Monday, August 06, 2018

La Bella y Las Bestias, Aug. 6-8, 2018: And the Creepy Beast Goes On…and On…and On

Salutations, Patio Peeps!

Will someone, or something, pleeease take down the creep!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged. Feel free to add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. Comments…definitely welcome…

Where mockery, snarkery and just plain talkery abound!
Share your thoughts and your hearts, you won’t be bored!!


Bela_Ep_42 The hungry tiger is still hungry

Sue is tied to a bed and learning the true reason she was brought to Mexico, her cousin is dead, and Andrea is on the cusp of uncovering the whole B-Team. The patio to a soul, wants to Feed the Tiger.

Simon and Ric continue to interrogate Andevil. They have nothing and she has nothing to say. But after they leave she furtively looks around worried.

JP with Bela and it is kissie time. Bella is frustrated because she can't do anything. Jp tell sher that's good, because she is safe.

Yami still tries to comfort Susie. It is finally dawning on Sue what a real predicament she is in from which escape looks unlikely. Yami agrees, and tells Sue that she knows exactly what she is going through. All this will eventually turn to acceptance. Sue tells Yami about the box of photes and the article she found. After Yami asks why she didn’t leave Ant, Sue tells her she was about to tell her cousin to go back ,but they started arguing and her cousin ended up drowning. She blames herself and says she deserves to be there to pay for what she dead. Yami tells her no one deserves that life.

Em &Eman at his office when Ant calls, as Emi listens. Eman is saying Impossible, Impossible. Eman thinks Ant is probably beeing bombarded by attorney's. Emi tells him that she needs to rest and suggests they go away for a few days. Eman doesn't want to as he is kinda busy right now, and offers her coffee but Emi wants something stronger.

Ant needs Eman's help. Ant is freaking out because they took Anrdrea. Eman can't believe he has gotten himself into this. Ant tells him he owes him. Eman tells him he knows, he agrees, but he has his plate full and this will take some time.

JP and Ant in the factory which looks like a bomb went off. What a mess. They don't clean up after themselves? Ant calls JP and asks if he sent the feds to his house. Jp denies it and asks what happened. JP asks if Ant sent HIS video to the feds. JP looks around the factory and asks if there was a party and reminds Ant that he fired him. Ant should have told him he was into ampetamines. The feds found it in a bra that was taken from the factory. Ant asks who took it and JP is surprised that his right hand chick didn't tell him.

Andevil is actually behind bars, Simon is there talking to her. She is all smiles to Simon, isn't working on this hombre. She tells him they are wasting their time with her. Years can pass and they can torture her but she won't say anything against Ant. Loyalty or terror?

JP reiterates that Andrea cleaned up the place before the feds got there. Ant feels bad that Andrea is locked up with the feds. He tells JP that he has to help him. Andrea shouldn't be locked up. JP is willing to help if Ant hires him back and makes him an associate. JP wonders if Ant is going to let Andrea stay in jail so Ant agrees to hire him back. JP sets a condition...he has to tell him everything...he even wants to see his underwear. He then asks what happened to Vero and where is Sue.

Sue is untied now and still watched over Yami. Sue and Yami talk. Sue comments that her aunt doesn’t have money to pay ransom; so Yami asks where she thinks she is. Sue says kidanpped and Yami tells her she is in hell...where all the prostitutes are. Well, I feel better, it's not 71 virgins but..............................



M&M and Bela visits them at work. Bela still seems to not have the faintest idea about Mr. Evil himself and the choker is back. Emi excuses herself so Eman and Bela can talk alone. Bela mentions that Emi told her about her new job. Bela wonders if he helped her. Eman tells her that's he made a couple of calls to the associates. Bela wonders if he is freinds with the people who killed her of Armando .

Ant and JP talking about getting Andevil out so JP calls Ric and puts him on speaker for Ant. JP offers 5 million to release Andrea. RIc asks for 10 million. Ant motions that's he will pay. Ric says no deal until he has the money in hand. Ant had initially started to grab the phone from JP. After the conversation, he does and throws it against a wall. It looked like at any moment either one could pull out a gun and shoot the other one.

Bela and Eman continue to talk. Eman wonders how she knows so much about the associates He says they are honorable and clean. They made an investigation and found that Armando acted alone. Bela argues that the associates are dirty. Eman insists that she knows nothing. Is he wishing out loud?

Simon continues to try to make Andrea talk. Andevil thinks he is wrong and she is going to file a lawsuit against them. Andevil is out. That was quick.

Ant and JP as Ant pets his dead mink which still has it's head and beady eyes just like his. Ant asks JP how he thinks Jr would feel if his Mother were there. JP thinks it would be happy. Ant says no, Jr would be in danger. The same applied to Andrea, he saved her from a terrible life. Ant tells him how Vero died. The cousins had a fight and Vero ended up dead. JP asks about Sue and Ant tells him he saved her too; he saved her from spending 30 years in jail for homicide.; Sue will be happy with him.

Sue and Yami walking around now. Yami conitunes to tell Sue about what they do. Men come and they have to do whatever they ask. There are some that are perverse and treat them like their slaves. Yami tells Sue that she needs to get ready because she will meet her first client soon. Spruce yourself up honey, and put on something nice.

Ant and JP looking at Jr. Just go ahead and kiss him Ant. Ant tells JP that Jr is his confidante. Jr told him that he likes JP…he knows who to trust and who not to trust. JP thinks he should be grateful to Jr. for being there. JP knows that Ant didn’t release the video because his bordello could have been found and because he needed help getting Andrea out. Ant reminds JP that he got the feds to target him, but JP tells him he isn’t seeing what really happened; they already know how to move the merchandise…all it takes is a bribe. Ant then asks Jr. what he thinks. Junior farts.

Andevil is out and she is PISSED. Like in C A P I T A L S.

JP at Comeback with Bela, Mike and Pene have moved into the hotel for a while, remember, so they have the place to themselves. Bela is amazed that Ant paid 10 million. She asks what they have found out about the girlls. JP tells him Vero drowned accidentally and Sue is in the bordello. Bela asks if JP is going to lock up Ant. JP says yes but Bela asks to see Ant before they arrest him. She just wants to look him in the eye. JP says it's not up to him. They talk about how Bela helped with the case, but Bela is not satisfied. JP asks that she let him do his job. Bela then asks if JP trusts her godfather, Eman. (Thank You Brain Gods) JP wonders why. Bela tells him what he did for Emi is strange ..she tells JP that Eman got Emi a job. at the casino.


M&M rocking the sheets. Well, actually, mostly just talking it seems. Emi wants to know what Eman was thinking about while they were making love. Eman t4ells her how much he loves her. Emi knows different, so Eman tells her that Bela didn't like the fact that Emi is working at the casino. Bela was also disappointed that he is freinds with the associates. Emi tells him that she knows he is a good person and he has nothing to do with the criminals.

JP and Bela continue their whatever at the gym. JP tells Bela that the only thing he has seen is that's Eman has been taking care of his sister…Eman seems like the type of person who takes care of his people; and what would the director of Interpol be doing with those people. He points out that Eman hasn't seen the video so he doesn't know what those people are capable of. It appears that this discussion makes them both very friendly.

Ant is dismayed that Andevil is burning his memories and wonders if Andevil still has doubts about JP. Andevil then tells him that JP's gf's name is Isabela. ...and the daughter of the agent he agreed to have killed is named Isabela Leon.

A&A continue: Ant can't believe that JP is Isabel's BF since his father had her father killed. Andrea tells him it is just a suspicion, but Ant is sure that her theory is correct. Andrea then surmises that JP and Isabela are working together. After Ant tells her not to be putting ideas about his associate in his head and how JP helped in getting her out of jail, Andevil suggests that that JP gained his trust only to find out about the drug business and the girls.

JP and his Sis Emi argue about her woriking at the casino, Emi tells him she is trying to recover what is theirs. She would rather be a criminal than a worthless fed.

Now a tender moment with Ant and Andevil as she is home from jail and finally changes out of those nasty clothes she hasd on in the pokey.. Ant tells Andrea that the moment has finally arrived. Andrea can't believe he is thinking about that since they have so many problems. Ant continues trying to seduce her, but Andrea tells him that it's not like they are going to get married. Ant thinks about how she has saved herself for him. She walks of after she tells him they need to concentrate on JP.

JP and Simon meet out somewhere by a magazine stand and Simon tells JP that Ric wants to move on Ant, but JP tells him that he is about to find out where the girls are. He asks him to wait.

Ant calls and tells Dirty assed Senator that he has a new girl for him. ...Susana, but she likes to be called Suzy or baby. Senator needs time to think about it.

JP tells Ant that Ric is very happy with the 10 mill and is willing to forget about the amphetamines for another 10 million. Ant tells him that they now needed to find Jessica/Isabela,, but JP changed the subject and asks about Sue and tells Ant that's he wants to be Sue's first client.


Kirby, thank you! I have been busy lately and have gotten behind on everything. I now record three different TNs, which is not to say that I can watch them all. I was busy doing nothing the tail end of last week, the weekend, and even today. I have three or four days of TNs recorded, so nine to twelve hours, which I had hoped to catch up with over the weekend with a little help from my friend, the fast forward button.

Not even that, so your recaps are a lifesaver. I saw a little tonight while doing "stuff". Tony, or Toni the Tigress, was looking pretty good tonight. I know we all wish him/her a hearty appetite. I can't believe Ant is still walking around and getting put off by Andrea. Unfortunately, I can't understand even half of what those two say. They make me wish we had Kika back.



Excellent recap Kirby.

"The patio to a soul, wants to Feed the Tiger" - indeed we do.

