Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Papá a toda madre Wednesday 6/6/18 Capítulo 100: Lambs on Parade to the Slaughter--OR--Jorge's Worst and Finest Hours

The action continues in the cul-de-sac:

Rodrigo goes out to greet the uniformed police officers who have arrived in the cul-de-sac while the drug dealer hides behind a fence and shrubbery between the houses.

Dulce rushes out of her house, much to the fear of Baldo, pushing him aside. She tells Rodrigo and the other policemen in the street that she has a thief living in her house and has proof. She caught Baldo stealing money from her purse.

Flor, who has been standing to the side with Rafael and Renée, overhears what is going on and sticks up for Baldo telling Dulce not to be such a pain. Dulce calls her a busybody. The drug dealer continues to watch. Rodrigo tries to quiet the situation down. One of the policemen informs Dulce that they are there to deal with a much more serious problem than a domestic complaint. Vero and Esperanza are drawn to the group to see what is going on. Everyone wonders what is going on.

María, in Mauricio's house, is being directed by Fabián who is in his car. He tells her to look in the drawers of the sideboard in the dining room for the drug packets. She finds them and asks where she can find others.

As Rodrigo leads one of the uniformed officers to Mauricio's house, he assures them that this is most likely a mistake or just a nuisance call.

Mauricio is meeting with Jorge and Toño at the new Anitoys headquarters. Jorge congratulates Toño on his proposal. It is excellent and they can implement it. Toño willingly volunteers that it was Vero's idea. Toño tells them that it is Vero who would be a great addition to their business. Mauricio says they could take her on, too. Toño tells him that he does not understand. It is Vero who really has the passion for working there not him. That is why he quit his job. He just has to be somewhere else, "way out there." They are left looking up wondering where "way out there" is.

When the policeman and Rodrigo arrive, María answers the door. Rodrigo informs her that they are there to do a search of the house due to a complaint having been made.

As the crowd watches the police at Mauricio's, a fight between Ernesto and Bryan breaks out. Even after the kids are broken apart and Rafael asks Bryan why he would do this to a kid smaller than him, Bryan lunges again at Ernesto and has to be dragged back by Rafael.

After having searched the house, Rodrigo and the policeman find nothing and chalk it up to just a prank call. The second uniformed officer sees a man (drug dealer) between the houses but does not mention it.

Bryan refuses to apologize. Rafael says they will be going home and he can stay inside. Bryan does not care. Rafael excuses himself and takes Bryan home.

Renée asks Mauricio why they were at Mauricio's house. He explains it was a prank call with a false accusation. María agrees it must have been some kind of jokester but cuts her chatting short since she can see that Fabián is calling her. As she moves away to answer the call, Renée looks concerned.

The uniformed officer explains to his partner who is now in the patrol car that they found nothing in Mauricio's house. He asks if his partner saw anything suspicious. Since he asked, the second officer did see something suspicious. There was a suspicious looking guy roaming around the cul-de-sac. They decide to track him down to ask him some questions.

Fabián asks María if her fright has passed now. She calls him a wretched human being. He is not done with María. He now wants María to meet him so she can find out about the marvelous agreement they have come to. They then can confirm that they are going to be one big happy family. María is upset because she has no idea about what agreement he is talking about. It is just something that he wants to force on her? He decides to give her a summary. In two days she and Anifer will be living at his house where they will do whatever is needed to renew their relationship obviously for the good of their daughter. She is outraged. She also cannot decide anything concerning the future of their daughter without consulting with him first. From now on, all rights to and custody of his child are solely his. She calls him a piece of garbage. He says he loves her, too. He reminds her he can have the police come back again. She has two days to start living with him and less than five minutes to come out and see him. He is waiting for her in a car outside the cul-de-sac. He is watching her so she had better be very very careful.

The patrol car comes back and Rodrigo leaves Renée and Flor to see what is up. María comes out and asks Renée to watch Anifer for just a bit because she has to go somewhere. María wonders aloud why the police are back. Rodrigo tells them that they arrested a drug dealer that was seen around the cul-de-sac.

Baldo is all packed up leaving Jorge's when Flor confronts him on the street. She asks if he has talked to his dad. No, Baldo has just had it with what his dad's wife did to him right now in front of everybody. She humiliated him. Flor understands but does not want him to throw it all away because of her. Baldo does not even know where he is going. She finally convinces him to come home with her. She will make him some food and they will talk. She will not take no for an answer.

Jorge comes home and is locked out of his own gate. He goes over the hedge and knocks on the windows calling out for Dulce and asking why she changed the lock on his house.

Baldo is talking with Flor at her house about his mother dying and feeling alone. Coming to the city to be with Jorge has just made things worse instead of helping.

