Thursday, June 21, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 3 (6/18/18) Thursday Update: The Slaps Just Keep on Coming

Episode #14 (Thu Jun 21)
1. Whoopee! Ren and Rafie overheard Rogelio boasting how the death of the doc made things easier for Dem. (Unfortunately, it wasn't just a few seconds earlier and it was Ren and Rafie who heard, not Mariela and Leo or Sara and Alonso. Well, we can’t have everything tied up in a bow 14 episodes in.) Alone with Ren, Dem explains how it really went. Rog tends to exaggerate. It troubles him because other people misunderstand. He explains in such simple terms even a kindergartner would understand that the doc’s house burned down AFTER they closed the deal. His passing away was a coincidence that happened to benefit them. Ren believes him. She gives him the little gift she brought and they share a hug. Ren indicates she no longer remembers a thing Rog said. Dem smiles and cups her face and tells her she’s a jewel, the daughter he never had (but doesn’t look at her that way as she leaves.)
2. Mariela accepts the doc’s job offer, but would like to work part time for a while. She’ll start in a couple of days.
3. Flo has had second thoughts regarding parental help with Santi. She asks her dad to ask Demián to put a little pressure on Santi. The men would form a Yentos tag team (note the masculine ending). He turns her down. He just can’t cross that line into the personal with Dem. Well, then he’d better be satisfied with her marrying any old body.