"she won't say anything against Ant. Loyalty or terror?". I say it's an equal mixture of both. She is loyal - to a fault. The terror isn't fear of imprisonment - she has already been there and done that. What struck pure fear in her heart was the sight of Ant in that disgusting robe, rose in hand, ready to pounce. She knows that she must elude and evade. At all costs.

This was the one time I really felt that Andevil was frightened. I don't think Ant will be put off much longer Andy.

"Emi tells him that she knows he is a good person and he has nothing to do with the criminals". Does she really? Is there any deep thought process really going on between her pretty ears? I still am clueless.

JP's telling Ant he wants Suzy was pretty inspired.

So, no Pene or Mike. Is Mike going to have anything else to do in this??? What a waste.

So 20 million and Ant doesn't miss a stop. Boggles the mind.

Beautiful blue Kirby. Sweet and soothing.

Thank you for the fine telling of last night's events!


Good Morning Diana. "So, no Pene or Mike.?" That must answer my question about the bed count in their room. :-)

Thanks, Kirby.

I missed this last night and Ant and his dead mink!

Yes, we want to feed the tiger!

Jarifa: I'm not shocked Andrea got out of prison.

I'm getting a bad vibe JP's cover will get blown!

McCreepy couldn't get much creepier than petting that Mink stole as though it were a very docile pet.

I had wondered about the "Chemistry" or lack thereof between Ant McCreep and And McChaste. Last night we seemed to get a glance of the undercurrent of those two. It seems that Andevil may have successfully put Antonio off and stayed out of his bed for all this time while pursuing her own illegal hobbies.

I still do not see exactly what is in it for her other than an illegal, evil hobby. She seems not to actually OWN anything which she could take with her if she left. And she does not appear to be held against her will. Aside from living a fairly luxurious life, and rubbing elbows with high level criminals, I do not see what is in it for her.

Thank you, Kirby.

How about that romantic scene between Ant and Andrea? Did he even have his pants on? Luckily the camera angles they use on this show doesn't go below the waist.

The conditions of their deal have been met. It is time for Andrea to fulfill her part and sleep with him. She is very clever, how will she avoid it?

Steve, Andevil already has strong evidence and suspicions that JP and Bela aer working together, against her and Antonio. It appears JP's cover is already blown, but both sides are playing this cat and mouse game now.

Good Morning, Patio Pals! Kirby, you totally rock..thanks for the recap and the added sides. Right now I look more forward to the sides than the actual events.

This thing is draaaaging, but the writers are keeping us guessing when it comes to Andevil McChaste (luv that!). So what could be her motivation? She is totally oppositional and wants to hold the reins in everything...from deciding when she drops the McChaste to all of Ant's dealings. She plays the caring card quite well, but it is what it is...just a piece of pressed paper. It seems that she thrives in manipulating men...they can't tell her what to do. Her refusal to give up Ant may not be so much that she cares about him or is afraid of him. I think she s just afraid of losing all that she has accomplished up to now.

Diana, I'm clueless about Emi too. Her quest to regain all that the family lost is understandable, but her total admiration and faith in Eman is unbelievable. Is she really that dense? I think not! She figures out things quite quickly and knows that the "associates" are evil criminals. She just doesn't want to see Eman as he really is and prefers to invent this wonderful, righteous knight who is helpoing her while humping her...blech!

Lucio, yes, we are definitely very lucky that the cameras don't go below the waist...we'd all probably end up with styes.

Bela? Where's Bela? Oohh, she took a back seat!

Kirby, pretty blue bird! Thanks!


OT - Mira Quien Baila has started airing and the first celeb to get kicked off was the beautiful Veronica Montes ... yes, our Kika! One of the female judges was super cruel and harsh with her and made her cry! It was not pretty.

Kirby, thanks again for the recap. And thanks for the Ant McCreep and And McChaste, loved that.

Andrea certainly is not easy to figure out, but I hope when it comes time she uses her powers for good rather than evil. Then becomes a nun.


Anon 12:09, thanks for the info, though I feel bad for poor "Kika". Spanish language TV is not for sissies these days.



Rgv Chick and Kirby, I definitely think Andrea is afraid for her life. She feels indebted to Ant because he "saved" her yet she realizes full well what has happened to others and what will likely befall her.

She seems to come and go as she pleases, so I think she could escape if she wanted to. I can't imagine what her plan is. I think surviving is uppermost in her mind but she won't do that long - I'd say her cold shoulders are exasperating Ant.

I've said it before but this woman is street smart, has commen sense and is very intelligent.

Lucio, I"m pretty sure Ant was pantless. Didn't see anything, didn't want to but...thankfully, our eyeballs weren't seared out of their sockets.



I saw that, with our adorable Kika. Unfortunately, her dance resembled a prison escape more than a dance, so she is just not cut out for dancing I guess. And she was on sometime in the same hour or two as Sara Corrales, who makes Aphrodite look like the flying nun.

"Lucio, I"m pretty sure Ant was pantless. "

Andelicious surerly was not looking down.

That female judge with 43 pounds of something from the hardware store draped around her neck and the grey hair is just plain mean.

Hello, patio.

Thank you, kirby, for yet another excellent recounting of all the crazy bits and pieces!

Yikes...I finally have a tn character with my name and it's a sex slave with a lower IQ who likes to be called Suzy or too...but....

Chickie... "Helping her while humping her"...harsh but clear eyed and true. I suppose it is better than the other scenarios of hurting while humping! Humans.

And...the stuffed tiger, mounted rhino head, white horse, and the real live, pacing, chained tiger all are getting impatient. Time for a snack. Basta.

Emi and Em...yuckyyuck


Darn, I saw the dance show promo, but I forgot to watch and missed kiki! I remember seeing Susana Gonzalez and Angelique Boyer on that show. They are both great dancers.

Susanlynn: Is the dancing show going to replace "Bella y Las Bestias" ?

Susanlynn: I went ROFLOL at your comment on the impatient tiger: "&... the stuffed tiger, mounted rhino head, white horse, & the real live, pacing, chained tiger all are getting impatient. Time for a snack..."

Steve, I think that the dance competition is on Sunday nights.

Thanks Kirby for the recap...was kinda of disappointed with the telenovela..moved too slowly...wanna see some action soon...I don’t believe Bela will be satisfied with Anthonio going to prison....and .what what will happen to Andrea? Prison or Death.....and where o where has Pickle, Penn and Mike been.....all MIAs.....Elsa

This comment has been removed by the author.

Susanlynn, Em just constantly looks in desperate need of a good shave, doesn't he? He is gross. Beyond. Blech.

Overall, the beasts are quite an unappealing group, men and women alike. The Senator may appear slightly less loathsome but we don't really know his deal yet so...

The picture of Andevil on Bella's wall seems rather wide eyed and innocent. Not a good likeness nor indicative of who she really is.


Really good recap kirby. Those poor girls, she may not spend 30 years in hell, but that's where she is. Those girls Probably have to go throw up when Those men are done with them. Please jp Hurry up and rescue these girls. And grab ant and throw him in
The tiger den.

Is it clear who's side andevil is on yet? Cuz it don't sound like she's on
The side of the good guys.

So the $10-20 million dead presidents are gonna be evidence against ant also? Its the money to get andevil out of the poky. What a hot mess this is.

They don't even have to show the house of ill-repute, just get the girls out.
And free the tiger so he can eat, now.

Finally bela is smellin something funky Bout goddaddy. Follow the fawl
Oder so it leads you to the other dead
Rotting carcuses(I think I spelled it
Right)who cares y'all get What I'm sayin.
Thanks Kirby!

Hi, Nina !! We get you, girl !!! Up with the good..down with the bad. If only not were so in real life .

Diana, yes, I find it hard to believe that a young thing like Emi would be attracted to hairy Eman. Father figure?

Any man can grow a chest full of fur. Just try keeping it all rubbed off.

OMG, the chest!

It was that that completely repulsed me! Forget the facial hair.


Diana, teehee.. so are you saying that you would not like to lay your head on that hairy pillow ?

So the whole Universe has to put it in Park so Ms. Bela can put on a thin disguise and confront Ant and 'Look him in the eyes" before she tricks someone into killing him?

Is it hard to see whay the patio is pulling for Tonito?

Yes Diana, but then the face has a five o'clock shadow after he shaves in the morning.

Then JP and Ant each don't shave for a week just so somebody notices that they need to. It's tough being a guy.'s tough being anyone ! Can you sue a mouse for $300.00?

BREAKING NEWS: Ana Brenda Contreras to portray Cristal Carrington in CW's "Dynasty" in Season 2.

Episode 43, Part 1: The Sh*t Is Being Gathered and the Fan Is Being Prepared

Ant can’t believe JP wants to be Sue’s client and thinks he is like his father. Ant just luurves JP and advises him to have someone with experience instead, but JP likes them fresh. Ant then insists that he needs to find Isablea/Jessica…that is important to him, but JP tells him to help him get Sue and he will help find Jessica. Hmmm now WHERE could that wascally Bella be....Hmmmm

Andevil calls Interpol to talk to Emi, but is told she no longer works there.

Ant tells Pascual to take JP to their second house. Ant sends off JP and tells him to be hard on Sue…no mercy. JP puts on the blindfold. As they drive, JP asks for the time. It’s 10, so JP thinks it’s still early.

Emi is leaving her house as Andevil watches and follows her.

JP arrives and the goons are going to check him, but Pas tells them Ant already checked him. JP wants them to turn off the cameras, but Pas tells him it’s a new room and there are no cameras. Once alone, Sue asks him not to do anything; so JP tells her he is a fed and they are trying to rescue all of them. He tells her that they have to pretend to have sex…and she can’t tell anyone anything. Just then Pas goes in and sits down…he won’t interrupt.

