Friday, August 24, 2018

La Bella y Las Bestias, Aug. 23-24, 2018: Sick Icknacio on the Defense

Salutations, Patio Peeps!

Icknacio has a game plan; and Bela gets ready.

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged. Feel free to add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. Comments…definitely welcome…

Where mockery, snarkery and just plain talkery abound!
Share your thoughts and your hearts, you won’t be bored!!


Episode 55, Part 1: Sick Icknacio On the Defense

Bela and Andrea talk in the stairwell. Andrea asks Bela what has against her since she is messing up her missions. Bela smirks and tells Andrea she has nothing against her…and asks Andrea what would have happened if they had arrested Cris…Cris would have gotten out on bail. Andrea then tries to tell Bela that JP is trying to help bring justice to those who wronged her, but Bela tells her that this fed institution had years to bring justice and they never did. Andrea then suggests that Bela did take Cris to the mine and left her to die, so Bela asks her if she has any evidence. When Bela starts to walk away, Andrea tells her there is something shes doesn’t need proof of… that Bela still luurves JP. Andrea suggests that Bela needs to decide if she wants justice or love; she tells her to think about that.Dr. Parrot has spoken.

Eman tells Ig and Sen that Bela wants revenge. Senator tells him Bela wants to kill them. When he adds that nothing can change that Bela’s parents were killed and there is nothing that they can offer Bela to make up for that, Ig wonders if they should tell Bela the name of the person who has his back to the camera. Yeah, just vote on that idea, boys. Actually, here is my phone, just text her.

Glo and Emi talk. Emi tells Glo that she returned the ring. Glo thinks Eman must be angry, but if he loves her as much as he says he does, he is probably suffering; though the only thing Glo cares about is Emi and how she feels. Emi tells her that she is still in love with Eman…and she may change her mind about marrying him at any moment.

Ig tells Eman that they can make up a name or name someone else as the mystery person….someone very important and influential, but Eman tells them that JP knows Armando didn’t know anyone else at that stature. Ig has an idea…they will attack.

Pene tells Mike that he shouldn’t train so hard; he is still recovering. Bela arrives and tells them that Ric and JP are sure that she was involved with Cris’s death, but they have no evidence. She leaves a trail of smug like a snail.

Ig, Daniel and Marcia are having dinner. Ig asks Dan if the seed was well planted; so Daniel confirms and adds that the left over seeds have been taken care of. Marcia then suggests that she wants a game of her own, but Ig tells her she isn’t old enough yet. Marcia argues that she is at the age, but Ig counters that to him, she is still a child. Marcia insists that at age 21, she wants her own game…she wants to follow in her father’s footsteps. Ig tells Dan that in the next game, he will participate so he can have the excitement of a kill.

The B team plots against the remaining beasts. Bela says that the shadow will be last. Mike tells them about Ig and that his Achilles heel is his daughter, Marcia. Pene and Mike tell Bela they can’t find anything on him; he seems to be clean. Bela tells them that then they will infiltrate and find out who he knows, what he does and who he sleeps with.


Episode 55, Part 2: Sick Icknacio On the Defense

Em and Emi talk. Emi brings up that one of his friends just died. Eman tells her it did affect him, but she has to remember that she will benefit from the death…and if the others follow she will be sole owner of the casino. Emi then tells him that she is going to get JP to tell her everything he knows about Cris.

Ig tells Marcia and Daniel that his past is following him. He tells them about the killing of an agent and his wife…and that they had a daughter who survived. When Dan asks if he was involved, Ig admits he was and now he is going to have much to do with that girl’s destiny.

Bela thinks about JP and telling him that their life together was over. She then thinks about Ric telling her what JP has told him about her plan…and Andrea asking her that she wants proof that Bela still luurves JP.

JP is in his own bed thinking about Bela…and how he warned her about lying to the Federal Director.

Ig goes to Marcia and asks her if what he told her scared her. When Marcia admits that she is worried, Ig tells her that all they have to do is be united as a family and come up with a good strategy. He then tells her about how the agent was investigating the casino which also happens to be hers. The agent was getting too close and becoming a danger to them. When Marcia asks if he regrets having that agent killed, Ig says no but he does regret leaving the children of the agent. He hates thinking that something could happen to Marcia…that is why he needs her help as well as Dan’s. Help? Kids, he is not about to ask you to pull weeds in the flower beds.

JP and Emi talk about how Cris died. JP tells her someone took Cris to the mine and left her there to die…and he has evidence that Cris was a criminal; Cris would buy gold illegally, then sell it as if she had gotten it from her mine. Cris was also about to have her husband killed. When Emi asks how he knows, JP tells her he has a witness that worked for her and told them about how Cris had ordered him to kill Carlos. JP then tells her that he just showed her that her associates are criminals; now it is her turn…she needs to return her shares of the casino.

Pene kisses Mike and thanks him for saving her, but Simon arrives to take her to breakfast. Lock the door next time Pene; you were doing so good…you even shitcanned the cornrows on your 'Mike' side, anyway. After Simon and Pene leave, Mike takes out his jealousy on the punching bag.

JP and Andrea are at some house. He tells Andrea that she needs to have her phone on all the time. He then tells her that this place is owned by the feds for witnesses and others who need a safe place to stay. They talk about who Bela might target next.

Episode 55, Part 3: Sick Icknacio On the Defense

Em and Eman are parked in front of a luxury home. Emi complains that he has brought her to this house when she has something important to tell him, so Eman tells her he also has something important to tell her. He tells her that this house is their house…it was given to them as a gift. Emi is not very enthused, so Eman tells her that whether she wants to marry him or not this house belongs to both of them. Emi gets upset and refuses to accept the gift…then tells Eman to tell his associates that they can keep the house and the shares…and shove it?? Psssst. Emi...kill him. Just kidding

Simon and Pene have breakfast. He wants them to be novios. He wants to know what she thinks and feels because he is in luuurve with her. Pene is floored and takes a swig. Oh crap, cut it out, Fido.

