Monday, June 25, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 4 (6/25/18) Monday Kickoff: Kisses 1 - Slaps 0

* Mariela is being wooed by Lisandro and wants to know if they can date. She says she’ll think about it. He’s even willing to help her with her land issue, regardless of what his dad says.
* Dem and Rog cook up a scheme to plant Noe’s fingerprints in Dem’s office, since they have no other evidence that he was the thief. Rog assures Dem Noé had to have been the thief.
* Santi tells granny Sara he thinks he’s at fault for Noe’s family disappearing. He was nasty to Lety. Sara doesn’t think Noé and Amalia would leave their jobs over that—and not talk to her first.
* Ren and Rafie chit chat about the party. Ren moons over Al. She hopes he comes. Rafie says being cousins makes no difference to her and Dem would be happy if his son gets interested in her.
* Dem breaks in on Sara and Fr. Daniel’s convo, regarding the Noé family. He says he fired the whole family because Noé was stealing the rent receipts—and he has witnesses. Sara defends them. Dem says he doesn’t want to see them around again. On his way out, Fr. Dan and Al exchange a few words. Basically, Al says he’s waited for years to punch Leo. He’s responsible for his mother’s death, whether or not he pulled the trigger. Dan says Leo loved Lucía. Al says that’s all the more reason for not forgiving him.

* Lety comes to see Mariela. Sobbing, she tells her what really happened to make them leave the Ferrers. Mariela is horrified and angry. She wants Lety to press charges. Lety won’t. Dem already accused her of being the one who approached him and her father says no one will believe the real story.
* Al and Santi tell Sara Dem is lying about Noé being a thief. They’re 99% sure it was Rog himself. They decide to go confront Rog. The bros get nowhere with Rog. He boasts how he’s Dem’s right hand man and Al can’t can him. As a matter of fact, he has knowledge of a few very delicate matters his father wouldn’t want to come to light. Dem appears and puts a stop to Rog’s leaky mouth. Rog grins as Dem chews out his sons. Noé is guilty and that’s that. The boys disappear inside. Dem turns to Rog and tells him that he overheard him and that should never happen again.
* Mariela tells Carmen that Liso is in love with her. Carmen thinks it’s a good match. Mariela says he’s handsome, but not her type. She’s not attracted to him. When she describes her ideal mate, including defending his values, Carmen guesses it’s Al. Nah, uh-uh. Mari quickly short-circuits Carmen’s future plans for her and decides to take a bicycle ride and catch  up with Leo, who is out on his.
* Leo’s agent Denise calls a couple of times.
* Mari catches up with Leo in Loreto Park. He wants to be alone. Before leaving, Mari indicates what a coincidence it happens to be. This is the exact spot she found the pendant. Leo gives a start, but then withdraws again into his reveries with the Heavenly Chorus to accompany him.
* Flo asks her brother Liso for fashion assistance in picking out the right dress for the fiesta. He forgot it was that very night. He wanted to ask Mari to go with him. She and her friends dismissed her as a nobody. Well, she’s somebody to him.
* Ren finds Al in the garden, just thinking. She persuades him, but didn’t need to try very hard, to go for a bici ride. They end up in a different park. One with lots of trees, a lake and ducks.
* Dan is visiting the Noé family. Lety wants to tell the truth, but her parents shut her up. Dan begs her. Lety only lets on that what Dan’s brother is saying is not the truth. Noé coughs it up. The theft of the money—it was surely Rogelio himself. Dan says he believes Noé and thanks him.
* Poncelo (??, the gardener), who wears a hat that surely the El Tal horse took a bite out of, tells Santi that Al went off for a bici ride with Renata. Santi decides he needs to go for a ride on his bici. Both Mari and Santi wind up at the same park as Al and Ren. They don’t see each other, but they have a clear view of the couple. They are getting quite cozy. They sit on a bench. Ren uses her magnetic powers to draw Al’s lips towards her. Al, aware that Mari has been watching them, begins to kiss Ren in earnest. He has his back to Santi and doesn’t see him watching the same thing as Mari. They both get an eyeful.
* Rafie shares with Dem that Ren has finally settled on Al and who can blame her. Dem is fine with either one. If Al turns out not to be interested, then Santi can pick over the leftovers. Dem only wants to have control over her financial empire, or so he thinks—Rafie wonders, though. The papers are about ready and Dem will make sure she signs them.
* Leo tells Carmen that it was significant that Mari found the pendant in the exact location where Luci died. It means she was wearing it. For him it is a sign. It’s too much of a coincidence. The pendant went from Luci to Mari. He’ll have to think about it. Carmen wonders if he’s not replacing Luci with Mari. He assures her he's not.
* Santi is back from his bici ride. He’s in a bad mood and is rude to his grandmother. Right on Santi’s heels, a cheerful Al and Ren return. Sara reminds them it’s almost time for the fiesta.
* Rog calls in a chip he had lying around (and one we were not aware of). A guy who works in a CSI lab is in debt to Rog. He thought he had discharged the debt, but Rog needs another favor. If he doesn’t comply, his wifey is liable to find out about his numerous affairs (really? Did everyone get a good look at him—affairs? plural?) Rog needs to move some fingerprints from one place to another.
* Noé and Amalia leave their pension (and his fingerprints) to go for a walk and to talk about their situation. Meanwhile, Lety is also gone from the rooms. She’s off to spy on the fiesta. Rog and his debtor get the job done. Rog sends the guy back to the lab while he picks the lock and looks around Noé’s rooms. He finds an object, picks it up and takes it.
* Liso asks Mari to the Ferrer’s fiesta. He’s really surprised when she accepts. He didn’t think she would. He’ll be back to pick her up.
* The fiesta is in full swing. [I count more mature adults (36-52) than young adults (18-26). This is confusing me. Is this the party to introduce Ren to Flo’s friends or Rafie showing off. The white settees and lacy canopy, catered, looks more like a high society reception.] Oh well, the Molinaros have arrived. Flo doesn’t see Santi.
* Sara sees Ren in the upstairs hall in a state of underdress and mentions she’s missing some clothing. Ren insists this is the fashion now and she wants everyone to see her as she is. Sara observes that they certainly will, she's hiding nothing. Alonso comes up, looking quite handsome. He tells Ren not to pay any attention to his grandmother. He likes the outfit.
* Santi is still in a green sour ball mood. He’s not coming down. Sara orders him to get dressed and come down. Flo is waiting for him.
* Mariela descends the Staircase of Doom. Leo’s eyes pop out. He’s astonished by how lovely she looks. Wow. Liso has the same reaction. Wow. Off they go and arrive in Liso's red sports car. The two are refused entry into the fiesta by none other than Rog (who only has a mental list of who can come in and who can’t – not like in VEA.) Sara comes to the rescue. She tells Rog they are her guests. She pushes Rog aside and takes each by the arm and sweeps past him. When Dem sees Mari, he jumps up, ready to throw her out. Sara intervenes again. If he dares, she tells him, she’ll throw a very loud fit that none will ever forget. Rafie agrees with Sara and pulls him back.