Emi is at the casino at a table playing. Andevil approaches and asks her if she is having beginner’s luck. When Emi wonders why she is there, Andevil tells her she was on her way somewhere and she saw her there. She asks for JP; so Emi asks why she is always asking for JP. Emi gets frustrated and mentions that JP’s girlfriend is Isabela Leon which leaves Andevil silent. Emi takes note, and asks if Andevil knows Bela.

JP asks Pascual if he is going to watch…JP won’t stand for him looking at his butt. Pas will leave them alone, but JP will have to go back with the blindfold. Sue looks at JP and thinks “well, things could be a lot WORSE!” Sue tells JP to come back and pretend no one is there…so JP unwillingly?? obliges. Pascual pulls up his chair with the latest copy of Better Hoes and Garters.” QTH??

Emi tells Andrea that coincidences don’t happen. She is going to give Andevil an opportunity to lose the poker face and tell her the truth. She asks Andevil what she wants. Andevil tells her she is sad because she thought they would be friends and tells her she won’t bother her again; so she leaves.

JP and Sue trying to get it on but are whispering, so Pas tells them to stop whispering or he will call the boss. Pas doesn’t want to be there but the boss gave the order. Wal Mart ...Cameras...done.

Bela takes out her anger on the punching bag. Did I see Andevil’s pic pinned on there?

Andrea gets home and Ant has a romantic table set for her because this is their day. He doesn’t care if the world parts, today is their moment. Andevil tells him she had something important to do, but Ant insists that they get things going.

Episode 43, Part 2: The Sh*t Is Being Gathered and the Fan Is Being Prepared

Yami tells the other girls that the guy who is there is going to help them escape. They can’t leave him alone. They outnumber the goons… so they have to help somehow. One of the girls reminds Yami that Ant will find out, but Yami thinks that Ant’s threat that he has someone as a spy is bogus. The girls worry that something might go wrong, but the others are tired of being there …it’s now or never.

Ant remembers when he rescued Andevil…she was 15 years old and everything about her eluded that she was a virgin. She was so afraid; and he recalls her telling him to take her out of there. Andevil tells him she didn’t want to be like her mother. Ant tells her he brought her, took care of her, educated her and protected her. That is why he proposed the pact. He wants to make her feel good…and the moment has arrived. Andrea then gets up and blurts out that JP and Isabela are novios. Andrea keeps putting off Ant; he is so frustrated he is smacking his mink.

JP and Sue are naked in bed. Sue tells him they have to do it. Uh Huh, Susy, you can fool some of the people......Pas is watching.

Ant still can’t believe that JP and Isabela are novios…he thinks it must be hogwash. Andevil tells him Emi confirmed it. She reminds him that Isabela is Jessica. He questions if she thinks JP and Isabela joined forces to destroy him…he thinks it just can’t be because JP luurves him and has proved himself.
Just like Tonito Luuurves you. You can tell by the way he drools when he looks at you and keeps a salt and pepper shaker handy.

Bela has a feeling that JP is in trouble. She wants to go help him and there isn’t much time. Simon has orders to arrest El Colombiano a 6 in the afternoon; so JP has only that much time. She won’t stay there with her arms crossed till 4:00 when she is going to go confront Ant before he gets arrested.

Sue is crying. JP tells Pas that he can go now.

Ant points out all that JP has done and reminds Andevil that JP got the papers for the girls. He also slept with Yami. Andevil thinks JP faked it. (She hopeos he did.). Ant tells her that JP is with Sue right now because he wanted to be the first to try her out. Pas is even there watching. Andevl thinks that JP is just good at faking what he is doing.

JP and Sue are now alone. JP asks Sue if she is ok. Sue tells him not to worry about her. JP tells her that as soon as he finds out the location they will come in for them. She should tell the others to be ready. Just then, the girls attack Pascual. After Yami gets a knife, JP goes out to see what is going on. JP tells Yami to drop the knife…if she wants to get out alive, she needs to give him the knife. He tells the others to go to their rooms.


Episode 43, Part 3: The Sh*t Is Being Gathered and the Fan Is Being Prepared

Andevil and Ant watch the video; and Andevil still thinks they were pretending. Just then, Pas calls to tell Ant that JP was with Sue. He then tells Ant that the girls rebelled and he doesn’t know what would have happened if JP hadn’t intervened. Meanwhile, JP tells Yami that they need to wait. Pas is just a peon and they want to get Ant. The goons then come in and grab JP and take him away. Ant is now furious since this had never had happened before JP arrived and grabs his gun. Andevil also worries that the feds know what is happening there.

Eman calls Bela, but she is taking her frustration out on Pene. She answers and Eman invites her to lunch. He was uncomfortable with how things ended. He doesn’t want her to think that he deals with people that are dirty or are criminals. IE: He doesn't want her to KNOW that he DOES deal with criminals, you might say. What he told her previously was that those people were within the law…as far as he knows. When he tells her that he feels like she is hiding something, Bela replies that she just can’t conceive that the people associated with Armando Quintero are good people.

JP tells Pas that he needs to talk to Ant. Pas tells him that he is waiting for Ant to give order; then Pas tells the goons to leave. Ant is still pissed and ranting that he didn’t realize JP was still a fed. It was so obvious and JP manipulated him so easily. When Andevil tells him he can’t kill JP, Ant wonders why she is defending him; so Andevil tells him that she worries that they will take him down and if they arrest him, they will get her. Ant assures her nothing will happen to her…but he has this cold freaky look.

Eman tells Emi that she has control at the casino. Emi tells him something strange happened. She thinks someone is trying to get info from her, but she might be paranoid. Eman urges her to tell him what happened, but Emi hesitates. When Eman insists since she has such good intuition, Emi tells him that it’s info on JP that they are after.

JP tells Pas that he is getting into a big mess. Pas tells him the one in trouble is JP; so JP tells him that when Ant goes down; he is going down with him. JP tells him he is a fed (Geez, JP, why don’t you just hand out your fed calling card?) and that the sting will go down that afternoon. JP tells him he can help him…he needs his phone. Pas agrees with the condition that he can pay Yami back for stabbing him.

Emi continues to tell Eman about Andrea. When she describes Andevil, Eman asks if she was a Colombiana. Emi rambles on about how she met Andevil and what she has told her…the girl kept asking about JP’s girlfriend and wanted her name; so Eman asks if she gave the girl info. Emi says yes; so Eman races out of there.

Eman calls Bela and tells her to make sure that no one is watching them. Eman then asks Bela who JP is working for, but Bela denies knowing anything. Eman tells her that he looked into Armando’s associates, and she may have been right…at least about El Colombiano. When Eman tells her that JP is working for Colombiano who is very dangerous and asks if she knows who that is, Bela tells him that she has only heard JP mention his name. Eman tells her she needs to be careful and that she needs to tell JP to stop whatever he is doing.
Yami enters slowly and asks Pas and JP what they need. Pas tells him he has been talking to JP and there is a way out, but it all depends on her. Pas tells her he won’t ask her to do anything she hasn’t done before. JP tells her not to do it; they can find another way, but Yami says she will do anything as long as it helps them get out of there.

I called it!!!! EMAN is ready to kill Ant! Hahahaha I’m good

Episode 43, Part 4: The Sh*t Is Being Gathered and the Fan Is Being Prepared

Ant is still pissed, but thinks there is time to take advantage of the moment. Andevil tries to pull away, but Ant pulls her back.

Bela is in a panic. If Eman talked to Colombiano and told him that she is JP’s girlfriend, then JP is in trouble.

JP listens as Yami is screaming in pain. Sue also listens at the bedroom door and tells the other girl that they have to do something or Pascual will kill her, but the girl runs off.

Andevil is still trying to put off Ant; she wants to take things slowly and needs time to get ready. The night would be better. Ant gets a call from Eman, but doesn’t answer.

Eman arrives at his office and his secretary gives him a folder on the Colombian cousins. He calls Senator and tells him that Ant crossed the line and he will not allow that.


Yeah, Lucas, good call!

My prediction was so right. Eman will end Ant once and for all as I said previously.

This should’ve been done a few chapters earlier when Eman and Ant originally met to discuss the 2 Columbia girls. I thought initially Ant would’ve admitted to him then, that he was after Isabella. But Emília ratted him out, I don’t think she’s so dumb after all! Either way Eman finally knows...took him long enough to realize; HE’s one of them. He should’ve known this immediately Dragged long for way too much.

Here’s where it gets interesting and the turning point of this novela officially begins:

Eman interfering with JPs FBI Investigation into Ant as he kills him to protect Bella, and to cover himself from being exposed as a criminal if Ant were to be arrested.

Eman officially enters the drama between JP and Bella as both of them, along with Emília, will question his involvement and find him as a suspect. Buckle up folks, Eman’s role just got a lot more interesting.

Thank you, RgvChick.

I could not believe Emilia telling JP’s girlfriend’s name. She continues to be a liability.

Yes, the novela is taking an interesting turn, I sure hope the tiger is involved.


Rgv Chick, this was a pivotal episode and you did incredible justice to it.

"he is so frustrated he is smacking his mink" was excellent. "Bela takes out her anger on the punching bag. Did I see Andevil’s pic pinned on there?" was also great and yes, I'd put my money on it!

"Just then Pas goes in and sits down…he won’t interrupt". Color me horrified.

"Ant assures her nothing will happen to her…but he has this cold freaky look". Ant is not the brightest but I suspect several things were percolating in his lame brain. It was obvious Andevil cares for JP and that rubbed salt in his already festering wound of rejection. Thankfully, she had that critical nugget of JP and Isa being novios to share, otherwise she would have met her maker, or her "savior" in this case. Shiver...

Is Isa rather thick - or not?? She had intuition that Andevil's visit was not a coincidence but I cringed when she said she would take care of it. Oh yes, that will work. Eye roll.

What IS the bond between Eman and Bella? I can't see him being her father but there certainly is something profound there.

