting on his pjs, but did put all his street clothes back on, including his socks, just to flop across the bed"

Guys, I am sorry to disappoint you, but it was definitely a scarf. Someone that would wear such a godawful canary yellow grandfatherly sweater would definitely not shy away from using his grandmother's scarves.

As far as Notaria is concerned, I think Lisandro is not yet a Notary and he doesn't want to become one so he is leaving the notary internship with his father, but is o.k in keeping working as a lawyer.
A little bit of boring and totally unnecessary details about what Notary in Mexico means:
According to LEY DEL NOTARIADO DEL ESTADO DE MEXICO (Artículo 4 ) Notario es el profesional del derecho a quien el Gobernador del Estado ha otorgado nombramiento para ejercer las funciones propias del notariado, investido de fe pública
-Notary is a legal professional who was appointed by the Governor of the State to exercise notarial functions.
Article 11 describes the conditions one has to fulfill in order to become a notary: Mexican citizen from birth, older than 28, having practiced law for at least 5 years, having done an internship with a notary for at least a year, having completed a notary course, having successfully passed a notary exam, of good health, no criminal record and more...
And after having completed all the requirements of article 11, one has to successfully pass another exam, called el examen de oposición. And only then one can be appointed to become a notary.
So, I bet Lisandro doesn't want to go through all this to become a notary, which is basically a very boring job of pushing papers all day long, but is o.k with working as a lawyer. I can understand him, drafting wills and certifying documents from dawn to dusk is horrible and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies.


P.S : I was actually wrong when I was laughing about the office being named notaria 222, apparently all the notarias are numbered, it's a legal requirement (but it's not required to print the sign on a A4 paper, so I can still laugh about that)


Thanks, Irene!


BTW, there *is* a Bingo square for "theft of important object," --- Would the land Mariela inherited from her abuelo count as an important object?


We need a Bingo square for Loss of Important Object i.e. the Bleeding Heart pendant.

Oh, and did we notice that Rogelio is still being very careful about NOT wiping the gun clean or touching it himself? I have a feeling he's somehow going to pin it on Dem, although how he gets ahold of Dem's wealth is something else--unless it's just revenge for being treated like the scum he is.

Unless someone knows something we don't know, I think Renata is the real thing. It would be too complicated to pull off. But it's possible. Nobody in Puebla knows much about her so whatever she tells them about her life with Don Francisco is apt to be believed. I did love the way Marie de la Roquette pulled it in Amor Real, though.

Will have a short recap up before bedtime.

Anita, I agree with you. Renata probably is the real, because Demian already managed to lay his hands on her money.


Thanks, Blue Lass. Thanks, Irene. : )

Episode #13 (Wed Jun 20)–Pt. 1 – The slap heard round the dining room table
1. Lisandro has volunteered to help Mariela. She’s pleased, until she finds out he’s Ed’s son, the very same guy who approached her grandfather several times to get him to sell his land. She doesn’t give him a chance to talk, giving him a tongue lashing and storming out.
2. Karla wants Rafie’s help pushing Santi into matrimony with Flo.
3. Renata is fine with the fiesta, as long as it’s not like she’s a debutant. Ren wants to know if Al is coming. Flo doesn’t know. He’s kinda weird.
4. In her rush to leave Molinaro’s office building (by a completely different door, as if we wouldn’t notice), Mari is tripped by a red-sweatered guy who was looking at his phone and twists her ankle. When she finds out it’s her old friend Santi, she’s pleased and lets him help her limp home. He’s surprised to find she’s living with Sr. del Río. Santi notes he’s the same guy his father thinks…yes, Mari answers, the same, but his dad can think whatever he wants but Leo’s the greatest guy in the world and she won’t hear anything negative about him. She tries to send him away immediately, but he helps her up the steps first. They decide their friendship is worth more and not to discuss the matter any longer.
5. Fr. Dan comes to visit Leo. He says he heard they split him open like a piñata. (Dan is such a funny guy.) Leo is sure Demián was behind it. It’s too much of a coinky-dink that Dem went to the Puebla Police Dept. just the day before to insist on re-opening Lucía’s case. Trying to give his brother the benefit of the doubt, Dan thinks Leo is paranoid. Leo then tells him about Mariela and her problem over her grandfather’s lands, which Dem wanted.
6. In discussing the Mariela matter with his father, Liso says he didn’t say he was going to represent her. He knows there is a conflict of interest. He was just going to advise her not to go up against the Ferrers, but didn’t have the opportunity to tell her why. Ed gets very concerned that Mariela still remembered him as being the one to bring all those offers, 3 or 4 to Don Manuel. The old doctor never wanted to sell, but por fin he was finally persuaded to sign.
7. Ren pays a surprise visit to Al in the office. She makes goo-goo eyes at him and overcomes his resistance to grab a cup of coffee. (I didn’t know Al was an architect.) Prompted by Ren, he waxes loquaciously over the historic buildings and how the new ones try to complement them. He appreciates the past, it’s effect on the present and the future. (I think Ren is trying hard to stay awake and attentive.) Then she mentions having taken a stroll in Loreto Park. Al grows serious. She heard what happened to his mother. At least he had his grandmother and Rafaela. Al says he is happy just to have had his grandmother. Rafie is nothing more than his father’s wife. Ren pauses to think about that. Santi has arrived for lunch and sees them together. He won’t join them. He goes away jealous. After Santi leaves, Al’s mood changes.
8. Rogelio has verified that Leo is alive. It’s a good thing, because had he died two days after he returned, Dem would be the first one suspected. Dem doesn’t want him to finish the job (of planting the gun). In fact, he doesn’t want him to do anything. Dem will take it into his own hands.
9. Sara learns from Carmen that Mariela was raised by Leo and now she’s a doctor.

