Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 9/17/18 Capitulo 5 "Ding Dong! Pancho López Calling"

Imelda makes it clear that she will not deal with Canuto. He asks if she is afraid to tell the truth before God. She asks how he can talk about the truth. How dare he show up like this.

Julieta apologizes for Casandra being put on the spot by Susana. Nothing was her fault. Casandra says the the master is a monster. Julieta will just die if Susana Córcega is somehow related to her. Julieta decides to go home and get her head straight.

Daniela is working and Gabriel calls. He tells her she has a delivery at the door has and it is him. He gives her a review of their "love story" complete with props. He recognizes that she's the "hammer" and he is the "nail"in their relationship. He proposes all over again and she accepts. He reminds her of the promise they made for better or for worse.

Blanca decides to pay Julieta a visit and let her know how angry she is about Catalina being chosen to watch the grandchildren. She tells Julieta she is shoving her to the side. Julieta denies that but really would like to talk to her another day because she feels like she is going to explodes. That does not sit well with Blanca. Blanca thinks it is just so unfair. She has practically begged to take care of the grandchildren. Julieta says her mother doesn't work and Blanca does in the bakery and has to take care of Frida, etc., so it just seemed the best choice. Blanca says yeah, the best for Julieta. Pili the digital assistant reminds Julieta about something. Blanca says she better schedule a meeting with her because she is not done. Catalina sayss not to pay attention to Blanca. It is the stars.

Imelda talks to Canuto outside at his tomb. She tells him that is where he should be. She admits to having killed him off because she could not admit to everyone what he had done to her. He humiliated her, made fun of her, destroyed her and virtually killed her. Why did him come back? Why could he not just stay away? Canuto says something brought him back and he insists that her lying about him being dead was the the worst thing she could have done. Imelda tells him all of the Córcegas think he is in heaven when he really should be in hell.

Blanca tells Amalia and Polita on the way home from dance class that Julieta is trying to keep her grandchildren from her. The next topic is Eugenio, his pain problems and the problem with her sleeping. She may have to get separate beds.

Catalina asks Julieta if she wants her to do a cleansing of her home because Blanca is undoubtedly planning revenge. Julieta tells her not to start with all of that and reminds her for the umpteenth time not to call her Juli. She asks Catalina why she wasters her money on all of that new age stuff anyway. Catalina sees it is time for her to go and no matter how she is Julieta is her daughter and she loves her. Catalina goes to put Blanquita down for a nap.

Blanca tells Polita how Eugenio is constantly complaining that this hurts and that hurts. She cannot sleep. What to do? If she doesn't get some sleep, she will end up dead. As they approach the house they are taken aback by a white paneled truck with a loud horn. It parks right in front of their apartment building. A man in red gym shoes steps out of the truck. Three children are with him. Two little kids ask in unison if this is their new home. He says it is their new apartment.

Robert comes home. He asks Julieta what is wrong because she is home. Pili is also calling for her attention. She throws her phone to shut it up and it breaks. She just cannot take any more feeling so powerless as she does. Robert tries to get her back on track. He suggests that throwing things is out of style. She asks him not to make fun of her. He shows her how busted up her cell phone is. She cannot lose control inside of herself. Julieta just looks away.

Blanca welcomes . . . Pancho López who introduces himself. (Pancho López is played by Arath de la Torre. His portrayal of Pancho here is a reprisal of his Pancho López role from "Una familia con suerte" also produced by Juan Osorio /2011-2012/ and from the subsequent Osorio production "Porque el amor manda" /2012-2013/.) Polita introduces Blanca as his land lady. The older boy is Temo. The twins are Julio and Lupita. His truck is named "La Burra" all renovated and "pimped out". He seems to be a good humored man whose conversation is peppered with corny jokes and colloquialisms. Blanca asks if his wife is in La Burra. Pancho suddenly gets serious and quiet. Polita suggests that he take his kids inside.

Robert is still with a silent Julieta. He asks what Julieta she is going to be: a victim or the brave woman she has always been. She apologizes. He says that is what he is there for. He tells her to go relax.

Blanca asks about their moving truck. There won't be any because they are buying everything brand new. Blanca says they must be rich. Pancho thinks of it as new things don't have memories that come with them.

Canuto wants to know whois inside the tomb. Imelda says nobody just earth and the forgotten. He asks why Imelda didn't let him see the children. She kept them away from him. She affirms that she kept him away on purpose because he had betrayed them and lied to them and destroyed the whole family when he cheated with that woman. He was the love of her life. She didn't start anything. He did.