Hearing Yami screaming was so upsetting I almost turned the TV off. I would like to see some mind games and slightly lighter criminal action from the next beast. This is really getting gruesome.

And I suspect the tiger will definitely have a "meaty" role Jarifa ere this deplorable beast meets his end. Sorry, I couldn't help myself...

Rgv Chick, you are the best! Thank you for the fabulous recap.


Ack. I meant is Emi thick, not Bella.


Holy Crap-----------meet Holy Fan. Wow, this is a real cauldron of double crossing and triple crossing .

Lucas..amazing. Right on the money. But Eman is still a mystery. It is like he is playing both sides, or has plans to gradually clean up his act. I'm lost on him and Andevil now. She looked terrified of Ant last night.

If you need a good stand around guy with funny hair, Mike is your man. I was half expecting him to have to break up Bela and Pene in their sparring bout.

So Sue, do chicks need a nap after PRETEND sex? You two sure looked worn out. #actingishardwork.

So once again Bela can take out a beast without actually doing it herself, although it is not as per her original plan. I want to see the look on her face when it dawns on her that her Padrino is Head Beast.

What was the actual 'Line' that Ant supposedly crossed, which Eman referred to, to the Senator, about the Columbian cousins?

Thanks RGV, The recap is better than the show.

RVG Chick: I had to ROFLOL at your comment about the tiger getting his Salt & Pepper shakers handy.

Kirby: Emilia obviously wants Isabella to DIE. I wonder how long before she blurts out to Emanuel about Isabella gunning after the remaining Beasts.

Jarifa: JP is NOT with the Mexican Federal Police because Ricardo fired him.

Steve, I am not so sure about Emilia's 'plot' against Isabela. I believe she is just a pretty, protected, teenage girl whose family history has managed to put her into a situation which would be a challenge for a woman twice her age.

That earlier firing of JP was a smokescreen, Steve, to allow him to infiltrate the Beasts organization. And it fooled Every-Body, for a while, me included.

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

This episode was a build up to the exciting next one. JP cover is blown. The girls are ready to rebel. Eman will not allow Ant to cross the line - which is to threaten Isabela. Isabela is ready to join the action. Simon is ready to do a raid. Andrea's time is up - needs to fulfill her end of the pact by the end of the day, sí o sí, as Ant said. The tiger is hungry. Looking forward to tonight.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I wonder, if Andevil does fulfill her end of the pact (give in to Ant) which I suspect she is running out of time for it to be consensual, does that mean she is no longer his business/crime partner and, as having been bed tested, will join the other slaves?

Or does she become his fully owned and paid for (in his twisted mind) personal concubine? How long would that last? You only become an unvirgin once.

Of course this all ignores WWIII which is brewing on all fronts for Mr. Deflower himself. I really hopeo Tonito has not walked a thousand miles in a ten foot circle for naught.

Kirby, I'm thinking that time will be on Andevil's side. At least for just a bit.

It appears that both good and evil are rapidly converging and Ant's lair is the destination. I am thinking there won't be time for Ant to "seduce" Andevil. Even if he tries, I don't think she is going to succumb. I'm even wondering if she will help whomever is coming rather than let him touch her.

I think she'd prefer jail to Ant. I am going to hold off on what the judgement for Andevil should be although some things are a worse fate than death.


Good Day! Thanks everyone...enjoying the commentary as always.

Lucas, I think we all agree that this should have been a few chapters earlier. It's about time things get rolling again. I just hope that Ant will roll over to Tony the Tiger so the tiger can get its vengeance and devour him. I think Eman will try to explain his involvement away. He'll say that he is looking out for Bela, since he is her godfather; and his involvement with taking down Ant is because he received that info on the Colombian cousins...but at least people are starting to doubt him.

Jarifa, I can't believe Emi blurted out Bela's name either...this after she questioned Andrea about asking so many why give her any info if she doesn't trust her? Diana, "is [Emi] rather thick - or not?? the girl is far from dumb except when it comes to Eman. She is intuitive enough to have seen through Andrea, but she can't see how Eman is using her...seriously?

Diana, "Hearing Yami screaming was so upsetting" When I hear stuff like that, I remind myself that she is just acting and is probably enjoying screaming her head off and knowing that she is getting a reaction from really helps me get through those scenes.

Kirby, "What was the actual 'Line' that Ant supposedly crossed, which Eman referred to, to the Senator, about the Columbian cousins?" Lucio is right, the crossing of the line has to do with Isabela, but he will probably try to use the incidences with the Colombian cousins to get the Senator to back him up.

Andevil's fate is what intrigues me, especially since she has been so hard to figure out. Will Ant kill her if she doesn't oblige? Will she get away and finally rat him out? Will she escape and just disappear a la Lenore/Omar? Too many possibilites...

Yesterday, my cats were intrigued by this...and now so am I. Notice the legs! I'm calling it a snazard for now until someone tells me what it is. ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->↑

Rgv Chick, I have absolutely no idea what that is but "snazard" seems perfect!

And I am definitely with you, Lucas and everyone else who has felt this has gone on waaaay too long. I hope though that things are tied up here, there are too many loose ends from BBB, including whatever became of her sibs.

Yes, Andevil's fate will be interesting. She seems terrible to me but I have to cut her some slack because of her terrible childhood. Having eluded Ant for so long, I think she can take care of herself in jail. She's hateful but...


Rgv Chickie, thank you. Kirby is absolutely right, The recap is better than the show.

I was busy again last night, but I caught parts of it. At one point I looked over and saw the "girls" whupping some guy and one ran off for a kitchen knife. I thought "Oh, wow, not the tiger but the women take out Ant." Then I saw it wasn't Ant.

Oh, well. Hopefully soon for him, and maybe some explanation of what's up with Andrea.

I know facial hair is popular for men in Mexico, or at least in Mexican TNs, but Eman needs to shave, several times a day if necessary.


The way Eman killed and disposed of Maria and his baby might make it hard to believe, but what if he really fell in love with someone and she got pregnant, making him very happy, but died at childbirth .... and that baby is Isabela? Eman's childless "best friend" ( whom he voted on to be kikled) and his wife agreed to raise Isabela as their own and never tell her the truth. Of course, he couldn't raise her on his own, but as her padrino, he could be around her all the time. Stretching it too much? Well, it IS a telenovela, after all! Lol

Voted on to be killed, not kikled!

Andy, maybe Eman can go to a barber and get a shave with those old fashioned blades...and the barber can make a BIG oopsie on his neck. :-)

Anon 1:04. We've discussed Eman possibly being Bela's bio your scenario just might work. Thanks!

THAT would be a perfect TN mystery solved with Eman and Isabela.

On another note, right before the end for Ant, I want to see Andrea sidle up to him and murmur, "Ya know, that virgin thing, well, JP beat you to it, sorry you little gurl. Pftt"

RGV I betcha that THING from the SWAMP used to have a tail. I'd check with fluffy and check her litter box.

Kirby, yes, I asked a friend whose son is studying to be a wildlife biologist. He said it was a skink that must have lost its mystery solved :-)

I have not heard the word Skink, in a long time, not realated in any way to skank.

Skinks look like true lizards, but most species have no pronounced neck, and their legs are relatively small; several genera (e.g., Typhlosaurus) have no limbs at all. Other genera, such as Neoseps, have reduced limbs and with fewer than five toes (digits) on each foot. In such species, their locomotion resembles that of snakes more than that of lizards with well-developed limbs. As a general rule, the longer the digits, the more arboreal the species is likely to be. A biological ratio can determine the ecological niche of a given skink species. The Scincidae ecological niche index is a ratio based on anterior foot length at the junction of the ulna/radius-carpal bones to the longest digit divided by the snout-to-vent length.[2]

Most species of skinks have long, tapering tails they can shed if predators grab onto them. Such species generally can regenerate the lost part of a tail, though imperfectly. Species with stumpy tails have no special regenerative abilities.

Some species of skinks are quite small; Scincella lateralis typically ranges from 7.5 to 14.5 cm (3.0 to 5.7 in), more than half of which is the tail. Most skinks, though, are medium-sized, with snout-to-vent lengths around 12 cm (4.7 in), although some grow larger; the Solomon Islands skink (Corucia zebrata) is the largest known extant species and may attain a snout-to-vent length of some 35 cm (14 in).

Kirby, thanks for the info. I had certainly heard of skanks, but not skinks. I was wondering if the tail will grow I know. :-)

I still do not understand why Eman killed Maria. I only bring this up since his past was mentioned earlier on this...Eman seems to only kill those who get in his way or pose a problem to him, which Maria did not and it looks like she really loved him. Was it because he had no choice since she found out he was aligned with Norman and El Castor?

And as far as the theory about him previously loving Isabela’s original mother, who he was happy with, and that being the reason he really protects Bella, in memory of who he loved, that would be quite understandable.

There is one thing that both Eman and Bella have in common; they think killing is perfectly okay as long as you’re getting even and getting revenge against someone. Bella had to inherit this dark side from her father (Eman) hmmm.

Furthermore if this theory is true, it makes you wonder why Eman, a corrupt criminal, would align himself make a deal with a man who enforced the law and was the best FBI Agent in Mexico. Was it to make sure Bella would always be protected by police and law enforcement presence? So that she never goes to jail, but also is never in danger against other criminals?

And then why would he let Armando go on with his plan to kill Enqirue and his family? Knowing they are the closest thing Bella has as family? Maybe Eman and Enrique have their own conflicted History we didn’t know about and perhaps he actually despised Enrique just as much?

based on your existing knowledge about skanks or your new knowledge of skinks?

Thank you, Chickie. Skink shank skunk. Very weird animal. You seem to have a lot OF fun interesting wildlife around you. ...but no tigers. I am still ticked at a he mouse who cost me $300.00 by chewing on wires in my car.

I will keep quiet, but the previews look very interesting.

