Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 24, Tuesday October 16, 2018; Guess who is coming to dinner?

We open with Crisanta questioning Canuto about his past and if he was being unfaithful to his wife with her. He admits that it’s true and she is shocked. Axel comes in and admits that he too knew about this secret. Before she walks out crying she tells Canuto that he has destroyed their family.

Susana finds the video where Julieta admits her error and says she will pay for the penalty herself. Julieta tells Casandra it will take them longer to pay off the house.

At school where the children are, Julio and Lupe talk to Diana their teacher about their mother. Diana tells them she is there to help them if they need the help and if they want to talk, her door is open to them. They leave and tell her their dad is waiting. Hugo walks in and is in good spirits. He says he can sell his wares or his “tornados” there at the school.

Outside the twins hug and Temo sees them. Then they do a group hug.

Pancho gives Crisanta a ride home. She cries to him saying how betrayed she feels because Canuto never told her any of his past and won’t tell her who his ex wife is.

The grandmothers get ready for their cookoff/ throwdown. Catalina says she has some magical recipes and Blanca has some killer mole for enchiladas. Then Daniela comes in on crutches followed by Audifaz, who carries in a beautifully crafted highchair that Daniela made for Blanquita.

Gabriel is over with the person who has administered his job preference tests and going over the results. Seems he doesn’t like to be around people who are in authority…

Robert calls his mother and suggests having the whole family over for dinner. He calls Julieta and invites her to come. On the phone, she tells him she has had a horrible day and needs to talk to him personally. Then she goes to Susana’s office who tells her that she cannot be make these kinds of mistakes or she will have to resign. But Julieta tells her back that maybe she should resign since she cannot keep her work and family situations separate. Julieta tells her that it’s her time to have her meal and she leaves to go to her Córsega family.

Robert assures Gabriela and her mother that her medical bills will be taken care of.

At the “other” Córsega home, Crisanta has packed a suitcase for Canuto and tells him that if he doesn’t leave, then she will. Seb is very upset about it and starts protesting. Canuto tries to explain that he has made a lot of mistakes and he needs to leave. He tells Seb that his grandmother is right and she has good reason to ask him to leave. Seb is very upset because first his parents split up, and now his grandparents are splitting up. Susana pleads with her mother that maybe they could just have separate bedrooms, but Crisanta says that this is to preserve whatever dignity she has left. Canuto says he will make sure that he comes to see Seb and he won’t forget. Seb continues crying and is very hurt by this scene.

Axel tells Canuto that he shouldn’t be alone because he is ill. He offers to move out with him, but Canuto tells him he’s needed at home to take care of his grandmother. Axel reminds him to take care of his health and come over to the hospital to get examined.

Seb then cries to his mother wanting to know the reason his grandfather is leaving, but Susana says that these are adult problems that he should not be exposed to. He does not want to eat either. Axel comes in and says he is very worried about his grandfather because he is very ill. Crisanta responds that he needs to know exactly how she is feeling and how alone she feels right now since being betrayed. Axel talks to his little brother and tries to reassure him that everything will be fine. Susana tries to comfort her mother as Crisanta goes to lie down and rest

Robert addresses his family before their dinner telling hem that they have to be united as a family at this time and how important it is for them to be united. Imelda says that love will be keeping them together. Catalina just doesn’t want the ‘bad vibes’ to start. They divide into judging teams for the food tasting between Blanca and Catalina.

Daniela tells Gabe how much she misses her sisters. Then she gives him the surprise that Axel is really her cousin! Needless to say, Gabe is quite surprised. Then she tells him that Axel’s mother is Susana Corsega!

Ding dong! Pancho is at the door and Robert answers. He comes with his food because he says his kitchen stove isn’t working and needs to heat up his food. But Robert tells them they are busy, the kitchen is busy and the whole family is over. However, Blanca comes and invites them in. (Of course Robert is not happy.) Julieta catches him later and Robert tells her he just doesn’t like Pancho being around.

The food is prepared by the grandmothers and put out on the tables with everyone going “Mmmmm.” It’s time for the moment of truth. In the spirit a competition from Food Network, both Blanca and Catalina describe their prepared dishes. All the fd looks delicious! Dani’s phone rings and it’s Linda. Dani wants to know what? What did she do? Then she hangs up.

