Saturday, June 30, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 6/29/18 Chapter 87: Too Much Kiss-Kiss, Not Enough Bang-Bang


We open with Elena doing a face-plant on Ric. After a long, audience-discomfiting moment of galanbesoparalysis, he gently pushes her away. She’s still Alien Elena, so she understands. They take turns apologizing to each other. It’s weird and somehow also boring. “Is this about Alejandra? Do you still love her?” “Yes, very much.” She asks for a few minutes alone and cries crystal tears while looking out from the balcony. No venganza-face or anything.

After Ric goes off to play Romper Room with his oversized toddlers, she gets on the phone with Carlos’s tame lawyer and tells him “things have changed.” Hmmm.


Flush from their matchmaking victory, Rob pops in to ask Victoria out. She is noncommittal until he says it’s to visit his Dad, then she’s all in. Nicolas is a tipazo!  “Well, you can’t do better than me, then – I’m the new, improved version!” He asks her again when she’ll give him an oportunidad, and she says maybe someday. He judges this microthaw to be a significant indication of progress, while the rest of us just slowly age in place.


Gus and Alonso are working late on the Ramiro Dorantes case. Gus says fraud is not his specialty, so he’ll need some help making the case airtight. Al promises to be there for him. He also reminds him that when things start to go bad for Ramiro, his brother will not take this lying down. They’ll all need to be extra-careful, which is telenovela foreshadowing for “there’s gonna be a shoot ‘em up.” Shall we nominate our favorite victims?


Juan and Fer are enjoying their little getaway in typical Tourist Board fashion: admiring the hotel, admiring the surroundings, admiring the pool. Lots of giggling and splashing. Juan tells her he wants to show her the world, while she says she’s happy as long as she’s with him.

Suddenly the travel commercial goes cable, and they’re in bed. Juan looks as serious as a heart attack. Fer keeps her earrings on.

Afterward they trade “te amo’s” and Juan launches into what sound for all the world like wedding vows. “I promise to love you and care for you and…” Thankfully, she shuts him up with more kissyface.


Once again, Roberto and Victoria find themselves in the role of the platonic half of a double date. Astrid and Vic go off to powder their noses, leaving Nic to grill Rob on his relationship’s continued failure to launch. Rob confesses he’s never met anyone like Victoria, but he continues to maintain that falling in love is the beginning of the end; look what happened to his parents.

No particularly deep wisdom is shared. Nic’s fatherly advice: “Don’t diddle around.” Guess that will have to do.

The ladies return, talking about their favorite poets. Rob says he never knew Victoria liked poetry. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me…!”


The festivities have officially begun! Ale buttonholes some waiter and tells him that her mother likes red wine, and to make sure her glass is never empty. Frankly, Paula does not seem to need any help in that department, but juarever.

Everyone says what a nice couple Lourdes and Alonso make, causing Al to blush. The shrimpy friend’s 100-year-old husband seems to want Paula to invest in some business scheme involving eye care products. >>FF>> to the arrival of the three ex-husbands. “Ay, caray caray!” Paula says. (Is there a bingo square for “character says name of blog? There should be.)

The one who doesn’t drink wishes Paula a happy onomastico (name-day) in very formal fashion. The one with the clacking dentures recounts fond memories of Paula’s breakfasts and is informed by the others that Paula doesn’t cook – her Mom made those. The one with the lipstick…oh, right; that’s Jaime…starts a good-natured argument about who was the first to take Paula to Paris. Apparently they all took her to Paris. That girl really, really got around.  

And that’s it. No fist-fights, no overheard secrets, no drunken declarations, and definitely no shooting. What a dud party.


Ramiro Dorantes is pulled over at a routine roadblock, where two cops in balaclavas recognize him from the WANTED poster on their cellphones. They take him into custody without incident. (Do the highway patrol in Mexico routinely work in masks? That was scary as hell. If I ever thought of driving there, that thought has now vanished.)