Episode #13 (Wed Jun 20) – Pt. 2
10. Mariela is telling Carmen she likes Sara and Santi. Carmen admits she told her about her being with Leo all this time. Mari doesn’t care who knows now. Mariela goes upstairs and climbs on the bed to tell Leo all about her morning. He promises to help her realize her dream. She cuddles up next to him. Carmen announces that someone is waiting for her at the door. It’s Liso, back to explain what he couldn’t before. He realizes he can’t represent her, but merely wants to pass on some information which she may not like. He has to tell her he checked all the land sale documents and it was all legal. She furiously denies that it could have happened that way. She thinks he’s Ferrer’s messenger boy, which he denies. She tells him to leave before she has to call the police. He starts to leave and turns back asking her to think about it. He’s willing to be her friend—and maybe the only one she has in Puebla.
11. Flo waited for Santi to get home (in the middle of the day when he should be working and she should be at the university). He tells her he’s not on board with the party for Renata and he’s not going to attend. He realizes he was a jerk and apologizes. Flo tells him they’re going to host the fiesta at the Ferrer’s palatial mansion (which many of us recognize as the outside of Renata Monterrubio’s house in Cuando me Enamoro). Rafie emerges from the other room and thinks it’s a great idea. Santi says to please themselves. He’s outta there.
12. Rogelio returns the gun to the closet wall safe in Elena’s house. Note that he handles the gun carefully so as not to rub off any old prints, nor leave his own. Elena manages to avoid a confrontation between Julio and Rog.
13. Out under the moon, Al tells Sara they’ll never know what life would have been like if his mother had lived. But, if it hadn’t been for Sara, their lives would have been hell.
14. Santi pushes his way into Ren’s room to demand an explanation for whatever that was earlier with Al. She’s all Ms. Innocence 2016. Besides, they promised each other to wait before announcing what they have going and she was avoiding raising any suspicions in others. Santi says she’d better not be playing with him. Ren says, “Just what kind of girl do you think I am?” Santi doesn’t answer, but looks as though it might not be nice. Ren is called down to dinner. He follows later, so late, it’s noticed by all.
15. Mariela tells Leo what Liso said. He was pressuring her to drop the idea of filing a suit, just as they tried pressuring her grandfather to sell. She’s so sure she remembers her grandfather saying he’d never sell the land, but maybe it’s just her imagination. Leo urges her to move forward and he’ll support her in every way. They both suspect Dem of being behind the conk on the head, but after the police looked for evidence, fingerprints, anything, and found nothing, there’s not much more they can do. Mariela has a plan. She’s going to go and face Demián herself. Leo begs her not to. Dem is going to deny it anyway. She wants to do it anyway and leaves before he can stop her.
16.Carmen explains to Fr. Dan why she thinks Dem had something to do with the assault. Dem is the only one who hates Leo. Now, she fears for Mariela, who is getting involved with Dem and wonders how Dem will react.