Andrea is a mystery. I still Can not figure out why Mr. Panty left her alone up until now because he is a skink and a skunk.

LAs to the odd connection Eman has to Bella, Perhaps he had an affair with her mother.

Ohhhh, I missed something about the $300 mouse until now. One of the network news shows had a segment about that a while back. Something like 20/20 or some such, and how it was a huge problem now with many cars being chewed.


Yes, if Mr. Panty became her "owner" when she was a teen or even earlier, she appears to be mid to late twenties now, so that is a long time. And then, when did they strike this deal anyway? I would liked to have been a $300 mouse in the corner to see that negotiation.

First of all...thank you Rgv Chick for your’s time to PARTY..Let’s Get this Party started...getting my chips/dip, Beer & Tequila ready for a long waited episode..It’s gonna be exciting...Let’s see where all chips fall.......Happy Happy Camper! Elsa

Elsa, sounds like your party will be much better than mine...animal crackers, dark chocolate and a bottle of ice cold...........water!

BTW, squirrels chewed on the wiring of my security it's not just rats!

Lucas, you make me think too head is starting to hurt LOL j/k You pose very good questions!

Sorry RGV Chick LOL! 😝

What are everyone’s predictions for tonight? I’m so excited for this episode. So much happening at once. And how the hell does JP rescue himself and get Simon to raid??? Do Bella, Mike and Pene go after Ant without realizing Eman is already after him too?

I don’t know exactly what will happen but I hopeo all the girls and Bela get their turn at Mr. Panty before they throw him to the tiger.

OK JP has recruited Pascual so maybe the driver Pascual will cut JP loose. Then those two will dispose of / tie up and take their guns of the other two guard goons. Use Pas's phone to tell Bela where the brothel is so the feds can come raid it and rescue the girls.

Eman and Bela are both enroute to Ant's mansion, Bela to talk mean to him, Eman to kill him. Bela gets there first and completely forks things up, not realizing Ant is not another push over like Castor Bean. Eman arrives just in time to kill Ant and save Bela.

Andrea is arrested and will not talk. period. Mike and Pene went back to their hotel.

RgvChick, you make me laugh.

Kirby, remember that Pascual is hurting Yami really bad; so I want him dead too. Maybe the girls can ram into the bedroom, beat him to death and take his phone. They can go untie JP.

Yeah, or untie JP and let him help kick the door down and all them finish what Yami started . Take his phone and call Simon and Mike and Pene.

Either way, shit is going down. But the real mystery will be who gets to Ant first. Eman, JP, Simon, or Bella.

Ms Chick, it's getting hot up in here.
Ant can feel the flames of hell and
The kiddy cat is licking his chops.
Lovely recap, all snarkidy.

Eman will or bela put him out of his
Underwear misery.
Everytime bela goes to get revenge she
Seems to do all by herself. Why aren't
Pene & Mike in on the fun with her.
Shouldn't the teacher see the student in action?I don't think he has seen bela Use what she learned from him not once.
Well I guess he knows she learned well
She's in one piece.
Ok I'll stop now I'm watchin tonight's
Episode, its gettin good yall. Bye!

RVG Chick: I hope Tony the Tiger eats Antonio for dinner.

Bela_Ep_44 Antony and Tonito finally come to an agreement

Eman talks to the Senator about the Ant problem. (Terro is good? ) The Senator wants to know what he is talking about so Eman tells him that Ant was questioning Emi and that is a betrayal of their loyalty to each other. The Senator suggests that he talk to Ant before doing anything drastic. (is shooting drastic, OK, didn't think so) He asks if the Senator knows where Suzana Marin (Susy) is.

Girls talking after Yami's beating and commenting that Pascual seemed so passive and he turned out to be a beast. Sue tells Yami she needs to see a doctor. Yami tells her she knows this nightmare is about to be over.

Pas back with JP after beating Yami but still will not untie him. Pas goes in to JP and sits and breathes heavy. He says everyone has their preferences in bed and Yami was in agreement. JP asks for the phone. So Pas gives it to him but removes the chip. Pas says that for Sue he would be willing to put in the chip. When Pas leaves JP tells Sue to run to Yami and to get the chip she has.

Senator thinks they should have the convo in person; so Eman says the line is secure. The Senator doesn't know where Ant's place is…they would blindfold him. Eman tells him to find out and call him.

They put the chip in Pas's phone and JP calls Simon then takes it back out before Pas gets back.
Simon and Calvary are in a big meeting Simon goes over the procedure with the men when JP calls and tells him that Ant knows he is undercover. He sends the location and Simon starts the sting. JP tells Sue to take out the chip before Pas gets there. Pas comes back and says it's good they said their goodbyes because JP won't be getting out of this.

Pene reminds Bela that the sting is about to start. Mike wishes her luck .

Ant and Andevil ready for the 'Event', and things are not going so smooth. Andevil asks if everything is ok. Ant tells her that Senator wants to see Sue tonight. He is suspicious because the Senator had just refused. Ant needs to relax so he tells Andevil to go to the bed and prepare; they have an agreement and she better not give him any problems.

Pas calls Ant and Ant tells Pas that if JP is working with the feds then the goons have to take care of the girls and Pas should take care of JP. Ant plans to escape to Colombia and will take Pas with him. And Tonito, right? Uh huh.

The sting is on the way as Bela scales the wall of the building and walks in on the housekeeper, and gently puts her out. Meanwhile, Ant is on the way to the bedroom. Bela sees that the way in is guarded by Tonito. Bela calls to the tiger to come over. She is going to free him.

Eman is on his way to Ant's house he tells the men not to be too far from him.

Goon 1 takes Sue out and Pas unties JP and takes him with him at gunpoint. JP asks Pas what he is doing. Pas says he is asking too many questions. JP tells Pas that he can help him but Pas is loyal to Ant. JP tells him to think about it well.

Part 2

Meanwhile Ant is getting down to business with Andevil, well, trying. He would have better luck with that tiger. Ant says Andevil is the most delicious thing he has ever desired. Ant tells her they will go back to Colombia he promised her that he would protect her. Andevil refuses to kiss him because prostitutes don’t kiss their clients, but Ant questions why she is considering herself a prostitute…he says prostitutes don't get cars and jewelry. She insists that she doesn't want to kiss him. OOPS there is Bela. Sheezo Peezo, just in time for a threesome? Nopis delivering a Pissed Off Chick style ass whipping. Bela goes in and tells him to leave her alone. When he asks who she is she says "Isabela Leon.” You coulda hear a panty drop.

Ant is soooo glad to make her acquaintance, thank you. Andevil is in her skivies watching all this from the bed. Ant makes fun of her for coming in like an American ninja. Bela says she just wants to talk. Bela asks him if he is calling for help...can't he take care of himself?

In the brothel they are planning an execution. Girls are crying, afraid that they are going to be killed. JP tells Pas that Ant has already been taken down. Now is the time to negotiate. Yami tells Pas to just go ahead and kill her. She would rather die than smell him and have him on her. Simon and the calvary arrive. At the same time JP grabs a goon’s gun as they hear the sirens out front and one of the goons is shot in the melee. Another runs out the back door, Pas tries to escape too in an overhead Air Conditioning Vent.

Back with Ant and Andevil, Bela is beating his ass Bela tells Andevil to get dressed. She promises that now Ant won't do anything to her. Ant can't believe she is doing what Bela tells her. Andevil yells that she was faithful to him and he was going to pay her back by raping her. Bela knocks Ant out and takes his gun.

The Senator is asking someone for info. Eman calls but Senator tells him Ant hasn't answered. Eman thinks he is covering for Colombiano but Sen swears he doesn't know where the bordello is.

Bela asks where JP is. She needs to help him. Andevil asks for Ant's phone.

Pas tries to escape through an AC vent but the girls mob him, pull him out, and kick him into a bloody mess.

JP tells Simon they need to find Pas. He asks the girls what they did. He tells them the house is secure and nothing will happen to them because Pas is still alive.

Eman tells the driver to move it as they are on the way too.


Part 3

Bela and Andevil: Andevil tells Bela that she is sure JP is ok. She did everything to keep Ant from harming him. When Bela asked Andevil why she stayed with Ant, Andevil said she wanted to keep helping the girls, but she couldn't. She hopes JP can help them Pene calls Bela and tells her to get out. Eman is on the way with all of Interpol. Bela asks how much time she has. Later, Andevil asks Bela why she is letting her go; so Bela tells her that she knows she was a victim too. Andevil wants to know what will happen to her. Bela doesn’t know, but Alejandra gave info on the investigation. And knows that Ant has done bad things to many people. She thanks Bela for what she is doing for her…no one had ever done that for her.

Pene calls Simon worried about JP. She and Mike are still at ComeClub Simon tells Pene that JP and the girls are ok. She should let Bela know. Pene asks if they have gotten Ant, but Simon tells her that Interpol is on their way for him.

Bela has Ant tied up like Tonito in his cage, it appears Tonito has left. Ant is also handcuffed behind his back with a huge collar on, so he and Bela have a chat. Ant calls out for Jr. He left a note on his water bowl Antonio. He tells Bela she is the picture of her father. Ant says her father was mistaken about her since she is not who her father thought she is...she is just like him (Ant). He asks why she is there and tells her to kill him. Bela tells them he likes to control everything ncluding Andevil. Ant tells her that he and Andevil had a pact. He never touched a hair on her. She never complained about the clothes, cars, jewelry and apartment he gave her…or the job at the factory. He wants to know where Andevil's loyalty was?? Boo Hoo.

Eman on scene now but the gate is chained shut.