Renée informs Mauricio of the latest goings on. Mauricio is shocked to hear about a drug dealer in the cul-de-sac and the police searching his house. He has to talk to Rodrigo about what is going on. He wonders why María just left like that. Renée wonders if it has something to do with Fabián. Mauricio insists that María would have told him if it had.

María is at Fabián's where a lawyer is working on his laptop on the agreement. She is upset. Fabián explains that if they want to be together it is because they want to do it for the good of their daughter. María wants to know how long the agreement is going to take to write up. Fabián has all the time in the world. He hopes she does, too, because the agreement is going to be long and she is not leaving until it is done. he invites her to take a seat.

Mauricio goes over to Rodrigo's to find out why the police came to his house. Rodrigo goes to talk to Mauricio outside.

Toño and Vero have a heart to heart where he confesses that working in an office just doesn't do it for him anymore. As a matter of fact, it hurts. She is tired of taking care of the house and the kids. Toño tells her that is what he is there for. With her talent, Toño says she would be a perfect fit for Anitoys. She is just better at those kinds of things than he is.

Rodrigo tells Mauricio to calm down as Mauricio is trying to call María and is not getting an answer. The arrest of the drug dealer doesn't necessarily have anything to do with María's call. Mauricio does not see it as a coincidence. For him, there are no coincidences.

Jorge is in his car and calls Dulce who is at a movie theater with Valentina and Samuel. She tries to answer it quietly as he complains about her changing the lock on the house. She insists that she had her reasons and will meet him later at a bar to discuss things.

Toño makes it clear to Vero that he is ready to be a house husband again. They can continue being the great team that they are. She asks if that is all he is going to do. He does admit to having a secret passion . . .

Dulce and Jorge are drinking shots at a bar as she reminisces. Jorge wants to talk about the lock. She makes him listen to her trip down memory lane talking about how she fell in love with him, Yuriria blah, blah, blah. Jorge tells her he did his best but their marriage just didn't work.

Noél tells Renée even though she did not grow up with it, his last name is hers just because she is his daughter. Renée sees the name as symbolic of a relationship. She had none with him as Anifer has had none with Fabián. Then there is Fabián who was alway with him and look at what kind of person he grew up to be. Noél admits that his relationship with Fabián has been broken for a long time.

Dulce and Jorge are now drunk. He asks her what she is planning on doing. She wants to take the kids to the USA which does not sit well with Jorge. Suddenly they both want to pay the check and pull on each other's hand for the check until Jorge gets it and Dulce's hand flies up and she hits herself in the face. She acts like Jorge hit her and plays the victim to the hilt.

Finally, Fabián takes María home and Fabián reminds her that she will be watched by his people to make sure she doesn't try to make a run for it with Anifer. It also would be better if she did not tell Mauricio since he is so impulsive. Things could turn out really bad for both of them.

The patrons of the bar are taking Dulce's part since they think that Jorge hit her. One of the guys punches him in the jaw and a drunken Jorge ends up on the floor. Dulce finally leaves and leaves him the check to pay.

Mauricio is waiting with Anifer when María comes home. Mauricio asks her what happened. She wasn't answering her phone. María says it was nothing out of the ordinary. She tells Anifer that the police visit was just routine, nothing else.

A drunk Jorge shows up at Kika's suite and falls drunk to the floor outside her door. She opens the door to see what happened to him.

At home, Dulce is poisoning Samuel and Valentina's mind against their father as she ices her bruised face. He is not the saint they have always thought he was. At first, Valentina is not too sure about what Dulce is telling them. There was hardly a mark on her face. Their father never hit her before, so why would he now? As expected, Samuel is more convinced.

Kika is taking care of Jorge giving him a cup of coffee and a piece of her mind. Everything that has happened has been his fault because of his double moral standard. When is he going to accept that he did it all for himself in support of an image of the perfect family that he created in his own little mind? She starts listing his moral errors: his hidden relationship supporting Yuriria all those years, his racism with Pablo, his homophobia with Rafael and Rodrigo, his being unable to publicly announce a relationship with her because she was so very modern and he was embarrassed. Jorge is silent on the couch looking sheepish. She tells him to be a man and to accept the consequences of what he himself caused. She takes his cup away and pushes Jorge back out in the hall.

Next, Rodrigo sees him all drunk and desheveled in the cul-de-sac and comes to his aid. Jorge is rather incoherent mentioning being punched three times. He confesses Dulce threw him out,she changed the lock, his kids hate him, and Kika does not love him. He is going to Toño's house and thanks Rodrigo, pats him on the head, gives him a hug and tells him he is a good person.

A new day:

It is breakfast time with Rafael, Rodrigo and the kids. There is also a guest at the table: Jorge. Bryan is on a tear and insists that he is not going to school. Rodrigo tells him he does not have a choice. Bryan doesn't want to and no, he is not Rafael's son. He is not going to school. He is going to bed and he is going to sleep. He is very tired. Rafael reminds him that they have company. Jorge is there. Bryan does not care. That wakes Jorge up. He looks on disapprovingly.