Doorbell rings again and Frida answers. Susana Córsega walks in and introduces herself to the Córsega family. Everyone just stares at her.


I kept it pretty brief today as I was in the middle of other projects. Please feel free to fill in any parts I may have not touched on that feel are important to the story. But I think I caught the gist of everything.

Thanks Cynthia. Loved the title, the pics and Ding Dong! Plus how sad that the adult's problems with relationships have to hurt the kids. Seb lost his father's presence, now he's also losing his grandfather's. Makes you want to smack someone upside the head!

The actress playing Imelda looks so ill I find myself fast forwarding through her scenes. And I understand that the work schedules for these telenovelas are really grueling. Clearly this actress is not in good health.

But hope you are now, and that all your projects get accomplished.

Happy Wednesday Patio!

Thanks, Cynthia. The recap is great. Yes, the food judging was “In the spirit of a competition from the Food Network”. That second to the last screen shot of Susana is a real keeper.

So, Julieta volunteers to pay the penalty to the fabric company for her error and gets to keep her job. The penalty must be less than the price of the silk itself which could have been mind boggling (the price of silk looks to be upwards of $25 a yard these days. I do sew on occasion so that is why this thread is of particular interest to me.) but it still sounds like it is pretty hefty.

I liked seeing a portrait of Saint Jude, saint of hopeless causes, riding right behind Pancho in La Burra. It adds to his mystique.

I felt sorry for Crisanta but was happy that she threw Canuto’s sorry self out of the house. The real “fun” will begin when she puts two and two together.

Cynthia, thank you for the terrific recap
“The grandmothers get ready for their cookoff/ throwdown” and “At the “other” Córsega home” made me smile.

Your screen shots are always a treat and every single one was fantastic.

Life for Sebas sucks right now. As Judy noted also, he misses his father and now his beloved grandfather is leaving. No male role models nearby for him (notice I’m not even mentioning Axel??) I hope Susana cuts back on her work schedule to spend more (some?) time with him.

Canuto has caused so much damage.

Jarifa, thank you for your sharp observation about St. Jude's portrait. You miss nothing.
Robert’s faces to Pancho made me chuckle. So out of character, so surprising but just great to watch. Like it or not, Pancho seems to be inserting himself into the family. Better get used to it Robert!

“It’s time for the moment of truth. In the spirit a competition from Food Network”. The scene was fun to watch and hope the actors had a good time filming it.

You have to hand it to Susana. It took a lot of courage for her to walk into that room. Talk about hostile territory! Especially as she has been such a beast to Julieta. At least she has one friend, Pancho in the room.

Yes, if Crisanta's heartache isn't enough, wait until she finds out Imelda is the other woman! Oh my :)


Juls needs to learn to accept criticism and just not say anything. Less can be more. She knows precisely why Susie got drunk and didnt show up to the meeting the next day. Susana is going through a real crisis, which doesnt relate at all to Juls' "separation anxiety." Notice how after Juls did her video and felt secure in the company, she lashed back at Susie bringing other stuff to her face. They were discussing Julieta's mistake, not the other one. Juls is a very petty immature person, just like her mother. She's only going to get worse as she gets older.

Also dislike how juls made a financial decision without Rob's consent. She said that buying off the extra fabric would put off her family paying the apartment. That needed to be discussed prior to making that decision.

I may be in the minority here, but Susie was right in telling Juls that maybe she should consider being a stay at home mom. The mistake only happened because shes so busy watching that ridiculous baby monitor. If Rob is too scared to say it, someone had to tell her. Juls made a conscious choice to choose her job over her kids.

I agree with Kirby that this lead character is a pain in the behind. In the first season she was always so arrogant parading around that she has no political family, especially her having known Rob's adoption history at the time.

Hopefully the writers adjust this character's horrible attitude. It's one thing to be strong and independent, but she doesnt have to get so unlikeable and repugnant. In real life, someone would have put her in her place already, whether it be someone at work or a family member.

Thank you for your recap, Cynthia.

"Catalina just doesn’t want the ‘bad vibes’ to start." ----- DQCat is completely incapable of seeing that most of the "bad vibes" begin with herself.