Hi - I'm pulling up a chair to this friendly patio...
I think the main action of this episode (Monday, June 25) is Demian and Rodrigo conspiring to frame Ley's father taking away any prospective rape charge and Sara wearing an actual cape coming to the rescue....

Sara reminded me of the character in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes who basically said I may be old but my insurance is better (I think after a parking lot accident)

I liked how consistent Sara was to try to find out the truth like Fr Dan, they both had real relationships with the servant family and didn't believe the claims that were made.

I also like how Mariela is shown to be intelligent, working on the property sale issue doggedly; but is it just me or was her hair weird going to the party? She looked like she just stepped out of the shower and didn't brush out her hair.

I have more thoughts but I don't want to hog the table.

Thank you Anita for all your work

Rena--Hello. Stay under the umbrella or you might get a sunburn or worse, drenched in the interminable rain. Glad to have you along.

The recap is almost ready to post.


Mari's hair didn't bother me too much, I was too busy comparing her dress to Renata's -- same halter style dress but waaaaaay different neckline depths . . . Skankzilla vs Disney Princess

The scene with Al kissing Ren in the park with Mari and Liso watching was … just … gah. . . comical.

And what’s up with everyone riding bicycles? ALL on the same day?? QTH???

Sara to the rescue, indeed, since she got the kids into the party.

Rena - I remember that scene, to this day, in the FGT movie. LOL

I sure enjoyed Sara pulling rank on Rogelio and Demián.

Lety spying from the bushes? Not too smart. One would think that anywhere near Demián’s home would be the last place she would want to be.

Hey, the patio is slowly expanding! Great news. Welcome René...I agree about Mariela's hair style. It's normally very tidy but this time there were strands hanging down in her face that didn't look lovely...just messy. But doubt that Lisandro minded. Alas, there's no way he could be a love interest. He looks like one of those little plastic Ken dolls my daughters used to add to their Barbie collection.

Now what's up with Loreto Park? It seems to be all boards with little holes for trees to grow through. How could that be a park? Strange. Guess I'm going to have to google that one. The municipal bike path is much nicer.

Anita, you cracked me up when you said "Renata uses her magnetic powers to draw Al's lips towards her". Dulce Maria is doing a great job playing the sexy ,nubile vamp in this one. Wonder why she hasn't been cast more often. She seems very good at flipping back and forth between seeming innocence and whoa Nellie.

Also love how you mention the Heavenly Chorus during Leo's moments and your description of Santiago's "green sour ball mood". That one packed a punch.

Well our fears about Leo having an unseemly (IMO) attraction to Mariela seem justified. Also I wish that Father Dan weren't quite so dense. But guess we'll just have to hang on for the long term.

Oh, one more thing...yep, the mild mannered, nebbishy lab guy has had numerous affairs?! Oh well. Maybe he makes a great salary.

Thanks Anita. You're doing all the heavy lifting and we're having all the fun. You're a peach.

Anita, thank you for another great recap. I loved it's breezy tone and humour and especially enjoyed the following lines:
" Dem appears and puts a stop to Rog’s leaky mouth"

"Leo gives a start, but then withdraws again into his reveries with the Heavenly Chorus to accompany him"
"Poncelo (??, the gardener), who wears a hat that surely the El Tal horse took a bite out of"
"Ren uses her magnetic powers to draw Al’s lips towards her"
"Rog calls in a chip he had lying around (and one we were not aware of)"
" If he doesn’t comply, his wifey is liable to find out about his numerous affairs (really? Did everyone get a good look at him—affairs? plural?)"
"Noé and Amalia leave their pension (and his fingerprints) to go for a walk "
"The fiesta is in full swing. [I count more mature adults (36-52) than young adults (18-26). This is confusing me"
"Sara sees Ren in the upstairs hall in a state of underdress and mentions she’s missing some clothing"
"Santi is still in a green sour ball mood"
"The two are refused entry into the fiesta by none other than Rog (who only has a mental list of who can come in and who can’t – not like in VEA.)"