Over a nightcap, Victoria asks Roberto why he never talks about his mother. He gets teary-eyed relating how she left them when he was little. He was raised by his Dad, who took him everywhere – even on dates. He suspects he actually helped him get dates, he was such a cute little bugger. But it still hurts to talk about it. Leo and Ric are the only ones who know…and now her.

Victoria is touched by this evidence of actual feeling, and she kisses him. He more than kisses her back. “We should spend more time together,” he tells her sincerely. She says there might be a possibility for them if she ever sees what’s really in his heart…then she gently sees him to the door. Another kiss. He leaves looking serious. She stays looking happy.


Carlos calls Benjamin in for a money-laundering update. Ben reports that everything is going swimmingly. Carlos tells him Ramiro is in custody, and Ben is bitterly satisfied. That guy deserves whatever he gets, and his brother, too! Carlos notes the celebratory tone and pointedly asks if Ben had anything to do with Ramiro’s arrest. (He didn’t, did he? It’s hard to tell with all the slicing and dicing…)

Ben changes the subject, whining about wanting to work at Bufete Ibarra. When is Carlos going to give him a job? “After this is all over,” Carlos promises, his facial expression even trickier than usual. Is he planning to feed Benji to the wolves?


Another all-hands-on-deck meeting. Apparently the way to bolster a fraud case put together by someone who’s not a fraud expert is to add half a dozen other people who are also not fraud experts, hand out blue folders, and get Susana to bring in a pile of food. Ooookay.


Sonia and the Pro-Woman Judge are rocking their hella good hair and talking over the Linares murder. The judge makes some vague statements about irregularities and evidence, then announces she’s going to take over the case herself. This clearly portends something, but we’re not sure what. Anyway, Sonia is happy, so we are happy, too. Onward!


Wonderful Blue Lass. Always enjoy your take on the baffling events of Por Amar Sin Ley.

Ugh, the kiss between Elena and Ric. He opened his mouth and dived in. A very distasteful case of oh-I-can't-because-of-Ale-but-since-I'm-here....

Ric goes off to play Romper Room with his oversize toddlers. So true!

On to Juan and Fer:

"Suddenly the travel commercial goes cable and they're in bed. Juan looks as serious as a heart attack. Fer keeps her earrings on."

So funny. Are they both losing their virginity at once? Twin peaks?

Now for Roberto and Victoria

He judges this microthaw to be a significant indication of progress, while the rest of us just slowly age in place.

Yes, the glacial speed of this romance is exhausting me. But loved your description of them as "the platonic half of a double date".

But wait! there's more, the dull thud of Paula's party:

"The festivities have officially begun! Ale buttonholes some waiter and tells him that her mother likes red wine, and to make sure her glass is never empty. Frankly, Paula does not seem to need any help in that department, but juarever."

The actress playing Paula is always such a crackerjack, but this team of writers have managed to make her "blandengue" and boring. Quite a feat. Snore........

"(Do the highway patrol in Mexico routinely work in masks? That was scary as hell. If I ever thought of driving there, that thought has now vanished.)"

You and me both. Of course I'm such a lousy driver that driving ANYWHERE is a frightening experience. But I remember a few years ago CherylnNewMexico merrily drove around Mexico with only her poodle Willa for company and protection. I would have brought along a pitbull at least, but no, they were both fine and had a great time.

Well, I had a great time reading your recap. Soccer is on at our house so won't get to see this episode for a while. Muchas gracias Ms. Blue.

Blue Lass you are Funnn kneee. I especially liked 'travel commercial goes cable'.

The Paula party was something. I was expecting Ale to be sneakily getting selfies with Mom's exes to later see if she could remotely resembled ANY of them.

Gracias, Blue Lass. I echo Judy's list of great lines, particularly "Travel commercial goes cable."

Despite its flaws I will miss this series when it hits the season finale next week. I hope they don't take too long to start showing the new season (which has been in production now for about three weeks).