4. Lety and Mariela catch up over coffee in the living room. Lety shares her sad love life chasing Santi who has a girlfriend and now has their live-in cousin chasing him. When Mari brings up Al turning into his father, Lety contradicts her. He’s super good. She also asks Mari if she can get her a job at the clinic with her. They leave together because Mari has some errands to run. Upstairs, Carmen explains to Leo why she went to Fr. Dan. She thought he might influence Dem into leaving Leo alone.
5. Dem comes in to harangue and harass Rafie, but she’s ready for him. It’s clear to her now that he and his accomplice had to help the doctorcito into the next world in order to build his hotel. If he could do what he did to Luci, how was one old man going to get in his way. Rafie understands why Mari has her hackles in an uproar. Dem says he doesn’t care what Mari thinks. Ah, says Rafie, so whatever Renata thinks doesn’t bother him either. She snidely reminds him there’s a lot of money in play.
6. Santi is getting another dressing down by his father over missing reports. Santi says the numbers haven’t come in yet. Dem says that’s his responsibility to stay on top of things. They are interrupted by the arrival of Leonardo. Dem tells Santi to leave. Leo tells him off about being behind the bump on the head he got and furthermore, he’d better not touch a hair on Mari’s head or he’ll personally come after him like a dog—and kill him. On his way out, Rafie re-introduces herself as Mrs. Ferrer. Leo says he’s sorry to hear that. Rafie backtracks to Dem’s office to taunt him a bit about Leo’s visit. That’s ok, because now he knows exactly what or who Leo’s Achilles’ Heel is. (Note the sculpture behind Dem. Probably not one of Leo’s. Is it a broken, hollow, misshapen heart or two snakes kissing?)
7. Poor Santi. How much more of this treatment can he take from his father. Sara is waiting for him in his office. He’s upset and explains what happened. Sara tells him not to pay any attention. It’s his father’s personality, not Santi’s capabilities. She hears about Leo’s visit, but corrects Santi on his impression of Mari, put there by his brother, that Leo and Mari are cut from the same cloth. Sara says Mari is not like Leo at all. Santi suggests she’d better tell that to Al.
8. Mariela has come back to see Liso. She apologizes for her behavior and is ready to be friends. She asks for copies of all he documents relating to the (so-called) sale of her grandfather’s lands. He’s sorry, but he can’t do what she asks. She cuts him off rather icily, says she understands and leaves.
9. Rog wants to make sure Ren understands he was just talking off the top of his head. She’s a little uneasy at first. He, in a most gentlemanly manner, offers whatever services she needs. She’s happy to know she can count on him. She turns and leaves and he leers at her receding sashay. Ren is still making her rounds and finds Sara gardening in her office outfit. At least she has gloves on. Sara gives her the cold shoulder when Ren asks for the skinny on that girl last night. Sara tells her only that Mari and her grandsons have known each other since childhood and they still have a great deal of affection for her, although it might not show. She advises treating Mari with respect, should their paths cross, for her own good.
10. Leo buys a gun off a friend of the bartender.
11. When Mari returns home, Cirila tells her someone is waiting for her. Mari sees it’s Alonso and wonders why Ciri let him in. Al says it’s his doing, he told her they were friends. She asks why he’s there. Well, he’s there to return the favor and to show her she’s not the only one who can come into someone’s house and cause an uproar. She wonders if that means a slap. No, he has other methods. As Ciri watches, Al gets closer, grabs her and there is a galánbesoattack. One split second later, she yields to his kiss and really gets into it. Five split seconds later she realizes what she’s doing and bites his lip. He closes in on her once more and she raises her arm to slap him. He parries her thrust and tells her not one more slap. He lets go of her (did she actually say Sueltame?). He kisses her on the cheek on his way out. Mari wants to file charges of assault and send him to jail. Ciri says she can’t put him in jail for stealing a kiss. Carmen returns just then and hears all about the stolen kiss. Mari storms off while Ciri gives Carmen all the details. Mari can’t wait to tell Lety about Al and sends her a text. She lies when she says she didn’t kiss him back—we all saw that kiss—because he forced himself on her, grinning the whole time. Lety wastes no time to runtelldat to her mother about the kiss and Sara gets in on it too
12. Ed finds out Liso made copies of all the Salvatierra papers and has left the premises. He’s presently at Mari’s house with a peace offering—copies of  all the papers. As they talk, Leo gets home, finds out who the caller is and pulls that brand new gun on Liso. Everyone panics and Leo sends Liso flying. Carmen and Mari can only stare at him. Now they are furious with him. Carmen is sure he’s had a few drinks. Leo swears that guy had better not try to come back. Mari says he will because she will invite him. She was befriending him to get information from him. Leo says, juarever, but the gun stays. Carmen is telling Mari she thinks Liso is a decent sort of guy. But she also likes Al, Al a little more but they’re both so handsome. Mari asks her, just kidding, to stop trying to find her a boyfriend—especially among her enemies.
13. Sara is waiting for Al in his room. She’s already heard about him at Mari’s and the kiss. It shows a lack of respect for a woman and she thought she’d taught him better manners. Sara thinks he’s using his father as a model. Al says maybe more like his mother, whom he saw kissing that guy. That earns him a slap from Sara. She loves him, but will not permit him to dirty her daughter’s reputation, hers nor anyone else’s. Al is left to reflect.
14. Ed is angry at Liso for handing over the docs. Liso wonders what the big deal is. If everything was above board, why should he care who sees them. He was volunteering in order to head Mari off from bringing a suit. Ed backs down. He wants to know what she said. There was no time. That Leo guy showed up and pulled a gun on him. He left and was told if either he or Ed comes near the place, he’d greet them with the gun.
15. Thinking they are alone in the house, Santi grills Ren—where was she all day and with whom. His obsession is beginning to show. Lety is listening to them discuss their secret relationship. Ren promises that they will announce it after the fiesta. After all, it’s Flo who is organizing it. It wouldn’t look good.
16. Al comes in to Sara’s room to apologize for what he said earlier. She tells him he needs to pause between thinking and acting. Mariela is a nice girl. Al thinks she’s unhinged, like Leo. He admits that he’s like his father—just not in all ways. He affirms it’s not clear whether that man killed his mother or not, but he definitely saw him kissing his mother. Sara wishes he would put that behind him and not be burdened with bitterness about something neither he nor she fully understand. He deserves much better. Regrettably, Sara doesn’t tell him all she knows about the past between Leo and Luci. She ends by telling him the next time he wants to steal a kiss from Mariela, better to steal her heart. Al gets a chuckle out of that one. He tells Sara he loves her.
17. Lety shows up at Flo’s house to tell her that Santi is cheating on her with Renata. Of course Flo doesn’t believe her. Lety says she’s telling the truth. Santi walks in from the other room and Flo tells him what Lety said. Lety wishes she could disappear.


Thanks, Anita, for another great recap!

Yay! It looks like Demián’s position is even more compromised with now three people being able to blackmail him if they care to. I am guessing that that they probably all will at some point in the story.

Yay! Sara gave Alonso the dress down and the slap he deserved. He and Santiago are turning out to be their father’s sons. I am glad that Mariel bit him.

Leonardo could be related to Mariela: they both lack self-control and have a knack for making poor judgments.

Good title Anita and I have to agree with Jarifa...Mariela and Leonardo do seem to share the same defects of impulsiveness and poor choice making. But it's even more disturbing in him since he should have done some maturing in the last few years.