Bela shows Ant the Vote Video. Oh actually it is a big rope on Ant's wrists. He sounds like Tony Robbins making a spiel. Ant chides Bela for beating him up, tying him like an animal and accusing him of having her father killed. When he asks if she has any proof. Bela plays the video. Ant tells her that the man giving his back is the one who betrayed her and all the other beasts. He will tell her who the man is if she unties him. He will help her if she helps him, but Bela tells him to shut up. He again asks her to untie him and he will help her…that man has to pay for all he has done. He talks Bela into untying his hands and he flips around and gets the chain on her neck. A major struggle ensues which Bela wins. She leaves his gurl-ass in a heap on the tiger shit floor. Eman arrives and tells the men where to go. They need to bring the tranquilizers for the tiger.

Tiger is loose and almost got Bela. She runs inside to avoid Tonito and changes clothes. Tonito continues back to where he knows food and water are, his cage, but finds an interloper.

JP calls Ant and Bela answers it so he asks why she has his (Ant's) phone. Bela tells him she had to go see him. He is alive as she promised. She tells him Interpol already arrived.

They give Sue a phone to call home. Trac Fone has unlimited international minutes for South of the border. Vero's mom tells the cops that Andrea contacted the girls and they went to work for Panties MX. Sue calls and the aunt is happy that she is alive. Sue asks that she forgive her, but her aunt tells her she has nothing to forgive. The cops will arrest Tono Calzones (Ant) and they will then find out the truth.


Part 4 FIN de Ant

They hear the tiger and Eman asks for the tranquilizer gun. Bela tells them not to hurt the tiger. Tonito has returned to his home and Ant wants to talk like old times. Tonito does not feel like listening to his bullshit today and starts repaying Ant for killing his Mom, tying him up for years, and not wearing deodorant. They arrive with the tranquilizer gun …..but too late. Tony has eaten his shirt. Eman checks for a pulse, thinking there was ever one, and pronounces him dead.

Bela calls Ale in Bogota. She doesn't have to worry, everything is over and she is safe. Bela tells her all the girls are safe too. Ale asks for Andevil but Bela tells her she is gone but she thinks they will soon hear from her.

Emilia arrives and sees Andevil out front. Emi tells Andevil that she won't help her since she was trying to get info from her to give to her boss. Andevil asks Emi to forgive her. She just wants Emi to give JP something and she will never see her again.

Simon said that he couldn't believe places like this existed in the city. JP says it's over and Simon says yes, thanks to you, good job.

Thank you, Kirby.

Now that was a good episode.

The only stupid part was Bela untying Ant but I excused that that because the tiger was allowed to finish him off.

The women putting their stiletto heels to good use was another memorable moment.

Very satisfying seeing the bad guys get theirs.

On to the next bestia.

It is crystal clear now after this episode, that Bella is absolutely Eman’s daughter. Those two had the same exact instinct of hunting down Ant and killing him. They both resemble so much alike with their killing tactics, and more importantly, seeing the way Eman reacted when seeing Bella showed up.

Justice is great and all but I’d really like to see one of these beasts eventually get caught and arrested. It makes JP look very weak that he can’t do his job without Bella interfering and doing a better job than him. Tie that in with the fact that killing these beasts does not help Bella find out that Eman was involved, and only makes her as much of a criminal creating trouble for herself.

Ant was by far the wittiest beast so far; getting her to think twice about killing him by confessing who the man with his back turned was...perhaps she’ll want to keep the next Beast alive in order to find out. No way in hell Eman confesses something like this to Emília so how else will they find out?

Thanks, Kirby!

Ding dong, the Ant is dead! Finally.

Lucas, you bring up a good point that I really hadn't thought about. These bestias know who the man with his back turned was; Bela doesn't, and hasn't asked any of these beasts.

Jarifa, yeah, stiletto heels and some kinky boots as well.

Meh, I knew Bela would untie Ant and that he would then turn on her. We got to see that good Bela was willing to give him a chance, right up to the end, but bad Ant again showed himself a beast.

OK, good enough for telenovela work, at least Ant is gone now and my former telenovia, Andrea, is safe.

Yeah, I had a crush on her, but I'm soooo over her now. I'm going back to Shamiran or maybe Maite Perroni.




Outstanding Kirby.

"Ant calls out for Jr. He left a note on his water bowl Antonio" and "Sheezo Peezo, just in time for a threesome? Nopis delivering a Pissed Off Chick style ass whipping" were excellent but "You coulda hear a panty drop Eman checks for a pulse, thinking there was ever one" was my favorite of your wry remarks.

"Pene reminds Bela that the sting is about to start. Mike wishes her luck". So the other 2 of the first triumverate had nothing to do. Again.

It seemed absurd that Interpol was the last to arrive. Bella was first, Simon and company also beat them.

I was wondering how the deadweight lightweight (Ant) got moved. Did Andevil help?

I guess there must be more to the low, "sweet" murmurings of Ant than I had given him credit for. I was shocked Bella untied his hands. Foolish move which could have meant the end of her. Luckily, Ant may have some moves but seems to have little strength.

Jarifa, I thought the way Ant's fate occurred was done very well. Bella didn't purposely leave him for tiger bait, but the outcome was inevitable.

I was so happy the girls will all be free. It's a shame Pas didn't succumb to his injuries. I hope he rots in jail.

Lucas, you drew comparisons between Bella and Em that I can't ignore. That said, I fervently hope she isn't Em's daughter.

I did not like Andevil. At all. Yet, I guess I'm softening in my old age as I was glad it appears she gets away. Credit Bella for having compassion towward someone she needn't have had.

So well done Kirby. "Bee-utiful". :)


I lumped "You coulda hear a panty drop" and "Eman checks for a pulse, thinking there was ever one" together but the pulse remark was by far my favorite.

"stiletto heels and some kinky boots as well" - good one Andy!


Thank you all. WOW what an episode. One addictive thing about this show is that it is a series of short stories, one for each beast. It seems to me each beast story is more intense than the last. Although this one dragged on too long, it was worth the wait. I think I felt more empathy with the kickfest on Pascual than the Tiger leaving Ant in a bloody mess.

Andevil was evil, I guess, but I am still glad she survived.

Bela's quick change of clothes was possible as she and Andevil are both a size 7 or so. It was a perfect fit. BUT I wondered how she got her hair out of that braid and so straight again. When she stepped out of Eman's Black Tahoe, she looked like she had just gotten off the bus from home.

Lucas, yep, I agree. We are seeing all the signs, well, billboards, really. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, etc. Then: " No way in hell Eman confesses something like this to Emília so how else will they find out?"

Maybe a second video surfaces, one taken secretly by a different camera or one of the beasts, seeing how tech is such an integral part of this story?

And right again, Eman would die rather than confess that:
1. He is Bela's bio Dad, and
2. He is a party to the ongoing lie that her Dad Enrique is not really.

But then way back when the decision was made to kill the whole family, did Eman not know about that, which would have included Bela? Remember she only is alive now because she went back to retrieve a forgotten Visa card.

"But then way back when the decision was made to kill the whole family, did Eman not know about that, which would have included Bela?"

Was that decision (to kill the entire family) now part of the infamous tape Bella has? Or was that vote just to kill Bella's father?

Kirby, I have to smile at the "size 7". I'm pretty sure both actresses are closer to a 0. Maybe even 00. I think most actresses fall into that category, maybe a "larger" 2 or 4 but a 7/8 would really be pushing it.


Thinking back, I seem to remember that the decision was to kill just Enrique and Castor and Norman decided to make a 'Management Decision' to just kill the whole family.

I could be wrong about the sizes, but I have sure bought a lot of 5s and 7s. EP is supposedly about 5' 8" or so.

Thanks Kirby. That is a crucial bit of information.

Your avatar is just what I needed to lift my spirits today. Thank you!


Beasts still on Bela's radar:

Abelardo Zea: "The Senator" Better known as Bestia 7
Isadora Hernández: "La Joyera": Better known as Bestia 5
Ignacio Vega: "El Cafetero" Better known as Bestia 6 *

AND of course Mac Daddy of all beasts, Padrino Emanuel.

Thirsty Beasts:

BBB Madame'
Mayor Horacio
Armando, JP and EMI's Dad

* He is the father of Daniel and Marcia Vega.
So when the Beast 6 hunt is on there are two adult children involved also.

Anybody want to venture a guess who is selected next?

At the next association meeting will they decide to keep the member roll in pencil?


Kirby I haven’t thought about a second video possibly emerging. I think it’s more likely one of the remaining beasts confesses Eman was the man with his back turned after they are arrested and interrogated by JP.

As far as Andrea is concerned, some on here have said they’re happy she escaped from Ant and was let go to be free...I’m not so sure about that, he careful what you wish for. She’s still on her mission to hunt down Isabella and that was obviously documented when the show ended last night with her going to Emília again.

The Senator did tell her if she ever got tired of working with Ant, that he would welcome her with open arms to his home. This is what wil probably happen and Andrea continues to become a threat for Bella, as she will inform the other beasts about what happened with Ant and that they are next. Andrea is NOT a good person and she is obsessed with JP.

Thank you, Kirby.

Andrea was an interesting character of this segment. I think she was not evil, she was a soldier on the wrong side of the war. She knew what Ant was doing was evil, but she was too cowardly to do anything about it. Alejandra is the strongest example of how she tried to do some good. Warning JP not to work with Ant and trying to soften Ant's cruelty to animals are other. She had a very comfortable life obeying his orders and she knew that disobeying him will send her to the bordello or be killed. Ant did not have her do anything explicitly bad. In addition, she was grateful to Ant for saving her from prostitution and for giving her education and taking care of her.

In this episode Andrea's ability to obey Ant finally reached its limit. I don't think she has ever disobeyed him before. When he ordered her to have sex with him, she intellectually was willing to agree. She lay down and was able to be still under him for a few seconds, but emotionally she just could not stand it and started to try to break free. Luckily Bela arrived and saved her.