I second Doris as far as the coincidence of everyone being in the same park, in the same place in the same park and in the exact same time is concerned. My beanie couldn't handle the absurdity of it all. But maybe Ren's magnetic powers are so strong they accidentally drew Santi and Mari to her too.
Oh, well, at least Leo, Liso and Leti didn't in the same spot at the same time as well.

"When she describes her ideal mate, including defending his values, Carmen guesses it’s Al." Really Carmen, Al? Al, that you know absolutely nothing about? Ridiculous beyond words.
And even more ridiculous is the fact that Carmen, that seems to know everything about Al without meeting him in the last 15 years, didn't know that Mari's lands are being used to construct a hotel. How could she miss that?!

I think Sara is the best character in this telenovela. Loved, loved, loved her putdown of Ren (even though I actually like this red dress and don't think it's that scandalous).



I typed "Liso" in my earlier comment and that should read "Santi." Oy.

"And even more ridiculous is the fact that Carmen, that seems to know everything about Al without meeting him in the last 15 years, didn't know that Mari's lands are being used to construct a hotel. How could she miss that?!" I know, right? Carmen has probably been busy watching telenovelas all day for the past 15 years.

""Ren uses her magnetic powers to draw Al’s lips towards her"" Is that a nice way of saying her slutzilla powers? She has boinked Santi already, right? Now she's going for Al. Ack.

Oops . . . I hit Publish before I thanked Anita for her recap. THANK YOU!!!

And a “thank you, Anita” from me, too!

"Is that a nice way of saying her slutzilla powers? She has boinked Santi already, right? Now she's going for Al. Ack". I agree with you, Doris, about Ren. However, our galans, or shall I say anti-galans, are way worse than her in my opinion. At least Ren is single.

Santi already cheated on his girlfriend, insulted Leti in the worst possible way for actually telling his girlfriend the truth (granted, she had no business telling Flo, but he behaved like complete and total douchebag) and now is stalking Ren like some maniac.

And Al, after assaulting Mariella, is now using Ren to mock and provoke her. "Oh, look, I assaulted you, and yet it's not true that I can only rob kisses, here look at how passionately Ren is kissing me".

Really, those are the worst galans ever!!! I think I will have no choice but to start shipping LeoMar, even though it's kind of creepy and a bit inappropriate.
Liso is good looking but oh so boring and goody good and unfortunately there is no one else, so LeoMar it is.



Episode #17 (Tue Jun 26) – Pt. 1 Sara Sees All, Knows All, But Can She DO All?
* After backing down from a confrontation with Mariela, Demián goes back to his corner of the couch to sulk and watch her. Mari and Alonso eye each other. Ren notices, but Al, welcoming Liso and his “date” takes the edge off things, even if he does tell Liso if he wanted a real date, he could introduce him to some. (Meanwhile, back at the del Rio mansion, Leo is upset by Mari’s choice for a date.)
* Acting as the barker at a side show, Dem takes the mike and begins to introduce Renata as his new (conquest) niece, when out of nowhere, Mari grabs the mike and accuses Dem of the perfidy of stealing her grandfather’s lands to build a hotel. She wants everyone to know what kind of person he is.
* Sara intervenes before Dem can rough her up. She indicates that Mari was just leaving. Mari won’t let Liso take her home. She apologizes to him. Al, though, takes after her. They meet out of sight of the party-goers. They have a war of words, but looking at each other, maybe it’s just a skirmish. He tells her to file a suit instead of spouting off empty threats. Then they dial back the words of war and the skirmish intensifies. They get closer. Their heads almost touch, but their eyes are still on each other. Al brings up her seeing him kissing his girlfriend in the park. Mariela says she was there first, but stayed out of curiosity. He suggests she’s jealous. Not at all, not someone like him, who only knows how to do things like his family does—stealing—a kiss. She tells All he’ll never get a kiss from her any other way. For that to happen, he’d have to be a gentleman and he's is everything but a gentleman. She turns and leaves. Al is left with a goofy grin on his face.
* Renata stomps up to her room with Rafaela trailing in behind her. Ren vows not to let that chippie take Al away from her. She hates Mariela. Ren suggests Mariela was just jealous of seeing Ren with Al. Ren disagrees. She could tell Al is interested in Mari.
* Dem is furious with Rog for letting Mari in to the party. Rog explains that it was Sara who let her in. Rog shares what he overheard, so Dem finds out Al “stole” a kiss from Mari, but she claimed he’d never get one in any other way. He reports that from what he saw, Al got bitten by the love bug.
* After she gets home, Leo quizzes Mari about her feelings for Liso—as a man, potential partner. She says no to both. He wants her to be careful. She doesn’t know Liso very well and he doesn’t want him to mistreat her. Mari says she’s never fallen in love before; when she does, he’ll be the first to know—-well, there was this professor at school; they went out a few times, but it didn’t last. Leo says he didn’t realize she liked older men. Mari says he wasn’t that old; actually he was about Leo’s age. They laugh it off.
* Back at the party Al defends his behavior to Ren. Mari was a childhood friend, but no friend now. He chased after her to clear up some sentiments. It’s one thing for her to hate him, another to come to his home and provoke a scandal at a party. Ren scoffs. Is he blind or what? That girl is dying for you. Al denies it and takes her onto the grass to dance.