At Ig’s place, Marcia enters Daniel’s bedroom in her itty bitty dress—he is wrapped in a towel. She comes on to him; so he reminds her that they are cousins and she needs to leave or he will tell her father what she is doing. Marci doesn’t care…she reminds him of all that her father has done so he shouldn’t be one to judge them. She tells Daniel that the day will come when he will make love to her. Is there a Bingo square for THAT?

As Simon and Pene leave the restaurant, Simon asks Pene if they have their next target. Pene avoids the question and tells Simon they are on the same side. Simon understands what Bela is doing but she needs to stay within the law. After Pene leaves, the Senator drives up and tells Simon that he needs to talk to him. He tells him to get in the car.

Bela is walking away from visiting her parents when Ig walks up behind her and introduces himself. When Bela asks what he wants, he tells her he wants to talk about something important.

Emi has gone to look at the house and comes back to tell Eman that the house is almost the same…it’s more than what she ever dreamed of. Eman asks how she can turn it down. When he tells her it is her house, Emi tells him that it’s not hers because he got it for her using his contacts. She then tells him that JP proved to her who her associates really are…Cris was a criminal. Careful skirt girl. Don't let your mouth get ahead of your brain.

Bela tries to walk away from Ig; so Ig tries to hold her back. Bela goes into her defense mode and grabs Ig twisting his arm. Ig tells her he knows what she did to Cris. When she lets him go, he tells her that it is now clear to him what she did to his associates and what she wants to do to him and Abelardo.

Abelardo and Simon are having a talk. Senator is sure Simon knows who he is…JP must have mentioned his name several times. Senator tells Simon that he knows a lot about Simon…he has struggled through life. When Simon wants to know where this is leading, Senator tells him he can help him reach his goals faster. Simon, did those 'Cheaters' show people not to return your video recorder BIC pen? Be handy right now.


Episode 55, Part 4: Sick Icknacio On the Defense

After Emi and Eman finish arguing about Cris, Emi tells him that there is nothing he can do to change her mind about giving back the shares; so Eman reminds her that she will lose her job... what will she do since she is used to living a lavish life. Emi doesn’t want to do anything that is not right…and she promised she would return the shares.

Abel tells Simon to let him know if he is interested in what he has to offer. Senator knows that Simon has lived the same sordid life and he wants to help him have a better life.

JP makes a call then tells Andrea that they will be talking with El Cafetero that afternoon. He then calls the Senator and leaves message that the Senator should call him back.

Bela mentions the club to Mike..the place where they planned to kill her father…it is a public place and the beast won’t try anything there. Mike tells her that the beasts are not stupid; they know that if something happens to her, the video will go public, Mike advises that she needs to take more time to study the beasts, . She should consider that the video should go to the feds. Bela tells him that she wanted to kill him so badly; she doesn’t kow if she will be able to restrain herself the next time. Mike tells her to just do it; it could be self-defense. Steve would be happy.

At the fed offices, Andrea gives Simon a package. JP then mentions that that they will be working on Ig and Abel; so Simon asks if they are going to go after them or protect them from Bela. Simon then looks in the package, tries to keep a straight face and puts it in his desk drawer.

JP and Andrea go talk to Senator. JP mentions the video that shows how the decision was made to kill a fed agent. Senator denies knowing anything. When JP insists, Senator tells JP that if he has evidence then he should act on it, but JP tells him they are there to help him because Bela is set on going after him. After Senator asks if his in danger. JP replies, “…only if the video exists.”

Simon goes into the empty jail cells and looks inside the package and gives an exasperated look.

Andrea and JP walk out together after talking to the Senator. Andrea laughs at JP for trying to play bad cop.


Ms Chickie, thank you!


Thank you Kirby.

Steve called it. Simon is a BAD dirty cop! Unless of course he somehow redeems himself later on and realizes he made a mistake. What if he’s the one who kills Mike out of jealousy over Penelope? God, that would be terrible...

Emília is now slowly finding out the truth about Eman, which means her or mommy are getting whacked by Eman very soon. She’s finally getting investigative information from her own brother who’s a cop; which she should’ve done a long time ago.

So Marcia and Daniel aren’t related, but they’re almost literally in the same exact situation that JP and Emília were in when their father was alive. Marcia wants to be just like her father while Daniel has doubts about him. Interesting...

What role is Andrea playing in this novela anymore? She’s becoming useless now. If she’s not hooking up with JP then take her out. Because her silly act of helping Bella but also helping JP is cringeworthy.


I have the feeling Ignacio is going to tell Bella that the shadow is Eman, but he won’t tell her anything unless he’s kept alive. So maybe this beast will finally be the first one who gets arrested.

Sorry, meant to write thank you RGV Chick***! :) lol

Thank you, RgvChick!

Ignacio won't tell Bella that it is Emanuel, he may be pretty crazy but he is very loyal to them and he wouldn't do that. As for Emilia and her mom I doubt that Eman is going to anything against them, it would be too obvious. In fact I'm pretty sure Emilia and Emanuel still get married but I don't think he plans on killing anyone until maybe the end. This show has like what 2 weeks left?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anon, loyal to them? Really? These beasts have enjoyed the fact that when one of them die they get part of their property and their percentage of the casino ownership increases. Ignacio was amazed to know Cristina was dead. I’m not sure where there’s any loyalty from. I would argue the Senator is a bit more loyal than Ignacio and Eman are. He’s been the most cautious one. Ignacio on the other hand is a sneaky savage weasel.

Rgv Chick, you transformed silt into silk.


"She leaves a trail of smug like a snail" was truly inspired. I also enjoyed "Dr. Parrot has spoken" and "Kids, he is not about to ask you to pull weeds in the flower beds".

"Senator knows that Simon has lived the same sordid life and he wants to help him have a better life". (???)