María explains the agreement that she has made with Fabián to Mauricio. It is to be filed in family court. She is going take Anifer and go and live with Fabián. Fabián will have sole custody over Anifer. Mauricio is shocked. Is Fabián threatening her? They can go to the police, . . . María says she cannot do a thing. Fabián has her right where he wants her. She does not want to be separated from her daughter ever. She also does not want Mauricio to get involved in something that is beyond their control. Mauricio tells her she just cannot give in like that. She is a warrior. María says there is nothing else that can be done. She leaves. Mauricio is left dismayed.

Back at R and R's, Rodrigo is still arguing with Bryan. Jorge cannot take it anymore and finally tells Bryan that he is tired of hearing him. He is not being respectful. He should be grateful to these two gentlemen for trying to help him and his sister get ahead in life and adopt them. Jorge explains that he is suffering from a bad hangover but that he is a lawyer and and knows all about different laws. So, when that social worker comes visiting, Bryan had better not go lying to her. Bryan insists he won't lie. Jorge says that would be a good idea because if he were to lie, he would have to go against him and support his friends. Then Bryan would be separated from his sister Manuela and returned to the orphanage where, Jorge promises, nobody but nobody is going to want to adopt him for being such a rude child who does not know how to behave. After that, he will end up on the street with nobody, certainly not a family waiting for him. Bryan tries to talk but Jorge tells him to be quiet. Bryan will have nobody to go to and nowhere to go. He will be all alone in life. He asks if Bryan gets it or not. Jorge is not happy until the now scared Bryan answers him with a "Yes, 'sir'"' which he does. Jorge continues. From now on it starts, Bryan will be treated not like a five year old but like the ten year old he is. He then tells Bryan that his sisterManuela behaves better than he does. He asks him if that makes him feel ashamed. Jorge prompts him until he hears that "Yes,'sir'" again. Bryan gets up to get ready for school and Rodrigo can only smile.

Fabián and María are at family court waiting to see the judge. He tells her showing up in front of the judge is just part of the process. He tells María if she keeps her part of the agreement and does not go against him, she will have nothing to worry about. He also wants to let her know he still has one drug packet hidden just in case she starts to regret what she has done. If she does, it can become "un" hidden. María complains that he said they were all gone. There is no way that Fabián is going to allow himself to be affected by her changing her mind. María does not know what he is talking about.

Jorge goes limping home where Samuel and Valentina are leaving for school. The first thing Samuel asks him is why did he hit his mother. Jorge has no idea what he is talking about. He asks Dulce what she told the kids. Valentina asks him why does her mother have a bruise on her face. Jorge tries to explain. That goes nowhere. The kids leave and Dulce locks the gate. Dulce will not let him inside to get his clothing. She will do it for him. In the meantime, R and R come by with the kids taking them to school. No, Jorge says he does not need their help. He bumps fists with Bryan and tells him he is watching him.

Back waiting at court, María asks if Fabián is crazy or ill. Fabián, who is now irritated, says he is fine. She just needs to worry about signing what he is asking her to sign so the police don't get any other anonymous calls. He lets her know that the last drug packet is hidden in Anifer's backpack. Furthermore, Anifer is to never know about what is going on because if she does, María will suffer the consequences. If something were to happen to her, he would be all by himself with Anifer and there is something telling him that María would not want that to happen. María is ready to sign. He likes that attitude. As they go to see the judge, Mauricio arrives on the scene. He is there to talk to the judge and ask his opinion about what is going on. Fabián just looks at María.

As R and R are still there with the car, Dulce proceeds to throw all of Jorge's clothes out of the window.

María asks for a moment to talk alone with Mauricio. Fabián goes ahead. Mauricio wants to talk to the judge and put up a fight. María explains that she is worried that there is too much that could be used against her. Mauricio is not helping the situation. From this point on, he is nothing to Anifer. This is something between just Anifer and her parents. He does not count as a part of that group.

Nerón comes by and helps Jorge pick up his clothes. Where is he going to stay? Jorge mentions something about a brother. Nerón offers his place where Baldo is staying. Jorge is surprised as Nerón goes on about how sad and abandoned Baldo feels since Dulce kicked him out just like she did Jorge.

María signs the agreement in front of the judge who congratulates them on giving their family another chance for their child. He wishes them good luck as Fabián smiles and María looks like she is in shock. Fabián asks if it is okay if his daughter and future wife move in with him. The judge says there is no problem if María agrees. They thank the judge.

Dulce gets a surprise phone call from Isauro who is going to have a surprise for her real soon. He wants his money back that he asked her to keep for him.

