Monday, July 02, 2018

Corazón Que Miente, Week 5 (7/2/18) Monday Kickoff: Grown-Up Emotions and Kindergarten Coping Skills

Mari’s pager interrupts her sincere promise not to out Lisandro, and they both dash off to the clinic to meet the ambulance carrying Alonso and Julio.  I didn’t catch the point at which she agreed to continue playing girlfriend, but the deal is sealed when she plants one on him with a theatrical “mi amor!” for the benefit of a sour-faced Alonso.

Santi catches Renata staking out Alonso’s bedroom and gives her some sass. (Renata’s baby-doll voice, presumably meant to match the baby-doll pj’s she sports as daywear, is really starting to get on my nerves.)

Noe and the fam settle into their new digs at Case del Rio. Carmen tells Amalia that she’ll be needing “nutritious food, and lots of it,” provoking Cirila to fly out like a spittin’ kitten and set her straight. 

On Sara’s orders, Al escorts Mari home, where he thanks her again for the necklace. She points out that he has something that belongs to her as well – her grandfather’s land. In spite of the bickering, they come very close to a smooch before Leo comes down and chases him away. Mari does not take this well.

When Al finally turns up at the mansion, Ren pitches a jealous fit about him seeing Mari home. (Are they really all that, already? I’m not even sure why she decided to switch horses in mid-vamp, other than the fact that Al looks somewhat less like an actual horse.) Al admits that sure, he finds Mari attractive; so what? Ren pouts.

Julio will be okay. His Mom promises that Rogelio is now officially out of the picture. Bet it won’t be that easy.

Leo finally cops to the fact that he’s in love with Mariela. To his credit, he feels ickydirty about this, and so do we -- not that that will stop the ol’ drama train from rollin’. Neither Carmen nor the Padre sees anything wrong with it at all, which casts a bit of a shadow on their moral authority. No, of course Leo will not tell her; he’d rather suffer artistically. (Any bets on how soon he’ll be fondling another head?)

Rafaela stops by to tuck Ren in and oh, by the way, suggest she get hold of a bank statement to “ease her uncle’s mind about the stability of her investments.” Oh, so that’s what they’re calling it now.

Liso tells his parents he and Mari are novios, and Ed goes predictably cuckoo-nuts. End result: Liso packs his bags to the background wails of Mom and Sis and fetches up in Al’s office, asking for help. After a dramatic pause, Al tells him he did the right thing and offers him an empty corporate apartment and assistance in finding a job. Good doggie!

Okay; what did I miss?


Blue Lass, thank you for that snappy recap.

Yes, the baby voice and the baby doll pjs really grated on my ears. We just got over Kika's singsong baby talk in Papa.Is this supposed to be sexy?

Will Liso eventually end up with Mari's gay friend who was so taken with Leo?

Blue Lass, thank you! Your recap said it all and very well!

Renata’s “little girl” voice” got on my nerves from the first time I heard it but of course it goes along with the whole “little girl” package. She delivers a good slap, though.

Wasn’t Denise supposed to go stay in a hotel ?????

I always found it interesting that Leonardo and not Carmen would dedicate himself to becoming responsible for Mariel as a child. She was more interested in her in the first place. The fact that he feels “icky” about being in love with Mariela means at least he knows he is in the 21st century.

It will be a long while in coming, but I am wondering who will do Rodrigo in. If we are lucky maybe both he and Demián will do a postrer adiós juntitos.

Sara sees all and even comments on it. Ha! Ha!

Oh, no, will Mariela just have to compete for Alonso’s attentions because she can?

Susanlynn, I think a Liso-Cristian pairing is inevitable for 3 reasons:

1. Ricardo Margaleff is a well-known supporting actor
2. He appears in the opening credits, and
3. There are never more than two gay characters in a TN ;}

Jarifa, I thought the same about the whole foster-parent thing. Why not keep the poor kid in her own town, and with someone she knew, instead of packing her off to a foreign country with an unrelated adult man?

Susanlynn, that would be a good pairing for Lisandro.

Thank you, Blue Lass, for your recap!