I thought Simon was straight as an arrow. How many times can I be wrong? Countless times apparantly. Now that we know though, this explains why the character was likly not portrayed as a romantic, desirable partner. "Pene is floored and takes a swig". Honey, don't make any rash decisions. If her pulling back after that tepid kiss after the novio request is any indication, Mike may have a fighting chance yet.

"Ig tells Dan that in the next game, he will participate so he can have the excitement of a kill".Ignacio makes my skin crawl. No doubt Marcia is his daughter.

I'm growing a bit tired of the Emi waffling. She clearly knows something foul is afoot. You are either in. Or you're out. Choose.

Bella wasn't nearly as smug with Ig as she was with Cris was she? She liked wieldig her power like a badge of honor over Cris, but Ig is in an entirely different league.

Lucas, I have no idea where the Andrea storyline is going either. She must have some pivotal part to play ere the end. Simon has been so contemptuous of Andrea. It would be ironic if he were guilty of dishonerable acts himself.

Excellent Rgv Chick! Thank you!


Thank you, Chickie.

I am never ..Nunca jamais...right, but I did have suspicions about Simon....maybe just because I did not like him. He seemed cold and distant, and I couldnt understand Pene being with him instead of Mike. All he appeared to want to do with Pene was go to bed.

Icky Iggy is making me miss quirky , arrogant Ant. Is The tiger still around? How about a real hunt in the unarmed Iggy and Tony the tiger.

So wait wait wait. The Senator may have sent Sim(plet)on a bag of cash, BUT: Andrea dropped it on his desk, so where did she get it? If the Sen just mailed it to Simon the mail clerk would have dropped it off. Or did Andrea go pick it up? Does that make her dirty too? Is she STILL working both sides?

We are ignoring that she went from a low level mafia criminal to third in command it seems, raiding the gold mine, etc. in a matter of weeks.

I don't think Simon is dirty, just dumb. Just one of those nerds who wanted to be a cop so he could finally make someone notice him.

Lucas: I warned all of y'all Simon was dirty! Never did trust him from the get-go.

RVG Chick: Let's hope Penelope doesn't have a fateful end. I mean the Senator badly wants to be President of the United Mexican States by any means necessary.

Kirby: Marine Mike will figure it out Simon is dirty & might tell JP.

Susy, there was a nice horse in the background last night. Icky Iggy has horses, apparently, rather than the other way around.

Andevil------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> > >

BTW, do we know yet if Marcia is Iggy's daughter? Did he say hijo or nina last night? She is disgusting enough to be

And I swear, if Mike and Pene went to a hotel, Simon would show up at their door posing as room service.


Thank you, Rgv Chick.

For Marcia and Daniel killing for sport, killing for profit is a normal, honorable thing. They are looking forward to participating. How does one grow up like that? Didn't they go to school? To church? Don't the know that killing is wrong?

Looks like they are trying to corrupt or set up Simon. For what purpose? There was a stack of money in that package that Simon received. I did not get any indication that Simon is dirty.

Emilia should realize she is being bought. This marriage is not about love. She is being used for some purpose. The more material gifts Eman showers on her the more suspicious it should look. If it seams too good to be true, it is.

Lucio: Emilia is flat out dumb!

I was expecting money in the package but would swear there were tapes. Guess I'm way off.

Withholding opinions from now on. I'm not even going to pretend I have any idea what Andrea is doing. I have no clue.


Lucio thanks.

There is ZERO evidence thus far that Simon is dirty. On the surface, that bag of money came from Andrea. She dropped it off to him. I thought the way he looked at it was like, "Tempting, but not me."

We will see before long.

Emilia is beginning to figure it out, but is too young and naive to keep her mouth shut. Eman knows this. With some help, Emi could be very instrumental in his downfall, capitalizing on her presumed innocence and trust. But alone in the fight, she is no match for the king of the beasts.

Thanks Rgv chick for the recap....getting very interesting.....

I could not see what was in that envelope that Simon opened, but I did not think that it was money. He looked very sheepish when he saw what was in the bag...whatever it was!

Susy here is a shot of what Simon saw in the envelope. It looks like money to me.

Good Morning, Patio Peeps. Wow, looks like the patio is sizzling today...just like it has been and will be in the RGV. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and insights.

Kirby, thanks for the screenshot; I didn't get a close look when it aired and just assumed it was money in the looks like money to me too now. Simon did ask Andrea where the package came from and she responded that a messenger service had delivered it. I'm holding on to my verdict about Simon. I agree with Lucio and Kirby; there is no real evidence that Simon is dirty. Of course, one could argue that if he was clean, he would have told Ric about the Senator's offer and the package, BUT he may also want to take care of this on his own since Ric and JP have him as second fiddle. This could be his chance to prove that he is as good...well better, than JP.

Lucas, Marcia and Daniel aren't siblings, but they are cousins. When she was coming on to him, he reminded her that they are cousins and that her father would not approve. And when Mike and Pene were giving Bela the info on Ick/Ig, they told her that Ick lived with his daughter and nephew. So conclusive info that Marcia is Ick's daughter and Daniel is a nephew.

Diana, "I'm growing a bit tired of the Emi waffling. She clearly knows something foul is afoot. You are either in. Or you're out. Choose" Emi is quite exasperating isn't she? It seems she wants to do the right thing now, but she keeps falling back to her old ways. She has come a long way from her drug-selling days, though.

Susanlynn, about Simon, "He seemed cold and distant, and I couldn't understand Pene being with him instead of Mike. All he appeared to want to do with Pene was go to bed." Very true, it did seem like all he wanted was sex. Maybe since Pene told him off a couple episodes ago, he has thought about changing his strategy and is actually trying to show that he cares about her. I think that. in the end, it's going to be futile though.

Lucio, ITA with all your man!

Elsa, yes! Very interesting indeed!