Mauricio is loading Anifer into the car. She asks if her mother knows she is leaving the house. She sees the suitcases. Mauricio explains they are going on a father daughter trip. No, Renée and her mother cannot make it. She asks where they are going. Mauricio answers and she joins in: to infinity and beyond! He tells her they can go wherever she wants because nobody will ever separate them. Anifer repeats "Nobody, ever".

Dulce informs Isauro she can't get to the money. He tells her that he specifically put the money in her name so its existence could not be linked to and used against him. He insists that Dulce knows that the money belongs to him. She asks what needs the money for anyway since he is behind bars. Isauro says that remains to be seen. She had better concern herself with getting his money and not pulling a fast one on him making him look like a fool.

Noél is trying to talk Renée out of going to the USA for her graduate studies. He would like her to stay and work with him. He could be dead by the time she goes and returns from her studies. He does not really feel well. She asks if he is blackmailing her. Noél says, no, he just needs some air. He does not feel well. He is having difficulty breathing and is wheezing.

Surprise! Jorge arrives at Nerón's house where he meets up with Baldo.

Noél uses his inhalator and is better. He tells Renée that the last thing he wants to do is cause her problems but if he were to die the bank accounts would go straight to Fabián which would be bad since Fabián is such a fool and when it comes to business he is so much worse. No matter how Noél told Fabián that Logatoys should have been closed years ago, that imbecile never understood. Renée wants to know what he meant about wanting the factory to be closed. Noél tries to explain that he believes that when a business it not working it is the best to get out of it quickly. He is also almost out of money. He wants Renée to move her renters out so he can move in with her in the cul-de-sac house.

Fabián and María visit Anifer's school where they talk with the principal. From now on, Fabián and María are to be listed as her parents and Mauricio is to be prohibited from having any contact with Anifer. The principal informs them that Mauricio came by for Anifer already very early today. Didn't Mauricio inform them? An incensed Fabián asks how they could have allowed that to happen. Mauricio has no rights over his daughter.

Mauricio calls to check in with Renée and to tell her what he is doing. They are at a restaurant on a highway. Renée asks if he knows what kind of a problem he is getting himself into. Yes, he does. He said he was going to protect Anifer from Fabián and that is what he is going to do. She begs him not to do it because he will end up in jail, but whatever happens she wants him to know she is with him. That means a lot to Mauricio. She asks if he has thought about the worry he is causing María. He admits she is right. His battery is running out. She wants to know exactly where he is at. His battery is dead.

After that call, Mauricio calls María. She is still at the school and pretends that the call is from Vero to keep Fabián out of the loop. Mauricio tells her why he has taken Anifer. He is and will always be Anifer's father. His battery runs out before she can tell him about what is in Anifer's back pack.

At, Nerón's, Jorge is lecturing Baldo about how stealing is stealing is stealing and how it is a bad thing. Baldo mentions having needed money and still not having gotten any of his inheritance . . .

At dinner time with Dulce, Dulce is telling Valentina and Samuel that she is looking into selling the house and maybe they are going to have a change of plans like moving out of the country for a while, maybe Miami. Samuel is happy, Valentina not so much.

María and Fabián have arrived at María's where they are arguing about Anifer's education. Fabián insists it will be private tutors in their home. María mentions now is not time for that discussion. Renée accuses Fabián of wanting of wanting to keep Anifer isolated. He says he only wants to be in charge of his daughter. Does she know where Mauricio took her and when they are getting back? Renée does not think it will be long. He asks if she is sure because he does not have the time to be waiting for her little boyfriend. María goes into her room to call Mauricio on the sly.

At Toño's house, he has an announcement at the supper table. He wants to explore a new profession. He wants to be a comedian. Vero and his mother wonder how HE would do that. He explains that when he was in Fidelito's classroom, he was sensational. He won over his audience. Fidelito agrees they all died laughing. Toño explains that he just wants to try it. Vero and Esperanza are not very excited.

Renée goes to talk to María and tells her to not call Mauricio. She has to trust him because Fabián could always come back around and accuse her of being Mauricio's accomplice. María asks where they are. Renée does not know. Renée is going to talk to Jorge. María tells Renée that Mauricio needs to know that Anifer has something in her backpack that could put them both in danger. Fabián starts calling for María from the other room.

Valentina leaves a video message for Kika informing her that she will probably be going to Miami with her mother and brother and just wants Kika to know because she really loves her a lot like a friend. Things are bad with her father now, too. She almost hates him. Kika just shakes her head. She is sad that Kika has such a bad opinion of her beautiful Jorge.

Anifer and Mauricio arrive at a cabin out in the woods where Mauricio spent time as a child. He and his father used to play frisbee out there. He never played with him after that . . .

