Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/28/2018, Episode 20: Dead Battery? Flat Tire? Hijacked by 8 Goons?

Recap by Kirby J

Leonchi yells at the goons, “What do you want?” The main goon tells him that they are from Cartel de los Armenta and they want someone to pay for the article that was published today.

At the company, Mateo congratulates Palomarez for being so obedient and caving in…he’ll probably be the employee of the month. When Palomarez reminds Mateo that they are only employees, Mateo retorts that what he doesn’t forget is Gaston….who was murdered…and up to a few days ago attended parties with them. Palomarez snaps that when Mateo owns his own newspaper he can do whatever the heck he wants, in the meantime, they have orders to follow.  Mateo then tells Palomarez that he sent his article on Gaston to his email so that he can read it and publish it. Palomarez agrees…as long as Eva approves it.

At the circle of goons, main goon tells Luci and Leonchi to unlock the doors and get out of the car.   Luci tells Leonchi to press the panic button as she gets her phone and hides it in her bra, (is there Roooom for that Plastic phone?) but as he is about to press the button, the main goon tells him that if they notify anyone, they will be blown to pieces. He shows him through his closed window a hand grenade, which even the bulletproof glass and car armor is no match for.  Leonchi tells Luci that they are going to have to get out of the car like the goon says.  After Leonchi unlocks the doors, the goons grab them and put them into different vehicles as they shout to each other.

At Barbara’s house, Beltino final shows up and Barbara starts bitching at him for leaving the brat with her for so long…all he does is eat and ask for his mother. He also broke some figurines so Beltino owes her lots of money. Beltino totally ignores her and gives as good as he is getting and tells her that BTW, the shaman is dead. They went to a waterfall where he went into a cave and saw ghastly things. When he came out, Valerio was skinned and dead. Barbara is shocked (scared shitless) and wonders what he is going to do.  Um, HE?  Barb don’t you mean WE are going to do?

At Karla’s house, her father goes into her bedroom as she sleeps and notices all the money in her bag.

At the company, a secretary comes to tell Johny that there is a cop waiting for him in his office…he’s been waiting for 20 minutes. As Johny enters his office, he sees Inspector Montilla who has come to tell him that there has been progress in the Carvajal case and he thought Johny would want to be the first to know.   All ears, Johny listens as Montilla tells him that it has to do with the person who actually murdered León, the waiter who Johny killed. Johny quickly reminds Montilla that it was self-defense. Montilla then tells him that they have been able to link the waiter to a second person who committed suicide by jumping out of a window. Johny flashes back to when he killed BaldMan, who was named Luis Camargo by pushing him off a high rise balcony. After Montilla tells him that Camargo was the head of a group of assassins, he adds that they assume that Camargo hired the waiter to kill León. Johny then wonders why Camargo would commit suicide, so Montillo tells him that is the clincher because they think someone helped him along with that suicide.  Uff, is it getting warm in there Johny?

Renata and Kayla get coffee as Renata recounts how Guille told her to get out of the car…she didn’t even get a chance to get her purse.  Kayla thinks that was not cool.  As they continue to trash Guille, he walks up and says “good morning” but Renata will NOT give him the time of day and tells Kayla to tell her (now nameless) boss that he has to go to the administrative offices.

Beltino and Barbara take Santi (formerly referred to as Sami) back to his mother. Barbara now realizes that Santi is Valerio’s grandson and that is why he has the gift. When Barbara asks Beltino how he is going to tell the daughter that Valerio is dead, Beltino tells her not to be stupid, (Tall order don’t ya think Belt?) neither of them know anything…Valerio was taken by the water, the wind, whatever…

Eva is in her office when Alacrán calls to congratulate her for a job well done. After she tells him that will be that last time he will force her to do something like that, she adds that no man will manipulate her, (odd choice of words Evie) but Alacrán doesn’t want to do that and she knows exactly what he does want to do. It is getting warm in this office too.  As they continue to talk, Mateo walks in, so Eva pretends to be talking business and hangs up. Mateo wonders who she was talking to since she is quite red, so Eva tells him that he can’t just walk into her office. He needs to talk to Kayla first because she could be doing something that is confidential. He throws down the article he wrote to be published the next day. He hopes she doesn’t can it so he can be calmer and they can continue pretending to be a happy family.  I think the flying cows have returned.