Catalina + "magical recipes" = potential for disaster

Why is everyone making a big deal over Canuto's "illness?" Yes, Diabetes is serious, chronic, incurable, terminal, etc., but the man is not on dialysis yet and millions of diabetics live alone and take good care of themselves, including family members of my hubby.. I'm just so confused about this repeated theme of concern. Did I miss something? Telenovela beanie hat time?


Catalina + "magical recipes" = potential for disaster - good one doris!

I don't think you missed a thing regarding Canuto. He is being painted as frighteningly frail, ready to keel over from more than a whisper of wind.

Only my opinion, but I think the writers are doing this to show how heavily the guilt is laying on him. Poor baby. I see the diabetes as a sidenote only as it brought he and Robert together.

With my track record, I'm sure I'm wrong but...


doris, you are so right about the diabetes. Millions of people manage it and live with it every day. The diabetes PSA is a little overboard IMO.

Thanks, Cynthia. Great recap. I see you were up to the wee hour of the night whipping it up for us. Hope you get some rest.

I think we are being primed for Canuto to neglect doctor's orders and have a big relapse.

Love the cook-off. Catalina did better than I thought she would. Remember when all she cooked were hotdogs?

Susana versus Julieta. Both strong women. Susana is the boss but I'm glad Julieta sticks up for herself.

Robert sure needs to have a talk with Tavo about this jealousy.

OT: Diabetes, I can't figure it out either. BUT...if you watch any TV, judging by the ads, the majority of America must have Diabetes. There sure are a lot of commercials about it.

Then again, if you sit around all day watching TV munching on Bon Bons and getting no exercise, you should probably write those numbers down you are going to need them. :-)

O/T: The medical ads on tv drive me crazy period. Everybody is always at death’s door either with a condition or from the meds they want you to take to cure you. Oh, for the good old days when you could watch tv and not be reminded of your own mortality at every commercial break!

Not a spoiler..but what if J anD S split the job...Then each can spend time with their families.

Re: the pharmaceutical ads on TV, I heard there is a proposal that prices be included with all the other info. Sounds like a good idea.

Niecie -:I had forgotten that Cat only knew how to cook hot dogs. We should be very afraid of these new cooking skilz!

When Julieta's parents divorced, didn't her own father (played by Eric del Castillo) drop out of their lives by choice? Axel and Sebas' dad is on another continent. Recurring theme in this telenovela?

Cynthia, your recap may have been brief, but it was were your screenshots, thank you!

The cook off was definitely the best part of this episode and the reference to the "Food Network" spot on!

JudyB, ITA that Imelda looks ill...could it be the make-up being used? It makes her look deathly white. As it has been stated before; her role must take a toll on her, especially at her age; so I would think that the producers (as well as her RL family) would make sure she is healthy enough to take on the task.

Jarifa, I too was glad that Crisanta threw out Canuto, but I didn't like the way they did it in front of Sebas. They should have spared him that anguish and explained it in a more calmly and supportive manner.

So Robert's jealousy toward Pancho IS because he thinks Pancho will replace him by spending so much time with his parent's. I suppose that is to be expected since Robert just reestablished his relationship with his parents.

I think they are making a big deal about Canuto's health to show just how frail he actually is. He is trying to make amends and peace with both his families; so isn't that a TN precursor to a death? NO spoiler, just my wheels going a hundred miles a minute.

Diana, I was catching up on yesterday's comments and saw your question about Julieta. I agree with Anon 2:09; she is suffering from some type of separation anxiety. I doubt that she fears an abduction, though. Julieta lost her first child and was told she would never be able to have a child; so Blanquita is her miracle baby. Mothers who have had difficulties with pregnancies tend to be much more overprotective of the children they are successful in having. My mom had several miscarriages and lost her first baby to illness. When my oldest sister was born, my mom coddled her and protected her incessantly. Julieta, though, probably believes that she will never have another child so she is focusing all her attention on the one who did survive. In regards to Blanquita, I don't think she was suffering from separation anxiety at any point in least not to the degree that it would be considered a mental health problem. Discomfort from separations in children from ages 8 to 14 months is considered normal. Blanquita cried for maybe a day after Julieta finally agreed to have Blanca take care of her...and that was partly because she was ill; after that, Blanqita was quite a happy no anxiety for her. Of course this is just my opinion :-)

Kirby and Jarifa, ITA agree about medical ads on TV. If I would listen to them all day long, I'd self-diagnose myself with numerous diseases and become a hypochondriac to boot LOL


Anon 1:14, I don't think Susana would agree to splitting the job; she enjoys telling Julieta that she is her "jefa" too much.