Anon 7:36, two weeks left?? I believe there are 15 more episodes to go. so that would make it 3 weeks..if none of the episodes are preempted...and geez, I hope they don't do the double episodes again!

When Andrea dropped off the Money Bag to Simon, it was in a larger translucent plastic bag sealed with a red sticker, as though a courier service had put it in it. Simon took the Manila envelope out, peeked in and quickly folded the opening shut and threw it in his desk drawer.

I am still astounded that Andrea has a desk right smack in the middle of their crack detectives, a computer and all like she has been there years and has no criminal background. She does have great legs though. Must be the only girl on that floor. ? ? ?

So there (i.e., Andrea) is our answer as to why the federales are so inept. Anyone can literally come in off the street and get a desk, be privy to sensitive information on ongoing investigations, and physically participate in raids, etc., without any training whatsoever. So why did JP and Simon even bother to go through all those years of federale school? Andrea managed to skip all that with a toss of her ponytail. Ah, TN beanie, where art thou? LOL

Hey, y'all my beanie list just went over 50...and that's because I have missed some...LOL

KIrby, thanks for the screencap. I guess it is money. we seem to be going again with kissing cousins! Is this going to be a thing?

Well, I am headed off to see if I can be of any service to either my local sheriff and former classmate Bobby or perhaps the State Police...although I am pretty sure that they have a height requirement because every officer I have every met is enormous.

Wait? What? Going from a couple of classes in Summer School to Regional Director of the FBI was easierfor you than shaking her way into the Federal Police was for Andrea ! !

And I didn't realize until right now that crack detectives may have been a Freudian slip.

OK, so do you get a gun and everything?

Thank you Kirby, interesting recap.
New stuff popping up.

Oh Simon Simon Simon, you dog you. A
Dirty cop is not a good fit for you. The Patio people already don't like you for obvious reasons. Give us more
Reasons why don't cha. He still has time to pull away from the cesspool.
I don't like him but I don't want to
See him go down like that, there's enough maggots on this show, don't need more.

Iggy, his daughter and nephew are as
Twisted as he is they like the thrill
Of the kill. So daddy and uncle invite
Them to jump into the bathtub filled with the blood of his victim. And the
Little twirl wants to add her own. The
Future beast. Is a bitch. She'll be much more nastier than them. I don't mean to put us on a dark pedestal girls cuz I in no way condone this bad
Acide behavior, but when a woman is this twisted she's worse than a man.
This is about to get down and dirty y'all. Get your beanies bady it's a comin.
Ok I got errands to run. More later.
Thanks kirby.

NiNa you are welcome. :-)

Just saying..................:-)

Rgv Chickie, you're not missing any goats, are you? Goats that really like to travel?



Emi can also look at a it this way: she is joining the club whose members are dying like flies. And the reaction she got from Eman was, yes it is sad but isn't it great that your share increased to 33%?! And pretty soon you could be the only one left. Awesome! The club's bylaws actually encourage murder. The property of the dead is inherited by the remaining members. Emi's life is the only thing standing between the remaining members and the full control of the money. She should be hiring the army of bodyguards, and maybe planning the hit herself before being taken out.

RGV Chick. Didn’t they point out that Daniel is an adopted nephew??? They specifically said “sobrino adoptado” last night. So I’m not sure that he’s related to Marcia in any way!

Lucio...too bad Emi does not have someone like you to point this sobering fact out to her. She just thinks that Eman is crazy in love with her. Despierta, Emi !!!

Wake up Patio! Just realized my math was totally wrong!

There are supposed to be 80 episodes...we’re on 55 so 25 episodes to go...not 15!! So about 5 more weeks to go.

Lucas, as I see it, “sobrino adoptado” would mean that Daniel is Ig’s nephew and Ig adopted the bloody relationship still exists...pun intended ;-)

RGV, in that case, Marcia is a serious FREAK!

Lucas, freaky would perfectly describe Marcia.

Andy, thanks for sharing that...too funny! No all my goats accounted for...and BTW, my goats are black...well I have 4 that are reddish brown :-)

Rgv Chick..this question is for you but not related to TN.. Does RGV stand for Rio Grande Valley....I ask cause I grew up in South Texas,,

If Marcia is Iggy's bio daughter, and Iggy adopted her cousin Daniel, his Nephew, at an early age and raised him, then those two have grown up as Brother and Sister. The golden thing about this decadent little sit is that they are not close enough blood wise to make mutated children. Or their chances are at least slimmer. As far as offspring, that would be the least of my concerns....... Continuing:

Freaky Girl in a short skirt who wants her turn killing innocent people. But I'd bet there is nothing she wouldn't try at least once in bed. :-)
Maybe she could bring Mike out of his shell.


Rgv Chick..this question is for you but not related to TN.. Does RGV stand for Rio Grande Valley....I ask cause I grew up in South Texas,,

Elsa, yes, RGV stands for Rio Grande Valley :-)

Thanks, Rgv Chick. Terrific job.

I vote Simon is not dirty. I'm thinking he's considering playing dirty so he can entrap the senator. If so, he sure better tell somebody. Don't want him for Pene, but I do like him.

Yep, beanie overload - Andrea has a desk at the Feds. And Little Miss has the gall to get in Bella's face about choosing between revenge and amor. Bella deserves points for not slapping the hell out of her. Bella is off the rails, but Andrea needs to mind her own business.

I heard sobrino adoptado too, so it's okay for the cousins to be kissing cousins.

It's bad enough they're comin together
To murder people for sport, I really dont want to see them come together to
Celebrate their mutual joy of lust.
Bella can just take those two psychos out with uncle--daddy now. They're just asking For it.

I think Eman wants everything to himself. Bella kills the other 2 off
Before they can tell her he's the guy
With his back to the Camara, he hitch
Up to emi then arrange an accident or
Frame somebody(bela) actin all sad and remorseful "Oh My baby gone". And laughin all the way from the cemetery. Of course he may have to deal with glo who ain't so Pickled no more whose also learnt some Things while being married to a cold blooded murderer. She's not as dumb as we thinks.I think her name is gloria, I Could be maybe confusing her with Another Glo who bit the dust.