Juli arrives at the Carvajal mansion. While Silvina goes for Vale, Juli walks around in awe. Vale comes down and admires Juli’s blouse, then shows her around the mansion.

At Valerio’s house, Santi’s mother hears a noise and turns around to find Santi. She asks where he was and wonders if he was with his grandfather, but Santi remains quiet.

In one of the goon vehicles, Luci is giving the goons a hard time as she struggles with them. One of the goons tells her she better settle down and let the other goon put the hood on her. He doesn’t care if she is a millionaire, he’ll do away with her…he doesn’t care. She asks for Jacobo, but they refuse to tell her.  Meanwhile, in the other vehicle, LeonChi asks where they took Luci. He threatens that if something happens to her, they will be in deep doo-doo. When he continues making demands, one of the goons knocks him out.

At the company, Montilla tells Johny that inside Camargo’s wallet they found two passes to the Carvajal company.  Johny pretends to be shocked that León’s murderer was able to walk into the company like any guest, but when Montilla tells him that he suspects that the person who hired Camargo still works there at the company, Johny uses all his bottom cheek strength to avoid an eruption. Johny then generously agrees to cooperate and hand over any records or security videos that Montilla requests.  Montilla is glad because that is exactly what he was going to ask for—he knows the date and time when Camargo was there and he wants to know exactly where he went and who he talked to. (Oh Bat Cave, we could use some of your recordings now.)   As Montillo gets up to leave, they shake hands (uncomfortably long) as Johny assures Montilla that if there is anyone who wants León’s murderer found it is him, and Montillo adds that he WILL find him.

At Alacrán’s high-class digs, a party is going on. Alacrán is celebrating that he is the Boss’s favorite.

In her office, Eva reads Mateo’s article and does a hatchet job on it. She goes to see Palomarez and asks if he read the article. When he tells her that the article is impeccable, she asks if he has told that to Mateo. When he tells her that he hasn’t had time, she tells him that several paragraphs need to be cut, (you know, the ones that say anything bad about her killer squeeze?...)  but she wants Palomarez to be the one to suggest it to Mateo. Palomarez foresees a lot of resistance, so Eva tells him that he needs to tell Mateo that the changes must be made or the article won’t go out the next day…he’ll needs to think of something, after all he is the boss. After Palomarez leaves, Eva calls Alacrán and tells him she needs to see him, he is glad because he would Luuurve to see her too. They make plans to meet in an hour at the usual place.

Mateo walks over to Susana who is sitting at a table looking worried. When he asks if everything is okay, she says that she is concerned for her safety because of the article that went out on the Cartel de los Armenta who are as dangerous as the Cartel de la Sierra…and they probably added her name to their hit list. When Mateo suggests that he will tell Eva to get her a body guard, she remarks, “As if that will help.” Mateo knows she is right, he tries to reassure her that all will be well, but she doesn’t want to hear it, she knows better.

Vale and Juls in Val’s room. The girls are chatting and looking at family pictures.  Of course Val is talking about her Dad being gone.  She then shows her a photo that was taken on a vacation, her mother died shortly afterwards. Juli thinks it must be hard to have lost both parents. Vale asks about Juli's father so Juli tells her he was electrocuted...he was an electrician and was electrocuted during a job.   Well, I guess kind of Juli. She forgot to mention that the job happened to be at the prison. Or that the JOB was actually assassinating a Federal Judge.  OK, there was a nugget of truth in there somewhere, you can pass GO.

Barbara is pissed that Beltino got her into this fiasco. Beltino explains that the evil spirits killed Valerio, but Barbara thinks they will accuse her of being his accomplice. Barbara is also afraid of the kid Santi, he says things that are strange. When Beltino reminds her of the money and tells her it’s a million dollars, this appeases Barbara and she smiles wide.

Lucia and Leo/Jacobo are taken into a shack. Lucia calls out for Jacobo and asks where he is. She tells the goon that if they want money they can have it. The goon tells her it's not money they are after. Jacobo is seated as the goon mocks him and begins to beat him like a rented mule.