The thing that annoyed me was that Andrea told Bela she tried to help JP, when in reality, in the past two days, she discovered his plan, revealed it to Ant and almost got JP killed. She knew this will get her points with Bela, and it did. Smart girl.

Will the police have anything to charge her with? If not, she has a chance of a new life.

Good Morning, Patio!! Wowsers, what a riveting episode and Kirby, you got it all and made it better, thank you!

Lucas, ITA agree that at least one of the beasts has to be taken down by JP and arrested. It does make him weak, but even more than that, it would show Bela that it was the way her father would have done things. Ant was quite right that Bela is no different from the beasts...I was perturbed by the way she just looked at Ant just laying there expression--no remorse. Her father, Enrique, would not be proud of what she is doing and she hasn't even given a second thought to that.

In regards to Andrea, I too think that Bela shouldn't have just let her go. Though she was trying to help JP and the girls, she still had a big part in baiting the girls to be models...and she ratted on JP to Ant. Had she confessed and helped Ric and Simon when they brought her in, maybe I would have cut her some slack, but she didn't; so I am still highly suspicious of her. I'm not sure if what she gave Emi will indicate that she is hunting down Bela, but it sure will make her look good in JP's eyes; so she may still be working at snatching him from Bela.

Diana, I wasn't that shocked that Bela untied Ant's hands. He was baiting her with giving her the name of the man with his back turned and she knew she could handle him if he tried anything. And, I like you, am disappointed that Mike and Pene were left out again...though I did enjoy that very brief glimpse of a shirtless Mike :-)

Kirby, your memory serves you right; the decision of the beasts was only to take out Enrique. Castor suggested to Armando that they kill the entire family and Armando made that decision on his own. I felt no empathy fr Pascual...not after what he did to Yami.

The idea of a second video is plausible, but I think on e of the surviving beasts will rat out on Eman to try to negotiate with Bela. Each beast does seem to get more intense, but with each beast, Bela has also been given clues as to who the ultimate beast is...she just hadn't been listening. It is just now that she is gradually starting to question Eman's trustworthiness.

Kirby, I also wondered why Bela's hair was so straight. Normally when you unbraid hair, it remains wavy...unless she dampened it...but it didn't look wet, did it> I also wonder why Bela uses that kerchief to only cover her mouth. All the other hero(ine)s, use a mask which covers most of their face. That kerchief does nothing to hide what Bela looks like.

Lucas, I was writing while you posted...The thing that annoyed me was that Andrea told Bela she tried to help JP, when in reality, in the past two days, she discovered his plan, revealed it to Ant and almost got JP killed. She knew this will get her points with Bela, and it did. Smart girl. Exactly!! She is a cunning one!

Someone was asking about a second season for B&B. I think I did read (way before the show started) that this show was being set up to be a series. So maybe Andrea will come back with a vengeance during the second season?? and possibly Ignacio's children??

" Andrea is NOT a good person and she is obsessed with JP". Yes, Lucas, I certainly agree with you.

I don't know what got into me last night actually a bit relieved she escaped. I think it was the screaming and threat of violence that allowed my pity to flow.

I guess I'm gullible as I thought she would disappear but your possible sceanrio with the senator makes sense.

Of all the villains, Andevil is the cagiest and most intelligent. Of course she can't be compared to the other beasts for heinous crimes, but the evil factor still resonates with me.

I'm uncomfortable with your insight too Lucio. "She knew this will get her points with Bela, and it did. Smart girl". Sigh. "...he ordered her to have sex with him, she intellectually was willing to agree. "She lay down and was able to be still under him for a few seconds, but emotionally she just could not stand it" was perfect.

"At the next association meeting will they decide to keep the member roll in pencil?" - great idea Kirby.

I think the story would be more interesting if she were still in it. I've never regretted pity for its own sake. I hope I don't regret mine for Andevil.

"That kerchief does nothing to hide what Bela looks like". ITA Rgv Chick, that has perplexed me as well.

The patio is on fire today.


And your " Her father, Enrique, would not be proud of what she is doing and she hasn't even given a second thought to that" was spot on Rgv Chick.

He seemed so kind and strong, I bet he is rolling in his grave.


Exactly Diana. I definitely do not think we’ve seen the last of Andrea and she’ll continue to stalk JP and Bella. She’ll develop a connection with the Senator and together they’ll make sure it becomes harder on Bella to crack the other beasts down. Another important thing to take note of...

Pascual was taken into custody by JP and Simon, this is crucial. Eman can question Pascual about JPs involvement and find out he was an undercover cop and was never terminated by the Federal Agency. Eman can also question Pascual about who Andrea is and where he can possibly localize her. Eman will find out from either the Senator or Pascual about Andrea and he’ll track her down to get as much information from her as possible. Remember, he knows exactly what she was up to in stalking JP and Bella.

Are you going to pay Ms. Doe Eyes a million and a half and cover them up for the sake of realism?

And I am dying to know what could be in that box for JP. I mean, she worked in a 'PANTY FACTORY' Que?

Just Sayin..........................


This comment has been removed by the author.

Eman wanted information from the Senator about Susie and Ants prison of where he kept the women. I think he knows that’s where JP was; Susie and Pascual BOTH also know who Ant called for help when they were all together in the car. He spoke directly to Eman, I do not remember if he mentioned his name. This is probably why Eman wanted to track down Susie so that she doesn’t provide any information to JP or he’s doomed.

Eman, Andrea, and Senator will all have to work together to stalk JP and Susie. JP hasn’t asked Susie what Ant did to his cousin and where they were taken. Pascual also knows.

RGV, the woof factor aside, I am not even sure why, but the girls dragging scruffy stinky girl-beater Pas out of the AC vent and kicking him like a soccer ball test team just had me hooting and cheering.

Just went back and checked....Ant did in fact say Emanuel TWICE when he called him on the phone with Pascual and Susie next to him. IF they do not question Pascual or Susie, this will be a major disappointment. Facts matter. They cannot just drop Pascual from the series without interrogating him. He was clearly caught by the police.

Lucas, in that scenario, it throws Susie and JP together also, as there has been a theme here of first one then another girl making Bela jealous. Andrea left our screens still dreaming about JP, and in the brothel, there was a certain connection between Sue and JP, notwithstanding what they were, it seemed, easily forced to do.

If memory is correct, the Senator is already a bit sweet on Andrea, and she can waltz in and see him any time, so it is a good guess that we have not seen the last of Andevil.

Exactly Kirby. I certainly hope Susie doesn’t just disappear to Colombia because JP and her have unfinished business to discuss. He has to ask her how did they bring her to the brothel, what was the last thing they did to her cousin, where was she disappeared, was there anyone else involved? EMAN knows the importance of Susie. Will senator and Eman go after her? Only Andrea can help she knows where Susie lives and knows her personal phone number when she first called them to come to Mexico.

Pascual is just as important too. That’s why it’s a great thing the models didn’t finish killing him. So much interesting things!

Lucas or Kirby, will Eman have any authority to question Pascual or Sue? Isn't he limited to just facilitating collaboration between the two agencies (Colombia and Mexico)?

Great question RGV Chick. In the teaser for tonight’s episode, it definitely shows Eman having concern over Ant’s sex slaves and asking the Senator if he is sure that none of the women that were kept in the secret place can identify him, as he was one of the clients. This leads me to believe that he can in fact have the power to investigate Sue and find where she lives, to hunt her but also question her. That is why he was so obsessed with asking the Senator last night to find out where that place is so they can get to Susie.

The good thing for them will be that he won’t need to use his Interpol Authority to find Susie because he has either Andrea or Pascual that can testify to him as they both know everything. I think what he’ll want to know is this:

- Whether JP was undercover as a cop during the federal agency raid, and what were his motives working for Ant.

- And if Susie or Pascual told JP anything about Eman being involved.

Hey Lucas. Not to be a spoil sport, but some stations do not air the same previews that some of us see and we try not to let the cat out of the bag, for those who do not see the same previews. I know you didn't know.


RGV, well according to Interpol standard procedure, he (Eman) can't. But it seems in this TN the lines are blurred between Interpol as the world sees it, and Interpol / Federal Police as this TN sees them. So I would say he will interrogate them if given a chance.

Whoops. Thank you for that. I’ll know for next time. :) but do you agree with that theory?

Right on Kirby. There’s no way he won’t abuse his power. Lol. Tonight should be good! I hope JP interrogates them before Eman does.

"Tiger, tiger burning bright, in the forests of the night...." . .William Blake

Wow..great recap and comments...very interesting ideas about future developments. Andrea going to the senator seems logical since he seemed attracted to her and told her to come to him if she ever left Antypanty.

Does anyone remember the telenovela that ended with the girls turning against their pimp and stilettoing him?

And..strong woman Bella..yes, we get it. Why is Mike even in this show? Answering phones? Training the girls? Are they saving him for a big finale? #wastedmarine ....the ones I know would have been long gone.

Kirby, I especially appreciate your snappy recap because I was not able to see this episode. I was interested in the sight of Mr. Panty wearing Toni the Tiger's collar and chain in the preview on Tuesday. .Que lastima that we did not get to see the tiger wearing that speedo. Do you think that the tiger was a virgin since McCreepy was so obsessed with virgins?

"agree with that theory?" Oh, a hundred percent. Remember what drives any one of these beasts is primarily looking out for numero Uno, no matter what the cost. And on top of that, the Senator has visions of becoming President.

"interrogates them before Eman does." Yeppers. And JP already smells a rat in so far as Eman is concerned. He could tell them to NOT give Eman certain info if he asks for it, knowing full well that merely asking certain questions further implicates Eman.

JP has a pretty good excuse for working for Ant undercover, to find the documented missing girls linked to Ant.

I could easily see Eman killing ANY BODY who might expose him to Bela.

Susy, if Tonito was a virgin, it would have only been by choice.