Is pene really that into siiiiiimon?
If mike is really into pene he should
Really make it known to her that he is. Guys don't talk much about their
Feelings, you gotta pull it out of him girl. She don't know how to Do that.
Communication Communication TALK! MAN!
If siiiiimon us fixin to get stupid n
Dirty she need to be away from him, so
She don't get dead.

Why Andrea is still in this show? Her role seems to be to annoy Isabela by being close to JP. And by reminding her, in her face, or through jealousy, that she is not over JP.

Lucio two words: Great Legs

final answer


JP and Andrea run into Bela at the club. She ignores him, just being a twit. JP asks if she isn't going to acknowledge him. JP tells her he is just doing his job whereas she is just putting herself in danger. She reminds him that several years ago she believed in the system, but no more. Yikes ! Bela is painted up like a Puerto Rican Chevy.

Emi and Eman in his office talking about them, of course. Eman wants to know why Emi has such a sour face. She tells him that before, she knew what she wanted; now she doesn't know what she wants. Eman reminds her that she hasn't lost anything. She still has his love and her shares. He would marry her right now if she wanted. Emi tells him that it bothers her that she is associated with such awful people. He tells her that all she should care about is the casino. Emi tells him that she can't be swimming with sharks without expecting to get bitten. We are seeing slight evidence of cerebral function in this instar of Emi.

The speaker at the association is Iggy. Mucho applause. Marcia and Daniel are there as well as the beasts and the fellows from the hunting game. At the club, Iggy is being introduced as a great man. Marcia tells Iggy that Isabela is there.

Pene tries to tell Mike about her talk with Simon, but he doesn't want to hear it.

Meanwhile, Simon looks at the card Senator gave him.

Marcia is trying to get her hand where it shouldn't be on Daniel under their table. He is struggling to keep it pushed away.

Iggy is speaking…lots of BS. He wants to share his feelings. He has made mistakes that could be avenged. but he thanks his daughter and nephew who is like a son…they are his motivation…for them he would like to make this country better. HIs passion is not the coffee but to help the future generations.

JP talks to Bela but she moves away. Twit

Mike and Pene in the ring flat on their backs side by side. Pene tells MIke that Simon wants to be novios with her. Mike tells her that his mind is playing tricks on him again…he is seeing visions again. Pene thinks he is getting better, but Mike thinks he needs help...he needs HER help.

Iggy continues his BS. He says he does things not to get acknowledgment but to improve the country for the next generations. The Iggy speech is over. Applause. Marcia and Daniel go up to congratulate him; and Marcia mentions Bela and Iggy needs to go talk to her. He finally sees Ms. Smirk in the audience. He heads for her but JP intercepts him. Then Marcia goes and introduces herself to Bela Smirk. She asks how Bela knows her father. Bela tells her it’s a long story…she should ask her father to tell her the story. Marcia thanks her and leaves. Andrea is sitting at the next table watching all this. Everybody is dressed up, except JP who looks like he should be bussing tables. JP continues to distract Iggy. They talk about the video but JP tells Iggy that he just came to help him because there is someone who wants to hurt him. Iggy tells him everyone loves him…who could possibly want to hurt him. JP tells him Bela is after him. No, Igggg, don't trot into the men's room for a shot of that vending machine fake Polo, not that kind of after you.



Back at ComeBack, Pene and Mike are finally talking. Actually talking about something besides the weather or Bela Smirk. Pene asks Mike when his visions started; so he tells her they started hen he began training again. Pene suggests he look for a psychologist, but Mike refuses and tells her he wants HER help. Pene, though, doesn’t know how to help him.

Simon goes to the Senator and throws the Money Bag on his desk and tells him he is wrong about him. Sen tells him he sent no money. Who, ME? Ha ! Simon reminds him of what he said in the car. If it wasn't him then who could it be? Senator tells him he doesn't know but that the money could serve him well. He says that it's a pity that people as good as Simon don't get a chance to make it further.

Iggy catches up with Bela Smirk before she can leave. He apologizes for making her wait. Bela asks if he really wants to help the future gens. Bela thinks that, maybe, one way of supporting them is to not kill their parents. Daniel approaches and reminds him of something he has to do. Iggy introduces Bela to Daniel, then tells Daniel to go ahead of him. Once alone, Iggy tells Bela that he didn't have to tell her about this, but he is ill…it's leukemia.

Eman and Emi and Eman explains to Emi where she stands in the business. They talk about influential people; so Emi points out that he is included. Emi wants to go to the casino, but Eman wants her to stay.

JP and WHO ELSE? Andrea. WHERE ELSE? A bar. JP tells Andrea that he is frustrated because talking to Bela is like talking to the wall. He thinks Bela was at the club to get to Iggy.

Now Bela Smirk and Iggy are in 'The Room' from her 'The Video'. Bela can't believe Iggy would bring her there…the place where they decided to kill her father. Iggy admits that this is the place where he made his worst mistake. Bela tells him that if he is there to try to make her think that he is a great person and an exemplary father, he is wrong. He will pay for his errors and no one will be able to save him.

Iggy asks Bela if she really thinks he staged everything. Bela tells him she doesn't know why he did all of this, but she doesn't believe a word he says. He swears he regrets it and doesn't know how he allowed himself to be swayed into making such a horrid decision. Iggy tells her that Armando and his associate were the powerful ones...the others were just puppets in their hands. Bela asks who the other man was...if he names the man, they can negotiate.

Emi tells Eman that she doesn't know what he does to manipulate her. Eman is shocked to hear her say that. He just wanted her to get back what belonged to her. He can't believe that she doubts what he does.