Toño is talking to Vero explaining how he is always joking around. Vero says he does that just like 99% of all Mexicans. She does not see being a comedian as having a future. He asks her how does she know that anyway. He has found his vocation. Isn't she happy for him? He has high hopes. There is nothing to be lost by trying. Vero adds just maybe his dignity and they both end up laughing.

Mauricio tells Anifer that when he started to grow up, he began to see his father with all of his defects and he wasn't such a super dad anymore. He is afraid of that happening with Anifer and him. She assures him that will never happen because she likes him. He will always be the best papá in the world for her. He will always be "her" papá. Mauricio repeats "your" papá. they hug.

Fabián calls Mauricio and leaves him a message: if he does not return with Anifer in an hour he will be filing kidnapping charges against him.


This is my last recap for this novela and I would like to thank everyone who stopped by our happy patio, dragged up a chair and shared their points of view. about the novela and life. I also want to thank the great recapping team I was a part of: Alfredo, RgvChick and Cynthia. It was a pleasure working with you all. A special thanks goes out to Alfredo for getting us organized and keeping us going throughout the entire novela. See you all on the patio!

I think my favorite part tonight was Jorge at his best lecturing to Bryan. Rafael’s eyes got as big as saucers as he watched Jorge work his magic and Rodrigo had to stifle his laughter. I just loved that scene. There is something to be said for placing high expectations on children.

I won’t beat a dead horse, for very long, but it if everyone would have just called the police and filed charges, Dulce would be out in the street on her butt sitting next to Fabián on the curb right next to the sewer.

Yay! Isauro is back in the mix wanting that money back. Lotsa luck to Dulce.

That is all for now.


Jarifa, thank you so much for this re cap and for all your wise and witty recaps that you have provided us with! I was unable to watch...babysitti ng.

More later.

Thank You Jarifa, what a bumpy ride.

There is just too much stupid stuff to even comment on, but I will mention a few. Seeing Jorge doing shots with D'ulcer? stupid. Jorge getting punched by some stranger? In Florida that is why we have concealed carry and 'Stand Your Ground' laws. Around here that neanderthal would have been DRT.

Locked out of his own house? Maybe Jorge, but not me as long as I have a 4 wheel Drive and a chain capable of removing palm trees.

Are we to begin calling Fabian 'The Supernatural'? Where is he getting these huge packs of drugs? What is he paying for them with?

Nobody tells anybody anything of importance? IE: When fabian called, immediately call the Popo and let them find the drugs with NOT YOUR prints on them. stupid

Jarifa, you never fail to delight. The title was inspired. Your recap was insightfully written and great, grand fun.

"Kika is taking care of Jorge giving him a cup of coffee and a piece of her mind" and "That wakes Jorge up. He looks on disapprovingly" were among many, many favorites.

Jarifa, I also loved Jorge giving Bryan a stern tongue lashing. He wasn't cruel or condescending but he let the child know what is what and how it will be. Rafa's expression was priceless. My other favorite scene was Rod and Jorge's conversation as Rod helped a drunken Jorge stumble home. Finally, Jorge is shedding some of his prejudices. Very happy to see that scene.

I hated seeing Jorge locked out too Kirby, but I think Dulce is going to "get hers" soon. Very soon!

"Dulce gets a surprise phone call from Isauro who is going to have a surprise for her real soon. He wants his money back that he asked her to keep for him". Yes, after that phone call, Dulce should consider running for the hills. I still don't think she realizes the possible implications. Even though he is in jail (well at least for now), Isauro likely has a "long arm" and can strike from anywhere. I am fervently hoping that happens soon.

Enjoyed seeing Kika all too briefly. Neron and Flor have such good hearts, don't they?

"He wants Renée to move her renters out so he can move in with her in the cul-de-sac house". Noel is quite the manipulator. He certainly is putting pressure on Renee to do his bidding. As a totally absentee father, he has no rights. At all.

And of course Mau fleeing with Ani is too stoopid for words. The man can't even get his phone charged. Trying to run away from a madman might not be the best choice. Renee is constantly looking flummoxed here. Can't blame her a bit.

You've done remarkable work here Jarifa. It and you are greatly appreciated! Thank you.


And thank You Super Kika for telling nutless Jorge who has no brain either how things are. Good riddance.

I actually feel sorry for Valentina and Baldo. Sammy, get back in the bathroom and practice a little more. Lil, good luck with that new baby living in a storage room.

Even though Isauro is in jail maybe he has a friend who can visit D'ulcer and his quickly diminishing money.

Is the judge supposedly that stooopid that he does not see beneath the surface in the Fabian Maria Anifer case? Great, he fits right in doesn't he?

What a beautiful little yellow bird of paradise Kirby!


Kirby, thanks for mentioning Val and Baldo.