Back with B and B:   Beltino tells her more about the money and Barbara’s wheels start turning just thinking about what they can do with all that money.  Barbara doesn’t understand why he hasn't gone for the money instead of staying there trying to figure out what happened to him; so Beltino explains that what he is going through right now is horrendous…and it wouldn’t do any good to have all the money if death is following him everywhere…and she needs to help him figure this out first. They then start negotiating as to how much she will get for helping him. They settle on 10%.

And Renata finally gets to talk to Guille and tells a stone faced Guille how impressed she is (NOT) with him.  (Spunky is sexy Renata.)  Guille asks Renata what is going on. She tells him he should know but goes on to tell him that she had to walk miles in heels, and got blisters. When she got home she had to wait hours until his chauffeur got there with the keys. Guil apologizes and explains that sometime he needs time to himself so that he won't ruin anyone else’s day...and he has sooo many problems. When Renata tells him that the world doesn’t revolve around him and that he isn’t the only one with problems, Guille thanks her for accompanying him to the hospital and wants to know how he can repay her. She tells him that she did it only to help because that is how she was brought up.

Eva and Alacrám meet. He wants to know if they are going to do what she likes best, but she tells him nopis (you’re cut off) they need to talk. She tells him that her husband wrote an article that accuses the cartel of killing Gaston. Alacrán tells her he will take care of it but she tells him that he'd better not hurt Mateo or she will end their relationship and he can explain to his boss why they have to look for someone else to launder his money.  (Hadn’t heard it put THAT way, sneaky)

Vale and Juli are having a snack Silvana made for them. Juli had never tasted anything like it, it's delicious!  She mentions that she is from TX. When she spills food on her blouse Silvina tells her not to worry and puts her hand on her shoulder; and we see Silvina seeing a vision of Juli and her Mom when they were running from Alacrán’s goons. Vale and Juli continue to chitchat until Vale invites Juli for a swim…she can lend her a bathing suit.

Eva warns Alacrán again not to hurt Mat. He tells her that shouldn't have any bearing on their business, but Eva walks out.

At work. Johny recalls his conversation with Montilla and then his conversation with Camargo where they plan León’s murder. Camargo asks for a favor…passes to use the party rooms at the company. He then goes and tells his secretary to get the info on who entered and left the building on certain dates. When he mentions that he is going to Luci’s office, the secretary tells him she hasn’t arrived. Ding ding ding.

At the goon shack, Lucia asks how long they will be there. Goon tells her not to worry, they should wrap up the business soon. They bring Jacobo in all beat up. When Luci asks Jacobo if he is okay, the goon wonders aloud if they are lovers. Lucia asks why they are there so the goon shows her the article. After Jacobo explains what the article is about, Goon suspects that he is more than a chauffeur so they tell him to talk…and give them a name. Lucia looks at him incredulously. Like Wait!  How do you know all this stuff?  You are just my hot chump chofer, right?  But I didn’t get all he said.  Maybe later.

Meanwhile Johny is becoming frantic because his prize Honey is unaccounted for.  Like a prize heifer who discovers an open pasture gate. Johny calls Frau and asks for Lucia. Frau tells him Jacobo took her to work because Alirio was busy.

Renata and Kalya are headed back to their desks with lunch and talking about ….men!  Who would have guessed! Renata tells Kayla that she put Guille in his place. As Kayla mocks Guill he listens from behind her. After Ren goes to her desk, Guille tells her to stop eating. He invites her to go to lunch away from the company. She is going. I am 1 and zero on that one

After Johny asks his secretary to call Montilla, Frau calls and tells him he can't locate Jacobo; he isn't answering his phone. Ding Ding ding ding...

Jacobo is being beaten. Goon wants to know the name of the person responsible for writing the articles. When Jacobo tells them that what they are doing is absurd since the article will actually benefit them, he gets beaten more because Goon thinks he is calling his Boss absurd. He is looking pretty rough by now and we hear the beating continue behind the door.