Episode #17 (Tue Jun 26) – Pt. 2
* Santi is having a not so very good night with Flo. Sara notices. He dances with Flo to get closer to Al and Ren. He stares at her. She appropriates Al’s shoulder to nuzzle. Sara notices. Karla interrupts Santi and Flo-—bad timing, ma-—to talk to her. Santi is left standing there without a partner. Meanwhile, Liso is defending his choice of date to his father. Ed wants him to apologize to Dem and his family, as if it were his fault. Liso says he didn’t know what Mari was going to do and refuses. If the Ferrers were offended by what Mari said, maybe there’s something behind it all that has a ring of truth. Ed tries one more time. If Liso isn’t with Dem, then he’s against him. Karla wonders what’s going on between Liso and Mari. Flo says he’s very impressed with her. And, she reminds her mother, after all the years they complained about his not having a girlfriend, now that he has one, they’re putting a lot of “buts” in his way.
* Mari wants Leo to help Lety and her parents, going so far as hiring them and letting them live in the mansion. She trusts them. She shares the reason the Valdivia family left the Ferrers. He agrees. He can’t deny her anything.
* Rog and his lab rat fix the envelopes for the fingerprint caper.
* At the party, Al is still thinking of Mariela when Ren comes up behind him and asks if he likes Mari. He smiles, but doesn’t answer. Instead, he asks her to dance—it’s her party. [I noticed she’s been wearing a forest green coat over her underdressed self. She must not have known it gets quite chilly (pun intended) there at night.]
* The next day, Sara comes to visit Mari to warn her about Dem, who won’t take an affront like that without retaliating. Mari says she did what she had to do and she’s not sorry. Sara teases her about the stolen kiss she knows Al took. She scolded him soundly for not showing respect to a lady. She wants to be able to defend Mari because of the great affection her grandsons have, even though it might not show now. But Mari's behavior is making that difficult. She knows Al would never harm her, but as for his father? The answer is no. That leads to Mari telling Sara that if she wants to know the real reason why the Valdivias left the house she can ask them herself and tells Sara where they are.
* Rafie and Ren have breakfast al fresco. Rafie says Ren should never have asked Al about his feelings for Mari (but she wants to know what he said, anyway). Ren says he neither confirmed nor denied. Ren says he didn’t have to say anything, though, his face is like an open book. He likes her, a lot.
* Mari retells her story of the party scandal. Leo hits the roof for her provoking Dem. She’s not going to back down. Leo wants her to proceed with her issue legally.
* Mari starts her first day at the clinic. Fr. Dan comes to visit. He needs help with some fellows who are recovering addicts. She agrees, of course. The she tells him what she did at the party. Dem reacts the same way Leo did without hitting the roof. Surely her feelings don’t extend to Al, do they? Mari insists she can’t stand him, especially when he’s standing in front of her. She admits to some good feelings, but for the way they were when they were kids, something he seems to have forgotten. Fr. Dan teases her that those peculiar feelings she’s sensing sometimes end in a wedding. That. Will. Never. Happen., says Mari. Dan wonders why she’s telling him all this and not Leo. Mari says she can’t talk to him; he’s acting all jealous, like a father.

Episode #17 (Tue Jun 26) – Pt. 3
* Sara comes to visit Amalia and Lety. She learns the true story of why they left the house. She’s horrified. She insists they bring charges. Amalia says she’ll talk to Noé, for whatever good that will do. Sara says she’ll make sure Dem never fulfills any of his threats.
* Al is called into his father’s office—after Rog & Dem have everything ready for the false accusation caper. Dem wonders, after all the trouble Mari has caused and is likely to cause, if Al likes her—as a woman. Al says he cannot tell a lie, so yes, he likes her, in fact she fascinates him. Dem is about to blow a gasket. Al is forbidden to have anything to do with her. Al, calmly, replies that there’s nothing to fear—he’s not going to ask her to be his girlfriend. That’s not enough for Dem. He should be casting his eye on someone above Mari, like Ren. If Al wants a little diversion, there are plenty of women in Pueblo to satisfy him. Al says Dem should know very well, he’s not like that.
* Sara barges into Dem’s office to confront him about the Valdivia family. She warns him if he dares try to destroy Lety’s reputation, she’ll make it her business to tell Al and Santi, now that they are adults, what he was doing with Rafie while Luci was still alive.
* Santi breaks up with Flo. She throws him out. Karla thinks he’ll come back to her. Flo is angry that Karla went to Rafie to pressure Santi into marrying her. Karla wonders if Lety was right about Ren, despite how cozy she and Al were at the party. Maybe they were hiding their relationship.
* Sara sits Al down for a talk about the Birds and the Bees. She wants to know what he feels for Ren. When he answers she’s cute, but he’s not serious about her, Sara warns him about women who have seductive powers starting at a very young age. Al says he’ll be careful.
* When Flo and Renata have a meet-up, Renata throws suspicion off herself and onto Mariela for why Santi broke up with Flo.
* Santi talks to his dad. He wants to know how long Ren will be staying with them. He wants her gone, back to Puerto Vallarta. Dem wonders if he’s uncomfortable because Ren has taken up with Al. Santi denies it, but Dem says he knows Santi likes his cousin and if she’s with Al, he needs to take it like a man.