Episode #13 (Wed Jun 20) – Pt.3
17. Flo is very upset that her mother and Rafie are playing Yentas.
18. Mariela crashes Dem’s family dinner. First she accuses him of sending someone to clock Leo. Then there is a SLAP. Not finished, she accuses him of robbing her grandfather’s land where he built his hotel. She’s going to make his life a living hell. She turns and leaves. Al starts to go after her, but Dem holds him back. But Lety follows her out and they reconnect as friends. They’ll catch up later. A pall falls over the table until Ren timidly asks who that was and what just happened. Santi explains the who but not the what. Sara presses Dem to tell them the what, but he says he knows nothing. She’s just crazy. It’s hard to tell from Al’s face whether he believes his father or not.
19. Sara enters Dem’s bedroom in *her* house to try to find out more—Dem sending someone to K.O. Leonardo? He says it’s not true. Sara’s not defending Leo, no one knows if Leo had anything to do with the murder of her daughter, she just wants this family to have nothing to do with that family. Rafie turns to Dem after Sara leaves and says it seems Sara has the same suspicion she does about who killed Luci.
20. The two bros try to figure it all out. Now Al understands why Fr. Dan wouldn’t tell them where Mariela went. It was because Leo took her. Al has decided Leo and Mariela are cut from the same cloth. He doesn’t like Leo (but doesn’t tell Santi why) and ipso facto, he doesn’t like Mariela.
21. Leo waits for Mariela to return downstairs in the dark. He tells her she just stuck her head in the jaws of the wolf. He goes on, what happened the night before is between him and Dem. Mariela says whatever goes on with him, happens to her, too. Over breakfast the next day, she tells Leo and Carmen of her new strategy. She’s going to play along with the Molinaros, be friendly and see what she can learn.
22. The two bros talk in the office. Al wants to know if Santi is upset over something to do with Ren, ‘cause he’s been grumpy ever since he saw Al with Ren. No, he’s crazy. Al reminds him they’ve never had secrets. If he’s upset with him for something, out with it.
23. Over breakfast, Ren says she’d like to get Tío a little gift to thank him for what he’s done for her. Rafie offers to go with her and deliver it in person at the office.
24. Dem is on the phone with the police chief. Apparently they want to get a set of Dem’s fingerprints. He refuses to cooperate. He chews out the police chief for not doing something about Leo, instead of coming after him. Then he hangs up. Rog proudly says that Dem’s fingerprints won’t be in Leo’s house, but will be in Rog’s house. That statement escapes Dem’s notice as he’s still fulminating about being accused by the police for having something to do with the assault on Leo. Ren and Rafie walk in on them, just as Rog is bragging about the clean “job” he did burning down the old man’s house. [According to tn trope, they didn’t hear a thing—it’s too early.]

IT WAS A SCARF! I had to go back and look. When Lety checked Santi's closet, she touched his shirts. There were about 5 of them. Her hand came to rest on hangers that all held scarves--about 5 of them. She pulled off the first one, sniffed it and tucked it inside her shirt. I think she picked the plaid one because she wears so much plaid.

Good morning Anita. Who knew we'd have such a big controversy about the scarf! But since it's clear who the bad guys and the good guys are, that's about the only thing we can cross swords about, right? But it's interesting how easy it is to miss visuals, when you are madly taking notes for a recap.

"[According to tn trope, they didn't hear a thing--it's too early.]" Oh dang, my hopes were up at that moment. At least we can be sure those two abject schemers, Demian and Rogelio, felt a strong gastrointestinal reaction.

I'm amazed at how tn writers seem to love creating characters that slap people right and left. I was raised to believe that was the height of bad manners, "mala educación", fish wife behavior etc. but it often seems to be considered as a positive trait in women--an indication of courage, passion and character. Different cultures I guess.

Thanks as always Anita querida. We're lucky to have you.

Thanks, Anita. These are “slaphappy” times aren’t they? Mariela reminds me of Bela in “La Bella y las bestias”: both are headstrong and impulsive, and dangerously so. What fun summer viewing!

JudyB, so right about how easy it is to miss visuals when writing a recap.

Thank you, Anita, for your recap of Wednesday's episode. I really like your snark and the numbered/bullet points format. I don't always have time to read detailed recaps, tend to skim those, and miss important stuff.