Eugenio shows Frida photos of Imelda and Canuto when he was young. Blanca and Polita come in talking about Pancho. Polita says there was nothing at all about him on the internet. Blanca is not too sure about Pancho López because he is a man alone with three children, with that truck and he was able to pay a full year's rent in advance. Is he hiding something? Eugenio criticizes her for being a busybody. She should just be happy he rented the apartment. Well, she is going to investigate and invite Pancho and his family to dinner. She tells Polita to bring her family, too.

Robert and family take a bunch of photos.

Susana and Sebas are arguing again. She asks him if he knows where his grandfather is and he ignores her since he is playin a video game. He complains when she grabs it so he can get an answer out of him. She asks about his homework and the arguing continues. He ends up calling Dave's house to see if he can go over there to work on his homework. Robert says it is okay. Susana says he isn't going. Sebas his grandmother will take him and packs up his backpack. Susana is left powerless.

Canuto wants to get to know his children and grandchildren. Imelda says he ruined her life years ago and he is not going to do it again. Imelda just wants him to leave them alone in peace. She thinks he wants to make her look bad in her son's eyes to make himself feel a little better about what he did. She won't permit it. He was the one who left. Canuto asks if she is really going to kill him. Imelda says he is just being selfish as he always was.

Gabriela is finishing more alebrijes. The only question is now where to sell them. Gabriel reminds her they are a team and he will take care of marketing her work. They both admit that they miss Frida. They love each other. Gabriel calls his sister Clarisa for marketing help.

Imelda asks Canuto what exactly should she tell the family; that he left them for the other woman? He surely must have another family. Imelda would prefer to pretend they never saw each other and for them each to just go their separate ways as before. Canuto does not agree. Sometimes, destiny decides these things "for us". She slaps him good and hard and tells him that we decide our own destiny. He has managed to live without her all of these years so he just needs to go. She never wants to see him again. Never! She walks away.

Crisanta tries to explain to Susana that she knows she has always had to work but her children feel alienated from her. That is where all of Sebas' rebellion comes from. Susana sees herself as many other mothers who do not have a choice and just have to work. Their children still respect them. Crisanta suggests she think of things she can change to be closer to her children. Susana may be a hard worker but is not perfect. Susana needs to accept that. Imelda is going to take Sebas over to Dave's.

Pancho sits in his empty apartment on the floor and starts to cry his heart out. He hears his children and stops immediately.

Julieta admits she brought her work problems home. She and Robert decide they must keep their home peaceful for their family's sake. Robert starts telling her what happens to a person's body when they get angry. She knows but it isn't so easy.

Susana looks at photos of Julieta and her family on her computer.

Gabriel is meeting with both of his sisters to get something done today. They are his family and they just cannot fail him.

Lázaro asks Imelda why she is so sad. She does not want to talk about it.

Canuto wonders why Susana is home so early. She tells him about Sebas not even wanting to see her. He tries to help her by teling her that sooner or later her sons will realize that what she is doing is for the best. Susana sees that he looks sad. Canuto breaks the news that he never should have come with them because there is really nothing for him here in Oaxaca.

Polita is setting the table remarking about how much food Blanca made. Blanca sends Ari to Pancho's with a cake to welcome them to the building. He is also to invite them to dinner. When he leaves, Audifaz comes in asking if it is true that the new renter is a fugitive. Blanca can only say he is a strange man.

Ari knocks on Pancho's door. Temo, who is Ari's age, answers it and is mesmerized by Ari. Ari tells him about the cake being for them and the dinner invitation. Somehow the cake ends up on the floor.

Susana asks her father why he would want to leave when he always thought Oaxaca was such a wonderful place. He just wants to leave and is willing to go alone. Susana is shocked. She has an import ant job at a large company. He says he can just go alone. Susana tells him that just can't go and leave the family in worse shape than it is now. What about her mother? Canutp suggests he just leave for a while and then come back. Susana asks him why he is talking about this. What is he not telling her. He insists nothing. Crisanta has been watching them and wonders what is going on.

Blanca and Pancho both bemoan the fate of the cake. Blanca invites him and his family to dinner. Ari and Temo go down to the bakery for some sweet bread.

Gabriel has a surprise for Gabriela. He will be doing her merchandising for her. He has managed to get a place for her to display her work. He tells her that the Musi's are the best when it comes to public relations. Customers will be arriving. Clarisa is out on the floor selling right now. Daniela loves it.

Robert has a surprise show for Julieta. There are times in life that we forget who we are. Robert shows her the video where she tells everyone that the secret to success is getting yourself ORGANIZED. Julieta tells everyone that they can get organized on the video. Robert asks if she can. Yes! Julieta knows that Susana must have seen her presentation. Julieta thinks Susana must be obsessed with her. Julieta seems reenergized and calls Casandra to come work at her house.