Goon calls Eva and tells her that they have Lucia. She asks who they are then guesses they are from the Cartel de los Armenta. He tells her she is correct and that they will be in contact to give details…but she'd better not call the cops. (popo)

A bloody Jacobo is brought back and Lucia thanks him for all that he is doing for her. He tells her that they need to find a way out of there, but Lucia doesn’t think so since the goons are up to their ears in weapons. Jacobo tells Lucia that in case things don't go well, she needs to know something....


Should have been:

Goon B calls Eva and tells her that they have Lucia. She asks who they are then guesses they are from the Cartel de los Armenta. He tells her she is correct and that they will be in contact. She asks how much it is going to cost her for them TO KEEP HER ! Ha She probably wanted to. Witch

What a wonderful detailed summary, Kirby. Thanks a million.

I was disappointed that Leon-in-Chino didn't do the American Cowboy thing & whup the kidnappers. Looked to me like he cud have driven off -- Hi Ho Silver, Away. He shud've put the window down, grabbed the grenade & thrown it into a gangster car. But this is a telenovela where male protags are unlikely to be Clint Eastwoods.

I donno how U cud be a journalist in Mexico w/ all the Sicarios.

Valerio skinned? LOL. Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred; tie me kangaroo down.

"At Karla’s house, her father goes into her bedroom as she sleeps and notices all the money in her bag."
Is that money poker winnings? Is Karla's papa in this story?

They should have got Columbo for the inspector.

The actress playing Barbara is great. BTW, her greed shud get her killed. I donno what Barb cud do to earn 25%.

I don't suppose they are going to let us see Mateo put Eva in her place, a spanking or something unPC. I think Eva will have a flyin cow is she finds Mateo in flagrante w/ another moohair.

Long hand shake, becs he had been studying how to do handshakes by watching Trump shake hands w/ Kim Jong-un of N Korea.

As to the electrocution fabrication; seems that all the characters in Telenovelas lie all the way through & w/out lies there wud be little plot.

Lucia seemed to call out for Jacobo, as if Jacobo could save her.

I think of Renata as a "nice girl," reasonably attractive, but like somebody's sister, not a natural object of lust (in contrast w/ her roomy).

Willy is a contributer to a diffuse plot, a very unessential distraction thus far.

I was surprised that Eva got away w/ acting uppity w/ Alacrán. He already chloroformed & kidnapped her once.

Let me know if any1 ever hears anything significant from Silvina the Cook.

I think Jacobo told the goon he had been chauffer for 10 years or something to explain his knowledge. He talked too much.

Did Jacobo miss his chance by not telling the Goon how it was Johny Angel who wrote the hit piece?

Calling cops seems mostly something only a villain does. Like good guys never call cops.

They ended w/ another cliff hanger, like LeinChino is ready to spill his moth beans. Seems way too soon in plot for that. Maybe he will start to spill the beans & get interrupted.

Should we name the cook Silverfish?

Meanwhile Johny is becoming frantic because his prize Honey is unaccounted for. Like a prize heifer who discovers an open pasture gate.

Oh boy, pure KirbyJ there! Not sure Angelica would appreciate the comparison though.

Whew, these writers, ending with another omigawd cliffhanger that will leave us salivating for the next one. Is this what addiction is like? Guess so.

I will look forward to seeing Johny clench his sphincters and Eva looking stressed. And curious what Juli managed to do with that ugly dress she bought.

And although the inside of the Carvajal mansion is lovely, I find the outside absolutely tacky. I much prefer the home of Camillo. Both inside and out. It looks homey, lived in, warm and well-loved. The mansion looks cold and sterile although I like the fireplace.

Thanks Kirby. A riveting recap as always.

OK: Valerio didn’t look skinned to me, the last time we saw him he was severely shriveled or something, but that is the story Beltino told Barbara.

Karla’s Father is the fellow with the shotgun who confronted LeonChi at his gravesite early on when he was having a temper tantrum and shredding the flowers LuciHo had left there.

I THINK Barbara the Fake is the only one Beltino has confided in and pretends to believe him. That’s prob worth 25 percent.

“Lucia seemed to call out for Jacobo, as if Jacobo could save her.” I think it was either that or try to find Toto. I don't think we are in Kansas anymore Jocobo.