Baldo is fast becoming a favorite of mine. He's losing a bit of his surliness and neither he nor his sister have caught too many breaks in life, although having a good mother was certainly one of them.

I think it was clear last night Jorge loves his son. I think Baldo might have realized that for the first time.


Kirby, yes, the stupidity is endless! So many troublesome senseless actions by the characters, as you so well reiterated, leave me kind of wondering what the plot was supposed to be in the first place.


Yeah, kick her renters out so he has a (FREE) place to live? On one condition, you have to kill Fabian, then we will talk, but no guarantees. But you should not kick out the new parents, where would they live? Neither of them works these days. Well, actually nobody works anymore. When is the last time we saw any flat fixing out of Neuron and Pabs?

Too bad Lil and Pablo didn't make it to the US so we taxpayers could foot all the bills for this illegitimate kid she is carrying. That WAS the plan at one time. Making babies is expensive if you actually have to pay for it yourself.

Diana I think that is a little House Wren. There have a whole flock of them materialized lately and discovered the bird feeder. They also like the toasted bugs which fall out of the big Bug Zapper light out back. Endless supply of food = happy birds.

I don't know much about the itty bitty birds like this one. We have several around here, and I think they are wrens and finches. I just lump them all into one hand-sized group and call them Tweety birds, although there are at least two distinct birds. But all them are tiny, much smaller than a common parakeet or Blue Jay. This one is probably about three inches long, beak to rump, not counting the tail. Cute friendly little things.

I do like me some feathers.

Thanks, Diana. Yes, I was so happy to see Isauro pop up again. Dulce better keep her eyes open. Kika was also something else ministering to and lecturing her Georgie Boy and then pushing him out to deal with his problems. No hiding with her! Mauricio, unfortunately, does not think much. As for Toño, What a great idea of him being a comedian and realizing what he is not good at.

Wow the Patio is jumpin' this morning. And sounds like last night was non-stop action. Thanks Jarifa for that detailed, blow by blow recap. I will look forward to watching this later today. We were up late last night tending to an ailing cat, but watched Shawshank Redemption instead. Now there was a hero who was super smart and crafty. And a villain who was wicked indeed.

It's another beautiful day here. Hope it will be that way for all of you. Kirby, thanks for the new, beautiful picture. Brightens my day as well.

I never would have guessed it to be a wren Kirby.

And you are so right about the food supply. When you "serve" enough, everyone eats together in peace.


Hey don't take it to the bank that it is a wren, that is just my guess. I pay more attention to big birds and do not pretend to know what these pipsqueaks are.

JudyB, Shawshank is one of my all time favorites. Hope the kitty is better!

Kirby, so nice that you can offer cooked food via the zapper for your feathered friends! Another great photo!

Thank you, Jarifa, for this recap and ALL the recaps you’ve given us..

ITA with all the comments on the stoopidity of these characters. Maria has turned into a gutless wimp whose brains fell out many episodes ago. Why she .... oh, never mind. I found my beanie hat.

This could have been titled “Papa de poco cerebro”. 🤪🤪🤪. No Mensa Club candidates in this lot.

Who would have thought Flor and Kika are the voices of reason for this telenovela? Flor especially has assumed the traditional. telenovela role usually filled by the village priest.

It was good to see Jorge give some tough love to Bryan. Just what that kid needed.

Is Dulce a sociopath or have borderline personality? Whatevs, I’m glad Isauro is back and hope he removes her from the planet.

One has to wonder if Noel might not be Fab’s bio-dad.

doris, I sure like your alternative title. It fits so much better. Interesting comment about Flor fulfilling the novela priest role.

A home cooked meal sure makes for a happy birdy. Is there such a thing as a fat bird? I wouldn't think so, with needing to fly and all, but how do they do it?

'As seen on TV' Bird metabolism pill sheds pounds with no exercise.

But Wait, order now and get another bottle free, just pay separate handling fee. *

* Must learn to fly to achieve full advertised results.

Kirby: Make Fabian GREAT AGAIN!

Thank you, Jarifa.
This is like watching your team being clobbered. Can the referee finally blow the whistle?
The only hope is the game will be rained out. Skills of the players certainly won't do it.

GREAT as in fertilizer?

The only way he will ever be great is with the earthworms.

This whole Maria/Anifer/Fabian mess can serve as a ginormous PSA about having sex with strangers, people you don’t know well, or at all. Yeesh!

Good Morning, Patio. Wow, the Patio is rockin' today! Jarifa thank you so much for this and all the other masterfully written recaps you have graced us with...they are always a joy to read and so much better than the actual episodes, especially for this TN.

Not much more to say regarding the stupidity of these characters; it's all bee n said and, honestly, not worth the time and effort to write about.