Mmmmmm....sounds like I missed the hottest part of this. Forgot to set the recorder and missed the first 15 minutes, but your recap brought the sizzle.....

They have a war of words, but looking at each other, maybe it’s just a skirmish. He tells her to file a suit instead of spouting off empty threats. Then they dial back the words of war and the skirmish intensifies. They get closer. Their heads almost touch, but their eyes are still on each other.

Yikes, my temperature is rising just reading this again. I think eventually I'll be able to get on the Alonso Love Train even though he's not really my type. Just can't with Leonardo, handsome though he is.

Clearly Abuelita Sara is the Good Fairy in this one, believing in the righteous, not taken in for a moment by the bottom feeders (no matter how glossy the packaging) and certainly not afraid to tell Demian his "quatro verdades". But boy, I sure hope he doesn't decide to eliminate her. She is constantly a spanner in his wheel and the little beast doesn't like that. Anyway, go Sara and may the Good Lord protect you.

I like Father Dan too but he's a tad slow picking up on the bad vibes in people.

Anyway, another delightful recap, Ms. Anita. You're doing a great job and we appreciate it.

sorry..."cuatro"...mixing up languages, spelling and probably punctuation!

Thank you, Anita.

Well, the creep factor continues with Leo and Mariela especially when she told him that if a woman is in love with a man, his age is the least important thing.

Honestly, Mariela is just as goofy as the rest of them all. Announcing what she did at the party? Why would anyone who was a friend of Demian’s care? Mariel deserves a goofy galán like Alonso.

So many unattractive characters.

JudyB, I sure agree that Sara, ‘the lady if the house”, has her head on straight.

At least the episode was fun which is the most important thing.


Anita, thank you for another great recap. You rock!

JudyB - ha! I knew you meant cuatro and didn't even notice. Maybe I need more coffee?

That AloMar scene was hawt with the way their faces were so close. I kept wondering if they were going to kiss, each time their mouths got that close. Good acting and chemistry in that escena.

Thanks, Anita, for the "sizzling" recap -- and for the telenovela lexicon, which was a hoot and a half. You rock!

Thank you, Anita, for another great recap. I am amazed at your ability to provide us with such complete, humorous and fun recaps every single day.

I especially enjoyed the following lines:

"Acting as the barker at a side show, Dem takes the mike and begins to introduce Renata as his new (conquest) niece"

"They have a war of words, but looking at each other, maybe it’s just a skirmish"

"She appropriates Al’s shoulder to nuzzle"

"Sara sits Al down for a talk about the Birds and the Bees"

I probably missed something, so could someone explain to me what fingerprints is Rog going to use to frame Noe? If we are talking about the ones from Noe's apartment, then how can he be so sure that they belong to Noe and not to Amalia, Leti or, worse, to Sara who visited Amalia many times.

Contrary to JudyB, I am never getting on the Alonso love train, so I guess I have no choice but to start shipping Mari with Leo, trying to ignore the creepy feeling I get every time I think that he is practically her father.
And it's definitely not a coincidence that we now know that Mari likes older men, so I guess LeoMar romance is a possibility.

"So many unattractive characters". I totally agree with you, Jarifa, and the worst part is that I actually count both of the so called galans between these unattractive characters.
Oh well, at least we have Sara and her sarcastic remarks and no nonsense attitude and the padre is quite good too (although I really hate how dense he is sometimes, especially about his demon of a brother).



Episode #18 (Wed Jun 27) – Pt.1 Lety the Truth-Teller
1. Mariela tells Lety she has a job at the clinic and that her parents have jobs and shelter in Leo’s mansion.
2. Renata continues to plant the idea in Flo’s head that Mariela is the one Santi is seeing and that is why he broke up with Flo. They certainly wouldn’t want Demián to know about them and if she asks Santi about it, he’ll deny it anyway. Then she asks Flo to keep the information on the down-low and not to tell Santi she’s the one that told her.
3. Leo is offered a great commission to create a statue of the angel which represents Puebla. He’ll think about it. Denise tries again to each him by phone. Instead, he calls Mariela to join him asap and have dinner with him. (Thank goodness he traded his Coat of Many Colors for a pretty snazzy Army Surplus number.)
4. Ren if definitely getting around Puebla by herself with no problems. After leaving Flo, she catches up with Alonso in a shopping gallery (she must have been lying in wait for him). They stop for coffee. Ren covers for herself by telling Al she’s sure Mariela had something to do with Santi’s break-up with Flo. Hours later, it’s dark and Lety and Mariela are still downtown, strolling through the same shopping gallery where Al and Ren are having coffee. So, of course they see each other. Al pointedly greets Lety, but not Mariela. Mari shrugs it off and enjoys Lety’s remarks describing Ren as a poisonous spider who, upon pricking Al poison his soul. Al wants to know how. Lety suggests asking Ren, or better yet Santi. Mari gets Lety to move on. Ren tells Al she doesn’t know what she was talking about.
5. Rafie wants to know what Sara meant back in Dem’s office about being careful that Dem might trade her in for another model. Sara says she knows nothing, just a hunch from past experience and offering advice – but she should check with Dem if she wants a direct answer.
6. Mari finally shows up for dinner with Leo. He’s about to have a very intimate, intense conversation about deciding to stay on in Puebla. Besides the commission, that is. As he takes her hand, he says it’s because of Mari. In the middle of what we think is a declaration of his feelings for her, Denise, the trained octopus shows up, where we least expect her. She wraps all her tentacles around Leo, greeting him with a slimy Octopus Kiss, just before devouring him right there in public. Mari is much amused by Leo’s discomfort and not being able to disentangle himself from all those arms. Denise needs to talk business. Leo decides his mood for dinner has evaporated.