Renata is certainly a sly fox. Those knowing looks she gave Demian while professing innocence about what she overheard were fun to watch. She will definitely put the screws to him at some point, and not in a fun way. And her uppity refusal to shake Rogelio's offered hand shows clearly she can distinguish between who's upscale and who's downscale. And she's not going to even brush fingertips with a naco.

Still have a hard time believing she's a for real heiress, but time will tell.

I'm always annoyed by these forcible assault kisses that are supposedly so incandescent the victim melts and yields (at least temporarily). I've had the misfortune of a few smash mouth kisses and believe me, you don't melt. You struggle to get away. Even if the guy is sexy, the kiss isn't.

Okay, rant over. For all I know, maybe some women do go for that.

As always Anita, you're a champ. Thanks so much for doing this.

JudyB: “Forcible assault kisses” is just perfect. Not sexy, not attractive. A sign it is time to run.

Awesome, Anita! Loved "Yentos tag team," "galánbesoattack," and these:

"Well, then he’d better be satisfied with her marrying any old body"

"Is it a broken, hollow, misshapen heart or two snakes kissing?"

"Leo says, juarever, but the gun stays"

Things are percolating along nicely. I like the way this TN colors so creatively inside the lines -- the usual tropes are there, but with a bit of spin. The love triangles are quadrangles, and the slapping and gun-threatening don't always come from where you expect.

Now all we need is a parentage crisis for Mariela...after all, we don't know anything about her past, really. Leo would be too weird, but how about the padre? He was young once.


Hah! Blue Lass, you are in a wicked mood today. Padre Dan as Mariela's secret father! But yes, it is rather odd that we've never heard a whisper about Mariela's putative parents, nor does she ever mention them. Nor an abuela. Just el doctorcito.

I am liking that possibility of the padre being the padre!

Mariela's parentage is probably on the up and up. Either she or Don Manuel told someone--but I can't remember if it was during Mariela's childhood or to one of her university buddies--that her parents died in a car crash, when she was an infant or toddler. Of course, that sets up all kinds of possible parents if the writers decide to go there.

I'm much more comfortable with the idea someone floated that Alonso could be Leo's son. It would leave a legitimate connection between Leo and Mariela without the euwww factor. I also like the idea that Luci was already pregnant when her father threatened to kill Leo to break them up. He'd already picked out Demian and Luci decided that hell with Dem was better than hell with her father. Sara might have known about the pregnancy, but not definitely. If she did, though, she wouldn't have been so strident about preserving Luci's reputation. Time will tell.

My big question, though, and hereby hangs the whole tale: Did Don Manuel leave a will? We've never heard of one. He only told Mariela these were her mother's lands (making her landed gentry) and would someday be hers.
1) Only D.M. and his attorney would have had copies. D.M.'s burned down with him. What about his attorney? Surely it would NOT have been Ed; 2) Leo and Mariela left the city in a hurry, but what about Carmen? Leo could have instructed her to find out; 3) when they returned and Mariela found "her" lands occupied by a hotel, wouldn't she have been the first to ask about the will rather than the documents of the land sale?

Blue Lass--Galanbesoattack did not come entirely from my imagination. Mine is a variation on Vivi in DC's in Amor Bravio (galanbesoparalysis). It was probably not the first time it was used. I have a whole lexicon of tn-specific vocabulary, should anyone be interested in having it posted.

Oooooo Anita, I would love to see the lexicon. Can we add to it?

Absolutely. Truth is I haven't added to it in awhile. Will work on it in a few (have to read PASL first).

Oh, gosh, it doesn't have to be now -- you've got enough to do! We'll be happy to see it whenever it's convenient. It's something to look forward to. ;}

Anita, thank you so much for yet another outstanding recap. I especially enjoyed
"The men would form a Yentos tag team (note the masculine ending)" and "Al gets closer, grabs her and there is a galánbesoattack".
I second Blue Lass about the lexicon. It would be very interesting to read.