Silvina is mildly psychic. She immediately sensed something was up when ‘Jacobo’ showed up as the chofer. Then one time she saw Leon 1.0 when sher looked at LeonChi. She noticed right away that he munches on raw tomatoes like a donkey, and once noticed he smells like Leon 1.0. So she is more connected than Barbara the fake ever was.


JudyB I agree about the houses. AND, I am sure you noticed but just didn't mention it, that beeeeeautiful 1962 blue Mercedes in the garage beside his Lexus.

Barb and Beltran settled on 10% and the kids name is Santiago or Santi

Good Morning, Patio!! Wow, Kirby, exceptional recap...such detail!! Thanks!

Enoch, I would have luuurved to see Leonchi whoop them goon arses, but, you're right, no Lone Rangers in these TNs. Que pena!

And OMGoodness, we must be on the same wavelength because I though of Colombo too when Montilla was sharing his info with JohnyBeSkeered...that was SO Colombo-ish! JudtB, wait and see, you'll relate! I'm starting to like this TN more and more--two Colombos (Montilla and Camilo) to bring on the smiles.

I like Renata more and more too. She is such a down-to-earth girl and has the umph to tell off Willy.

So Eva went to meet Alacran and refused to do what she liked best. I think the only reason Alacran didn't retaliate was because of her threat to pull out from the money laundering. Terencio, the boss would not like it and Alacran would lose his stinger.

JudyB, Juli transformed the dress into a pretty nice blouse...I'd certainly wear it if it were given to me free :-) And ITA about the mansion, quite cold on the inside, but that just may be the impression the directors/writers want to give since there is so much coldness in that house. In fact, when Juli told Vale that the house was huge, Vale remarked that the house was a bit "cold."

Kirby, thanks for reminding us of all the "sensing" Silvina has done. Apparently she has some pretty good psychic abilities; and I think that she just might become quite integral in helping "Leon" convince the family who he really is and possibly even help El Chino with his plight to figure out his purpose in all of this. Maybe she should get the 10%!

Anon 7:10, thanks for the clarifications. The appropriate edits have been made.


Well, after Enoch wondered about renaming Silvina to Cockroach, I thought I might publish her resume' in her defense. :-)

Eva even has that bouncy, long stride, "I'm in charge here" chick walk too. She surely didn't seem too torn up about her BF's competition having Lucia.

And I think the most enjoyable part of last night was seeing Johny secretly sweating bullets when told him about the finds in Baldy's wallet. This ongoing cat and mouse with those two is fun. Like watching Monty tighten the clamps down a half a turn per episode until funny collar boy finally explodes.

Kirby, I was actually expecting Eva to smirk at the thought of Lucia being offed by her BF's competition...and not telling anyone about it! She surprised me by quickly going to Johny and telling him she had been kidnapped.

Dang, for some reason it didn't record last night. May be able to find it on On Demand but probably not until tomorrow. Would like to see the inspector pull a Columbo on Johny.

HahHah Kirby. Of course I didn't notice the cars at all. But I'll try and notice now that you've pointed it out.

Barbara is a big fraud and has a drinking problem but I like her. Maybe it's because the actress usually plays comic roles, but I have a soft spot for that old trickster and hope she can help Beltino cash in.

JudyB how could you miss THIS? :-)-----------------------------------------------------------> > >

TWAS said above:

1) "I like Renata more and more too. She is such a down-to-earth girl and has the umph to tell off Willy."

umph? Why didn't she tell Willy she was not gonna be dumped suddenly who knows where. "I ain't getting out! Your gonna take me home. & if not, I've got a long hat pin in my purse! He will take her home. Willy is in no position to bully Renata, who cud send him to the carcel easily.

2) Edit? Is there anyway to edit one's posts? I see errors sometimes & don't know what to do but erase the whole thing & repost.

3) Attention Ye Women of the Feemale Species:

Are you attracted by a guy like Jacobo who cain't whup the villains or by a Clint Eastwood who grabs the grenade & yanks the gun away & says, Now you've made my day! Would you have found it attractive if Jacobo could have beat up / destroyed the villains? It is so telenovela to have a male protag who gets beat up. In fact, it is almost a necessity that the male protagonist get shot. Is that what MooHairs want to see?