Iggy can't reveal the name because, if he is scared of Bela, then he is in a panic when it comes to that man. The little time he has left…he just wants to devote to his daughter who lost her mother…his nephew lost his mother too and his father is in prison. They only have him. When Bela points out that she only had her parents and he took them from her, Iggy asks what he has to do so that she can forgive him. She tells him to kneel.

In the ring, Pene is helping Mike meditate. It looks to be going well. I think. I hopeo. I hope he is not having a stroke. Pene tells Mike to breathe deeply. Every time he breathes in he should feel the oxygen in his lungs then he needs to release it. She asks him to go to that place that bothers him and to tell her what he feels. Mike feels lots of pain. Nobody wants to go there...there is a lot of pain there. It is telling him that his spirit and heart are broken because of all the people he killed...that is why no one will want to be with him.


Simon back at work with Ric. Ric asks Simon what he has been doing. After Simon tells him he is waiting for info, Ric tells him that the Senator complained that he went to threaten him. Simon denies it and tells Ric that it was the Senator who was in the wrong, but Ric asks him who the people will believe…him or the powerful Senator?

And Em&Em continue the negotiations. It is like looking in on General Motors and the UAW. Emi tells Eman that she needs time and distance. Eman wonders if she is breaking up with him.

Andrea is getting JP drunk as JP is getting Andrea drunk. What could go wrong? Or where could this GO? JP asks Andrea what she wants to do now that she is no longer a fugitive. Andrea says she needs to look for a place to live and consider studying something. JP asks about romance and all that; so Andrea tells him that he knows her history…she wants her own home, her own space and to be free to do whatever she wants. In regards to romance, she would like that, but she wants something genuine.

Comeback gym counseling session is over and Mike is still a virgin. Mike tells Pene that what she says is absurd. It's not logical. She reminds him that they killed his wife and then he killed her assassins…then he promised himself he would never fall in love again. Mike doesn't know why he is having problems; so Pene asks him if their kiss and what they feel for each other don't exist. Mike wonders if she means that what he is going through is because of her. Pene tells him it a defense mechanism. Kiss her Mike. Just Kiss her. It will be alright.

Back with Iggy and Bela and the Igster is riled up. He does look like an Iguana doesn't he? Is he going to cry? Oh, the passion in his speech. After Iggy tells Bela that he would have never proposed such an action, he tells her that he went to Armando and begged him to release Maria…but then he found out that Nelson and Castor murdered her. Iggy felt so bad that he didn't want to have anything to do with Armando. Bela asks if he sent Armando to be killed. Iggy tells him that the mystery man is the one who killed Arm…the man is an animal. Bela tells him she is not afraid of anyone...she already killed six and she needs three more, including him. He asks if she is going to make his family pay for what he did. If she kills him then his daughter will be alone…and he has very little time; he asks that she allow him to live even if it's in jail. HE KNEEEELS and begs... There it is, on his knees.


BRRRAVO, Kirby! Great recap! Now was there more slicing? When the show started, it felt like they had started the episode somewhere in the middle. Ughh!

First thing I noticed was Bela’s new luk...sorta Gothic doncha think?

Iggy is such a drama queen, but his performance was less than B-rate. Now that he told Bela that it was the mystery man who killed Armando, will she go and tell JP? And I was thinking earlier...the night Armando got killed, JP saw the man (though disguised) on the motorcycle when Eman tried to run him down. Surely JP should at least remember something about the man’s physique...

Ok I’m rambling...time to let the wee brain rest...nite!

Thanks Kirby.

I like the part with pene and Mike better than the rest of this saga Tonight.
Kirby, "kiss her Mike. Just kiss her. It Will be alright".He'll kiss monday.
Maybe, iggy will beg until Monday.

This back and forth with em&em is kind
Of boring. She'll marry him, she won't
Marry him. Marry him ,shoot him, dump
Him. Do something girl.

Now Kirby you know what happens when 2
Drunk people get drunker and talk bout
Romance, go back to that house he gave
Her to live in. Cuz she was too drunk to go home alone, him being the well mannered young man that he is. I'll be
Surprised if they don't. That will also prove that he really loves bela, cuz The alcohol didn't melt the love.
And allow him to jumb Andrea's bones in the midst of alcoholic lust.Lol.
I know I need to go to bed I'm typing crazy.
Thank you kirby, good recap.
Have a great weekend. Take some more pretty pictures.

Thank you, Kirby.

Great recap Kirby!!

So....this is confusing, how and when did Ignacio actually know Eman killed Armando? Or is he completely bluffing to Bella and just pretending to know Eman killed Armando even though he’s actually right and it’s the truth? And even if he didn’t know, what made him blame and accuse Eman as the killer?

Also it sounds like what I predicted yesterday on here is going to be true, and Ignacio will be kept alive and be the first beast arrested due to negotiations with Bella as he will be the one that tells her Eman is the shadow, or at least he’ll promise to give her the best clues as long as he’s alive. He’s going to cooperate with her and JP.

Maybe Ignacio’s Street is perhaps what brings JP and Bella back together as she’ll be the one that contributes to getting him arrested and helping JP be the one to do it. She’ll perhaps also tell JP that the shadow killed JPs father. More information that will impress JP and make him glad that Bella is doing things the right way.

Wowzer Yowzers smart people. Good Morning. Crimmidy I had not thought of that Lucas, how DID Iggy know it was Eman, unless it was common knowledge among the beasts? Very astute Bud. Unless, like you suspect, he is guessing. I thought it was all an act last night, but after letting the dust clear, I am beginning to suspect Ignacio, rotten as he is, may have been sincere. He is terrified of Emanuel, that is for sure. I can't put my finger on it, and am too lazy to go find it, but another beast has referred to Eman about the same way earlier. I think that one called him a monster or such.