Episode #18 (Wed Jun 27) – Pt.2
7. Flo checks in with her brother, Lisandro. She plays a Trivia game with him regarding his knowledge of Mariela-Esa. She doesn’t think he knows enough about her. She might be going out with someone else at the same time.
8. Apparently Denise has come for an extended stay with Leo. She does not comprehend why she’s being relegated to the guest room—to Mari’s continued amusement.
9. Rafie takes Sara’s advice and comes right out and asks Dem if he has a piece on the side. For once, Dem can tell the truth—no he doesn’t. Well, if Rafie ever finds out there is someone, he’ll be sorry. She’ll be prepared to tell all she knows about his nefarious deeds.
10. Carmen notes that Mari doesn’t like the intrusion of tal Denise. Mari says Leo claims she’s just his agent, when it’s obvious she’s something more. She tells Carmen about the Octopus Kiss. Mari claims she’s only bothered by how to treat her—novia, amiga or agent. Upstairs, Denise and Leo are going over his calendar and commitments. She’s miffed, especially when he tells her he’s not leaving Mari. He still feels responsible for her. Denise points out she’s a grown woman. She tells him to get to work. He answers that he always meets his commitments, but her attitude doesn’t inspire him. Then, to add to her miffedness, he says, this time their personal relationship is really over between them, despite the fact that they’ve split up various times only to come together again.
11. Al comes in to talk to Santi. The bros aren’t getting along very well (which Dem warned Santi about). Al says that Lety said Al needed to be careful of spiders. What did she mean? Santi has no idea. Al says that Ren said Santi broke up with Flo over Mariela. Al wants to know if that is true. Well, Santi says, if Ren said it, it must be true. Al has an aha moment. Now he understands why Santi would never say the name of the girl he liked. Santi could care less what anyone thinks. He’ll go out with whomever pleases him. After all, did Al ask permission to go out with their cousin? Al barks back—Ren and Mariela are very different so he can’t make those comparisons. Renata isn’t living, dependent on that guy. Santi answers back—if Mari shares a roof with that guy, that’s Al’s problem.
12. Sara has been telling Fr. Dan that she’s worried about Al’s interest in Renata. There’s something about her that bothers Sara, but nothing she can put her finger on. Dan tries to put Ren in the best light possible, but Sara says she gets the same feelings about Ren that she got when Rafaela moved in with them.
13. Rafie comes to check with Ed about the power of attorney and when will it be ready. (Rafie seems to have a lot more hair today.) Ed says there’s some information missing, but it won’t belong. And no, he doesn’t know how much Ren is worth. Rafie asks Ed to be discrete and not mention her visit to her husband.

Episode #18 (Wed Jun 27) – Pt.3
14. Denise is desperate—for something…anything from Leo. The folks in Spain could sue them for breaking their contract. Leo says he won’t let that happen, but he doesn’t like her pressuring him.
15. Rogelio watches from above as Mariela helps the Valdivia family move out of the pension. He calls Dem to let him know everything is on schedule.
16. Karla is worried about Liso losing his head over Mariela. Ed can’t and won’t do anything about it, although he is also worried. She’s his mama—she should talk to him. Said Liso is in the next office contemplating what Flo told him about Mari.
17. Leo has dropped by Mari’s new medical suite to “explain” Denise’s behavior the day before. Yes, he and Deni were a pair, off and on several times. Although he made it clear the last time they turned it off, she apparently didn’t check the light switch. Mari is ok with or without any explanation, but she hears Leo say that now Deni understands their relationship is strictly business from now on. Liso calls and makes a date with Mari for the next night. Leo drops the scissors he was holding, quite forcefully.
18. Ren has dropped in “unexpectedly” to bother Al at the office. She makes sure her spider web is spinning tighter and tighter around him. She’s delighted when Dem’s secretary catches them kissing—or catches Ren doing most of the kissing. Ren is also there to suck any information out of her prey regarding Santi and Mari. Al definitely believes Santi is interested in her and he’s worried his bro will get all tangled up with her since she’s causing their family so many problems. And here Ren was thinking he might be a bit jealous of Santi. He says not at all. Sure? Yes.