4) Thanks for the defense of Silvina: The apodo suggested was Silverfish. Thanks for expanding on her possible relevance to the plot. I was thinking her as a time-filler method of repeating what we already saw in conversation (one of my pet peeves in Telenovelas).

5) "her BF's competition having Lucia." Kirby, are you saying that the gang that kidnapped Lucia is not the gang of Alacran?

6) Judy: Episode 20 (capitulo 20) was on YouTube yesterday, which I posted about with a link. Who knows how long it will be before Univision blocks it. 20 was on YouTube twice: once in full & once in 3 parts.

How many telenovelas have you seen where the male protagonist did not get shot (or equivalent: seriously stabbed, run over, etc.)?

Of course the bullet damage is very temporary, & he is no worse for the ware apparently.

Thanks for the pic Kirby. Now I know the reason I missed it. My blue-eyed telenovio was in the foreground.

Judy where? ....Oh yeah, I see him now. :-)

Enoch: Yup Alac, (Eva Squeeee) is the Sierra cartel or some such. (starts with S) But the article in the newsrag mentioned the Cartel of Armenta also, and Eva had not plied her whiz banging negotiating skills on them, 'cause she aint allowed by Alacran.

Nopis, no way to edit posts. That is the main reason you will find glaring typos in mine, especially right under a 'comment has been deleted by the author' post. After deleting a whole post and reposting after correcting typos, if I see even more, I just give up and hope people don't equate two finger typing ability with true recrapper talent.

Gracias, Kirby.

For a second I thought Eva was going to laugh and say "You can have her!"

Would those goons freak out if they saw the bleeding moth?

When "Jacabo"comes back from this and sees Juliana is he going to lose it?

Per a comment from the end of yesterday's discussion, I think that Alacran probably is a person who can love animals and hate other humans. The rabbit is almost absurd, but I'm sure the authors chose rabbits because of their vulnerability.

Enoch, just to reiterate and add to Kirby's response, comments posted cannot be edited, so if I have several typos I just delete, edit and repost. Administrators who post a "new page" for discussion have the ability to post the recaps on the main page and thus also have the ability to go back as an administrator to make edits on the "main page" only.

And it was the Cartel de los Armenta that kidnapped Luci and Leonchi...they are the competition for the cartel that Alacran belongs to (Cartel de los Sierra).

I don't care too much for Clint Eastwood; I'm more of a Charles Bronson or Liam Neeson fan :-)

Rgv Chick: tnx for info.
I donno who Liam Neeson is.
But my main question to the females is what kind of male protag is attractive to them?
I get the idea that a powerful man who frowns is more attractive to a woman than a Pat Boone toothpaste smile nice guy.

So are you attracted to the powerful quasi-omnipotent hero who ever beats up, outdraws, etc. the villains? Or do you prefer the weaker telenovela hero who gets captured, beaten & shot?

Do you find it believable that Lucia is attracted to Jacobo like she was a mama pitying her mistreated boy? Or should she have been smitten by a dashing, brave daring-do Errol Flynn?

Remember, Jacobo has little if any of Chino's mind / spirit / memory, he just got the body. He recognizes his Carvajal children, but might not recognize Lupita and Juli. But they dam sure will recognize him. may not have as much success as anticipated with your survey.


Kirby--Thank you. The recap was so good. You distilled the important scenes and amplified others. Your narrative is something to be envied.

JudyB--I missed the Mercedes, too, watching the dazzling blue eyes kinda looking at me. Then I noticed the bougainvillea growing over the roof. Yes, I'd much rather live in Camilo's house--and based on my age, would be quite happy with Camilo, too.

Urban--as to Jacobo freaking out when or if he sees Juli--it's Leon inside him. I don't think he's ever met Juli. She, OTOH, might see some resemblance to her putative father, El Chino, if she looks closely. My guess is they won't cross paths--yet.

Now we know why Luci and Leonchi were kidnapped together. She will have to minister to his wounds while they are together--cementing their future relationship. Nice move, writers--and for Johny to immediately jump to the conclusion that there was some collusion between them was brilliant. He's such a dodo. Tell me, does a VIP in the Carvajal empire carry his own notebooks to and fro? No, he would order someone to bring them to him.