Ant wearing Tonito's collar on his little feminine neck was priceless. I am surprised Bela didn't have to make some new holes, but this is a TN. As Ant looks to have about a 12 inch neck, and Tonito looks to have about a 36.

I was kind disappointed that Tony made such quick work of Ant. Fresh from seeing the girls in the 'House' and hearing Yami's screams, I would have been happy to see Tony eat, say, a hand, then maybe a foot and part of an arm, you know. Lollygag around and enjoy himself a while. :-)

100% agreed Kirby. I think JP will provide security to Sue at all costs, in her route to Colombia and even when or if she’s back there full time too. She might decide to stay in Mexico , knowing how hard headed she is and her curiosity with JP will most likely grow just like with Andrea. If she stays it’ll be the worst decision of her life as now she’s in the hands of Eman.

Personally I think the remaining beasts are all about to unite, and since they cannot go after Bella they’ll hunt for JP as he’s very close to exposing all of them and knowing it all.

Lucas, but do the beasts , what's left of them, know that Bela is off limits?

Yeah, but if Sue can survive a while, with JP's help, the beast supply is dwindling fast.

Kirby: I see that Tony the Tiger got his late night snack ?

4 Beasts Down, 4 More to Go.

I have to be reminded. Do the other beasts already know who Bella is (and that Eman is her padrino) and are aware of her plan? Wasn’t she discussed in an earlier episode when Madame was still alive? I know Eman has never engaged in talking about Bella with them, but I think they’re aware.

If they are then you make a great would be hard for them to avoid her knowing she’s their biggest threat. Maybe they try to take out Mike and Pene first to scare her; since Andrea knows she has friends helping her.

Lucas: I'm afraid Marine Mike & Penelope are GONERS. It's inevitable.


1.) Mommy Leon

2.) Enrique Leon

3.) Leon Family Dog

4.) Maria Estela

5.) Daddy Quintero's Chauffeur

6.) Daddy Quintero: Beast #1

7.) The Vendor

8.) Castor's Henchmen

9.) Castor

10.) Felipe

11.) Castor, Jr.,

12.) Penelope's Rapist StepDaddy

13.) Norman

14.) The 2 Ambulance People

15.) Horacio's Nagging Wife

16.) Julian the Kid

17.) Miyeria

18.) Mauricio & the College Students

19.) Horacio Hernandez: Beast #2

20.) Roberta "La Madame" or "BLONDIE BITCH BITCH" Hernandez: Beast #3

21.) Veronica

22.) Colombian Goons

23.) Veronica

24.) Goons Backup

25.) Antonio's Goons Backup

26.) Antonio Jose Ramos: Beast #4


Absolutely. They were only there to serve as security for Bella, for as long as possible. Soon their time is up.

From my recollection, the beasts are not aware of or suspect Bela. Madame BBB only brought up the fact that Castor’s girl and Horacio’s escort might be the same person. At that time, Eman was the only one who suspected Bela was somehow involved with BBB since BBB gave him the pic of Penelope that Omar took and BBB described the other person (Bela) that she wanted him to investigate.

Now the beasts do have JP in mind as the one who may be targeting them since Horacio told them that JP was the one he suspected. So the remaining beasts most likely will go after JP...unless they get Pascual or Andrea to talk.

RGV Chick; you’re right. Madame was the only one who came close to discovering Isabella and her identity; but she was killed. So you agree with my theory that they will absolutely go after JP, it’s the most obvious direction because he’s the one who caught Ant in his trap and worked with Andrea, as well as talked to Susie. He is now Eman’s problem too so I think they will all agree to take him down.

This might be where Military Mike and Penelope will finally have to contribute much more and play bigger roles in kicking ass; as Bella will need help protecting her boyfriend who will be in severe danger with the beasts. They will all use Emília too, to get to JP.

And I think Mike and Penelope have no choice but to get involved going further anyway because Andrea knows who they are and where they live. So they KNOW eyes are on them anyway. If Andrea tells the Senator all about Bella, they will all most likely kill her friends first. Eman would agree with that; as long as they do not touch Bella.

Mike and Pene went to that hoe-tail after they figured out that Andevil had discovered them. But it seemed all for naught. There was no further action on the Batcave location, and we never found out about the sleeping arrangements in their room. Following up, Mike questioned the boy Andevil sent to their door, but that melon died on the vine too.

Let's not forget, that early on Bela fervently told Eman her plans toward the beasts.

Lucas: We both agree that Marine Mike & Penelope are GONERS & everybody on here knows it. Their time is up & pretty soon: the Beasts will see to it that both are DEAD.

As for JP: I'll be surprised if he gets whacked before the final episodes. However, I would love to see Bratty Emilia DIE a violent death because I want her OFF my damn TV screen.

Big question is who do you see as the next Beast to fall ?

A.) Senator Abelardo Zea: Beast #7

B.) Ignacio Vega: Beast #6

C.) Isadora Hernandez "La Joyera": Beast #5

I strongly believe Emanuel (Beast #8) will be the LAST Beast to fall.

Kirby: yes, Eman already knows Bela’s plan. Which is why I’m surprised about why he asked her on the phone the other day if she was hiding something from him that he should know; she already told him she knows who the beasts are and that she’s going after them.

Steve: Mike and Penelope will most likely be gone in the final chapters at the hands of Eman. JP will absolutely get whacked up a bit before the finale. I also predict he’ll arrest Isabella and she’ll be jailed, to teach her a small lesson and that’s how the novela ends. Just my guess.

The next beast to fall has to be the Senator in my opinion. He’s going to know too much about Bella thanks to Andrea.

Hi Patio. Hope all is well with everybody. Just saw an announcement today for Mi Marido tiene más familia. Can't wait for that one to start so I can rejoin you. For the moment this one is just too dark and violent. Greetings to one and all, in addition to four-legged and feathered friends.

Thank Kirby for the only concern or question is...what happened to Tony the Tiger...will he be MIA like BBB’ sis & bro....Elsa

Steve: "violent death because I want her OFF my damn TV screen."

I am glad no one can see or hear me hee hawing alone over that one.

My vote....A) #7

This might stir things up. (Even more than 4 out of 7 people in a group mysteriously dead, you ask)

Up to now these chumps are just local big city crooks. The Senator is a national political figure. Note to Bell: Leave the drone at home.

I agree also about Eman the last to fall. They have my permission to stretch the Gran Final out for a whole week, when Bela is discovering the truth about Eman..


Thanks Kirby This was fun. But I must
Say, that Tony-T didnt do half the job
I thought he should have done. The was shirt Off, no torn flesh and they just
Squirted some Karo syrup and ketchup on him and pronounced him dead. Ok now
That beast is gone, on to the last 4.

"They put the stiletto heels to good use" good one kirby, I thought so to. He probably raped all of those girls 1 at a time. And tonito's happy meal may have Known about. Aw hell he did know
About it. Well he's in tiger hell now.

That was rather comical how bela got a
Dress out of the laundry to change into to go out and meet goddaddy. Just
Hope it was clean. Iam so Happy those girls got out of that hell. Wonder where Andrea will end up.If I were her I Would take that money and jewelry and go far far away. I'd make sure the girls are ok and then buh-bye. I wish
Vero could have made it out. Well some
One had to die from the good side? Her
Cousin got some heart wrenchin teary explaining to do.

This was fun Kirby. Thank you. Next!


Hi, judyb...tiger burning bright has fulfilled his promise to the patio and is probably on the way to a nice, quiet game preserve.

Juuu-Dee-Bee. Nice to hear from you. We miss you.
And Yes, I saw the promo for My Happy Family or something last night. Like Muy Pronto, I thought it said.

Great to hear from you, JudyB!

Lucas and Kirby, yes Bela told Eman her plan but then she made it seem like she was joking around and Eman believed her.

I guess Eman will now think about that conversation and maybe realize it wasn’t a joke.

Lucas: I doubt Isabella will go to prison in the Gran Final.

Big question is whether Ricardo or Simon are dirty ?

Simon is definitely not dirty; he’s just a YES man and more loyal to his boss because he’s afraid of losing his job.

Ricardo I have suspicions about. Notice how he always covers for Bella and always dismisses JPs accusations about her? Is he getting orders from Eman who demanded full insurance policy of Bella meaning she’ll always be protected by the Federal Agencies no matter what? I also think his constant “we need proof” and never strongly focusing on the beasts unless JP suggests it to him, is a sign that he doesn’t care much about prosecuting them.

"I guess Eman will now think about that conversation and maybe realize it wasn’t a joke."

May--Bee he already knows it wasn't a joke. "Hmmm Bela shows up, my business associates are dying like flies, Hmmmm Fewer Associates, same pie, bigger slice for ME.!" "And I am safe because I'm her Godfather, so she will never suspect me. Perfect. And she can hook me up with her friends from cheerleading."

Beanie is twirling now.

? ? ? ?

Holy shit Kirby. That makes a lot of sense.....AND adds to my theory that he’s intentionally protecting Bella from the Federal Agencies too as he has given Ricardo orders that she is to be untouchable. (He knows what she’s up to ;) )

Oh Boy. Exactly...When the Beasts have died, didn't they redistribute the Assoc assets? RGV do you remember?

Then when you are the last Beast standing you will die rich. Ruh Roh Scooby Doo.

They better not throw us a filler episode tonight. JP and Bela walking in the park, Te Amo, blah, blah,
Mike teaching Bela and Pene how to make the perfect French Fry.
Fifty Cicatricure Crema Face Cream commercials

I agree. We’re in the final weeks. Screw fillers! ACTION time!

So nice to hear from you Judy! Looking forward to the "next". Missing real galan Daniel Arenas.

I think I'm alone at Ric's table. I think he's the real deal.

25 minutes to show time.


Ah, Daniel Arenas is looking better all the time, Diana. 😁

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