Another thing RGV mentioned above makes me wonder. "JP saw the man (though disguised) on the motorcycle when Eman tried to run him down. Surely JP should at least remember something about the man’s physique..." Does nobody know that Eman has a motorcycle? Has JP never even thought about that? OK I'm a motorhead, but if you try to run me down with a bike, I can pretty much tell you what it was by the sound alone. Maybe not the brand, but the approximate size and how many spark plugs it has. Each motorcycle has a unique sound based on it's configuration. Some sound like l;awn mowers, some like weedeaters, and some like Mack Trucks. Anyway.

It was telling that Ig told Smirking Goth Chick that he would even accept living out his life in jail rather than living the rest of his life dead. And it is all about the kids, mainly his nympho daughter. Wow.

NiNa, yep, Mike reminds me of a clogged up drain. You know how you work on it and work on it and then when it happens, BOOM it is done.? Pene needs to unclog his plumbing, which has backed up all the way to his brain. And when she does, BOOM, after a smoke, Mike will be a new man.

Hoppy Saturday :-)

Kirby; absolutely agree with you that all this stuff that Ignacio knows is very intriguing, and he is absolutely scared of Eman. I think all of the beasts were as they never trusted him. And how did he also know about Maria and what Norman and El Castor did to her? Ignacio is too good!

Also, him preferring jail time over death because of his daughter, would you blame him? She’s a hot seductive one, if she’s freaky with her cousin, who knows what that girl was capable of with her dad....that FREAK! Thank god it’s just a fake novela ;)

And Daniel seems to dig and be attracted to Bella. That way he was looking at her, and that kiss he gave to her hand.... Me thinks he’s gonna try to get in her pants.

Watch out and be careful JP!

Thank you, Kirby. Liked the notes on small details, for example, JP's casual attire compared to other's formal.

Emi and Eman. Generally, you don't consult the sales person to make the best decision FOR YOU. Or you will end up making the best decision FOR HIM.

Bela is facing a situation similar to her own. If she kills Iggy, she will leave Marcia without father and likely with the desire of vengeance. Should she go with Castor's recommendation and take out the whole family?

I don't believe a word Iggy is saying. I don't think he knows Eman killed Armando, he may suspect, but still, it has nothing to do with his Bela speech. The Bela speech is all about manipulating her and he would use whatever story that could be useful for that.

Possible way of killing Iggy - Bela will organize a hunting game where she and Iggy have real weapons.

An excellent detailed recap Kirby.

I only saw bits and pieces so appreciated everything especially "We are seeing slight evidence of cerebral function in this instar of Emi". I agree even though the process is excruciatingly slow. :)

"Mike thinks he needs help...he needs HER help". I wish her success although I'm not sure anyone outside of Freud could help Mike climb out of his emotional fire pit.

"Iggy tells Bela that he didn't have to tell her about this, but he is ill…it's leukemia". That didn't quite have me shedding a tear. He is so transparent, a child would be able to see through his lies and insincerity. "Drama queen" was spot on Rgv Chick. I must be a bad person as I do not care if he, his daughter and nephew (or whoever they are) leave this earth prematurely.

"It is telling him that his spirit and heart are broken because of all the people he killed...". Interesting that Mike has remorse, regret and raw pain but Bella has none.

"He'll kiss monday.Maybe, iggy will beg until Monday" made me smile Nina.

Yes, looks like Bella is going Goth. Not my favorite luke.

Beautful avatar.

Thank you again Kirby.


Lucio, I don’t believe at all that Ignacio is putting on an act for Bella or that he’s being phony about negotiating with her. At first I thought he was pretending, just like Kirby thought, but he convinced me with his plead to her once he mentioned his children. He is not playing games when it comes to Marcia and Daniel; he genuinely loves them and that is the one line he will limit himself for in order to make sure they never suffer. Ignacio is loyal to his family and he DESPERATELY hates Eman.

He knows what Bella is capable of, and he also knows that having Emília involved with the casino business is very suspicious and troublesome, by now he most likely suspects that Eman is setting him and the Senator up with her as the trap. Like I said, the remaining beasts are the smartest ones and absolute savages.

Lucas it is almost like Iggy was a mouse in the corner the other night watching with us as Emanuel flipped over that Blackjack poster and drew HIS roadmap to Happiness as I called it. With all those names, arrows and Xs.

I think part of what we saw from him with Bela may have been an act, but I think there was more real than act there. As far as manipulating Bela, I do not see right now what he could expect to accomplish. He for sure knows she is not going to just go, "Awwww how sweet, you know, you get a pass, but behave or we will meet again."

That first meeting in the cemetery probably made a believer out of him, in that a simple grab of a girl's arm, which he had probably done a hundred times put him looking at dirt in milliseconds.

Must See TV

Thanks, kirby.

This show just burst my beanie.

Sad, contrite Icky is full of it. I hear tiny violins playing for him. Didn't he just host a big game hunt....of people???l. And what is up with Bella having these calm conversations with the beasts about his she plans to......kill THEM????? What doesn't Icky just chloroform her? Punch her? Shoot her? 00stupid

And then the cat and dog lying in the ring again. Just run away you two and try to salvage what 's left of your lives AB (After Bella).



"Didn't he just host a big game hunt....of people???"

Thank you. Exactly. And when he got down on his knees, I was also wondering why he didn't shoot her. Guess he only executes those who are defenseless.


Marine Mike might be a goner before too long.

Sounds like Univision is pushing for a 2nd Season.

Lucas: Ignacio is bluffing, looking for a way in getting out of his jam.

Susanlynn: With 2 weeks left, they're running out of time to catch the remaining Beasts including the Senator.

Kirby: Mommy Quintero won't make it alive to the Gran Final I'm afraid. She's getting too close to the truth!

Diana: Ignacio's daughter is bloodthirsty too. If Univision does give this a 2nd Season, we might see the future Beasts...