Lolol The Ex husband with the lipstick...Wah! Plays Romper with the Toddlers. Wah lol and Kirby, you just keep giving the snark in the most delicious way! All recappers are doing s great job...Does Susanna have a catering business? If not, she should...Make money and kick son out into the real adult world!

UA: Why do I get the feeling that we're NOT getting a happy ending because all signs might point to Alonso having a deadly end.

Blue, hilariously fun recap. The old geezer with the clacking dentures, he
Looked like he wears them too. Paula
Must have been rather young when she got hitched to these two. She must not
Have wanted to have kids with these 2.
Can't say as I blame her one of those guys had bad teeth. Probably the one that don't have clacking dentures yet.

Juan and fer seemed to have enjoyed their maiden voyage together. She is
Offically his, if she'll have him. It
Seems she went in for another sail on the looooveboat soon will be making another run..... If SusyQ has anything
To say About it, wedding bells. And more lunches at the office interruptin
Important meetings.

Well if someone does get shot I hope they don't die. I'd like to know how
Butthead Benny washed that money. Hope
He didn't do Something stupid to get
Lonny in trouble. He's such a lowlife.
I can't stand carlos,he's just evil.If
Elena is about to let rick have visits
With the kids Carlos is gonna sink even lower than a flat worm. I Don't like him at all.

The over grown toddlers. Maybe they'll
Do a time jump and they'll grow up. We
Can only hope.

Ok the last hallmark wedding movie is on, gotta go. I like hallmark. Elena
Should watch it, it'll help her think
About someone else besides rick.

And the saga continues with vicky and
Rob. If he is just interested in sex
With her, she need to tell him to just go. If she could get into his heart...
Well maybe next season.

Thank you Blue Lass.


Thanks, Blue Lass. Lovely recap. You have a talent for slicing to the essence. I'm tracking with JudyB on my faves:

Ric goes off to play Romper Room with his oversized toddlers


Suddenly the travel commercial goes cable,

Yep, Paula's Wild Birthday Bash was anything but. And why was Ale wearing that full-length coat over her dress when the weather seemed quite warm to everyone else?

Two couples go all the way in two days. First, Oli and Leo, now Juan and Fer. Are Roberto and Victoria up next? Sure hope part 2 is a time jump when all are already married because I'm done with their courtships.

If New Elena is so new and improved why didn't she tell the kids that Ric was right and it was time for him to leave, though she's grateful for his help during a trying time, they are divorced ... But, nope, she sits there saying nothing, letting him be the bad guy in the kids' eyes.

Sonia the crusading prosecutor is disturbing. I believe she's supposed to be a good guy, but in getting the woman judge to do her bidding in Carlos's trial she and the judge are as bad as Carlos when he bribed the judge with cash not to punish Alan for gross incompetence. It would've been better to see Sonia mount a strong case in court instead. She has not flexed her legal chops in this TN at all.

Blue Lass, thank you for such a humorous and fun recap. It sure made my Sunday morning very enjoyable.
I loved every word, but especially enjoyed the following lines:
"After a long, audience-discomfiting moment of galanbesoparalysis, he gently pushes her away"
"Suddenly the travel commercial goes cable, and they’re in bed. Juan looks as serious as a heart attack. Fer keeps her earrings on."
"Ale buttonholes some waiter and tells him that her mother likes red wine, and to make sure her glass is never empty. Frankly, Paula does not seem to need any help in that department, but juarever"
"The shrimpy friend’s 100-year-old husband..."
"The one with the lipstick…oh, right; that’s Jaime…starts a good-natured argument about who was the first to take Paula to Paris. Apparently they all took her to Paris. That girl really, really got around"
"Apparently the way to bolster a fraud case put together by someone who’s not a fraud expert is to add half a dozen other people who are also not fraud experts, hand out blue folders, and get Susana to bring in a pile of food. Ooookay"

Thanks for all the laughs, Blue Lass, I really needed them.