"Why not keep the poor kid in her own town, and with someone she knew, instead of packing her off to a foreign country with an unrelated adult man" Waaaaait. This is why we are wearing our telenovela beanie hats. In the famous words of "Creemelo" on the side bar of Caray's home page --- Just let it go, let your brain float like a canned pear half in partially-set red jello...

Sara is doing her best to match-make the Alo-Mari pairing.

Doris, you are so right. What -- or, more important, WHY -- was I thinking???

The limpid pool, the limpid pool...

Great work Blue, and I love short recaps. See, I've even shortened your name.

I too missed when Mariela actually agreed to pretend to be his novia. I think Lisando jugó chueco on that one, but she didn't let him down, which I thought was very gracious. Found the "mi amor" quite sweet.

"To his credit, he feels ickydirty about this, and so do we -- not that that will stop the ol’ drama train from rollin’."

Well said, and I was a bit startled, like you, at Padre Dan's blithe endorsement of "amor" whenever, wherever.

And quite wicked you are, in your speculation about whose sculpted head he'll be fondling now!

We may have to send you to your room missyj! Nah, stick around and say more outrageously funny things.

Thanks Blue Lass.

Judy, thanks for "jugar chueco" -- didn't know that one. I'm sure I'll get to use it soon.

I was whiffling through some past episodes before deleting them from my DVR, and I heard Sara telling the padre that everything about Renata gave her hives -- "todo de ella me da urticaria." That was a new one, too!

I would love to spend more time in my room, but they expect me to keep coming to work. :(

Tuesday Recaplet, Part 1:

Mariela arranges to meet Alonso in a restaurant to return the two(?) dozen roses he sent her. He wants to know if they can get back on good footing. She says they can be friends again, good friends, and she'll even kiss him for realz…if he gives back her grandfather's land. “I could get a kiss for that? Then how about a roll in the hay?” She hauls off and wallops him, which seems a little unfair since she was the one who brought up paying with physical favors in the first place. (As Winston Churchill is reputed to have said in analogous circumstances, "What kind of woman you are has already been established. All that's left to haggle over is the price.")

Demian asks Ed to use his contacts in the banking business to get the skinny on Renata’s balance sheet. Ed resists, and Dem tells him that he really, really needs to get his hands on that money – some big loans are coming due, and if he can’t pay up, the firm could go under. Ed is shocked.

Florencia wheedles Lisandro’s location out of Alonso, and she and Carla go banging on the door. Liso answers bare-chested, giving us all a thrill (because we now have the bingo square for “gratuitous shirtlessness,” of course.) To discredit Mari, they serve up all the vicious rumors that have been traveling around Puebla faster than bored millennials on bicycles. Ironically, he wouldn’t care even if all that were true – but he knows it’s not and throws them out por chismosas.

Tuesday Recaplet, Part 2:

Mari asks Noe to drive Elena home so she can “pick up a few things,” which is apparently a euphemism for “box up all of Rogelio’s clothes and thrown them on the lawn.” Unfortunately, Rog is already in the house and manages to rough Elena up a little before Noe knocks him down and ejects him. They find the safe in the back of the closet – they can’t get it open without the combination, but Noe thinks he can remove it from the wall. He recommends getting it out of the house, because who knows what’s in it?

Rafaela surprises Dem brooding over some papers in his office, and he goes off on her for not knocking, making her immediately suspicious. They struggle over the documents and end up trading blows. Rafi picks up an ashtray to clock him a good one, but unfortunately he gets it away from her. She tears off down the hall trailing threats, and he follows her hurling insults. Just another day at the office.

Julio makes goo-goo eyes at Lety in the hospital, but she’s not having any of it, so he checks himself out. The safe extraction was apparently a success, because he pops up in the church with it and tells Padre Daniel he needs to hide “his savings” from his Mom’s bad boyfriend. This is unlikely to end well.


Tuesday Recaplet, Part 3:

Leo tries to confess his feelings to Mari, but she preempts him by telling him he's like the father she never had, which brings the ickydirty feelies back. He ends up in bed with Denise. Carmen sees them snogging their goodbyes and tells him he needs to make up his mind.