Now to the second ickiest, grossest, most disgusting behavior I ever saw from a galan ever (the first one being just about every single thing done by the "galan" played by Juan Soler in the worst telenovela ever called Apuesta por un amor). And yes, I am referring to that disgusting beso robado.
JudyB so eloquently called this "forcible assault kisses" and that's exactly what it is. It's a sexual assault, a vile, disgusting and criminal behavior and I hate that the writers of telenovelas think that such a behavior is romantic. I hate even more the fact that the protagonista is always portrayed yielding to the kiss, instead of being totally revolted, spitting at her assailant's face and calling the police. I mean, when a villain tries that with a female character, we are justifiably nauseated, so why is it different when we are talking about a galan?
At least in this telenovela Mariella realized that she was sexually assaulted and wanted to report the assault, although I was disappointed that she didn't report it because Sirila, who is probably working as a maid in order to pay for the same law school as the lawyers of Vega and Associates, told her that "you can't put someone in jail for a kiss". Actually you can Mariella and you definitely should.
I don't know if it's because this galan is not my cup of tea ( I had a very strong negative reaction to beso robado in Soy tu duena too, but got over it in no time, no doubt because the culprit was FC), but after that "kiss" I can't even look at Al without needing to get my barf bag and I now beg telenovela gods for an alternative galan for Mariella. Hell, I would probably even warm up to her romance with Padre Daniel, if he is not her bio dad, of course.

Irene (judging by this post, probably a future long term resident of the local manicomio)


At de mi, Irene--I bought the DVD of Apuesta por un Amor after watching Juan Soler in Cuando Me Enamoro (and I fell in love, too). My reaction was exactly like yours. I think the story was stupid anyway, but having it chopped down to however many horas they could squeeze in, it was unintelligible.

Episode #15 (Fri Jun 22) – Pt. 1 - Today it was a one-two punch
1. Santi pulls the wool over Flo’s eyes. Lety leaves, embarrassed, but defiant, after Santi makes a crude comment about Lety being a member of the servant class. Santi hugs and kisses Flow unenthusiastically. Flow decides, true or not, she’s going to keep an eye on that chippie in case she tries to make a move on him. Lety or anybody else.
2. Dem and Rog leave work together. Dem has no instructions for Rog on how to deal with Mariela. (Note that Dem doesn’t have a briefcase for Rog to carry, so he carries the gift bag.) He tells Rog to keep an eye on her, but not to approach her—which is exactly what he does when he sees Mariela go for a walk, by herself.
3. Over chess, Fr. Dan and Leo talk. Dan thinks Dem is capable of having mugged Leo, but it can’t be confirmed with any certitude. Furthermore, Dan doesn’t think Dem is as bad as Leo thinks. Contrary to his suggestion, Leo does not intend to leave Puebla or Mariela’s problem. As Leo leaves, Al strolls up to talk to Dan and sees Leo. He bristles. Al expresses his disdain for Leo and Mari by punching Leo with all the anger he could muster. Leo returns the favor and Fr. Dan has a hard time separating them. Dan sends Al home and turns on Leo. What is the matter with him. Leo’s a mature adult and should know better. Al is still a headstrong young man.
4. Mariela is pouring over the papers Liso gave her. She calls the Tipsy Lawyer. He tells her she needs a good lawyer, not someone like him. She insists that she just needs him to help her understand the legalese.
5. Carmen shares her story of failed pregnancies and a husband who died early. That’s around the time she started working for Leo’s father. Leo is like the child she never had. Outside, Rog is waiting to see if he can spy on Mariela. She finally comes out and he follows her. When he approaches her, he calls her by name and introduces himself. She also feels uneasy, the way Ren did, but she stands her ground and says when they find out who burned down the house and killed her grandfather, she’ll make them pay. Still she’s aware he knows where she lives.
6. Mari learns Leo and Alonso traded blows but Leo won’t say why; only that they are reasons Al believes are valid. Leo learns Mari met Rog and he gave her chills. Leo says claro, he’s Dem’s henchman. He makes her promise to stay away from them.