I do have to say, though, that although brief, I did enjoy Kika raking Jethro (I think that's about the only name Mau hasn't used) over the coals. Let him have it, Kika! Don't hold back! And when you're done with him, we have a line of idiots that you can continue with.

3 more episodes to go including the 2 hour finale...which will most likely be split into two parts. The TV guide still has it on for a 2 hour time slot on Monday; so Part 2 will run from 9-11 (E)

Another PSA--The new with care and rely on the Patio to pull you through!

RgvChick, it was a sweeet moment when Kika took away Jorge’s coffee cup and pushed him back out the door. : ) is Kizzy doing? We went through this a few years ago with my younger daughter's sweet Golden retriever Sammi, a very nice dog, with two little girls suffering along with her. Our pets truly become part of our family.

As for this show, remember, dear friends, in the end, it is a tn rule for the good to be rewarded and the bad to get various and sundry anvils.

Thanks, Susanlynn, for keeping us focused on the inevitable anvils. It makes it a little easier to watch.

Ah Susanlynn, you know what we're going through. Kizzie is very ill, with end stage kidney and heart disease, but she still loves being groomed with the furminator and manages to eat a few bites of food. She has lost fully half of her body weight and it's just tearing us up. The vet says it's time to euthanize because she has no quality of life. But she is not in pain. So we have not yet made the decision. I am investigating whether we can have it done at home. A lot more expensive but worth every penny for the years of unconditional love and affection this dear little creature has given us. Whenever we are ill, she comes and curls up beside us and stays with us until we get better. Now we are staying beside her and helping her all we can.

Just heartbreaking though. Just as bad as when I was a little kid and used to bawl my eyes out over a dead pet. Guess we're all little kids inside. The adult veneer we just put on for show.

Judy...the vet came to my friend Gen's house to put her German Shorthair Greta to sleep. Gen held her in her arms. This is why I no longer have any pets. I have cried too many tears over both people and animals over the years. We had loads of outside dogs and cats on the farm. When one disappeared (died) , my dad always good me that it ran away. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh Judy, we can all take time out from idiot bashing here on the patio to think of you and your dear beloved Kizzie.

Your TN Brothers and Sisters are mourning along with you.


I am so sorry, JudyB, to hear that your kittie is so ill.

"Guess we're all little kids inside. The adult veneer we just put on for show".

How achingly true Judy. We empathize and feel your pain. Raw and real.

Wishing you support and comfort during this very difficult time. I am very moved you wish to have Kizzie home with you even as she draws her last breath, whenever that is.

Completely understand the emotional strength our fur children give us. I truly believe I could not have gotten through the last few years without my fur daughter. We don't ever want to let go.

Prayers and hugs.


Thanks everyone...I can't tell you how much it means that I can talk about this on the blog and you will care and comfort me. It's "off topic" out the wazoo and you all are just so dear to listen and let me know you're thinking of Kizzie. She's a trooper but she's nearing the end of her journey here and it's hard to let her go. I think in home euthanasia will be best. When we can face it. We all want to die "at home".

JudyB, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Kizzie. Our fur children bring so much to us and when they hurt, we hurt. When they leave us, we mourn. The only consolation is that they are resting in peace and the beautiful memories we have of them. May God give you strength through this sad time.

Thanks again everybody. While my husband was up and around this morning, I went and visited my church friend with cancer and we took turns comforting each other, and praying as well. But I feel just as much love and caring from my Patio friends as I do from my friends here in town. I am very blessed. And I do need to focus on the peace and the freedom from discomfort that Kizzie will have when this is all over.

JudyB - in our area one can have in p-home euthanasia of a pet; I know people who’ve had it done but it is a bit more expensive. Driving home from the vet’s “after” is the absolute worst because we are a traffic hazard from the tears. Dear Hubs held our little dog while he went to sleep permanently, and nine years later, I’ve begun crying from the memory, as I type this. No, it’s never easy no matter where or how.

JudyB, let me add my sympathy to that of others. I've been in your situation and it's really a difficult one.


This is the toughest time ever


thanks everybody, you're helping me get through the day. And as the old MasterCard ads used to say....priceless

Jarifa, thank you for this one and for all the detailed recaps you have done. It can't have been easy considering the way this telenovela (TN) has gone downhill so much.

I don't have much left to say about this masterpiece. All the men are idiots, though Jorge has come a long way and may yet get there with Kika kicking him along. And Sergio Mur has done a great job with the role. Kika has been pleasantly surprising, Flor has been a treat all along and is really coming into her own. Etc., etc., etc.

But I'm tired of it. I'm tired of Mau mooning over Anifer and going "Awww..." with a facial expression that supposedly shows just how much he loves this little girl. Meh. I think Toño's kids are cuter, and Manolita definitely is.

And in true TN fashion the producers are wrapping up with suspense over whether the bad guys can do some really bad things at the end, who gets killed, etc.