Liso pops over to Mari's house to fill her in on all his drama. Cirila looks him over like he's the winning recipe on Cupcake Wars.

Santi broods in his office, then broods in the driveway, then heads off on a broody walk.

Rog comes back to the house, and Julio tells him if he doesn't leave them alone, that safe could end up in the hands of the police. Cara de impactado de Rogelio.


Thanks, Blue Lass. I love the term “recaplet” as well as your description of Liso as the “winning recipe” in the eyes of Cirila.

Yay! Another slapfest.

Awe! Marisela sees Leonardo as the father she never had. Sure didn’t take him long to jump in the sack with Denise.

Finally somebody has something to hold over Rogelio. always, love love love the way you write!

"Liso pops over to Mari's house to fill her in on all his drama. Cirila looks him over like he's the winning recipe on Cupcake Wars."

Too bad our little Cupcake is not batting for Cirilla's team. But the actress is doing a great job expanding her relatively small role. I hope the writers come up with an interesting love match for her.

Santi broods in his office, then broods in the driveway, then heads off on a broody walk.

I have never cared for this young actor and the part he's playing in this one doesn't make him any more "sympatico", but he does do an effective job brooding, sulking, resenting and generally being down in the mouth.

Of course we know that he has been unfairly criticized and demeaned by nasty Demian since birth. And I'm guessing we'll find out eventually that he is Demian's only legitimate son, and the eldest, whom he favors, is actually Leonardo's. Which makes Leonardo's lust for future daughter-in-law Mariela all the more icky.

Not a spoiler, just a prediction.

Great Blue. Recaplets are the best!

Blue Lass - thank you for your "recaplet" (perfect!) and the LOL snark. I'll watch this today and have no doubt, whatsoever, that your recaplet is more entertaining.

BTW, patio peeps, if you thirst for more snark, on another forum this book review written by "Vinaya" was mentioned for the snark fest that it is:
I have not read the book and have no plans to read it because, really, the review recap is too much fun!

Have a safe and happy 4th everyone!!! (iDevices need a fireworks emoji, plz)

I'm caught up ... with CQM, cleaning house, and cooking. Yay! Baby back ribs on the grill tonight, mac'n'cheese, cake from scratch (I'm so domestic I can't stand it lol) so hurry up dinner time. . . . Yum... too bad hubby has to stand out in the heat at the grill to glaze the BBQ sauce,but he'll live. Ribs already cooked in my trusty Instant Pot. Son and his novia are bringing a dish. Then we will watch the downtown fireworks on TV in comfort of our air conditioned home. ��

But back to our program. That was quite the gratuitous shirtless scene. Liso has spent time at the gym.

Jarifa - Agree, it did not take Leo long to seek comfort from Denise. Yeesh. Very short (ha!) walk of shame for him. I guess hot lips is still staying there? That was confusing...

I'm starting to like Rafi *only* because she puts the screws to Dem so well. Lets hope she sleeps with one eye open!

Rog and Dem have some very large anvils with their names on them.

And Karla .... what can I say? She is as bad as the rest of them.

Tuesday Recaplet, Part 1:

Rogelio sneaks into Elena’s house and is gobsmacked to discover the hole in the wall where his safe used to be. He mutters that she’ll pay for this…with her life.

Mari admits to Lety that she could easily fall in love with Alonso if she didn’t hate him so much. (At least she seems to know she’s living on Planet Telenovela. When people start popping out of closets and falling down stairs, she won’t be surprised.)

Cristian has a decrepit old auntie who needs help, so he’s moving to Puebla! YAAAAY!!!

Rafi announces at the dinner table that she needs to confess a secret that she has held too long. Dem blanches. She tells the boys that the night their mother was killed, she was running away with Leonardo. They are shocked, but Dem confirms that it’s true. He never told them because he didn’t want them to think less of her. But Sara knew, too! Sara rushes out of the room.


Whoops! I meant WEDNESDAY. Here's Part 2:

Rog corners Elena at the Ferrer kitchen door and shoves some chocolates at her. (What? No mariachis?) He swears he'll make it all up to her; he just wants her back. She looks like a kicked puppy. ELENA, DON'T BE STUPID.