Julieta seems to ready to get back to work. She even seems inspired. She calls Casandra to come work at her house. Julieta has an idea that she needs help on.

While picking out sweet bread, Temo tells Ari that they are from Toluca. Ari asks why they left. Temo explains that his dad Pancho does not like to talk about it. Pancho wants to start over here. Ari tells him all about his family.

Julieta asks Robert if it is okay to have Casandra over to work at the house. It is fine with him and he gives Julieta his old cell phone as a temporary replacement. He asks her not to break it. Pili isn't on it either !He is happy with Julieta's change in mood.

Dinner is going very well at Blanca's. Eugenio says their family likes to get together regularly and eat together. Pancho likes that, too, but now it seems like everyone is off on their own. That leaves Eugenio looking puzzled. Audifaz quotes Francis Bacon about friendship and Pancho agrees. All of the kids are happy to meet each other. Pancho has lots of jokes to tell. Blanca asks Pancho to take advantage of this dinner to tell them about himself. He says there is nothing to tell.

Daniela is so impressed with the venue and the customers. Claris just keeps selling. She has something for everyone.

Blanca tells Polita that she doesn't understand Pancho. He is all jokes and then suddenly turns serious. The kids seem normal and cute. What is the mystery? He must be hiding something from his past. Polita has a plan to get the kids to talk. Kids always tell the truth.

Julieta is busy on her plan to be presented to the board tomorrow. Julieta does not want to hear Casandra use Master again. Casandra agrees Susana is more of a monster.

Crisanta is curious about what Susana was discussing with Canuto. Susana thinks he is having a hard time getting used to Oaxaca. He misses the sea. Crisanta knows something has to be going on because he was born here.

Canuto is at the hospital talking to Robert when Imelda sees him.


Who would think that a romantic triangle between three octogenarians would ever be a central plot of any tv show or movie. That is one of the many things I love about telenovelas: the multigenerational approach.

Did Canuto really think that Imelda would be happy to see him?. What an egotist! It seems only his feelings should matter and that everyone should just forgive him and make nice because it suits his needs.

It looks like we are being pre-empted on Wednesday night by soccer.

Jarifa, great job!

But I do have to disagree. From what I understood, yes Canuto cheated on her and she was hurt. But she sure has held on to that hurt for the last 50+ years and has been in a state of unforgiveness. Plus, she wrongly separated her sons from their father. No matter how much you hate your ex, you should never withhold the relationship between any parent and the child. I do make exceptions to that if the parent is abusive, a molester, drug addict...but not just because he cheated on his wife. I don't think she had any right to fake that he died and pretend all these years that he was dead, acting like a grieving widow. She has lied to her sons about their father. I wonder how they are going to take it when they discover that their father is indeed alive? And what about all those years going to the grave to "mourn?"

This Pancho Lopez character should be interesting.

I loved how Julieta has a new strategy coming. Can't wait to see what it turns out to be.

It was pretty cool to see Clarissa selling the merchandise!

Thank you Jarifa! Another excellent job. I think you are absolutely right about at least this TN, definitely multigenerational, from babies to adolescents to young, middle-aged, and old adults.

How nice to see Clarissa again. I think she is really cute, although playing it a little more straight this season. It's a fun bit that these girls can't find boyfriends, though somewhat hard to believe. And where is Daddy Musi?

Oaxaca must be smaller than I thought, people keep bumping into each other all the time.

Interesting that the Pancho López character is a continuation from other TNs, and thank you for that information. I will have to look there for a clue as to why his family has relocated to Oaxaca though I'm sure it will come out eventually.


Wonderful, lively recap Jarifa. Sounds like another action-packed, high drama episode. The Pancho Lopez character and Canuto are certainly adding a lot of intrigue.

Imelda is an interesting character as well. Infidelity is a deep hurt and usually takes years of hard work to forgive. But Canuto's reappearance in her life is a chance for both of them to make amends. Usually this portends that one of the characters, at least, is going to die. So past hurts need to be resolved before that happens. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

The actress playing Imelda looks very unhealthy to me. I hope she is not having actual problems because she is on the screen a lot and I understand these filming schedules are really grueling.

Speaking of grueling, you're carrying a heavy recapping load Jarifa. Thanks for all you do.

"Who would think that a romantic triangle between three octogenarians would ever be a central plot of any tv show or movie". Perfect Jarifa. And I find I am very intrigued. Loved the title.