"A very distasteful case of oh-I-can't-because-of-Ale-but-since-I'm-here...." JudyB, that's so eloquently said and so true. I can't believe he kissed her back! He did, right? And took ages before pushing her away. Worst galan ever!I so hope Ale finds out about this kiss.

"Yep, Paula's Wild Birthday Bash was anything but. And why was Ale wearing that full-length coat over her dress when the weather seemed quite warm to everyone else? " Niecie, I agree with every word. What was the point of this party if absolutely nothing happened?! And it looked like the costuming department got confused and accidentally dressed Ale in Astrid's senior citizen ensemble. She was the worst-dressed in that snoozefest of a party, even the one with the 100 year old husband was better dressed.

Whatever went on between the prosecutor and the judge is a clear case of judicial corruption and both participants should be removed from office and prosecuted. The whole thing is disconcerting, it seems that the writers actually think that such an obviously criminal behavior is a good thing and the prosecutor and the judge are the heroes of the story and not the villains that they obviously are. They are way worse than Marufo, because while Marufo prevented guilty persons from getting the punishment that they deserve, these two criminals conspired to deny a fair trial to a person who is innocent until proven guilty. If Marufo got 25 years for what he did, then they should get the same punishment at the very least.


Do these writers ever do any research? Do they ever watch Law & Order? Do they even care? The courtroom scenes seem to be written by a bunch of grade school kids (even then, teacher would make them look things up). Or Saturday Night Live writers.

I saw galanbesoparalysis but not Ric kissing Elena back. I actually give Ric points for not being overdramatic and jumping away like Elena was a hot potato. His gentle backup helped her keep a shred of dignity.

Niecie, I hope you are right about no actual kissing back happening, but I did see him initially purse his lips for a kiss, instead of pulling back, thus giving her the time to go for it. Whether he kissed her back or just let her kiss him, I found his reaction very unnatural. Thankfully, I was never confronted with such a situation, but if it were the case I would have jumped away screaming " what the hell?!" and not just stood there like a moron and let the ex who made my life a living hell, got a restraining order against me for no reason, brainwashed my children and left me no choice but to engage in a nearly hopeless legal battle just to get to see them again devour me with a predatory kiss just because she underwent a personality transplant.



Niecie, do you remember when we used to talk about those large mouth bass kisses? Well, the actor opened his mouth and dived right in when that kiss began. So while the character Rick may have managed to seem somewhat standoffish, the actor was certainly getting into it.

Anyway, makes me glad I'm not an actress.

I think Ale had on the Frozen Wintertime overcoat because she is pregnant, or worse yet, looks like it but isn't.

Paula's a strange character. Seems like she just can't settle down, or rather doesn't really want to. But she doesn't seem to be like those women who think they never age and just act like they're always in their twenties. Is there any valid reason for her divorces other than her just not feeling it? The story didn't really delve into her character and she seems to be worth so much more than just being Alejandra's support model.

Jaime and the other exes talking about Paris...a little distasteful really. Why did she invite all three? I've noticed Alejandra kind of treats her mother more as an older friend than as her mother.


Yeah, I think that Paula's character is underdeveloped and I'm sure that Azela Robinson thought so, too. Earlier we were hearing about a guy named Mauricio she was dating but that seemed to have been dropped.

Also, where did Alicia's husband come from? Up till this episode I thought she was widowed or divorced as well.

Just a reminder:

Discussion of real-world politics is forbidden here.

Thanks for the props, everyone. I enjoy the comments as much as the recaps! (And frequently enjoy both more than the actual show.)

Thank you for all of the recappers for the excellent work. I have started to watch this program in the past few weeks. It seems that I will not be able to watch the conclusion as for now. It seems that DISH and Univision are having contract disputes. I don't think it is political but purely financial. So if this continues I will have to find another provider if I want to watch Univision.

That is insane!

Note: Due to the heat tonight's recap could be late and may not have as many screen grabs as usual.

Lynette, the reminder about real-world politics referred to a post about the Mexican election that has since been removed. Comments about evil cable networks are ok! ;}

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