Episode #18 (Wed Jun 27) – Pt.4
19. The Now Not So Tipsy Lawyer has come to tell Mari about some things he’s found and would like to clear up with her. 1) Don Manuel left a significant amount of money from his account to a charity and 2) he wrote Mariela out of his will. Mari says her grandfather was very generous, but not to the extent of not being able to build his clinic, nor that he would have left her abandoned and unprotected. She really suspects fraud now. Although she was just a child, her grandfather confided in her and would never have sold his land to build a hotel without telling her. TNNSTL tells her Don Manuel changed his will shortly before he died and it was all done in the offices of Ed Molinaro. She knew it. She knew there was fraud. He cautions her to not get ahead of themselves. He asks about the offers Don Manuel rejected. One of them was just before he died, correct? Mariela is a bit confused as to when the events took place. (Carmen and Leo would remember about the dead animal episode…we do.) It was so long ago. He promises to keep digging.
20. Fr. Dan comes to talk to Santi. Santi tells him that he feels rotten for breaking up with Flo. He realized he just didn’t love her enough for matrimony. Dan is glad he had to guts to tell her the truth. Later, after Dan leaves, Santi grabs Ren out in the garden and accuses her of putting the idea into Flo’s head that he is going out with Mari. At first she denies it, then says so what if she did. Santi wonders why she picked Mari for her intrigues. Was it because she ruined her party or because she fascinates Alonso. She likes neither reason.
21. Flo shows up at Mari’s gate and hauls off and wallops her across the face. Santi is hers, she declares—hands off. Well, Mari turns right around and declares, after an equally sound wallop that who is she to come around like that and she’s not interested in her boyfriend. Flo goes home to have a good cry. Karla silently decides to help her with her problem to keep Santi and put Mari in her place.
22. Rafie walks into Sara’s bedroom, where a veritable array of pillows are arranged on the bed, just waiting to be used to commit almohadacide. She tells Sara there’s someone downstairs to see about replacing Amalia. (If you didn’t catch that repartee and need a translation, let me know. It’s classic.)
23. The poor Valdivia family. They haven’t even gotten past the sidewalk and into the mansion before Noé is arrested for theft—from Demián Ferrer. As they haul him away, Mariela tells him not to worry, they’ll get him a lawyer. Rog watches, satisfied, from across the street. He calls Dem to say fait accompli.

Thanks, Anita.

Yay! A slapfest!

Denise saved us from the ultimate “ick” moment. It seemed that Leonardo was going to tell Mariela the truth about his feelings. It was so odd for Lisandro to call when he did.

So Santiago thinks that his daddy loves his brother better than him. Poor baby!

Another fun one!

Whoa were having fun with this one. "Denise the trained octopus"....wrapping her tentacles around Leonardo...slimy octopus kiss" Wow, what a picture you created. I must say, the scarlet-lipped actress played her part with gusto.

And then this..."to add to her miffedness" yep, Leonardo consigns her to the guestroom.

So we've got one octopus, and one venomous spider [Renata] injecting her venom via smooches all over Alonso...who did seem to be suffering from galanparalysis during those scenes.

And you're right, Rafaela's hair did seem more voluminous today. Maybe she's sprouting more like an incensed Hydra, as she feels Damien slipping away from her.

You've got me worried though with your mention of all the bed pillows and potential almohadacide. I would hate to lose dear Sara, who is always the best part of the episode with her little darts and daggers.

I see we still have no info on Renata's actual inheritance. I'm thinking Papa was bankrupt and she's fixing to feather her nest with a little bit of some cousinly cash. We shall see.

Rip roaring, entertaining recap. Thanks Ms. Anita!

Irene--I had similar thoughts about the fingerprints. They could be anybody's and Rog would end up in trouble with Dem and Noe goes free. But that's giving too much credit to the writers. I'm pretty sure I saw Rog hiding and watching the pension door, waiting for the family to leave. He must have seen Noe hold the handle and lock the door--leaving his fingerprints behind. Of course, how did he know Noe and Amalia were going to go out for a stroll that night--ah writers, you just slay me.

My real worry is that Santi got Ren pregnant during their one roll in the hay and she'll conveniently make it Al's in order to get him safely married to her. But if what Al said to his father is true--and "he's not like that," needing a diversion with a selection of Puebla girls, he won't roll Ren. To make it stick, she'll have to resort to our most unfavorite tn trope--she drugs him, tells him they had sex and is disappointed he can't remember because he sent her to the moon. Boom! Pregnancy and baby. Unfortunately for Al, any modern-day DNA tests would not exclude him if Santi's DNA was in the mix. I'm sure that by that time, Al is really in love with Mari and she throws him over for "cheating" on her. We'll have to wait and see.

If this tn is really only 70 episodes, they can't make it too complicated to separate the protagonistas who are supposed to end up together and get them back together again.

I'm so jaded. Sorry. Especially since I'm really loving this series. I'm sorry for all you out there that don't like certain male characters, but--to each his own telenovio.

Anita, no need to be sorry about the telenovios. If the story is good, I don’t have to like any of the characters and this story sure is entertaining.

I never thought about Santiago getting Renata pregnant. That would be a a good one. : )

JudyB, it would not be surprising if Renata were broke. It seems like nobody knows too much about her situation.

Anita, thank you for another great recap!

"My real worry is that Santi got Ren pregnant during their one roll in the hay and she'll conveniently make it Al's in order to get him safely married to her.". --- very likely this might happen and our telenovela bingo cards will be buzzing..🤬

Thank you, Anita, for tackling this all on your own.