Your recaps are written with great clarity - another amazing job.

If Canuto did leave Imelda to start another family, she has every right to be angry. And heartbroken. You don't just leave your spouse, you leave your children. And your heart breaks for them as much as it does for yourself. I don't know how Canuto can possibly make amends. But given the track record here, I don't doubt reconciliations will be in the future. Perhaps far future, but there nevertheless.

"Pancho thinks of it as new things don't have memories that come with them". Agree Cynthia, Pancho also has my interest. I didn't watch the other shows so am going to surmise that perhaps his wife passed. Speculation only - no spoiler.

The children are sweet. Temo acted oddly around Ari though...

I loved the shop! Gabe, I was slightly annoyed with your childish antics but you've again proved love doesn't always need to be serious. It can be light and bright as you showed us today. Clarisa was a sales machine...

Loved Julieta's fire. She is a dog with a bone and isn't letting go. Oh my, wouldn't miss what happens in this storyline for the world.

"Sometimes, destiny decides these things "for us". She slaps him good and hard and tells him that we decide our own destiny". Couldn't agree more Imelda.

Andy, now that the sisters have emerged I hope that "Daddy Musi" won't be far behind :)

Julieta and Blanca are becoming perpetually cranky. They are more similar in some ways than they'd likely care to admit.

Thank you Jarifa! Just great...


Diana, Av*n cosmetics was advertised in the previous novelas that the character Pancho López appeared in. So, How could I resist the title? : )

I would hate to see Crisanta hurt because Canuto is a duplicitous old goat but it looks like that is where this is heading.

Jarifa, I think there is going to be a lot of pain and heartbreak...

I think Crisanta is a fairly tough soul and think she will make him pay. In spades. Imelda's wounds have festered for a decade and there is little a healing balm will be able to do at this point.

"duplicitous old goat" is SO right!! :)

Judy, "Usually this portends that one of the characters, at least, is going to die". Yes, right out of the TN handbook!


festerd for decades.

Big difference.


JudyB, I totally agree about Imelda being an interesting character. I think Crisanta is, too. It is so great to see these two wonderful actors with such talent face off with each other some time in drama sometime in comedy. Carmen Salinas is one of my favorites. There is a lot of talent giving life to these well-written characters.

Andy, they sure make Oaxaca look a lot smaller than it actually is. I had to look it up and the population is 255,000. Never would know it from this novela.

Cynthia, Clarisa really has a talent for sales. Who would have known?

Canuto didn't leave Imelda, she's the one who never forgave him and didn't let him come back. What he did was terrible, but her selfishness left her sons fatherless, which is unforgiveable too.

I dislike Imelda's makeup. The red lip was clown-like.

Crisanta has the better personality of the two.

I don't like where the story is going with Ari and Pancho's kid.

Seems like Pancho is going through rough times with the wife as well.

Jarifa, you rock, girl! I am especially thankful for your recap today because I kinda dozed off in the middle.

Cynthia, ITA with you regarding Imelda and Canuto. Though I immensely admire Sylvia Pinal, I don't care for Imelda. She is a stubborn, overbearing, hypocrite. I am still remembering how harsh she was with Marisol when Mari told the family she was getting a divorce. (For those who didn't see Season 1, Mari is the Corsega's third child. Her husband Icknacio left her for another woman.)...so what's good for the goose ISN'T good for the gander??? I think not!

When Susana was looking at Julieta's pics, I wondered if she was looking though Julieta's laptop...where else would she get those photos...unless Julieta posted them on a social media account?? I am also wondering why Susana is SO obsessed with Julieta and if she somehow knows that she is Robert's aunt....why else would she have avoided telling Julieta her last name until she mistakenly blurted it out.

Anon 9:25, I don't like where the Temoc/Ari story line might be going either. That look Temoc gave Ari was too "mesmerizing" for comfort.

Thanks Jarifa!!!

Canuto has been gone for 58 years! And Imelda could never have kept him from them if he really wanted to be a part of their lives. He didn't try very hard and now is blaming her. Didn't they use this same storyline with Juli's father? Plus, once the boys were adults, Imelda couldn't keep Canuto away! I hate these type of storylines.

Temo might recognize Ari from his modeling and be starstruck, or he could be gay and attracted. Doesn't bother me either way.

I'm glad to see Clarissa! But didn't they open that same shop at the end of season 1?


Carvivlie it could be that Gabriel and sisters just brought in more customers. It looked familiar to me, too. Sometimes I do not watch as closely as I could. ITA about Canuto.