Someone mentioned the last time Montillo was doing some questioning how much Columbo-like he was. Spot on. Someone in direction has been watching YouTube or Cable.

I didn't catch that Silvina was the one experiencing the deja vu. Where would she have heard Juli's voice? Anyway, it was spooky.

After watching the lovelies attending El Alacran's party--they were there for the male species who watch the show? Then I saw Eva sashay down the hall and figured, rightly, that she probably belonged with that crowd, mooHair or not.

Anita, thanks. I'm pretty sure it was Silvina who was having the flashback, not Juli. Because as soon as Silvina's hand physically touched Juli, it was BAM. Like when you plug in the vacuum and have forgotten and left it turned on.

Jacobo has been with Lupita and Juliana already. Remember the hurricane episode where Juliana was going to abandon them and almost died?

Anon at 4:05
Wasn't he still El Chino in that scene and they were fleeing their trailer and El Alacran's men?

Beltino would remember them, but they wouldn't recognize his body.

Transmigration is complicated!!

Kirby--Ah yes, vacuum cleaners. Perfect analogy.


Aha. The old "nurse & patient fall in love" routine. Aimeé (Ana Colchero) tried it w/ Juan del Diablo in Corazon Salvaje, w/ no success.

Carrying around ur own notebooks? He might not want someone reading his stuff.

Columbo? Lets see Montillo head for the door, then suddenly turn back & say:
O, BTW, my wife is cooking spaghetti tonight, do you mind if I borrow some of your hot pepper I saw on your desk? & one thing bothers me: All these bodies keep turning up with moth manchas. I notice that you keep moth spray on your shelf.

Johny: Yeah, we have a new advertiser for our rag, Real Moth Kill. I've been trying it here cause I keep a spare wool suit in the closet, & Lucia doesn't like the smell of moth balls.

Colum-tillo: That explains it. But why would the widow Lucia be spending so much time in your office?

Johny: Its all business.

Colum-tillo: That explains it. A company like this has a lot of business.

The lovelies in the background:

They do seem to specialize in superfluous scanties in the background on Hispanic TV. If a singer is belting out a song, they wanna have some scenery of scandalous scanties scampering.


No, that scene was post resuscitation. Jacobo held Juliana's face and she stared at him like something was wrong with him, because Chino would never do that.

Sometime after the girls get to the shelter Jacobo goes to Mexico with the coyote.

He knows them, but he might not recognize them fast enough.

NOTEZ, Enoch--what you were told about not being able to make corrections after you've posted a comment, is correct. When you delete the comment and later they magically disappear, it's because some neatnik administrator sees them taking up room and delete's them permanently--like now.

If only they had hired Peter Fauk to play Montillo for this show.

Anon at 4:13--Of course you are right--He was El Chino's unshaven cuerpo after the electrocution during the hurricane, with Leon already inside him, so he has seen Lupita and Juli. Geez, something else we have to worry about! The shooting scene was in a market, right? Didn't he pick Lupe up and carry her somewhere like a bag of potatoes or mulch? (Mulch is very much on my mind right now.)

The Spanish can't sell a can of dog food on TV without three dancing girls. You think I watch this to see Camillo?


WOW, good memory 4:13. Thanks.
I had completely forgotten about that scene. I stand corrected Urban.

So how many episodes will Lucia & Jacobo spend sequestered before they escape? I wanna see Jacobo get that grenade & blow up the building with resulting huge conflagration, steal a car & zoom away, but I doubt that will happen. How bout Jacobo convincing the gang that the real guy they want is Johny?

Enoch--Well, we're sure he isn't going to finger Eva or Mateo.

I was wondering. Karla (moth gurl) got into that card game where she subsequently won all the money which her Dad found, How did she get in? I saw the scary geeezer, but you need 'seed' money to get into the game as I understand it. Did she have money or borrow it from him or something?

I have a sinking feeling that we will need to know that eventually.

Smartphone in cleavage, raally Lucia?!?!

So Enoch, you’ve never watched the “Taken” series? Liam was in those.

Actually what I was thinking should be capitulo 21 is posted as capitulo 23 on YouTube, what we were expecting to see Thursday evening.

So if your DVR misses Thursday's episode, you should find it on YouTube in 3 parts.

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