Episode #15 (Fri Jun 22) – Pt. 2
7. Al wants to know from his father regarding the lands they bought for the hotel. He would like to meet with Mariela and set the record straight and maybe then will leave the Ferrer family in peace. Dem gets really hot under the collar. He’s against any meeting. He calls Mariela a swindler who only wants money. He forbids it.
8. Karla sends her daughter mixed messages about men and faithfulness. Flo thinks the whole set up was a lie to make her break up with Santi and leave Lety with a shot at Santi—as if he’d look twice at a servant. She can’t wait to tell Ren, sure she’ll think it hilarious.
9. Back at the house, in Ren’s bedroom, Santi tells Ren that Flo saw them kissing. He tries to make things right with her, but she pushes him away. Things have gotten out of hand and she kicks him out of her room. Guess who was waiting for him right outside Ren’s door—Rafaela. Rafie tells him not to enter her room anymore. She asks Santi how he would feel if some “relative” of Flo’s did that to her. Point taken. Santi is really deflated now. Lety has returned to the house and sits outside crying. Al, who’s been going over the events of the day (kisses and slaps) sees her, but Lety won’t tell him what’s wrong.
10. Rafie, getting ready for bed, tells Dem what she saw, but she doesn’t think Ren is all that enthusiastic about Santi anymore. Dem is more interested in what he can get between the sheets, but this time Ren throws him off. Frustrated, Dem goes looking for a goat but runs into Lety instead. He asks her nicely to fetch him a bottle of wine from the wine cellar and follows her in. What follows is a near rape. Lety’s screams bring Noé el Heroe rushing in. He doesn’t even stop to see who it is (except maybe he’s seen that hideous dressing gown before), throws him down on the ground and starts beating up and kicking the perpetrator. Dem recovers and screams out that Lety is a slut and for him and his whole family to leave the house and his employ. Noé holds his sobbing daughter.
11. Al comes in to talk to Santi. He heard screaming, but Santi had his headphones on. Santi figures it was just Dem and Rafie up to their usual. Al finally draws the grump out of Santi. He says he doesn’t understand women. Al says you, me and every other man in the world. Santi admits he’s not really in love with Flo after all. He thought he was. He cares a lot for her, but that’s as far as it goes. Al says he has to tell her. Santi says he didn’t want to hurt her. Al guesses there’s another girl. Santi answers yes, but it seems the other girl isn’t interested.
12. Dem returns to his bedroom, pretty banged up, but he tells Rafie to go back to sleep. Noé brings Lety back to the kitchen where Amalia has been waiting for news of her whereabouts. Noé tells Amalia what happened and they must leave the house immediately. Amalia is in agreement with that. He insists they tell no one, not even Sara.
13. The next morning, Mariela goes to see the Tipsy Lawyer. He says everything seems in order, but he will review the papers more closely. Mari is disappointed. He tells her to have faith. If it turns out the hotel was illegally built on her land, she’ll end up owning it.

Episode #15 (Fri Jun 22) – Pt. 3
14. Sara finds the kitchen empty and no breakfast ready. Dem says he has more important things to do than worry about servants. Sara suggests Rafie go fix her husband’s coffee—that is if she remembers how—and be careful not to burn the water (LOL). Sara investigates their living quarters and concludes all three of them left, very hastily.
15. Noé approaches Fr. Dan to see if he knows anyone who could offer him a job as chauffeur. He told Dan he quit, but skirts around the real reason. Noé won’t go to Dem for a recommendation. He wants nothing more to do with him. Noé reports back to his family on his non-success. Amalia wanted him to tell Dan what happened. Lety urges him to tell someone. Noé rightfully says Dem will bad mouth her all over town and who would believe his word against Dem’s? He swears that someday they’ll settle the debt.
16. Rog insinuates it was Noé who had been robbing the cash on Dem’s desk. Dem reflects on how providential this information is.
17. Leo has bought bicycles for himself and Mariela. That makes her very happy, hug, hug.
18. Sara comes to visit Al at the office to ask if he knows anything about Noé and his family. That’s the first Al heard that they had up and left. Sara feels that only something very urgent or very serious would have caused them to depart without notice.
19. Rafie & Ren survey the venue for the fiesta. Ren is really excited about it. Rafie pumps her for information on which cousin she gets along with better. Ren says it’s Al. And here Rafie thought it was Santi. Yes, Ren likes Santi well enough, but she has more empathy (really, Ren???) with Alonso. Ren learns those servants flew the coop. Santi comes up in the hall and wonders what that was all about. (He and Al must have gone without breakfast, or they would have known already.)
20. Lisandro has come to visit Mariela. Leo comes in and apologizes, sort of, indicating it was wrong to use a gun to let Liso know that Mari wasn’t alone. Carmen prompts him that he needs to make a proper apology, which he does. Liso accepts. He really only wants to be friends with Mari. Alone, they start to talk. Mari seems pleased with his attentions, but she doesn’t want to talk about the land issues. Liso takes her hand and tells her he never believed in love at first sight until he met her.

Question: If Mariela’s grandfather sold the land fair and square to Demián, where’s the payment? There should have been money somewhere in an account for Mariela, o no?

Hi Anita...Love the "Tipsy Lawyer" sobriquet. We can only hope that the prospect of solving this mystery will motivate him to get sober for a while.

What's up with Leonardo. He kept getting a strange look on his face each time Mariela hugged him. We know with Demian age difference makes no difference. Is that where we're going with Leonardo too?