Good Day. Patiohh! Wow, good comments, good insights, and great observations..what else could a girl ask for...don't answer that Kirby :-D

Nina, "This back and forth with em&em is kind
Of boring. She'll marry him, she won't
Marry him. Marry him ,shoot him, dump
Him. Do something girl. Right on, NiNA!!

Kirby, I figured you'd bring up the motorcycle thing...and do you remember how JP was admiring the motorcycles his father had? So he Knooows motorcyles and should have been able to give a good description of that to the cops...way back when...

I think Iggy doesn't know for sure that Eman killed Armando. Maybe the beasts discussed it when Armando was first killed, but I don't think Eman would have admitted to killing him...Eman does his own thing regardless of what the beasts say.

Susanlynn, "Sad, contrite Icky is full of it. I hear tiny violins playing for him. Didn't he just host a big game hunt....of people???! and Diana, "He is so transparent, a child would be able to see through his lies and insincerity." EXACTLY!! Lucio, I don't believe a word of what Iggy was saying either, other than he doesn't want to get killed. Remember that he likes to play games and making Bella believe that he is sooo remorseful and that the shadow is the biggest, baddest wolf is part of his game, IMO. And just an observation...he told Bela that Nelson and Castor killed Maria and that is not true. They kidnapped her and held her for Eman, but it was Eman who killed her...and I betcha Eman told the beasts that Norman and Castor were the ones who killed Eman may tell them stuff, but only his version of it.

Iggy does love his daughter...his nephew...ehhh, probably, but it's also a way to get to Bela. What I did note though was that Bela was not moved a bit when he used that argument. When she and Pene went after Pene's step-father, Bela told Pene that she was not going to allow her to kill her step-father if the young girl was his daughter because she would not do to other children what the beasts did to her...leave her fatherless. So I guess Bela is going quite deep into the darker side to forget about reflected by her new luke, which is not my favorite either, Diana.

Lucas, Daniel's interest in Bela was quite obvious and he may be attracted to her, but I think it's all part of Iggy's plan in case his groveling doesn't work.

Lucio, "Possible way of killing Iggy - Bela will organize a hunting game where she and Iggy have real weapons." I'm waiting and hopeoing for that too!

Thanks, Kirby. Great job. My fave: We are seeing slight evidence of cerebral function in this instar of Emi.

Love Bella’s hair, hate the lipstick.

I vote Ignacio is full of bull and playing a mind game with Bella so she’ll get too cocky and careless, not knowing that she’s already too cocky. Yes, he loves his daughter and adopted nephew and could have leukemia, but he threw in a little truth to make his fake repentance more believable.

Mike, Pene can help some but hombre you need a heavy-duty professional psych.

As much as my beanie is exploding, I do like that I never know what’s going to happen next.

Kirby, thank you for a very interesting recap!


The writers always seem to give a hint of how each beast will be dispatched. Mr.Anty Panty had his pacing tiger. The first woman beast was very vain and committed suicide after becoming by disfigured by whatever was in those needles Dr. Mike set out for her. Chris loved her gold jewelry. Thus, it seems that there was a reason for that literal "man" hunt. I think that Icky will be the one in the Fox suit and Bella will be the huntress. However, she has never really shot anyone , has she? Catch and release? And then arrest after a beatdown ? Maybe?

P.s. Again...why are Pene and Mike in this story? Just PSA on PTSS ?

Mike I thought must be product placement fro Great Clips or Fantastic Sam's. Like "Don't try to do it yourself, come let the professionals give you your LOOK.

Well, maybe, on second thought, Pene too.

Oops, fro, for, same meaning

i don't think Ignacio knows that eman killed armando and as for JP, bc of the stature of the dude he probably thinks even more that it was Norman bc Eman and Norm are very similar in height. Ignacio will most likely be killed in one of his famous games. I think eman will be discovered at the very very end, bela would not support such a betrayal

Ickynastio should get a Oscar for that
Award winning Performance. He wants to
Be there for his freaky incestuous
Spawn and nephew who became an orphan
When his folks died are I wonder if he murdered the nephews parents in one of his big game hunts and that is Where he got his taste for blood and he liked it? Sick bastard!

NiNa he did say that the boy's Father is in prison, and his Mom as well as Nymcestpho's Mom were dead.

Niecie in MD, "Ignacio is full of bull and playing a mind game with Bella so she’ll get too cocky and careless, not knowing that she’s already too cocky."
I think Bela is due for a setback. Things have gone smoothly for her for too long. Maybe it is her turn to end up in a hospital. The whole episode of working on Bela by Marcia, Daniel and all that theater by Ignacio, will probably work and Bela will buy what he is selling. And it is understandable, Bela has not seen what we have seen, especially the big game hunt.

What is JP doing? Telling Abelardo and Ignacio that Isabela has a compromising video of them and she wants to harm them and offering protection. Maybe it is his way of protecting Bela by letting them know that if anything happens to her, the police knows about the video and will have them as suspects.

RIP United States Senator John Sidney McCain, III (R-AZ).

Thanks Kirby for your recap....

Emi... ..looked really great in that red dress....WoW!
Andrea..not so great..I hate to disagree but Emi has better legs..
Bella a bit out of control but I like her....she know how to get rid of the cockroaches....
Ignacio full of BS that loves to hear the sound of his own voice..

Can’ wait for tomorrow’s episode....should be interesting.....

Prayers for the mass shooting victims in Jacksonville, florida.

Yes Nina, and for Senator McCain...

A very dark day...


Adding my prayers on this very sad day.

Good Morning, Patio! Sad day for many yesterday....thoughts and prayers to victims , their families, and the McCain family.

Wishing everyone a happy Monday! Let's see what the Ickster and the Belladonna have in store for us today.

Ohhh, if only I could be a cat...Sunbathing in the RGV ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->

Mr. Eagle takes a moment for Yesterday----------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>

Ah yes a cat's life, doing Nothing and enjoying it.

Sunbathing kitties and majestic eagle.

Thank you Rgv Chick and Kirby!



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