"Although he made it clear the last time they turned it off, she apparently didn’t check the light switch." Hahahahaha. I think I'm going to like this octonovia.

Anita, thank you for another stellar recap.
I especially enjoyed the following lines:
"Thank goodness he traded his Coat of Many Colors for a pretty snazzy Army Surplus number."

"Hours later, it’s dark and Lety and Mariela are still downtown, strolling through the same shopping gallery where Al and Ren are having coffee. So, of course they see each other."
" In the middle of what we think is a declaration of his feelings for her, Denise, the trained octopus shows up, where we least expect her. She wraps all her tentacles around Leo, greeting him with a slimy Octopus Kiss, just before devouring him right there in public."
"She plays a Trivia game with him regarding his knowledge of Mariela-Esa"
" Then, to add to her miffedness, he says, this time their personal relationship is really over between them"
"Denise is desperate—for something…anything from Leo"
"Ren is also there to suck any information out of her prey regarding Santi and Mari."

"Rafie walks into Sara’s bedroom, where a veritable array of pillows are arranged on the bed, just waiting to be used to commit almohadacide". Best line ever!



Anita, you shouldn't feel sorry at all about us not liking the males in this telenovela. I think it's a telenovela trend now to have galans so unattractive, bland, dumb, ridiculous and sometimes so incredibly vile that we'd rather root for the villains.

I noticed this trend in many telenovelas as of late (and in some not very recent ones as well) and actually the galans here are not too bad, all things compared.
In Apuesta por un amor the galan hit the protagonista and used her as a gambling chip (and was generally vile and disgusting); in the recent Al otro lado del muro one galan was so stupid he caused the protagonista to end up on the death row and the other was a bigamist, who cheated on his wife, married another woman for her money while still married to the protagonista, abandoned the protagonista and her two children in a foreign country without means of subsistence and idly stood by when his 10 year old son had his bone-marrow extracted without anesthesia in a dirty and illegal underground clinic.

And then there is PASL, where the galan is so horrible I sometimes think the protagonista should end up with the villain.

So, compared to the abovementioned galans, the galans of Corazon are kind of o.k, although I doubt I will warm up to either of them.



Regarding 21st C. galans. It could be that the writers (and rewriters) of these telenovelas are trying to make their galans more like today's humans, flaws and warts and all, i.e. mainstreaming them. It's like the news, the more horrid a story is, or pathetic, the more time it gets. Maybe wonderful, dashing, supermen (though eternally dense in the love department), caring, galans are just too boring.

Just me, trying to see some reason for these twist-ups.

Wah, I still want Colunga galloping in on a horse to save the day.

But nice try Anita!

Thank you for your explanation about the fingerprints, Anita. I guess Rog is the luckiest villain ever to get the right fingerprints from that door, which was handled by multitude of people.
I personally would have loved for him to get the wrong fingerprints. It would have been nice for him to go to all that trouble with the fingerprints only for them to end up to be of some old lady with dementia and mobility problems.

I initially got the idea that Dem already put his dirty villainous paws on Ren's money, but now realize that I was mistaken, so you guys could be right that Ren is broke and thus needs to marry one of the galans. And it also makes sense since Ren did the nasty with Santi a day or so after meeting him, and not out of pleasure, and now that she found a somewhat less repulsive golden goose, she is doing her very best to bed him too.
As far as unloading her pregnancy from Santi on Alonso, the DNA test will prove that Al is not the father. However, it will also prove that Al is related to the father, so one wouldn't need to be a genius to realize that the father is Santi. But we have a long history of faked DNA tests in telenovelas, so I am not worried for Ren if indeed she will find herself in such a pickle.



Human galans with flaws are o.k, I personally even prefer the galans to not to be too perfect and goody good. However, lately they are worse than the villains and we already have the villains to satisfy our needs for watching (and judging) disgusting and vile behavior.


Jarifa and JudyB--
I didn't think the story would go there--Renata's inheritance--but I think I'll move around to your side of the Patio Table. They wouldn't be making such a big to do about it if she were wealthy. After all, what can they do with even more wealth than they already have (I know money makes one greedy for more, but that aside...)

One clue in favor of Renata being as poor as a churchmouse is that she arrived with only a couple of suitcases. She never mentions her home, things and friends she left behind, etc. She seems to have only an endless supply of those black short-short outfits with a gauzy top. Oh, and one red underdress.

JudyB--Wah, I miss FC, too. And we can all sympathize with him when we see what they did to Amor Real trying to update it with LQLVMR. Not that the producers/directors/writers would admit to simply updating---they swore this was a NEW story. HA!

Soright Anita. They manipulated and twisted that story to death. Amor Real, with Helena Rojo and a stellar cast remains my favorite to this day. Even better than Alborada.

JudyB - I'm with you on AR. Even Mauricio Iglesias was great in his role.

Helena Rojo is awesome. Just watching her play Sara, her facial expressions, ability to deliver...... what a pro.

Thanks to you few, you important few, sitting around the one table on the Patio commenting, nodding, shaking your heads and discussing. Recap will be posted in an hour or so.

Off topic, but anyone of you who had children who watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, HAVE TO SEE THE DOCUMENTARY ABOUT HIS LIFE. It was just showing here this weekend at our one art theatre but wow, it was awesome. People applauded at the end. And cried.

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