Well onto other more obvious baddies. Rogelio bothers me so much. I was hoping once Noé left the house, his troubles with that scum would be over but now Rogelio is implicating him in his own thefts. Ugh. Hate how the servidumbre are always getting blamed for every thing. As Mariela said, Rogelio has "una vibra muy pesada". And how!

Well we got a little more of Carmencita's sad back story. I'm hoping for a romance between her and the doctor who runs the clinica where Mariela will be working part-time. That romance sounds a little more promising than the ones that seem to be percolating at the moment.

Thanks as always Anita. Check your email by the way.

Anita – Thank you for your recap! I had two episodes to watch before I could comment.
Sara gardening in her bouclé Chanel-ish suit w/gardening gloves reminded me of Lorelai Gilmore's mother , Emily (Gilmore Girls). BwaHahaaaaa

I noticed that sculpture behind Dem’s desk. too. It looks like a twisted, crooked black heart. Just like his own. The art in any telenovela villain’s office or home is always interesting to look at. Telenovelas set designers leave nothing to chance.

Santi is such a horndog. ... ewww ...

Dem trying to rape Lety was the worst. What a pig. I’m so glad her father saved her!

That galánbesoattack (GBA) was a thing in movies, for decades, here in the U.S., with the woman either slapping the guy or melting into him. And, really, if the woman melts into it, she has no basis for complain because she kissed back. Just sayin'

Nonetheless, Al GBAing Mariela was just …. ew ….. aaaand I’m now packing my bags for el convento. Sheldon and Amy have more chemistry. :-o

Telenovela bingo card items:
Sueltame! (yes, Anita, she said it, I heard it)
Lárgate (de aquí)!!!
Person eavesdropping on a convo
Mexican “Greek chorus” in background
Classic soap opera stricken faces on all as camera stops rolling for end of scene (episode)-LOVE this one because SNL used it so well in “The Californians”!


Thanks, Anita. The “no lawyers” complaint is too stupid. Puebla is only about 80 miles from DF. It is not as if this is the nineteenth century with everyone on horseback.

Doris, you are so lucky to have "eavesdropping"! I just have "hiding in closet or bathroom," and no one seems to do that anymore.

Jarifa, good point about the "lack of lawyers." Puebla is the third-largest city in Mexico, for heaven's sake. Surely Demian has some rivals who would be willing to fight against him...

Blue Lass - those items are not on my card, but just listing them for fun and in case they're on anyone else's. LOL

Ha ha! I'm making up my own card for the next TN, with all my personal favorites. So far I have "ring thrown," "mariachis," "character returns from the dead," "flatline," and "broken glass or mirror." Oh, and "hooker heels," but I put that in the middle because it's practically a free square.

doris, thank you for reminding us of the GBA’s in US movies. Yes, they were very popular.

Blue Lass, good choices for new bingo items.

Mariel, as compulsive as she is, is going to have to decide whether she wants to file charges or encourage more GBA’s. So now she is mooning over the event.

Leonardo, the bikes, the big hug was just awkward at best. Leonardo’s face said it all.


“were” just awkward at best.

ITA about Leo's whole attitude toward Mariela. It's just plain weird and creepy. I never saw earlier versions of this telenovela so have no idea of this goes any further than creepy looks and actions.

Now to watch last nights episode.

Aaaack. Was there an episode last night? We were not home last night and nonrecording on the DVR. 😳

Hi Patio!

When I was lamenting a few weeks ago at the end of two novelas that I had no idea what to watch next, because I’m sick of gangs and prisons and car chases and guns guns guns and slaughter, Judy B and others recommended that I give Corazon a try.

So I began recording on the 13th. Naturally I had to catch up on the plot before I started watching, so yesterday I sat down and read all the recaps up to that point.

My gosh, Anita, you are a brilliant writer! The recaps were a complete delight. Now, though I have no idea what the characters look like, I at least I can dig in.

And I loved all the comments too. Of course I haven’t read of the later recaps – I’ll check those out after I’ve seen the episodes.

MANY thanks to you for Anita for your hard work, and for creating such a terrific narrative.


Many thanks, all, and WELCOME Maggie. Please add your voice to our little group. Right now we all fit around one single Patio Table. However, there is a limpid pool nearby, so bring your bathing suit and towel--it's that kind of weather, even if the telenovela isn't as hot and sizzling as the weather.

Doris--I'm so sorry you didn't get to watch the episode. Those punches were pretty good. You should be able to catch them in a day or two on-line, I suspect. You have until Monday night....