That mean ole Susanna, she better not ever come over to Sarasota and think she is going to boss me around.


I am especially annoyed at the ads aimed at people who (bless their heart) have terminal cancer.

"Ask your Doctor about a prescription of 'Extendalittle Bismusulfate' and maybe make it a little longer. Because everybody dying of cancer would like to put it off a bit if they could, wouldn't you?"



Argh!!! Our local Univision affiliate is up to its old tricks. Again. (I thought I noticed this yesterday while watching my recording. ) Cutting to commercial while a character is mid-sentence, mid-word. "Robert calls his mother and suggests having the whole family over for dinner." and they cut him off in the middle of his sentence for a cheesy commercial. Valgame dios!!!

Doris: It's frustrating, I've got DISH Network here in San Antonio, TX & Univision has been off the air since June 30th.

Cynthia: I went ROFLOL at the title of the recap, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner". Sounds like we might see Univision doing some remake of that movie soon & making it into a TV Series someday.

"Mothers who have had difficulties with pregnancies tend to be much more overprotective of the children they are successful in having". Thank you for sharing RgvChick.

"Discomfort from separations in children from ages 8 to 14 months is considered normal". I sense a vast wealth of knowledge...

doris, my memory (bad as it is) leads me to think Cat kept her ex from seeing the children (?) Hopefullly, someone will remember correctly.

And Kirby, couldn't agree more with you on the ads. But the squirrel turned my frown around.

Jarifa, I think there was a brief period between the time cigarette ads were banned and before all the ads for miracle cures and remedies ran amok. The worst is the explicit detail of all the side affects which usually sound as bad as or worse as the ailment they are supposed to cure, so...


Cynthia, thanks for another excellent recap.

Jarifa, thank you for pointing out that it was St Jude in La Burra. I didn't recognize him even though my mom used to mention St Jude quite a lot when I was a boy. I think I may have had something to do with that... :-)

But I don't think we ever had a portrait of St Jude, just the Sacred Heart.

Kirby, thanks for the squirrel. Looks like (s)he would be a nice "emotional support squirrel", which seem to be in the news lately.

And I hope our own Susanlynn is doing OK, as much as possible under the circumstances.


Thank you everyone for your comments! I certainly appreciate everyone's thoughts.

One thing I'm wondering about is the "error" that Julieta committed with the incorrect amount being over ordered. Over where I work, purchase requisition systems are set up so that a higher level manager approves every order and is signed off electronically so no big errors occur. And I've never heard of anyplace even when a mistake is made, that when discovered, cannot be amended. The whole thing is silly because it just doesn't work that way on real Enterprise Resource Systems. Certainly there are edits and limits in systems that prevent disasters from happening.

As for Canuto's diabetes, I can't figure out why he isn't on medication. There are so many now and it seems he should have a prescription for Metformin or any of the latest drugs. At the very least, he could be using insulin injections. Diabetes is so very managable with medication and diet, especially for type 2 diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is different and can be very hard to control. I know someone who was in her 30s who suffered from juvenile diabetes and hers was out of control and it damaged her kidneys. She died waiting for a kidney transplant a few months ago.

Thanks Cynthia!

I must admit I'm really not enjoying this show--which is such a disappointment since I adored the first season. Canuto and Imelda have destroyed two families and it didn't need to happen. Canuto should have stayed away.

Crisanta has seemed like a nice woman throughout and deserves much better. I mean, Imelda is the one that started the store fight and acted criminally.

And I hate the fact that the writer now have Canuto saying he loves Imelda. Come on! He has been with Crisanta for over 50 years now. Can he go any lower in my estimation?!

Andy in squirreldom I an emotional support sapien, which loosely translates to peanut and sunflower seed dispenser.

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