Gah. Mariela is a walking slap fest.

"Rafie is nothing more than his father’s wife.". (That was a Spanish learning moment for me because I had to look up a translation for that. ) "Ren pauses to think about that." The wheels are turning in her head, trying to decide with whom to ally herself for maximizing an advantageous & profitable outcome.

Drinks all around for Team Scarf! I'll have a Juicy Lucy, QEPD.

Anita, thank you so much for your dedication. I can't imagine how difficult and time consuming it is to provide detailed daily recaps.
I especially loved the following lines:
"She’s all Ms. Innocence 2016"
"Flo is very upset that her mother and Rafie are playing Yentas."
"he waxes loquaciously over the historic buildings and how the new ones try to complement them."

I personally love slaps in telenovelas. Actually, the more slaps the better. I noticed that they almost don't have slaps in modern telenovelas anymore and it kind of makes me sad, like an end of an era. Gone are the days where a character would drive all the way from his/her home to another character's home to scream insults at him/her and engage in occasional slapfest. Now, the characters just write messages to each other, which is a lot less impactful.

But this telenovela is definitely a classical one, with all the slaps, priests and no puede sers that we (or at least yours truly) like so much.
The problem that I have with this telenovela is the complete absence of hunky gorgeous galans(well, unless we consider Leo to be a galan), which makes it a bit less entertaining to watch.
I am not looking forward to the Alonso and Mariella romance and couldn't care less who ends up with Santi.
Oh, well, at least the villains are despicably great.


P.S : I feel so bad that you have to recap every single day and would love to help with the recaps, but unfortunately I simply don't have the time (sometimes, I don't even have time to comment). Sorry about that and thank you for all you do

Irene--close your eyes during certain parts of Thursday's episode. There's some kissing.....but there's also a slap from someone you'd least expect. Thanks for wanting to recap, but your comments are filled with brilliance, so we're happy to have you here.

I'm of a certain age, but can appreciate handsome men of any age. In CQM, besides Diego, who is up near my top (although he appears to be scruffy on purpose here--after all he's an Artiste--I do love his voice), I think Emmanuel and Pablo are very easy on the eyes. Alexis really shines in this one. He can't quite be considered Padre Hottie, but I enjoy seeing him anytime he comes on the screen--even if he's spouting platitudes. Last, but not least--Gerardo is quite handsome. I don't understand why he tries out for (and gets) all the dubious characters he's played. OTOH, the two Alejandros are perfectly suited to their roles.

Anita, I actually like Diego's scruff and his slightly unkempt hair, but definitely not his artistic/gag inducing clothes.
I am totally indifferent to the young guys in this telenovela, but to be honest, I rarely find men that young attractive (even though I am relatively young myself).
And unfortunately, Alexis Ayala will be forever associated in my mind with the worst, most perverse, horrendous villain in the history of telenovelas- the one-armed rapist Sever from La Sombra.

But, the villains are quite good and that's what ultimately matters in a telenovela.
And I am actually hoping against hope and logic for writers to go into the perverse direction of pairing up Mariella with her adoptive father. And as I type this, I can't believe such a horrible thought even crossed my mind. But the galan (forgot the actor's name) is so bland, boring and unattractive (to me) and Diego is so tall and handsome...



Sever the Severed is long forgotten. Too many other tns have blurred him right out of my head.

Irene, if Pablo Lyle (Alonso) represents the upcoming generation of galáns, I'm ready to join a convent. Meh...

Anita, I think I only saw Alexis in Sombra (at least in the last few years), so for me he will be Sever the Severed (what a great nickname) for a long time. I think he was the vilest villain ever, coming second only to that other crippled villain from Pasion.

Doris, LOL, if Pablo Lyle represents the upcoming generation of galans, I am joining a convent with you.
A propos convents, one of the first telenovelas that I watched was an Argentinian telenovela called "La extrana dama", where the protagonista joined a convent, eventually becoming mother superior and her daughter, who was raised by her father, was eventually forced to become a novicia in that same convent. At certain point, there were so many male hotties visiting that convent, that I would have gladly joined it myself.
And in this same telenovela there was an interesting plot where a friend of the galan was holding the galan's daughter on his knees and saying, jokingly (I hope) " I am going to marry her one day" and twenty or so years later, this friend actually married her.



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