Almost ready with the TN Lexicon + some additions. CAUTION: The list is not exhaustive. It only includes tns I watched (either entirely or partly). Please do add to it. Later I'll make post it as a Weekend Discussion or Vocabulary thread.

Hey Maggie...welcome. Glad you hauled your sweet self on over here.

So far the patio is small, but not exclusive. We'd be delighted to add some new voices, so happy that you're here.

Things are going along swimmingly with treacherous females of various ages, treacherous menfolk as well, along with the usual right as rain, good as gold, ill-treated servidumbre and the mellow, forgiving Padre who also can swat a mean ball when playing with the local chicos. All good stuff.

Except maybe for Leonardo who is displaying a lot of emotional conflict and ambivalence. But nice facial hair.
We shall see.

I've already misplaced my two Telenovela Bingo cards, but I'm sure I've hit a lot of them. The tropes and clichés are flying fast and furious.

I figured out that I did not miss Friday's episode. Yours truly is so programmed to check the DVR for an evening telenovela that I forgot this one airs in the morning. So yes, I did watch it, over lunch yesterday. Gah.....

Hubs and I went to the Felix Cavaliere & Rascals concert last night. His voice is almost gone but it was a nice show anyway. Truly, I think something was wrong with the sound, instead. He often drops in and performs at hockey game intermissions during playoff seasons, and he sounds better there than he did last night. Still, nice to hear the old hits.

Telenovela Specific Vocabulary

Telenovelogical - NovelaMaven reminds us she made up this new word for the Caray lexicon~grins~(Amores Verdaderos)

Galanbesoparalysis – The inability for a galan to remove a kissing parasite from his lips before his love interest sees it (Vivi on CME, but probably not the first time used)

Galanitis—Disease manifested by the inability for a guy to make any sane decision when it comes to women (Adriana Noel on Avenida Brasil)

Galanfail – Lead protagonist, hero, who just doesn’t measure up to CarayCaray’s definition of a galán (Julie on LDVDEC) [Example: Ryan is another galanfail. I guess we are supposed to give him credit for feeling ashamed of himself? Well, it's much easier to do the crime and repent, than to keep it in your pants. I mean, seriously, Ryan? Who raised y-- oh, right.]

Chickenitis—Disease produced when one has the opportunity to say and do something to clear up misunderstandings and doesn’t—referring to Paulina not telling Adrian about Valentina (Nina on AQNMD)

Testilying – What Dan-Dan Boy, Ursula and Arango were doing at the police station in YNCELH (JdesdeNYC used it first)
Wifestress –someone who thinks she is married (falsely) but is really still a mistress, Monica’s status in AQNMD (Delilah’s recap)

Can’t letgoitis- Refusal to admit that a lover or marital partner can move on (Nandicta’s recap in AQNMD)

Creative Constipation – label used for telenovelas that can’t “go.” (Lila referring to where Vino is trying to “go.”)

Second tier lowmance – relationship that does not measure up to a romance, but takes up entirely too much time on screen (Tofie on Vino)

Psychopass - n. When DisGracie is greeting David topless, or pawing at him, she's making a psychopass. (Kirby/Julie on Vino)

Illicit Skittles transfers, another description for an attack beso (Julie/Lila on Vino)

Telenovela Specific Vocabulary: Death, Murder and Mayhem
Escaleracide – Most common way to accomplish a murder while looking like an accident

Silla-de-ruedacide – Odette vs. Anibal in Amores Verdaderos. (Doris)

Almohadacide – Usually applied to the bedridden—Padre Baldomero (Amor Bravio)

Fuegocide – La Sombra had fire and no water

Rodenticide – for poor MontseRatt who went over the balcony (PyP & also on a NYC street sign)

Sartenazocide – death by very large frying pan—Caridad whacked her hub to protect her cub (PyP)

Clorocide – Julieta tries to commit suicide by drinking Clorox (AQNMD)

Dramacide – a variation, when you call someone before you attempt suicide – (Julieta in AQNMD)

Herbadeath – “Nuria goes to the Herbadeath (opposite of Herbalife), asking for the same herb they used on EHDLS to end a pregnancy.” (Pablo Villalobos’ recap in AQNMD)

A SPRINKLING OF FRENCH (Credit: Amores Verdaderos)

Sansculotte or sans-culotte (n.)
1. An extreme radical republican during the French Revolution.
2. Sra. Victoria Balvanera during her prepositional weekend in Cuernavaca.