RgvChick, that was odd that Susana was looking at Julieta’s photos. I thought maybe she was wishing she had a marriage and a family like Julieta. I am sure we will find out.

JudyB, I also hope the show takes care of Imelda (Sylvia Pinal), she looks to be in not great shape. But there are probably more laws concerning the treatment of animals in films, TNs, etc., than there are laws to protect old actors. And most actors would willingly risk their lives for a little more screen time :-p

Imelda and Crisanta both look their age... and then some. And they are doing Imelda no favors by heavily spray painting her face and lipstick.

Pancho López is certainly dealing with issues, possibly his wife. His kids seem OK, though, which strikes me as odd.


Thank you for the recap, Jarifa!

I have not watched the previous telenovelas in which Pancho Lopez was a character, so I have no knowledge of his background story. He seems a bit sketchy to me, though. His overall appearance looks like a long-lost twin of Audifaz.

Speaking of Audifaz, did he always wear a hat at the dinner table in season 1? I am appalled.

Imelda/Sylvia Pinal looked (appearance) bad in last night's episode. Her eyes, her hair/wig, and that clown lipstick especially was distracting. She is 87 years old and all I can say is I hope I'm up and going at life the way she is, if I make it that long. But her appearance has me very concerned.

Carvivlie - I thought that shop of Dani & Gab's looked familiar, and yes, I think that is the one that Gabe opened up for Dani. I remembered the curved walls and wood that reminded me of being inside the rib cage of a giant whale.

Add me to the table of PatioMates who do not agree with Imelda cutting off her children from knowing their father and pretending he is dead. He's not a dangerous pervy criminal. The dookey will hit the fan when it all comes out. Especially Susana's legal status will be that of "illegitimate"?
And in this telenovela, it all comes out sooner rather than later.

Thanks, Jarifa. Terrific job.

Imelda was wrong to lie for 58 years that her sons' dad is dead, but I place the blame fully on Canuto. He should've stood up for his first set of kids. No excuse for him.

Wondering if he cheated with Crisanta or met her later after he ran from his family.

I vote Temo has a crush on Ari. He looked lovestruck to me.

I watched Una familia con suerte and Pancho was always so upbeat, a folksy guy taking on the wealthy educated elite (played by Sergio Sendel - now that man could throw a phone!) who tried to scam him.

Niecie - Yes, Cowardo should have stood up for his rights to see his kids. He probably cheated on Imelda with Crisanta, who looks like she is just as shrewish as Imelda.

I figured Temo recognized Ari from fashion shots in media and is starstruck. After all, who expects to move in and meet a model who is likely nationally recognizable?

Did "Pancho' have a wife - and the kids- in PEAM and/or UFCS?

Pancho's family always a delight.

As for where the "plot is going" with Ari and Temo, well some of Viewerville's concerns are puzzling. So what if both are gay. It's their business. I think it's fairly certain that Ari is gay in this story. It's not the end of the world.

I also believe Canuto shouldn't have let Imelda stand in the way of his sons. He should have gone after them. And he's been missing for so many years- he could have come back when they were adults and told them everything. Instead he was fine with living his second life, with Crisanta possibly unaware. It doesn't justify Imelda separating him from the sons either though. Who knows what methods and tactics she used.

Anyway, in the theme song it looks like Crisanta and Imelda fight for Canuto's attention. Are they going to fight to keep him/get him back? I never understood why Imelda had such an obsession with the Corsega name. You'd think that after the cheating she wouldn't be so proud of it.

By the way does the building the Corsegas live in belong to Canuto? If so, at least the children grew up there. But Susana would also have a right to the building, just like the brothers.



Jarifa, thank you for her another great retelling. I missed last night's episode.

I agree that they should dial back Imelda's look, but I think that this actress always is shown all done up. Perhaps tone down that red lipstick and soften the wig. At least the telenovelas show older people.

It is a mystery that the children have been kept away from Canuto or that he has chosen to stay away. The imbue fleeting at this point , so settle things already.

I do not remember the Pablo actor. Is it common to bring a character into a new telenovela from an earlier one?

The imbue?????..that was supposed to be...time is fleeting. Sorry.

"Anyway, in the theme song it looks like Crisanta and Imelda fight for Canuto's attention. Are they going to fight to keep him/get him back?"
No matter who wins, all she's getting is a cowardly cheating liar.

Thanks for stopping by the patio, everybody!

Susy, I see that Diablo has gotten his second wind. The Imblue fleeting. Yes Diab it certainly is.

Friendly young Black Racer.

Kirby, Diablo has been a little better since I changed the background color of the keyboard (odd?), But it still plays a trick or two now and then.

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