Alonso marches uninvited into Sara's room and finds her sobbing over Luci's photo. He gives her a very rude and disrespectful dressing-down about her role as Luci's accomplice and says he doesn't even recognize her anymore. She tells him Dem made Luci's life hell but for some reason doesn't tell him that he was already bonking the tia.

Leo tells Mari about his relationship with Denise, and she says great, maybe people will stop spreading gossip about you having a thing with ME. The ensuing conversation is so painfully awkward I can't even describe it. <<>>>

Wednesday Recaplet, Part 3:

Al feels the need to come clean with Liso about him & Mari. He sent her flowers. Liso says fine. And, um, she kind of told me that if I gave her back her grandfather's land, ah, there might be something in it for me. Liso just smiles. Aren't you jealous? No...she wants that land back so badly she'd probably promise you anything. Al is very, very confused.

Leo tells Daniel about using Denise as a nail to drive out another nail. Daniel disapproves: a woman is not a nail. Leo whines that she was all he had available, which does NOT make him sound more sympathetic.

Ren whines to Rafi about Al's interest in Mari, and Rafi tells her she knows perfectly well how to grab a man's, er, attention. Ren feigns shock, but Rafi tells her to come off it -- she already got her swivel on with Santi. Takes one to know one, and she knows.

Wednesday Recaplet, Final Drama:

Flo makes sure everyone's out of the house and then makes an urgent call to Santi. When he shows up wanting to know what's the emergency, she drops her duds right in the vestibule and stands there like Venus on the Half Shell. They barely make it to the couch when Ed strolls through the open front doors and catches them at it. Florencia gets a solid crack across the cheekbones, and Santi gets tossed out on his ear.

Ed rants to Carla, who is decidedly ho-hum about the whole incident. Well, they *are* novios (actually ex-novios, but I guess that's practically the same thing if the family has enough money.) Why don't we use this to our advantage?

So Ed goes storming off to Demian's office and plays the "daughter's besmirched honor" card. And it works! Dem calls Santi in and tells him in front of Ed that he'd better start making wedding plans. I have to say I didn't see THAT coming.

Thank you Blue Lass! You covered it thoroughly and succinctly, and on a holiday!!!

"She tells him Dem made Luci's life hell but for some reason doesn't tell him that he was already bonking the tia. "
Aaaaand we should have a spot on a bingo card somewhere " Important crucial information withheld during a conversation"

Didn't one of the characters mention "escaleras" with a side eye in one of these episodes?

The door and lock guarding the safe at Pad Dan's sure look flimsy. It must be holding the papers from when Dem acquired abuelo's land.

Blue Lass, thanks!

That was a really fun episode!

I loved Rogelio seeing that his safe was drilled out. The way he was pushing those chocolates, they could be poisoned. ; ) Anyway, I hope Elena is not stupid enough to go back to him.

Sara should have given the boys the WHOLE truth at the dinner table. At least she told father Dan. Why do the “good guys” never go for the jugular? I do not like “martyrdom” ever but especially when something can be done to fight back.

Another cringeworthy encounter between Leonardo and Mariel. I wonder if she will think back at that conversation and wonder about it in the future when she is not trying to right the world. Anyway, her “reassuring” hug made me cringe.

Santiago wasn’t expecting a wedding on his schedule as Florencia wasn’t expecting to get backhanded by her father.

We soldier on!


Yes, Blue, very lively episode. I forgot to record today's show so will be eagerly looking forward to the recaplet. I'm liking it all at the moment, the baddies, the goodies and the in-betweeneys. Have tried to watch Bella y Bestias but I. Just. Can't. even though I love the patio. And Por Amar Sin Ley is at that annoying stage. This one is still fresh and interesting IMO.

Yes, JudyB, this one is still entertaining with plenty of slapfests. There even was another one in today’s episode. LOL It is a good piece of fluff. I like Bestias but was turned off in the last two episodes—which I didn’t even see (bad sign right there)-with too much subplot which I consider extraneous to Bella and her revenge mission. Here is hoping they tighten up the plot a bit on that one.

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