1. From French, literally, without knee breeches. In the French Revolution, this was the aristocrats’ term of contempt for the ill-clad volunteers of the Revolutionary army who rejected knee breeches as a symbol of the upper class and adopted pantaloons. As often happens with such epithets, the revolutionaries adopted it as a term of pride. Earliest documented use: 1790
2. From French, English translation: Without Capri pants. Frequently documented use: 2012 in Amores Verdaderos, a Spanish-language telenovela from Televisa.


Love square – Alfredo: A love (insert shape here) is when somebody loves somebody
who loves somebody who loves someone else and the merry-go-round begins. For
example, in VEA, Luciana loved David, who loved Luciana, but got engaged to
Graciela, who hated Luciana, who dated Miguel, who dated Erica. That is a love
pentagon lol.
Julie: Ha ha, I did a double-take at "love square." I thought maybe it was a
special chocolate treat or a ring design like a claddagh. But it's like a love
triangle/love rectangle. Honestly, with the four-sided romances I think the best
you can hope for is a trapezoid.
Love triangle – Susanlynn: Telenovelas are never satisfied with just the
traditional love triangle...two people in love with the same person.
Love dot – Kirby: Is a love DOT if the only one you love is yourself?
Susanlynn: Yes, a dot...not going in any direction!! I guess we all know a dot
or two.

Boda Interruptus – Vivi, pretty sure
Nuptialis interruptus - Lila

El Tal – The supposed dead wife shows up between the religious and the civil wedding of Pedro and Camila, so they are only half married, haha

Montecristo – Laura is kidnapped minutes before she is to walk down the beach to her waiting groom, Santiago.

LQNPA—Even though they’ve been legally married since almost the beginning of the tn, Rogelio put the kabash on the church wedding first, and AP walked out on the other one, until they finally got the third one right, at the end.

ENDA—Does it count if the bridegroom gets shot, but another one takes his place?

CME- Renata & Jeronimo’s first one almost got interrupted by Jero’s previous finacé; Regina & Gonzalo’s didn’t come off because they were assaulted by Fina/Pepa

Amor Bravio – LuzMa & Pablo, LuzMa never got to the church because she was raped by Tio Leoncio

STuD at the beginning, Valentina & Alonso-—he left her literally at the altar, while he takes off in a plane, also leaving his lover behind
Valentina & José Miguel’s was almost interrupted by Rosendo

Triumfo de Amor – Alonso (Mark Tacher) walks out, leaving Maria (Maite Perroni) at the altar

Eva Luna – The day before the wedding, Leo manages to delude Eva into thinking that Daniel was the person who killed her father in a hit-and-run car accident. She flees leaving Daniel waiting in vain at the church.

I'm sure there are many more of these. I'll be happy to add them.

Thanks, Anita. This is great. So funny and creative!

Anita, thank you so much.

We are at our daughter's in telenovelas here, so I will not be able to watch for awhile.I

Leo does seem to have a tiny for his ward, doesn't he? However, I guess that it is obvious that Mari is destined to be with Alonso.

Dam Dem is disgusting. Yuck

Judy, I do not think I was ever the recipient of an attack kiss..except maybe during Spin the Bottle , and country kids play a lot of that.

Doris, I love The Gilmore Girls and the Californians on SNL. Hub and I go to a lot of oldies concert. The last one we went to was Jay and the Americans. We have tickets for Dion next month.

Those were fun Anita. Thanks. I didn't watch Vino so I missed "psychopass" but that's a great one. I'm sure we'll get to see some psychopasses before this one wraps up.

”Rodenticide” ??? All I can imagine is rats chewing away at someone. :-p

”Sansculotte or sans-culotte” --- thank you for the history lesson! And here I’m thinking of some protagonist taking off her culottes and running around in her undies.

Bodus interruptus -- Isn't this in the Telenovela Rules? LOL

”Illicit Skittles transfers” -- good one! LOL

I really wish now that I had watched Vino and LQNPA.


Doris--Skip VINO and find re-runs of El Tal and read the recaps and comments along with it. I still laugh at our snarky interpretation--especially when bro Antonio and sis Lucretia became an item off stage. It set off quite an euwww factor whenever they were in a scene together.

Anita, thank you for another superb recap. I didn't watch this episode yet, but hopefully will finally watch it tonight.

I love it so much!!! Caray recappers and commenters are the best!


Anita, thanks. I am still on vaca and did not see this episode.

So , let me get this straight..nobody spent much time investigating who shot Luc and nobody bothered telling Mari that someone built a hotel on her land. Ok

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