Meh, again. I would rather like to know more about Melchor/Melina. I would like to see Dra Laura put her hand on someone's knee, and that someone then put his hand on hers and smile. I would like to see Yolanda give Toño a lap dance. I would like to see Baldo find a girlfriend.

And then I would love to see some nice weddings with gorgeous women in gorgeous wedding dresses, with maybe just one of them picking up her skirts and running away. That always gets me.



Andy, “meh” pretty much sums it up. Your fantasy endings would sure be a lot more fun. I am curious what Dulce’s and Fabián’s anvils are going to be.

I too would like to see Dra Laura wearing her cowgirl boots. again.
She and Kika are both pleasant surprises.
I think I like them better than Doggie Biscuits....Woof

Enjoyed your "wish list" Andy, especially for Laura.

A wasted gem.


It wouldn't be all that surprising if one of the weddings is R&R.

"weddings is R&R."

Oh Goody,then I need to pick up another box of Kleenex.

That should be a goat rodeo with Ryan Brian Tryin in attendance.

Well seriously...Rodrigo and Rafa are already married. Somehow I can't see them doing a church wedding on top of the civil ceremony. I'd be delighted though if Neron and Floribunda got married. I'm sure she could rock one of those mermaid-silhouette wedding gowns.

Thank you Jarifa, I fell asleep during part of it, so you filled in some of what I missed. So thank you for filling in all those details regarding the cops who were there.

I was IMPRESSED with how Jorge told Brian to behave himself and told him he should be thankful for being taken in. He sure gave them the standard lecture that he gives his own kids. He may be a little stilted, but he has high expectations for his kids and was showing R&R a thing or two on how to command respect from the children. Good job for Jorge! It's obvious that R&R have no real experience with kids and needed an experienced parent to show that kids need disciplinary measures.

Jarifa, it was great working with you on this team and I am looking forward to the 2nd season of "Mi Marido" and working on that one.

"could rock one of those mermaid-silhouette wedding gowns."

Shoot, I'd watch one extra episode just to see what Flor would consider a wedding gown.

Kirby...speaking of dryer was not completely drying the clothes yesterday, and I was ticked because I thought I would have to call the repairman to fix my three year old Speed Queen.. . Hub looked in the dryer vent and found a huge bird's nest , and he thinks a wren may have been the builxer. This is the second time this has happened. Years ago, my high school friend and Maytag repairman came to fix my dryer. After a few minutes,, I heard him calling me . There he was, holding a nest and grinning. "Do you want this, Susy? Classclown. #alwayscheckthevent

Cynthia, me too, : )

Funny Susy. I decided to do a little research to decide whether these birds are Sparrows, Wrens or Finches. So now, I know no more than I did this morning.

I thought I had nailed it down, as the one on the bird feeder eats both seeds and insects from the bug zapper too, but that was inconclusive as well.

Speaking of your dryer vent, I have noticed this same little group of micro-birds has found a loose piece of soffit in a neighbor's house and appear to be nesting in there.

A Finch has more color and is a smoother looking bird. So it is either a Swallow or a Wren, so I am sticking with a common House Wren. And I'll put a note on the bird feeder that the dryer vent is off limits if the all you can eat buffet is to continue.

Kirby...a few years ago ,a bird got into my daughter's vent into her kitchen ceiling. Hub had a heck of a time getting and keeping it out. I wonder if certain birds really like to try to build a super protected
inside a vent. We had a bird build a nest in a globelight on our rooted patio. Every time we removed the nest, it rebuilt it. I guess that it liked the idea of having a home with a 360 window.

New bird I watched a bird sit on my laundry line and poop on hub's freshly laundered golf jacket. #featheredfriends just googled ",birds in dryer vents," ....It's a thing !!!!!

Mirby....????..that's new!!!...kirby.

We had birds that built a nest in our chimney. Really a shock to be sitting in your family room and suddenly hear little cheep cheep cheeps in the fireplace. We waited until the birds matured and left the nest. Then had someone come in, clean it out and install a protective cap. And after I had pneumonia, I didn't like have fires in the fireplace anyway. Gave all the firewood to our neighbor. I'm even uncomfortable when our neighbors have fires in their chimeneas on the patio.

Diablo finally figured out who named him.

Certain birds are called 'Cavity Nesters' IE: they prefer a hollow tree, or gourd or birdhouse rather than just out in some shrub. It makes sense, I'd hate to sit on a nest in a tree in one of our thunderstorms.

I suspect it is these same birds who prefer dryer vents, and other manmade places.

Judy, I believe chimney sweeps have been around as long as human civilization. I wonder how many people would be kind enough to wait until the babies had fledged?

Yikes it is almost showtime. Gotta get my snack ready and make sure the TV is in a good mood.

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